Unironic thoughts on this game?

Unironic thoughts on this game?

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not as good as 1 or X, but still a pretty good game

Xenoblade X>Xenoblade 1>Xenogears>Xenoblade 2> Xenosaga 1,2,3

one of the best written games I've ever played.

It's pretty good, definitely worth playing, especially if you're looking for another RPG on the switch.

awesome soundtrack, shitty story and characters, horrible voice acting, pretty good gameplay, really cool world that is great to explore even though skill checks punish you for exploring

bretty good but not as good as X. also the only reason people still talk about this game is because of titties. fuck off copebrains

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Kassandra is best girl

Tora is based.

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This guy is from reddit, hates women showing their tits because he's gay, and should not be considered serious

really disliked it. 45 hours in and it didnt get good, so i dropped it. big letdown after X and 1

It's a good game, not great. It kind of falls off super hard in the middle. I wasn't too fond of the comedy either. The last few chapters were pretty great and I wish the game carried that tone consistently the way though. Gameplay is really fun and maybe the reason why I played it for 150+ hours.

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generic harem anime in JRPG form

There are a lot of JRPGs in the switch, there is even God Eater 3, Xenoblade 2 is an unique JRPG and a very good one, I will give you that

Find a flaw.

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before it, i never thought i would want to fuck a weapon

I like it
Started slow but I’m happy I struck with it

Female Roy Mustang
1. She’s not real
2. I’m not holding hands with her

I ended up dropping it like 30 hours in, but the more time goes by the more I kind of appreciate what I played and want to give it another go. Sure there's some trope-heavy story elements and cringey characters, but the combat system was more interesting than 90% of JRPGs around and the world was still a blast to explore

Disappointing. I stuck through with it to the end but it just didn't get better. Characters were irritating, battle system was one note (make orbs then chain attack, endless QTEs), got nothing out of it storywise because I've already played through Xenogears and for all the rough spots on that game at least it was novel.

they arent real user

>good OST
>good gameplay
>good world
>terrible voice acting
>terrible protagonist

Good writen game definitely had more fun playing it that other mediocre recent Jrpgs and i loved some of the characters.I only wish the world was more open and explorable anyway i hope they follow on the footsteps of this game for future installments.

>way too cinematic, reminds me why I despise JRPGs in general
>not a single likable character in the game. every last one is a bland stereotype with little in redeeming qualities
>too much filler that contributes nothing to the game
>charging for DLC ontop of a 60 dollar game is atrocious. I don't care if you think it's "worth" anything above 0 dollars is filthy corporate greed.
>constant framerate issues
>combat is cinematic and unintuitive
>story is quite atrocious, constantly trying to be LOL SO RANDUM AND FUNNEH XD and then trying to be serious afterward
>character designs are inconsistent and abhorrent, has to rely on titties to get people's attention

Genuinely one of the worst cinematic experiences on the Switch.

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Then getting triggered over tits should never be part of the review

Pretty good game flawed by two major issues. The first is that the battle system takes too long to open up such that you're at least 1/3 the way into the game before they finally take the training wheels off and let you actually start playing. I get that they wanted to slowly introduce mechanics, but a lot of the enjoyment is swapping blades and doing crazy combos which you can't if you're stuck with few blades and don't even have access to said combos. I blame no one for getting annoyed, fed up, or bored early on because the game has such a slow burn.

The second issue is the gacha nonsense. It's an interesting premise, but ultimately inflates play time to hinder full enjoyment of the game and it's not even trying to wring money out of your wallet as it's just an RNG grind mechanic with no outside microtransactions. The system could have been handled better, especially considering some blades have genuinely good plots that flesh the game out even more once you find them.

Honestly, everything else was great to me. Would have liked more meaningful community building like past games, and some of the jokes can fall flat, but they didn't really hinder the overall game like the above did.

Nice music but I won't touch it because of the genre.

I'm hardly invested on the characters and so far i don't get the same feeling from this game i got from 1, i'm level 20 and just got to the hobbo village in the whale that eats you, and i don't know, i'm not enjoying the music or to the exploration. Also, i'm pretty sure X looked better than this, still a decent game, just, so far i like the mechanics more than the game itself

calm down and clean the cum out of your brain
fuck me i hate how xenoblade has become a home for horny weebs, now i know how fire emblem feels

bomberman is next

I'll lead with the flaws:
> Rex is an absolutely shitty main character
> Skill checks for every optional thing in the overworld don't make me want to get more blades, they make me not want to explore the fucking overworld
> Dub ranges from solid to dogshit, original voices are overall good but pretty generic

Next, points that could lean either way:
> The writing in any given moment is... very anime
> Like, not GREAT anime, but kinda cheesy but not horrible 70s-80s- ish stuff
> It's really tropey, okay?
> Tora and Nia are bearable main party members, Dromarch and Gramps are forgettable

And finally, the good things:
> The world is amazing, imaginitavely designed and fun to explore
> The overall story arc has its moments, and in a game with a less specific audience in mind would've been legendary tier
> Zeke, Pandoria, Brighid and Morag are top tier characters with top tier dynamics who almost save the writing whenever they're heavily focused upon
> Core gameplay is fun and mildly interactive, Torna is legitimately amazing

Overall, I personally rate it maybe 7 or 7.5/10 on an actual honest to god 1-10 scale, but if you're the kind of Yea Forumstard who thinks anime is somehow bad it's like a 3/10. Xenoblades 1 and X hover around ~8.5/10 at least, objectively.

Most people review the game based on the combat system and story, then one faggot comes in saying
>people only play this game for the tits
You shouldn't take this opinion seriously, he didn't give a fuck about the game and only focused on the grafix

>Most people review the game based on the combat system and story,
which is why every Xenoblade thread is a porn dump? That sure sounds like gameplay and story discussion.

I'm pretty far in but keep falling asleep while playing. I also can't follow the story very well at this point.

Scroll through this fucking thread retard

>every other post is talking about their fucking waifus
>gameplay discussion gets buried

Par for the course.

Retard, 90% of the posts in here are about the quality of the game.

It really sucks to realize you've replied to trolls, here's a bump so people can keep giving an honest opinion

A flawed but great game.
This too, I was surprised given that it seemed to be a lot of disparate themes but it ties together well in the end

If this thread is gameplay discussion, then why blatantly ignore criticism of the game, inbetween calling them shitposters? That doesn't sound like you want a discussion. It just sounds like you want a hugbox.

Because your criticism is "lol the game doesn't have discussion look at all the waifuposters" in a thread that literally has none.
Everyone agrees more or less on their criticisms.

Stop replying to trolls, let them bump the thread, and even if they don't their opinion is worthless

I made criticisms earlier in the thread, and I make criticisms in many Xenoblade threads, but I always get called a shitposter because I'm not blindly worshipping the game and talking about my waifu of choice. Therefore the game's "fans" do not actually like the game, if they're so willing to shit on people for discussing what they consider to be flaws in the game.

people only still post about this game on Yea Forums because of tits. thats what i said. learn to read.

this but switch X with gears

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Unless you're the guy who said copebrains (in which case, that's not a criticism of the game, it's a criticism of people posting about the game) I can't see what you're talking about, so fuck off.

>using Cinematic Experience for a non sony game

I wasn't that guy. THIS is my post regarding the game. Now please, tell me what is "trolling" about this post. Tell me why I'm allowed to have an opinion different from yours, and why my opinion has to be banned for wrongthink.

So is this game actually worth it? I just got the revised switch and need more games besides zelda and mario. Is the combat fun?

I use the term for a reason.

Attached: ''muh ratio'' is not an excuse, otherwise god of war wouldn't be discarded (808x160, 110K)

Read the fucking reply chain, everyone if replying to the post with a hamster as the picture and you decided to jump in because you need attention, good job being a fucking faggot though you got plenty of replies

Sorry OP but having unironic anything is cringe and needs to be fun policed.

You used the term because you're acfag., which invalidates whatever you say.

Xenogears>Xenoblade 1>Xenoblade 2>Xenoblade X>lmao who cares about Xenosaga?

Massive disappointment.

You're either 11 years old, or have only played 1 game in your life.

This but swap Xenosaga 3 inbetween X and Blade 1.

Actual, unironic masterpiece, just like the rest of the series.

You clearly hate the genre as a whole.
You let your hate of the genre get in the way of enjoying perfectly good characters like Zeke. Trope or not, he's good, fuck off.
You treat DLC for a $60 game like high treason despite its commonality.
Framerate issues are a vaguely legitimate complaint.
The combat is perfectly intuitive if you're not a retard.
The story is a point everyone agrees on, and the character designs don't rely solely on tits to get attention even if they're sometimes inconsistent.

You want to know why you're considered a troll? Because you say you dislike JRPGs RIGHT AT THE FUCKING START and act like your opinion still matters. If you don't like the genre, why the fuck are you trying to play it? Do you not understand the issue with buttfuck retarded feminists trying to make games cater to them rather than just playing games that already do cater to them? How the fuck have you spent so long on Yea Forums without coming to understand that you just don't like every genre?

> god of war: the movie is 6 hours out of your filename's proclaimed 60 potential hours of gameplay
> xenoblade 2: the movie is 13 hours out of 150+ hours of potential gameplay

Now get your retarded fucking ass out of my ONE good Xenoblade thread. This is the first time I've seen one all fucking year. Ruin it for me at your own fucking peril, ACfag.

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>Read the fucking reply chain, everyone if replying to the post with a hamster as the picture
Ah yes, the guy who got called a r*ddit crossboarder because his post wasn't filled with blind praise.

Does it invalidate the term, though? if so, please elaborate and keep the filename in mind too.

Are you kidding me? The writing was terrible. Very basic and shonen-tropey. I think even Naruto or Bleach have better writing than XBC2 and I like the game. Just not for the terrible ass writing.

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Agreed, not for the character writing or story, but in terms of lore and worldbuilding. Alrest is probably the fictional video game world I know the most about historically speaking because it managed to make me actually invested in its world.

You speak as if that's a bad thing.

Torna proved that XC2 could have had a good story if it wasn't shackled to Rex and Pyra.

GoW isn't a movie game. The cutoff is if 1 out of every 4 hours spent playing, or more, is spent in a cutscene.

No, read the original post in its entirety

>People in this thread are unironically replaying to ACfag

It is, especially coming off of the masterpiece of environmental story telling that was X. It's like the difference between Metroid Prime 1 & 2 vs Metroid Prime 3.

GoW is a movie game, the open world is empty of everything the originals built their entire game upon

It's "gameplay" is done to be as cinematic as possible, so even if it doesn't have a ton of cutscenes in the traditional sense it's still a moviegame.

thats because theres literally already a xenoblade 2 waifu thread up, faggot. as fucking usual

bomberman is next

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> he uses the meme gamer word

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Combat takes 20 hours to get good which is really fucking stupid. Story is less interesting than previous 2 games.

Still, fun game and I enjoy it. Need to go back and finish my NG+ run, haven't played it in ages.

