Underrail: Expedition
Other urls found in this thread:
>Found some secret trap door
>Killed a fucking death stalker along the way
>Lockpick footlocker at the end
>get anticoagulant and 3 ammo rounds
I'm seething right now
>you can check for stealthed NPCs with Force Field
And I already thought it was OP...
W-What do you mean Deathman?
Just the morgue, Ma'am.
the caves are a meme core city is the way
that's a pretty poor use of force field though, just throw a flare and you fully destealth
... no wonder Biocorp wanted these faggots dead.
why did Styg make body horror so atrocious unbalanced, why not a 20 percent resolve hit, that way it's actually a fair tradeoff and not outright retarded for some characters
3 percent to crit is nothing, even 10 percent resolve hit would be fair
I mean without actually using the ability, just moving the uh, blueprint, cant remember the word, so you know where it is exactly
how does it work
it could also have been balanced if having body horror was necessary to get ALL the lore from the shadowlith
like at one point your vision goes full body horror there, if you hadn't received it before you freak out and if you try to push on you get stuck with the body horror feat for your effort
if you HAVE the feat, you can ignore this body horror as you've seen worse and get at the heart of things
and maybe at that point transform the feat into a better version
here you wishing there was a character creation option to go full robot
pic related
same thing when you havent started detecting them at all
>dude lore lmao
Shit fix.
Yep, the Fetid Marshes are still a mistake.
>clear this hellhole
>get an oddity of a strongman arm giving you middle finger
did you also read the part where if you do it that way, it gets upgraded
combine it with getting there and getting full philosophy and you reach a zen-like state regarding the human form that undoes your resolve hit, boosts your crit rate and gives you extra damage against abominations
That's just fucking stupid.
Why does Yea Forums always have the worst ideas for this game?
why, because undoing a stupid decision should require work?
it doesn't make sense that seeing horrible shit would lower your resolve in the first place, it would make you give less fucks
yeah i remember all the lovecraft stories where people are exposed to otherwordly horrors once and it just makes them stronger and not care about eldritch abominations after that.
oh wait
you're still in PTSD mode regarding it
the follow-up would be to overcome the ptsd
no one reads your faggot stories
if you go through a hardship you are generally more resistant to that hardship if it happens again, say if a loved one dies, or lifting weights
the stress effects you less because you've experienced it before
that's how everything we do as human beings works, the more you practise something the better you get at it
so seeing some horrible shit would only make you resistant to seeing it next time, which in game would mean a resolve increase
under normal circumstances yes, but whit true horror, the kind that only few men have ever faced, it etches itself into your very soul
it's an experience so powerful it's like an open wound in your psyche
just look at how people with PTSD react
people with ptsd are pussies
i'm a fucking badass that's never been shocked or scared in my whole life
if i made underrail the mc would be cool and stoic around death and horror just like me
combat vets usually try to recreate the experience in their lives, I wouldn't say they lack fortitude
get the fuck out of my house aran
>260/280 capacity the whole time
>tfw you're a quite literal walking arsenal
most people are pussies but you're the main character in an rpg where you save the world does it make sense for your character to be a pussy
Flawed heroes are more interesting than perfect ones.
Holy fuck stumbling across this guy scared the fuck outta me. 3 Industrial bots just chillin out in the Upper Underrail. What the fuck Styg.
Missed opportunity, he could be an unarmored combatant that deals fuckload of damage
MK reference
>Finally cleared out Depot A on hard
>Playing a Shotgun build, but had to use an AR with burst and a Sniper during it
Molotovs, Bear Traps, and Caltrops are my best friends now. I also have come to understand that the Molotov Fire seems to stack. I have the Temporal Manipulation ability that lets me lower my cool downs and in one of the rooms I literally tossed like 4 moltovs onto the same doorway while praying my little heart out. Now it is time to visit Core City and Foundry and try to get a better Shotgun and Tin-Can suit.
so should your character die to mudcrabs, he was a hero afterall
what about fear of mudcrabs, take 100 percent more damage from crabs because your hermit crab gave you the clamps as a kid, making the main character a pussy isn't the solution
and him being a pussy doesn't explain every obstacle he overcomes either
That's why I dumped str and con.
The stronger/higher the fire, the more damage it does
The higher tier the incendiary grenades, the more flames it will create
Molotovs will simply leave a flaming carpet on the floor, Napalm grenades will make a hell on earth
yes you dumped will and int
anyone who talks about flawed heroes isn't allowed to play psi
I'm going to do a pistol build. Pretty sure I made my character right, going by Big Iron. Only have 4 will so I won't be doing any psi stuff, can pistols carry the whole game or did I fuck up?
If you're not doing anything psi related go ahead and drop Will to 3.
Pistols as a whole are great but only because chem and energy pistols kick ass. Regular firearm pistols aren't stellar.
consider temporal manipulation for free action points and movement points
No my int is really high to get the most out of high technicalities. lighten up Jack. It was a joke.
neat, this will be useful for my ironman psi runs
>Regular firearm pistols aren't stellar.
I plan to use .44's the whole game.
highly respectable. remember to get the revolver in depot a.
I don't wanna kill Wyatt.
it's the only way i can have fun in this game, F5-F9ing to win every encounter makes death and character progression feel meaningless.
I think there's a middle-ground between savescumming every encounter and balls-to-the-wall ironman, but you do you. Ironman runs are always commendable, though I can't imagine trying it in Underrail.
Alright I'm about given up on the game. I'm at the part where it's mandatory for me to fight the AI for the core, and there's just no chance I can win that battle.
The hollow earth is probably one of the worst designed areas in video games. You are just expected to randomly stumble into shit. There's no direction, nothing. Kind of sad because I enjoyed the game so much up to that point.
>Be a mighty man of steel on land, hammer and lighting, mighty magic
>One bullet to the my Scrap Jet Ski and sink like a boulder
Fucking Pirates
Just wait till I set foot on land
perhaps you noticed the other ladder
yeah, because my 3 will resolve was so good to begin with
nah, I'll take my 3% crit boost
psi would be pretty easy to ironman
Why do you promote your difficulty faggotry?
don't vote in his retard poll
fucking lol
3 percent wow that's alot of damage bro
lol, should've picked a better build "Ghost" either that or stuck to land
Decapitate looks like a really trash feat
Is it any good in practice?
it has a really cool animation when you manage to instant kill somone, still no fully animated decapitated head though
So, it's shit?
its not damage, its crit chance, retard
shitters cant handle machetes, pick something else
p much yeah, that goes for swords in their entirety tho
>even the official forum search has PER and WIL checks
Not so tough once I'm on land, are ye, bangas?
