I want her to step on me

Kronya for DLC

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I want her to be my obedient assassin.

Wtf she's stacked as shit. Now I'm pissed they wasted her character.


Does she have enough porn?

More than enough

She looks like something ripped straight from a doujin full of cropped porn bait. I would say who but I forgot who draws this.

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Thanks user. I wanna make sure before I end up disappointed.
Still tight they wasted such an amazing rack and tummy.


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Imagine the S support.

This shit right here is why most anons on Yea Forums would immediately die to an assassin just walking into their house, no stealth or anything

All it takes is a decent pair of tits and a pretty face and half you faggots would be begging for her to stab you on the spot holy shit

It really is a waste, why the hell go to trouble of making such a great and sexy design if you're hardly gonna use it.

Spot on.

Post some.

Nevermind I remember kojin sākuru

I like her design
she reminds me of a late gx/early 5ds era yu-gi-oh monster

Wow you're retarded.
First off castle doctrine, so i'd either blow her head off or legally blow a load into her. then I'd feed her the eggs.

I would die to an assassin walking into my house because I have no proper combat training outside of a certain mid-rank belt in karate (which is basically nothing, I also have no combat experience outside of one karate event I went to) and I tend to panic easily in stressful situations. I would probably die by tripping and hitting my head on the countertop of the kitchen before they laid a finger on me.
In games this also applies, but with potions and running.

I wonder how many semen demons ygo has made since I last played it in like 2008.

she wouldnt step on you, she would just stab you and call you a dog

Probably thousands, cute girls and monsterpeople abound and I hear they're even making a Dragon Maid archetype. I last played YGO on a 5Ds wii game I got for $7 at a shartmart.

You sound so fucking pathetic that I think the assassin would just feel bad and call an ambulance.

So long as she's stabbing me with her strap on in my butt hole I don't care.

>*kills your dad*

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I agree but they'd probably just mercy kill me instead and go home for an early dinner. Thankfully I don't think this situation would ever happen.

>Thankfully I don't think this situation would ever happen.

You kinda make it sound like if anyone left you alone you'd set the house on fire. I honestly think the assassin would improve your life expectancy.

She does show that's she's redeemable and tragic as she's dying

I'd love to post some but the jannies would just ruin it

Oh come on if she weren't hot then nobody would have given a shit about her.

>if a girl wasn't hot no one would give a shit about her


Yeah no shit. I didn't care until I saw her milkers.

Crop them.

More like absolutely pathetic having the gall to beg someone whose father she killed for help

It's not her fault she works for an evil cult that forced her to kill people

Dude she literally enjoys it and loves to do it.

Which is hot

>Dude she literally enjoys it and loves to do it.

That's admirable to find a job you love.

>strong business women and humble enough to ask for help

You got me there.

Her outfit is perfect for easy titfucking

Well no, a person breaking into your home with intent to kill is rather different than accidentally spilling some sort of expensive food on the floor.
Gamewise, I generally despise PvP and usually only play PvE. But you probably already figured that out.

>tfw no qt assassin who takes pity on you, pretends to be your girlfriend to get you into a hospital, then takes you back to her house (you can't go back home because you're supposed to be dead) to heal you with tough love because she's frustrated over not knowing why she cares about you, only to blush furiously when she gets a followup call from the hospital asking if her 'boyfriend' is recovering well so finally resolves to train you as an assassin so she can have a partner which starts a journey of slowly falling in love as you save each others' lives multiple times and you finally become the strong person you should've been from the start, only to have her smile and say she's glad you were a fucked up autist because otherwise she would've killed you and you wouldn't be there holding her gently like you are now.

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This should be the plot of Kronya's supports with Byleth


I'm always down for former villains joining my side, hot or not.
Though hot is preferable

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Thank you for posting best Awakening girl

Her ass needs to be posted too

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>slap her a little and this happens

Dex fags, when will they learn.

That bitch can rot in the eternal darkness for all I care.

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if a girl with giant tits and a skimpy outfit walked into my house I would willingly give her all my money

>giving her all your money

just give her like 20 christ.

im not made of money user

>former villain/antagonist joins the party
>he's been nerfed to the point of being a joke
>it actually makes sense story wise
>fully leveled up he actually gets back up pretty close to his boss fight mode.

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Jeralt was a cuck, who cares about that little faggot? Byleth was just crying because he wanted to be the one to stab the fucker.

you'll regret your words and actions when you play as him in the DLC

I'm going to play as Kronya in the DLC though

Is this that new persona 5 girl

Until then he has no supports and is one of the least interesting characters in the game. I actually forgot he was supposed to be my Dad after a few chapters.
Until he gets something to make him more interesting I'd make mole babies his killer guilt free.

It's a Fire Emblem character

Imagine being made of money and girls ripping parts of you off and sucking your huge wad of cash.

he wasnt my dad I dont give a fuk

I listen to my dick when playing a waifu game too lol

And my dick says Kronya, not fucking Jeralt

She begged you to save her.

Sure, she might not have deserved that mercy, but it would still have been the right thing to do. See her brought to proper justice, or even a chance to redeem herself.