>You let your hate of the genre get in the way of enjoying perfectly good characters like Zeke. Trope or not, he's good, fuck off.
Objectively, they just add more cutscenes in my face, which is bad for my GAMEPLAY experience. Hell, any character that talks or has an arc or has character development will destroy my gameplay experience by forcing cinematics in my face.

>You treat DLC for a $60 game like high treason despite its commonality.
It became common because you gave it a pass when your favorite dev did it. You set a precedent that it was okay, and now it's spread like wildfire.

>Framerate issues are a vaguely legitimate complaint.
Ironic since i've been attacked in the past for it, in particular with comments like "the human eye can't see past 20 FPS". How would you defend that?

>The combat is perfectly intuitive if you're not a retard.
Intuitive? Pressing a button in a quick time event/cutscene is "intuitive"?

>The story is a point everyone agrees on, and the character designs don't rely solely on tits to get attention even if they're sometimes inconsistent.
They don't rely solely on tits? Have you even seen a single cutscene in the game? The camerawork alone shows you where the devs were looking most.

>scene of Mythra sleepwalking into REx's room
>"n-no they don't rely on tits to sell, promise"

>If you don't like the genre, why the fuck are you trying to play it?
Because we constantly have people like who claim that the game is objectively perfect and can never be surpassed. So of course I'm going to have objections to that based on personal experience.

>that point about xeno and GOW
What is the difference? Why is 60 hours of gameplay "utter putrid western shit" while 150 hours is just fine? Are you seriously relying on the quantity over quality argument here?

Dude just stop playing RPGs, it's obvious you don't like them

>actually replying to ACfag
god you people are fucking dumb.

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I liked X more because it was less straightforward and more expansive. The plot in X might have been the worst of the 3 Xenoblade games, but the overall story (plot, setting, worldbuilding, lore, character building, etc) was the best of the 3. It's a shame that people preferred the straightforward and more basic plot of XC2 over XCX, because that sends a signal to Monolith Soft that they oughta go down that road, like how fans rejection of B2W2 and the overwhelming sales of X/Y led to Pokemon's current shitty quality.

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When the original poster has a shit opinion it becomes hard for newfags to differentiate

nintendo fans have the weirdest boogeymen.

How is this any different from Xenoblade? FFs you have quick time events and cutscenes that happen DURING BATTLE. Don't tell me that's okay. It's not. It literally destroys gameplay pacing, in a genre that was already easy enough to play and beat.

I like RPGs user. I just don't like JRPGs, ones that feel like they have to be anime influenced high school cinematic waifu simulators. Let me put it this way: I like Super Mario RPG, despite it being technically a JRPG. However, I think it's a much better game because of several reasons:

>combat, while turn based, doesn't shove cutscenes in your face every 5 seconds
>it has less cutscenes than 99% of JRPGs
>the story is super simple to understand and isn't trying to be the next evangelion with speeches about how religion is evil, or how man is tainted with sin, or some other pretentiousness that would make even Kojima blush. It's literally just Mario fighting the bad guy.
>the characters barely even talk, and Mario is a silent protagonist which is a boon for any video game, let alone a JRPG. Him pantomiming events in the game is far more charming than Rex being a stupid child with a single digit IQ.

In comparison, Xenoblade falls so far and fails in too many ways.

> characters are only good if they aren't actually characters just different gameplay options
Psst, I'm mad about $60 plus DLC being common too, but at least it's a good game getting good DLC.
The people who attacked you over framerate concerns are retards.
> Pressing a button in a quicktime event is all there is to combat
I've played the entire game and it relies on tits for a few bits of humor, not selling the whole thing.
> Because we constantly have people like who claim that the game is objectively perfect and can never be surpassed.
It is objectively good, you just dislike it because you hate story of any kind.

> Are you seriously relying on the quantity over quality argument here?
Your argument was "if god of war is a movie game because it has 6 hours of cutscene and 60 hours of gameplay, Xenoblade must be a movie game too"
My argument was "xenoblade has a better ratio, ergo the ratio argument holds true"
Now you're trying to spew some bullshit about how long the games are as a whole, which is not what either of us were talking about.

> timing button presses is quicktime
> less cutscenes is always objectively better
> turn based combat is somehow something that goes against quality
> story is simple
> characters barely talk; this is inherently good
Please, please, go put yourself through a meat grinder. Slowly.

One genre is RPG, the other is an Action QTE fest, are you fucking brain dead?

it's shit.

Attached: xenoblade2.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Stop fucking responding. He hates everything that has a modicum of storytelling. There's no reasoning with him because he shrouds his arguments in a thick layer of logical fallacies.


Stop giving ACfag (You)s, you're the biggest retard for falling for his bait.

That thread doesn't have ACfag.

cool ideas terrible execution

>he gets triggered by gamer

>low semen

>Cool ideas
>Locking powerful weapons and side stories behind a gacha system with a really low payout

What's retarded about it? I've played a myriad of games and many genres, the best being ones where the characters literally are just the collection of their gameplay differences. I don't need to listen to them constantly whining about their dead parents (Metroid) or how much of a snarky bitch they can be (bayonetta) or whose armpits I want to lick because you can pet their head in a minigame (fire emblem). The "character" part never enhances the game experiences to me.

>Psst, I'm mad about $60 plus DLC being common too, but at least it's a good game getting good DLC.
That doesn't make it a good game anymore, if the devs are willing to chop out content and resell it at a premium. "well how do you know they chopped it out" they always chop it out. It's the mindset of every greedy corporation. Them being guilty is the default. Considering the money they made from this game, and considering the money Nintendo had to fund them, the torna DLC should've been free. I've been supporting them for years, and this is the reward I get? Ontop of broken joycons and an online fee, they can't throw me a bone here?

I wish I had the webms user, but the game is literally just pressing the button when the cutscene starts, so the characters can flip around and do wacky movie shit. I don't consider that gameplay.

>I've played the entire game and it relies on tits for a few bits of humor, not selling the whole thing.
That's because you're ignoring entire sidequests dedicated to it.

>It is objectively good,
And why is that? why do none of the criticisms brought forth count? How is 20 FPS, for example, superior to 60 FPS? If it isn't, how can the game be objectively perfect?

>My argument was "xenoblade has a better ratio, ergo the ratio argument holds true"
But where is the cutoff point? Why does 60 hours of GOW gameplay not count, especially when the gameplay quality is exactly the same?

hence terrible execution

i still don't get why he can't get over other m. it's been almost a decade now, and it's not like nintendo even acknowledges that game exists anymore.

Lastly, I must decry you calling me a retard over simple crticisms, but more importantly, I get the feeling that you hate Super Mario RPG.

They're both QTE-fests user. You can't say it's okay when it's your favorite game. Either they're all bad, or none of them are. Trying to make fuzzy and unclear lines of separation just confuses the matter and muddles your point.

The game was a 6 or 7 at best.
When it released.
What really impressed me was monosofts content updates and how great it was.
This was probably the first game I've ever played that had a meaningful
>season pass
The season pass actually came with so much stuff. Not including the expansion itself.

But Yea Forums has to like it since Samus is hot and it has cutscenes ;) ;) ;)

He's moved on to DQXI threads in recent days. It fucking sucks.

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combat is shit

My favorite of the three but also the game that screams "we needed more time to polish this" the hardest

Wasn't a huge fan myself, got it on day 1 and haven't finished it, got to Tantal. Game had so many little quirks that bugged me. I do not like how Monolith does side-quests, not in XCX not in XB1 and not here. The biggest issue for me though was the pacing. I don't really like 100+ hr JRPGs to begin with most of the time. But I think the story actually was paced quite nice at the start. Once they introduced the main objective of the journey everything just slowed to a crawl. And I get that they were using that time for world building and characters but the dramatic thrust of the story for me still needs to be present and it just wasn't. Doesn't help that I wasn't a huge fan of any character except Pyra/Mythra. Humor never struck a cord with me. Dialogue was okay most of the time but sometimes dipped into the usual anime nonsense. Gameplay took way too long to take the training wheels ala FFXIII, and even once it did I felt I was doing the same thing in every fight regardless of enemy. Maybe if I got further in that'd stop being the case?

I think it's a "good" game but ultimately not for me, like most JRPGs these days I feel. I miss when they clocked in closer to 40-60hrs felt like a way tighter experience.

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>But Yea Forums has to like it since Samus is hot
Unironically this. When was the last time Yea Forums hated a game with waifus in it?

> The "character" part never enhances the game experiences to me.
Then it's you who's fundamentally wrong, not the entire fucking gaming industry.
> chop out content and resell it at a premium
Torna wasn't "chopped out". It was "added on" later.
> but the game is literally just pressing the button when the cutscene starts, so the characters can flip around and do wacky movie shit
You forgot the part where it took a few minutes of actual thought-out gameplay to get there.
> That's because you're ignoring entire sidequests dedicated to it.
Nope, I'm not. Try again.
> why do none of the criticisms brought forth count?
A few of them do. Most of them are just ACfag retardism. Still, the game is objectively GOOD.
> Why does 60 hours of GOW gameplay not count
Because it's 60 hours of gameplay (bland and boring gameplay, at that) to 6 hours of cutscene- a 1:10 ratio- versus 150 or more hours of gameplay to 13 hours of cutscene. The quality of gameplay is higher in xenoblade, too.
I fucking love SMRPG, for the record. But the reason I find it good is because it has well executed combat, explores scenarios regular Mario games have neither the time nor the lack of Miyamoto to touch on, and has a layer of 90s clunk that gives it endless charm.
I don't love it simply to spite games that have more story like you seem to.
Now, I'm done fucking replying. You've proven that you're just fucking broken and can't be convinced that story is not objectively bad.

He thinks the following is "acknowledgement of Other M":
> Acknowledging the zero suit
> Playing as Zero Suit Samus
> Implying in any way that Samus is not literally a robot
> Not being a literal castrated celibate retard enough to agree with him

Other than Gears novelty and ambition I've never really given a shit about the story or characters in Xeno, I just thought the settings were interesting and fun to explore. X basically doubled down on that so it was perfect for me. I don't give a shit about Shulk, Rex, or Elma.

It's very shonen-oriented but it ends up being a reconstruction of shonen tropes, justifying why they were popular and resonated with people in the first place

>MFW enjoying the game then it gets to a Go for it, Electra! , Precious Yearnings or Ursula's new Grove moment

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>Then it's you who's fundamentally wrong, not the entire fucking gaming industry.
The entire gaming industr also wants zero regulations on lootboxes, supports paying for online despite offering no incentives, thinks games should be shackled with DRM and that you should only ever be allowed to "rent" them, and the crowning achievement, which is that they think that games deserve to sell regardless of quality control. So with the upmost respect to everyone involved, fuck the gaming industry.

>Torna wasn't "chopped out". It was "added on" later.
Yes, the classic fallback excuse during any corporate PR.

>You forgot the part where it took a few minutes of actual thought-out gameplay to get there
I can't forget a part that doesn't exist, unless mashing one button counts as well-thought out gameplay.

