Monster Hunter


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Other urls found in this thread:

>there are people who think DMC is AAA

Lmao. Not even being biased here. I even own MHW on Xbone.

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but it is

Does anyone have the google doc of the event quest rewards?

i need to complete them before the 29 and i lost the link.

I want a pet Nargacuga

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blessed image
also where the fuck is my nigga Valstrax

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amazing how relaxing it is to hunt jho with a lance

In XX/GU, for now. I can’t believe you faggots want more monsters with fucking dragon weapons

>where the fuck is my nigga Valstrax
on a garbage game, where it belongs.

Reminder cuteposterfags need to be gassed and re-used turf wars are lazy and don't do our newcomers any justice at all.

Lance and Funlance, he becomes a cakewalk

>monster with tight gameplay and god tier hitboxes
>belongs in the trash

Ask me how I know you've never fought it.

Drive Wystones increases current sharpness damage against regular Frenzied monsters as well! That means your purple sharpness can become even sharper!

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Why bring it up?

I still won't bring them for apex Tigrex.

thank you handler truly you are my greatest ally

>Guard-Up even protects you from Jho's pin attack

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Cool, all they have to do is fix other monsters. Doesn't change the fact that Val is a lazy, garbage dragon in a franchise with too many.

Some anons brought up how DMC5 being announced at Microsoft's press conference and how it actually meant something.

make sure you guys don't fall into the trap of talking to people who aren't worth talking to!

How exactly is Valstrax lazy?


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The devs said that Ryozo's favorite isn't in "yet", Ryozo has said Gore and Lao in the past so they might be referring to Gore.
TGS announcement with a October release seems likely.

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It's a bland as fuck dragon element dragon. It's lazy as shit. It doesn't even do anything except go fast and fly.

>Garuga weapons start at rank 11
What a fucking chad


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just rewatching sub species hunts

Ryozo has said a bunch of monsters have been his favorite user. Don't put any stock in knowing which one is his favorite. He's said Rathalos, he's said Narga, he's said Gore, he's said Lao, he's said Kirin, the man changes his opinion on favorites all the time.
The most recent one is Lao.

Then we wouldn't be here

If you actually fought it, then you'd know that it spends the vast majority of the fight on the ground.

At this point who knows, maybe it's actually Plesioth and the memes were right.


Pretty sure he has said that his fav is Los

Gimping yourself for better aesthetics is an interesting gameplay choice


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Is high elderseal any useful?

You guys wouldnt mate with a monster, would you?

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Cool, but see, you're just being a faggot that doesn't understand fight != what it does.
I'm not even talking about the fight itself. I'm talking about the shit they gave it. All it does is go fast, and flies. It has nothing unique about it. It doesn't even look unique. It's just another silver dragon and it flies good.

Please fuck off you overly horny virgin furry cunt.

>been doing AT Kulve for 5 days straight
>don't even need shit from it
where's the countdown?

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Are you autistic?

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In all my hunts of using Nerg weapons and then moving onto other weapons I've never noticed a difference
Using a better weapon to kill an elder dragon faster is probably more effective than elderseal ever is

I'm sorry that you like a boring, garbage dragon that should be culled just like Kushala.


Why even ask user? You already know someone nitpicking about dumb shit on that level is confirmed autistic

In other words, yes.

I am addicted to gay yiff. I can’t stop thinking about it, ever. Any time, all the time, I think of gay yiff. It is the only reason I haven’t comitted suicide yet. Whenever I’m alone, I furiously masturbate to this holy genre of porn. One time at a funeral, I went to the bathroom to jack off, while crying over my recently deceased grandfather. I was found out by my mom, and let me tell you, the car ride home was not fun. It was then that I combined my grandfather’s death and my addiction into something infinitely disgraceful. You guessed it: gay necrophilic boomer furry porn. It’s my most prominent fetish. I no longer function as a human being. Instead of by food, I am fueled by this abomination. I am the most degenerate person on this godforsaken planet, and I love it. I can’t stop myself. I haven’t had any self respect for years. My family has disowned me, and I have lost everyone I hold dear in my heart, along with any respect I have gained. I am very disappointed in myself. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go to the bathroom to jack off.

Bro... you didn't get the memo?
it's unironically in

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But it is. Along with other modern Capcom shit.

Nope. But if all you can do is cry that people who don't like Val never fought it or are autistic then good on you I suppose.

Eew, what the fuck, user. I'll pay you a whore.

No way. Thankfully, they aren't lolis so I'm not tempted.

user, please. I already had steak for dinner. I'm too full for pasta.

>Caring about skills when the game is piss easy
Just don't clownsuit like a fag. Or play on PC.

Haha I love rhetorical questions.

not that user
but holly shit you're autistic and trying too hard to be a contrarian
you either never fought him or are just plain retarded

Did anyone ever upload the guy’s video again? He made it private

Should I get the Switch and GU?
I have periods when I'm away from my PC but still have the MunHun itch
I don't care about new games, just want my daily dose

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Ah, yes, if you don't like it then you're a contrarian autist that has never fought it. Good argument.

Don't a system for one game. At least see if there's other games you want to play first.

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If you don't care about new games you can just drag out a PSP or some other handheld and play those on the go.

elderseal knocks an elder dragons aura out and increases the time before they can put it on again.

>I said FEAR ME!!!
>with a "F"
what did he mean by this?

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Now that bow will become shit tier, which weapon will Yea Forums bow users switch to?

