are you guys ready for some ape kino?
Are you guys ready for some ape kino?
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Look at the one in the foreground, gaze into his eyes and see his wisdom and compassion - why couldn't he have served a third term as President of the United States? Am I talking about Obama...or Bush Jnr
>Look at the one in the foreground, gaze into his eyes and see his wisdom and compassion
True words, user.
Is this dlc for gta san andreas?
>America simulator
I got bored of NBA 2K a while a go
Good one honestly.
is this the new down syndrome general?
Is this game set in africa I mean they definitely aren't my ancestors
Isn't this a EG exclusive? Because fuck that.
"The earliest fossils of anatomically modern humans are from the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago such as the Omo remains of Ethiopia; later fossils from Es Skhul cave in Israel and Southern Europe begin around 90,000 years ago (0.09 million years ago)."
Deal with it.
You're right they're your cousins
I'm keeping an eye on it, I enjoyed Sands of Time and ACII a lot, Desilets knows what he's doing.
The aryan race arrived from a different planet later
>humans evolved from monkeys
>taking a theory and presenting it as fact
>Only rated T
That's rare, guessing it's not going to be too bloody or gory even though having monkey sex is a gameplay mechanic. As long as it's fun I'm down.
You literally don't understand the scientific meaning of "theory". It's only a theory the sun will rise tomorrow but I feel kinda confident it will do so.
Appropriate pic
stopped reading at (You)
>black protags
No fucking thanks you liberal homos
Interesting that you posted a brainlet meme and yet you spout ill-informed opinions and can't stand being corrected.
Is this like Mad Max but in Detroit?
They are making a black panther game? isnt it a little late on the release window for a movie tie in?
Utterly based
I wish it had Multiplayer - there's a severe lack of games where you can play as a caveman and smash your friends with a rock
Dear liberals: if you ""evolved"" from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?
Oh, and by the way: why are there no transitional fossils?
Wojack posters evolved into monkeys
Diversity: The Video Game
What's more outlandish; the idea of life having an intelligent designer? OR being spontaneously farted out of the universal puckering asshole of nothingness, somehow sustaining intelligence for "billions of years" as a protozoa and eventually morphing into a frog, and then a monkey somehow, and THEN into a human. I guess some frogs and monkeys haven't evolved yet? Evolution is only for those who want to dismiss the idea of having any sort of responsibility for their actions, including the acknowledgement of a creator.
So where did the intelligent designer come from then? Was HE farted out of nothing?
His very being is the only constant next to time itself.
>implying they were a higher form to begin with
There's an infinite chain of greater creators (cre-greators)
Only reasonable explanation. No way single cell organisms could just form fully intelligent beings on their own. Too many variations in species. Look at the whole ecosystem. Its clearly designed with a predatory pyramid. Each environment has complex and varying species that could have never possibly gotten there by chance. There are small evolutionary changes WITHIN SPECIES but never transpecial evolution. The very idea is absurd.
>There are small evolutionary changes WITHIN SPECIES
Now hear me out, wouldn't these small changes snowball into great differences over, I don't know, millions of years and billions of generations?
Monkeys have tails
And humans don't, which makes the whole theory even more preposterous. Monkeys are intelligent creatures but they are certainly not our ancestors.
How is having an intelligent designer any more or less outlandish you complete spastic. Evolution isn't "for" anyone, it's a scientific observation of reality with demonstrable cause and effect. Fuck me, people who don't understand science should be banned from using technology altogether. That would be fucking fantastic actually, tell you what, no scientist will ever go near religion or touch a bible again and you leave all produce of science (internet and computers obvious included) alone? Deal?
No, nothing so great that it woud change the very genetic makeup and bone structure of an individual species to that of another existing species. The concept that a reptile or amphibian turning into a primate is absolutely ridiculous.
Repent before its too late.
>White snot from a penis turning into a human being if I put it inside a ladyhole? Haha, fucking ridiculous
t. brainlet
The problem is that there aren't enough "transition" forms to fill the gaps. The whale evolution for example, which is said to be from an earth based ungulate, a "proto" cow if you may, the number of changes that would need to happen for a land dwelling animal to migrate to an ocean dwelling life are in the dozens of thousands. There's also the issue of mutations being pretty much all deleterious to the organism. David Berlinski has a pretty nice video with interesting criticisms on evolution
"Snot" containing the DNA of already pre-existing sentient lifeforms. Basically a microscopic copy ready for gestation. Who designs blueprints? Oh that's right, an architect. Do you expect people to shit out other full grown humans too? Or what's to stop a human from giving birth to a frog or monkey? Has de-evolution e er occured as a defect? I mean jonestly if our DNA contained that data it would technically be possible right? What a smoothbrain.
Try harder though please I implore you.
Everything is a transition form
So what exactly makes you think this intelligent designer is the American Christian God?
There are humans still born with tails to this day.
Why is it called humankind odyssey if it has monkeys on the front?
>implying intelligent design when shit like pandas exist.
There is not a bigger proof that there is no god than pandas, read up on them they're utterly fucking useless.
