Fuck White People: The Video Game™

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And they wonder why they're not selling Wolfenstein games anymore.


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anyone: fascism is bad
pol: omg that so racist you cant say that

Facism can SNIFF my fat juicy fred flintstone feet

the gameplay used to have sense until you get upgraded, then you're steamrolling the nazies; but if you get caught out in the open, you're practically dead

schizo game

the first one is good, old blood is great, and this one is meh. new wolfs are all a bit better than the 2009 wolf (except new colossus)

rctw still reigns supreme, with wolf3d being a honorable mention

I quite enjoyed Wolfenstein 2009

2009 was fucking great. TOB was about on par with it though.

it's really showing its age, uniqueness and console-itis, kinda the red-headed step child of the franchise as a whole

story-wise, it's really cool

I find the age has it's charm! much like Darkness, Condemned, Quake 4, Doom 3 etc

I'd unironically live in a fascist regime than a marxist one any day. You'd still have a far greater quality of life and more freedom.
Marxism is the only ideology where you have to build walls to keep people IN.

it really didn't keep me hooked, though i replayed Q4 and D3 recently and really loved that

there are cool quake 4 and doom 3 mods, and an whole fan-made campaign for q4, it's pretty nice

Its actually good tho

the best part about threads like this is you can never tell if the OP is a 15 year old or a boomer

I'd rather have a soviet style socialism than this gay open borders nu-soicalism

>rctw still reigns supreme
No idea how people can like that game. Enemy Territory was a great multiplayer standalone spin-off but the actual return to castle wolfenstein? Bland, even by 2001 standards. NOLF came out a year before and is better in every way.

OP here - I'm 20

Both are dogshit. A fascist regime is way better.


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I would rather live in a fascist country than a post modern liberal one.

dunno, half nostalgia half being a decent game that switches stuff up from time to time

going from indiana jones in the catacombs to no one lives forever in the forest to being special ops and clearing out the airfield, then the x-labs... it's a pretty spicy game with a lot of enemy variety and locations you godda admit

it's kinda okay, like a 6/10, there's too much story and it's hamfisted. the gameplay is okay, but at one point you're death incarnate and the enemies don't get any more challenging

I hate this faggot game and I am 34. Made me happy that kingdom come succeeded and this failed so close to eachother

Fuck this upsets me. I really liked the new Wolfenstein until New Colossus whipped it's fat stinky cock out and pissed all over it

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damage alertness in these games blow.

fuck satanism: the game

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Marxism is the most fascist thing.

that's a little late to still be posting like this, but you still have some hope. read some mark fisher or something and don't rely on Yea Forums for your politics. you're gonna die alone if you take this place seriously.

doom is shit

I was just about to make a thread on this game. The characters are so shitty; they're all just horrible stereotypes. The cunty black "strong" woman. The crazy Hitler part where he does "wacky" shit like piss and throw up everywhere. The Jewish scientist guy. Etc.

Like, just so so bad. Why would they make it this way? I get it's trying to be "over the top" but it falls way to short of being over the top and just being stupid and bad. The gameplay is good but I can't stand these characters.

sananists are pretty gay to be fair

Two sides of the same coin

I just post on Yea Forums and /wg/, never used pol or anything else


Congrats on the white penis

You are all retarded

Actual communist here.

When you actually read some theory it’s not as horseshit as you’d think. But goddamn we have some of the worst faggots on our side imaginable.

>actual communist here

take a shower

not liking nazis = hating white people
Whoa there, buster. Have you taken your medicine yet?

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Fuck off you strasserist cunt

Communist faggot

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Have you seen the cutscene? "Come And Get Me You White-Ass Fascist Nazi Pigs"

It's pretty cringe.

Not true. Horseshit theory is garbage.
I cannot think of a single Marxist regime that didn't have extremely strict emigration laws. The only exception might be the anarchists during the civil war in Spain.
Hitler allowed pretty much any German to leave before the war. Even Jews.

That's not the reason why I'm not a commie though. The labor theory of value is the flat earth or economics. Virtually no modern economist takes it seriously anymore and marginalism was proven to explain the price/value discrepancy.

Have you played the game? It's pretty funny in context.

The whole Daddy storyline is that. It basically says “Jews are the only good wh*toids, and BJ embraced his jewside and thats why he’s good, instead of a FUCKING CHR*ST WORSHIPPING WH*TE MALE

What fucking game are you playing

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>A single cutscene is all about how men are evil and cowardly, (not to mention stupid as fuck) and how women are better and how “balls” aren’t needed cause Black QWEENS slay; topped off with stating that Nazis are bad because they’re white, followed up on in the next cutscene by confirming that, if you were a fucking moron

Yes I did play that piece of shit

Someone like you would be fortunate to get off with only being forcibly sterilized.
A betting man would have you spending the rest of your days in a work camp.

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>All while edgy music plays

FUCK Nu-Wolfen(((Stein)))

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You've never passed a literature course in your life, have you?

Shill detected, get fucked

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This is what you take from it? Not him, but the "leftists" use this weird, buzzword-rich slang (you /pol/lards shouldn't be a stranger to that) and BJ simply goes along after being exposed to it.

A shill for what? Getting an education?

>caring about proofreading when you’re typing on the phone
The last resort of the man with no counter argument.
Oh and what they did to Twisted Sister is fucking inexcusable

For wolfenstein 2 REEEEE

Your day is coming, faggot.

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A shitty game that nobody bought

Dear god, my little quip is literally beyond his ability to grasp.

