What do you all think of adding in Arenas and more world content like world bosses, new zones or something that would spice up world PVP? Could updates like these do any harm to the game? I mean it would be big for the PVP community. Some people like me are only playing because retail WoW is trash.
WoW Classic+ thoughts?
i know this is a joke thread to get (You)s but i think its a good idea once classic has run its full course. they could add a separate classic+ server alongside classic after awhile and add in allied races + classes not in classic, and balance them around lvl 60.
It might have been cool if they added servers for each DLC and keep the old servers as-is. You could migrate a character from an older DLC/server to newer, but not back.
Wishful thinking.
Likely reality.
Things to add that ISNT an expansion
1. improved fishing(something similar to bdo)
2. arenas
3. more leveling zones with more quests
4. more dungeons for levelign with more quests
5. add in pvp world events(the horde needs you player to defend this area, go and fight and its a big world pvp fight in a zone, horde/alliance fight for control, winner gets an xp boost leveling in the zone)
6. maybe even more races, add blood elf and draenai without tbc
But isn't the current expansions what killed the game off? They should just keep the level cap and item levels around the same. I remember at one point in WoD where you could hit 300,000s lol.
well some people like TBC over vanilla or wrath. it all depends what you like about wow even cata for all its faults, probably had the most balanced and fun pvp arenas
wil lyou dumb fucking zoomers quit talkin about "classic+"
it stays fucking classic
no shit gets added
thats what killed Classic
fuck off
Quantity != Quality
GTAV has the biggest map of any video game ever but there is nothing to do on it and you just drive/fly past 99% of it anyways
>thats what killed
thats why the game kept growing in subs until cata came out, right smoothbrain?
What is this? Unreleased content?
fan made stuff/ideas
concepts of fresh content and new zones to roam and explore with new raids and dungeons and new quest lines etc. Vanilla lacks quests and it will be cleared eventually. Classic will need some fresh content.
>Classic will need some fresh content
Says you. I say it won't
I'd be up for it. I also like the idea of adding new questlines, levelingdungeons that drop greens etc.
Atleast some new content, not going to play the same game again
You're gonna pay $15 a month for 0 content updates after Naxx?
I don't think there's enough people with your mindset
But you are autistic, I mean, "special" just like your mother said. We all arne't "special" like you, user.
I wouldn't mind seeing the cut content, finishing unfinished zones, and filling out the rest of the game world. Something akin to patches.
theres room for it (fresh content) but i think it'll depend a lot on how they handle phase scheduling. in vanilla war was the only class with the most fleshed out talent trees.
They should add the content that was cut from Vanilla. Dragon Islands, Black Marshes, Karazhan Crypts, that area between WPL and EPL, etc.
Yes, a lot of cut vanilla content was added in later during TBC and Wrath. I don't care. Add it in as it "would have been" in Vanilla.
>something that would spice up world PVP
Silkroad Online PvP system
After Naxx we should take a break from the Scourge and fight a new Threat.
In Vanilla we tackle
Old Gods
What comes next?
>world bosses
>new zones
>more world content
It's called an expansion, and then it wouldn't be Classic anymore. FUCK OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFF
I'm gonna give you a hint:
It starts with N
I would like to see content that adds missing itemization for specs that weren't very viable in vanilla due to the lack of itemization. Talent tweaks would be nice too.
Add some more stuff to do in some of those 55-60 zones, like fun quest lines and such.
Do something with the Naga in Azshara?
Dude that's brilliant that zone seriously needed some additions.
Nerub? Too similar to all the undead stuff in naxx imo
Arenas will never work in classic. It's too unbalanced. 2 or 3 ambush rogues or pom mages would instantly 1 one shot their opponents.
Night Elf Mohawk?
The Legion. It happened already. In Burning Crusade.
Subs grew for a few weeks after Cata came out thus whatever they added in Cata was great!
Some literally unplayable specs (Balance, Survival, I'm looking at you) should definitely be updated
>"the coming Dark Tide" teased all the way back in the last mission of WC3 demo
>never do anything with it
They're obviously talking about BC/Wrath you mong.
So i see the damage control has already started for out of date content.
Nope you asked for Vanilla you got it. :) 0 alterations.
The Legion shouldn't be touched at all. The first two Legion invasions were 10k years apart it's absurd to think a third would follow so quickly
Balance wasn't completely unplayable (I raided as one in a private server) but it was suboptimal and definitely suffered from a lack of itemization. I was stuck constantly having to grab cloth gear made for mages/locks and a lot of the good stuff was either part of a class set (like t1) or specifically class-locked to cloth-wearers.
Fuck arenas and small scale PVP. With those, people will begin to complain about class balance and force Blizzard into adopting retarded systems like Resillence, PVP Power, etc
Fuck that, go to retail for arenas.
Ask yourself why Classic makes you seethe this much
Fuck yourself. PvP micromanagement killed PvP.
>everyone and their dog wants to play good old Vanilla WoW
Literally unplayable without this stuff, eh?
What is wrong with balanced PvP? Some people play the game just to PvP and they loved expansions like Cata with really well balanced classes etc.
What can we do with Vanilla Mt. Hyjal?
What EU realm is Yea Forums gonna play?
PVP should never be scaled around 2v2 or 3v3 or it winds up creating homogenized classes that all need the same tools to survive in such a limited environment.
Every class winds up with CC, a damage mitigation, and bursty cooldowns
Those people can wait for Cata servers then, retardo
I dont think they should do C+ because its just going to end up as a three way rope pulling contest between levelers, raiders and PvP.
But if they do go ahead with it the intelligent thing to do would be agree on what sort of rules would be followed for future development C+ could take, rather than doing it piecemeal and saying "Lets add a new raid" or "lets add a new leveling zone" then trying to figure out how far you can take it each time.
