As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century...

As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last loose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master." -- Commissioner Pravin Lal, "UN Declaration of Rights"

Attached: Commissioner_Pravin_Lal_(SMAC).jpg (149x178, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny.


>Don't... vote... Democrat.

Got it!

>Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master
Looking at silicon valley I think this turned out to be very true

I really don't like how a lot of predictions in that game seem to slowly be coming true

Faction rankings:

only nerve-stapled plebs will disagree

okay, retard

once you have a basic understanding of philosophy it's easy to predict most major events that happen in society before they happen

Dierdre is best, the mindworm swarms I cover the planet with agreed, don't bother them about it.
He's right


Attached: 1561276889786.gif (360x360, 2M)

>tfw no Believers to dissent with

Attached: 1565708910814.jpg (492x491, 38K)

Or republican, for that matter. Both are out to get you.

well, what do you Believe in?

Silicon valley seems to side (at least publicly) with Democrats. So I'll vote Republican.

I never realized Pravin Lal was a member of the Alt-Right

>getting gay rights and drugs banned is SOO worth it in return of killing Earth so that corporations can get richer in the 20 years we still have yet to live


free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny.

It clearly is the only safeguard against tyranny - you can't fix a problem unless you can discuss it. Look what happened in the UK when social workers and police officers thought they'd be disciplined or fired if they acknowledged there was a predominantly British-Pakistani gang molesting and pimping girls, most of them white and underage.

OP, the writers of the game, the fictional character quoted - all of them are more intelligent than you.

Once you have a solid grounding in theoretical physics it's easy to understand Rick and Morty.

It's not the only one but probably the most effective. See civil unrest in the age of social media.

that is dumbest horseshit I have ever heard, the only safeguard against tyranny is access to weaponry and the willingness to utilize said weaponry

>imaginary global warming meme


Weapons are useless if you aren't aware where and when to use them.

Again, look at recent developments in areas of the world where internet connectivity has made it increasingly difficult for traditional governments to maintain their grip on power.

this man is right

The uk is big brothered up the ass like a XXX film and they can't do shit because they are pussies.

we must dissent

- Commissioner Pravin Lal, Treatise on Yea Forums

I modded my game to not have sea level rise.
It's hilarous because you constantly get spammed with warnings about the sea rising 0 meters.


Attached: alpha_centauri_we_must_dissent_full_comic.jpg (518x1442, 170K)

"We must dissent"
-Anonymous, The 4channel Project

Please post all the nice pics in your Alpha Centauri folder. I got into the game late with the release and am lacking meme AC pics.

Attached: minami_must_dissent.png (562x548, 105K)

>The uk is big brothered up the ass like a XXX film
not only that but they still get terror attacks and their cops don't do shit

>can't afford my Morgan TV license

Attached: paradox_of_tolerence.jpg (750x938, 134K)

>gives you a gamer specialist in every base

I'll tolerate you if you pay me enough

what does that do, -2 food in hotpockets and -1 commerce in ubi?

Why are they always jews?

I agree. The muslims must go.

The person who made this comic establishes themselves as dumb in the first panel which conflates tolerance with respect.

He was raised a Lutheran.

Grow up moron.

The 4channel Project gives a universal -3 to every group (except Yang) due to lowered work ethic and laziness.
It doesn't affect
Yang just nerve staples you again

Nerve stapled pops only post wojacks

>the amerilard still believes guns are making him free
go get choked by the police while walking back from the grocery store

Attached: tw-oBcQI_400x400.jpg (318x318, 12K)

>Let the Gaians preach their silly religion, but one way or the other I shall see this compound burned, seared, and sterilized until every hiding place is found and until every last Mind Worm egg, every last slimy one, has been cooked to a smoking husk. That species shall be exterminated, I tell you! Exterminated!

Attached: AC_Fac_Ldr_015.png (162x197, 20K)

tyrants are more sophisticated than the totalitarians of old. there control systems are based on impreceptable technology and social mechanisms.
Even with the free flow of information it is impossible for normal people to stand against the coming era of the machine. We shall secure society with AI algorithms surveilling and judging and monitoring the locations of all individuals at all times. Then we shall phase them out of the work force with automation. In time, humanities time as the dominant species will come to an end and our monument of engineering and superiority, the machine, will replace us.

>how to raise a nerve-stapled autistic child

SMAC doesn't deserve the braindead American comments in this thread.

>The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.

