Can't we show our men in blue and uniform some respect? Come on developers.
Why are military and police always getting shot in games?
>no game where you play as a corrupt cop stalking and shooting down whistleblower "good cops" and framing niggers for the crime
It's called real life but you're only allowed to play if you're white
>pick support MOS
>literally never get sent too a warzone and get amazing benefits to sit around on my phone all day at work
I LOVE THE POLICE. They make me feel safe and they're sworn to protect and to save me when I'm in danger. THANK YOU OFFICERS we love you
Live by the sword, die by the sword? Also Marvin got his side torn out, he wasn't shot.
now kiss
Haha so very witty and high brow!
wait a minute that cop...
still waiting for a C.O.P.S. game
Fuck police! I hate laws! I should be able to do literally anything I want without consequences! ANARCHY RULES!
>tfw I want more games when you play as cops
>Urban Chaos Riot Response will never get a sequel due to the current climate
>some journalist took the time to contact the devs and ask them a bunch of questions basically making them apologize for making the game
It's not fair....
Is it good?
The police are gods! They should be able to do anything they want without consequences! Give them more military equipment! I believe in small government btw.
Because it's hard to see anything as a legitimate threat unless the police and/or military are fucked.
What are some games where you play as a cop? Or a private eye, at least?
It's pretty awesome. Get more points for the level of brutality you use sometimes as all the people you fight are drugged out of their fuckin minds.
There's two of them in this game.
It's an absolute unforgivable sin if a police officer defends his life when someone fights him with the intention of grievously hurting him, or taking his gun and murdering him. It's fine if a police officer is killed in the line of duty, but if he has to shoot a violent person, he should be crucified and lambasted for the rest of his life!
its because video games only objective is to cause real world violence. it's time to ban them
Resident Evil
I want to investigate with Jane!
Just watched some gameplay, looks pretty fucking sweet. Shame it's only for PS2/Xbox and no PC. Give me games like that. Here's hoping Ready or Not can scratch that itch.
You boys need some more straw for your men?
>that DLC addon that lets you wear a regular cop uniform and taser the fuck out of people
Absolutely based.
Astral Chain is literally next week
I'm up for just about anything as long as Kelly Hu is involved.
san andreas got sort of close to it you just didnt play as tenpenny
>>some journalist took the time to contact the devs and ask them a bunch of questions basically making them apologize for making the game
Of course, it was Vice.
who cares about some dumb weeb game with dumb mechs
Jill > Rebecca > Ada > Ashley > Sheva > bitch from re7 > Wholena >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> la goblina
Because it's part of the profession.