Hyjal should've been the night elf starting zone 2bh
This exact mindset started the snowball that became the shit that WoW is today. I hope blizzard learned their lesson and never listens to people like you.
You cannot balance PvE with PvP, it is literally impossible.
We have 15 years of disastrous balance attempts by Blizzard proving it.
Some user suggested Eve like PvP space though and that does sound neat, but classes/items should not be god damn changed just for fucking PvP, which is played by a minority of players.
You gunna post these in every fucking thread?
That's off the table obviously. We need something new. I remember in TFT Tyrande mentioned Alexatrasza or Ysera might be able to help mend the World Tree.
It could be a zone of Elite Legion enemies with group quests and a new, really tough 5 man dungeon and maybe even a 20man raid.
Zone storyline is about helping the Dragon Aspects heal the World Tree
>classickeks already got bored of the game before its even released and want classic+
Max level 30, item stretch making crafted and randomly dropped items equivalent to the formerly lvl31+ items.
TBC is peak WoW.
Anything but TBC which butchered the lore.
I like the idea of classic+ in theory but also don't really trust actiblizzard to not fuck it up
its funny because pvp is at the lowest its been since first season of wrath, we've gone one end of the spectrum to the other. s5 wrath was all about 1-2 shotting people. BFA blizzcon matches now are 10+ minute snoozefests where both teams wait for dampening before trying to seriously commit to getting a kill. teams are actually surviving until an 87% global mortal strike effect is on everyone.
what im getting at is
>This exact mindset started the snowball that became the shit that WoW is today.
yeah thats why the pruned the fuck out of most utility gutting pvp then gave nearly every class retarded self healing and defensives so they can survive LONG kill attempts with coordinated CC just off self healing and cds. i would absolutely kill to go back to wrath end expansion pvp.
I can see them doing something with Hyjal once Naxx is done.
>GTAV has the biggest map of any video game ever
Are you baiting right now, retard?
Northeron is what you're thinking about.
Don't touch 1-60 but as far as endgame goes they can do whatever they want
>Remember making a post about how TBC increasingly the level cap was a mistake
>14 years later I am validated
Arenas would be fine, but only if they don't dictate the future of the game design. The biggest problem with arenas in TBC was the fact that the best pvp pieces came from it, so every class/spec had to be made viable for 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 or else they would be excluded from these pvp pieces, which would fuck up the game forever by enforcing, alongside heroic/mythic/M+ dungeons, spec design over class design.
Imagine all you worked for to get full Naxx gear only to replace it with a lvl 62 green clown suit
I love classic. But we did not ask for classic+. Classic ends at Naxx. DEAL WITH IT or unsub. Remember if we let faggot shit like this slide raid finder is next. ONLY PURE VANILLA ONLY.
Naxx gear lasted all the way up to 70 actually before getting replaced by Dungeon Blues
Shame if you made alts or decided to re roll for TBC. There is a reason we call Hellfire the clown box.
Low energy bait, Classic+ is the key to the games longevity.
Add new zones for 1-60, in addition to new endgame stuff
Adding new content like 2+ years from now would be cool, if they managed to have it stick to/feel like it belongs in vanilla. But they won't, and if they do, they will fuck it up guaranteed. So it's better to keep it as a dream
Just let people vote on features like OSRS.
Voting requirements: Must have a 60 in Classic
Key to raid finder and BFA more like.
This is utter bullshit. The highest tier Naxx stuff lasted to 65-66, but anything from ANY raid lower than Naxx or Warlord-tier PVP gear was replaced instantly by greens at 61. And when your hundreds of hours of work gear was replaced by literal quest greens is not really the point, the point is that they were replaced at all. Anyone who is for gearcreep needs to be gassed.
But that excludes the people who just like leveling up to 20 and using wow as a chatroom. You know like in Vanilla. They have to have a voice as well.
They'll still have their chatroom so who cares that they have no voice?
Balance sucks the fun out of games, little brown autist.
Interesting that you would say that. Remember when you were "denied" your voice by blizzard all them years calling for classic? Remember how you all sperged the fuck out?
So i see most classic players are
>Fuck you i got mine
Interesting really.
The players who just use it as a chat room have just as much say bitch. We would not want a repeat of BFA because no life raiders want to decide were the game is going and not the people who play it for the social aspect. Because remember how you all said it would "bring back the community" they are the community. You were just a no life raider. Exactly the people we want to keep the fuck out of classic really. So do us a flavor and cancel your sub. You are not wanted here.
Too late fag I'm gonna RP like a madman as a male Nelf Druid on Grobbulus
Well at least give us your name so we can black list your no life raider ass. Nobody wants to talk to a selfish raider who trashed the game in the first place.
I don't even want to raid in Classic you moron
At least tell us your thoughts about what you intend for the zone.
>I totttally ddddiiinoot wannt to raiid annnnyyyywayyy
hyjal is mostly finished too, just needs some NPCs and a raid
A question has just come in to my head.
Will bliz still ban you from going to Hijal to see Archimonde's bones?
>WoW Classic+ thoughts?
Very nice of ActiBlizzard to open up another retard-filter game for the rest of the gaming community(ies). I hope all the posers, shitters, fucktards, asshats, and peee-veee-peee tryhards go back and they wall them in.
Hyjal and Southern Silithus are both in the game but Southern Silithus is inaccessible as it's entrance is through the AQ20 gate.
It'd need a terrain rework to get there
I'm not brown. The fuck?
that out of shape undead dance on stage was something.
that whole picture gives me motivation to never succumb to getting fat and out of shape
i sometimes forget there are people like that exist outside but you never see them for a reason
Him breaking his ankle was hilarious
i will keep playing guild wars 2. best theme park mmorpg ever. it actually really feels like a theme park and is fun to explore.