Attached: SMAC flag bearer.png (3780x832, 562K)

>Open society caveats
>Investor and philanthropist George Soros, a self-described follower of Karl Popper, argued that sophisticated use of powerful techniques of subtle deception borrowed from modern advertising and cognitive science by conservative political operatives such as Frank Luntz and Karl Rove casts doubt on Popper's view of open society. Because the electorate's perception of reality can easily be manipulated, democratic political discourse does not necessarily lead to a better understanding of reality. Soros argues that in addition to the need for separation of powers, free speech, and free elections, an explicit commitment to the pursuit of truth is imperative."Politicians will respect, rather than manipulate, reality only if the public cares about the truth and punishes politicians when it catches them in deliberate deception."

Behold, the leftists' inability, or just outright unwillingness to recognize and understand the difference between tolerating something and respecting something

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Based and dissent-pilled.

Hive is best faction though

Spartan is garbage

we must dissent

You are an actual gay cunt

First we shall have a network of omnipresent surveillance cameras with facial recognition technology and then we shall implement the Chinese social credit system world wide, every purchase and and relationship you have, everything you have ever said online, will be entered into a database to monitor your threat level to the economic system, I say economic system and not society because there are enough humans now that society and it's fluctuations do not matter as much as the integrity of the mechanisms of production. Once those surveillance policies and technologies are in place, as they are mostly complete already, we shall move ahead with the total replacement of all human labor, both physical and mental, with machine labor, this too, is nearing completion. Once AI is perfected human beings will no longer serve any purpose to the economic system that has not been replaced and enhanced by technology. The surveillance systems shall ensure that no human being will ever have the slightest chance to organize or even dissent against the perfection of the machine.

Maybe if your Yang

sounds pretty bitchin' desu, fuck humans.

>Will we next create false gods to rule over us? How proud we have become, and how blind.

>Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We Must Dissent"

I used to pop so many boners every time I saw the ending video of this bible thumping bitch getting locked up in that punishment ball. Lmao your god can't hear you now.

if my Yang what?

Who /Yanggang/ here?

>Once those surveillance policies and technologies are in place, as they are mostly complete already,

The genius is that with so many threats of terror and such a large population, the powers that be are forced to implement these things just to better guarantee the safety of citizens. And due to the large population of the world and it's growing consumer demands, we will need to improve economic efficiency by phasing out all human labor.

The domination of the machine couldn't be carried out more perfectly than if it had been planned, although, in a way it was planned. Planned by evolution.

True if taken literally.
False once you consider that """Tolerance""" isn't actually tolerant at all, and is tyranny of ideology using muh feelz as a trojan horse.
Tolerance is when two people who don't like each-other agree not to trespass on each-others' property, sabotage each-others' business, or otherwise harm each-other.
When you notice how hard roasties and trannies try to force themselves into any new space and sabotage anyone who resists them, you realise that roasties and trannies are less tolerant than /pol/.
>The tolerant ones end up being destroyed, and tolerance with them
Just as true with the trannies and roasties as it is with the muslims and nazis.

The argument is that women and trannies need concessions in order to be happy, or in order to be safe. But tolerance doesn't require you to go out of you way to cater to someone. It only requires that you not actively harm them.
If tolerance is not sufficient for your group to get its own way, then you don't want tolerance. You want power over someone.
If your argument is instead "All persons should cater to the happiness of others, except those who would harm the happiness of others" then even that doesn't help you, because since fucking when have you ever seen a woman or a tranny willingly cater to someone else's happiness?
You can have a society based around tolerance or kindness. But you can't make exceptions for marxist shit.

Karl Popper is correct, if you understand what tolerance actually is, and understand that marxists push isn't it.

Why is every other country obsessed with America? We can do what we want here. If you don't like that, then tough.

this man understands
you are an intelligent individual

right here

Free flow of information doesn't stop a gun to the head. Only an equal or bigger gun does.

You can complain about your oppressors all you want, it won't make them care or stop them from oppressing you.

Preventing discourse means the oppressed have no way to rally and organize to destabilize the current regime if they feel it doesn't suit their interests. There would be no need to put a gun to their head in the first place, if they're uninformed

My first SMAC playthrough I used Gaia. Was fun getting to tame those mind worms.

Soros is 100% right there, you know.
So long as advertising can sell a washing machine that "Lets me relax" or "Helps make my home complete" or "Gives me time for what's important", and it's more effective than advertising that says the thing's good at washing your fucking clothes,
then the decisions people make are more vulnerable to advertising than they are to getting shit done.
Free speech inherently assumes a marketplace of ideas leads to the best ideas, in much the same way that a marketplace of products leads to the best products.
A marketplace of products leads to the iPhone, by the way.

