WoW Classic RP

Less than 24 hours remain, fellow RP-Chads. So tell me about your character's...
>Motivation and/or personality
>What you personally are looking forward to the most in Classic

See you niggers soon on Grobbulus!

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quit calling your fandom chads, people. it makes you look retarded. you need self-awareness

have fun in game

Grobbs only? Grobbs only?
Night Elf Warrior
Got a group from a few older MMOs that have gone stale moving in. Eight or ten folks with DM experience and no lives ready to start helping get the RP flowing. Just finished ironing out the ruleset on our character sheets last night in a group, fucking glad to be back in an MMO with a /roll command after the trashfire that was the RP community in Elder Scrolls Online.

>came from SWTOR imp-side
>RPers have gone pants-on-head retarded
>Imperials no longer allowed to be racist
>Pureblood Darths defending Twi'lek rights
>Equality for all in the Imperial Military
>mfw going to be playing an obvious and hardcore racist against anything but human to rustle the hell out of snowflake RPers who can't stand any kind of conflict

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Male Tauren Druid
I don't know which zone to claim as my turf, please advise

Best race for taurens?

Not warrior

Nelf Hunter
Nelf Rogue
Human Mage

Still not sure which I want to play though.

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>you need self-awareness
the self-awareness of being proud of being an RPer is the most chad thing possible. so why don't you go have fun in the game too faggot

Male troll warrior
My plan is to tank but we'll see how that goes

>call selves RP-Chads
>'quit calling your fandom chads, makes you look retarded'
>most non-RPers already consider RP retarded
>keeps away the anal-clenching spergs who freak out over the smallest things
>even the fan-name filters the shitters out of the server
400 IQ play here.

Also, Human Warlock trying to steal people's faces.

Thinking Feralas for max comfy or Plaguelands for max hardship

I wish you luck finding RP on Horde side, the vast majority seems skewed to Alliance since Horde has no RP locations or buildings.

Druid for Tauren is usually a safe bet. If not that, Hunter. Druid will be more fun if you want less stress and don't intend to raid but still dungeon, Hunter if you want to PVP and support from the rearline or just solo-level.

I was gonna roll that but remembered I dislike the male troll melee animations

going female tauren warrior and then my alt will be a male troll hunter because male troll hunter with bow has god tier animations

Believe me I'd rather do Alliance but my friends are diehard Horde players.

Human Mage who is actually a Forsaken trying to blend in.

Human White
Of 07'
>Motivation and/or personality
None and positive Nihilist.
I would like to think I'm Lawful Neutral.

>What you personally are looking forward to the most in Classic
That it will die quickly when you all realize it isn't actually Classic WoW but instead Nu-Classic.

Grobbulous RP-PVP
>What you personally are looking forward to the most in Classic
I'm not playing it with anyone I know, no friends, not leveling with a buddy like i did in Lights Hope. It will be an entire solo journey to meet people and experience the world.

im still undecided between night elf priest and gnome mage, which is why I left those blank.

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How do I RP? Are there rulese? Like can I make up a Mary Sue character? Do I have to sit at a table and pretend eat?

There are add-ons for your character's description and RP availability.
IE: I don't want people RPing with me randomly while I'm trying to quest or do professions so you can just set your status to unavailable

the answer is always Nelf

After you make a vague or in-depth backstory for your character, there's really two main ways to roleplay.
>passive roleplaying
You act like character and use stock emotes like /laugh /wave /point, but in general youre aware that youre playing an mmo. In a dungeon you don't have a problem breaking the fourth wall to talk to the players and stuff. You'd see this more on RP-PVP than RP server.
>active roleplaying
You type out your character's dialogue and actions with /em in a descriptive prose-like manner. If you need to break character and talk as the player behind the keyboard, you'd (Type your messages like this) ((or like this)). This is usually done in an event or scenario, but the most elitest of roleplayers would never break character.

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Probably will be the only server with a halfway balanced faction ratio


RP servers are PVE?

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yes unless it says rp pvp on the server list

What if I join an RP server but then I stopped RPing after a week? Would I get in trouble?

Link? Are these agreed on yet or just something people will be using on the side?