When you see it
Ain't nothing friendly about friendly fire
Do fireplaces do anything?
Do you reload often?
You can just talk you're way out of it with persuasion.
wow 3 percent higher damage than you would have done, that's a lot bro
I'm fairly certain I can do some nice coin out of this loot
But meh
Isn't that persuasion check something like 112?
Someone didn't talk with Six and make themselves a cuck with the faceless.
115 I think, and then there's the highest hacking check in the game for the best lore dump in the Deep Caverns
>the highest hacking check in the game for the best lore dump in the Deep Caverns
what does it say?
Gives a hard date to when the Hollow Earth incident happened, spells out why Biocorp was going to shit and how the mutagen project got so out of hand, and then explains why the faceless uprising wasn't put down immediately.
>depot A is ha-
I'd like to know where did you get 46 magnesium before depot A
please info dump in detail for a hack-let
they're all immune to poison, you dummy
>playtime: 83 hours
Who are the best firearms merchants, I have a 159 quality spearhead but I can't for the life of me find a rapid reloader.
How the fuck do you survive early game with a gun build? I only ever used shotguns which seem to be an exception to smgs and pistols doing baby dick damage
>he doesn't spend a literal day getting to Depot A
What are you, casul? Fixer and Quinton sell 3 each and 1 random spawn on every Junkyard vendor. Not that you need more than 15.
But they aren't. Only to acid.
they're immune to all acid and bio damage.
.44 aimed shot
Dude, I just killed the dogs for leather with the help of caltrops and they were taking bio damage at 100% rate. They aren't undead.
Not him, but they are not, they still take bio poision damage from burrower caltrops
Are you for real? lmao
I buy every single rapid reloader I come across, and I only have 5 after 50 hours of playtime. They're just rare and there's no vendor more likely to sell them than any other. Anyone who sells guns at all might have one.
Are shotty + sniper builds good? What are the drawbacks?
the mutants dont
I'm doing primary shotgun with backup sniper and time magick. It's pretty boss, open with an aimed shot to take out the most dangerous target, contraction for a shotgun shot, then sprint around a corner. I'm also going mercantile for insanely good crafting parts.
I've taken hacking+lockpicking on literally every single build I've done since, and I've only just started questioning it's usefulness. The loot feels very unnecessary with mercantile, and I'm the gonna guy who's gonna scour every map anyway, so I always have the method to get around any locked doors for quests and stuff.
I dropped hacking completely on my current run, not sure if I can live without lockpicking though
the wiki says mutants and mutated dogs have 100% bio resistance, but I'm not sure that applies to poison damage actually
Poison is not the same thing as bio damage
If you're a str-let with no lockpicking you're stuck with no vent usage. Hacking has, uh, lore. And it lets you turn on the naga/turrets in expedition
but poison is bio damage; it just ignores bio resistance that isn't global
Bio resistance can be considered as either poision or toxic damage
Mutants are inmune to toxic gas, but not poision, which also is seen as bio damage
Caltrop poision bypasses bio resistances if the unit takes any mechanical damage from the caltrop, for the poision is 'already' the body of the unit by stepping and being hurt by the caltrop, if that makes sense
For example, you can have high bio resistances by items, but if a burrower damages you, or a crawler stings you, the poision is applied, bypassing all your resistances
I'm doing a new playthrough without them right now and I don't miss them. Actually makes you appreciate level design more instead of just bruteforcing everything. Looking for keys and coming back to unlock something or avoiding plasma turrets in Depot A by running from cover to cover was fun.
>Walking around the Foundry
>Talk to some chick
>she kidnaps me and I am forced to kill her
>I get like 8 fucking XP from her basement of horrors and 2 more for turning it in
wtf bres I love serial killers now
This is gonna take a bit so bare with me
The last working backup of the IRIS core is from 189 years, 75 days, and 13 hours before the player interacts with the console, this is immediately before the Hollow Earth incident.
Once you reboot this version, with a 130 hacking check, you pretend to be its designer and ask it to answer your questions about Hollow Earth
Iris was designed by Stamen Bergmann, for the purpose of controlling Arke Power Stations defenses, as well as all of the Robotic Armed Forces facilities throughout the Underrail. Bergmann(the guy you pretend to be) was the head of AI research and development for Biocorp. He was trained for that position since the age of 3. When he started making Iris he patterned it after his sister Kosana, who died shortly thereafter, leaving Bergmann, in his own words, as emotionally devastated. He becomes obsessed with protecting the last bit of Kosana he as, in Iris.
That's a bad omen
>The hollow earth is probably one of the worst designed areas in video games
True mark of a brainlet.
Good luck Will-let.
How the fuck do you get outer visions by the way
he has good will
pass the will check on the shadowlith
is there any kind of trick to making lepers/heartbreakers/wyrms expose themselves? i can kill them easily once they're above water but i always miss when i try to initiate combat since the hit chance is usually 15-20%. it would be lame if my best option is to ski towards them and let them fuck me up on the first turn.
That was actually scary
true mark of a retard
well, there's stasis if you have temporal manipulation
there's irongut/aegis/morphine
Do you reload often?
After that, you can ask about the topics Bergmann and Iris had been discussing before this version of her was saved, which is the main lore dump.
Food production in Underrail had been in decline for many years, impacting both the underclass and the middle class citizens, resulting in more and more violent riots and increasing tensions in both North and South Underrail. Bergmann blamed this on both bad management from Apex Technocrats, as well as recent environmental and geopolitical changes. His predictions on the future of Biocorp and the Underrail were negative in general.
These world issues led to a deterioration of the ruling hierarchy within Biocorp. This led to a significant loss of centralized control which was reflected in both Hollow Earth and other facilities. Foremost among his worries were the human research and mutagen projects led by Dr Austein and Dr Hope
The mutagen experiments got the attention of Anton Matveev(Ezra), and Volvin(Other guy from Depot A), who gave it there approval. These human test subjects were able to live past two years since mutation, and the most exceptional ones were being used as personal assistants by the Mutagen research staff. Bergmann was getting scared about the incident in Mutagen Tanks B, and how the proto-faceless were being transferred to Tartarus Prison. He put Iris on high alert after that.