Whatever weapon gets Japs the fastest clears on velkhana

But is it useful? I'm debating on whether or not I should use Nerg's axe over Blos. I know Jho is better, but I like how easy Nerg weapons are to build around while still keeping high damage.

Heavy Chadgun

Do you like Kushala's wind aura around them?

Fuck I want the demo already

If you have a good computer you can emualtes all the other games including xx with the English patch

LBG considering gooks love that fucking weapon

To an unga bunga one.

Dual Blades

He modified the layered and augment part
Guy legit slipped up in the first vid, mentioning how layered is now grindable on the monsters themselves and how augment carries over

the 2nd video (this) he instead says "don't worry about layered"

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Wouldn't that require me to hit it first?

So Crutch Claw.

How can you say a monster is shit if you've never fought it you literal nigger

bro all your points make no sense
if you're gonna place the trash tier mark on Valstrax then almost every fight in the series sucks based on that reference

I'd be surprised if Bow drops below mid-tier.

I'm not believing diddly on "dude, trust me".

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it doesn't really proc very often, which makes it sort of useless, in that it doesn't happen all that often, even with high. You will notice that the Jho weapons are very high raw and high elderseal, it's like a best of both worlds if that applies to you.

I don't think anyone likes anything about Kushala's mechanic.

Extreme Behemoth is ultra lame too, which is a shame because he becomes really awesome in the last phase.

Is a Wyvernheart HBG good? I just want to minigun everything.

There is video evidence of a capcom person saying that layered is the same deal as in the basegame, not full transmog.
Stop trying to set people up for disappointment.

Literally all I want is confirmation that all armor sets get layered versions
I have faith that they've made all/most endgame Iceborne weapons have unique models but the radio silence on the topic of layered armor makes me worried that they still haven't fixed it

>not being in the last thread, exactly 3 hours 30 minutes ago during the 30-minute timeframe the first vid isn't privated

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Team Dark Side got an 7'57 clear of Velk and posted it today.
They got it with the Switch Axe and keep remarking about how amped elemental discharge was doing stupid damage. The gamescom build probably isn't going to be balanced like the lauch patch of IB, but if it IS anything to go by, it'll be Switch Axe.

Ah yes, continuing the classic never fought it claim. What a wonderful, thought out proclamation.

"Bro," maybe you should learn how to read. However you're a fucking idiot so I guess you can't.

>Guy legit slipped up in the first vid, mentioning how layered is now grindable on the monsters themselves and how augment carries over
>capcom lady on tds stream said otherwise
Someone here is full of shit and I'd guess it would be the youtube dude who probably completely misunderstood the layered system.
Stop giving us hope, please.

I know, but I really don't like using the power creep post release weapons. 230 raw+good white with Handi 3 is nuts. Oh, and they completely outclass Nerg weapons even with blue sharpness.

>they've made all/most endgame Iceborne weapons have unique models

Is it true or it's just a speculation?

sure, transmog isn't in
now what

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It's good and it's criminal that it doesn't appear on Glutton. Why can't I mow down monsters with a minigun as nature intended.

that video broke my soul
constantly clutch clawing to the monster's face looked fucking braindead and unbearable, didn't see the guy once use any actual moveset additions either

I was asleep so for now I'm sticking to skepticism.

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He wants a pet you.

Very true since we've seen tons of them, and its known that only the final upgrade is unique

You mean they got it by spamming the claw. It's painfully obvious which is the weapon and which is the tool in the video.

pee pee poop oo

All he meant by that is that you don't get them from the resource center anymore.

Talking about japs clear times, aren't the HBG the weapon with most #1 times?

I think they will be even better in Iceborne. Are the devs bowgun users?

what the fuck are you talking about? use the weapons in the game. Or not, I just thought I'd let you know about elderseal

He's bullshitting. We already know that the last IG in Narga's line is Hidden Cane II and uses the cane model. Hidden Scythe is not in the game.

Lads does anyone have a list of the rewards from the event quests?

please help

>you can craft them at the smithy
we already knew that my friend
the guy on youtube is probably lying or said something stupid because he either didn't play world a lot or doesn't understand mh.

whelp that's all that I needed to hear

Being the leaker and seeing all this "THIS WON'T BE IN AND THIS WILL BE IN" discussion makes me feel funny.

All this will blow over soon

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HBG is the most boring weapon, so people who use it are rewarded with good times

You explained it pretty well though. I'm just stating that I didn't like how the post release weapons were all power creep.

>how to read
nigga where did that even come from
you seem more and more autistic now

Let's go ahead and see you playing, first. I have been too active in this thread and now i'm actually talking to Yea Forums and it's time for me to go.

Nothing concrete but we have gotten to see a lot of unique models like the Brachy hammer/SnS, and it fits in with the design philosophy they probably had from the beginning but was incomplete in base World, where you would progress through the game and go from Base Model -> Base Model with Monster Parts -> Unique Monster weapon

Imean, I got to play it in June. Crutch Claw seemed pretty spammable to me.

Nah that pic only showed hidden cane I

He knows, but he just wants to shitpost. Same exact post 5 times already

The pic showed Hidden Cane II as well. The weapon selected was Hidden Cane I


that's exactly the fun part

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but we only saw the model of Cane I. Feel free to post Cane II

fuck off listfag

That youtube guy is more trustworthy than this German dumb girl starting to anwser with "I guess" when the only thing she do is asking Ryozo if he like his own game

Even for monsters like G. Girros that have no unique weapon models in the base game?

'cause I have to point it out every single thread. I can also use Fireden.

