>Witcher 3 gets announced for Switch
>Yea Forums suddenly hates it
Why is this allowed?
Witcher 3 gets announced for Switch
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That version looks pretty bad the skeleton is oblivion quality
it's a handheld game
don't mind me, i always hated it
>posting a video from June and not the countless new ones from Gamescom
The absolute state of
Yea Forums has been shitting on witcher 3 for a long time. nice victim complex though nintendie
Don't forget about when the reverse happens.
>Travis Strikes again announced for Switch
>everyone says it's fucking garbage and looks like shit
>gets announced for everything else
>suddenly it's loved and amazing
go drink some bleach, shit for brains
What about Octopath, which was a literal RPG maker quality game that Nintenshills cited as GOTY GOTY GOTY until it was announced for phones and tablets (LOL) and now you all hate it?
Witcher 3 had shit gameplay and the devs took a huge dump on the originals in interviews.
octopath was alright. all the hype was massive hyperbole though because nobody even played it
Octopath isn't going to phone & tablets. It's a different game.
It sold over a million copies in the West alone
I hate wojak faggots more
People started to realize it was overhyped and just an average game well before it was announced for PC.
>consume port
>wait for the next port
Don't own a switch but I kind of pity it compared to drastically different hardware. What they managed to do with W3 is amazing for mere handheld. It's not possible to crush a ps4/xbox into the size of a Switch and even if it was, it would probably melt if it didnt run out of battery in the first 30 minutes
It's almost like nintendo fans are intolerable and hated wherever they go
Why the fuck did they make the gameplay so boring it was the one thing that I just had to drop the game for and I tried so so hard to enjoy it I just couldn't do it it was too basic
As a fat guy I'll never understand what degenerates like you see in disgusting blobs like that
>this game is announced and between the announcement and release, this site is flooded by thread on how this is the next chrono trigger
>game comes out and the hype goes way down, but most people still say "it is a masterpiece" or "not perfect but good"
>game comes out on Steam and everyone see how trash this PoS is, not a single soul comes to defend it anymore
It is funny how nintendo kids who keep shitting this board with "he is in" threads live in a parallel dimension
I forgot the pic but I'm talking about octopath traveller
If anything I'm impressed that they could get TW3 to run on a tablet.
Meanwhile at gamefreak....
>it's a handheld game
Im tired of you fucks throwing that card anytime you got heavy downgrades and it hits my mind how you shit up the entire board for months before the shitch came out sperging about how poweful this console was going to be but now you re stuck with a fisher price tablet that barely runs games at all
Witcher 3 is literally soulless: the game
Yea Forums has considered it overrated from the very beginning. That Toucan Sam pasta has been floating around here for 3-4 years
It's really bizarre seeing retards spam childish insults like "shitch" then having the audacity to start bitching about how childish Nintendo's games are.
You people have zero self awareness.
They realized its a bad game
the difference is that people on Yea Forums don't charge you $300 up front + $60 per post to enjoy their childish shitposts
They do it for free.
>Nintendo Switch port of a multiplat that barely runs decently on non-Pro PS4s looks and plays like sheer ass
How utterly and completely mortifying and unexpected. Time to break out the Wojaks.
Atlease those games offer something new.
I don't think i've ever enjoyed a wojak post in my life.
In fact im actually quite perplexed to how you people can enjoy this shit.
You faggots post the same barely differential garbage everyday.
I hated it pretty much hour one. The combat was horrible
I've been playing Witcher 3 recently so let me give you some things about why im fucking hating it
>Can kill fucking Wyverns, ghosts, undead knights, golems, but if you fucking dare to fight a gnome thats level 25 while you are 16 you are gonna get killed with one shot, he is not even hidden he is on the fucking same city that you
>Rewards are fucking useless
>Witcher contracts are just follow the red line then kill thing, repeat
>Combat is fucking mind numbing
>Tries to put """""epic""""" sequences that fall fucking flat because combat and movement are fucking shit
>The Ciri "nothing personal kidd" sequences
At this point im only just playing it so i dont feel that i wasted 10 dollars
>Yea Forums suddenly hates it
welcome newfriend
Yea Forums is not shitting on Witcher 3. Only EA's bots shit on Witcher 3.
Yea Forums has always hated that game because it "stole" all of Bloodborne's awards.
He's in.
I don't hate the game. I hate the shitty switch port cause all it encourages is more shitty ports of 3rd party when we could have had remasters and remakes of a shit ton of GameCube, Wii games by now.
This is the only wojak I don’t hate with a burning passion.
I still hate just less so.
Unless if you think CDPR was going to port old Nintendo games to the Switch, the Witcher port doesn't change a thing.
>im tired of you fucks being okay with things i dont care about and will never play
>a shit game gets announced for a shit console
>wtf why does Yea Forums hate it
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.
>or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
Never seen this one other then in this shitty pasta.
I love how fanboys on Yea Forums can't handle any form of criticism. Even when someone admits to liking a game like W3 or BotW but recognizes flaws, CDPR or Nintendo drones will throw a fit and post shitty memes like "SEETHING" or the "days since Yea Forums last cried over..." pic and ignore any actual flaws the game has or pretend that they're not flaws even though it's impossible for a somewhat intelligent individual to disagree with those points. This is so prevalent that there is no point trying to have a constructive conversation of ups and downs of a game because it's not possible to have one.
>*whistles for magic horse*
And you won’t because 1. It’s a shitty meme
2. Autocorrect won’t let that shit fly
>friend says he played 400 hours of w3
>on a couch gaming kick so i figure what the fuck why not
>play 2 hours
>wow this is bad
>try that enhanced edition mod
>wow this is still bad and now just extra autistic and clunky
Bro I've always hated it. It's a Graphics over Gameplay game with only half the depth of Witcher 1.
It's ok for games to be downgraded, handheld has its own appeal. Power and graphic is not all that matters.