From the Careus Logs, we know that after the Mutagen Tank B incident and the transfer of the faceless to Tartarus, Austein let his assistant, the smartest of the proto-faceless, Otis, go to Tartarus alone and with his Clearance, which is heavily implied to be the start of the Faceless Uprising.
Oh, have to wait until the end. I've never played a psi character. Though I did just make this. Wish I could find a better crit chance modulator
Friendly fire is the best fire
Also thank God, it was just a fuckloads of robots, and not spooky ghosts
Someone pls give exact sea mines coordinates, i want to get it done as soon as possible i can explore in peace
There's no convenient way to do it since it requires you to go to LemCo which either means pissing off the pirates (though I've heard you can get past them without agro) or going through THE SWAMP.
One last bit
You can also ask her about the Robotic Armed Forces facilities she is supposed to be controlling, but you get told that Bergmann disconnected her from them sometime after the latest backup was made.
If you read between the lines of how Bergmann stopped giving a shit about anything but his sister-daughter waifu, you'll see that one shit hit the fan in Hollow Earth Bergmann disconnected Iris from the rest of the Underrail and told her just to defend herself. He dies sometime later, and Iris sticks his head in a freezer, and goes insane, killing everything she can.
If you talk to the faceless commander about Arke Power Station, he'll tell you that they've never been able to get close to it. If the beefed up faceless of today can't kill off Arke, then you could certainly bet the rebel proto-faceless couldn't either. Iris could of stopped the faceless uprising, but because of Bergmann spazzing out they broke free and Hollow Earth became the straw that broke the camels back
do i just hug the southeast corner? I don't care about the pirates, i just don't want the island exploding. I assume they will aggro me anyway sooner or later.
it only stops pirate invasions
this one
How often do you die user? How often do you have to press F9 after losing to encounters because of your shit build?
How were they running out of food if current underrail seem to be doing fine? There is so much game and MUSHROOMS around. I assume this makes seem that sometime in a near sequel or expansion we might see a bit of the powered robot army, though that is a bit obvious in expedition too
Does the quality of metal plates matter when they're being added as enhancement to the metal armor blueprint?
Damn, I missed all of that? Jesus Christ.
Most likely overpopulation.
Seems like a combination of the population getting too large, famine, and bad management. I'm pretty sure the current Underrail is underpopulated as compared to Underrail in its prime
Iris core after you reboot her is literally just a lore dump. She's right above Careus and the Faceless commander when it comes to understanding what the fuck happened in Hollow Earth
Who needs a Strongman when you have 16 STR
Can I start the expansion after finishing the game. I feel like i'm almost at the end of the game, but I'm worried to not soft lock myself out of the expedition.
No wonder with all these nigs killing each other, or getting culled by local fauna. Makes me wonder where the fuck is underrail, humans fled underground from an apocalyptic world? I think some of the tchortists did mention that they wanted to evolve to adapt to the harsh world.
Looks to me you can do expedition anytime you want, bear in mind once you explore that map, there will be a "soft timer" for failure, you will know soon enough. It only runs when you stay there though
It's Earth.
here. Sorry for being a faggot hammer wizard, your build is actually quite original. Keep posting your pics
Even Styg recognizes how much full psi users are batshit insane
On Hard mode so far, Silent Isle has become my Depot A. So many bugs. Don't even want to think about how bad it is on Dominating.
said the psychokinesis nigga
>every time wants to change just a few things in my build to make it better
>also want to try new builds
play someone else's build for a change
>So many bugs. Don't even want to think about how bad it is on Dominating.
It's a neat little piece of lore. Also explains why most in-game psi bois are lunatics. Psioonics be crazy, bre
>Don't even want to think about how bad it is on Dominating
I only sprinkled the whole isle with burrower poison caltrops, nothing out of the ordinary.
It's hell, i often ignore silent isle and come back later with a few more levels, it mostly depends on the build, some builds can handle it fine, some others get shitfaced, its specially shitty if your build is loud like for example a grenadier, but you can't handle the whole fucking island rushing at you at the same time
it would have been much more fun if that killed you or permanently stunned you by basically slamming you against the machine
>There is people who didn't know this
Okay what the fuck just happened
I meet the Will check, but I wanted to see, what happens behind the door
Who's behind the door? -What's- behind the door?
>wanted to play this game but it just doesn't move as fluidly as xcom/2
>bought it, played 5 mins and uninstalled
what do bros?
Underrail is one of these games you just cannot get until you immerse yourself and commit 100% to it, it's impossible to play casually and have fun. Handle the autism and learn the mechanics and you'll understand why everyone loves it.
hang yourself and hope you can play xcom in hell while the devil rims you
Oh god what the fuck is happening
Is it pointless to have metal armor with 3 con?
Have you accepted Death?
If dodge/evasion is your defense, heavy armor is wrong, yes.
No, I resisted it, but I got curious
Jesus fuck that place gives me the creeps
>no juggernaut feat
>gets dunked on by non-mechanical and non-energy damage
>poor mobility and initiative
Sounds like a bad idea.
Would you choose LifeMAN or DeathMAN if you were in such a situation? Agony or oblivion? Existence or Nothingness?
The guy who helps repair the faceless tunneler got killed, is that bad?
Should I assassinate Nicolas or Olivia? Does it really matter?
Eh, he usually dies along with Gorksy and the rest of the Zone trash in my playthroughs.
It is completely pointless yes, if you are going tin can your main method of defense is absorbing damage rather than avoiding getting hit, and there is no point in doing that if you are going to have a pretty shit health pool and not get the feats that come along with CON, if you dump CON then you are much better off just not getting hit at all and using your energy shield when a hit is inevitable
That went right above my head, didn't realize about the metaphor and I simply choosed to resist
It's amazing how I'm 3 INT in real life, fortunely for me I'm a very stubborn retard
you can turn both in to the security chief, i think you get the same exp from all the choices
>not spending 10 minutes killing hoppers at the start for the huge XP boost
Does the Chief give me cash if I do? I'm a pragmatic kind of guy.
Can you buy gas grenade blueprint before depot A?
Kill the drunkard
I think it does, Quinton does
However I believe Mutants are inmune to toxic damage
no, you only get to know you did the right thing, but since there is a highly chance that you are just a murderhobo like pretty much everybody else then that really doesn't matter does it?
That's not for mutant
That's for Mordre
You can assasinate Mordre with traps
Its zone or be zoned world out there.
