What went wrong?

Attached: red kaiju combat.jpg (800x679, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:


still the best


the furfag mafia


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Unironically the secret cabal of organized furfag crime


Backer-designed characters. Sacrifice Red to stop the furry mafia.

Letting backers have too much creative control combined with caving to the demands of insane furries

didn't some autistic trust fund kid send him like $30,000 to put his fanfic fetish in the game?

What was the story behind this game flop?

I only remember that a rich furry fag was funding the game and wanted his OC on the game.

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wanted his oc in the game and would not compromise on removing any of the fetish shit or his demands that duncan be the most powerful character in the game


I want more big sexy kaiju feet in my life

How would you describe him with one word?

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>do not use "big" "green" "kangaroo"


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So as usual the Yea Forums narrative was fake.

Wasn't there a fat dino fursone too?

Lol get fukt

i beat duncan has an extremely punchable face

Smells a little too much like PR damage control to me.

>falling for the meme
I'm not mad, just disappointed. I know you can do better.

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The generic girlfriend shit

>Yea Forums still seething over furries
you lost Yea Forums just accept it and move on.

Furries have been shit for 30+ years, they're not gonna magically stop.

if furries want to be animals i should legally have the right to hunt them


Kaiju shit seems to have the weirdest, most autistic gatekeeping community ever

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>game fails because some dude fucking died

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fuxxin pwnd:

"We're calling this "The Kaidra Incident." A member of the Kaiju community - "Blackout" - has this character named Kaidra. People love the character. Blackout was paying $500 in the first kickstarter to have Kaidra put into the game. This time around, he wasn't able to afford it. (He still had a smaller pledge)

Around December 5th, we had a random $10,000 pledge. The backer wrote a cryptic message : "this is for Kaidra, from his fans." I contacted the backer, and he said that he had pooled together money from a bunch of Blackout's friends to make a big pledge. A few days later, a second $10,000 pledge came in.

The community was very excited - and we had some votes on how to handle it.

Then yesterday, as you know, both $10,000 pledges disappeared. Blackout was initially uncommunicative, but has since come forth with "I don't know what happened - I thought the money was all taken care of..."

We have no solid information, but probably one of a few things is going on here:

1 - Blackout made these fake pledges - possibly thinking that they would be symbolic (because he thought we wouldn't meet our goal) or thinking that they would help encourage other investors.

2 - Blackout is telling the truth, and a friend of his made these pledges. In that case the pledges were probably insincere - for one of the same two reasons. Big difference between this and case #1? In this case Blackout feels like total crap.

3 - Everyone is telling the truth, and the money will be re-pledged."

It wasn't re-pledged.

So many furries.

When the fuck is the next good kaiju game. The only one I know of in development is that one from the Runbow guys.

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was it duncan the real downfall of it? or its just the scapegoat

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Sure. But just remember /k/ is a furry board.


Not even scapegoat, just a Yea Forums meme everyone believes because hardly anyone on this board cares enough about a kaiju game to bother to read the actual events and just goes with what memelords repost every thread.

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Not really, but it's funnier to say it was.

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It's 100% his fault but Yea Forums is infested with furfags

henlo trash panda
hello you STINKY COON
go eat a garbage ugly

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We didn't ask what killed the game, we asked what went wrong, and if furries are involved, they are inevitably, invariably the source of the wrong

>game failed because dude was instrumental to their project

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>Yea Forums is infested with furfags
This is true even if the rest isn't. When the fuck did people stop telling these fucks to kill themselves?

When the mods became total semenskull faggots and let drawthreads stick around

You're as obnoxious as the furries but don't realise it.

Your opinion is irrelevant when the devs have stated objective fact that there was no trouble whatsoever with singular backers or the rewards to those backers.

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can't believe the furry mafia killed a person

you must be really fun at parties

Is spreading lies an integral part of parties or something?

keep seething furfag

You can both fuck off.

>having inside jokes is now spreading lies
you newfags are killing this site

Attached: bonkers.jpg (245x289, 13K)

I've been on this site since I was 18, 32 now, I haven't been to a party in well over a decade.

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He's not me. is me. Also I really hated that show.

>since I was 18
d'awww did mommy didn't give you permision to use internet until you turn 18?

That is the monster from the NES godzilla creepypasta

What even is that supposed to be

Enlarged viridian macropod

the average sneedposter

Answer me goddammit

furfags, you give them an inch and they go for the whole yard by pushing their degeneracy at every chance they can

Furfags this is your mindset

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they can't go one day without being degenerates, we should always remind people on the internet to always make fun of them and never take them seriously

Just didn't find it until then. I was mainly on specific game forums like SWG's, and newgrounds, then someone linked and animutation or some other flash thing that referenced this place, and it was pretty cool.
Looked around to try to find it just now, no luck. Have one of my favorites instead: youtu.be/OpNQeBWw3Fk
I miss animutations.

