imagine not playing the best jojo game right now
Imagine not playing the best jojo game right now
>rpgmaker trash
>best anything
We had a thread earlier but it didn't last very long
Not sure if this one will either but still just waiting for chaosanon anyway so
Would Nu Capcom be able to make a good jojo game?
If it's not a fighting game.
>Would Nu Capcom be able to make a good game
It's because it didn't have Jojo in the title.
Why are there so many threads about this game lately
There's a translation of new content in progress by an user here.
For me, it's the little girl.
They can't make a good street fighter game now
that's not average girl
>Not using distinctive to turn killing Dio into a family vacation with three generations of Joestar crooks
but i can do that with distinctive male or Josuke
Had customization?
Chaos Mode lets you modify your sprite if you go with Aya
It has some here and there, but not tons. Four different looks for girls and boys.
There's a Japanese outfit for the men, and a bunny suit for the ladies. Plus in the update when you go to Cinderella, you can change your sprite pic.
I would genuinely take a JoJo rhythm game at this point. It could have a decent song list if they manage to keep the song licenses from the EDs
>stand makes everyone dance
Neat, it's even made by the same guy that did the Kira mod.
[Dancing Queen]
>villain is cornered
>activates stand
but does it need to make contact with a target in order to make them dance?
Adding to this, do they need to dance a certain way?
What about people who suck at dancing?
same dude i need to know for reasons
are shitty dancers just fucked and can't break the Stand's control?
>Adding to this, do they need to dance a certain way?
It can move your body to do specific stuff or just make you dance randomly
If it was in a game you could put it in a random part of the map with a bunch of citizen sprites moving randomly in a single square
>People who suck at dancing have to do the Cupid Shuffle and Cha Cha Slide until the stand is defeated.
I'd guess dancing would be one of those one off status effects, kinda like how mummified is.
Dancing could be a status effect that prevents you from using some moves. The question is, would it make a decent MC Stand for a game?
Maybe not. Perhaps if the people inflicted had to move to the rhythm or else they'd be damaged or something like that.
If you get creative with it. It can be Confusion or Berserk-lite, forcing you to use certain attacks at bad opportunities, maybe even attacking yourself or allies.
Maybe something like a status inflicter? I really like the idea of it.
I guess that could work, like how Sonic Youth could do different genres music.
Except with dancing.
I like it. So it's a Control Stand that can control the movements of people (maybe animals too) that step into it's range. The weaker the target is, the easier it is to control.
Fair enough, now you just have to settle on a name.
Glad you enjoyed making a stand user. Maybe you could smooth it out later.
Thanks user. Two down, sixteen to go.
16? Wait, which part are you working on?
You that guy working on his own part 4, different to the 7su2 guys?
Yeah. I wanted to come up with some Stands before going all-in on it. That and I don't know shit about RPG Maker. Apparently the 2003 version is unable to make certain types of events, but it has a save port feature with the 2000 version. I was gonna ask Part 7 user which one they're using, but I haven't seen them in a while.
He's using VX
The part 6 guy(s?) is using XP
Judging by the sprites I've seen him post before, it's probably VX Ace
Well, anything stand wise you're struggling with, or is it mostly trying to figure out technical stuff.
Oh okay, I just wanted to ask him how beginner friendly it is, since I think he just jumped into it with no knowledge of it. If it is, I might use that if I make it that far.
I would like to make a Stand based on a Queen song, maybe Dragon Attack?
What are the best Stands for endgame stuff bros?
Specifically, what are the best Stands that help pic related steamroll everything?
Cardigans, or Carpenters for statboosters
Now I think that a name could be Don't Stop Me Now
You can start meddling with the program now to make yourself more familiar. Also, you don't need all the stands to begin working, it can take a long time before setting yourself with all the brainstorm ideas and figuring out how to apply them in the game. Even small works now, like sprites or stands that already exist in the anime and figuring stats for them can give inspiration for what stands you might think to add.
t. Part 7 user that took more than a week to think of all the stands.
Carpenters. That or Red Garland Requiem for maxed out cheese.
You could name it whatever you'd like.
Personally, i'd go with Raido Ga Ga, but my stand names can be a bit on the nose ability/song wise.
Might as well drop a recent stand I thought about while i'm at it.
