The PS4 remake is the best version. Anyone who says it somehow lost its soul its just a boomer who hates the idea that anything of value can be made in the modern day.
The PS4 remake is the best version...
Other urls found in this thread:
Besides graphical improvements, what makes it better?
Or because it's from the studio that made the garbage ps3 remaster with gripping framerate issues
The option for a more modern control scheme, and the reward you get for collecting all the Enlightenment's is really cool, and as someone who spent a non-insignificant amount of my life secret hunting in this game, the secret means a lot to me.
why is it better, because it has higher res textures and more clutter? it ruined the fucking color palette and lightning
What do you mean? In my experience the PS3 version had a vastly better framerate than the PS2 version.
It has the same color palette and better lighting.
Improved framerate caused issues with Wanders grip. Making for some incredibly broken boss fights.
Yes, that was an issue, however it didn't mess up the physics enough to ruin the game, imo. I'd rather have slightly wonky physics and a better, consistent framerate than the 15fps you got on the PS2 version.
It's okay to admit you never played the original or even the remaster. There's not that much wrong with being a zoomer
It's hard for someone without an artistic eye to judge, i'm sure to you it looks amazing because >wow! high res textures! and god rays! etc. but it's effectively on the same level as those ue4 nintendo hire this man tier games. They didn't understand or recreate so many artistic touches that made the original special
it loses all the soul of the original
Wrong. Its pretty much an objectively better version, the art style is the exact same just better.
get your eyes checked
if you have zero aesthetic sense or taste I'm sure it does. or you never played the original
Get YOUR eyes checked buddy, its objectively better. It keeps the same tone and style the original had while improving the graphical fidelity and lighting, and better controls.
Did you see that video on YouTube recently about all the secret hunting in SotC? I thought it was pretty cool. I never played SotC back in the day but randomly picked it up on PS4 because I hate emulating PS2 and I'm really glad I did; it's now easily a top 5 all time game for me. It's one of the few games I think about regularly even though I don't play games all that much anymore.
Do you also think this looks objectively better?
i've never even played sotc and i watched that video
i got emotionally invested
Yes, I did. I thought that video was pretty good, but it barely scratched the surface of what they could possibly talk about regarding secret hunting. If you have the time, I'd recommend you check out Nomad Colossus's blog, particularly his post on the cut colossi. Its a very interesting read.
all the animations are insultingly bad in the remake
Its literally the same animations.
No, but thats a bad comparison to make. For one, you're comparing a finished product to a tech demo, and the demo in the video clearly doesn't bother to keep the same atmosphere or tone the original game did, whereas the SotC remake does.
I'd recommend it! It's a really great experience once you get used to the controls.
I've been watching/reading his stuff lately. It's amazing how much dedication he has to it all.
I prefer the original PS2 version despite the issues, with a better Wander transition with which colossi defeated and I loved that fog due to console limitations which added a more mysterious look to that world.
The fog is the same reason I prefer the PS2 version of GTA SA. Or VC's fog mixed with that orange shadding of the sunny beaches.
You know Bluepoint used his videos and blog posts as a reference point often while developing the remake. They also gave him a special thanks in the credits, and a trophy paying homage to him called "Boon of the Nomad"
Thats really the main thing I give the ps2 games of ICO and SotC, that haze made the world seem more desolate and lonley. If ICO got a remaster I want the castle to look mysterious and lonely because it was.
can you post the videos youre talking about?
Forgot to say, I dont like the "realistic" graphics of these games like SoTC. First, the characters seem to be made of shiny plastic. Second, every of these "realistic" games look samey especially the enviroments, it misses the unique traits games had in the PS2 eras with their own engines instead of using the same engine everyone uses
Yeah I saw that; must have been great for him to have that happen. He said they also flew him half way across the world to visit the studio (or something like that). He seems like a nice dude.
You see Yea Forums, this is how you say you prefer something else. Just give your opinion without being a dickhead about it, like this guy.