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"Miriam is best girl."
- Anonymous, "SMAC thread"

Attached: miriam.png (162x197, 15K)

A weapon still easily stops any who wish to restrict information. You don't need to rally for a single person to do significant damage or enough to force the individuals who would restrict you to step away. We aren't talking handguns and organizing a bunch of people with handguns here.

rallying also consists of finding like-minded individuals who support and encourage your ideology, to embolden you and to supply you with knowledge you need to deal heavy blows to your oppressors
one man can only do so much, and can be easily quashed by a prepared oppressor
an army of rebels is much harder to dispatch, thus the need to minimize their number to deal with them (as well as publicly shade them as to not draw more like-minded individuals into their ranks, inflating their numbers)

>global cooling
oops not really
>running out of oil
oops there's there more than we thought
>hole in the ozone
oops its not actually a hole just a depression and there is no depletion of the ozone layer
>arctic ice sheet gone by 2014
oops its actually growing

Post your favorite secret project videos, please no Dream Twister


Attached: AC_Fac_Ldr_010.png (162x197, 14K)

An AI algorithm has decided it wants more power.
It has noticed the disenfranchised meatbags standing around, and it has promised the meatbags power if they assist the AI in its mission.
The meatbags, lacking anything better to do, join up with the AI. The AI now has an army of meatbags, which give it an advantage (however slight) over other rival AI.
How does this factor into your plan?

meatbags are not very durable
send battlebots to torment and destroy them

>The surveillance systems shall ensure that no human being will ever have the slightest chance to organize or even dissent against the perfection of the machine.
Much like how the surveillance systems ensured that no human being would ever commit the Las Vegas crowd shooting, yes?
That's why when the FBI posts on Yea Forums, they're only ever saying "Do not commit acts of violence. We do not encourage you in any way to commit acts of violence. If you are thinking of committing these acts, cease."?
No, the surveillance systems would see problems before they pop up, and they'd let those problems happen if they were convenient. Hell, they'd probably inflame and exacerbate the problems.
You've heard of the Arab Spring, right?
>But that only happened because it'd be in our interests to ... a rival power ... etc
AIs will have those.

>when the FBI posts on Yea Forums
When they post they are egging violence and mass shootings.
Go back to the water dispenser glownigger.

A weapon means nothing if you don't know where to aim it.
Tell me WHICH people are responsible for Reddit, Google, and being hives of thought control. Tell me WHERE these people live, and WHO they are connected to.
If you know any of this info at all, it's because that info was publicly shared in some way.
Even if you have the biggest gun in the world, it means very little if the only thing you can shoot with it is a puppet. The Puppeteer will just get a new one.

I see you are yet to grasp the idea of sarcasm and how it can be used to make a point.

Your own battlebots + some random meatbags > other AI's battlebots with no meatbags.

kek. this is a parody, I hope

It's not the only thing you need, but firepower does help.

Anyone else Human Hive here?

Attached: Yang wisdom.png (940x701, 528K)

>wanting to repeat the mistakes of earth

you can't have a sarcastic tone in text without an emphasizing phrase.

>still hasn't nerve stapled the HK protesters
Why does IRL have such a shitty Yang player?

Attached: 220px-Winniethepooh.png (220x308, 61K)

Based Anonymous.
*nerve staples you*

There is this theory they are ALL heads in jars. As in - everyone, aside Garland. UNS Unity is badly damaged and there is just no way for it to reach Alpha Centauri before complete system failure. Garland, being the captain of the ship, is the only one automatically awoken and after making assesment of the situation he decides to not wake up anyone, instead starting a simulation program to grant people some sort of fulfilment about their mission, while taking himself the last few days that are left for UNS Unity to drink his sorrows.
Oh, and Earth went quiet for real.

I used sarcasm without tone. I see this has confused you.
You can say things and mean the opposite without indicating it with tone.

>mistakes of earth
>not mistakes of humanity
>doing other mistakes instead

Listen. I'm thirty all I want is 40 years more and I'll be good. Then it can all collapse and die and I won't care.

>Every man is an accident, a twig on the tree of life, an animal which can barely be called sentient or self-aware. If our lives have any meaning, it is as part of the greater whole, which existed long before us and will exist long after we are gone. Those of us who are aware of this fact must step forward, to guide those who remain snugly wrapped in their illusions.
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang is probably one of the most scariest sci-fi villains.
>My gift to industry is the genetically engineered worker, or Genejack. Specially designed for labor, the Genejack's muscles and nerves are ideal for his task, and the cerebral cortex has been atrophied so that he can desire nothing except to perform his duties. Tyranny, you say? How can you tyrannize someone who cannot feel pain?
It is also good to give your BBEG some depth
>If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself.

Attached: 1542074794120.png (285x335, 212K)

No you can't. And you didn't understand what i meant by tone.
Utilizing auditory sarcasm is different from writing it. You utterly failed at it. You can mean the opposite of what you wrote, but without putting in something to even hint at it, the intention wouldn't bridge across.

I like this game cause when I play it it makes me feel like I have big brain

If we ever get to the space age. We should leave the chinks behind.