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What the hell is this thread and why are there people talking about a picture filled copypasta and furries??

it's pretty cold to say their dev's death was a 'problem' that could've been solved with more money.


>being so bad at hiding your powerlevel you just start fucking in public
Jimminy Fuckin' Jesus Christ, some of these people

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do these furfags have any sense of self aware?

If they did, would they fursuit, at all, ever?

furfags. also a key dev died

Not being self aware is compulsory for thinking you're an animal.

What a sacrifice. He died so that thousands of Furry Autism bucks would be wasted.

have you seen the furfags of today? they don't even fursuit anymore now that being trans is also part of their identity

Now that they've busted this whole gender thing open, trans people have got so fucking lazy. I've seen bearded bald men just put on wigs and a dress and be done with it. I wonder how all the feminine ones that went through years of hormones that fucked up their brains feel about it.

im sure they have something to say but are immediately shut down for being transphobes. is kinda funny the domino effect. first we had the entire body positivity then it followed the entire gender spectrum, toxic masculinity and who knows what other shit im not mentioning so now anyone can say they are the opposite and put no effort because its all subjective

Probably more then the average incel who posts here pretending their pathetic eventless life life of shitposting and fapping all day is any better then theirs.

Sorry to expose you, you gonna jizz on me now?

i don't ridicule myself on public so yeah, im better than them

I knew someone who was the spitting image of that Benjamin Franklin speedrunner. All he did was put on a dress and change his nametag. I don't even have a problem with trans people and that bugged the shit outta me, but of course we're not allowed to say anything about it.

Guess thats kinda hard when you never leave the house.

they literally said they couldn't have done it with more money. When you get an artist or programmer that meshes with the team, especially on smaller projects, losing them (especially to death and not just them quitting) will fuck up the flow of everything, because you can't even say "hey man I know you're done but could you help explain this shit on contracting basis for hte new guy?"

Like, they probably had to scrap literally everything they'd done to make things fit better, and the people they brought on just didn't mesh.

I'm sorry you felt offended by us mocking your lifestyle.

yiff in hell

these trans people are freaks and are mentally deranged, can't believe people bought the claim by WHO that they aren't mentally ill

Im sorry your such a faggot. And guess im sorry I don't find convoluted off topic shitpost conspiracy thread to bitch about furries #9173971511 any fun.

seethe in heaven


Furries and incompetent devs. Even if the furries didn't come in, these guys couldn't produce a game to save their lives.

The furries weren't developing it, they were just bankrolling it.

I remember digging into the origin of the big werewolf monster. Turns out it was based on a giant blue wolf inflatable pool toy fursona. The artist had to somehow turn that into a character.


And they've somehow managed to get worse since then.

Is defending your furfag pals an integral part of your fursuit parties or something?

I dunno, I think they peaked. I hardly hear anything about them these days. The new trend is to pretend you're the opposite gender. I see people in their womansonas all the time.

wasnt this year the whole Zoosadism shit with Kero the wolf?

Uh oh, I did not hear about this.

Nearly half those monsters were fursonas. The big werewolf, minotaur, dragon lotus, and macrosaurus to name a few. The werewolf, minotaur, and lotus owners were completely ok with the concept artist doing whatever he needed to make them fit. I remember there was some hypermuscle inflation furry bitch who wanted her tumormass creation to be the ultra final super boss of every platform.

What does this furfag have against Big Green?

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Basically a Furry was guiltripped to make a furry telegram chat public were furries discussed and shared pictures and videos of them torturing and fucking puppies to dead, this got more noticw due to one of the regulars was a "popular" furry youtuber called kero the wolf, on those chats was also found discussion about necro zoophilia and pedophilia, also the existance of petting zoos on Cons where they fucked animals and some times kids.

>furfags acting like the devs didnt have a problem with Duncan

Theyre trying not to upset the biggest paypiggy you retards

Yeah, she was an autistic black girl. I dug too deep and too greedily. She created a whole universe for that thing.

>broke water pipes that caused huge flooding in the hotel
>stole shit and smuggled in drugs
>left used diapers around the floor and cars
>multiple accounts of physical and sexual assault

That shit is nothing compared to Rainfurrest. The furries there acted like a bunch of fucking hooligans and vandals. Fuck furries, they are legitimately a bunch of assholes and faggots even if you ignore the fetish shit.


Jesus, how did I not hear about this.

>itt furfags get ultra defensive.
This is why we hate you faggots.

I know people dislike metokur stuff, but he did good summaries about this shit


also one of the furries was Cuban, which bring attention to the fact Cuba lacks Animal protection laws or some shit, so he could not be prosecuted for it, but got interned in an Asylun for sexual depravation (he most likely wish dead every day)

Yiff in hell furfag

That's the opposite of what that image says though




Why do you use faggot as an insult, seeing as you are a fag yourself?