Not him, but I've been using VX Ace for a while and I find it pretty easy to use. I don't even know how to use Ruby script but most of the time I can figure out a work around for whatever I've needed to do.
VX Ace also has a limited version you can download to mess around with if you want to give it a try assuming you aren't just pirating it
Sweet, that's good news. VX Ace is like $70 dollars on Steam and that's fucking expensive. I'll probably pirate it.
you can usually get it for like $12 during the winter and summer sales. I think MV finally hit the $20 mark during the last one.
The winter sale is like right before Christmas right? I don't really use Steam that much.
It's easy as fuck to pirate too. Also, some other programs you might want to use:
Game Character Hub for the sprites
GIP or Photoshop for tiles and art
Excel because it makes things easy as fuck to organize
Audiocity to convert musics and audio for the rpg Maker
Windowskin generator in case you don't want to waste too much time creating the HUD graphics
Thanks a lot, user!
Yeah it's around that time. If you really want to buy it legit I'd say just wait till the sale and pirate it in the mean time. Also use Game Character Hub like suggests, since it's made specifically for making RPG maker sprites.
I played it, crashed at a specific point, and I didn't keep it when I moved to the new computer
What part did it crash at?
It's a game original part where you are off on your own trying to secure the sub that is used to get to Egypt that is attacked by High Priestess
I remember that on ng+ an enemy on that route an crash the game if you fight them, but I guess I haven't experienced anything besides that.
Either way, sorry for your inconvenience.
Is it one of the tanks or something?
Nah it's Diavolo.
Didn't one of the barrels also crash the game?
That motherfucker.
Yeah, from my experience Hanged Man's boss rush fight has a habit of crashing if hit with a status effect like Specials.
Yeah, j. geils apparently doesn't like missing
Is this seriously still a problem in later versions?
Uh huh, you can inflict blowback on him fine, but mess with his aim and he ruins it for everyone.
I'm guessing that the initial translator on tumblr just went in, translated the text, and didn't fix really anything else besides the DIO battle loop glitch. I know that F Mega with Darby is still fucked.
They actually did a lot to the game. In the jap version, there is no shift shorcut for the radio. They ended up having to completely change the characterset and stuff too.
Oh damn, I didn't know that. He's a saint for doing that
I know another user (not chaos user) was trying to fix the glitch and he couldn't.
Damn, that's a shame.
Same shit happened to me actually
I kept some backup saves so it was all good but still fuck Diavolo
I remember someone else reporting it a week or so ago too. I'll have to take a look at it. Did you remember if it had an error code?
Get it to work on Mac and I will
Got it to work with Wine, but that was a long time ago/don't have a mac, so I forgot how that happened.
I entered the territory of god and fucked with the not-jolyene graphics hair because I thought it wasn't really matching up to the face portrait and the picture of it in the Pictures file.
Left is the original kind ofthe OG color guy kinda screwed up on her upper half,right is my edit. Think it was a decent change?
Forgot the pic. You probably will have to open it up in like paint or something to really see the details. Pixelshit is shit
Didn't screenshot it and all my saves are past that point, sorry man
Whatever happened it must be a bug with that specific encounter, it's where Diavolo is running around inside the mansion. When you talk to him his dialogue is replaced with gibberish characters and if you still select the second option to fight him that's when the crash happens
that's a cool color
make sure to save it as an 8bit png
based and cps3pilled
ahh it's the mansion one.
I know what it must be. They didn't translate the sound effect name or maybe an image filename
I'll fix it real quick.
Remember to use GIMP to change the file type to 8 bit PNG. Otherwise it won't work in the game. works too, but definitely do that
the game will crash otherwise
Just finished Fatty Caravan and about to play Average Girl Cardigans, what am I in for? Also I'm gonna take the 'Sickly' trait, the one that requires cold medicine, Cardigans is good for that right?
yeah it knows a move to help
Sickly is basically invalidated if you have Caravan or Cardigans since it learns a move specifically to treat it.
Expect to not do damage, but also never die.
Experimental Drug is my favorite move.
Pol's almost level 50 and I'm going for his ending next so I'll be fine, also got SP: The World so I can pretty much cruise through most bosses
Hey, i'm the guy who did and some of the other stands in previous threads, is it alright to post them here and there at times?