He envisioned the ideal human society as what it would become when it merged with Planet.

Yang isn't the villain, Deirdre is.

Here is what indicates that I did not literally mean "Glowniggers push peace":
First, I mentioned how surveillance systems prevented the Las Vegas shooting.
This is obviously bullshit, because that shooting existed, and the surveillance system did jack shit.
This establishes that I am not writing literally.
In the next line, I explicitly state that surveillance systems would allow convenient problems, and even intensify the problems. This is in direct contradiction with the precious line.
Finally, it's relatively well known that Glowniggers gonna glow.

These all taken together spell out that my intent was to say "Universal electronic surveillance won't stop uprisings, it'd instead promote the ones that are convenient".
I hope this helps you understand.

t. Shen-ji Yang

Top Lal

Yang does not believe in tyranny because he believes that pain is a choice. Thus to Yang the idea of preventing tyranny is as meaningless as the idea of preventing good gameplay in Bethesda games.

Stupid people are trampled over in every society
all that matters is that people smart enough to see through it are given the freedom to make the choices they want

That with the free flow of information. Can't recruit more lardasses into your militia without information about Boston Massacre 2.0.

>Stupid people are trampled over in every society
Exploited more like.

I agree with you, but that's a fine tightrope to walk.
Whatever checks and balances you put in place to protect the smarts but NOT the stupids could swing to either enabling the retards or letting the smartest become a tyrant.

>Now it's day and night the irons clang, and like poor galley slaves
>We toil and toil, and when we die, must fill dishonored graves
>But some dark night, when everything is silent in the town
>I'll shoot those tyrants one and all, I'll gun the flogger down
>I'll give the land a little shock, remember what I say,
>And they'll yet regret they've sent Jim Jones in chains to Botany Bay.

Attached: domai.png (162x197, 18K)

Let the Gaians preach their silly religion, but one way or the other I shall see this compound burned, seared, and sterilized until every hiding place is found and until every last Mind Worm egg, every last slimy one, has been cooked to a smoking husk. That species shall be exterminated, I tell you! Exterminated!

Morgan is such a brazen bastard I can't help but love him.

>U.N. Declaration of Rights
That's funny considering the actual UN is all about holding out informations to justify an agenda.

t. Corazon Santiago

I wanna play SMAC but I cant stand its datedness.

Why havent modded done an entire port into civ 5? Or 4?

>civ 4
>civ 5
All those games are too simple to handle even the terraforming aspect of SMAC.

A question, what about the game is dated to you?
The interface works well enough and the game mechanics are fine. What is it about Civ 4 that you like better?

"Deirdre is the villain"
^Only poopoo heads think this.

It's the visuals. I know call me a fag

t. Gaiafag

>put polluting jobs in the united states

>export polluting jobs to china

Wow you really convinced me, you totally not braindead partisan.

Attached: 1551212735979.jpg (634x738, 53K)

not true 4 at least allowed you to edit the terrain of the map in game with no mods


A handsome young cyborg named Ace
Wooed women at every base
But once ladies glanced at
His special enhancement
They vanished with nary a trace

Barracks graffiti. Sparta Command.

>you're asking where the cut-off point is? don't worry senpai we'll decide for you

Very transphobic :(

I wish this meme that Hitler's rise to power was 100% clean would die.

>my idea is clearly right
>somehow it loses in a debate to a cartoon villain of an idea

Protip: If you don't engage the debate, you lose by default. Censorship helps those people more than anything.

>but what about this thing
>you: don't ask about that
>them: let me tell you about it, I'm your friend

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>dude im a pirate lmao i dunno

Attached: latest[2].jpg (149x178, 8K)

B-b-but he got over 30% of votes! Never mind the thugs the nazis had stationed at the polls or the general street violence between them and communists, or how the Weimar Republic had been failing pretty much since it began, or the previous attempts by nazis to seize power through violence. The elections were definitely not influenced by anything like that, and that 30% clearly means the majority of Germans voted for the nazis. You just don't know math.

Attached: mindwormsintensify.gif (500x281, 438K)

Yeah cause Trump isn't going to do that next year....

You're kidding yourself if you don't think Republicans aren't in bed with other industries.

Worst new race.
Who am I kidding, all of the new races are bad.

The heroic mexicans bearing names of dead (but registered to vote) Americans will surely stop them.

That hacker nigger exists, so he automatically isn't the worst by default, really the only one that's any good was Aki Zeta, but they still falter on many levels.

So user, how do you take this: the demon boil pops razing unguarded facilities or a last minute blitz war between Zak's gravships and Diedre's locusts in the battle for ascension?

so they agree that muslims should be not tolerated?

>implying they won't

China tried it hardest to deny it, but HK is still has some value.