Getting into RP can be a bit of a worrying thing but generally just try to remember the goal is story-telling. It's not about who can beat who in a fight, or who has more offscreen NPC servants you suspiciously never see. People are looking to create stories and scenes and dramas and whatnot between eachother by bringing different types of fictional characters into conflict with eachother. Whether through friendly wagering at a Tavern or flat out brawling for your life. There aren't any 'rules' per se, but there's a few codes of conduct and generally polite things to keep in mind. Feel free to add to this;

>/say is for vocal, /e is for actions. Do not emote shit that nobody else would know, it is meaningless and can't be responded to
>"/e takes a seat in one of the empty chairs and lets out a restful sigh. "What a day." " is fine, "/e takes a seat in one of the empty chairs, thinking about the rough day they just had and wondering if they could find some conversation at this bar" is not. The latter is internal dialogue that nobody could 'see' happening.

>when interacting with someone else's character, it's always considered proper to attempt something rather than 'do' it, as it gives the other player a chance to respond and decline the action
>"/e reaches around the table and attempts to cuff X upside the head with a laugh." is fine, "/e reaches around the table and smacks X upside the head." is not because in option A, the other player has the chance to avoid it or swat your hand away or respond properly whereas option B is you attempting to force a reaction on their character

no clue, ill be going to grobbulus since my friend wants an rp server. I have zero intent to rp at all

No, but if you intend not to RP you should probably go to a non-RP server. It's not a rule you HAVE to RP, but it'd be like buying a ticket to the premier showing of some hot new movie with the intent to just sleep through it. You're not disrupting anyone else and you paid for your ticket, but you're clearly not here for the same reason as everyone else and you took a seat someone who actually wanted to see the movie could have had.

Just remember to make your character as 'human' as possible. even if you are playing some fantasy race, your character has fears, dreams, strengths and weaknesses. The best characters are not Gods at everything, fear no man and took advanced Thalassian scripture courses while at the academy of secret powerful mages.

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>passive RP
This is not RP, this is just being friendly and using emotes. There's nothing wrong with that but don't call it RP. Roleplaying is when you act like you are actually a character in the universe you are playing in who actually is worried about dying in a dungeon or feels tired after a day of killing Troggs or generally feels like they're living in a proper story. But I also agree you'll see more of example A on RP/PVP realms and it frankly makes the community more friendly. The atmosphere on RP servers tends to be much lighter in terms of players, even if the actual content can be dark as hell when you get the serious RP guilds playing seriously villainous folk.

That's some severe limit RP servers have

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





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I wouldn't say that, the next guy will get into the server just as you and me.
It's more like that 1 guy who wears a Christmas Sweater to a Halloween Party.

It seems more like common sense. Someone who really wants to world PVP shouldn't go on a PVE server and flag himself in barrens looking for someone to hit him, someone who is interested purely in raiding shouldn't look for hardcore raiding guilds on pure PVP servers. If you're going to a RP server with no intention of RP, it's not against any rule, just a question of why you want to do that when a major portion of that server is content you don't like and don't want to interact with. But I'll say I personally don't find non-RPers on RP servers bothersome, most just want a more chill experience. It's only the obnoxious ones who pull a "I came to this server just to hate all of you" who can be tiring.

>"I posted it again!"
Still chuckled.

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>Night Elf Master Race
>Very old elf, veteran of several wars including War of the Ancients, semi-retired, old injuries leave her not much use in a fight but can still sneak and stick pretty well.
Had three daughters but now all long dead. About 110% done with this shit.

>Looking forward to rolling rogue maces and stun-locking everyone forever because Diminishing returns wont be a thing for a bit.

I've heard stories about WoW RP and I just wanna try it. If it's not for me, it's not for me.

Ok, last question. I've seen (( ... )) for ooc speech. Is there any other things I should keep in mind?

I'm curious to see how people RP night-elves now that we aren't all retarded and know some of the actual lore
>7 feet tall
>having to deal with being mortal and dying in a century or so after potential thousands of years
I'm also hunting down your ass and recruiting you to a criminal enterprise. I'll remember you.

Brackets for OOC only apply when in an RP situation. In dungeons, general chat, mostly any conversation in general they are not needed. However when someone starts clearly RPing or you enter an area where lots of people are RPing and you aren't, it is polite to use (( )) to show you aren't in character if you NEED to say something.

