Let's play the health bar game Yea Forums

>Post a picture of a game's health bar
>Other anons try to guess which game
Starting with an easy one.

Attached: healthbar.jpg (117x106, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Lets continue with a hard one.

Attached: hpbar.png (234x32, 2K)

What are some games with hidden health bars?

call a duty modern warfare

Its a trick, that isnt a health bar.

It is.

Attached: 5CD95092-2B2C-47C2-8261-F31D6640A28D.jpg (750x135, 25K)

damnit I need to know.

diablo 3 I think

Attached: EDtAXTg.jpg (256x112, 12K)

Close enough, it's Diablo 2.
Here's another one.

Attached: hb2.png (160x125, 52K)


You give up?

at least I do. I'll let people keep trying.

XCOM Enemy Unknown

Path of exile

XCOM: Enemy Unkown

Attached: healthbar2.png (201x74, 25K)

Wait, wasn't cap 200? Mutators?

Attached: h.png (122x50, 16K)

one of my faves

Attached: healthbar.jpg (263x102, 15K)

impossible to guess this one

Attached: Screenshot_5.png (263x35, 1K)

Attached: 1721804B-863A-48B1-B437-9E07FF4524C7.jpg (186x120, 30K)

shit health bar comin' right through.

Attached: health bar.png (191x72, 10K)

unreal '04


fallout new vegas?

Attached: Untitled.png (174x62, 7K)

Fallout 3 with the amber pipboy color.

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (iirc, might be a similar subtitle)

Halo 2 and 3

Attached: ff.png (828x103, 13K)

Attached: helff.jpg (225x35, 5K)


the SNES pitall game, I think the Mayan Adventure
My mom used to play it when I was little.



I give a hint

Attached: Untitled1.png (340x130, 2K)

please end my life. yes

Attached: come now you should know this.png (72x48, 5K)

Attached: HP Bar.png (1184x134, 31K)

Attached: hb.png (161x88, 24K)

Yeah, one of the more creative health gauges i've seen in a game




Attached: hpcircle.png (106x115, 16K)

Close enough once again, it's UT 1999
This one is a bit harder.

Attached: health.jpg (536x155, 20K)



Attached: h2.png (174x30, 16K)

going purely on my faulty boomer memory, but is it nox?

Second hint:
16 bit era

Orcs Must Die?

I knew I've seen this, it's Orcs Must Die (might be the sequel)

Nay, it's an RPG

Gungrave overdose?

Attached: hp.jpg (308x64, 11K)

Attached: pyej4u5dr0911.jpg (1920x1080, 538K)

well fuck, maybe it's divine divinity then? I've seen this for sure.

you got it!

Attached: 1529033444853.jpg (256x292, 30K)

The Getaway didn't have a UI that I remember. No map, instead cars would automatically indicate either left or right turns, and your health was determined by how fucked up your character looked and moved. It worked really well.

Ammo rack simulater

last time i was in one of these threads there was a dude that knew fucking every one, even from the most obscure indie game.
so heres an impossible one

Attached: 565644.png (319x52, 2K)

Attached: Untitled.png (216x26, 11K)

microsoft excel

It reminds me of an old browser robot game where the mechas where made with ascii signs.

Attached: file.png (350x197, 147K)

The Witnessed

Attached: healthbar.jpg (193x51, 5K)

Pretty sure everyone knows Tresspasser by now.

Attached: wow.jpg (430x320, 13K)

Anyone wanna guess?

you got hit to hard

Good luck fags

Attached: hp ball.png (77x68, 7K)

the fuck if I know, but those are some nice digits

Attached: 2019-08-25 17_27_55-.jpg (289x33, 7K)

Alien Soldier


Attached: hp2.jpg (104x35, 3K)

Attached: Screenshot__2.jpg (216x31, 4K)

Etrian Odyssey

operation logic bomb

Attached: operation-logic-bomb-03.png (640x480, 221K)


Attached: file.png (107x110, 14K)

)))))))) simulator

Binding of Isaac?

>mfw 0 health

Attached: h5DXqH6.png (314x364, 16K)

Got any hints?

Star Wars errr the good mmorpg one

Guild Wars

It's a PS2 game

Attached: health.webm (68x158, 1.27M)

I'll even give you a little bit extra to help with your guessing.