Three Houses is a dating sim but my waifu wasn't a romance option

That's fucking gay

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>villain path branches
>redeem and save your friend(s) into the ranks of good
>or join them and turn the side of "good" into a bloody mess
It's a shame Nintendo doesn't have the balls to add it in.

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I want a DLC on Hoist. Hilda's brother. I'm surprised he wasn't in the game with his much they hyped him up. I thought he was going to be the Gilbert of the Golden Deers. It was some woman that wasn't really referenced and you didn't control her. Disappointing.
A prequel DLC of Jeralt or Nemesis could be cool too.

Are the dubsteppers human?

They're an ancient human race that nearly got purged by the immaculate one

kind of
I don't think they think of themselves as human anymore but they were at one point


>A support her before the 12th month
>she doesn't kill your dad and joins your team


I thought Sothis did it? Rhea tried to genocide normal humans. I think.
I really don't understand them. It seems like they think they're pro humanity but they don't act like it.
Also why do they need the empire and relic weapons if they have robots and nukes? They were disappointed they couldn't get the sword of the creator.
I don't really get it.

>villain DLC

Who would be the final boss? Rhea/Sothis following an El/Claude/Dimitri trio fight seems oblivious but itd be cool to see Dimitri be the sole survivor and go fully nuclear, using magic to become nemesis tier

What wZ the reason for Edelgard to attack grinder field? She had twice their army. Which would mean with both the kingdom army and alliance army they'd have the same amount of men. But she is in the fort and she should have a supply chain to it. Even if it was cut off she should still be able to get more reinforcements from the rest of the empire. All three lords in this battle are retarded.

ITT:Cumbrians who ruined this series

El is a villain, why would she go against you?

Here are your DLC unit bro

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She had to stop Dimitri and Claude from meeting and teaming up but it ended up not mattering because Claudes a fucking retard who just fucked off after getting his friends killed for no reason

Edelgard wouldn't stay with the slithers once they get to their endgame

They're pro themselves and no one else. They probably consider themselves the only true humans.
They probably view surface dwellers as pro goddess cucks who submitted to Rhea long ago and therefore forfeit their humanity, hence the 'lowly beasts' stuff.

>Also why do they need the empire and relic weapons if they have robots and nukes?
They can't nuke the monastery and Rhea because of the goddesses protection, and if they started nuking everyone, eventually their base would be discovered and they'd be wiped out, since there don't seem to be many of them.
>They were disappointed they couldn't get the sword of the creator.
Sword of the creator is like a nuke you can reuse, at least when Nemisis uses it.

Why did she have to stop them from teaming up? It would make just an army of equal size with shakey leadership. As I said she could have lasted in a siege in the "impregnable" fort.
In the meantime she could have gotten reinforcements. We know this isn't her entire army. The kick from is in a state of endless defense and the alliance isn't in a position to invade.

You know when you think about it Byleth is pretty weak. He fused with a god and has the strongest weapon in the world. I understand why he is that way. If he had Nemesis stats it would be far too easy. It is funny though.


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>Shit was so cash, brahs

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I doubt that the statistics of the game reflect the true strength of the character, as they treated Byleth in the game it always seemed that he was able to defeat almost anything without the slightest effort

Hilda is a retarded slut no thanks

it's an assassin son most anons would die just because they're wearing headphones

My first wife Hilda is the best!

Still waiting for that Caspar/Hilda edit damn it

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>most anons would die just because they're wearing headphones
guilty as charged

>I doubt that the statistics of the game reflect the true strength of the character,
They definitely don't.
>as they treated Byleth in the game it always seemed that he was able to defeat almost anything without the slightest effort
The only time I got that impression was in the monastery siege. When he tries to go one man army on the empire.

God I wish that was me

Female villains are good because you don't have to feel bad about all the humiliating degenerate shit you wanna do to them.

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Jesus Christ the English VA for Jeralt sounds like shit.

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Isn't he the white haired toads guy from Naruto?

Didn't the fucker raise other kids and grow more closer to them then you?


Imagine actually thinking some budget hack is comparable to fucking Wamuu

There's Leonie but it doesn't seem like Jeralt is as passionate about her as she is he. I mean, she's got his crest on her fucking panties.

Imagine playing a game in a language you don't even understand for nerd points.

She was just following orders for her own reasons I presume.

Byleth was a stone faced husk until a third of the way into the game. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeralt resented him.

Imaine being so autistic you can't even comprehend basic life functions like reading the tone of a voice instead of the meaning, making you so autistic that even fucking dogs can communicate better than you

>FE Heroes releases her along side both Byleths and the three Lords
>No route
What did they mean by this?

Now that's what I call projecting. Holy shit, couldn't come up with a real argument?

They tend to end up as the member with the greatest reason to rip the final boss a new one.

Better question is why the Fuck the BE route has only 19 chapters and the Church route where you side with no one has more chapters and is basically a shitty version of Claude's route?

She really has his crest on her undies? When was this revealed I thought it was a dumb meme.

