What did old school JRPGs have that newer ones lack?
What did old school JRPGs have that newer ones lack?
Teenage nostalgia
Non-meme answer: more simplistic adventures
they werent about playing as a woman and losing fights on pupose so you get raped
They were fresh. Modern JRPGs are stale.
Actual dungeons.
None of them took place in a fucking highschool.
hmmm....how about GAMEPLAY!
Gameplay. Ideas not wasting the full budget on pre rendered shit and hd food models
beautiful and unique settings, great character designs and good dialogue
A lack of voice acting. Voice acting was fucking cancer for JRPGS. Anything about 20% or so of your dialogue voiced and you've got a shitty game on your hands.
new jrpgs have better gameplay than classic jRPGs which were flooded with bland turn based gameplay
Nostalgia and lower expectations.
The majority of JRPGs are based on anime, and anime was better back then.
2010s is/was the dark age of anime.
>anime was better back then.
Random encounters, very slow battles with stupidly long animations for everything, shitty game design.
It's true.
Anime has been downhill since 1997 just like video games.
The studios were smaller which concentrated the amount of soul they were putting out. I don't see the point of playing a finely tuned jrpg by a big, visionless studio.
The last jrpg I saw that had proper vision was Persona 5 and that was directed by the director who had been along since Nocturne. How that vision played out is an another story.
Or Nier Automata but I haven't played that one.
Thanks to K-on and the moe trend, just pathetic
World maps
Random encounters
Finishied this game 3 weeks ago
Got really sad that Drachma died in the end credits.