Attached: HealthBar.png (131x103, 32K)

that looks pretty cool

Slime rancher.

Oldfags only

Attached: ji.jpg (640x534, 105K)

cock biting simulator


Am I a joke to you?



Attached: bright night.png (462x82, 83K)

Grim dawn



fuck naughty dog

Attached: aaaaaa.png (222x173, 72K)



My nigga!

Soul Reaver

was literally just playing this
fuck spider niggers

That one game with the big-headed caveman kid that Projerd reviewed

Final... Fantasy?

Fuck the Jians

Attached: 6856856856856856856.png (650x664, 92K)

Attached: 15489123431.jpg (327x61, 9K)

Came here to post this.

All praise Nox.


Attached: nox6.webm (1024x768, 2.88M)

Attached: y5.png (180x52, 18K)

I'm sure this is too easy...

Attached: .png (266x90, 1K)

no, I named it that randomly. Sorry user. It's a ps1 game though.

Attached: bbbbbbbb.png (166x43, 18K)

Attached: hp3.jpg (643x92, 17K)



Jump Ultimate Stars

EYE Divine Cybermancy

Attached: watchitminer.png (234x213, 94K)

If you get this one, you're my nigga

Attached: UI.jpg (180x62, 8K)

Red Faction

monster hunter games for enemies

Rotmg 8/8 your character scrub


singleplayer campaign was fun at first but got SO bullshit around the 7th mission. outnumbered at least 50-1. never finished it.

Attached: Zelda Red Lion.jpg (998x748, 116K)


Attached: egg.png (342x50, 35K)

I can still hear the music

Attached: file.png (50x55, 6K)


if you're over 27 and you own a computer you may know this

Attached: eeeee.png (106x70, 18K)

Brozouf gaining simulator

yeah you win. was my first console/game.


so let's try something harder now.

Attached: .png (112x21, 340)


I guess I'm undefeated then

This looks familiar but
>exp. as a percentage
what the actual fuck

Attached: hp.png (271x96, 15K)


I remember why no one remembers irem!

Attached: 1.jpg (75x39, 2K)

Why not? Simplicity is key and it works well in the game


Attached: lives.png (53x35, 830)

Attached: wwwwww.png (296x120, 4K)

Install a better font

Attached: CHrqI.gif (1366x579, 970K)

jedi knight?

I'm the only person that remembers this game, surprise me Yea Forums.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (382x132, 24K)

Sometimes I think I'm the only person that remembers this game. But then I see people streaming it and playing it WRONG.

Attached: EX-Up.jpg (373x114, 11K)

Evil dead right

Alright guys, this one is probably impossible. I'll be real impressed if anyone here knows.

Attached: impossible.png (210x60, 14K)

Evil dead fistful of boomstick

Good, good. Now guess which Evil Dead

nah, slightly easier version

Attached: 2.jpg (213x75, 8K)

good shit, fellow man of culture.

not sure if this completely counts but

Attached: energy health bar.png (239x73, 31K)

honestly never played it, only know it from the jontron video

Attached: Untitled.png (195x69, 1K)


Attached: healthbar.jpg (34x33, 1K)

Good job, user
I can finally rest

Really? All this time, and not a single Soul got it?

Attached: 1565987131429.png (320x320, 90K)


Attached: eyes.gif (552x259, 2.69M)


Attached: healthbars.png (800x600, 258K)


Should be easy.

Attached: health.jpg (622x108, 12K)

Severance: Blade of Darkness.

not a bar but here you go
good fucking luck
not even sure anyone's played this

Attached: impossible tier.jpg (54x34, 1K)

Let's see if at least one poor fucker recognizes this.

Attached: VRIDEOGAME.jpg (597x71, 12K)


Planet centauri, I'm sure of it because I actually played it.


RPG maker vx ace.

Correct. That makes two of us.


Attached: sad.png (180x180, 6K)

On the right track, but it's not the default health bars. It's from a specific game.