It doesn't show Hidden Cane II. Unless there's another pic.

isn't it clutch claw? also, by itself isn't really anything game breaking. It can help set up stuff but you still take normal damage. Also, to call that gameplay "all clutch claw" is honestly sour grapes as fuck. That dude playing is easily one of the best in the world, before I could even take you seriously, I'd have to see something showing you can even remotely play on that level.

Shit my bad that i missed it.

Thanks a lot again!!!! (I was the user that asked yesterday, but i lost the link)

Oh here we go again. Is this the part where you bait a bunch of replies, call us Wordtards, then proceed to get deleted like the last time and before that? Do you get off to bans?

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Complete speculation.
If Hidden Scythe is anything to go by, they are still continuing the bullshit of leaving weapons uncompleted with just base model + monster parts as the end model for the weapon, unless the tree is incomplete, but I'm really starting to doubt that.
It's so fucking frustating seeing this when they know the weapons look like complete dogshit and everyone fucking hates it. At that point just remove the weapon from the game if they're not gonna put effort into making it look nice.

Isn't there a precedent in the base game that weapons with numbers in the name are always the ones with the bland design?

>PR knowing anything about the technicalities of the game
There's anons first mistake

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>were all power creep.
you come here too much, that's a made up term by armchair game devs. I'm leaving now

You’re welcome. Bookmark it!

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We saw two Glav GS and both were different, hold your shitposting m8.

As a further reminder -
>It's a Q&A that got posted back when they did a bunch of them in a row for that Chinese event. It's been discussed here before and besides stuff we already knew like the item box expansion or being open to more collabs but having none planned atm, the key stuff would be
>Khezu in?
>Prowler mode in?
>Dual cats like before?
>No, keeping it like world. You take 1 cat and can recruite a friend's cat or wild cat on the maps.
>Transmog like XX?
>No, keeping it like world. You can get alternate appearances by meeting certain conditions and completing certain tasks.
>Also in the quote he explains why the direworlf layered is forced on you as soon as you reach hoarfrost, because he wants everyone to look like a newbie at first.

stop samefagging listfag

>Transmog like XX?
>No, keeping it like world.
we're still getting transmog, but it won't be fusing, it'll be in the layered setting. Again, this is from GU devs, the same people that implemented such system. It will be in

I want to eat WITH The Handler!

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Models do not change from [Name] I to [Name] II. C'mon guys, you're better than this.

>I have periods when I'm away from my PC but still have the MunHun itch
>"Just emulate some MH game on your PC bro!"
Brilliant advice.
Also why play XX with an English patch instead of just playing GG?

What do you think about the new multiplayer scaling being adjusted properly and in real time?

I used to play most of the game in 2 players, which in my opinion, is the hardest possible situation (aside from starting in multiplayer and have everyone leave), but I'm kinda liking the idea, I prefere hard, but no too long battles.

Citation needed

fuck off listfag

>break records with your game sales
>still half-ass shit and re-use things like turf wars or animations
Borders on Gamefreak levels of jewishry and laziness

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Power Creep has been a concept for decades, newfag.

t. MTGfag

wait what did I do?

It's not all armors and you still have to do special tasks to get tickets to use in the forge.

I'm not listfag retard, I'm just sad that they might keep doing that when people have complained time and time again that they hate this design decision.
Post pics. I want to be proven wrong, and no, I'm not shitposting.

2 players difficulity better be good

>Acidic Glavenus branching off of Vaal
I know this is just a guess, but no normal Glavenus LS this time I guess?
Seems odd to have a normal monster weapon branch off of an ED

no one else is as retarded and autistic as you

All I want is some 2p scaled solo hunts for G rank so the endgame monsters actually have health

>everyone is aware its bait
>everyone still bites
this is why he's still here. No amount of bans will fix this

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Source: World's weapon tree. I'm lookin at the thing right now and it holds up.

Probably not, I'm guessing they only bothered with unique models for endgame monsters/elders
I doubt Jagras or Dodo weapons are getting uniques either

Remember to eat before you hunt!

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@everyone, kill yourself rykushit

>sorry gaijin goyim, you need to keep paying us money for nice sets in microtransactions instead of layering whatever you want
Seriously, fuck Capcom.

But there was more time spent on the monster than swinging the weapon...

Now prove iceborne works the same way.

gotta build up that energy and fuck those monsters up.

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first Glav GS along with unique Glav DBs
Second one (Acid). Both are different. If they were lazy, it would have been a recolor of the first GS

Now do us a favor and stop shitposting. I'm tired of repeating this

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Two people is my preferred way to hunt in World, long as G rank increases health enough to keep it somewhere to a similar level after this addition I'm okay with it.

Now why would I need to do that? It is a completely fair assumption that the concept of keeping a weapon's design consistant with the name will carry onto Iceborne. This was definitely intentional in vanilla World.

Heaven forbid something actually makes sense with Capcom's design philosophy for once.

>completely fair assumption
this is the problem. It's an assumption, and we've seen enough unique models that weights against said assumption. Enough with this shit

i recognise his writing style now
jesus wept

So you genuinely don't have any evidence and are just shitposting. That's all I needed to know.

Not him, but I don't see why this matters. Lots of subspecies have different looking weapons from the original.

I would fuck every and I say EVERY monster
I'm bored of human bussy

I sure hope this armor set makes it in.

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Look at that fucking game and tell me it isn't AAA. Just because it doesn't sell a bazillion copies like FIFA or COD doesn't mean it's not AAA, the budget is clearly high enough to produce a product that beats the socks off your average AA game from a technological and polish standpoint.