What? You're the retard saying that it's impossible to understand voices in a language you don't understand even though literal dogs can do exactly that. Or are you so fucking retarded that you're one of those illiterate niggers who has to listen to voices because you can't read?

They knew she was best girl.

And also they intend on expanding on her in DLC.

I think what our angry autistic friend tried to say without the intense accusation is you can still understand the delivery of the lines even if you do not understand the language.

Judging from how everything in BE feels kind of rushed, it was probably a late change. Could've been completely different or just something they decided to add last minute.
Japanese has a lot of nuances and shit that are lost to anybody outside of Asia. Once you actually learn japanese, the VA stops sounding special or even good.

There's a pic floating around of all the girls' various unique panty textures, I'm sure you'll run into it sooner than later.

Just look up her skirt in game

So does Alois and he was picked at random.

Isn't his crest just Seiros's?

That's true but Jeralt is still like "oh fuck it's this guy" around him

Jeralt cares enough about Leonie for him to ask Byleth to take care of her.

It's Flayn I think.

Still I can understand why some would prefer the VA where they couldn't tell exactly how awful it is. For me I just don't like how prissy some of the dudes sound in the dub, like Felix.

Can't wait for the true TRUE route to come out with wave 3 of the dlc where everyone lives.

>Byleth... Please, get her away from me.

I want to see Kronya's underwear

Not liking some voices I can understand. But Jeralt's is great.


I really liked Ferdinand and Manuela support. I hope they get married at the end of my game.
It will be like he married his waifu.

just make sure that they're each others' closest ally in the roster screen

I want to titfuck this beautiful woman

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hope you're a necrophiliac

She won't die in the DLC

I know. This is my second playthrough.
I just dunno if they have that kind of ending together. They could platonically make an opera company together for all I know.

according to some reddit post I found on google, it either mentions the word love or marriage so go for it

He just couldn't handle her draining his balls constantly and hoped he could fob her off on a younger and more energetic man, and Byleth looks like he needs to get laid. Jeralt's like a century too old for that shit.

just look up endings your interested in on the wiki
Playing matchmaker in this game is really annoying and difficult

Do I need to play the older games to have a grasp of the gameplay? For a veteran it may be straightfoward but for a new player like me it seems confusing as shit.

no this one is the easiest don't worry about it

From his journal he makes it sound more like he's heartbroken about Byleth's condition rather than resenting them. He's happier when he's dying than he ever is during the game, solely because it's the first time he's ever seen you cry.
>Japanese has a lot of nuances and shit that are lost to anybody outside of Asia. Once you actually learn japanese, the VA stops sounding special or even good.
That's not really true though considering people who actually speak Japanese still use original voices, simply because only literal children or manchildren use dubs, and the only people who spout your retarded bullshit are EOP dubfags.

>no doujin of her becoming a cum dumpster while she sees that byleth and all the students killed the slithers and have happy lives
Why live?

How would Byleth even be during sex? Would he still have no expression? FByleth seems to be able to blush and shows more emotions on her face in general than her male version, but how would MByleth be?

The jackhammer. Cold, emotionless, destructive.

You get free xp maps so go wild.

Leonie wouldn't care about how good Byleth is during sex, she'd just be excited that cum containing genes descended from Jeralt is being pumped into her.

Like everything else, completely deadpan but still charming. Byleth can emote, he smiles and frowns in scenes, the crest autism just makes it phyically harder for him to.

I killed Ashe on my deer run. Anti climactic. Didn't die like a true knight.

>Playing matchmaker in this game is really annoying and difficult
All you need to do is just have them A rank each other and no one else. It really isn't hard.

In the BE ending he goes back to normal.

Weird, I just did that map, didn't expect him to be there. Also was anticlimatic as my Claude killed him in one hit on turn 1, his death quote is sad though.

oh really? do i need to worry about the grid movement shit? i feel like that shit is the biggest thing holding me back from buying the game

His death quote is sad honestly. Also the reason he didn't die like a true knight. Plus he was serving someone that killed his king and is fighting all his friends.

No, because the enemies will draw lines to who they're going to attack so you can position them easy. You can also rewind turns if you fuck up

I never understood why he became normal on the route being honest

Because the BE epilogues were hamfisted to make people not feel as bad for picking the bad end route

>normal difficulty is very easy
>game gives you the ability to rewind turns if something bad happens
>you can turn off permadeath
Even if you're actually retarded you'd have a hard time losing

Because he doesn't have sothis' decaying corpse stuck inside his ribcage any more

But why that happens?, it can't be because of Rhea's death because she can also die on the church route and that doesn't make Byleth return to normal.


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What isn't a bad route? In BL the dubstep people are never discovered, in the GD route Claude leaves, and the Church route being the worst has all three lords die.

I'm surprised how you don't redeem villains in this game. I thought for sure you'd recruit and redeem clown girl and death knight.
I wonder if the writer that had the huge boner for it left.


They're saving them for DLC

BL has Dimitri accidentally killing dubstepper leaders.
Claude comes back to help Byleth later on.

Probably but other games had it in the main story and DLC.

I think they thought whitewashing one villain was enough for the main game.