Attached: hp.png (325x133, 17K)

Lost Life
Son of a bitch i shouldn't know

Attached: Mad Lad.gif (318x223, 2M)

Care to say which one it is? I know I've seen it before in an MMO. I'm thinking Flyff, but I'm not entirely sure.

you got it, flyff was my shit man

Attached: hp.jpg (127x69, 4K)

Attached: 2684295-ds-isaac-clarke.jpg (768x960, 108K)

dark forces

Nosferatu for SNES.


Attached: 1537619504963.png (249x59, 32K)

Attached: minecraft.png (602x38, 5K)



Attached: hp.png (454x85, 27K)

SMT: Imagine
Nigga status achieved?

Attached: 1557003196580.jpg (1033x679, 168K)

This is 0HP

Attached: Untitled.png (54x172, 2K)

ez one

Attached: hb.png (247x18, 8K)

I don't think anyone will guess this one but I'd be pleasantly surprised if someone did.

Attached: too eurojank.png (922x76, 61K)

Indestructotank? Maybe? It's been a billion years since I played any of them, but that hud seems vaguely familiar.

Now that I think about it more, probably not, actually.

I had a watch like that, did cost me like 5$ from china lmao

Attached: file.png (204x18, 2K)

spider niggers are the best/worst
playing that area as a child constantly almost made me shit my pants

i'm 24

Is this lifeweb?

Yeah, it's not. Game's basically Elite but not IN SPACE. And a total of 7 people played it probably.

JP Trespasser because you have to look down

It's not an RTS.

Attached: r.png (521x196, 19K)

Ex Machina

classic RE games, assuming you're not looking at your inventory
i think Dino Crisis 1 also had a similar thing, but don't remember any lifebar in that game
and pretty much any game where you die in 1 hit, since there's no point to show you a life bar

Fuck me in the alps, I'm sure I remember this from somewhere but I can't for my life remember it.

Diablo 2

Attached: life.png (108x27, 4K)

Oh man, what could this one be?

Attached: 611366-516688_20041011_001.jpg (459x68, 11K)

Flyff, absolute kino.

Attached: health points.png (1026x83, 95K)


Asura's Wrath

>Extend Arm


>End It


Attached: file.png (708x65, 69K)

Literally impossible.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (296x66, 11K)

Legend of Legaia?

Attached: health barr.png (500x70, 46K)

Squad Command

Yes! Glad someone remembers.

Attached: 1566484157308.jpg (582x899, 44K)


Should be easy enough.

Attached: Status Bars.jpg (333x106, 20K)

warcraft 1?


Noa best girl

Not even close, how about this? same game.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (194x137, 16K)

You'll never get it.

Attached: guess.png (96x112, 24K)

You son of a bitch.

Fuck I recognise this what is it user

Max Payne 1.
That was easy, user

May Payne 4: Son of Max Payne

Mortal kombat deception. What a fucking game. Based story mode



Vanguard Bandits
Some Googling may or may not have been involved.

Can you recognize this Health Bar?

Attached: I actually really enjoyed it.jpg (360x60, 6K)

Attached: file.png (285x57, 40K)

If you can guess this, you are at least 25.

Attached: TEST.png (1728x972, 266K)

Hehe, correct.

Lol no. SWG had a way more barebones bar.

Dirge of Cerberus

Slave Zero my nigger

This looks hauntingly familiar but I can't place it


Attached: pikachu.jpg (1354x784, 53K)

Attached: Health and mana.jpg (179x180, 23K)

Fuck Dirge of Cerberus.

For JOPs for now.

Attached: hp.png (170x93, 24K)

Attached: Clipboard01.jpg (335x66, 11K)

extra hint added because otherwise literally noone will get it right

Attached: game.jpg (150x90, 8K)

well you gave it away now but I guess DeS before I read the spoiler anyway

Attached: not zelda.png (446x52, 2K)


Majora's Mask

The worst piece of shit.

Attached: pieceofshit.jpg (230x83, 12K)

it's zelda, fuck your image name


Attached: Health bar 2.png (230x233, 123K)

Unlimited SaGa

I honestly don't expect anyone to get this one.

Attached: another tps.png (323x54, 44K)


Menu stats because in game would give it away too easy

Attached: Untitled.png (459x179, 20K)

is that Remember me?
i don't know the healthbar but the color palette seem really similar

kamidori, Yuela best girl

I'm sorry you know this cursed information.