Is the concept of an educated guess completely foreign to you guys? Not all speculation is baseless.

t. fags in denial

Here's the fun part: I was testing to see if he's gonna watch it. The second Glav GS is actually in that Narga chase scene. I wanted to see how low he goes into shitposting out of his ass

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Poor Snake Dog.

>You're the punching bag of the Vale
>You can be paralyzed by your own allies
>Some stinky goth dragon steals all of your friends with some hocus pocus bullshit
>You don't get a "greatest" version like G. Jagras
>The community doesn't call you "cute" like Dodogama
>You get sliced by a weeb dinosaur
>You don't even get unique weapon models

It deserve better.

Please tell the unrevealed monster


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i don't understand what this post is implying

you seem to think it's an easy as shit job m8
you're wrong as fuck though

thassa SA

Another faggot trying to devolve the thread into incessant shitposting, shut the fuck up and fuck off nigger

that user isnt a he, but a biological she


You're not presenting your arguments as speculation. You claimed to know that some weapons don't have unique models.

i genuinely do not believe a woman could have this degree of autism

Saving this thread. Post cute pics

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Until we see a model change without a name change, it's still fair game. The best we can do right now is wait for another tree leak. For now, all we have is a seemingly unfinished Narga line. Could it be finished in the final build? Absolutely. Could it end right there and be stuck with iron shit with feathers? Unlikely, but entirely possible.

thats very rude of you desu. user is just trying her best

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imagine intentionally gimping yourself out of content because of a made term, stronger monsters will give you stronger weapons simple as
also fuck you and your stupid card game, loser

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If I had the pic, then I'd show you. However, the pic was very convincing for anyone who payed attention.

Brother, either you're fucking with me or I missed the part where they show a unique model for the Glavenus GS.

Am I the only one that see Narga in these pics with a mustache? the lack of bottom part of the beak makes it look like Tom Selleck's mustache

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Leakerbro plis leak the remaining roster

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I've seen the pic. It only shows Hidden Cane I. Either show Hidden Cane II or stop shitposting.

Well I do now.

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Oh fuck you

Not particularly.

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khezu red khezu basarios ruby basarios gravios black gravios

Not him, but here, you fucking faggot.
>criticism everyone has of world is shitposting
The listnigger really made an impact here, huh?

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how can the Kirin set be this possibly cute?

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Because buying an entire console for one game is an egregious waste of money when you get the same thing for free and just cope for a free hours of not playing videogames
You wanna play guilty gear now?

Shouldn't it be Fear me with an R, because it sounds like "Feel me"?

Nevermind, I understand what you meant by that.
Either way, none of the weapons in world that end with roman numeral have unique models, so his assumption is correct.

But that’s Hidden Cane I tard.

I don't see it desu

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why are you referring to yourself in third person and posting a picture that disproves your own argument?
i think you managed to become more autistic than CWC

Where is hidden cane II in this pic? You're only able to see the name. Are you genuinely retarded?

>tfw the G rank version is ruined

HOLD YOUR HORSES, that definitely will expand. Compare it toLook at the end of each tree. They all have special effects in the icon. This is definitely an unfinished tree

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Sloppy job, Listfag. Now go lick Sweeney Tim's boots.

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Any new leaks in the past 24 hours? Last I saw was the Zinogre theme and Shara Ishvalda.

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Slutfags deserve it

>bullies the ever living shit out of every other denizen of the Rotton Vale
>medicine is so strong even he isn't immune to it
>trusts his friend Vaal to look after his troop while he's away. Doesn't mind if he eats a few since there will always be more grunts to spare
>doesn't need a meme version to stay relevant. People will always rely on him for easy access para weapons
>knows cuteposter is overall detrimental to long term monhun discussion
>willing to job to give the new kid in town his day
>Capcom apologized for giving his weapons bad models by giving him awesome looking G rank armor

Chad Girros is fine the way he is. The monster that deserved more was Titzi. All it got was some silly flash 'n run strat that made it memeworthy for a few weeks.

Not necessarily true, pic related
Although I don't think there's an example where a weapon upgrades from I to II and changes model, aside from low rank to high rank upgrades

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With demo weapons
For all we know there could be a GS waiting to be shown that makes Black Fatalis Blade look reasonable

I'm retarded sorry.

Only worth it against Nerg.

>not the roomba

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Is there some reference I'm missing.

It doesn't matter whether it expands or not. We don't know what the last weapon looks like, so it could have a unique model. End of story.

Kulve is fun, I like the idea of people working together to finish an encounter that isn't gay like behemoth and ancient leshen

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Interesting. I wonder if Narga does have a Variant or otherwise that would continue on from that tree. LUCENT NARGACUGA IS IN!

Oh would you look at that! Hidden Cane 2.

Tzi Tzi Garuga needs to be a thing.

R12 ones seems very likely to be a sub/variant
seeing as ruiner nerg has r12
and MR elders got the r12
logic follows the tiers below would have to up their game to be equal to elders

God i hope so

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How do you do EX Deviants as solo Gunner? not only you're a walking glass, you don't have enough ammo (with the exception of normal 1) to take it down even with mats.

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The German Capcom website's page for Iceborne had a section about Variants that mentioned Narga and Tigrex, we haven't seen any of their subs or rare species or whatever yet.
I'm sure someone has the screenshot of the page saved.

Just admit you didn't read the post and blurted out the first thing that came to your mind for fuck's sake. If you just wanted to dissuade him from wasting money you would have told him so rather than suggesting him to play games on PC when he's not at his PC.