Also lol fuck off dumb phoneposter

>Haha you use a phone

How is down there? At the bottom of the barrel?

>Kills Hitler in the timeskip for Youngblood
>no parody of Faschwave Hitler in a Robosuit to fight for a last boss
Lost potential, fuck you MachineGames. And fuck your families too, I hope they're upset over how you utterly fucked up to make the Wolfenstein IP relevant in the Current Year.

You do realize that the Slavs got their revenge, right?
Raped all those blonde German fraulines. Became a world power while Germany was broken in half.
Even in its crippled state Russia is still more relevant than Germany.
Aryans BTFO. Fascits BTFO. etc etc


wait a second, I'M WHITE

>I'd unironically live in a fascist regime than a marxist one any day

It's not one or the other you uneducated monkey. Holy tits are you guys dumb, how do you even breathe?

Fascist cuck.

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Give me a game where I can kill commies as well.

I'm quite in the centre ACTUALLY

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>oh my god goy, why don’t you understand, its not black and white
>if your not with us, you’re a nazi
You started this, you wouldn’t stop, reap what you sow


Metro 2033, there's an entire section just killing commies - It's as fun as you'd expect

i dont get this. surely you realize normies find an explicitly racist/exclusionary ideology more repugnant than one just built around a failed economic system. im a natsoc all the way but you cant be this clueless.

>muh commies are as nazis
every fucking time

You’re right, commies murdered more people

>Franchise about killing nazis isn't pro alt-right
In other news the grass is green and water is wet

Why focus on the skin colour though it just makes no sense

Yeah man, there were never any famines or pogroms in Russia prior to the October revolution. Nope, none.
Also fascists started world war 2 so that's a fuck ton of casualties to sort through.

>admitting that the game is “Blumpf supporter murder simulator”
>”why do people consider this game charged?”
Thats why the fucking franchise is dead

Fascism literally has nothing to do with race

>Mommy, this mean internet lady called me a nazi!!! So in turn, I'm going to support nazi ideologies!

If I start calling you a cocksucker, you gonna start sucking dick? Go back to school you faggot

>You started this
What, because everyone not with you is a far leftist? You realise you're shooting yourself in the foot with this, right?

>accuse everyone whose not a commie to be a nazi
>when called out, accuse them of the political balkanization that you caused

You can also tell when you hit a nerve when all the commies come out of the woodwork to reply

Excuses from a commie, without even attempting to deny then. So you admit it. Conmies are murders, worse than the nazis ever were. Good, we’re on the same page.

>So you admit it. Conmies are murders, worse than the nazis ever were
Nah. Nazi's started world war 2, resulted in far more deaths than any communist regime has caused.

Without using the word "nazi"
Why is fascism bad?

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Metro Last Light

>entire ideology is about murdering "inferiors"
>get murdered by inferiors
>get mad that inferiors murdered more people than you

How are you so lacking in self-awareness that you're still unable to recognise that you are guilty of doing the thing you accuse others of right now even after it has been explicitly pointed out to you?

Do you think everyone to your left is part of a single monolithic group, centrists, liberals, leftists, all of them? Then they're not exactly wrong when all of them together say anyone right of them together as a group is a Nazi. Your feeble whine only makes sense when you account for people who are neither Nazis nor calling you a Nazi.

Because its ideologies promote dehumanizing groups of human beings that end up in genocide.

Literally only the Nazis promoted genocide. Fascist Spain and Italy, while brutal at war, did not conduct any genocides

anyone: *normal opinion*
leftists: omg that's so nazi you can't say that

It's an authoritarian ideology based on hate and demagogue worship, and people should be free and equal.

Because Fascism is right-wing ultra-nationalist violence.

Fascist Japan sure did a number on the Chinese.

Because it is totalitarian, government-mandated terror.

But is the game fun

I played the game and I got to be real with you, that wasn't at all what the game did. It busted balls of everyone.

Even some turbo sized ham planet chick lashed out at a nigger at one point because the nigger was being racist.

True but whether or not Japan was a true fascist state or an imperialist junta is still being debated


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Italy committed genocide in Ethiopia

But then the UK did it in England because imperialism is just fascism abroad anyway

ThAts NoT TrUe fasCiSts ThO!!!!

K, I see where this argument is going

The death toll under communism are highly inflated. Most of the “deaths” didn’t even happen. Also the Russian famine was worsened by the kulaks, not the communist party.


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>living with your parents while being unemployed
That's just Berlin though.

I took a course about fascist history in university. My professor literally said that, and she was a hardcore leftist.
Italy certainly committed war crimes against Ethiopians during war time but Mussolini was actually quite tolerant of non-Italians, and even had jews in the fascist party

Maybe people shouldnt be given unrestricted freedom if they try and turn their 9 year old son into a girl and have him dancing in stripclubs for money.

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>game flat out calls Trump supporters Nazis, as well as Christians, and all Americans who aren’t self-loathing whites
>We’re talking about NAZIS, not everyone.
What now, you disingenuous fuck?

>main character is white

>jewish polack

>I should be able to fuck this nine year old in drag
>We should kill millions of people
>There exist only these choices

>American of Polish ancestry
>not white
You unironically sound like a Nazi

He's a fellow white people

Now is where I point out that's not remotely true and you are in fact the disingenuous fuck.

tbqh I’m NAZBOL ngl

Are you seriously suggesting america should give up freedom in general because of a very small minority?

>Game specifically tells you that he’s NOT white, like his evil, christian dad, but he’s a JEW like his good mother