Attached: 5ac1b0e942ae76cf86cfc48bb3c5ea4a.png (823x823, 115K)

I physically can't


When is it

yeah sure, when it's actually out

Do not fuck spiders.



I can't, it's not out yet. Please don't shoot

i still can't believe i wanna fuck a bug wtf is wrong with me

Nah, I didn't like Hollow Knight that much but it's probably my fault for falling for the hype.
But I hope Silksong is good for all you bug lovers

What about beetles?

I will, when she finishes in THAT gif

Attached: 1552620644459.png (1000x779, 582K)

Sorry but the art in this game just isn't that good. The reason for the designs is because it's easier for the devs to make it if everyone looks like a white circle with black eyes. Eh... pass

Attached: scary banana.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

she is not a spider, she is a hornet you fucking retard

how can you tell that thing is a her? Show proofs.

only if you show me your butt

Easy to draw does not equal ugly.

she's half spider, half hornet, half transcendent super deity.

I got about 3/4 through the game and dropped it because I'm a weak sissy who can't handle stressful games that require dozens of attempts to defeat a boss

>forcing that tired old retarded fan theory
Fucking smoothbrains

Attached: 1565737233686.jpg (720x724, 29K)

I did. Been mopping up end game. Shit's hard. Might be getting too old for this sort of thing.

Give them some credit. They are only three guys making game and only one of them is a designer.

The artstyle has it's unique and cohesive charm.

what fan theory?

the original plan for her was that she was the daughter of 3 queens. in current canon we only have that she was born by the deepnest queen and the pale king, and that she knew the white lady at some point

To late

no boss in this game require dozens of attempts.

try exploring if you need more upgrades or something.

also how could you know you're 3/4 of the way through unless you watch streamers or speedrunners or something zoomiehut jr?