Other bits of the remake look nice taken as their own style, but I don't know what they were thinking with Wander. Gave him a potato face and just forgot about his animations
IMO bugs are are features unique to each version of SotC
No its not they redid most if not all of them outside cutscenes and they are all objectively worse. For example Agro's tail and mane flow beautifully in the original but move stiff in the remake
A remake is not a "version" it's a new game. If you've played Resident Evil 2 2019 you havent played Resident Evil 2 1998. These are both very good games but not the same game and are not "a version" of each other.
If you've played Goldeneye Reloaded, the Call of Duty inspired James Bond game starring Daniel Craig, you havent played the shitty and buggy N64 game that is held in high regard for some fucking reason. Two different games. Not two versions.
Gamers really seem to struggle with this for some reason and I dont understand why.
If a remake of a game is so different that its essentially a different kind of game, then its a bad remake. SotC PS4 is a good remake because it fundamentally is the same game, just made better in pretty much every way. So yes, it is a version of a game.
Forgot to say, the video is full of huge spoilers, so if you haven't played it I'd recommend avoiding it until you have.
A remake is designed to be different.
>the shitty and buggy N64 game that is held in high regard for some fucking reason.
If you aren't beating the levels in under a minute you aren't equiped to criticize it.
No, a remake is meant to take an old game and bring it up to modern standards.
That's a remaster.
The hacks remaking it just kinda jobbed and didn't care enough about keeping the original look of the game, so it really kills the mood of the visuals. Fidelity up, quality down, big shame.
No, a remaster is just taking the game, upping the resolution and framerate, and re-releasing it in the same form it was before.
Lmao, only boomers would like the remake, lighting is trash, same as people who prefer the OoT remake, should be shot on sigh
It has the same exact atmosphere and tone as the original.
See Get your brain stirped
The first thing that struck me when playing the HD remaster of Okami was that the higher resolution and cleaned up shaders somewhat sapped the dreamlike atmosphere and the ink line shader felt much less pronounces and blotchy too. It's still a good remaster though. The PS3 remasters of SotC and Ico are somewhat lacking in the same sense, but I don't feel they did a bad job.
Full HD remakes never look particularly appealing to me regardless because these minor details and the solutions devs have to come up with to get around hardware limitations are no longer a boundary and often get "upgraded" while missing the bigger picture.
So? It looks fine. Notice however that the video of the original is Basaran's dried lakebed while the remake video is Phaedra's catacomb area. Those two places have entirely different color palettes and tones in both versions of the games.
Which is all you need. If I want to play the game just give me the game. If I want to play a new interpretation give me that. That's fine. I dont know why people have a hard time separating the two.
I still cant believe you think Resident Evil 2 remake is a bad game.
And the Perfect Dark remaster did a lot more than that even, new textures, control schemes, etc. Even the pretty lazy Uncharted trilogy improved the aiming.
No it doesn't.
Notice how Wander's head isn't locked in place in the left video but is in the right? Such a subtle detail probably goes over your head but it does a lot of convey the desperation in his animation.
I mean, I guess, but if you had the choice between the same game but with a higher resolution vs the same game but better in every way, you'd chose the latter every time, which is what a remake is, or supposed to be anyway.
Nowhere did I ever suggest that RE2make was a bad game. In fact, I think its significantly better than the original.
Yes it does.
I guarantee that you'd be able to recreate the left video exactly as it is in the remake if you actually gave enough of a shit to try.
Why would I bother when I can still play my OG copy of SotC right now.
Because the remake is just a better version of the original.
You've yet to prove otherwise besides "trust me bro".
I don't have to prove anything to you. You're the one that made the claim, you're the one that needs to prove it.
The remake is really bad.
>Dormin's voice is more generic evil and feminine instead of how it was originalls - mysterious and what not
>Many environmental noises like wind, air pressure in tight spaces, and echoes missing or severely toned down
Watch the entire ending cutscene for many examples of this, but you'll notice if during gameplay too if you pay attention. Not to mention the sword's sound here
>More examples from the end being fucked from bad sound/music.