But the speculated tree doesn't match the line below the narga weapon.

because its LS

Some women have a much greater autism than men, although it's rare. There's one who's autistically obsessed with horses and got horse cum in her breast implants or something, I don't remember the exact story

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That would be entirely okay.

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I think he's talking about this but i legit can't tell what it is because the video compression is so shit
It's a glav weapon but it might be the LS or GS or IG

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wow i am retarded
time to sleep

Guy who started the shitstorm with hidden cane here. Sorry I didn't look at the leaked weapon tree pic posted earlier.

For those wondering what Narga's cane becomes, here's Hidden Scythe. The blade folds in when sheathed.

Attached: MHGU-Insect_Glaive_Render_009.png (330x280, 76K)

That is the insect glaive

That's the IG, he smacks barioth with it a few seconds later

Why? Also those aren't super hard. I probably have enough stored materials by no to upgrade through the whole path ten times over.

Leaker-kun of the Bangladeshi Kite testing forum, tell me your wisdom, what will happen to my augments

What will happen if I augment this future Garuga LS

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>dual great swords never ever(?)
i'd love to have something like that and for it to have the ds3 dual great sword moveset

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Japanese leaker here. Namielle's title is 死重龍

Supposedly you keep your augments. However, there is always a chance that life augment might get nerfed.

I prefer death

No you actually lose them, but you’re “compensated” for them somehow

>that one girl at the back of the class that used to draw horses and ponies

>4pc drachen
>not even layered
what the fuck man...

I'm saying I think it's fucking retarded to buy an whole ass console to play one(1) game regardless of it's portable when the exact same game is available for free with literally no differences, hell if portability is that much of an issue for him just buy a laptop and download citra, it would still be cheaper
but excuse me for trying to give someone advice that doesn't involve them blowing $200+ like an impulsive child that just got an allowance i guess

im afraid of going to /jaypee/. and since im already here in this mh thread why not. are kagamine rin and len siblings?

They have the same fucking last name and are twins. What do you think?

Yes, but besides them I don't think any of the vocaloid are explicitly related even though they're often depicted as a friendly unit.

yes they're siblings but that doesn't seem to stop people from drawing tons of incest porn of them especially with len as the sub

*family unit

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9 seconds in

thanks guys

Bro no... we're supposed to keep it secret...

I have drachen and use it if I'm totally desperate, but it sucks all of the fun out of the game because it's already completely optimized.

On a livestream it was confirmed only some armor was layered, but it still means that there is quite a few if theres a new tab

I know a girl that used to draw elephants. Should i be worried?


Attached: 1.png (1343x206, 27K)

That's the LR version

But that’s not the G Rank set.

Reminder that when the the devs say "layered system like World", they are referring to the fact that you can't layer any actual armor onto other armor and not that only special sets will get to be layered.
Reminder that you will have a way to get layered armor of every set by hunting monsters and making it separately.
Reminder that layered armor and actual armor are two separate things in the game which is why they said it's not like GU.

is that yian garuga at 12?
who the fuck keeps asking for this nigga

In Iceborne, that IS the MR set. There is no lower rank version of Barioth. Enjoy your shitty discount Kirin armor


Japan. They love it.

Been under a rock or what?

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Why don't you try reading the actual interview. When they say they are keeping world's system, they specifically follow it up by talking about doing special requests and stuff to get get them.
Also, I know you don't want to believe a pr rep either, but they said not all sets will get a layered version.

which monstie should i draw fucking a female hunter? i wanna practice drawing this kind of shit more


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Thanks captain obvious but he was replying to somebody who wanted the old G Rank set in the game.

Teostra? Stories update never.

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The year of the chicken is now.

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Shut the fuck up.

Lao-Shan Lung

As much as I hate the fucking thing I have to admit they completely nailed making the most obnoxious monster possible in every conceivable way

this is my anjanath and i worked very hard on it.
im taking requests

Attached: anjanath.png (400x400, 4K)


Do dodogama

Draw a Wiggler Queen.

HIIIIIIIIIROOOOOOOOOOO! What the FUCK is this shit? You promised me this would be advertiser friendly. And what the fuck is this "cunny" shit? That shit's illegal! That's it! I'm pulling the plug if you fuck up again.

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That's nice, draw cute barioth pls

draw najarala

draw gigginox

Namielle please


Great Jaggi!

They really had to do it to Narga's weapons huh?
God fucking damnit

They are doing it with Glavenus too
Fuck them


here you go

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

I fucking knew it would happen again

>"G-rank" game still contains butchered weapon designs

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This is going up on the refrigerator!

Not all of its weapons.
The hammer and the long sword have their old models.

This design decision is probably the thing that saddens me the most
I'm gonna enjoy Iceborne either way but just seeing that makes me so demotivated
What's the point of even putting these designs in? Half the fun of the game is making stuff that looks cool

It seems to only be very specific weapons. We've seen the unique Dual blades and Insect Glaive for Glavenus and the unique sword and shield for nargacuga.

Cute llama

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Glav GS, IG and SnS is intact

Narga LS, DB and SnS too so far

t. literal who

Probably not enough time to model everything. I won't be surprised if Lucent Narga shows up and they finish the weapon then or some shit, even if it's DLC

Is it taboo to fuck a Palico?

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dodogama too fat he doesnt fit lol

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Glav GS is not the real one user

It probably comes down to decision "should we spend our time making more monster or weapon models?"
I'm ok with it because there still way more than base world

>Source : dude trust me

Based fat boy blubbering his bulk off the page.

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My uncle works with Ryozo, this man is full of shit.