You only get zoned if you're weak
If you're strong you can do the right thing
Get a load of this rulecuck. I leave even "tax collectors" alive, but if I'm asked to zone someone out - I'll do it.
Stop shilling your indyshit. I played one hour of this trash and already had enough. Your game sucks.
yea the right thing is zoning out evil, I'm like batman but I zone people out
Get a load of this pipeworker
hey, you're that guy from the steam review!
Is the Reef Glider any good or is it purely aesthetic?
WAHHHH why are the rathounds so hard :'^(
It's shit.
Its good charons with some points in mercantille
So this 'Body horror' feat, you don't get it if you have enough will?
What happens if you get it? Was the thing inside the glove also inside the player?
I'm trying to use Cheat Engine to get several feats to do some math, test some stuff, and hopefully update the wiki. However I am not sure how to add extra feats on level up with Cheat Engine. Is there anyone who has done it that can help me out?
it has 100 percent bio resistance but can't go fast
Set XP to whatever amount you need to level up, set feat points to 1 or however many you want.
They all have 100% bio resistance.
No, it's just some foreign pathogen on the dead guy that means you can't get in to the joint sec headquarters without stripping
so did the black crawlers quest for gorsky and i can't leave. wtf is going on how do i get out of here.
I actually just managed to figure it out as you said that. Thanks, I am gonna be doing some experiments for a little while.
>3 Int
Wow look there's a big gate right there
unga bunga
I see.
But -what- causes the 'Body Horror' feat?
I just did the Lemurian health center and I didnt get it, or does it comes later?
How do i go about making a chem pistol build for dominating?
You have to kill the doc
nvm i saw it before you replied also i have 6 int so :D
Go into the morgue and kill whatever the fuck has been bothering you the entire time you're there.
You raise chemistry and guns and craft chem pistols
>people say to use energy weapons against bladelings
>they are immune to crits
literally why.
They dumb
Melt with acid gun
Doc? What doc? The voice begging to kill her?
It's behind a hacked door? Cause I have low hacking skill
I didn't find anything in particular
I guess I might have missed it
Do you just kill every NPC you see? You know sometime they arent hostile
I did
But fuck is it annoying to find a good quality cehmical part.
76 is like little baby quality.
mad chemist and war crime utilities make the beast quest a joke on DOMINATING. shouldn't be bad on anything else
Up my psi crit chance by 10% or up my crit damage by 61%? This doesn't feel like an actual question but I may as well ask
No? I just defended myself, I stumbled only upon hostile robots and nothing else
it literally depends on your build, but im guessing you are psychosis so obviously crit damage, unless you are doing a low life survival instincts
With psi, you should only need to crit once, so make your guaranteed crit as big as possible
>I stumbled only upon hostile robots and nothing else
kek, that's simply not true. you killed normal NPCs and missed out, sorry user.
and here we thought it was just random
the doctor had an unusual reaction to the mutagen that killed everybody else; instead of dying he turned into some weird psionic abomination with a seriously fucked up body, and you went in there and killed it...very, very, very messily; the gore was *almost* mindbreaking
you get the feat if you choose to kill the doctor (the voice that begs you to kill him), when you get to the morgue you have to make the choice to go in the chamber or not, and depending on your will and the choices you made you either kill him out of pity or you die, or you can just not go in and you wont get the shitty feat
its like a cinematic, you don't ever see the doctor, you just go in and then come out, you don't see whats inside the morgue
When should I do expedition?
I'm level 15 right now.
>The only good use for the mining helmet you get in the fucking deep caverns is a high persuasion check for a workbench for your house
Oh wow
I resisted the first 2 Will checks and failed the rest with my 8 Will
Initially I resisted going in the chamber, and Man went in without me
I reloaded and decided to go in, as soon I entered the chamber I died, no cinematic, no text, nothing
Chem or Energy pistols or both?
I thought there were only hostile NPCs bre
How high do you want your dex? i'm getting kind of tired pumping out dex breakpoint posts
High as possible
What level should I be when trying to get the Obliarch's attention and do the arena? I'm roughly like 13 and playing on Oddity.
Plasma pistols get two shots per turn at 17 dex (that's 10 at creation, +1 at every opportunity through 24, and Eel sandvich)
go nuts
there is already a build on the underrail forums for chem energy pistols on dominating, look it up
how many fucking meme chem energy gun posters are we going to get, we know you beat the game with pure psi on a first playthrough so that doesn't actually count
Chem pistols are fun stop being angry
u gud
What do you even put as the second mod of a laser pistol? Polarizer feels like RNG on top of RNG which is meh. Efficiency is very ineffective and kind of pointless since laser pistols are already pretty effecient. Smart module? I don't really use much besides aimed shot sometimes.
max dex sucks anyways because you can't hit anything with a single point in evasion. better to hit chem breakpoints like 11 or laser pistols at 14 than 17 dex
i can't find it, please post it
polarizer just increases your crit chance it would make sense to pair it with crit damage boost
On my combat shotgun what attachment should I put? Forward grip is tempting because of the accuracy for bursting, but at the same time I have full auto and my shotgun only holds 5 rounds in total, so I basically just run out of ammo after one burst.
>RNG on top of RNG
What, you dont have 100% crit chance? lul
in the builds section of the Underrail forum, guy did his masters degree on the build
I know but it's psi's first gun build and there's probably 13 posts in this thread alone asking about it
use google, scrub
I can only find the guy who says he plays on hard.
Just throw more gas grenades and you good
>want to pick up pack rat because constantly near inventory limit
>but want to pick up a million combat feats because my character feels fairly weak in a straight fight
Are there any pure shit feats I should avoid? Burglar looks really situational and not that useful.
Is quick tinkering still worth it?
Looks kind of garbage now it costs 25 ap
wut? you can only study that oddity once
Just learn psi trap
Or chem pistols
Al Fabet did nothing wrong.
>have paranoid feat
>have detection goggles
>eat cave bat
>get exposed to mutagen
>can still play as a mutant
that's so cool
That's not cool because you cant win the game
but at least it doesn't kill you right after like most games would
It gives like a 10% chance to give you more crit on a target. Unless I shoot something 20 times its not really helping.
>Random aegis sec trooper chips the naga protector on the beach for 4 hp with a grenade
>It and the plasma turrets turn hostile on ME
Yeah, but it can be a pretty rare odditiy. Last time I made a character it took me 10 minutes of spamming Psi attacks at them to get one.