>Added Colossus finishing blow SFX that sounds terrible
>Every Colossus sounds worse, no exceptions
>Removed the song that plays when Wander touches Mono's face
>Removed another song from the end of the game
>Many songs were changed, example here
Sound mixing in general is just off, like the music and voices are too quiet so there's less impact and the entire game seems to be missing the echo of the original which was also present in Ueda's other games. The remake just sounds sterile.
Some misc comparisons
It looks way better, tf are you on?
>besides the entire point of a remaster, what makes the remaster a remaster?
fucking retard
Don't say that you'll summon the autist with the 20 pic/webm collection and copy pasted replies/text.
>Its literally the same animations.
Jesus Christ look at the hair.
Don't worry, that autistic retard is already here: Notice, by the way, the Resetera link, which also links to Kotaku.
>Nowhere did I ever suggest that RE2make was a bad game.
>If a remake of a game is so different that its essentially a different kind of game, then its a bad remake.
RE2make is, at its core, the same *kind* of game as the original.
Garbage animations.
yeah but i can play the original at 4k60 on the emulator.
I like how in the original PS2 version the colossi will track Wander's movements with their eyes looking at him. From what I noticed they forgot that in the remake
What is this even trying to say? "Oh no the underside of Dirge is too bright!" fucker you won't ever even see that part of the model unless you look for it.
>Goes from looking ragged and weary to some sort of cuddly toy.
No, they definitely do that in the remake.
>Didn't read the filename
Yeah, and a Goldeneye Wii is technically a first person shooter. They arent even close.
>mfw I haven't played SoC in 9 years because my ps2 disc drive decided to stop working when I was on the final boss.
It took the passion I had for the game right out of me, a shame because I really enjoyed it. But once I lose massive amounts of progress and have to restart a game from the beginning I drop it.
I did. I still don't understand whats wrong with it.
Trust me, when you know what to do you can beat the game in like 4 hours on a new save. I recommend you give it another shot. At the very least 9 years is long enough that the experience would be almost completely new again.
The original game put a lot of work into the colossi self-shadowing themselves and the remake scrapped it all.
The eyes do? Then maybe in the original version they looked more menacing, scary and memorable
Massive progress? SoTC is damn short. You can finish it like 3 or 4 hours, or less than that if you still remember their locations.
Hell yeah, I was literally tearing up seeing that video. Like God damn, sure it's just a video game. But it sure as hell inspired passion in a lot of people.
Yeah I know, but idk what it is. There something in me that screams it would be a waste of time and a chore to play it again. It's not just SoC, it's just any game in general.
I don't remember anything unfortunately.
By "self shadowing" do you mean that they cast shadows onto themselves? Because they still do that, and that screenshot does absolutely nothing to show that they don't.
Don't bother and play the last guardian
Sotc is the most overrated game of all time up there with ff7
All I can think of is that the eyes now glow and spin in the remake, it looks terrible. The shape of the eyes is different too.
If you don't remember anything then its basically like you never played the game before. Try going in with that mindset and see if you can get past your brain being dumb.
I appreciate your autism
They don't, that image proves it. Whereve compared you'll see the underside of bosses is fullbright in the remake. Whereas the PS2 devs put a lot of work into scenes with a lot of shadows. This is another example here.
The remake isn't even realistic thought it generally tries to use photorealistic effects.
Some webms here that have sound or are too large for Yea Forums
I also compared every boss fight one time but forgot to copy paste the findings. A couple bosses and their arenas look outright better, but most are outright worse.
Imagine a PS4 game looking, sounding, and playing worse than a PS2/3 game. it's fucked.
Your pic literally proves you wrong lol
>Tasteless faggot got blown the fuck out in previous SotC thread and now needs to make a new post to try and convince people he's right
Ps2 original is on a different level and if you can't see that you're either blind or lack a working frontal lobe
sounds like yall should have just kept playing the ps2 one.