Narga's hammer is also intact. You can see it in the Glavenus gameplay, along with Tigrex's greatsword.

Source is an actual reviewer

Nice job believing some random retard with literally no evidence

she is cute

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 5K)

We're going to be getting way more layered armor than base world from the sounds of it, but the truth is, that even if we get 95% of all armor as layered, the last 5% is going to royally piss of some people, unfortunately.


I know for sure the video showed the Barroth MR armor as layered so it will at least include monsters and not just be special sets.

But i love MH and i like World???

The Narga IG in-game leak and now this guy who is a reviewer just check his content , what more do you need

What video? There’s not a single video out there like that

wanna leave the list?
i need a laugh

Who is this guy? As far as I can tell he's just some rando on youtube

Thank you for the new wallpaper!

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fuck you faggots saying durr just wait!

But world is the most work they've had to do in a long time
If they were like game freak we'd be getting GU-like games with even less content

What news outlet does he work for?

Name a cuter couple.

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Just check his content, he posted the subs hunt like every others fags did

Did he finish the game? this is the key point. If not, he doesn't have the full tree

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my work space is so limited and for that i apologize and also barioth is already cute as is

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 7K)

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Beautiful, please draw vaal hazak

The most interesting info this guy has provided is some of the terms of the press NDA he had to sign.

>Slower, more casual depictions of monsters
>Boring and uninspired monster designs
>forced story elements when 4 has a much better way of presenting a story in Monster Hunter
>Weapon designs are straight ass and made to appeal to westerners that want shitty Skyrim-tier weapons
>Game is presenting itself as a "games as a service" MMO-lite
>Event quests are fucking seasonal and don't do anything as fun as the old games
Stop supporting this, user. Otherwise Capcom will make Monster hunter into something unrecognizable.

>But world is the most work they've had to do in a long time
World is lazier than Tri.

Narga IG confirmed to not have a unique upgrade at the end.

Attached: 061D217E-0DA2-454B-B822-8C8E7312EA5D.jpg (1125x986, 206K)

Tigrex: Retard, or rapist?

Did he finish the game or not?

Assuming Capcom is going full Thanos with returning weapon designs....

[spoilers]evens and your favorite returning weapon that hasn't been shown yet keeps its model. Odds and it gets IRONED/BONED[/spoiler]

Literally who?

... yes

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Both really.

Don't try to critique the game user, all you'll get are console warriors attacking you

Welp, I'm a nigger who can't proofread. Anyway, let the games begin

Can someone ask if he finished the game or not. He could be looking at an unfinished tree for all we know

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He confirmed he did in his video.

Attached: lunastra.jpg (689x555, 65K)

He said so in that video. I wish he was wrong too but that’s some serious disappointment in his comment.

it was the fucking narga ig so what does it even fucking matter

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A list of random nitpicks, most of them inaccurate, to build a false narrative is not a critique.

He confirmed, in a roundabout way, what the final boss leaker here said, that there are some monsters you don't get to fight until postgame.

>cant upgrade kulve weapons into G rank versions
laughing at all the fags who spent countless hours farming that whore

but that's fucking false, the devs confirmed you can upgrade them.

Now I'm skeptical over this reviewer. He's been making tons of mistakes

With the whole Narga shit going on, this might be worth taking into consideration

Section 3, google translated:
>Update # 3: Aggressive Subspecies

>In addition to a wealth of new monsters, Monster Hunter World: IceBorne confronts you with sub-species of known creatures. These are usually not only visually altered and significantly more aggressive, but also surprise with a variety of new movement patterns. The coral Pukei Pukei, for example, is now able to tap sources in the ground with its beak and squirt the water thus obtained in a concentrated beam at its adversaries. Or take the Viper Tobi-Kadachi. Instead of flashes of light, he now shoots spear-like venomous spikes. But that's not all. Also Tigrex, Nargacuga, Legiana, Barioth, Glavenus and other fan favorites return in modified versions.

"Finishing the game" can mean two things. Post-game starts at MR24 and has a ton of exclusive monsters that folks that stopped after the credits just won't see. They're doled out over time and gated behind MR too.

T. Reviewer

ROY IS OUR BOY. Not This Shit Purple Dragon You Are Posting.

Attached: images - 2019-08-25T185056.834~2.jpg (220x265, 18K)

whered they say this?

I hope that one is true. Fuck Kulve.

>can't upgrade Kulve gear
RIP my fucking streamstones

The devs confirmed you can do "something" with them at the China interview, they didn't specify you can upgrade them.

>Fucking up monsters in a G-Rank game
>Fucking up MORE weapon designs in a G-Rank game
>One (1) map that's the worst G-Rank game new map in years
>Oops every new Elder Dragon is just a Kushala skeleton with a shitty gimmick
>Final boss is just Rock Xeno.
>MORE awful story that nobody liked
How can Worldfags even defend this. It's doing everything that people hated about vanilla World but worse.

Uh, no. They said for us to “keep them” because they’ll eventually do “something” with them later. The fag in the video even said they’d probably have them upgradable once they release a MR version of Kulve. Do you have an attention span of a 3 year old? You’re getting desperate to try and prove some random reviewer wrong just because he’s saying things that could lead to disappointment.

i tried my best, this one was tough

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

I imagine if it's like the scrolls in 4U there might be quite a few monsters waiting to be unlocked

I just want this game to be leaked. I'm not trusting shit until I see it with my own eyes.

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>the devs confirmed you can upgrade them.
No they didn't. They said there will be a use for them and your extras while never saying you can explicitly upgrade them.