>Nope, I'm not. Try again.
Then please, defend sidequests like this:

or story segments like this
or other story segments like this

The game is nothing but waifu worship, and every one of these scenes was unnecessary filler that did nothing to enhance the gameplay.

>A few of them do.
That's funny since you just said that none of them counted, and in previous threads you called me a retard for pointing out things like the frame rate issue. I guess the FPS isn't the only inconsistent thing here.

>Because it's 60 hours of gameplay (bland and boring gameplay, at that)
You mean the same thing found in Xenoblade? Again I don't see the difference. Aside from that, are you saying it would be better if the gameplay was stretched out to be 200+ hours of gameplay, despite the quality not changing one bit? Are you saying that quantity literally nullifies any issues with quality?

I said I'm done, stop expecting me to argue with this bullshit

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>Intuitive? Pressing a button in a quick time event/cutscene is "intuitive"?

>He doesn't know about Blade Combos, Driver Combos and smashing bosses for massive damage and having them drop loot like pinatas
Did you even play the game more than 10 minutes?

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also, wait, this is the first thread I've replied to you in. Stop pretending I'm other people to make your arguments look better.

>user who wants a hugbox free of arguments and discussion goes to a website known for those very things

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>but it ends up being a reconstruction of shonen tropes
How much of a braindead cocksucker do you need to be to type this out?

QTEs in an RPG are triggered when you want them to be, they are not the same as having a QTE triggered whether or not you want them to be

>Then please, defend sidequests like this:
>or story segments like this
>or other story segments like this
Bad attempts at humor that don't detract from the overall experience due to how small they are.
They're still issues but not very big ones

>He doesn't know about Blade Combos, Driver Combos and smashing bosses for massive damage and having them drop loot like pinatas
Like I said, cinematic combat. Come to think of it, Xenoblade X had this issue too. You literally stood in one spot and mashed the button, then a cutscene showed up, and then the enemies all died. I can see why people call it an offline MMO. You just wait for damage numbers to pop up and therer's little interaction elsewhere.

They are still polluting the game, so there is zero difference. You can tell me to avoid the part of the sidewalk covered in shit and weeds, but that doesn't magically make the sidewalk clean or worth using.

>Bad attempts at humor that don't detract from the overall experience due to how small they are.
The overall experience is nothing BUT these moments. That's the problem.

>The overall experience is nothing BUT these moments. That's the problem.
Except it isn't, because you can measure the amount of time in all the instances of these scenes, measure it against the total length of all the cutscenes and find that it comes out to a pretty small portion. More than that, they're almost all located in the first half of the game, which means the tone stays pretty consistent in the second half without these types of scenes.
And that's just talking about these sorts of humor attempts that fall flat in the context of the game as cutscenes. That's not even including the actual gameplay time

I don't think it's a very good game, but I'll try it again later. Maybe I'll like it more, I dunno.

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Do you even know what an RPG is?

persona 5.

Yeah, it's supposed to be a role playing GAME. You PLAY it. Watching a cutscene is far divorced from that, and when the cutscenes invade the combat, that bodes even worse for me.

>Except it isn't, because you can measure the amount of time in all the instances of these scenes, measure it against the total length of all the cutscenes and find that it comes out to a pretty small portion.
90% is a small portion? Looks more like a majority.

>That's not even including the actual gameplay time
The "gameplay time" should be included in the cutscene time, considering how little time is spent interacting with it during the game. Basically every action you do is cinematic in nature. You walk down a hallway or through an open field just to get to the next cutscene. Combat is filled with QTEs and cutscenes. Cutscenes lead into other cutscenes. Sidequests are nothing but cutscenes or hidden lore dumps. It gets aggravating.

>Yeah, it's supposed to be a role playing GAME. You PLAY it. Watching a cutscene is far divorced from that, and when the cutscenes invade the combat, that bodes even worse for me.

>Final Fantasy
>Press a button during combat
>Something happen

>Dragon Quest
>Press a button during combat
>Something happen

>Press a button during combat
>Something happen

>Etrian Odyssey
>Press a button during combat
>Something happen

>Press a button during combat
>Something happen

I think you might have standards a little bit too high for JRPGs.

Needs a redub or a retranslation for the jap audio

Just made me think that maybe I just don't like Monolith's style and I instead of buying the next one on day 1 I should wait instead.

Why the fuck they changed some of the names , anyway.

>press a button
>game plays itself


This is the apex flaw of JRPGs. There's just not enough challenge or thought required to beat it. FFs FFXV can literally be beaten by pressing X. The game already broke combat by making enemies too easy, but then they make you too powerful by making it so you can't die, auto-dodge attacks, and even get instakill summons every 5 seconds. It's everything wrong with the genre.

>90% is a small portion? Looks more like a majority.
Prove that.
Take every cutscene in the game, divide them into whether they're bad attempts at humor or story relevant and give me the ratio because saying it's 90% is facetious as fuck.
>You walk down a hallway or through an open field just to get to the next cutscene. Combat is filled with QTEs and cutscenes
I'm goign to ask you two questions:
First, qualify the difference, in your mind, between an animation and a QTE/cutscene. Because it seems there is none.
Second, to say that traversal is just to get to the next cutscene is facetious because you're suggesting that the only value the game has is in its cutscenes (and not, say, its combat or quests or exploration) and that everything in between the cutscenes isn't engaging on its own to be done.

This game's localization is fucking weird. I'm kinda surprised Nintendo let it ship the way it did, especially with that dub.

Why do we need to have at least three threads about this almost two year-old game at any given time?

A really good game. In fact one of the very few good switch exclusives. But in no way does it do anything better than 1 at all except for maybe the world being more vibrant and colorful. The story is especially bad. Literally all your party members are useless in the story. You could have made this a Rex and pyra only game and it would still be the same without them other than the embarrassingly bad chapters that are 2 and 4 in the beginning that are straight out of a shonen manga. And the enemies are not engaging with malos being a straight up generic villain.

Retarded fanboys pretend that the game wasn't a disappointment and that all the shitty writing was intentional shounen manga style writing even though the people making those arguments have only read a handful of shounen manga, and all of that manga was a poorly translated or localized version to begin with.

Best in the series, but that's coming from someone who absolutely hated X. Rocking OST, fun combat once you've slogged through the first 20 hours and can start doing break topple launch smash chains, okay story. Shitty main character design, meme localization, slow start and horrid tutorial system are my only complaints. Don't ever play it dubbed if you want to take it even remotely seriously, I'm not even a huge subfag but it's actually that bad.

>All this coping over legit criticism
>labeling anyone that doesn't like their game a boogeyman

Is there a worse fanbase of any game on Yea Forums? I don't even see Personafags or Smashtards get this upset when criticized.

>Take every cutscene in the game, divide them into whether they're bad attempts at humor or story relevant and give me the ratio because saying it's 90% is facetious as fuck.
Trying to be story relevant IS a bad attempt at humor, hence why every cutscene is guilty of it. Do you think any attempt of being serious works when your characters are glowing anime waifus whose outfits look like lada gaga ate and vomited up a package of flashlights and neon glowing paint? Not even the original Xenoblade or X were free of this. I couldn't even try and get behind their stories when they tried to be serious, because the mood of the story constantly whiplashes and clashes with everything else. Am I supposed to care about how evil Metal Face is when the characters are in their underwear, and Metal Face looks like a chinese bootleg transformer? Am I supposed to care about racism in Xenoblade X when half the characters can be put in their underwear and will have zero emotional response in their faces? For crying out loud, it comes across as unintentionally hilarious more than it does a serious moment. Even then that wears off fast.

>First, qualify the difference, in your mind, between an animation and a QTE/cutscene.
An animation lasts only as long as the button press. a QTE would involve pressing a button for half a second, to activate a cutscene that lasts half a minute. Hence why Mario jumping, for example, is an animation, but if Mairo jumping involved me watching a cinematic of him flip flopping all over the map with zero interaction from my end other than the initial button press, that would be cinematic.

>everything in between the cutscenes isn't engaging on its own to be done.
That is correct. Without a worthwhile goal to look forward to, even segments that might be good have no purpose.

>In fact one of the very few good switch exclusives
Why do Xenoblade fans always shit on Nintendo to make their game look good?
It's always BASED NINTENDO UNCENSORS MUH BOOBIES AND FUCK SNOY but then turn right around and call the switch a steaming pile of goatshit at every turn.

Some "people" (and I use the term loosely) can't seem to stop seething over how much better and successful it was than the steaming pile that was X.

The threads are praising the game though?

I don't play a lot of JRPGs but don't skills have effects and you have to use them when necessary? Couple that with balancing buffs and debuffs as well as status ailments along with maintaining party health and dps, I'd say that that sounds like a game.

Honestly, the mods should just ban these threads until XC3 is announced, they're just shitpost generals.

That's rich when the Button-Awesome connection meme came from Dragon Age 2.

That might be true if the game didn't fall prey to the sin of dominant strategy, which is when the game doesn't have any balance and you can button mash through everything.

Fortunately you can hate Dragon Age 2 as well. This isn't some east versus west deal.

in the case of Xenoblade 2, that might be true for most enemies but I wouldn't call all JRPGs shit

Torna ruined everything for me. The main game spent so much time and effort on building up the Aegis War and the scars it left on humanity. The actual AW though? Addam and Mythra's Misadventures would be a more appropriate title. Everything I loved in XB2 was thrown out of Torna, and for what? To appeal to more players who can't time button presses or follow a chart? In addition Torna's god awful writing was actually insulting to anyone who got invested in the world or characters.

Were you curious how the denizens of Alrest viewed their world, the cloud sea, or the world tree a mere 500 years ago? No, you absolutely need to know Mythra can't cook.
Addam's personality was a lot like Rex's? Well he's Zeke now.
Jin spent years wallowing in his self-hate and apathy until Malos came along? Haha they changed that too!
Loss of culture and the rights of your race fundamentally stripped away because the hero failed? Actually he just like ran away.
Judicium? Never heard of it!
Leftheria was founded by Addam and his supporters? Well, actually, they all died during Indol's raid on Spessia. (A side quest in Torna directly contradicts the story of said DLC.)
Weapons seemingly made to kill blades were housed in old Torna? Not anymore! (Ether Accelerator seen and mentioned by Mythra in Tantal)
My greatest takeaway after completing Torna was that Rex unknowingly fulfilled the wishes and dreams of Laura, Minoth, and Vandham. Complete the final side quest in the DLC to understand what I mean. An 8/10 made 6/10 because the writers stopped caring for the DLC.

Attached: Humans and Blades...maybe they aren't so different..jpg (846x592, 98K)

What? Just use core crystals. I never even farmed them and had most of the rare blades by the end. Plus the quest a d story blades

Hence why I said Mario RPG had redeeming features. I specifically used that example so nobody would accuse me of trying to start a console war.