Because they have 0 energy resist and threshhold. It's not like energy weapon crits are anything special unless you've built for it.
The power of science, bres
I mean, they do with an amplifier, like 300%+ base damage, and you probably have aimed shot if you have guns at all. A laser pistol will take about 10 regular shots to kill a single bladeling. Literally any gun with armor piercing bullets will kill them faster. Crits are completely bonkers with any crafted energy weapon even without any feats.
you know, i thought about doing that but i was always too lazy to try
I just wanted the noble robe, then I saw Eidein standing right there. It was meant to happen
I want to try Jon's Special.
>Killed Eiden
Mad man broke the game
What loot does he has?
Nothing special, just the elevator keycard is relevant
same; it's the only edible sounding thing in the game
>Killed Eiden
>Mad man broke the game
What? On my playthrough he just dies when he's supposed to wait till the elevator comes up but he just rushes off to fight the Faceless
>decide to pick up barrel stare feat for shotguns
>mfw burst firing into melee attackers
Fuck, this is just what my squishy character needed, everything not boss level gets demolished and even bosses lose like 75% of their HP.
I'm gonna do it... i'm gonna play dominating without crafting
Shit this might be just what I need. I've had barrel stare and full auto forever but never used full auto, fuck Im an idiot.
>check every electronics store multiple times with decent mercantile
>none of them are selling laser emitters
im doing a no-crafting ar gunner on hard, stopped after depot A to continue my main character, but I blew through the game up to that point no problem
I intend to mainly use the unique guns and wear the spec ops tac vest
>Have trouble with invasions in Expedition on my first playthrough of it
>Just now notice the Naga Protector I never inspected
>Somehow missed the security console or couldn't pass the hack check at the time and forgot
I am a fool
Honestly this makes me feel more sympathetic to the faceless than anything.
I've gone through all of Nexus Technologies and yet I still can't file a report with the Professor. What the fuck?
Ladelman sells 15 bear traps, just buy them every time his shop resets and put them on the beach, makes invasions trivial
genocide is also an option, a preferred option
Have you solved the puzzle?
You need to get the chip encoder. In a desk on the same floor as the vault
They were pretty justified in what they did. Their only real mistake was chucking the mutagen researchers (and maybe Slavkovic) into the tanks.
>their only mistake was being vindictive assholes
You don't say?
It was just a happy little accident. They even got a friend to keep them company.
like, killing everybody was totally justified, the dumb thing was shoving them into the mutagen tanks considering what they could do
>done Nevil quest once before
>I had hacking
>now I dont and Dominating difficulty
Someone save me I overwrote the save before
I want to join the pirates but I don't want to hurt Ladelman. What do I do?
Literally who?
Rassophore Nevil, it's one of the Tchortist quests
I had hacking and ignored it because I wanted to fight a fuckload of robots. What are you, a knifefag?
where do I get info about Wit Nosek?
I went into the lab in upper underrail and read some files about him but dunno what to do next
Never heard of him
Go where he worked in the BioCorp facility in Core City.
the one you go to at the end of the oligarch questline?
>Wit Nosek
>literally means nose
What did styg mean by this?
I regret running a squishy stealth sniper character and really tempted to reroll, I really can't take on any fights unless it's 2-3 targets and a lot of quests involve killing. I'm at Acid Hunters but I'm trying to do the quest where you kill Balor and I might give up on this one until I'm overleveled since there doesn't seem to be a way for me to quickly kill him and get out.
you can go to an island to live happily ever after with other mutants
I'm doing the exact same run. Have you considered: Flashbangs, a decent SMG, molotovs, bear traps/caltrops?
Normally between flashbangs and mollys I've got enough time for a good two restealths. You should be one shotting everything at this point, even with normal attacks, so that should set you up fine.
well, the bright side is that you get an unique oddity that you can't get anywhere else if you don't hack the console and deal with the robots, i suggest you let nevil die and just do what you can to survive
just kill one or two guys from stealth and hide. Or set up traps for them before. You're playing a stealth character you start the fights where you want and how you want. Kinda like batman meme if you can prepare you can win fight against everyone. If people can beat the game playing melee squishy stealth then sure as hell you can do that with a ranged weapon.
I wonder if there's any special dialogue as a mutant
>not shotgun
I might try more restealthing, I'm been putting up traps and trying to use the shit out of flashbangs, but a lot of them seem to be resistant. I think I should have picked up a rapid reloader for my sniper, since I just found out it reduces AP cost overall, not just when reloading or something which confused my dumb ass.
The issue is when I snipe, it eats up all the AP, so I can't restealth and I think it's generally on CD for like 2-3 turns once you break out, so I find it hard to do the stealthy batman meme. Are there any useful feats for that playstyle? I'm also using a shotgun for my secondary weapon which has been really useful.
can you even use a jetski as a mutant?
Would be nice if you actually got ending slides if you did that.
Either works. I can't attest to Shotgun as I wanted to do a 'pure' shotty run later, so I decided to use an smg. It works well enough for me.
I'm not sure if you can even get out of the Free Drones base alive since there are like 4 guys in the corridor and your claws suck
So once I enter tchort institute there's no coming back?
Craft yourself a spearhead with a rapid reloader and a smart module. You'll be able to shoot twice a round which is a huge step up. If you don't already, try and get Shooting Spree. It lowers the cooldown of your aimed shot for every kill you get with the sniper, which is pretty nice.
You definitely can, I can remember seeing pictures of someone as a mutant in SGS
I think you can go through the vent you came in from now that I think about it
You can, I had to try that quest so many times on my first, very shitty character. I went to Rail Crossing and puked on everyone.
shotgun combos really well with any crit increasing things you get from sniper, has an aoe by default, and very strongly compliments snipers by being amazing at close range, which is where snipers are weak.
you can go out anytime.
you'll know when the final tchort mission starts. it's time to resupply then.
can you keep playing after you beat tchort?
How do you get the Ferryman's story about which body part to search? Do you need to have talked to Yngwar or something because I've never found him
All right thanks, I'll keep an eye out for those parts. For now, I'll leave Balor alone though since I feel I need more feats to reliably take him out.
Anyone got any must have perks for swords besides the obvious flurry and onslaught? Was thinking of a dex build for maximum fast, and since sword does plenty of damage anyway it seems.
Holy shit everyone check the Discord.