The science of that happens to a person when you attach the consciousness of a dead goddess to their heart hasn't really been explored.
Crest stones can turn people into raging mindless beasts, and Byleth has the strongest one glued to his heart. it's probably repressing his emotions or something, I don't know.
Crests aren't exactly a precise science.

Turns out the Shambalans were just a bunch of Russians crammed in a techno bunker.

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The crest of flames he has is pretty neat, it probably works because he technically died before having it implanted.

Aren't crest stones hearts?
I'm pretty sure it replaced his heart.

Russia has the hottest women so that explains why Kronya and Cornelia are so stacked

"I'm not setting a good example"
"Allow me to demonstrate"
"Should I have held back?"
>Misses her period
"Such power dwells within?"

I wonder what Cornelia's true form would have looked like?

She was probably flat as a board and larping as the titty saint.

Crest stones are dead dragon hearts or something.
It didn't replace his heart, he still has his own but it just doesn't work with the stone there

>Byleth hasn't had a heartbeat since he was a kid
>Heart has never beat his entire life
>Kill Rhea and destroy the crest stone attached to his heart
>Heart starts beating but it's so weak and underdeveloped that it can't pump blood and he dies anyway.
Realistic fire emblem isn't very fun

Her boobs probably would've been bigger, which would be quite a sight

>The average black eagles fan

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>you can't just opt to straight up murder everyone and rule the continent yourself
everyone seems to be kind of shit

Does the game do a good job at easing you with the mechanics on hard? Normal casual seems like it would be boring. I don't want the game to play itself for me, I just have doubts with the grid shit and not knowing where to go.

Try hard and if it's too hard go into options and change it to normal

boy recruiting leonie immediately after jeralts death is weird.

it's almost what happens on the church route

Hard might be a bit overwhelming for a first time player. you can just go normal classic and you'll probably be fine.
I'd recommend normal classic for a first time playing the series. You can make mistakes and your units will get hurt but not killed. And even if you do make a big mistake and get someone killed you can rewind time like 5 times per map.

Is that the size of his hitbox?

isn't she just Peri but a villain? And worse?

who's a good dancer for the BL route? I'm tempted to make Mercedes the healer and the dancer, it's just that in my BE playthrough I remember Dancer gimping Dorethea's stats and I'm worried about my healing not being as effective

Get Flayn, unlike in BE, she doesn't hate you.
Dimitri's dialogue if you choose him is hilarious though.

Mercedes or Flayn for actual dancing. Ingrid or Felix (if you wanna give him charm consumables to win) for the sword skills.

I don't know why people think Claude leaving is a bad thing. In his route specifically he already accomplished his goal of uniting Fodlan and improving their relationships with the rest of the world, the guy needed to get Almyra's shit together.

Maybe the reason Bylat is emotionally retarded is because Bylat was stillborn so they didn't have a personality at all.

Fodlan is in deep shit and it's the one route where Byleth goes and becomes useless moe as god emperor.

>Curse you professor you've doomed us all!

Any of the healers make for good dancers since they're shit at fighting
I usually make Flayn my dancer because she doesn't have physic so I never really use her to heal anyway

Does Flayn only betray you in the BE route? I'm still on my first playthrough and just declared war on the Church. Flayn was gonna be a major healer on my team too. I got a well timed Fortify on Ch. 11 too, a move Linhardt doesn't have atm.

Fucking bitch whore cunt motherfucker traitor cunt. I'm glad your whore mother is dead and I hope you choke on fish semen you bitch.

I made Dorothea my dancer so she'd wear less clothes

>flayn betraying you
It's the other way around. You're trying to kill what's left of her family. You fucking monster.

You mean if she only betrays you in the route where you want to actively detsroy the church?
And you blame her for that? for Edelgard being a cunt?
She stays with you if you don't choose Edelgard in BE.

Flayn seems useless. She has terrible movement when you get her. She can't take a hit and her spell list is bad.

>betray you
Based retard

In BE she ditches you for the church, since her brother works there and shit
I hope you can recruit Marianne or Mercedes in time

No. The winners write the history books. Flayn will be remembered as a traitor to the Empire who was too naive to see the corruption of the Church, and that's IF history remembers her at all. We may mandate any who speak her name to have their tongue cut from their mouth.

That's why she makes a great dancer
You lose absolutely nothing of value combat wise and turn her into a very useful support unit

>winners write the history books
Doesn't stop you from being a piece of shit.

She doesn't even look like a clown, why do people call her a clown?

>She does show that's she's redeemable and tragic as she's dying

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It's the orange hair, the black makeup, and the pale but not white skin

Isn't it better to have someone like Linhardt do it? He can't get the end mage class and he has the damage to defend homself/attack if he can't dance someone.

When do we get time traveling babies?

>orange hair
>pale skin
>makeup on face
If you give pennywise the little teardrop thing she looks like a r34 of him from the head up

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>This is your average BEfag

If this game had child units I wouldn't have bought it. Or played it at all.

Can you recruit anyone after leaving with Edelgard?