Not working on a game or anything, just want some feedback, and don't want to be a nuisance.
go for it, I say
Do you remember what room that little fucker is in? There's so many events I can't find him, even after warping to the mansion with my debug save
why don't you do it anyway, fag, scared of hurting someone's feefees?
nevermind, found the little bastard
Big room just after Hol Horse joins up with you in the bar I believe, 2nd Floor
Alright then.
>scared of hurting someone's feefees?
Eh, just don't want to be an asshole if I can help it.
Also I was thinking about a stand that can nullify sounds, and the results of something silenced.
Like if you silenced an explosive, i'd blow itself up, but not anything else since it was silenced.
Is that too strong?
an explosion is not the result of sound being made into force so I fail to see as to why making it a "quiet" grenade would somehow render it inert
thanks, fixed it
Just drop this file in the folder and it should work okay.
The chaos update will fix this, but I'm probably nowhere near getting to this part.
>Can't say "I don't do well with gore" with Cardigans
Aw man, I wanted to make a paradoxical Stand User that's so freaked out by blood she developed a Stand specifically to make it go away
Based, thanks for your service user
I kinda fucked with the that saying about "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?", that kind of thing.
That kind of did it matter if you don't hear/notice it kind of thing.
You can kinda do that with Joykiller I think.
I wonder if you could start out with another stand, choose that dialogue option, then go to cinderella to switch to cardigans
Also wtf you guys didn't tell me Average Girl was so fucking cute
not noticing something does not mean it didn't happen
you'd get fucked up by an explosion regardless if you heard it or not
the shrapnel in what used to be your chest cavity is very real
>not noticing something does not mean it didn't happen
Right, but that's how the stand works.
If the stand made a gun silent, then the bullets would fly out and hit something, but not actually damage it.
I'm still not entirely sure on the process though, might have to re-think it or just scrap it.
why not use the sound as a barrier to slow the bullets down then?
like, using the sound the gun itself makes to contain the bullet and slow it down faster
So something like a silencer can go by just as it usually would, and something like a bomb could more or less blocking itself.
Never thought of that, thank you!
I was also thinking about a stand that could take things into a pocket dimension as long as nobody was paying attention to what it was snatching.
Would the user have control of what the Stand snatches, or does the user not know what items it snatches until they go to the pocket dimension?
>does the user not know what items it snatches until they go to the pocket dimension?
>Rohan finds that all his shit is dissapearing when he's not looking at it
>Stand user fighting style consists of pulling and throwing lots of useless shit
just remember, a stand that can catch bullets mid air and hold bombs has to be either really fast to place the effect before the boom happens, or have a long range to have a chance to stop it, maybe even both
>steal Rohan's manuscripts
>cause Pink Dark Boy to be delayed
>keep doing this
>it gets cancelled
Yeah they have control of what they grab, I was thinking the stand could have a bit of kleptomania and take small things here and there.
Maybe the stand has a view of the pocket dimension like an inventory system of sorts
Was thinking that it could potentially even nab stands, rendering the victim unable to order or summon them for some time, with a risk of the stand breaking out and beating the users ass if it's too strong to contain.
That also seems strong, but if you seriously don't pay attention to you stand in a battle, to the point it gets kidnapped, you might have it coming.
You can just play on your phone
Stealing Stands seems pretty OP to me, but maybe it could be like a desperate last move to end a fight?
Isn't that just White Snake?
silencers don't make weapons completely silent
also they're called suppressors and they still make a fair bit of noise, but very much less noise than a gun without one
from what I remember, status effects crash the game with the barrels
I hear ya, but since the stand can only take things when nobody looks, that seems kinda hard to do as a final move.
I did consider giving the stand this thick ass silent hill fog ability that gives them cover to steal shit/run away.
My thought was that the less sound something made, the less likely it could make a barrier or slow it down.
Might as well post Playback since this is the most feedback i've gotten so far.
I think the user who is thinking about this snatching Stand has the Stand trapped in the pocket dimension, but I could be misinterpreting it.
No you got it right, the stand puts them in the pocket.
Joseph Joestar is for abusing Deep Pass Overdrive with every playthrough!
Seriously, this is the best use I've found for him since pretty much everyone else can do his various jobs better
I'm pretty sure you can repeat the processes endlessly on the dev room and with extra teammates
just had a cute encounter between my Oc and joseph, he just won my heart as best joestar
joseph is cute!