Hey guys! Will i be able to punch my way to victory with this?
cheap shots
based, I don't have to start a new character for the next dlc
>50 hours in
>only found 2 rapid reloaders in merchant stock
why the fuck are they so rare? I check every single firearms merchant and no one fucking has it
Is Yell good if you already have dodge/evasion?
but you'll be sorta overleveled, it'll be like story mode most of the time.
I just randomly talked to him and he told me first time I met him
t.3 int unga bunga
it's the only time yell is useful.
You have to be 18 to post here.
decapitate is fun as fuck when you've maxed the threshold specialisation.
beyond that, cheap shots and critical power will be important since you're going dex.
remember that swords aren't a light weapon, they don't benefit from dex AP reduction.
Oh, there he is.
why dont you make a screenshot
I'll just leave my plasma pistol at home, then. my current playthrough is a stealth build, so I've always been somewhat underleveled for everything combat-wise
is there any reason to slaughter the pirates after Aegis leaves?
Right, but a lot of the best feats seem to require 7-10, so at that point, why not?
Some items are bizarrely rare, even will full Mercantile unlocked inventories
>Is there any reason to slaughter thieves, rapists, and looters?
Gee user, I don't know.
Captain has a unique sword, Ceto computer has some lore, there's a unique spear under Port Crag. If you don't care about any of that, then not really.
It's fun. I think they might have a couple unique oddities in their base too. Also access to the canine if you want to look at the monolith up close.
One of his lieutenants has a unique mask too.
Well, that was enlightening and all, but it's time to get to work.
Whats up with the serpent bone statue with the black rock in the native village? I "broke" it and mentally interacted with it but can't really seem to do anything significant with it.
Oh, hit it with the torch a couple times and get an oddity. Gotcha.
Probably best helmet you can use for a lot of builds, especially melee that isnt tin can.
Fuck you, stink ghost
Wait you can resist temporal distortion? I thought the whole point is that it can't be resisted or did I mixed it with something else?
Can i befriend natives or i can only murder them?
where the hell is the lemurian engineering suit?
Don't remember I found it and made it into scrap.
whats void rot?
LEMCO I think
How easily can you end up underleveled in Oddity mode assuming you're searching everything reasonably? I'm looking at the classic XP rewards and you seem to get XP from quests that don't even grant Oddity points but the game is more designed around Oddity right?
underrail info tm/build/?GAcGAwQQAwfCgsKCAAAAAABaWgAAwoLCgjIyWgAAAABGAFABO1PCsBXClsKPwpjClxZGSynCkOKnvgTis6wF378
Is this good for dominating?
Maybe i should give up on full auto and lower strength.
Just a low damage DoT, not even enough to kill me at the health I was at
You'll easily get overleveled if you search through everything. Tbf imo it's actually easier to get oveleveled in oddity mode because you can get lots of exp non combat way therefore if you know where to go you can just scavenge exp from some barrels. Also you can pickpocket like 9 exp the moment you enter core city.
Is ripper good for knife build?
It's literally one of the best feats for a knife build
How does it exactly work? If I have 300% crit bonus and I hit enemy with 50% hp the crit bonus transforms to 300*1.5 = 450%?
got mine from nexus of tech
I'm doing a shotgun build and a little confused about what base stat to pump
I went 6 STR so I could use every shotgun, 6 AGI for sprint, 6+1 DEX for some of those 7DEX feats, 4CON, 9PER, 3WIL, 7INT
How much do shotguns benefit from higher perception?
Should I instead just boost AGI and dodge/evasion up the wazoo?
Never played shotguns but heard they dont need as much perception as other guns. that 4 con is a bit low imo. I'd rather lower int, especially since you're not gonna be using those crafting perks early into the game.
Guys if I say my name is Adahn enough will he appear?
Kinda wish enemies wouldn't respawn in caves on newgame+ oddity run. Feels more like a part time job to get through stalkers than what I'd call a good time.
Is that wildlife filled shithole on the east side of the map next to lemco actually worth exploring for any reason?
There's a unique shotgun and a box that has a lot of random loot in it but the short answer is no. It's like a joke area. Or a trap to trick people into trying to get through the first time around. I'd rather join/genocide the pirates than get within 50 feet of that shithole
does biohazard suit make the locusts trivial?
Do I need Psi to itneract with the misteryous pillar in Silent Isles or how does it work?
thats a feelsbadman bro
They still do mechanical damage, and losing the action points will make burning through the 5-15 of them a slog. Your best bet is the Aegis Sec-trooper helmet.
Are full-auto and suppressive fire worth it for shotguns?
It teaches psifags Bilocation, which honestly, having now played a psi character, isn't even that impressive. I constantly got annoyed by the assholes spamming mental subversion/bilocation but I realize now that's just an NPC with a limited lifespan designed to blow his load before he dies and psi can do a lot stronger shit. Funny when it works in solo situations like when I put Balor in gay baby jail and let his clones slap his shit to death.
I took them mostly due to not having feat options but I never used combat shotguns, their damage was too low to justify the occasional situation where I could pop off a burst.
>he thinks those traps are going to save him from chad beetles raping his asshole from 50 tiles away.
when you're playing with a new build, do you skip all the dialogue?
I skipped all the dialogue on my first playthrough. I'm not here to read I'm here to genocide.
Anywhere with a garanteed machete blueprint drop? or a merchant?
I'm at the Armadillo drill parts quest and still haven't found one.
chem bros where did you put your spec points?
>skipping dialogue in RPG
Do any non-combat shotguns need 6 str?
The wiki has 0 information on this unfortunately
What you gonna do about it. I would've forgotten it in a week or two anyway, but no one will take away those memories of gassing native and burning them with napalm. Trapping those mutants in depot A and also burning them or one shotting all "boses"
Diving to the abyssal station made me genuinely uncomfortable. I hate the deep sea.
>Tesla Armor is like the coolest thing
>it's also shit and the ability only helps in situations where you really shouldn't find yourself in
Why, Styg? What do you get out of this?
No, only Despot requires 6 str. All other shotguns, combat or regular, only need 5.
I'm not gonna lie I pumped my strength to like 9 because I didn't really need perception and I was sick of knife fags crippling striking me out of 'properly wielding this weapon' range
what do you mean, it's amazing against spiders. you can just stand and zap them to death.
Thanks bre.
seems pretty stupid to essentialy ignore half of the game because you're a spastic fuck with ADHD
>10AP SMG requires 5 STR
is it worth it?