>seething roastie
There was nothing wrong with kids in GotHW or in Awakening

Lindhart has warp and physic, which is pretty useful. Making him a dancer means you have to choose between dancing or warping/physic every turn. Flayn doesn't really have any good healing spells besides the aoe one

If the first timeskip chapter Lysithea will be an enemy if you didn't recruit her. defeat her with byleth and she can join you. No one else though.

Holy war no, Awakening yes, Fates REALLY yes.
And genealogy is a false equivalence, they become your main cast after a timeskip.

>Making him a dancer means you have to choose between dancing or warping/physic every turn.
Honestly not as bad as you're implying, especially on maps where your dancer is liable to fall behind a bit.

>seething roastie
I don't get it.
Child units cause character bloat. Make zero sense and the interactions with their parents are awful.

The writers turning the Fates units into deadbeat parents as an excuse for child units was kino. Prove me wrong.

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>implying roasties didn't love child units
It feeds "shipping."

>peri but villain and worse
By technicality it's better because now you don't even have to deny what she's doing is bad but embrace it.

Fuck there are too many people I want to actually use, I don't think I have enough slots for the average battle
It's usually like 10 or 11 per battle right?
So Byleth
Flayn (for dancing I guess)
Lysithea because she's fucking busted
Some bow and arrow slut
Some cavalry slut

And I want Seteth and Caspar cause they were both bros but I don't think that's fucking happening. I mean maybe I don't even need a stupid fucking horse guy If I've just got a wyvern lord, idk

There are actually people that like child units.

You can probably use Byleth+all your class with Marianne and Flayn.
Ashe is a good archer if you don't get too screwed.

Except you don't get to fix a broken girl which is basically the best part about Peri.

Nah, Awakening incorporated the kids into the plot fairly naturally, considering the idea of "challenging one's fate" was kind of a massive theme of the game.
Hell, fucking the kids isn't even that unethical, since they're technically different from the babies you know, and it's not like Awakening invented time travel romances.
Fates on the other hand was forced as fuck and borders on child grooming if you fuck them. Only bright side was that eugenics was at its most balanced and fun in this game.

Eugenics is fun!

idk man, I personally don't fucking miss having to keep literally all the female units as pegasus knights for a gorillion levels because muh eugenics

>Awakening incorporated the kids into the plot fairly naturally
Lucina was incorporated into the plot fairly naturally? Everyone else? Nope.

Morgan spits all over the plot shit.

Damn I just realized how much I want a healing support with Kronya now

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Except the 3ds games that have child units generally have a smaller cast than most FE games.
Plus children gave us the best FE girl.

You never got to redeem peri though, and probably will get to redeem Kronya in the DLC.

And Kronya's design is way better.

How do you even redeem slithers when you know they are, as a matter of fact, retarded and evil?

You may not like it but this is what a well organized country looks like. The weak must look towards the strong for guidance. The strong must prove their readiness to rule. Without order, mankind's fate is left to ruin, and a leader must rise up to seize control from the corrupt and blot out those who would threaten stability. Only Lady Edelgard is fit to rule, and none of you have the power to stop her.

The 3DS games are also focused on story and character interactions more. Before they were fuel for the fire.

Nah, they all do despite not being plot relevant (which is to be expected of an FE game, a vast majority of your units have no plot relevance)

Morgan is a massive plot hole that could have been handled far better, yes.

>Plus children gave us the best FE girl.
Tiki has been in the series since FE1 though, long before children were added.


Eugenics, hair color simulator, know your pairings actually banged, also getting the pairing you want
The shit thing about them however is it seems like only Severa gets love/art of the awakening children excluding the obvious star of the game, and I can't even tell if Fates children get art.

>literally sleeps with Annette in their supports
>nobody has made art of it

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>they all do despite not being plot relevant
How? Aside from Lucina they add nothing and are literal bloat to an already bloated cast.

Kino? Shit was hamfisted at best

Easy we get a evil dragon to come out and be the villan and kill it with friendship.

You're really reaching for good things to say.
>Knowing your characters banged.

I just wanted the chance to actually kill her

Look it up on pixiv. Make sure to use japanese when looking.

You calim my wife Annette to be a lesbian? How dare you.

That's shit women care about user. Who do you think writes all the autistic fanfiction?

You don't know that for sure and the second point is purely subjective.

>game spoils jeralt's death in the opening that plays if you leave the title screen idle
Interesting choice.

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Eugenics was a fun system that gave you a way of customizing your units.
Also gave us best girl.

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Well I'm tired of autistic women ruining my Fire Emblems.


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FE dads dying is like, the opposite of a spoiler.
It'd be more of one if he didn't die.

>Implying your dad dying is a spoiler.
>In a Fire Emblem game.

Monica really was the best girl in this

The jap trailer for lord of the rings shows Frodo putting on the ring and saying "the ring is mine"
They don't really care about spoilers
Also it was super obvious he was going to die anyway

It just let you customize the hair color and the traits. You could already do traits except for gender only ones.
You're just changing the hair color of a completely irrelevant one note character.

I'm sure they're tired of you too.

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Name one happy family in a FE game.