>Imagine a PS4 game looking, sounding, and playing worse than a PS2/3 game. it's fucked.
That's entirely the fault of an incompetent staff.
what's wrong with your faaace
lmao its pretty much the exact same
Wrong, this is how you show your opinion: PS2 version had SOUL.
Look at how he moves with such frantic desperation. The exact kind of terror and worry I'd expect someone to be in this kind of situation.
How's the PS3 remaster? From what I understand it fixes the atrocious framerate, but does it ruin anything in the process?
Wrongerer, THIS is how you show your opinion: The PS2 version is better and anyone who thinks otherwise deserves to be raped and murdered for their retarded opinions
yeah okay champ
one small song is missing, they took out the distance blur, and the grips and balance mechanics are more finnicky making the game harder.
PCSX2 if you have a beast PC > PS3 > PS4
More finnicky in what way?
the european version had adjusted physics to compensate for the lower framerate of PAL. Bluepoint for some reason uses the PAL version as the basis for the PS3 version so forcing the logic to run at 30fps in a game that frequently ran in the teens caused a bunch of unintended effects that do not happen in the NTSCJ/U versions.
That video was so fucking corny fuck those metnally ill fags lmao ay heres a chamber and with a sword so you'll shut the fuck up.
Sounds messy. I'm in a PAL region so I guess I'm used to the shittier framerate. Was going to buy the remaster but I might just dig up my old copy and get the PS2 out
SotC was designed around PS2 limitations, of course the remake wouldn't have the same bloom and lighting, fucking retards.
>SotC was designed around PS2 limitations
No, it was the game that pushed the PS2 to its limitations and found workarounds to get all the effects working.
The remake has objectively inferior particle effects and in some instances an inferior draw distance. Don't be retarded.
Agreed, I platinumed it. It's just another case of NEW = BAD, OLD = GOOD and Yea Forums autism. Same with the Spyro remake, which was astonishing and literally full of fucking SOUL (so far, haven't played 3).
Workarounds are made because they reached a wall, retard. Care to prove your claims about the particle effects and draw distance?
Does the sandworm boss still look like pure nightmare fuel in the remake?
And they worked around the wall, you brainlet. Most effects in SOTC are "impossible" for PS2 and yet there they are in possible format.
>Care to prove your claims about the particle effects and draw distance?
I posted an example of the latter, and for the former you can analyze this webm or watch the Phalanx boss fight on both PS2 and PS4, it's extremely noticeable how bad the particles are on PS4 in the Phalanx fight when he displaces the sand.
I remember back in the ps2 days the horse riding experience in this game was fucking surreal. Not sure about the remake but if you just played it now you miss the context on why this game was such an unforgettable experience for some people.
>are impossible for PS2
No they're not, and the heavy bloom dof and sub-par framerate are reflections of that.
Oh so one shitty "example" like that suddenly proves the remake has worse particle effects? Don't make me fucking laugh, user, you're grasping at straws to enforce your fanboyism. That amount of dust in the original doesn't even make sense since you fight Phalanx near geysers, which means the terrain is soaked, so how the fuck does he spread that big amount of dust?
I used quotes for a reason. The particle effects are superior to anything we see in the modern day, and bloom/dof/motion blur without the use of shaders is extremely impressive.
>Oh so one shitty "example" like that suddenly proves the remake has worse particle effects? Don't make me fucking laugh, user, you're grasping at straws to enforce your fanboyism. That amount of dust in the original doesn't even make sense since you fight Phalanx near geysers, which means the terrain is soaked, so how the fuck does he spread that big amount of dust?
Oh, you're just acting like a retard.
I'll embarrass you by posting a rare superior use of particles in the remake.
>wtf why is there more dust? this is unrealistic and shit tier fuck bluepoint
This is your stance, correct?
>wtf why is there more dust? this is unrealistic and shit tier fuck bluepoint
I don't know, maybe because they are on dry terrain, which accumulates more dust? Have you ever stepped outside?