I hope you weren't a moron that spent time on kulveshit.

the hell you on? I saw anons posting the translations saying its upgradable. I don't know who to believe

pee pee poo poo

Yeah but here’s the thing... we’d see the follow up weapons in the tree if they existed at all. There’s no “under development” shit in iceborne’s tree

>Slower, more casual depictions of monsters
i'm still waiting for G rank to buy this point
>Boring and uninspired monster designs
>forced story elements when 4 has a much better way of presenting a story in Monster Hunter
this is a good one
go back to 4 style and remove the handler bullshit
>Weapon designs are straight ass and made to appeal to westerners that want shitty Skyrim-tier weapons
no idea what happened there and old one should return yes
>Game is presenting itself as a "games as a service" MMO-lite
nigga what
you mean the time limited events? if so sure
>Event quests are fucking seasonal and don't do anything as fun as the old games
dressing the hub in the season style is still kino to be desu

overall MHW is not that bad
+collecting materials now is no longer a chore
+environment traps to actually feel like a hunter
+the slingshot is a fantastic tool and the types of ammo on the floor keep it fun
+hub is comfy
+can keep track of what materials you're missing
-too many ways to mount monsters

Could be simply MR gated now that HR and MR are separate rankings. Same effect as how the scrolls would only get deciphered from G-Rank hunts really.

Handler isnt that ugly guys.

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well no shit, if there was, it'd be a huge flag for spoiler. You expect them to do that?

i was actually expecting just a noodle with yellow lines

Base game hid some shit entirely until you could fight the monster like Xeno weapons so who the fuck knows.
And the DLC monsters obviously don't have their equipment lines shown either until you fight them but that's a different situation.

the artbooks finally scanned?

Handler was cuter as a boy

have hope

I don’t really know what else to tell you people here. The reviewer said capcom told him specially not to talk about most of the weapons, and he confirms that the Narga glaive never becomes unique. Sounds like not all of them will be unique

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>i'm still waiting for G rank to buy this point
so the multiple videos showing past monsters don't count now?
Banbaro, Beotodus, Velkana, Elderwyrm

>Ran ATKT exactly three times
>There are people who farmed that shit for entire weeks of their life

Laugh at them

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Why is he talking about the weapons if capcom told him not to? This sounds like a dumb mess and this guy isn't trustworthy.

Here's some common sense and I do hope you try to think through this. If he said yes, then this goes back to the LS tree we saw, which all had special effects. If he said yes, this means there's a Narga variant, which Capcom hasn't officially revealed. Keep that in mind that they're still pretending they haven't revealed the 3 subspecies

This is on top of the fact he can't answer any question regarding THE FINAL UPGRADE. This is a major flag for spoiler.

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obviously shes going to look better without the uncanny 3d facial expressions and the plastic-looking skin

Elderwyrm and Banbaro have great designs, shut the fuck up.

He legit explain why he talk about it

If Capcom explicitly told him talking about weapons was a no no, does that mean they know it's something people complain about a lot?

i am proud of this one

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 6K)

He only mentioned the glaive because they’ve shown it officially. He only says “can’t comment” on the only other fucking comment about weapon designs. Don’t be retarded. Or delusional.

>all these faggots who farmed jewels are getting fucked
>now everyone who farmed KT are getting cucked

My sides

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how so? he just said about Narga IG so I don't think so

Fuck em user

Nah his explanation isn't very convincing.

Why not both?

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They probably can't talk about ANYTHING not already shown in official marketing until the NDA ends.

And i'm proud of you, user

>400 replies
>80 posters
it's time for you to go to /vg/

He’s only been asked two questions about weapon design. One he answered with “can’t discuss too much” and the other with “narga’s was disappointing, I can talk because they’ve shown it already” and then gives an example without telling us anything else

Attached: honts.png (378x233, 38K)

They haven't confirmed the IG's appearance officially. This guy sounds full of shit.

haven't payed attention desu, i'll wait to try them on my own
not sure what's your problem with those designs
at worst beotodus looks like a variation of zamtrios, and that has already happened before
MH relies a lot on previous designs anyway, it's not like we're gonna keep seeing a lot of trash in every game

It’s appeared in like two trailers.

Nigga, it's been posted in this very thread.

/mhg/ had too many characters.

Or he could talk about it because its the only model they've shown. If they have shown a unique one, then he would have been able to talk about it. Capcom's NDA is extremely strict after World being blasted open by leaks a month before release

I legit don't know what this guy meant by uninspiring design
I honestly think all of Iceborne's new roster all look great and in line with MH aesthetics
>not overly designed
>simple enough to have their characteristics immediately pointed out

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Let me rip this bandaid off. Not every final upgrade has a unique model. However, those without unique models can take advantage of "custom upgrade" augmentation that lets you add other monster parts to them, in addition to regular augments.

Apparently somethings are bigger nono's than others, like monster count. The guy is interesting just for actually discussing his NDA. Most people don't even if the NDA doesn't say not to discuss its terms.

Yeah fuck having discussions

it's time your you to have fun

and who are you?

when is cephadrome getting revealed?


A reviewer, won't tell you from where tho.

>However, those without unique models can take advantage of "custom upgrade" augmentation that lets you add other monster parts to them, in addition to regular augments.

This is the first I've heard of this. Elaborate.

Prove it. Stop with this fucking LARP

I wish I could blindly deny what’s being said and cross my fingers for unique stuff too, but there comes a time when we have to accept reality.