Ye ye (ye)
check your exoskeloteen
The fan sequels feel so soulless and hearing people on Yea Forums excited for them confuse me.
Nothing will compare to the original.
The ones Yea Forums's making are looking good
More content, besides they're nothing more than ideas at this point, them being soulless feels like a silly thing to complain when there's nothing concrete and there's a high possibility of them being dropped or stuck in development hell
>The fan sequels feel so soulless
But technically, the only one that we have our hands on is 7su2. Even that's not finished.
The rest is still on the table.
It's the principality of the thing.
None of the Yumi Nikki fan sequels were better and even as iconoc than the original. However, some games inspired by it were better. You see where I'm going with this?
We won't know until it's out. We may have a clayman in our very midst.
A gun stand ability could be that the bullets don't hurt you and just the part you hit as a target, and anything that you throw at it will hit it without fail.
Nah. Sorry, I'm just not buying it and I don't know why you're all hopeful about it.
All Star Battle was better.
>You see where I'm going with this?
Not really. Make a game about another series? Make an original part?
Is there any way I can equip my party members with equipment? I want to know if I can make Jotaro even more busted.
Doesn't look like it.
Don't imitate. Adapt, improvise, get inspired by it. All the fan-sequels just aim to be 7th stand user but in part 4 or part 5 or part 6 or part 7
In chaos mode you can equip them with new stands
Imagine being smart enough to install and run the best game we've got now
I cant do ir
>All the fan-sequels just aim to be 7th stand user but in part 4 or part 5 or part 6 or part 7
I mean out of all of those one doesn't exist, two are barely figuring out how to do anything and one had various ideas to differentiate it and is in dev hell.
hey lads im thinking about commissioning some ""ART"" of some of the 7th stand user ladies but im kinda split so I made a poll so it can be like everyones happy. ill have the three top results be in the picture too
>Fatty got one vote
Getting fucked?
something like that haha...
No but Arksys could
Can't wait to get part 6 Jotaro as DLC
Why does nobody ever talk about the fact that Mista pretty much killed Narancia and Abbacchio?
I think mainly because they instead focus more on "What was the point if they were gonna die anyway?". Least I think that was it.
Got done with the stealing stand, I like the name but I could change it if you'll had something better in mind.
looking good
I like it, it sounds neat.
So is anyone gonna be updating the 7SU wiki once chaosanon finishes the translation? There's probably gonna be a lot of stuff that needs to be added.
I dunno, at the very least people are gonna spread the word that it's finally translated, sharing the link and all that.
and of course if you ask, chaosanon may answer you
Fair enough, questions' already been posed.
Chaosanon, what's your plan post-translation?
Release the translator's cut
If I don't get completely burnt out? Adding extra shit in a separate version. Little stuff that bothered me, like every enemy reacting the same way to the bunny/samurai suit and stuff.
Also I really want to try to implement new portraits for the cinderella sprite changes. And a different color version using GBC colors.
honestly, instead of making sequels we should be making a remix style modification after chaosanon is finished, like finishing the Gyro, Ikuro, Joylne, koichi and kira discs or adding new events for stands.
I think a few anons are actually doing just that.
>And a different color version using GBC colors.
Based. Please do.
And don't make Wildhearts pink like the DX version that some Redditor made.
What city do I need to go to to start the Sword of St. George quest again?
Why does this series attract so many autists?
don't fight utah at the harbor
then talk to him at edfu
Also, not sure if anyone cares but there's a bug with the Steely Dan fight
If you don't King Crimson past the first scene with him your character model will be replaced with Jotaro's and regardless of whether or not you leave you'll be able to use him in the fight against Lovers, you'll keep Jotaro's model and moveset until you swap him out too
It's not a big deal because it's not detrimental but that's a heads-up
Yeah, it seems the that particular translator was phoning it in a little bit. He was the one who stopped because somebody involved with the game was also involved with kemono friends (???)
is there a recommended level before fighting dio?
He keeps kicking my ass at 38
Grind up to the 40s, if you have a save in Cairo beat Pet Shop and then leave to prepare after you find the mansion, go grind the Evil Ripple Users that only pop up after you do that for a while
Try hitting Level 45 atleast, I think.
That's generally when you have all your stand's abilities.
she's ok
>Diavolo keeps running away
>I have to keep wasting my time and loading a save