She's really cute.

Hilda has her take a nap on her bed and then climbs in with her because Annette falls asleep almost immediately. Sorry for you to find out this way

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>It just let you customize the hair color and the traits
And stats
And class selection
And it let you pass on gender locked skills like GF and Counter.

With morgan I simply act like Robin canonically had Morgan with one of the girls of the future, because it is the only reason I can think about why some other child of the future does not try to make her remember her past

Every family goes through hardships.
Crom seems happy with his family.

But her siblings remember her.

I already saw it. But didn't interpret it being a lesbian couple given they both can't S rank with female Byleth and the fact its more in the levels of taking care of my little baby sister with nap naps.

Avatar unit+their waifu

My family with my emblemfu

Best way to fix Morgan would have been to reverse the situation. S/he remembers everyone else, nobody remembers them. Would lend credence to the idea that they aren't from the same future as the other kids too.

Wasn't Chrom's dad some horrible despot that left a fucking despicable legacy for his kids until Emmeryn mended things?

This is nu-FE, though, most people probably haven't played enough to really have that sink in. Still, yeah, they barely try to hide it before it happens

That said user is clearly talking about his family with Olivia

Eliwood, Roy, non-Ninian mom.

Avatar unit's all have an evil/crazy/dead dad and a dead mom

He was a warmonger. But the family had divine royal blood. They ruled for like a thousand years.
I doubt it would be too hard to mend relations.

God this game is so bad about this shit.
>Rhea pulls the "You're my..." bullshit TWICE

oh you poor innocent child

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Unfortunately that would've been the way that required much more effort, which is likely why it wasn't done.

I still like to think Eliwood fucked a dragon to be the truth about Roy's birth.

And next you'll say Claude and Dimitri are actaully gay for male Byleth because they always tell Byleth how special he is to them.

I wanna lick Hilda's armpit after a long battle

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>This is nu-FE, though
>Robin has to kill his evil dad
>Corrin has to kill his insane dragon dad
>Corrin's mom dies in front of him
>Chroms' sister face plants into the ground and is presumed dead for years
There's plenty of nu fe family death. Family death isn't a trope confined to fe either, you'll find it in 80% of anime

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He was your dad though

Chrome had a sister? I didn't know that. I was too busy imagining footjobs with Tharja, full body stocks on obviously.

do they "sleep" with him?

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Yea but I'm pretty sure she dies if that happens so obviously if it's not her they're happy.

>Implying spot pass is canon

he has two retard

it's one thing to nap with each other, but Hilda literally says "snuggle" which means she did more than just sleep.

No one ever dies user.

They speak out their true feelings. And Cluade invites you to dance with him regardless of being male to male dancing. Dimitri isnt comfortable with it sadly.

Girls sleep in the same bed at sleepovers all the time. I know, I had an older sister and they never did anything gay no matter how much I hoped they would.

Look man it's been a while since I last played Awakening. I only remembered 4 characters from it


settle down

You can tell him about dancing with Claude and he just thinks of it as a joke.

again, she literally says "snuggle" which implies Hilda definitely did more than just sleep in the same bed

A reminder to Yurifags that straight women are far more touchy feely with one another than straight men are.

I am gamer

Snuggle just means like spooning or holding someone close.

I'm a straight man and I get touchy feely with other straight men.

"Implies" yeah sure. Whatever you think pal to bad its never implied they both swing that way.

Straight women don't exist user.
All women are bisexual.

people who typically "snuggle" with each other are much more intimate, cuddling means the same thing as snuggling but cuddling is less intimate and typically comes after "snuggling"

Girls hug and touch each other non-sexually all the damn time. I hope several doujins are made too, but it doesn't even imply Hilda's actually intended to be gay.

Wanna sleep over?

Now you're just being stupidly nitpicky about the connotations of the word. Why don't you see what the original nip dialogue says if you want to be pedantic.

in the japanese version she just flat out says "let's fuck" honestly pretty bold for nintendo to include that despite them not being gay options in this game.

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Numales aren't men.

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Times change. Very progressive. Will we be featured in a Tumblr blog?

Why can't I S-support Ashe as MByleth? It's not fair bros.

What's with Annette's english voice?
It completely takes out the cute of her character. Absolutely disgusting.

More like why IS Rhea a romantic option for FByleth? A woman of God shouldn't be also gay

Who cares? Why wasn't Claude a gay option?! He said I was someone special to him! We touched hands and danced together.

I mean, this is the same game that features Ingrid "Digs Graves for Slaves" Galatea

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it's okay if she IS god

it's cute, and it's even funnier that her songs are super awkward in english, makes her felix support better since the point is that her songs are strange.

Her singing was cute. You have no soul.

>tfw you find out God is a Lesbian

>true tfw you find out its almost incest.


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Not just regular incest, super incest.

It's so many layers of incest it makes Charles III of Spain's family tree look normal in comparison.

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holy shit how did IS get away with this

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In fact here's a better image explaining the fucked up family.

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Monica is cuter than Kronya

I take it back. You're all right.

>implying incest is uncommon among gods.
Read up on your mythology friend.