>the particle effects are superior to anything we see in modern day
You are way over your fanatism for this game idiot, I hope someday you realize that.
Man I wish I could give half a shit about supposed secrets in video games anymore.
Data mining has ruined it.
>a years long question of whats behind this door is answered with "literally nothing, its a wall"
Hell even just a basic understanding of how games are built and function kills most of the enthusiasm.
>go to race track
>trucks spend a lot of time wetting the dirt so it gives traction
>dust still appears
WTF???? This is unrealistic shit hasn't god every gone outside?
>You are way over your fanatism for this game idiot, I hope someday you realize that.
The remake is an absolute disservice to the game and it has nothing to do with nostalgia or my liking the game(I think Ico is way better). It's pure analytics and you're a pure faggot for thinking I'm a fanboy.
At least you were a brainlet at one point, I guess.
What is it about certain games that create autists like this? You have that FF15 guy, the DMC guy and a slew of other fags for specific games. I think there is a Remake 2 autist as well who does similar shit.
What the fuck makes these people act like this? If one cunt hair is misplaced on fucking Gwynevere in a remaster you won't hear the end of it and the product is absolute dogshit that they will shitpost about for LITERALLY YEARS.
I just don't get it.
attention whores.
Some people care about games and want to teach others about them. Just because you can't write an informative post doesn't mean others shouldn't.
>unironically comparing the traction of a tire to the ground with some big monster falling
Lmfao, you definitely have so me cognitive problem.
>The remake is an absolute disservice to the game
In your Bobby's World it is, in the real world is a very good reproduction of the original, and you can't prove it's not, since all your "arguments" are retarded nitpicks.
(You) tried
>Teaching others about games meaning getting them to accept your viewpoint otherwise they are incorrect and will keep at it for years because they lack self-awareness
Which is why the remain autists and don't understand why people can't stand them.
I cant jump from hand to leg. I deleted game out of pure rage today. Waiting 5min for him to make long range attack, just to fail that jump made my blood boil after 45min.
Some gamers think just because they played a lot of games, they have the technical knowledge to judge them.
>Teaching others ... getting them to accept your viewpoint
Yes that's what education is you god damned retard.
Yeah, better bail out because you just can't win this argument since you refuse to let go of your nostalgia.
It was great but they took a fat shit on Pikol's Big Secret by just mentioning it like it was nothing. If anyone liked this video, go watch Pikol's Big Secret for an equally good one
>Teaching is about getting other to accept your viewpoint
Which really shows off the autism. Teaching is about showing people how to reach a conclusion and giving them objective information to create those conclusions with. People with the same information can come to very different conclusions Your viewpoint is not objectively correct. Only an actual autist would think it was which kind of reinforces the point and tells more of the whole lack of self-awareness.
Just to add, I still think the original is better but you have to give them props for coming up with the steps to enlightment and just to add one more great secret to the game in honor of the fuckton of people who spent over a decade analyzing the original one
It sounds like you're just a brick wall that can't be taught, because you think you know better without actually attempting at proving it. You're like a flat earther or the kid who doesn't think a particular course in school is worth learning and has a temper tantrum when forced to learn about it.
I'm not sure what you're talking about specifically, but education is either accepted or refuted. There's no objective information when idiots like you exist. To get to the level of fact you have to understand what is being discussed.
Right looks like an animation made in Gmod for a parody.
Anyone who defends it is obviously baiting. There's no excuse to have WORSE and less animations than a PS2 game.
Keep samefagging, retard.
Something like that can be easily lost to the layman, which is why it's extremely easy for people to be wowed at first sight by something just on the basis of it ''having details'', but it's no lie that art and asset production for games in recent years has been dramatically systemized, especially from western developers. It's a deep rabbit hole of sameyness and it's being actively promoted throughout the industry, and taught to thousands naive randos who think having an Artstation portfolio and using buzzwords to explain their generic creations makes you into a quality artist.
