Base game only includes the worst ending

>base game only includes the worst ending
>good endings are switch exclusive

How do they get away with this?

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Should have bought more copies

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wats a puff-puff

more like dragon flop xi: fuck-ups of a failed franchise lol

i'm more worried about what they're doing with persona
like i think the improved version of the same game is coming to the same platform, and not as dlc

Lurk more.

>Oh shit it's a monster, quickly whip your tits out and smother it, It's our best chance for survival!

>DQXI is going to sell like fucking crazy on switch because switchlets are desperate for games and ports
>SE is gonna look at the switch as the platform of choice
>another 5 years of ps2 quality jrpg horseshit

I fucking hate nintendo

>says Square will put all the shovelware on Nintendo
>hates Nintendo is getting the shovelware

I'm confused

I actually got it on PS4 and when I heard the news there was a definitive version coming out I didn't want to play and I don't want to buy it again.

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hes mad cuz he got cucked in spending $60 on an unfinished product while nintendo is getting the full experience plus more

sell the fucking PS4 version and get the Switch version if you even have a Switch

Martina a slut

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit.

>owning a console at all
>owning the shittiest console


I got it digital.

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I unironically think gaming is perfectly fine going no further than Resident Evil 4 and Ninja Gaiden Black in visual fidelity.

Literally this, I have it on PC so all i can hope is that the content will come to other platforms or wait for yuzu to be playable because i don't even have a switch.

>How do they get away with this?

Switch has the main Dragon Quest audience (nips), and western Playstation demographics are moving further and further away from weeb games.
You better start buying multiple copies of JRPGs on your PS4s and PCs.

>owning a pc for anything but work
Are you 12? Get a job. A REAL one.

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I agree unironically

Toriyama is so fucking based.

Because people keep giving Nintendo a pass

But the base game has the best ending, because Gemma is the correct choice for Hero.
Switch just adds worse endings, because you'll literally be forcing your party members into marrying you through magic fuckery, at least Gemma was already in love with Hero, in the Switch version you'll basically be raping your party members by marrying them.
>inb4 implying rape is bad

It's Squeenix, nothing is exclusive.

Puff-puff on dis dick

can i ride the big cat in the switch demo like the people did in the treehouse demo?

But shitposter-kun, it's a 4 million

Can you imagine being this much a of a cuck?

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>PS2 quality JRPG
>horse shit
The PS2 had some absolutely godlike JRPGs you idiot. We'd be lucky to have some of that quality in our current generation.

Do you even know what that word means?

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But the game forces Hero and Gemma to marry too and it's sort of rapey as well.

They'll just patch it into the PC version.

Give those back

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I agree too

>worrying about "magic rape" in a video game
>not a cuck to SJW and progressive culture

Yeah, I do know what it means. And you are a cuck user.

>PC version
KEK, now mod it in that could happen.

That's why I said
>at least Gemma was already in love with Hero
The magic bs was really unnecessary and is still kinda rapey, but at least there was a major interest in the first place rather than practically none at all.

How am I being cucked by SJW culture? Rape is pretty fucked up, and this is what I think based on my own views, it has nothing to do with SJW shit.
A real example of someone being cucked by SJW culture would be if they chose to not fap to 90% of hentai because "waahh these characters aren't 18!!!1!"

PS2 quality JRPGs are pretty fucking good. I don't see the problem.

Yep thats a pretty bit YIKES user.

Your melanin is all fucked up my guy

I absolutely fucking hate the switch.

But I'm getting DQ11 only because of classic 2d mode. That shit is too tier comfy. Has anyone seen it?

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literally built for BBC

don't forget you also use this mode to go back in time to every other Dragon Quest game
this is literally the closest we will ever get to X, enjoy it

Bag of sand

Explain user

how well does this run on switch

is it worth getting if I already have it on pc but have yet to install it

post her feet


Switch has confirmed romance ends? I have not been paying attention to news at all.

It basically runs on par with the PS4 version, just with downgraded visuals.

I've never heard anything about this either and any time I ask about it I never get a source.

You can choose a party member to live with in the epilogue.


The big cats are in a little out of the way area that I didn't spend much time in so I'm not sure if any of them were rideable.
What you definintly get to ride is a little egg like mech suit and an 8 legged skeleton monster.