The only Monster that actually has a weak design is Velk, but that's only because it's a flagship. Although it doesn't make sense since they nailed the fuck out of Nami's design.

hes probably just assblasted that he farmed kulve taroth for 120 hours

Post actual evidence or fuck off

same goes for you. Whole world doesn't revolve around your head. People want solid info

Guy says to make sure to unlock all your ingredients, but it kind of sounds like maybe there aren't new ingredients and better meals in master rank. Kind of unfortunate.

If you can't at least provide blurry ass phone pic then fuck off

Attached: LEGIT LEAK.jpg (640x480, 51K)

>clownsuit weapons
Nothing was learned from Medium Bowgun. Fuck everything

Unique model means high rarity. The higher the rarity the less augments you get.

I feel Velk was underwhelming in its initial reveal but seeing the fight i can only think she's a very unique fight, though i do agree the coloration is abit boring

Just like what that YouTube reviewer said , so we are getting fucked hard again

>caring about weapons
>when it means we get Drg. Instinct

Most retarded bullshit I've heard all day. At least make an effort if you're going to LARP like that.

Would you rather fuck the handler or a Pukei-Pukei?

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Don't you see ,it's fucking retarded just like World
It's legit


i dont know what this is

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>jewels are getting fucked
I haven't been keeping up with all this news lately, but what's going to happen with jewels?

like the switch MH leak too?

If reviewerfag was a cool fag like Freddy Mercury, he'd post something next thread.

why not both?

Serious Coral Handler

Bestiality is wrong even if you put clothes on it and give the option a second time.

Post the list.

I don't like Capcom knocking on my door. Sorry.

World's only retardation has on the weapon design which was completely random wether it ended in a unique model or not. The augmentation thing makes no sense whatsoever.

Much easier time to obtain in MR along with better jewels for small slot jewels like Attack and Expert.

A game doesn't end up looking like this without a triple-A budget.

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There's gonna be new ones but I doubt the old shit will be useless due to varying slot sizes on armor
We saw Artillery Lv3 that gives 2 points for one Lv3 slot, like the different jewel levels in past games, but that won't make Artillery Lv1 worthless.
Lv4 jewels can have a lot of combinations of skills but they require Lv4 slots.

Waiting for Iceborne is the reason I get up in the morning. I hate my life so much. Only 2 weeks left.

Freddy Mercury would also get creative with the limitations he was given.

I'll promise you guys I'll leak everything with no tease or LARP if I get the copy.

t. Arab

Attached: 1563144709813.jpg (1024x543, 74K)

he's got a cool theme

>i dont know what this is
It's fine art, thank you


the handler with the meowscular chef head

Monsters are for brutal murder
Not sex
Not cuddling
Not petting
And most definitely NOT capturing

That's.....not a very good screenshot.

Can you stop making it even worse now?

But it does
It's fucking Lunastra but for unfinished shit

Sounds interesting actually, even if you're probably bullshitting.

That was the biggest complaint with vanilla World. I too would be pissed if the biggest complaint was not addressed.

stop responding to bait you jackasses

based sandfrog
now go get the copy, what are you waiting for
the world rests on your shoulders

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here is the great jaggi

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 5K)

What's the one monster you like so much that you avoid not capturing?

It's an ED tho.....


They're better off dead than in the hands of those researchers.

I like kot I cannot lie.

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The Handler

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Honestly DMC5 is only saved by it's engine being good at "lol photorealistic environments". The character models don't look good at all for something using photogrammetry. MGS5 used it well and so is Death Stranding. The level design of the later missions feels like Capcom just told the dev team they have a month to finish it.

This reminded me of how some idiot tried to trap a teostra while being above hr 100

Blos GS when?

Thank you kindly

gore magala
if those horns are not broken the fight is not over

Come on Muslims, show me the monsters

I can tell you my favorite is Brachydios

Leaker-kun, is gore in the game?

What are you talking about you fucking nigger? DMCV is """saved""" by it's fantastic gameplay. But since you brought up modern Kojima garbage it wouldn't expect you to know much about that.

i am now no longer taking requests. thank you all who requested and supported my work. ill be back soon

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 7K)

I started high rank hunter quests this weekend and bazelgeuse has been fucking with me a good bit. What's the best way to deal with him? At this point I just run away and wait for the monsters to separate.

Do you have a paetron?
I'd like to donate my life savings

let him kill the other monster for you q

Dung pods exist

>modern Kojima garbage
you mean how MGSV is saved mostly by the gameplay?

Shoot him with poo poo

Dung pods

and i will share my fap hand with you user
it's the least i can do

I fucking wish. It turns out stealth and open empty worlds are a terrible combination for interesting gameplay.

Don't fight Bazel unless it's mandatory, he sucks.

He does a lot of damage when you first encounter him but he’s got less moves than you’d expect. For the time being just use dung pods when he shows up, they de aggro the monster because they gotta go clean the shit off them. They’re Bazelgeuse’s bane.

youre too kind. i just like to draw for fun, im not interested in making money off my work

>When they stand behind the trap and eat Teostra's charge forward

Gets me every time.

Attached: hepler.png (372x372, 45K)

Somehow I never realized that's what dung pods do. I'm glad I've been picking it up for fun til now.

It has a ton of excellent mechanics but there’s never a reason to actually use like 90% of them because of the level design and AI.

Tempered bazel is literally harder than AT elder dragons
I think a MR bazel variant would annihilate everyone's anus

Just spread her asshole with Tobi bow or spread HBG

>Seeing someone put on rockstedy while fighting a tempered bazel

Attached: 1529306940159.jpg (405x412, 61K)

I know you're baiting but still, nothing about that mug screams "feminine."