Whispering people who are roleplaying should also have (( )) attached so they know you aren't actually whispering them in-character. And on that note, do not be afraid at all to whisper someone OOCly asking for help, or saying you're new to RP in general, or to get clarification or ask permission for something or literally anything. Most Rpers are very understanding about that and will be happy to help, and if you're in a scenario with violence or something, most people will whisper OOC just to make sure the other person is OK with the direction the scene is taking.

Basically just don't overstress the rules and go into it to have fun.

Never RPed before so I don't have one, but I figured I'd check out what other people do and try to piece together something.

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I want to roleplay
>Wants to learn how to control dark magics like the ones that made his people, while holding on to what little humanity he still has.
>I guess Neutral/Chaotic good?
>I am looking forward to standing on the Orgrimmar bank's roof.

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Nothing wrong with that. Just peasant-RP and go from there. Literally play a normal, completely average nobody who just exists in the world, and let it progress naturally from there. Someone will eventually meet you and chat and you'll end up taking sword-lessons or something, then recruited into a guard guild, and suddenly you're a grizzled vet who's gone through hell with your team and would do anything for them.

Alright thanks. See you guys tomorrow

Almost tempted to give you my character name if you're on Grobby to help you along but this being Yea Forums, I'd rather fucking die. Good luck to you user, see you tomorrow.

>nelf hunter
I made a dorf hunter just so I could make him look like pic

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>Have an overnight job tomorrow
>Won't get home until Tuesday night

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All the nonrp eu servers are full right now

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which faction is generally better at rp?


The Horde.


horde will prob have less roleplayers
but I think they will be better, alliance will be human/nelf female erp
both will probably have a guild for faction warriors n stuff but thats optimistic I guess

Rate my character, Yea Forums
>Motivation and/or personality
still a work in progress :/
Neutral Evil
>What you personally are looking forward to the most in Classic
Ganking human scum and cannibalizing their corpses

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All the "I'm not good at the game" rp player are alliance my dude.

Are Druids just not allowed to raid or something because they're too shit?

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>Infiltrate the Stormwind City Orphanage
>Chaotic Good

I look forward to the screams

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Only good as healer, useless as tanks and dps (both caster and melee).

Troll Shaman
Excited to try enhancement, and maybe ele later, but expect to heal a lot and I'm fine with that. I've had more fun with healing in vanilla than dps and tanking in wrath. End goal is big dick pvp crits and helping horde with totems and buffs

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I see, I've never put time into an MMO before, least of all WoW, so if I start leveling a character I'd like to at least have all options available to me instead of speccing into shit tier out of ignorance. I just prefer to pick beast races when I can for the fun of it. My second choice would be troll if anything.

>Warrior (RPing as a Death Knight)
>He's serious and often scary, but an absolute bro to the core and very thoughtful. His goal is to unite the world under a single banner, he doesn't care if that banner is the Horde, the Alliance or the Scourge. I want something like Skull Knight from Berserk.
>Lawful Neutral
>Looking forward to dying to pulling two mobs at a time and getting ganked by frost mages 10 levels lower than me. I'm also planning on starting a mercenary band RP guild where we do dungeons and stuff in character. I might not though cause that's a shitload of work.

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>rp server
>rp is optional
>"""lite""" rp
I wish I could tie your feet to the back of my truck and drive you down the interstate you fucking faggot.

If ANY of you roll on Grobbulus and put ANYTHING in /say that is not in character I will cast a DEATH CURSE on you IRL

No you don't have to walk in cities
No you don't have to respond to other people
But that better fucking be because your character is in a rush.
I am not joking. You will die in your sleep. I will astral project myself into your bedroom and torment you until you expire in the middle of your nightmares. This is your one and only warning.

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Female Gnome Warlock (In honor of my mom who used to play WoW)
Playing on Bloodsail US though
Motivation is simple, curious Gnome mage tapping into the deeper meaning of magics. Chaotic Good is her alignment.

>>What you personally are looking forward to the most in Classic
Just going back to the old world, getting into groups, making new friends and seeing old ones.

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>All these undead bros
[Gutterspeak] Let us meat in Brill.

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Based and IC-pilled

see you in the Undercity, traveler

How can you tell what realms have what for their faction balance

from the results of the official WoW Classic subreddit census

PVP servers are generally Horde Biased
PVE servers are generally Alliance Biased
RP servers are generally Alliance Biased
RPPVP servers are generally perfectly balanced.