And yes, ''just fucking rocks'' are also a fraction of that problem. These types of typical modern games mostly use very similar visual solutions, techniques, generic ''tried'' design and rely solely on following a few tutorials to get the job done, they can operate only at the most basic techie level and lack an eye and understanding for visual consistency, deliberate aesthetic choices, composition, animation, tone etc.
This SotC remake is a perfect case study for all that, especially when comparing it to the original ( or TLG for that matter).
People easily jump on the ''it's just the hardware'' excuse for things that are conscious deliberate changes done all across the board, and deliberate changes can be objectively observed and compared.
Do you think people would remember the original SotC nearly as much if it didn't stand out so much visually in the first place?
If it looked like a generic PS2 game, people simply wouldn't know any better, but we all know it didn't look like that, did it now?
It deserved it's status as a unique title and vision, and to simply brush all the effort put into it as ''technical limitation'' 10 years later just shows how ill-informed and easily swayed the gaming community is, so do not be surprised why games are not taken seriously as an art form. This remake will age extremely poorly with its visual aesthetic.
You are just using rhetoric now to get around the fact can't accept that you are autistic. More importantly you are trying to be autistic about education in regards to art which is doubly retarded.
If you are teaching people does that mean you think that every single person who knows as much about the subject as you will agree with you?
There is plenty of objective information. However which version of a game is better artistically is not something that you can claim to be objectively true and the fact that we are even having this discussion and you think you have a leg to stand on proves you are an autist who is not capable of self-reflection.
Nomad is that you
Theres a line between being informative about differences and being like "HERE IS A LIST OF NITPICKS THAT PROVE THIS GAME IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY SOULLESS"
Spoken like a true brick wall, he pulled out his straw man. It seemed to me you're the kind of person with no arguments and I think I was right on that. In any case you aren't worth replying to, you're eternally asshurt over the opinions of others.
>dead inside, ready to do some bad stuff
i am sad :(
The line is what you agree with. Get some self-awareness.
At least you realize you aren't an authority on anything and are just a reeing autist.
Thanks for being so candid.
What makes a quality artist then? Being an armchair art critic Yea Forums? Who are you to tell what makes a good artist, autismo?
>What makes a quality artist then?
Someone who makes quality art.
Breaking news: videogames are not art, retard.
You don't understand. This one guy on a Peruvian baking kettle forum is the definitive and last word on what is great art. Never mind that fact that art might be the most subjective field on the planet this fucking guy has it NAILED down.
They were in the past before devs started becoming autistic trannies.
How come the fur looks better on ps3?
based spectrum
Some games are kino
The remake is shit.
>It has the same color palette and better lighting.
Not even close
It looks bland and sterile as fuck. Get your eyes checked.
Why there are 2 threads about it
does it fix the colossi shaking too often the ps3 version have?
New ueda game when, this guy is really slow.
OP of this thread was ass blasted about the other thread. He's ass blasted in this thread too.
Right has Wander injured. Left he is fine.
How is that so hard to comprehend?
Why are you lying? We've all played the game.
Autistic spammer
Im not lying and clearly you haven't.
ahh to be young and have stupid opinions. hurr anything I dont like is boomer anything I dont like is faggot anything I dont like is shit.... ah to be under 25 and this stupid again
this game is so fucking ass. how anyone puts up with the retarded controls and scum fuck camera is beyond me
I only really dislike Wanders model. I don't get how they could fuck it up so bad when the rest of the game looks good.
The problem is I've played both versions, have been in all of these threads, and still like the remake. You're not convincing everybody and you never will. No "education" is taking place. There's not some grand shift you can impose on some narrative about the remake. It's over. Give it up.
stop it you're going to give him an aneurysm
It's a great version of the game. I would have loved the option to play with the OG graphics at 60fps.
I like the remake
Or has objectively more detailed assets, but the use of lighting is less clever. This is actually true for most games in general, people don't understand lighting and colour theory while original Shadow of Colossus had really really good lighting art direction.