Battlezone 2

Impressive tripcode, but you are still a faggot.

dead space

Youll never guess the game.

Attached: yktdwo1jboy21.png (301x267, 87K)

Yuela may as well be the only girl, when your other options are "Your Mom, but not really *wink*" or "Your little sister, but not really *wink*"

Attached: Screenshot_20190825-221416_Chrome.jpg (832x223, 77K)


And it's from Kamidori too, yes.

His health bar is on his back

This is probably too hard.

Attached: 20190825_201450.jpg (44x72, 2K)

Attached: file.png (27x159, 11K)

Monster Girl Quest

Attached: bar.jpg (257x30, 6K)

Your health is low. Do you have any potions? Or food?

These are all a bit too easy. Allow me to give you all a challenge

Attached: 3B8F03BE-BED6-49E4-B8F7-DD7E7DB4011C.jpg (429x94, 21K)

Those are just the routes. There's plenty of other girls such as the goop girl, the semen demon and the what actually are your legs it's never made clear seriously what is below your knees how do you run.

Baldr Sky

Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure

super mario 64

Devil May Cry 5

Tree Of Savior ??

I haven't played Fable in over a decade. How the fuck did I recognize this HP Bar?

___ _____

Underage Panty Quest VII

It's a DOS game.

Attached: crop.jpg (108x25, 4K)

Blood Omen

Attached: 1516791700449.jpg (750x393, 28K)

h e y h e y p e o p l e

Attached: 1539236337417.png (506x45, 2K)

Attached: comfygame.png (254x93, 62K)

Attached: file.png (283x33, 1K)

Quiet Exploder

That one "BONK" game about a bald caveman kid

My nigga

badass game

Attached: i hate ants.png (157x110, 18K)

Dorakyura no Castle runes

elder scrolls battlespire

I love this game.

Attached: ca25d606214c5f29e8f556b091d66c21.jpg (398x154, 14K)

Mont Frission, dunno which one

Attached: skull.png (491x292, 120K)





Eh, but the guy was close enough. It's the prequel, Heretic.


There's at least a few people here who'd know this I think.

Attached: heres ur hp bro.png (73x177, 2K)


Attached: health.png (266x37, 5K)


Attached: guess.png (300x209, 57K)


Could be soul blazer too.

Biocock Infinite


Attached: thiswillbeeasy.jpg (188x76, 8K)

King Kong, no hud if I remember correctly.

I fucking hate that piece of shit game so much

Attached: HP.jpg (248x58, 7K)

I remember an indicator for weapon ammo but i could be wrong

Tip: It's a SNES game

Attached: maxresdefault2.jpg (176x51, 3K)

Shit, I don't remember the name, but I think it was a zombie survival game that was literally made in flash or something?

why do russians type just ) and not :)?

Attached: fortheendofmyself.png (528x96, 27K)


Had to crop it, otherwise it would have been too obvious.

Attached: cut.jpg (56x267, 5K)

Amid Evil?

You sure it wasn't an option in the settings?
Because I remember having to check and the character would say how many rounds they had left, or maybe I'm thinking of a different game.



I really have no idea its been years man


Wario World?

>its been years man

>14 years ago

Attached: krabs.png (620x500, 291K)

Russian here, could not fucking tell you. There isn't really a reason. Just mass retardation, I guess.


Attached: 50977148_793531234335086_3488684191485365782_n.jpg (427x427, 78K)

Attached: fighting game health bar.jpg (456x43, 12K)

Attached: health bar.jpg (480x147, 18K)

Doubt a lot of people played this game, let alone remember it's health bar.

Attached: Health + Adrenaline bar.png (841x668, 653K)

If you know it, you're based.

Attached: Energy.jpg (959x355, 156K)

>Not using the full HUD

You fucking Fed.

Attached: 11_48_50 PM- 25-Aug-19 (001) - firefox.png (180x242, 93K)




Attached: HP Bar.png (125x31, 8K)

Haven & Hearth ?

I loved this life bar. Still the best game in the Blood Omen series.

If you actually guess this one, you're a third worlder

The graphics tell me PS1 game and most likely Nightmare Creatures judging by the style.