Hey man I'm too old for this shit and don't have time. It took me almost a month to beat the game first time and that's without reading. Imagine how long it would took me to beat it with reading everything.
i started with cooked shot and i think i'm gonna go all-in
first action point reduction and then damage
You mean you can just stand there and die as they're tearing apart your flimsy armor. It doesn't do anywhere near enough damage on its own either.
>and die
They don't deal enough damage to kill you, also you can use it with some gas mask as nice locust killing machine.
The pinnacle of encounter design
>be melee
>trigger some random locust in bumfuck nowhere on my jet ski
>can't even reach it
>I can never go back to that zone.
if you paly melee without throwing you are basically retarded
>throw nades for 20 turns at some random hive
nah I'll pass.
how the fuck do you deal with greater coil spiders on dominating you cant stun them or anything, and they basically two shot you with their emp type attack
Is there any... solution to the locust problem that I'm missing? Or are you actually expected to just shoot up the hives?
Just kill the locusts. They don't infinitely spawn.
I know, I just feel like there has to be a better way. And the goddamn pesticide doesn't even do anything to them.
Avoid them, they're bullshit. Never alone, huge initiative, EMP attack, but if you absolutely have to fight one for some reason, the usual dominating tactics apply. Corner abuse, traps, gas grenades, IIRC they're not immune to frighten if they're set on fire. People meme about goliaths being annoying but I'd rather face a pack of those than 2 greater coil spiders. Only Psi with enrage trivializes them like 99% of the game anyway.
Oh, nope. Your best bet is to put on your aegis sec helmet because it gives pretty big mechanical/bio resist
>kill hive in one turn
>only have to kill around 4 locusts
What's the problem
I cant even think of any hive that you HAVE to kill to progress
Drop your energy shield emitter on the ground and wear spiderfucker armor.
But muh murder hobo everything that moves
Is rapid reload+smart module the best setup for pistols?
Its good against swarms of weak enemies like spiders and locusts. And it trivializes coil spiders.
where do you get that thing? i remember getting it somewhere in expedition but not sure where
Yeah, can't imagine doing the Crimson Meadow without bio defenses. Heartbreaker armor is another good option in case you'd rather not wear the helmet.
I only kill them if they're in the way... but it feels like there's a LOT of them in the way.
There's also a 3 (2?) exp oddity in the hives, so no regrets there.
They're literally never in the way, just switch to stealth gear
... why don't I just switch to stealth gear?
nexus of techxus
Because fuck being this autistic and having dozens sets of clothes on you. What are you some insecure teenage girl not sure what to wear. Uhm today II'll be dating coil spiders so I might wear tesla armor, but then later that nerd locust invited me to a dinner so I should pack some stealth armor with me to avoid that incel.
"multiplicative" means it multiplies all damage by that amount
so if your crit damage bonus is normally +200%, that means on a crit you do three times your normal damage
now lets say with ripper, you hit an enemy when they're at 50% health and it's a crit, which means the damage they take is increased by 50%
300% x 1.5 = 450%
if it were "additive", that 50% would just get lumped on to the 300% for 350%
>"You don't want to set foot on that island, there's some freaky shit involving gho-oh holy shit a bear trap; hang on a sec."
tesla armor!
dirty kick!
snipe from a distance
sneak up and alpha strike the hive
get 100% bio resist and some good mech DT and just slog through it
>Hard isn't top
>It's not even second
I can't tell if this is autism or normieism. I just know I'm not it.
A quality >50 Syphoner Leather Armor is enough to reduce the Acid Spray damage to 0 and make you almost immune to acid puddles and DoT entanglement damage.
What the hell is alpha strike?
Killing everything in first turn. You should lurk moar btw
>make the PERFECT shotgun build
>start game on dominating
>no persuasion to start with the shitty shotgun
>only find shitty low caliber guns
>no money
>no ammo
>can't kill lone psi beetles
Give me ONE (1) reason i shouldn't cheat myself enough money to buy a fucking shotgun
>Not playing on Godmode until you're level 8 and ready to enter Depot A
just survive till lvl 2 and then get the shotgun?
>can't kill lone psi beetle
>start game on dominating
3 Int logic
I guess i could use a molotov but then i'd have nothing to kill the fucking swarms in Newton's warehouse with.
Lone psi beetles can generally be kited by any build. They have shit for movement points, so following you quickly cuts off their ability to attack. To the point where if you walk up point blank, their AI makes them move away enough to lose one of their two attacks.
Meanwhile, a shotgun isn't going to help you when there's 8 guarding Newton.
I own Underrail but have yet to play it. What makes the game so good and worthwhile?
>get 2 oddities south of SGS platform
>kill the rathounds on 1st screen of the outposts
boom, level 2
I'm level 3 dudes
That's irrelevant when my "best" weapon is a shitty 5mm hawker
Even taking only one attack per turn i die.
just buy the shotgun parts in SGS and build your own
buy grenades and kill the 3 bandits on the way to GSG
Dunno what to tell you. I'm on dominating with a 3 con character with psi empathy and I killed them.
Yeah good point i'll go do Jack's quest
you are stupid nigger anyway if you get the shotgun from the persuasion check instead of the .44 and just selling it and crafting much better shotgun
>Just build your shotgun bro
>Nevermind the fact that the combined cost is like 10k and you have to get lucky with parts and quality
Just cheat yourself like 10 Molotovs bre, the Prologue is fucking trash.
Also explore the lower tunnels in that area. There's a 100% assault rifle in a barrel somewhere, and finding a shotgun isn't too unlikely. You want to do literally everything you can before trying to save newton.
I don't think quality matters very much if it's literally your first shotgun
What is the best way to deal with locust and hives without getting gangbanged to death with parasites? I only have 30% bio resist, should I just go balls to the wall with bio armor?
>There's a 100% assault rifle in a barrel somewhere
its wielded by an npc
Psi beetles on Dominating take barely any mechanical damage by the available shotguns at the time you get to them, it's much better to pelt them with psi and/or sprint and carve their assholes apart with a steel machete, and of course, nades.
Quality can easily go above your effective mechanics that early in the game.
then get a low quality one
a shotgun with shotgun feats will always be better than some shitty pistol
At what point for lockpicking/hacking can I stop putting points into it? I have a effective score of a 100.
>Psi beetles on Dominating take barely any mechanical damage
They take the same damage as on other difficulties
user just doesnt know how to deal with a psi beetle
Coretech cunt never buys energy weapons.