>they let you play a little with Veronica and Serena before the demo ends

That's nice.

Yeah I had a feeling the demo was nearing its end and was afraid it wouldn't actually let them join your party so it was a plesant surprise
Also I'm a fucking retard and sold my scale shield +3 before Serena entered the party.

I gave her my Silver Platter.

Can someone post the picture where sitting down and its showing off her legs? Thanks in advance.

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Play the demo and go behind the hot springs to find out.

yeah, but can you choose to live alone?

>not being pc + switch master race

Anybody got the lady red comic?

Actually that might not be a bad idea, she probably needs it more than the hero.

They never really fixed Automata, and the mobile ports they've done have been absolute trash; if there wasn't an internet wide uproar they would have left those alone too. It's at best 50/50 to whether PC gets anything extra at all.

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Not mod in any of the new content, but an orchestration mod already exists at least. Besides transitions / loops, the Switch version's using the exact same symphonic mixes as the mod so far.

>>another 5 years of ps2 quality jrpg horseshit
holy shit a new golden era of JRPGs is upon us

You can visit (sections of) previous games in Definitive Edition

>putting better ending in a dead console

So whats good about the ending anyway?
Cant be that much better.

>DQXI got a patch "with improvements" according to Squeenix
>it was just a fix to fuck up the orchestral mod

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Jesus fuck that's a lot

I guess I'm just going to ignore the version I bought on Steam and get this


user, what the fuck? It's like you people have never played Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 Golden. Persona 5 felt off from start to finish. None of the quality of life changes from the previous games existed, it was a sign they were going to release a new version down the road.

they basically Final Mix'd this shit and then made it a system exclusive to apologize for its two year delay

I wonder if Persona 5 was rushed to be used to shill the PS4.

>nothing about new endings.
Yeah, it's just crap people made up and keep passing around then.

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>literally just qol content that can be patched into the game at anytime
that sucks I want more stuff to do. Especially after the last trial when you get all the cool gears.

there's a new sidequest in the late game that allows you to go visit sections/towns in every old mainline Dragon Quest game, each has it's own mini sidequest/storyline to it. It's all in 16-bit mode only though.

I'm at least 70% sure that anyone who knows what puff puff is, is not a tranny. Trannies wish they could puff puffy,
Kill yourself, newshit.

Cuck detected

I could tell from the start that they were holding out content for the definitive version

SteamDB shows shitload of hidden dlc on pc.

Yes, just don't do the quest for it. Fuck Gemma I didn't do it on pc.

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Why do japanese love us white so much?
So many games about us.

That's an image from an old article, notice the "added [???]" shit on the list.
You can pick other characters besides Gemma dyring that quest, if the character is male you just "live with" them, no marriage. They didn't provide a list and just mentioned Jade and Erik. There are also bonus episodes for all party members, where you play as them without the hero. They have their own parties too, one shown had random villagers

I never see albinos/cumskin in games

That means you control them on the field too, something that can't be done in the main game for some dumb reason

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>Fata Morgana
This pleases me.
Also DQXI was only alright and I couldn't bring myself to play any more after the halfway (?) point.

Why, the best experience any Hero cam have of course!

I'm playing the demo on Switch and found the puff puff girl in Hotto.
I've never been so disappointed in my life

That's the joke.

Veronica > Jade > Serena > CRIKEY

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Why, did they ruin it for the EOP release or something? I had a great puff puff time, and it was only 20 gold.

>3.2m in Japan
>800k across 2 platforms and 4 continents

Yeah, like I said. Flop.

I preordered it on Switch and I do not regret a thing.

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>800k across 2 platforms and 4 continents
I thought it was ~600k?

when will someone list all differences already?

Dragon Quest has and always will suck shit.

based western
fuck dq culture and fuck japan

Ok I'm fucking selling my PS4 copy and getting this, will the EU release have JP text available or do I need to import?

hollys shit
now this was based
get fucked lurk poster

they better fucking make this dlc for ps4 or I swear to fucking god I will fucking stick my dick inside of a blender.

>Play the game again you already finished
>Just cause it's on the Switchy Witchy

No way fag

I really wonder how bad that game journalists are to somehow get 10 hours out of the demo. I spent probably two hours grinding for 5 bunny tails and I still hit the end at exactly 8 hours.