I will sir. Thank you.

Objective character ranking

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>Alois, Dedue and Gilbert below fucking Jeritza

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I didn't put any thought into where the men ended up because I only care about girls

Titfucking time

That's pretty fucking narrow-minded

Is that supposed to refute my assumption that it's bait?

I played this game for the waifus so the boys don't matter lol.

Took 30 mins of autism but here

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It's not bait


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It's just irrefutable shit taste.

very nice

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Probably because of the wound he took in the final cutscene, that's what his ending with Edeltard implies anyway.


>ywn suck on villainess milkies

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Uncheck every box except Three Houses

is he standing on a box?

it's some app where you vote on characters in 1v1's and it makes on a list based on how many times each character got picked

She's on her knees or sitting in his lap

I want to fill Annette's tummy tummy tum with my cummy cummy cum!

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This is Fire Emblem? What happened, it looks like trash now

No bigger than Peri and Biggu Sistu

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funny enough, despite looking awful, its story is actually really good

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thanks bro

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Replace the ones that aren't Camilla with Kronya and Cornelia

this desu
played the BL route and that scene in particular made me break down
can't recall a FE game ever making me cry


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Cool. I like the series but I have absolutely no interest in getting a Switch. I was just surprised by that character design

are you that discordfag who comes into every fucking server trying to pass off your shitty fanservice waifu as some deep meaning of life

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Lol, fucking great

Slutty character designs are the best

I didnt actaully think itd be good and thought itd be another Persona 6: fire emblem edition

I don't know what you're talking about

It's basically persona Emblem yeah

Whys she so perfect?

Thankfully its not a Eugenics Simulator anymore.

It still could be. You never know.

Their titties are great and I would very much enjoy sucking on them, the fact that they're villains doesn't matter

Everybody in this thread needs to have sex ASAP

I wish it still was, than I could have kids with Kronya

>Except the 3ds games that have child units generally have a smaller cast than most FE games.
What the fuck are you talking about? Fates has 69 fucking characters.

Can we?

oh shit we back

I would if I could

If you can't than just stop being a waifu obsessed virgin

If Jeralt of Rivia survived I'd go for Slitherers no questions. Full-on villain routes are kino.

Please let me fuck her IS that's all I want please please please please please

imagine being this pathetic

Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Dubfags will never ever be able to argue the fact that the rest of Asia and even the weeb parts of the rest of the world enjoy nip VA while literally fucking nobody would ever go out of their way to listen to English dubs on their native media. Anyone in the west who can sell off their voice alone and make big bank is either a singer or an actual actor. Everyone who could otherwise is already retired or dead.

You can even prove it by comparing Disney films. Literally nobody respects the new shit or finds it memorable, no one finds their voice acting amazing or anything. Meanwhile the classics had guys like Robin Williams and even mother fucking Winnie the Pooh nailed his part better than all of 3H dubs and yet Pooh's voice is literally hoarse enough you'd think the voice actor was a chain smoker. That's a testament to how skillful the guy was to make kids think "yeah there's nothing wrong with that voice, even though it sounds like my great grandpa".

You won't ever find any case like that in dubs today. Fuck you can probably replace the entire vidya dub industry with let's say the cast from Beast Wars and Reboot and it'd be an improvement.

They just can't accept their dubs have lost their soul just like their comics. It's not that they were never good, it's that they accept lower standards now as the norm.

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Did the person who make this go blind? I dunno about the game model but these portraits clearly do not favor Peri in any way, she's like 2-3 cups behind minimum.

Wrong, Cornelia's only match is Loki in all of Fire Emblem.

Attached: Cornelia 6.png (790x836, 909K)

Peri is just Kronya but without the appealing aspects

Have sex with a real person, now


This. I want to have an evil minion, not be one.

Well no shit she's got armour on. Peri's has the same body model as Camilla, Orochi, Kagero, and Charlotte so her tit's are at least comparable to those characters.

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Thank you user for underboob

truly a mystery

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I hate when a character has the same eye colour as their hair.

Holy shit most of her clothes is gone in that picture

About to masturbate to Kronya hentai wish me luck

She has almost purple skin, orange hair and is wearing black leather/latex. Clowns have bleach white makeup, red hair, baggy colorful cloths and red makeup.

You fags are nuts.

She can still be a stripper clown though

>Peri's has the same body model as Camilla, Orochi, Kagero, and Charlotte so her tit's are at least comparable to those characters.
Even among those 4 there are significant differences, with Kagero being the biggest and Orochi being the smallest.

She's a juggalo, faggot.

Here's what I got.

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How obvious is it that BL was my first route?

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She's closer to a member of KISS than that dumb shit.

He used to do the 'save orphan' thing along with Rhea, which is why you have your onii-chan Alois. But Leonie's obsession with him is that he and you bunked in a village for a bit between missions, much like remire before the events of the game, and during that time he taught some awestuck 14 year old farmer girl how to swing a stick.

based taste

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I want to fuck her so badly that I re-created her in Honey Select and I've been beating my dick raw several times a day while having VR sex with her.