>Trying to be story relevant IS a bad attempt at humor
So your argument is that you don't like any of the game, so therefore all of it is bad.
>Do you think any attempt of being serious works when your characters are glowing anime waifus whose outfits look like lada gaga ate and vomited up a package of flashlights and neon glowing paint?
Yes, it's called adjusting to an art-style.
The same way I could take Ping Pong seriously even though the art-style is pretty out there at first, you get used to it and start evaluating the events on their own.
>Not even the original Xenoblade or X were free of this. I couldn't even try and get behind their stories when they tried to be serious, because the mood of the story constantly whiplashes and clashes with everything else. Am I supposed to care about how evil Metal Face is when the characters are in their underwear, and Metal Face looks like a chinese bootleg transformer? Am I supposed to care about racism in Xenoblade X when half the characters can be put in their underwear and will have zero emotional response in their faces?
So your issue is you don't like any JRPGs because the art-style is fantastical and therefore you're taken out of the experience? So you don't like the JRPG genre?

what are ironic thoughts?

The game's writing was always shit, your honeymoon phase just ended.

the switch has very few games, so switch shills have to keep circlejerking the same handful of games that they have.

What. Malos was pretty interesting though. His personality was totally different from the average JRPG villain.

I feel you.
I would have liked if Torna was just the tail-end of the Aegis War and they wrote it to suggest it had been going on for a couple of years or at least a full year.
meme culture and waifu culture where people don't evaluate a thing with a critical eye but evaluate it based on its meta-context.
Like The Room is ironically good (because of its place in pop culture) but is unironically bad

Apparently any negative comment about it, judging by this thread.

Easily my favorite Switch game so far. I've spent over 250 hours on it, and I didn't even get the DLC.

>His personality was totally different from the average JRPG villain

"I'm just obeying my nature" has been done many times in JRPGs before, you need to play some more.

>So your argument is that you don't like any of the game, so therefore all of it is bad.
From a gameplay perspective, it is bad. Even if we ignore differences in humor and tastes, it's still acting as a blockade keeping me from the gameplay. That's not something you can easily skip or ignore, especially when the game has 100 segments of unskippable text or cutscenes for every skippable one. Of course this also doesn't take into account how many cinematic landmines you have to step over in combat. Press a button at the wrong time? Enjoy a cutscene of the game playing itself for 5 minutes.

>Yes, it's called adjusting to an art-style.
user, I can accept pretty much any artstyle, from the latest 3D graphics to pixel shit, from the most grounded western game to the most fantastical waifu anime game. But you can't expect to throw in a serious story in any of them. It would be like trying to make a world war 2 shooter with kirby. You want an anime game with a better story, I'd recommend something like EDF 4.1 or EDF5. Sure it's corny, but I'm fighting giant bugs with giant robots. The game isn't going to start getting philosophical with me about religion about dead parents. It's literally just wacky zany videogamey action. Hence I can stomach the artstyle.

>So your issue is you don't like any JRPGs because the art-style is fantastical and therefore you're taken out of the experience?
On the inverse, I don't like when a game tries pushing a story that's inconsistent with its art style. If you're genuinely trying to get me to care about the story, you probably shouldn't let me dress the characters in lingerie and bunny outfits.

That or you could just NOT have a story. That works too.

Can you read?

I see a lot of characters like that that and are borderline robotic but I thought Malos was interesting in how he actually grappled with his agency. Between his relationship with Jin, his relationship with his sisters and his relationship with Amalthus, he ends up just becoming apathetic to the philosophical question of his own free will and decides he'd rather get rid of all the trash in the world that hurt his boyfriend (including himself)

The smug lovable jackass has been done countless times before too.
Do you even know about Tohru Adachi, Yea Forums's other overhyped JRPG villain?

>I don't like when a game tries pushing a story that's inconsistent with its art style
So you don't like JRPGs, because that's kind of a consistent element of the genre. Not inherently part of it but pretty common given the influence of anime on JRPGs almost since the beginning of the genre.

"I'm saving the world by destroying it!"
Not original at all.

It's good, but this is one of the few games I like where I can see why many, many people would end up disliking it.

That's not what he was doing, you clearly haven't played the game. Why even post about characters you don't know?

I clapped whenever they referenced the first game

Going by someone's own logic that everything is meaningless trash and deserves to be deposed of is the exact same thing as those villains I talked about, stop pretending he's something more just because you want to fuck him.

It's a disappointing sequel, but a decent game on its own right if you like weeb shit and grindy open world MMO shit.

I guess I don't. It would be much more truthful to say that I dislike story heavy games period, JRPGs just being the biggest offenders. This is why I made a comparison to GOW earlier in the thread, not to start a console war, but to demonstrate that my hate of story heavy games does not know a boundary. It doesn't make exceptions for corporations, or consoles, or brands, or even timegaps. That's why it's been so hard to criticize Xenoblade or Persona. The fans think you're a fan of the other console or JRPG and they discard everything you say as "nincel shit" or "snoy shit". It gets quite tiring.

Im playing through Xenoblade 1 for the first time and enjoying it so far, just got Riki
How does Rex compare to Shulk?
and are there any motherfuckers as based as Reyn and Dunban?

The ending of X's parallels to the ending of the original were subtle and beautiful, literally having fucking Shulk himself say a line was the most laughable shit ever, and I don't know why Yea Forums thought it was so awesome.

He's not saving the world by destroying it, he's destroying it. He admits himself he finds "being" tedious and would be better off dead, he just extrapolates that feeling of self-worthlessness to the rest of the world due to his nature as an Aegis/repository of all of life's data. He's not under the pretense that what he's doing will "save" the world, he knows what he's striving for is the non-existence of all things, he just thinks that that's better than the alternative being an imperfect world full of pain and suffering that goes on aimlessly forever. He's an interesting take on the core concept of the Demiurge, or imperfect being shaping an imperfect reality through the use of a perfect power, that Takahashi has been exploring in his works for decades now.

>How does Rex compare to Shulk?

>and are there any motherfuckers as based as Reyn and Dunban?
Yup, but they don't really get to shine because of the shitty MC.

Honestly, Torna wasn't that bad. The first thing you need to note is history likes to embellish details or get things wrong. The main game even states that multiple times such as Minoth's play being heavily exaggerated or how easily some random clan claimed to be Addam's descendants. Lots of stuff you may have assumed in the main game wasn't close to reality and Torna's DLC helped shed light on the misinterpretations and embellishments.

Sure it would have been nice to expand outside Torna into Judicium and other titans, but that's a bit much for a DLC story. I'm sure a proper prequel could have done it more justice as a war, and not such a one-sided conflict, but the reality seems that it really was very one-sided. It was more Amalthus pressing for control and playing the long game, rather than what the history books would suggest as some kind of grad battles with more equal power.

It actually does a pretty good job fleshing out the characters and making them more believable and real instead of the caricatures their legends created. Yes even dumb stuff like Mythra's cooking.

The only real issue I had with it was shoving the reasons for Jin's change into the last 5 minutes of the game, but as a whole it did well enough to show just what he was like before becoming jaded so you can empathize with why he does what he does in the main game.


So he's just a nihilist that wants to destroy existence because he got fucked over, that's also been done countless times in JRPGs before, even a fucking Mario RPG had a villain like that.

>he's destroying it because he hates living and just wants to die
Thank you for the 50000th iteration of this same character motivation.

Rex is more based than "if we kill our enemies they win" shulk

fuck, what a bitch
Im not too fond of the artstyle in 2 when compared to the first Xenoblade

As someone who loved the game, please play more games. It's embarrassing to say shit like this because it outs you as an obvious Nintendo drone who only plays Nintendo games.

Attached: 1556216119542.jpg (1280x720, 169K)


>because he got fucked over
Wrong wrong wrong why are you arguing when it's clear you have not played the game? As soon as the fucker gains CONSCIOUSNESS he wants to destroy it. The rest of the story is him grappling with his own free will

Never played the first game, but Rex is by far the weakest character of the game.

>How does Rex compare to Shulk?
Shulk is more of a young adult, Rex is very much still an adolescent
Where Shulk's story is a pretty standard* Good vs Evil story wrapped in some great iconography, Rex's is a coming of age story.
>and are there any motherfuckers as based as Reyn and Dunban?
Yeah, you get two in fact.

>Fun combat system that rewards the player for learning it
>Characters are very customizable while still feeling unique
>Excellent Supporting Cast with Nia and Poppi as the most memorable standouts
>Well designed worlds with varied concepts. Uraya, the Spirit Crucible, and World Tree are particularly great
>Excellent OST
>game does well to minimize missable content
>Immmensely satisfying final twist

>RNG fucking everywhere
>Field skill homework assignments during some of the most intense moments of the story
>While the Titans are well designed they also feel disconnected as a series of levels instead of a world.
>Rex, Pyra, and Mythra fall flat as protagonists
>With the exception of Nia, The Supporting Cast. though very likeable, largely fails to see significant character development.
>The middle of the story gets bogged down by filler before picking up in Chapter 7 at which point the game starts to feel too linear
>The game has some good ideas for its villains but seems to have no clue how to handle them

All in all, it isn't the best game I played in 2017, but it is the most fun and the one I dumped the most time and emotional investment into. God damn, Nia does things to my heart

Attached: 71805216_p0.jpg (789x1100, 256K)

He never does anything near as faggoty as trying to spare metal face

He still wants to destroy the world. It's a tired out character motivation. Trying to make it deep and pretentious just makes him objectively worse. I don't give a rat's ass about his motivation, I just want to know how soon I can smash his teeth in and kill him myself. I'd love to know when I can kill the waifu shit too. Each and every blade deserves a swift kick to the face for being useless whores.

Bionis/Mechonis was way fucking better than Alrest's disjointed Mario Odyssey styled zones. Was X's world cool? It sounded cool but no one has a Wii U.

Worse than XC1 but still not a bad game. XC1 left extremely big shoes to fill, almost impossible to fill.

alright fuck I just got spoiled on that shit
Im fucking off now
fuck niggers

>How does Rex compare to Shulk?
They're about equals as far as values and motivations as good-hearted shonen protagonists go. Rex kinda lacks Shulk's early-game edge about MUH VENGEANCE but that just means he doesn't have to go through the same tired MAYBE VENGEANCE ISN'T RIGHT AFTER ALL? arc one more time.

>and are there any motherfuckers as based as Reyn and Dunban?
Definitely. Zeke alone is basically a perfect mix of the memetastic boastry of Reyn mixed with Dunban's experienced mentor shtick. He's basically what I'd imagine Reyn would be like in his 30s.

Obrona disrupts the link between the Driver and Blade.
So while Pyra doesn't derive her power from ether, around her, the energy she sends to Rex is Ether, I'm guessing because it's some basic interface requirement for all Blades?
I dunno man, Obrona does what she wants

You literally just said he did all that because of his boyfriend(Not actually his boyfriend you deluded fujo) and that has been done in fucking Super Paper Mario as I've said.

Malos motivation is no different from Count Bleck.