>throw a net you got for free from bret
>stand one tile away
>now beetle wants to attack you in melee range but it cant
>buy molly blueprint
>cratf a few mollys
>bait all beetles
>throw molly and close the doors
>bait one beetle
>close the door
>kill it
>heal up to full
The last one is the dumbest option but works even if you only have a knife.
Honestly you'd probably be good. There aren't many checks over 100 and even then the shit inside isn't all that great.
Nigger tell me how to kill a psi beetle with a gun that never does two digit damage each shot without using consumables.
Fortunately the bandits had some better weapons and now i can probably do it.
>tfw the plasma grenade blueprint drops in the shops
Right when I was running out of brapnades too
>he needs an AR to kill a beetle
Just 3 Int things
Not gonna bother answering you when you got all the answers already
>throwing flares with every step
>high perception
>paranoia feat
>still get ambushed by death stalkers
fun game
such is life in the underrail.
Not gonna bother answering cause there is no answer, it's impossible and you need to use consumables or find a better weapon which is what i already did. Fag.
You dumb fucking nigger you literally get an smg from jonas which is enough to get you to depot a. I know because i did it.
>Naked tin can in security headquarters
Muscle magic dont fail me now
>tin can
>He doesnt know
Hope you got high lockpicking abilities boyo
I probably skipped that quest already.
Doubt you could kill those beetles much less bots with a 5mm jaguar, but w/e you say.
First thing I tried, but when I realized you can't plop tnt down in combat, I kinda gave up on it.
Add Implosion to those. If you want to beat up a hive, it really speeds up the process.
I believe you cant skip it without halting story progress in Black Sea
So you think that no one ever beat the beetles? Are you okay? Bots literally deal 0 damage and with some w2c ammo and 2 emp nades you can kill them easily.
Any vest with 100%/200% resistance to bullets makes early game bots a non issue.
On dominating, with the gun i had, without using consumables, yeah i'm pretty sure no one ever beat the beetles.
I'm gonna stop this pointless argument now cause i already found a better gun.
I don't remember ever getting naked in the security facility
Probably because you didnt find it, otherwise you'd remenber the pain
Speaking of, do you actually have to run through a gorillion plasma turrets to enter the security hq?
You can still beat them with smg from jonas and 1-2 molotov depending how well you group them together.
Better have MK3 EMP nades and a fuckhuge shields
I thought for sure there was a backdoor in the native village or something, but oh well. Got the EMPs, but my shield doesn't really do plasma.
Thats what you get for using a low/low shield instead of a high/high
uh just shoot them like any other turret?
>1/4 of my playtime is recycling trash and doing shopping runs
Yay I love this game wtf
I dont bother anymore. I have like 30k coins and dont bother picking up anything. I will never run out of money anyway.
They will shoot you first due their absurd range unless youre a sniper I guess
Try pressing enter and see what happens you braindead zoner
You will if you decide to buy everything for the house
Not that it serves any purpose besides the basement.
>Implying I use guns
And i won’t and never will because it adds nothing. Only workbenches do anything and they’re like what 6k for all.
To be fair, until the turrets, the only things at high speed that I saw here were the natives.
Dominating the house really doesn't cost that much. ((((Ray's)))) is where charons come to die.
What, you cant kill a turret in one turn, or you dont have any way to run back under cover?
Will Newton die if i leave the warehouse and then come back?
Is it possible to use the XAL-001? Can you get 100% acid resist or is it capped at 95%?
He wont leave if you dont tell him to leave
Not exacly, once engaged must commit
>Get as close as possible without getting shoot
>Throw EMP nade and Force Field the other turret in range
>Sprint, start hammering the shit outta of a plasma turret
>If reactivates, shields up and disruptive field it
>Once destroyed, electrokinesis the other turret and book it
>Rinse and repeat until all turrets are dead
Its not hard, but tedious really
I mean, before the clearing the place.
>tin can hammerman
Well, you signed up for this, bre.
Is there any sneaky way of entering the Epione Lab for the free drones quest or is my only way to just genocide them?
Not like it was hard mind just you, just requires proper preparations
The front door. It's totally possible with stealth/agi boosts
>let the coretech shop reset 3 times
>still not a single laser pistol part
If you're going to use combat shotguns those feats are mandatory to make them worth using over pump shotguns, because without those feats they're roughly equal, if not slightly worse. Those feats also work with assault rifles, so you can use a good AR burst when enemies are just out of shotgun optimal range.
Not even 9 DT fully absorbs every small acid tick.
>Can you get 100% acid resist
With CAU suit and biohazard boots. You also need Escape Artist. I don't know if it's worth it.
What determines super steel quality when you make it?
Highly advanced Styg AI manually sets it depending on his mood.
>can't explore the Medical Center because security clearance isn't high enough
>figure I should do the Joint Security HQ first then
>can't enter it because of the chip
Feeling a bit bamboozled right now.
Nexus of Technology my dude
Oh God it's luck based isn't it? I can't afford the get 90 quality plates I'm too poor for that.
But I already upgraded Phil's clearance level there, ages ago. Still not high enough for the Medical Center.
Just, like, stop being poor, man.
>spend forever looking for those two chumps vera sends you to look for
>finally find them
>1xp, no other rewards
I could have gained more in that time by just looking in random barrels.
You get to make Vera happy, assuming you didn't fuck up the quest. That's worth more than barrel oddities.
>noon in USA
>literally a single normal difficulty vote for hours
>evening/night in USA
>normal gets to top
I think this means that normalbabbies are actual normalfags.
What you must have missed something. I entered it without any issue.
>kill one guy in epioone lab without witnesses
>whole lab goes hostile
uhmmmm wtf
Where can I get the Plasma Grenade Blueprint?
In the nexus of technology.
Uhhh guys...
Dodge/evasion isn't bad at all
Is there a way to get it before then? That place is scary.
Coretech special inventory, plasma mines too
enemies have bullshit hitrates on hard and dominating, while other defences are more reliable
but im a big fan of dodge/evasion as well, since my character is always at or below 25% health due to survival instincts + fight response abuse
especially when stacked with precognition and a good low/low shield
Thanks. Is it possible to access multiple of the Oligarch merchants, or is it pretty much just choose 1 faction and stick with them?
You only get the one.
It's really good, but shitters are fucking mad that someone can play with a different type of build and succeed.
Shit. Okay. I was trying to decide between Praetorian Security (as I am a tin-can) or Coretech. I'll have to make a decision. I really appreciate the help.