>a game about niggers
No thanks, I'd rather replay GTA: San Andreas
I dunno, that kind of works the opposite way. How would something evolve to be useless? If someone made them, you have more reasons, like he put them there for us to laugh at.
Fuck off Jew, you've already shown what an agenda driven retard you are with ((Berlinski)) and his lolcow (whales didn't evolve from cows btw).
>Has de-evolution ever occurred as a defect?
Yet again you just don't seem to understand how evolution actually works, it's accumulated mutations, usually with very small variation to the source material that manages to persist, for better or worse, over the original. You can literally see it occur when we selectively breed dog to create new pedigrees.
so God decided to let some species evolve into other species and then created other species out of whole cloth?
Evolution does not mean beneficial.
All that shit sounds more like evidence in favor of all the ancient alien theories if you ask me. Earth seems to be pretty artificial, but I'm not willing to call straight-up Gods the most plausible idea yet.
>hating on pandas
shut the fuck up you grizzly faggot what the fuck do brown bears do all day aside from ape out and be bumbling retards leave us alone
I don't think he ever implied he did, but I think the common idea is that Christianity is the official religion of white people so clearly the white god is the true god.
>How would something evolve to be useless?
It happens all the time. 90% of all species we have ever discovered were already extinct when we found them
>intelligent design
Imagine looking at abbos, white trash, street shitters and niggers and still believing in an intelligent designer. Also, what a fucking disingenuous term that is, we all know you mean a god, and most likely the Christian one, so intelligent that in the Bible he's never once recorded as saying anything even remotely profound, ground breaking or considered to be genius tier, there is literally nothing in the bible to suggest "God" is intelligent at all, quite the opposite.
There needs to be more caveman/monkey games. There is a severe lack of grug-simulators out there where I can fuck around doing prehistoric things and having fun. I'm excited for Ancestors just so I can dick about doing dumb monkey shit.
I'm not that guy, but most mutations have negative effects for the organism, it would be nice to explain how they're piling mutations and still doing just fine.
Evolutionists use shit like the mutation that makes a fly to have 4 fully developed wings as an example of how things happened, but the inconvenient truth is that those mutant flies cannot fucking fly at all, I can't find the video, but there's one showing how those mutated flies simply cannot fly at all. Finding good mutations is a problem for the theory, because putting mutations overall under scrutiny shows they're terrible for the organisms that have them, and according to modern darwinists they're the key to all the diversity in life that we have right now.
Please don't be racist
Because we have only been observing this shit for 150~ years meanwhile there has been millions upon millions of years for it to progress on it's own
If it gives me some visually appealing jungles with some tarzan-lite traveling I'll think its a 10/10 game.
this. Far Cry Primal is the only ones in recent memory
>it would be nice to explain how they're piling mutations and still doing just fine
Look at a pug dog, we did that in less than 100 years. Look at how long life has existed on earth, look how prolific a rate some species breed and it's really really not that hard to figure out. Undesirable traits (look at male pattern baldness in humans as well as congenital heart defects etc) do manage to get passed on because they don't interfere with ability to breed in a significant manner, you're also overlooking environmental changes which are a massive factor in evolution.
Grow the fuck up.
You realise the 4 wing fly mutation is to demonstrate how easily changes occur? In nature that fly wouldn't survive to breed (or if it did by some fluke, that mutation would soon die out because it's far too destructive).
"The four-winged fruit fly is a classic example of how creationists misinterpret the genetic analysis of development. Developmental geneticists try to understand the role of a gene by modifying a gene and analyzing the consequences, so it is of little consequence that four winged flies would not survive in the wild. The importance of the four-winged fruit fly is that it demonstrated that a few mutations in a single gene were able to transform an entire structure. This work by Ed Lewis led to the discovery of Hox genes and other members of the genetic toolkit (genes which play roles in constructing animal embryos) as well as to a Nobel Prize in 1996. An inquiry-based textbook might well use Nobel-winning research as a way to encourage inquiry, rather than as a way to obscure critical scientific concepts."
i think there's an intelligent designer who uses evolution to complete his designs, like how an engineer has prototypes
So was this thread ever about a video game or just a thinly veiled /sci/ and /pol/ thread?
I guess people don't care much about Patrice Desilets
It seems really cool, but what's with that "Humankind" subtitle? I've never really heard that before.
Based and iq pilled
It's just a video game. I'm a Creationist myself, but I love evolution as a fantasy element for media. It's cool.
It's an interesting idea but the game itself doesn't look very good.
Mankind is sexist
>epic exclusive
Pirated on release day.
Thanks for the DRM-free game, Tim!
>Mankind is sexist
I really hate SJWs for ruining words. Mankind comes from Old English manncyn. Mann meant a person, not a male.
Shut the fuck up and know your place, nigger/nigger-enabler
cope fatfuck
So then it's a synonym for humankind and thus shouldn't bother you.
>walking simulator
The correct form is "peoplekind"
Another synonym. Literally who cares? There's little point to having multiple words that all mean exactly the same thing anyways.
Go use that on SJWs, they're the one creating improper words and making a fuss about nothing.
30 IQ /pol/ poster
5 v-bucks have been deposited into your fortnite account
user, you can't just rely on science you learned in High School.
It's an ever-evolving field