>Pouts like a faggot
>Is literally retarded
>Doesn't bang the tittymonsters
>Haha, I'll just give him a smack and then we'll be bffs!
>Homura's going to die for a contrived plot reason and despite all the "you can do anything!" bullshit, I'll just accept it
Nah, Rex was trash.

While the titans in Alrest are better fleshed out, the way they're presented is way weaker.
The best thing about Bionis/Mechonis is you could always see the other Titan and the sense of scale as maintained.

The XC2 fanbase doesn't give a shit, sorry they fucked you over, dude.

They're about equally trash.
Too many people give Shulk a pass because of Howden but if you take the actual dialogue and writing in a vacuum, they're about the same in terms of their weaknesses.

No, but it has one of the best worlds I've played in a JRPG. All of the Xenoblade games have excellent worlds but 1's felt a little one dimensional in terms of the people and places, X had the best physical world but it too lacked some of the dimensions that 2 presented.

>because he got fucked over
No. Because everyone else got fucked over. That's the thing. As a Master Blade, he saw and "experienced" all the bad shit every Blade, Titan and any humans bonded or otherwise close to them ever felt, and his resonance with Amaltus made him focus on those sad, terrible moments of existence. Mythra saw and experienced the same thing he did but her resonance with Addam made her focus on what's worth saving in life. Making him the destroyer and her the protector.

Your power of friendship shota crush would have done the same shit.

my thought is i want a nia tamagotchi

Attached: ECCq9i-XUAIbO-L.webm (1200x900, 253K)

yeah that was my favourite thing about them, the closest thing 2 had to that was all the titans converging at yggdrasil at the end

So again, how is that different from being an edgy nihilist that thinks humanity deserves to be destroyed?

Im glad we can all agree XB2's title screen is immensely better than the first game's

Posting in threads about games/series you haven't played is just begging to get spoiled, good lesson to learn. And its not like its some big spoiler anyways, game isn't ruined you fag

I’m about 4 hours in and the game feels like it just plays itself. Auto attack, then use whatever art is ready. Does it get harder?

>story heavy games
I feel you. and I understand your issues, because I can imagine that that discrepancy between story and gameplay/visuals can become pretty jarring at times. I believe the term is ludo-narrative dissonance.
I suppose I'm a bit sorry it's such a big hump for you to get over (or not at all) but it's also one of those things that people within the genre like about it, so it ultimately becomes a situation where the values and criteria of quality in one genre aren't of universal consensus and it creates a barrier of entry.

I already have a Nia acryllic stand

But he killed people when he needed to. Just wasn't ever focused on revenge

Why are XC2fags so hostile?

I don't think thats being hostile, but its pretty minor spoiler the game is still good if you know that. I've been spoiled on shit before on this site, I learned quick to not even open threads with games I was interested in before I played them. And to stay off the boards if something big I cared about was releasing.

I think it could have worked if they tried to lean into the opposite effect in XB2: try to make the player feel isolated and a little hopeless by showing how little land there is and really emphasize what a lack of resources and land does to society, show more over-crowded areas in Uraya and Mor Ardain, or a lack of food.
I think if they leaned into the feeling of land being very small and depleting on purpose, it could have worked well.
Maybe the Titans gradually lose areas as the story goes on

>mfw XCX will never get a sequel
Why even live?

Attached: 1515680871573.jpg (526x701, 90K)

X had the best world design, 1 had the best world concept, 2 had the richest worldbuilding.

You mean like that one mechanic in Gormott that's never brought up again?

>it ultimately becomes a situation where the values and criteria of quality in one genre aren't of universal consensus and it creates a barrier of entry.
Which is a bit conflicting when fans proclaim the series as objectively better than any other game in existence, hence prompting people to come into these threads and explaining what they didn't like.

Yes, gets a lot more fun when you unlock driver combos and the affinity node that lets you cancel driver arts into themselves, having all arts immediately ready, and have 3 blades to swap between. Plus orbs and chain attacks. Though a lot of the fun comes from playing with your blade combinations and party comp.

Its stupid and annoying that the training wheels are on for so long but if they weren't you would have even more retards complaining about the "complicated" combat.

Yeah, actually
XB2 is a half-baked 10/10 for me. IT's got tons of ideas and mechanics that I love in concept but only half of them get fully developed and the other half are dropped or used for the occasional side mission
Now we just need to combine them:


>2 had the richest worldbuilding
That's X though

True, this fanbase is filled with some autists that need to learn to stop being hyperbolic. I'm always between whether the people who start "BEST GAME EVAR" threads and reply with "onions" "hates tits/sexy girls" are false flaggers or genuine autists, but I give them the benefit of the doubt and say they're stupid instead of malicious.

It's clear that they lost a lot with the tight development timeframe and small team. 2 could have been a much better game if they didn't lose staff for BOTW. But 2 massively outperformed expectations and basically brought Monolith back from their attempted slide back into soulful but not commercially successful Nipjank with X.

I think you should stop taking shit posters seriously. Personally I loved it but it certainly isn't perfect and I doubt any actual fan of it would say it is

Despite glaring flaws, it executes its theme quite well.

>IT's got tons of ideas and mechanics that I love in concept
Like gacha and shit dialogue?

>I think you should stop taking shit posters seriously.
That's hard to do when 90% of the fandom calls me a troll for pointing out issues like the FPS. I do love how, in a 500 post thread, I can be called a snoy tranny just for pointing out some problems I had with the game, and not a single other poster will stand up in my defense. they will literally applaud the shitposting against me because "I don't like their favorite game, so I deserve to be shat on."

I'd love to see this supposed "reasonable" part of the fanbase.

I'm not at all convinced Rex is a bad character.

Flip it around. What makes him a good character?

He looks silly

>child character
>doesn't violently backhand Mythra when she slaps him, or when she sleepwalks into his room and throws crap at him

I wouldn't really blame X's inability to sell millions on Monolithsoft. It's more to do with the commercial failure of the system it was on, which was also in its twilight years circling the drain. Shame about the Wii U, really. Also, the localization didn't respect the audience it was aiming at so it had a bit of a hill to climb to make sales outside Japan.

It's good. Obviously part of the game is pandering to the audience unashamedly but I liked the whole experience. Combat and grinding was very fun.

I never once had issues with FPS but thats probably because I never played it undocked. It has plenty of flaws though, like the blade checks, dubbing, slow start, gacha(never bothered me but I see why people hate it), half baked mechanics(cloud sea level, branching quests), rarity of OD protocols keeping you from playing with different comps, merc missions and merc level in general. I also have some issues with balancing stuff, why the FUCK isn't there an item to expand aux core slots? But the game was still really enjoyable to me despite those things.

Then you're the target audience of poorly written shounen manga. Congratulations.

I have brought up at least half those flaws in previous threads, and not once did a single soul ever agree with me or at least say "I don't agree, but I understand where you're coming from." It's kinda hard to ignore 2+ years of shitposting because people couldn't take a difference in opinions. To be honest, it has done nothing but make me hate JRPGs even more, and games that have heavy amounts of fanservice in them. If the fandom can't take criticism, then the game isn't fostering a good fandom.

Sorry but Xeno is the only video game series worth playing to me. If you don't like that, then you can hang your obese ass at the door. Now there might be a few one-offs every so often that a studio puts out that are worth checking out, but not one other series has the consistency Xeno does. I don't care which platform it releases on, because I know I'm in for a good time regardless. If you find the Xeno fandom too unwelcoming, then perhaps you could try growing some skin?
Ignore the Americans, please. We discussed this on /vg/ nearly 100 times.
>hitting women for fun
Literal child or American?

Attached: I FIGHT FOR MY FRIENDS.jpg (1000x1000, 159K)

>/vg/ ESLmonkey
>thinks their opinion matters

I'm not American though.

>starts right off with insults
I can tell this is gonna be a good post.

>this series is great because i like it, not a single criticisms has ever been said that was right
It just keeps getting better.

>literal child or american
It's called "being tired of a generic tsundere character in a game that's supposedly breaking boundaries and being innovative."

Do not argue with /vg/ subhumans.

Ah, so you are American. I won't waste my time then. Thank you.

Are you retarded? The game sold well (for a niche Wii U RPG) and Monolith expressed they fully intent on continuing both the X and numbered series. You sound as whiny and desperate as those poor fuck who were crying over X not being Xenoblade 2 and saying there'd never be a Xenoblade 2 and X had ruined everything. Have a little more faith than that, man.


I was really hoping XC2 being such a success would get us ports of XC1 and X. Especially since so many wii u games are getting ported over. X actually using the gamepad might have fucked it over.

It's good. Not great. 1 is still better and better written. Idk what happened but the writing and dialogue in this is straight trash

That after reality crushed his dreams the thing he feared the most was that he disappointed the people who put their trust in him. That he was able to look at the man who ruined the world, created another then left it to rot in an utter lack of faith in humanity and tell that man that he was thankful that he was given life.
He's easily one of my favorite characters from fiction in general from the past 10 years.

I'm american.

>People are actually shitting on XC2 hard without getting gangraped by it's obsessive fanbase
Pretty wild thread.

That scene established him as a bad character to me as he is never forced to face his fears

>That after reality crushed his dreams the thing he feared the most was that he disappointed the people who put their trust in him.
So another generic MUH FRIENDS ARE MY REAL POWER character. Gotcha.

>hitting women for fun
its called putting them in their place

Attached: communist faggot.jpg (542x472, 92K)

>Mary Sue gets thanked by God himself for curing his depression
>You consider this good writing for a protagonist

>its called putting them in their place
user, it's not even that. It's just that Rex is spineless and lets every other character walk all over them. Infact Shulk was the same way. "if we kill him we'll be just like them". Yeah, thank you Batman.

>game that advertises itself as a sequel has actual ties to the original
Soulsfags have poisoned the well for all discussion on the internet

Maybe you should invite ACfag to the cabal and make him another "useful idiot."

>Mary Sue

Yeah, he is, just like all shonen protags.

Useful idiot? I don't understand.

It's more that the scene establishes that at his core he's simply a good person. It's a selfless fear, and it's exactly what Klaus needed to see. That someone who became exposed to all the problems and ills of the world and had his hope for a better future crushed would think about the people he let down rather than his own despair.

Where did the
>"X isn't getting a sequel"
Meme even come from? Not only did Takahashi say he wanted to do a sequel, but there's really no reason why it can't happen. You could make the argument that people wouldn't know the plot of the first game, but that doesn't matter much if he scripts it in a similar fashion to XC1/XC2.

In other words, he's another generic goody two shoes. Yawn.

You know, Mario has a similar character trait, but I don't need 50000 hours of cutscenes to get that across.

>Sorry but Xeno is the only video game series worth playing to me.
>Now there might be a few one-offs every so often that a studio puts out that are worth checking out, but not one other series has the consistency Xeno does.

Attached: 1556333218068.jpg (1024x683, 53K)

He really is

You know your shitposting is really a nice way for me to bounce my thoughts on this character off of. Thanks.

I don't know why you think it's shitposting. You could just say you disagree, instead of being so overtly abrasive.