This has nothing to do with old Vs new.
Shit taste.
>This has nothing to do with old Vs new.
It's good vs bad.
I played the PS3 HD version yesterday and one thing that kind of bothers me is that the LOD pop ins are probably identical to the ps2 version
and I don't know if that is just lazyness or because they want to keep it as original as possible but I wish I could change it.
out of bounds camera shizz
why did they remove bleeding colors entirely?
they are pure soul
that fur in the remake looks like ass. The original PS2 version looked closer to real fur.
Malus' intro is the easiest comparison to show how fucked the remake is.
Reminder that the opinion on the quality differences between SOTC and its remake by anyone who has not played the original(PS2) belongs in a trashcan and their presence is a pollution to the discussion to the merits or failings of SOTC 2005 or 2018
Even his grunts are subdued. Shit makes me so fucking sad because i had so much faith in bluepoint.
At least you learned your lesson finally. Their remasters were never worth the praise they got, they were just lucky enough to get the licenses for fan favorites.
imo I enjoy them trying to create their own version.
They could have cheated fake lighting into scenes and areas for the sake of making things look more dramatic but its still impressive in its own regard.
rather than pining the original and the recreation against one another, they should be enjoyed individually for what they are.
what in the world is impressive about looking worse than a PS2 game
>what makes a good artist, autismo?
That is literally it
I gotta say Shadow of the colossus is the best 'less is more' open world game out there.
in red dead and skyrim the game constantly chucks random events and npcs at you when you are trying to cowboy out in the wilderness
BotW too but I've played too little of it to make a decent statement.
PS4 version is cool besides some art & music changes
But not adding in any cut colossi was a real bummer
Always loved this piece
Because on the remake the fur moves while on the PS2 and PS3 versions the fur is almost static, on motion in PS4 looks better
I prefer the remake for one simple reason, I never liked the bloom and how bright the light was in the original, those were just means to hide parts of the game that weren't mean to be seen at all times, remake removes that and for my taste is more pleasant to the eye
I agree that they fucked over Wander's animations for some reason, I don't get why they did a good job with almost everything but the main character animations
They were cut for a reason, sure some of them were just because time constraints and budget but most of them were because they didn't knew how to add them in the game and make them interesting to fight, is not like BluePoint would realize something that Team ICO couldn't back then and I think it would have been a bad choice to put something that wasn't meant to be in the game and decrease the overall quality of the game
>those were just means to hide parts of the game that weren't mean to be seen at all times
Don't be retarded, it doesn't do anything of the sort.
not that guy, but he proved you wrong at every turn and you still didn't change your mind. Wtf is wrong with people?
That's just the state of sony drones.
does anyone have an image of that ancient tree but in the PS4 version?
I'll say this: they should never have let a bunch of Americans remake the game. Very unwise move
No, it's a soulless remake
soulless af
why do you feel the need for this mental gymnastic? if you enjoy eating a fresh, hot, pile of dogshit, by all means, go for it.
but don't think everyone wants to eat literal feces
Actually, Ueda sent them a list of changes he thought should be made to the game since they had more powerful hardware and some time to work on it, so possible additions wouldn't have been OC donut steel shit from them.
Emualated ps2 version with fixes > ps4 version > ps2 version > ps3 european demo garbage
was about to say the right looks better and the ps4 version is an improvement for this.
What do the fixes do?
there are some massive issues when you emmulate it. namely the bloom, the cutscenes, and I think something with frame rate being tied to a meter. You can also play in 1920x1080 with no stretching issues.
lol it's garbage. most ps4 games run at an unbearable framerate that makes it unplayable if you're used to at least true constant 60ps. i love SoTC but i couldn't replay it
The framerate in the PS2 version is fucking terrible m8
It's amazing how many remasters are bad enough where sometimes this happens, when the ps2 version or whatever looks better.
He might be talking about the 60fps enabling option.