It hurts to cum now, but I can't stop.

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God fuck all I can think about is her and I don't even play this game.

Shit man I was gonna do that in koikatsu.

Honey Select is better unless you prefer the chibi/moe art style

It's a mood thing but I won't argue with that.

Kronya for smash

I want Kronya to spit in my mouth!

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Gross user. That's girls pee from

Girls don't pee outside of femdom porn

Does she survive three houses or am I going to be disappointed picking it up?

okay storyfags i asked in the other thread and no one replied, should you be attacking on player phase or enemy phase? and does that apply for all FEs?

You kill her fairly early on.

there ya go, expat girls are my thing

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How do we solve the Edeltard question? How can you force these mouthbreathers to play the other routes in the game?

Disappointing, maybe i'll pick it up if I hear about a DLC route

Your team will often do more work during the enemy phase where the enemy army bum rushes your ubermensch who's holding a choke and loses half their forces to counters. This obviously carries risk as if your unit is killing every attacker who can reach them, as they'll eventually fall if they aren't tanky enough.

This is not true of three houses however. You will do more work during player phase in this game, largely because of stride and overall increased attack range for mages and archers, as well as how fantastic canto is (it's always fantastic but the maps, movement, and ranges in this game make canto feel like the best it has ever been).

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Wtf I'm not gay I just like these guys

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>uber-cunt and shit skin liberal in S tier
>felix, dimitri, sylvain, dedue not in S tier
golden retard detected

why would you rank Seteth so high ?

Because he's one of the best characters?

Because he's great. Good dad, and provides a lot of good advice to the students in his supports. His support with Bernie is especially nice.

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>Ferdie that low

She stole my father, so she'll make me into a father!

What if she only took your father so that she could become your father

Then I guess she's getting dragged to the slitherer's rape dungeon, cause I ain't touching a tranny clown.

Is this what you meant, user?

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Can he be stopped?

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Post her side profile.

>playing as rhea
>all characters are waifus
I want to play this fire emblem

She looks like a Tokyo ghoul rip off.
Fake and gay.

Are you offering your services?

Pent and Louise

actually that's Seiros

this is the absolute state of cumbr4ined waifufags

I wish the randomizer put Kronya over Byleth so we could see her ass during the monastery

Which is the biggest waste in the entire game.

do any of the people who whine about this actually give a shit about Jeralt, because I seriously doubt it

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Kronya's massive knockers carry a game with otherwise mediocre character design

KronyaToday at 5:52 PM
The reason Kronya is so good isn't because she plays a important role in the story but because of the impact she makes on the player. Thanks to hurting the player by killing their dad she's established herself as somebody the player won't forget because of how much she hurt them. She will also make an impact on the player because of her fun and cheerful personality that we usually don't see on a bad guy, and because of her very unique and badass design. And in her death, she sets herself apart from the other villains by becoming a tragic character in the way she dies.

All of these combine to create a character who is truly impactful, that the player cannot forget. I felt truly sorry for this poor girl in the end, and hope we can get more of her in the future so we can possibly redeem her.

We know it's you Discordfag

>fucking Wamuu
Literally FUCKING who?

Fucking WAMUU!

Attached: Whamuuuuu.jpg (1960x2694, 997K)

Nope, doesn't ring a bell.

The DLC will add a Kronya S support and I will do if

She just walked her home gently.

Fuck you I liked Jeralt.

Yea Forums is full of neglected sons who hate their dads and want a big tiddy'd goth gf, apparently

white clouds

This game makes me so fucking erect

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Familiar scenery

>Leonie even has Jeralts logo on her fucking panties

This girl is obsessed Jesus Christ

How are you doing "EvangelionFan"?

Leonie found a husbando

He's a great unit you almost forget how autistic he is in supports if you don't do those.

Fucking snow niggers

A literal chestlet since she’s not actually Cornelia, but someone pretending to be Cornelia.

Ascended c*mbrain.
But take a break user, it's not healthy if it hurts.


It knows.

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Fun fact, one of the most successful WW2 spies was a stripper and (going off the top of my head) like 2/3rds of successful spies that we know about have been women.

The honey pot is real.

Besides it's not like I'm checking my food for poison or watching out for snipers, if somebody wanted to kill me I'm not some action movie hero.

Does anybody feel like the game failed to capture the size and scope of the entire continent?

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Jesus why is her outfit so hot

>Fight through the bridge
>Fight at Gronder
>Backtrack all the way to the Fhirdiad
>Go all the way through Alliance
>Finally go back Empire all the way to Merceus
>Smooth sailing until Enbarr
It's much better than Fates, but the scale still felt weird. I suppose the months are supposed to accomdate for that, but the timing still doesn't feel right

Solid snake

It's slightly problematic when you're heavily committed to a military expedition yet still find time to come back to the monastery each week.
If pre timeskip was training your officers, post timeskip should have been using your officers.
But no, nothing changes.

Yup, one of many complaints is that it didnt take full advantage of its setting, especially in part 2 where you basically come back just in time to curb stomp with whoever you sided with after 5 yrs of warfare across the continent