Gunvolt luminous avenger ix

So is every single one of the bosses just going to be made pitiable for their reason to be fighting you this time? Some pasts one certainly were, but this time it seems like they all fit that bill, aside from maybe the warden girl.

Also, if they do make another gunvolt game with the titular character playable, do you think they could do something gameplay wise to make him more interesting? It's not horrible, but his playstyle forces you to go ahead and tap more than one enemy at once to get bigger score, instead of being able to dash through the stage and try to stay in the air to get bigger score without having to slow down and tag targets, so Copen feels more fun to play.

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I had a dream, imagine of you will a game where you can fight every girl from the last 3 games and only spare 1

Whoever gets spared by most people gets saved in cannon, only the first run counts. Watch people buys several copies of the game for their friends

you kill them and copen does not care regardless

I think they've struck the right balance. The bosses are sympathetic, but they aren't Eden level of fucked up. Except for Rebellio and Blade, a lot of them looked like they had pretty good thing going until Sumeragi entered their lives. I'd argue that actually having families, loved ones, living in a society that embraces them, and social status (one of them is a CEO and another is a world famous idol) built off of a mountain of Mino corpses (even if they may not have supported it) makes them less pitiable than many of the characters from the first two game, even if they have a more legitimate excuse this time (hostages).

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To sum it up, I'll feel bad for them, but won't get angry about it (and if I do, it'll be directed towards Sumeragi rather than resentment directed at the story itself).

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Elise would likely win it anyways (I don't know if Zonda, who'd place second, would even come close), assuming people don't hack it.

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are we having back-to-back threads now?


We don't have enough new material or rage to do that. This thread will be dead before it hits 50 posts.

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cyber diva RoRo live

Explosion man isn't a part of that, since he's just an explosion lunatic being given a permit to explode shit as he sees fit.

>Also, if they do make another gunvolt game with the titular character playable, do you think they could do something gameplay wise to make him more interesting?
Give him a sword and name him Bladevolt or something.

How did we go from this to this?

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Gibril would give Elise a run for her money as for the haking part Yea Forums could not possibly be hell-bent on rigging this or can it?
Dunno man the last 2 Azure striker tread capped


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>Give him a sword
I think people are actually getting through them whit that statement, it’s the second most requested thing right behind Kanna DLC for blaster master

Hey, if we bring back Nova and make him playable, then we'll have a highly dysfunctional (and off-color) pic related.

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Elise managed to take the number 1 spot in a few of the polls from Lumen and Lola, something that none of the other villain girls have managed to do.

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GV 2 really did have cuter girls.

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Replace GV and Copen with Jason.

GV as Zero X as Nova and Copen as Axl? Not really but GV need a bro a true one unlike the redhead from the first one, and no Xaio ping pong is just a traitor in the making

you would be too OP

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I don't care about being OP, I want someone that can avoid killing the cute girls.

You have been visited by Vixen Dyatlov.

This thread is currently reading 21 replies (not great, not terrible).

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indeed he is

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Except for Rebellio, I don't think I have too much regrets killing these bosses. They don't have the charm of the Swordsmen or Grimoire 7.


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>drop hints about how she's lost her self to the job and questions her own identity
>know that this will be dropped in game and any promising character developments will end at her boss fight when she dies

It's like AkG. Any place interesting you can take the characters is nill due to the high death rates.

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To be fair user you have to at least go to those extreme to keep your girls safe on an Inticreates game and sometimes not even that, Zero would wipe the floor whit Jason and GV but he was not able to enjoy his girl
This is the one who I am really going to regret putting down

She seems like a bitch. I dunno, maybe she'll do a 180, but redemptions don't happen in Gunvolt, even if they're coming around.

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>the new igniter for LAiX
I like GV2's igniter so much better than this one. Its good, but the earlier version just feels much faster for some reason

I think is time to have "the talk" who is most powerful Adept bellow the obvious top 3
>1 Nova
>2 Gunvolt
>3 Zonda
I personally think 4 is between Viper and Tenjian

How would Copen react if he learns about all the monstrous shit his dad did?

they're all going to die, aren't they?

Nova got killed by GV even though the guy was being protected by Muse's song, and even when he went ultimate god mode, while also receiving power from the song, he lost. So I don't think he's really top.

Funny how often this gets mentioned, like the fact that his dad was a dick changes something about the fact that most adepts are dicks

Doesn't he know his father is responsible for all the technology Sumeragi uses?

Obviously, copen's gonna kill them
All filthy adepts deserve the bullit

That's literally a rwby character.

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Too bad he didn't have someone who could resurrect him, right?

I thought it was a homage to Layer, especially with the "one-eyed peak through bangs" she does. Now pic related on the other hand...

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He’d do what any self-respecting /pol/tard does when confronted with something that conflicts with his worldview: ignore it and double-down on his beliefs

I swear, if I was Nova, I'd have had Elise behind me ressing all my guys as we battle QUILL together, but then, we couldn't have our MM style boss rush.

It's Layer.

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fuck you jason

zero kinda did it to himself for his first girl
and he kept his second girl alive.. at least through the zero series

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Ciel and Levi too.

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So, unlike Azure Striker & DMFD, they're only releasing this game physically as a limited run? Any news of a standard retail release in the future?

most guardians had a thing for zero
he just didn't really care

Zero would punch some sense into Leybizt. Dunno about his megaman zero self who has amnesia (but still subconsciously remember to "do not get a waifu, not matter what").

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So I see we've continued the tradition of making the adepts way more attractive than the humans. I wonder if there's some pro-adept agenda going on in these games.

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We discussed this the last tread is called natural selection and is further proof that nature wants this things to leave descendants (Kohaku might be an adept on how hot she is alone never mind the technological magic she performs).
Too bad autistic albino skipped that class when going into his crusade

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>Sudarshana Gravity Well
>Sudarshana is Indian
>is the president of a powerful manufacturing corporation
>noted to be cold, professional, and scared of opening up to others
>lets write her with a ghetto accent
>also, change her name from Intela to Stella

Why do they always do this?

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Also, why do all the adepts call Copen iX now? Some of them seem to be pretty okay from the screenshots though.

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most don't seem too bad
not that it matters though

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Would you play a GunVolt game set in a more lighthearted parallel dimension?

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Copen is gonna kill a CEO in cold blood! He is the school shooters wet dream
Zero would:
>Beat some sense into this child soldiers that think they know what hell is
>Wipe Quill of the books for Backstabbing him and killing a human under is personal protection
>Make Nova consider a career change (maybe gardening was not a bad idea)
>Spank Zonda on stop Time
>Chop Sumeragi building like he was a lumberjack
And lastly
>Make Tenjian think “why oh god why I had to challenge him to a sword fight”

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>So is every single one of the bosses just going to be made pitiable for their reason to be fighting you this time?
There's nothing sympathetic about Crimm or Isola. Especially not Crimm.

>Also, why do all the adepts call Copen iX now?
It's his new epithet that he got protecting the last few humans and fighting Sumeragi.

>Already a bunch of 30 year old virgins
>A girl smoking takes her off the table

All the while you are having thoughts of a life with her and how smoking could affect your future kids, meanwhile some chad already fucked her. Virgin logic

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>He is the school shooters wet dream
Since when have they or any other spree shooters actually targeted important people? It's always a rampage against random bystanders, usually ones with no connection to the shooter at all.
Copen is smarter than that in many ways.

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