Should be easy if yor're a boomer, or brazilian or polish.

Attached: 1559053288757.png (188x46, 12K)

Ah shit, forgot the image

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (181x95, 11K)

divine divinity

I'm brazillian, that's how I know despite never having played it.




Attached: 635357357.png (71x272, 48K)

Attached: life gems or whatever.png (231x67, 12K)

Attached: 82828.png (359x51, 37K)

Yo its evil dead fistful of boomstick, what a fucking dad gamer


Alundra was the shit man.
RIP Working Designs.

dark mesia yada yada yada

Hard mode

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-26-00-03-50-1.png (370x140, 74K)

Team Fortress 2

RuneScape: shit edition


Attached: 64262.png (301x135, 101K)


it's great. when you get health it flows from the top of the screen into the vial.

Odin Sphere?

Good stuff. What about this one

Attached: life hearts and numbers.png (411x62, 26K)


It starts with an F

whats the one game where your HUD has an arm for health and a katana for magic or some shit
you played as a shirtless samurai and could occasionally use a katana if the meter was full

Attached: 1566792655077.jpg (26x271, 5K)


Attached: cuck moan.png (1125x104, 197K)

Guess this one fuckers

Attached: 20181204183214_1.jpg (94x525, 29K)

I didn't think people would have that hard of a time identifying this, so here's all the stats

Attached: all stats.jpg (271x172, 16K)



Nah, no zombies. I'm pretty sure it is made in flash though.

Fortress of Teamwork 2.


only based boomers will find this one

Attached: og.jpg (31x79, 1K)

Eh, it's been a while. I vaguely recall some kind of monster (i think) you get chased by in the intro, though.

Attached: You could run this game in windows xp.png (45x568, 13K)

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

Klonoa Door To Phantomile

dead space

That part's correct.

Attached: hey bro.png (517x354, 42K)

Fuck, I had to Google this shit everywhere cuz I knew it was some isometric Zelda clone for the Genesis but I couldn't remember the name.
It's Landstalker.


I'm disappointed none tried to guess.

I just came in the thread, that's Evil Genius my nigga

blood or doom

Super Cloudbuilt, fucker. What do I win?

Attached: 20190807113652_1.jpg (1920x1080, 673K)

was just about to post this one
american mcgee's alice

Diablo 2 not even difficult


Damn you got it

Orgasm Girl

Attached: Sweaty Eustace.png (450x349, 245K)

Ah, a man of culture. you get 5 cloudbucks

Courage the Cowardly Dog

man of culture

Attached: maxresdefault-1.jpg (243x57, 6K)


Cavern Tale

Attached: 1.png (466x94, 95K)

Nice, gonna buy me a fog core.

ass attorney

Herc's adventures

dang it ron paul?

Nobody? Cmon Yea Forums, don't we have any degenerates here?

user NO

Attached: 1551559892631.png (447x384, 168K)

Attached: the game im replying to but better.png (216x68, 33K)

yup, correct

Attached: healthhud.jpg (633x69, 13K)

Jesus, this one is killing me, can you give me a hint here?

fuck you

>not cracked
thank god

Ranger-X, already done nice job trying to cover the name, but the thruster gauge and the sub weapon is a dead giveaway

you got it. Im a bit skeptical about how good the sequel is going to be though.

here is another

Attached: Enemy health.jpg (899x113, 39K)

super bonk 2 babyyyyyyyyyyy

Doukutsu Monogatari

Valkyria Chronicles



this might be a little tougher

Attached: tough health bar.jpg (437x49, 5K)

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory


you're pretty good. I almost always forget about the health bar whenever i play it

have another

Attached: more health.jpg (93x33, 2K)

Tomb Raider? I'm guessing 2 or 3 or probably Last Revelation.

good luck

Attached: ケーキ.jpg (257x200, 9K)

no, but surprisingly similar in theme though.

You're not Russian

it's due to their layout of the keyboard.

okay this one is actually impossible

Attached: rare game.png (340x88, 54K)

No one? It's a DOS game.

Yea Forums has yet to get this one.

Attached: kn3.png (287x86, 7K)

The Amazing Spider-Man

This one blew my mind when I played it as a kid.