Why can't the Xenoblade fandom comprehend the notion that Persona, and Megaten as a whole is the more popular, and consistent franchise in terms of gameplay and plot? P5 basically slapped JRPG's back on the map. I can't even imagine how P6, or for that matter SMTV will change the game. The only difference is that Monolith is superior at world building.

Attached: image.png (1280x925, 836K)

XC2fags literally can't handle any opinions that challenge their delusions.

Makes sense that they like brainless, idealistic and poorly written shounen fantasy.

I'm not even kidding when I say that Xenoblade 2 has a more mature story than Persona 5. Persona 5 is the game that made me realize that I'd simply outgrown some styles of JRPG storytelling.

You speak as if the alternative is any better.

>dude I beat up bad guys with the power of love and friendship and I'm a baka lol XD
>*Mythra smacks him due to cliche tsundere tendencies*

The only good story in a JRPG is a nonexistent one.

Because you're attempting to deny any depth to the character by dismissing the context of his journey then making a false comparison. You're not arguing in good faith, you know it, hence shitpost.

They're about the same, your game literally has Adachi as the villain.

>Xenoblade 2 has a more mature story than Persona 5

Attached: youserious.gif (400x260, 1.83M)

Better Adachi than Akechi or Shido, lmfao. Or whatever that entire last act of Persona 5 was. I think that's one of my biggest gripes. Xenoblade's climax worked perfectly into the story and had me gripped to the end. Persona 5's last act I was just wondering what the fuck I was doing and why it hadn't simply ended with Shido. They REALLY wanted that 'fight God' final boss, even if they had to shove it down your throat.

stop this now

>Because you're attempting to deny any depth to the character by dismissing the context of his journey
All of his "depth" and "context" happens in cutscenes, hence it can all be discarded as garbage. A good game can make me feel for a character solely through the gameplay that they offer. Heck, I've felt more attached to nameless NPCs in strategy games, solely due to how well they did their jobs. I've even cried on occasion seeing them sacrifice themselves to kill off an enemy base or accomplish an objective. You don't know sadness until a siege tank dies while using its last shot to kill a zerg hive, or seeing an Aeon Czar crash into an enemy base, killing the opposing ACU. You don't need story and cutscenes to make me feel for someone, their actions can do it much better.

>we can stop crime by stealthily lobotomizing people
It wasn't bad. I'm sure Royal will fuck it up, though.

>Xenoblade's climax worked perfectly into the story and had me gripped to the end

Its cuz its a war they can't win and will most likely get btfo hard. Also here's my contributation.

>Cringe game great porn.

Nice rebuttals. Having a discussion with Personafags is fucking impossible, probably because the entire basis of their favorite game is winning the argument by entering the chuuniverse and beating people up.

Gotcha. Or you're retarded and didn't pay attention to anything.

Royal will have to try real hard to fuck it up, considering Nyarly is coming back.

It's a game written by an otaku for otakus which explains all the cringy shit in it.

more like gatcha lmao

That's was actually pretty good.

I always hated Naruto, but looking back, it wasn't so bad, the shonen stories we have today make it look like high art.

>Royal will have to try real hard to fuck it up
You mean like the party forgiving Akechi and adding another Mary Sue to the cast?


Attached: spycicle.png (616x336, 417K)

That wasn't confirmed, even if it was hinted. Persona 5 in general is just a budget version of the Persona 2 duology. Did you think Takahashi loved reusing plot points and ideas? Wada and co. have done nothing but reuse the same concepts in a new coat of paint for the new Persona games.

pretty lame, love pyra though

>He's back at it again
Don't you have something better to do, Ryan?

>Forgiving /ourboy/
>Ever being a bad thing

I can't wait to see P2fags cry when he singlehandedly BTFOs their shitty god.

Attached: Akechi_All_Out.png (500x498, 346K)

Attached: 1543666178915.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

>Nice rebuttals.
what rebuttals? this isn't an argument, this is me laughing at you for thinking your cringe moe anime shovelware has a "mature story."

Literal faggots are supposed to stay on /vg/.

Nigga, they literally added an aspect of Nyarly that in the entire Megaten multiverse was only an enemy in P2, and modeled it just for this game.

If they don't bring him back this time, it'll only confirm that they're been intentionally trolling P2fags.

>Persona 5 in general is just a budget version of the Persona 2 duology.
that's one of the biggest reasons why it's the best of the nu-persona games. the p2 duology was kino and should be the example that the series strives to reach.


Look at the funny dance and funny sexy anime troopes. God you fags really are the audience the creator of XB2 wanted to appeal to.

drawing some meleph

Me when talking to anyone that's dumb enough to consider XC2 good

You're gonna make him cry user. He doesn't have the power of friendship in real life. Tbh I don't know how XB2 beats out P5 with that trope given it's existed longer.

P3 was peak kino for the series and it'll never hit that high again.

I could tolerate the humor if the game at least wanted to be a video game. Instead it feels like it wanted to be a low grade movie. How many times have they shown a cutscene of characters fighting, that the player cannot interact with at all? It's absurd.

>all the retards aboslutely assblasted over a single character
Unless you have actual criticism to the duality that is Rex and Jin, then I suggest you stop posting.
The very same path these two characters walked. The lives they lived in good and bad times. The drive to find something more in life through themselves or in their comrades. The questions these two characters raised and the answers they came to. Unless you can describe in detail each of these things, then your "criticisms" of these two characters are worthless to me. You're a fan, right? You paid attention, right? Your criticisms aren't founded by others, right? Not a single one of you can do this. DO you know why? BEcause you're only fan on the surface level. You don't give Takahashi a chance to tell the story of these characters. Your very understanding of this game's writing is surface level at best. It's not deep. It's not Shakespearean poetry. It's a JRPG.

Attached: hwat.png (228x233, 12K)

p3 was an utter snoozefest in both gameplay and story. it's low point for the series, a transitional game and it shows.

>MUH story
That's all the criticism I need of Rex. A character that talks in a video game is deserving of shame and ridicule for trying to turn the game into a cinematic experience.

>Retarded Takahashi cocksucker trying to talk up the writing and thematic development in a game that the man himself outright said is a simple boy meets girl story
Poor thing. You can't even read the man's actual words in Japanese.

>using Shakespeare as the superlative for complicated literature
Living life in the slow lane.

I could understand almost any other fanbase making fun of Xenoblade 2 for having 'cringy' or bad writing. Almost any other.
But not Persona fans. It's like two people rolling in shit, then one turns to the other and starts desperately crying about how the shit that cakes them is better than the shit that cakes their companion. Just what the fuck.

You have to be younger than 15 to enjoy Persona 5's writing. You have to be. Or retarded. Xenoblade 2 is pretty bad as well, but at least it finally starts getting into more complex themes in the last 20% of the game.

>Unless you have actual criticism to the duality that is Rex and Jin
>moralfag fights edgy nihilist
The duality of man...

You can't possibly have played P2 if you're pretending the P3 gameplay is boring.

The exact kind of posts I expected. Thank you, and also capped for future use.

Attached: smug.png (407x243, 152K)

It's almost like every JRPG does this. Wow who would have thought. If only they'd make movies out of them.

Based. I love Rex purely for the rampant asshurt he causes.

Those fucking pits in the dungeons made me want to end it. I honestly miss bitter sweet endings in the series after P3.

Attached: meleph 5.png (880x655, 146K)

This is my point. A game should never need to tell the story. The story should come naturally to you through environmental means. You guys harp on about western games being movies, and yet you can't even begin to fathom a good video game story without it shoving cinematics down your throat for 500 hours?

>Loving a character, specifically because of the dislike surrounding him by anons on a Malaysian image board
That doesn't sound very healthy, but alright

This post is as cringy as the actual game who would've thought?

Takahashi himself called it a juvenile boy meets girls story. Your desperate attempt to ascribe meaning and depth that wasn't there is kind of pathetic.

Waifufags ruined this game.
We need to hand the series back over to fujochads

Attached: Tatsuyaagay.png (854x727, 65K)

So What? We need more Earthbound like games?

Horrible writing completely ruined the game for me.

tartarus is the worst dungeon in gaming. at least p2's dungeons change. p3 is just boring-ass random hallways all game long. both games have piss-poor battle systems, though.

The combat and pace of recruiting in 2 far outweigh the repetitiveness of Tartarus. Plus, the upper levels in Tartarus actually have some great atmosphere.

The gameplay is nice, memorable characters and moments, yet shit and pretentious story at times. I believe it was inspired by shounen stories initially
The world itself is great though

>I could understand almost any other fanbase making fun of Xenoblade 2 for having 'cringy' or bad writing. Almost any other.
>But not Persona fans.
the persona 2 duology alone shits all over the entire xeno franchise combined in terms of writing. takahashi is a hack.

>"Ha! Your responses and criticisms are futile, because you don't understand!"
>Gives no explanation whatsoever
>"Pshh just the responses I expected, shallow minded fools!"
Uh, okay

I'm just taking the piss user. But I do enjoy how mad he seems to get people. The game itself seems to enrage ironic weeb redditors in general

i can't she's fun to draw

We need more VIDEOGAMES, not movies. In particular, Takahashi needs to go back to writing 101 and figure out how to tell a story without 50 billion lines of dialogue and cutscenes.

>people still responding to AC fag
C'mon guys. Your better than this

>The game itself seems to enrage ironic weeb redditors in general
Why would the game enrage it's target audience?

>The game itself seems to enrage ironic weeb redditors in general
xenoblade's entire fanbase is ironic weeb redditors and nintendofags.

I always wondered whatever happened to the singer of "change your way"? I haven't been able to find anything and they sang her song for her at the concert without any credit.

I couldn't agree more but he's just an Otaku so I'm sure he thinks highly of himself.

I actually never played XC1. I really enjoyed this one though, particularly for the environments and worldbuilding. The characters were almost all terrible, and the story was pretty much pointless, it just served as a vehicle for you to learn about the history of the world. I did not give a single shit about any of the characters, and their designs were sooooo bad, like trying to appeal to elementary schoolers and perverts simultaneously. So I guess maybe middle schoolers?

The music is easily 10/10. Leftherian Archipelago is my favorite.
Seriously amazing stuff here.

The gameplay is pretty cool, I like how it got more complex as it went on. By the end of it it felt like a gacha game though, I don't like having to experiment with builds when it's not quite obvious what my output is until like a full minute of fighting.

But seriously anons, go listen to that Leftherian Archipelago theme.

All of the good parts you like about 2 are done better in 1 with none of the bad parts.

apparently she still makes music:
no clue why she didn't perform at the concert, though.

Are any the older games as cringy as XB2's writing? I've been thinking of getting into the series only through the older entries.

One of the best JRPGs. Ever.


Malos did nothing wrong.

Interesting. Greatly appreciate this user.

I'm an actual weeb (not the ironic kind) and XB2 is the only game in the series that had dialogue and writing that bad. There are ups and downs throughout the series, but XB2 is easily the worst.