Would pay 350 if she kept the costume.

Your bond with Jade is platonic love like siblings, the new ending is for degenerate cümbranes.

I just got Erik in the demo.

Gemma was pretty adorable. I hope hero marries her :3

That won't matter. Even when you stick your dick in the blender, it'll never reach the blades.
Juat pay a doctor to turn you into a "Woman" if you're so set on removing your penis. At least then you can provide some pleasure to a chaser for a few years before your looks go downhill and you kill yourself because you're ugly and tired of dilating.

>no Erik

The fuck?



The western releases almost certainly won't have JP text, the demo doesn't, the western version comes with some free DLC the Jap one doesn't, they don't want people from Japan reverse importing a better version.

Xenoblade 2 was the same, you can't play with JP text in the west. Consider just hacking your switch, it's a lot cheaper than importing shit.

You do, and fuck Jade everyday behind her back.


Whichever one you want to be canon. It literally doesn't matter.

Like i already wrote, import.
You can always check the eShop or on Nintendos site, which languages are supported.
In most games there is no language selection even the shops mentions those languages. In this case you have to set your Switch's language to that language and then you can play that game in that language.

Sadly though, not the case with DQ this time.

Would marrying Jade even actually effect anything? Gemma is so disconnected from the bulk of the game that the only real tangible affect marrying her had was some lame photo and a bit of fluff dialogue. But if you married Jade who is with you constantly, surely it should have some larger effect. This just sounds like it's gonna be something lame like when you make X girl your GF in Persona. There for the sake of it and never brought up in a real capacity.

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why are nintendo basedboys so obsessed with trannys and sex change operations?

>good endings are switch exclusive
It says this nowhere.


You're the one who started talking about removing your own penis with home surgery.
I just offered you an alternative.

I already hated the "GOOD" ending we had. Just completely makes the whole thing a waste.

get some help dude. srs, all I want is some dlc and you bring up transgenders.

Whatever. it's 2019 we still having this bullshit.


Big Byleth Cock

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There is no such thing as rape, when a female cries rape it's looking for a way to make up for decisions it regrets.



So can you marry Veronica on Switch?

>not having a gaming PC + all consoles
You should get a job, nigger.

A US copy of the switch version costs 9000 yen for now on Amazon.
No regrets since fuck digital.

No thanks. Fuck Square Enix. I'd rather use my space to put loli toys and magazine than waste space for a TV and a console.


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The snoys must be raging right now, PC gets the best looking version while Switch gets the version with most content, the PS4 version has no selling point at all at this point...

Fuck I regret buying the PS4 version now, after the demo I am double dipping for sure

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>grab a woman and start forcefully fucking her
>somehow this is her decision
Great logic retard, also rape doesn't only apply to women.

always wins

Holy shit are you stupid, go back to /r9k/

You do realize that japanese companies get a bigger cut of their japanese sales, than they do from games they export, yes?

what happened I thought switch was supposed to save dq in the west

What's the new ending? You get with the japanese girl?

Did you grow up not watching Dragon Ball or something?

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You can marry any party member.

I bought it on PC day 1, so you can't blame me.

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>Toriyama "humor"

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persona 3 fes was back during ps2 when you couldn't just add dlc
4 golden is on vita

we're talking ps4 persona 5, and ps4 persona 5 (royal)
all on the same platform

kill yourself degenerate
Look at it as much as you want. Starting from the third video it's full 2D. A shame you can't try it out in the demo, but I also think, as long as you don't have strong nostalgia, it's the worst version of the game.

Holy fucking based

What are the changes to be able to hack the latest firmware though?

It doesn't depend on the firmware, but rather what revision of the Tegra chip is installed in your switch. The early ones are hackable. There is also another hack that uses the firmware you would have to be under 4.X or something though.

You pay, the screen goes black and nothing really happens

Yeah, but I just bought my Switch a few weeks ago and sadly have the new revision. I'm just trying to figure out if I should stop updating my Switch from now on and thus will most likely loose access to the eshop at some point (which I'd like to avoid) or just give up.
Buying an older Switch is not an option.

I want to marry Veronica-chan!

