Talk about track.
Talk about characters.
Talk about fastest times.
Post Yea Forums lobby.
Other urls found in this thread:
Or dont
that's also fine :(
Sorry user I'm cooming right now, go talk to ur mom
I'm eating right now, but I might be able to host in like 30 minutes if there's interest.
I wish you could still self-bump threads.
Live damn it
I'd like this game a lot more if they tried harder art-wise to make a Sonic Drift aesthetic but they seem pretty dead set on just being Mario Kart with a Sonic skin. Shame.
dont even know what that acronym stands for, obvious some sonic racing game but cant be asked to figure it out
i guess i can host for a bit
lobby is called "vee server" in casual
pass is rage
ip is
downloaded a bunch of custom shit so if it doesnt work let me know and i can turn it off
Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart. It's a mod for Sonic Robo Blast 2.
I honestly question why OP didn't think it was necessary to link the game.
literally type it into any search engine and you'll find your answer.
Can't join because you set the filesize limit too low. It's in server options.
>No map packs
going to have to either link the shit you downloaded or make the files downloadable from the server because I cant connect without them.
is this high enough?
how the fuck do i do that
That should be good.
As for the second part, the only way to link the files is to manually go through the forum and send us all the threads. Since you're running so many and most are small it's probably not worth the effort.
well that sucks
i can probably compile a zip later, for now ive just restated the server with just bonus characters
>type in rage
>stuck on eternal connecting screen
>make fun game
>could make thousands of dollars on it
>except you decide to slap a dead franchise's skin on top of it and cuck yourself from any potential revenue thanks to copyright law
Reset the game and try again
It should be working fine right now.
Still not letting me in
Is it a capital R in Rage?
All lowercase
Is it still worth making maps for? I have 2 very incomplete ones and I need the will to finish.
>No hornmod
Why do you hate fun OP?
>Making money off a doom mod
>Making money off a doom mod with OCs instead of recognizable characters
There's no mods at all right now.
It worked for Chex Quest
>Team Fortress
>Counter Strike
>Dota 2
>Killing Floor
Kart does not have as much potential as any of those
why is the opengl mode broken now? the 3d models looked way better than the sprites
god damn it I never even finished doing all the tracks because of my autism
the game was good but I wasn't good enough at it
People are still coming out with new maps even now.
OpenGL should still work. What's going wrong when you try to use it?
all models are invisible, like other racers and items
Sounds like there's some problem with your MD2 folder and MD2.dat file. Try redownloading the 1.1 patch and copy that folder and file over to your Kart directory.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
What even is sonic drifts aesthetic?
sometimes it's not all about money. i'm willing to bet the people who make fangames actually have well paying careers where they're not worried about the shit you're worried about
Whoa this is neat. Is the server still up?
Sorry, it just closed.