I forgot all about that song, I really wasn't expecting it at all.
I love how "think positive" is an actual lyric in the song, considering Maya's whole positive thinking thing is probably my favorite quote of the series, and just one of my favorite quotes in general.

>One of the best JRPGs. Ever
>Malos did nothing wrong
The best part of this post, is it was done without any self awareness.

>Yea Forums hates XC2 now
What the fuck happened?

Why are you so convinced someone that likes P5's (or even XC2's) "writing" is a retard? What exactly does that mean by the way? Like, the actual localized dialogue, the order of events in the story, the underlying themes or lack thereof, the character arcs, what? Shit like this is crazy vague, and for someone who is posturing as mr big brains i'd like you to clarify a few things.

Is Xenoblade 2 the most shilled game on Yea Forums?

How much will I miss if I play Xenoblade 2 without playing Xenoblade 1? Will I feel left out during any endgame revelation or something? Also, how’s that dlc for Xenoblade 2? Essential?

You finally realized that Yea Forums isn't the same group of cocksucking retarded faggots from /vg/ that you're used to circlekerking with.

>XC2fags got cucked out of their own thread by personachads
Has there ever been a more pathetic fanbase?

Only game this generation I actually enjoyed unironically, as opposed to playing it just because my friends play it or because there was a lot of hype for it.

I didn't play XC1 at all and didn't feel any left out. As far as I know they are not related except in a few concepts.

Most people seem to recommend playing XC1 first (or just playing it) though

Fucking based, literal redditors have no response to this.

Why don't XC2fags play video games?

And it's Persona 2 Chads of all things.
Based and JOKERpilled

Attached: P2I-kashiharaAkinari1.jpg (243x300, 15K)

I don't like it. Blades aren't fun. Why can't I just have access to all my arts instead of 3 at a time. Plus the customizability of gems was way more enjoyable than the RNG of blade stats. Limiting how many times you could swap blades just made things even more painful. Honestly I don't think there's a single thing I actually like about the blade system.

I was going to say smashfags but at least they play video games LMAO

You'll miss nothing of value. Some references will fly over your head near the end of the game but nothing major or meaningful to the main story. If you've ever played Earthbound and Mother 3, it's kind of the same deal where each game is absolutely standalone but playing them in order adds a few "haha!" moments once all is said and done. Also the DLC is not essential but IS quite good. If you play the main game and end up enjoying the gameplay/lore, the DLC will just gives you more of both.

A small vocal minority on Yea Forums hates Nintendo and anything related to it with a passing. Probably because there were good news in the form of upcoming video games for one platform, and pissing simulator on the other.

We're trying to discuss Persona 2 here, could you take your off-topic shit to /vg/ already?

I wrote passion, and the fucking site changed it. What the hell?

>he thinks it's just a minority that hates xb2
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAAA!!

>IP count didn't go up
We know it's only you and ACfag shitting up the thread, Xfag.

>You'll miss nothing of value
Except a good game, which I guess he isn't concerned with anyways seeing as he's playing XB2.

Funny how you focused on one part of the post and ignored the other. Well, at least I was right about that other thing. :)

We know how OBSESSED you are already, number 1 fan.

You got banned less than 12 hours ago, stop ban evading.

more meleph

Attached: meleph 6.png (880x655, 131K)

Shitting up the thread? At what point did I "shit up the thread"? My first post literally had zero shitposting, or ad hom, or console warring, or anything inflammatory. All the post had in it was criticisms about the game.

forgot to color the eyes

Attached: meleph 6.png (880x655, 132K)

Don't bother, the XC2 fanbase will eat you alive for even implying their game isn't perfect.

The funnier thing then that is the fact it's probably the same fag defending it and trying to end argumemts with snarky comebacks like "T.XB2haterbaby" or "he doesn't understand complex complexity of XB2 is too difficult for a retard like yourself...g-gote'm right guys?"

Anyone can see it's you when you always post the same shit every single time, retard.
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"number 1 fan"/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/good boy's club/

Who? What? Take your meds, schizo.

But you were wrong with the rest. Way to call yourself out.

Sure thing, ACfag.

What a bunch of babies. Is this the true power of Otaku's?

Literally, unironically, has any fanbase ever been more utterly SEETHING than XC2babbies?

I remember this one XB2 that got moved to /r/ and it ended with the fags agreeing to post another thread on Yea Forums after a few hours. Can't they just let it go?

>He got banned for spamming pictures so now he's just spamming posts
How low will Xfag go?

Holy shit xeno2cucks got fucking DESTROYED. gg.

I'm surprised you haven't been yelling bloody murder at your boogeyman yet cuz of course it's only one person.

For the record Andrew, when you always make the same reply when called out it only makes you more transparent.
Now go be a good boy and sit out your ban.

Xenocringe faggots are Literally mentally unhinged and can't comprehend that more than one person could criticize their game. it's sad, really.

Remeber a guy came in and told everyone to stop being biased and you called him xfag?
Funny stuff.

And this won't be the only time either sadly. Until after hours when nobodies awake to say something mean about their favorite game and feel good about themselves.

I'm just happy people stopped dragging in console wars when they debated with me. I was getting sick of being called a snoy supporter, when sony literally puts out even more cinematic games, and they're likely the cause for cinematic experiences being popular in the first place. That never made sense to me, and I'm glad they dropped it. The last thing I want, when criticizing a game, is for console warring garbage to blur my points.

HAHAHAHA you really have lost your minds, give up cucks, you lost. Everyone on Yea Forums sees your game for the cringe shitfest it is.

Oof, hurts to see a "fan"base get dismantled this hard in a single thread. Oh well, maybe they'd be able to defend it if they actually played it.

I'm fucking calling it now another thread will be posted up eventually with "my waifu say something nice to her guh huh" all so they can feel better.

How come those 2 fags are always active in every XC2 thread? Are they... living together?

What I'm wondering is what Blunderfag's up to. He's been way less active lately compared to ACfag and Xfag. Hopefully he's finally killed himself.

To the fag the tried banning me for "posting on a off-topic garabge thread" i hope you like the karma. Enjoy the ban.

They have one up right now, go fuck it up.

God damn it.

lol you cucks have a whole fanfic involving your boogeymen, holy shit.

i'll make sure to draw more meleph drawings, i got a few ideas for some

What did he mean by this?

Felt like I was playing anime pacing and all so pretty decent great at being a time sink as well
People probably give it more credit than it deserves though since switch doesnt have that many worth well titles

What I meant by that was that you mean everything to me user. I love you.

Keep up the good work.

>People probably give it more credit than it deserves
Any credit at all?

Why does this game make certain people on here so mad and obsessed about it?


It's overall pretty good the only 3 problems I have are

>getting punished for exploring, having super high level monsters on the map renders some of the navigation tricky, thank God dying doesnt cost you anything
>the wayfinding and general usefulness of the map is hot garbage, it's stupid how confusing it can be to find your way or get to an objective in certain areas
>quest blade bosses are ridiculously cheap, the one for wulfric and theory come to mind.

Great game, flawed but has amazing gameplay and music.

Also, my waifu.

Attached: F9F6CC15-640D-44D6-A05B-65EC9DD70D82.jpg (1240x1900, 343K)

Nobody's mad, just dabbing on SEETHING XB2weebs.

Bullshit we got FE three houses but it still has the akward motion capture charactet models.

Because, even though it sold less than 2 mil, it still sold better than their favorite RPG.

>this desperate attempt at damage control
That's pretty pathetic.

ACfag and Blunderfag were already unstable and autistic professional shitposters before XC2, they just latched on to it because retards still to this day give them (You)s. Xfag is a new addition that's unique to XC2 threads (except for the times he tries to ruin X threads by bringing his autistic 2 hatred to them).

ebin samefag

>to myself



Don't you fags do the same thing with almost monthly posts of these 4 to 5 year old game? Sorry that a lot of people have different opinions then you thaf you obvioulsy for some reason find offense to.

It was my first post in the thread.

These kinda threads confuse me. Isn't Xenoblade supposed to be so great that you can't help but discuss the good gameplay? So what's with all the porn dumps? You guys aren't bored of the game, are you?

>ACfag and Blunderfag were already unstable and autistic professional shitposters before XC2
I'll humor this. Exactly what "shitposting" were they guilty of?

>expecting xeno2cucks to play the game they worship instead of jerking off
LMAO you're giving them too much credit.

Is there any hope for Xenoblade 3

If you have to ask then you’re already a lost cause or very new. Both ACfag and Blunderfag are well known shitposters, the forming doing this same song and dance for almost 10 years, even with the original Xenoblade.

Participating in or instigating flamewars, spamming/flooding, making incredibly low quality posts, trolling outside of Yea Forums, being off-topic and ban evading, among other things.

The former*

I hope not but then again the porn is great and thats the only postitive i can think off and maybe the music.

Series co-director Koh Kojima stated Monolith plans to pursue both the X and numbered series going forward so yes, Xenoblade 3 will happen, though it'll probably be after X2, and probably on Nintendo's next console.

Does any of this apply to this post in question?

It sounds like a reasonable collection of criticisms. You know.

Well to be fair the thread is asking for an unironic opinion on the game and XB2fags will take any critism as a "shitpost"

Of course, it was ACfag. Don’t reply if you don’t want him around for another 10 years.

Very good, very very good. Dub is there for when you want to have a good laugh, but people there for serious stuff have the undub as well. Gameplay is a clusterfuck at first, but once you understand how blade combos and elemental bubbles work then it becomes really fun. Best soundtrack of the three games, I'd even put it on the same level as Automata which came out the same year, too.

Not now that the director can do what he wants knowing he has a loyal fanbase. At best X2 has hope if they don't decide to keep some of the Xenoblade 2 "improvements"

I think ACfag stopped being a person long ago, he's part of the Yea Forums servers now. Only way to get rid of him is to nuke the whole website.

That would be the only way to explain his inhuman persistence repeating the same arguments and never learning a thing in almost 10 years.

What kind of plot is this?

Stop samefagging

She's lesbian

>It sounds like a reasonable collection of criticisms. You know
Then you are incredibly naive to not see what he was trying to do here. A "collection" of criticism isn't reasonable when it's been broken down since years but you still use it every single time and autisticly feign ignorance.

There's really no point telling'em that they'll just make another thread soon to feel better about themselves.

No she's not. Faggot shipper delusions don't count.

Stop responding to Xfag desperately trying to suck ACfag senpai's dick. Notice how he's the only one redditspacing in this thread.

>A "collection" of criticism isn't reasonable when it's been broken down since years

Attached: 28f.png (331x331, 8K)

Its the cock of the block.


Attached: Boogiepop wa Warawanai - 08 - Large 04.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Oh god make it stop.

Dunkey made a video that made fun of it so it's shit.

X > 2 > 1

Attached: 7.jpg (739x415, 29K)

Great antagonists.

Attached: bros.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Keep saying it

Comedy aside, it’s very telling when even Dunkey can love P5 but XC2 just offends him. MonolithSoft could learn a lot from Atlus instead of trying to pander to ironic weebs.