I'd almost buy the Switch one to see the extra stuff, but I don't think I could bring myself to play through the game a second time, it's kind of boring. I didn't even finish my first playthrough still, I got burnt out after grinding casiona coins for all the items from there

Lol. The west is too busy playing Fortnite and fifa.

Just give up really

>can only marry Debora on ds
>can only marry Jessica on 3ds
>can only marry Jade and Veronica on switch

When will the waifu exclusivity end?

So, the switch version is downgraded, but I can marry more people at the end? I never got around to beating 11 on Ps4, so should I care about "new endings"?

Only people that disagree are console war fags

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Nah, best version still is on PC.

The PS4 version had no real marriage. You do some trial, get to wish for something and answer that you want to fuck your childhood friend.
Then the dude says "ok, now you're married" and going back to your hometown there's a picture of your marriage.
That's it. Incredible unsatisfying. We don't know if the Switch version improved upon that or only added the other choices with new photos at the end.

the reason we keep fighting

FES was released on a console that didn't have DLC and even then, when it first released in Japan, you were able to just buy The Answer.
Golden was released on a completely different console.
P5R is releasing on the same console in an age where DLC is prevalent.
They have no reason why this couldn't be DLC besides of Atlus wanting to milk the series even more.

Well, guess I'll wait to see if it's worth it. Chances are, no. Unless I get non-cursed Veronica.

Royal's changes are extensive and permeate the entire game. It wouldn't work as DLC

Oh yes they can. They can market as the directors cut version DLC with all the new changes being it's own game expansion while also keeping the base game. If R* was able to had 2 huge dlc expansion to GTA4 8 years ago, then Atlus should be able to do this now.

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The blurriness is really fucking terrible. Sometimes even the enemies right on front of you in battle have distorted features but I can deal with it.

The pop-up however is absolutely terrible. In Manglegrove, you have stuff popping up not in the distance, but right in front of you.

But it's looking at my saved PS4 screenshots from when I borrowed it off a friend, that made me realize that some "free DLC" type of content isn't worth playing in abysmal visual quality.

I'd agree with you, if this was a case where the game was made that way, and not just a version that was heavily downgraded to a point where it hurts your eyes playing it

This is the one I'm gonna be playing, once the game is on sale.
Seriously, fuck SE for turning it into a visual mess

Holy shit, is the manga really that much more expressive and better drawn?

Yeah well rockstar hasn't done a good DLC since 2010, times have changed.

Utimately the game is a 75/100 kinda game that overstays its welcome by a long shot.
Of course the consolewar babbies are pretending that its the best game ever, but it really isn't and most people even never bothered finishing it according to achievements.
Some bonus stuff isn't changing that.

Plus, unless you're gonna play in 2D mode, the Switch version looks so blurry it seems as if its out of focus the whole time, while throwing in mushy textures and the worst pop-ups of the last decade.

RDR2 story/singleplayer DLC must come. It just has to.

see that draw distance and crisp resolution?
you won't see that in the Switch version thats for sure

Why do you think Dragon Ball is heralded as a classic? It's not for the fucking anime, that's for sure. Toriyama is an excellent comics artist with a knack for expression, motion and composition, and almost none of it carries over into the anime.

>Only console warriors can like a game more than I do.
Fuck off.

I mean, I got the impression that it is the anime. Not even the whole thing, but DBZ specifically. A lot of people never even watched the kid part.

I'm talking about people who actually treat Dragon Ball like a classic in terms of artistry and praise it for its quality, not Pablo jerking off in the streets of Mexico City about how Gohan Calvo's number is incalculable. Dragon Ball is popular internationally because the anime provided the dumb bullshit part to the exact kind of retards who fear picking up a book in the first place. It's seen as a classic because Toriyama is a damn good caricature/action artist.

>been playing DQB2 on PS4
>loving it
>want to play DQ11 now
>PS4 is the shittiest version and midi soundtrack if I wear headphones

I played the switch demo, and honestly the music is pretty bad, you lose nothing by turning it off.

There's also this along with a ton of QOL changes, good music, japanese VA and 2D mode

Yeah bruh, there's a reason Yea Forums has screeched "read the manga" for every adaptation ever for over a decade.

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