There are various methods of adjusting the bloom levels but none of them look right, not even the PS3 version looks right. Software mode or PS2 is ideal if you want the original soul filled presentation. Also SOTC has native widescreen.
i know, i could not replay it these days if i tried
do people even try to hide the fact that they're from there anymore
No. He's the next stage in evolution of pseudo-intellectual redditors: a literal spamming faggot who doesn't hide being from resetera.
That was the only time I went to resetera. I was looking for screenshots for my comparisons and surprisingly not everyone was sucking the game's dick(unlike Yea Forums ironically).
Stay there, you retarded faggot.
You should join them you apologetic retard.
>Go back to where I came from!
How fucking stupid can you be?
the thread got locked because people said wander's face looked like an unreal engine 4 fan remake, which is true
20-30 fps is good enough for a game like that. It's not a racing or a shooter anyway
I saw it and it bugged me out that all these people got so elated over getting a reward for all the time they've wasted with a video game. It's like the tooth fairy when you were a kid, except in this case the tooth fairy are a bunch people you've never met and you're most likely a grown ass man.
>That was the only time I went to resetera.
Link to video please?
Except it runs at 10-15
>the reward you get for collecting all the Enlightenment's is really cool
This is the fucking GAYEST thing I've ever seen. The remake is already an embarrassment when compared to the original, but to take the time to put in some bloated fan theory reward in your pathetic retelling of the game is the definition of soulless. It's shameless pandering that in no way coincides with anything the original wanted to do.
I'll never play this version out of respect, but seeing that hidden sword in the temple really made my blood boil. It's such a disgrace
>ps2 game manages to look more impressive
wew ps4 on suicide watch
wow you people are still mad over the vastly improved remake huh
I agree. But the gaming industry is catered to nu-males nowadays, so what are you gonna do?
in the ps2 version the lightning seems to have been made to put emphasis on the colosus size and the size of the levels, in the remake they said fuck it just put a sun light and illuminate globably
Being able to use shaders like that is technically impressive but artistically it's shit.
It's like how practically no one gives a single fuck about ray tracing right now despite it finally being a thing. Because the comparison pictures are just different and not really better. Realism =/= beauty
Man, must suck being a sonygro watching these PS4 kids running around being wrong about everything.
It was cool but adding the secret in remake was a huge mistake. It's creating artificial secret for fake fulfillment. It was much more interesting in early days when people were obsessed with these theories and mysteries.
Gotta say, cheats and datamining ruined secrets in games in general. Now it's pretty much impossible to hide interesting stuff in games.
>artificial secret for fake fulfillment
Jesus Christ
I'm glad the PS4 version exists so younger players can experience its wonder, but the PS2 version's lighting cannot be beat.
Maybe actually look at the webm before posting.
None of it was cool. It's put in to give youtubers something to "react" to. It's terrible. If they had any balls they would've had a 17th colossus.
The secret hunting was cool I mean. I didn't like the addition of "secret" to the remake.
What game is that?
What's this secret in the remake?
STALKER with reshade.
You people are actually insufferable
Eh, kinda lame. The original had secret swords too. Should've been a definitive Ico or TLG connection down there.
sword of soulless
Its a shit game anyway why would you care?
Not a single fun gameplay mechanic
>go to a colossus
>press 2 buttons to climb on it
>press X
The only cool bosses were the bird and the fish. The rest were shit.
Oh and ps3 is best, old feel + new textures
it's genuine trash that completely undermines the original's vision, intent and message because the company couldn't be bothered/ was too incompetent to implement the most crucial and important details.
honestly wouldn't even buy for $5 unless an utter graphics whore who only cares abut MUH GRAFIXXX
As someone who played the ps2 original, I thought it kept the spirit of the game well. Of course, it's not an exact 1:1 with prettier graphics, and has some awkward animations but what did you expect, Team Ico to come back from the dead and spend 8 years to perfect a remake?
It's fine for what it was, a way to reintroduce people to an amazing game. You guys act like Netflix's Death Note in change just because he looked a little sad in a scene and had a bit of janky animation.