>people responding to ACfag

Attached: blushycrushy.png (1500x1500, 611K)

>guy who hates JRPGs hates good JRPG and likes mediocre JRPG
Very telling.

Attached: 5.jpg (822x719, 74K)


There's a fuck ton of post game support which was really neat but why didn't they add Malos or Jin as blades you could use?

Attached: malosrex.jpg (1200x600, 716K)

Thank god this game helped to relieve the JRPG drought

Attached: DqGVlXuU8AEoI_y.jpg (755x1118, 239K)

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God the characters in this look retarded

>JRPG drought
On what fucking planet?


Attached: 1566630655262.jpg (600x771, 70K)

Can't say I agree.

Attached: Negrescore0-1128685118892101632-0.jpg (1000x1000, 145K)

What? You expect a pat on the back for that statement? some validation? Get the fuck outta here.

>I've come into a thread to discuss genre I don't like
>how dare they like this genre!

Did you misquote or reply by mistake?

Attached: ssktmm-991069415146901504-0.jpg (600x800, 97K)


>thread asks for opinions of a game
>but you can only give opinions if they're positive

Attached: 1565970723094.jpg (480x480, 25K)

Not at all, you know exactly what I'm talking about, you make statements like that all the time, pretending their facts, seeking validation from the gangbang.

Shame that's not the plot of the game.

shame your mother gave birth to a retarded son.

>you make statements like that all the time
>Yea Forums is one person
Ok user.

God this would have been better as a porn game.

Waifubait weeb trash only good for porn.
If you unironically like this “game” you need to kill yourself.

I've seen you post that exact same image with a generic bait like "I'm so glad XC2 saved JRPGs and made them good again, right bros??? *wink* *wink*" all the time.

>Waifubait weeb trash only good for porn.
So you haven't played it.

Stay triggered, nincel, you know i am right and it’s killing you deep inside.

XB2 otaku fanboys are impossible.

You're right, the porn isn't even good.

Learn how to search the archive user. That's verifiably wrong

Xenogears > Xenoblade 2 > Xenosaga > Xenoblade X > Xenoblade 1

>XC2babbies getting meme'd on
Based thread.

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Without a question a masterpiece.
Why else would it manage to permanently mentally destroy multiple people?

The obsession is creates is proof of how incredible it is..

Here we see the SEETHING snoyfag in his natural habitat, sonygaf

Brain cancer confirmed for the savior of modern society.

This. The sheer butthurt this game causes NeoGA/v/ is beautiful

I won't defend the game for being weeby cringe trash but the porn is something i'll defend without second thought. Have you seen the porn parodies like "seal of lust"?

>using weeb wrong
Not even trying

Why do Persoyboys keep popping up in Xeno threads? Royal is a Gamefreak tier mistake, and SMTV is vaporware. Get out, and stop shitposting. I can't even have a proper XC2 thread in peace without mentally deranged summer clowns thinking they're hilarious for saying
Does your vocabulary expand beyond buzzwords?

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Maybe cuz its spammed non stop on this board with porn bait and off topic conversations about which character is the hottest? P5 doesn't even amount to this level surprisingly and it makes sense with the shitty spinoffs and expansion.

I'm trying to. But it keeps putting cutscenes in my place.

If a game demands this level of dedication, it's a masterpiece.
Even people who didn't enjoy it are so captivated by it they dedicate the rest of their lives to it.

P5 simply can't keep up with it.

>Berniecuck likes XC2
No surprise there.

>popular game has lots of discussion
Oh no, what a sin.
P5 was a bore, so of course there is low interest to discuss it

what was Yea Forums's first Rare blade?

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>the amount of shitposting around a game makes it a good game

By that logic, the ps4 is the best console because of shitposters clogging the catalog with golden sony anal vore wojaks. Is that what you want?

Snow bunny

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>popular game
This was before half the most popular switch games came out

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Don't know. Maybe because the thread's topic is UNIRONIC OPINIONS about the game. It just goes to show you kids will never cease to amaze me whenever somebody has a different opinon then you, you kids will automatically see it as "shitposting" which in this case is mostly in the negative critism departement.

Since this thread is just retards fighting other retards, someone tell me some easy to get into jrpgs on switch, Do any of them have exciting combat ?

>the ps4 is the best console because of shitposters clogging the catalog with golden sony anal vore wojaks
No, that's the opposite. They shitpost OTHER systems, so by that logic PS4 is the worst (close, second worse isn't far) but your interpretation is off

So P5 is a masterpiece with that logic since its also talked about a lot in mostlt positive light. God what kind of logic is that?

>exciting combat

Nobody on sonygaf shits on the ps4, they all shit on the switch.
So you're wrong.

One of my top favorite jrpgs of all trine. It's up there with Saga and trails for me.

That being said, while I love nearly everything about it, it isn't without its flaws; namely, the tutorials are ok, but are bad for endgame fighting mechanics. It takes too long to get all your combat options unlocked, and the performance, even in rocked can be an absolute joke at times. They really should have optimized harder. They even had a slam dunk excuse to have render fog at times because it's on a sea of clouds.

All in all, great game with heartwarming emotional story.

It's a tall order, but i'm picky af.

>since its also talked about a lot
>talked about a lot

Better yet FE three houses beats it out in under a Year as best JRPG in a year.

It makes sense, only a masterpiece can demand the dedication XC2 can.
Xelfag and ACfag being obsessed with it proves without the shadow of a doubt it's a masterpiece.

Boreas on my first playthrough, Newt on my second. Ironic seeing as Newt was the last Blade I rolled on my first playthrough.


>No, that's the opposite. They shitpost OTHER systems,
>moments after Switch fans started flooding the thread with how much Persona 5 is shit


Yes, the golden vore posters are shitposting against P5.

>only one post calling it shit
LOL, the sniyfag victim complex is amazing

Hey its your logic. You're smart right?

I don't see P5 discussed anywhere near Xenoblade

Yeah sure. In your head maybe. I bet you if it was up to a poll of some kind P5 would destory it completely but you wouldn't want that because you'd be met with the hard truth and make up some other dumb excuse.

>one person says its mediocre
>SWITCH fans are FLOODING the thread!!!

her english VA kind of kills all of the gender ambiguity that her character's based around.

>with heartwarming emotional story.
If you're mentally disabled.

If anything, it proves P5 is a shallow and casual experience, only valued by people for a moment and then forgotten immediately.
Dedication is what differentiates a masterpiece from a short "that was neat".
Because answering a poll is easy and brainless, dedication is work.

Post more KOS-MOS

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>Cucked by Persona and Dragon Quest in Smash
>Cucked at the Game Awards
>Cucked by Fire Emblem
How does one fanbase keep losing?

It's the typical snoyfag victim complex.
Same with ACfag having a complete mental breakdown when called out on his shit.

it's xenoblade chronicles 1 but soulless and infested with anime cringe

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So you can say without a doubt that XB2 is THE PERFECT GAME?

Again with calling me a snoy. How can I be a snoy if I hate movie games?!

And yet still, XC2 is more remembered than either.
Even with both getting Re releases, there are more Xeno threads

>its prequel but with [empty buzzword] with [empty buzzword]
Amazing post

A masterpiece doesn't have to be flawless to be unquestionably a masterpiece.

>Yea Forums threads determine if a game is remembered
Yea Forums is the only place that still gives a fuck about this literally who game.


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>unquestionably a masterpiece
I question it.


>video game discussion board is the only place that still gives a fuck about this video game
No? You don't say


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You can easily make threads about it anywhere else and it will fill up as well.

A masterpiece demands dedication, just ask Xfag.

>it's [noun] but [adjective] and with [noun]
oh no no no no

Did someone go cry in a /vg/ or something?

>More Xeno threads mean Good.

Okay then there's no reason to argue anymore you're just brain dead. I seriously can't believe someone like you exist.

An imbecile like you can also claim the Mona Lisa is shit, doesn't change the fact that it is unquestionably a masterpiece.


>get rekt
>get mad

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It demands dedication and obsession, it shapes entire lives and personalities around it.
The definition of a masterpiece, truly life changing for people like Xfag

An imbecile like you can also claim a pile of dogshit is a masterpiece, that doesn't change it from unquestionably being a pile of dogshit.

>comparing a video game to the mona lisa


This is just getting depressing man...are you well in life? Like seriously are you okay?


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>No U!
LOL, nice going you dumb cuck.

If it isn't a masterpiece, why would people still easily fill dozens of threads a week to bump limit?
Why would people be so dedicated to a single player game?

You could say I've dedicated myself to hating all movie games. Does that mean Uncharted and TLOU and God of War are masterpieces? I've commented on them far more than I have any Xenoblade game. I've spent countless nights arguing why I think Uncharted and TLOU fail in both storytelling and cohesive gameplay design.

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its ACfag, stop replying to it

Cuz there's funny reactions like this.

I should get into those games one day...

You most definitely do, they completely shaped your life and defined what person you are.
They are literally your only character trait.

Stop replying to ACfag. Just stop.

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Did the so(n)y rot your brain?
That doesn't make any sense in context.

This thread is golden. XC2 is a great game not only because it's great to play but also because there are STILL some assblasted crybabies that shit on it. It's been 1,5 years already and some people are still salty that this game is loved by majority of people

Considering you "play" every game you argue over on Youtube, you're in no position to complain about games being movies.
Oh, and if you're going to claim otherwise, then tell me what Seal effect comes from a Dark element blade combo finisher. If you can't or won't do that then you'll get no further responses from me.

I actaully own and like both consoles. Just got done playing FE three houses and will get into Monster Hunter soon. Hopefully Xbox peaks my interest one day.

Jesus christ, also stop responding to ACfag

Yeah you're right its golden. Cuz we get pathetic moments like this for full display. Despite the opposite happening.

Did you really miss the point of that post? It was arguing that a story heavy game isn't a game at all since the "important stuff" can just be watched on youtube. When you're not giving any attention to the gameplay, you actively repel any reasons to buy the game.

I mean, if he can't answer that simple question then that's definitive proof he hasn't played the game at all, which means arguing with him is literally pointless from any perspective.

If you don't mind me asking. What kind of site is that?

See, he just ignores the question entirely. Too bad, I had all day to argue too.

It's an archive, you can look up old posts

Do you expect me to remember minute details like that when I couldn't be bothered to care about the game? If I said something like "seal reinforcements" you'd probably say it wasn't good enough and cry about how I "didn't get the game's combat system" as if I should care about QTE cutscene combat.

>generic reply that says nothing
I can hear the snoyfag COPE from here

Dude we all know you were just relying on buzzwords to make up an argument.

Im sorry was that suppose to be hurtful? I I love Nintendo and Sony and just video games in general.

Just not XB2 in particular and so i gave my unirionic opinion.

No, I was just calling out your brainless reply for being generic and brainless.

And this is coming from an otaku. Thanks for the enlightenment.

God this game is awful with a terrible fan base to push it.