Attached: 15489123432.jpg (221x32, 4K)

>Harry runs away from the croc when hearts restore HP
>Does a fistpump when a 1-up or Continue is earned
>Looks behind him nervously when the croc is getting close

Definitely a favorite.

Attached: hpbars.png (278x164, 28K)

sucave storyoy


Attached: Why is Spidey fighting R2.jpg (400x250, 29K)

Monster Girl Quest

Easy enough, I think.

Attached: f4e2d904-539d-4e91-accb-89cf8925bcc1_1.jpg (269x61, 7K)

Xenoblade Chronicles X


>no one got it yet
okay heres a hint: it was a part of a flashgame series and was it's own standalone shareware game

Good luck

Attached: hhh~2.jpg (697x90, 25K)

Does it have to be the player's health bar?

Attached: RedAsphalt.png (472x88, 71K)

Warcraft II. Battlenet edition

>the pls bar
i have no idea what this is but looks rad
getting castlevania vives due to spooky skeleton and font

Let's do this.

Attached: Screenshot_20190825-232725.png (804x414, 226K)

Attached: lifebar.png (668x281, 263K)

ultima underworld but I dont remember which one


Rest of this thread: Soulless

22 and everquest.

I don't think that anyone played this game.

Attached: HP.png (559x182, 186K)

I'm sad Yea Forums, please play good games.

Attached: 1543363690448.jpg (453x378, 33K)

If you know this one, you are my eternal nigga.

Attached: Health.png (768x480, 150K)

Gotcha force

It's not that Castlevania like, you mostly fight orcs and weird Monster Hunter esque creatures.

Fuck, that was quick.
Glad someone else remembers this beauty.

Should have called it gauge to show how close you are to losing.png

Silent Hill 2 and 3 have hidden health bars in them

lookit them digits

Attached: 1563435212636.png (1280x799, 1.12M)

ez, saints row 2


Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth doesn't even have a HUD

The Bouncer?

Been enjoying this game a lot.

Attached: hb.png (463x99, 80K)

based soul reaver

It's Lord of Arcana by the way, an okay psp game.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

Red Faction, was playing that again like a month ago

in king kong you pressed a button and the character had a rough guess of how many mags they had left

only autists will know this one

Attached: Anotācija 2019-08-26 095948.png (90x329, 62K)

Attached: thermodynamics IV.webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

Hint: GBA game
Double hint: RPG card battler

Attached: F62A4437-7A30-4165-9A86-332301554CE5.jpg (95x29, 3K)

Mega Man Battle Network

EVE Online

path of sexile

This seems incredibly familiar to me but I can't pinpoint it

Attached: 89fps.png (109x18, 403)


Attached: D41DFCAE-3749-41EA-9764-66E59356D6EB.jpg (535x101, 19K)

Grim dawn. Great game, feels dumb in a good way, like a interesting but grindey mmo.

Hint: this healthbar can be replaced by numbers

Attached: 1564978695181.png (134x34, 13K)

It's not Inquisition, is it?


Metroid Zero Mission

Fire Emblem GBA games

Zero Mission

>still playing yikes thunder

Attached: 1565906511441.png (231x337, 145K)

This one’s decently obscure

Attached: 3B34E49E-56D8-48D4-9CD0-87C0D1828E32.jpg (283x72, 11K)

Attached: gzdoom_lvBbXEi98e.png (92x54, 1K)

It's a bit less mindless since the last major update too, they spiked the early game difficulty a lot. I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it, it makes it a pain in the ass to level builds that won't come into their own until higher levels or just to play stupid builds for the fuck of it.

A classic

Attached: IMG_3335.jpg (640x308, 30K)


yup, damn I thought that would be a little difficult

>exp and no pxp
skill grinding was kino flyff
jk people just parked themselves AFK with a rock on their keyboard and had somebody come back periodically to kill something nearby

Oh yeah inquisitor, not Inquisition. Hahaha

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Took too long for this one... for shame Yea Forums

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My man


I want to say that new 40k Terminator game.

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bump limit
going to bed anyway
goodnight anons

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Me too, sleep well user

van helsing

Fuck off fag

updated my journal

that multiplayer martial arts game with the masks? i forgot the name

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