Fix Ow the Edge (the game) in 3 steps

Fix Ow the Edge (the game) in 3 steps.
Hard mode: you MUST keep the weapons, cursing and multiple paths

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How do you fix a perfect game

Remove the Chaotix style missions

>update the PS1 graphics, more unique boss fights, add more levels
GOTY: Current Year

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Easy. Add more guns, cursing and paths

tighten up the controls, increase shadows speed, slightly shorten the stages

Add a level where shadow has to go to a school and shoot up kid-like chaos monsters

shadow calls the black alien a bitch while cocking his rocket launcher

Literally just make the gameplay more direct. The mission structure is awful, especially for ones like the Ark mission where you need to find all the enemies, or the one where you need to chase the spaceship across a highway. Terrible missions that feel like they were never tested. From there reduce the weapon variety and focus on making just a few melee weapons and guns feel not-shit instead of them only being broken strong or worthless with no in-between.

scrap everything make the gameplay a unleashed
day stage + budokai tenkaichi with weapons, cursing and multiple paths

Improve graphics to at least Heroes quality
Original voice cast
Tighten up the controls and physics engine

Make the level design less shit, make multiple goal posts each goal post leads to a different route/level, get rid of the dumb objectives altogether.

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Add extra objective targets so you can miss a few, put in new bosses, make your allies not shoot you when you're 5 missions into helping them win.

1. you can shoot enemies with free aim or select multiple targets when not dashing
2. more combo potential is stacked if you start a combo with a dash or airdash, releasing the target button unleashes the guns
3. shadow can use guns to blast off from surfaces and the levels are adjusted to suit this

>make Shadow's controls tighter and fix his acceleration
>expand the existing levels to have multiple paths, which influence your alignments rather than arbitrary fetch quests
>make the multiple endings more involved, potentially have them all drop hints that lead to the bigger picture in the true end
Just a few things. I'd go full VN with the narrative.

Copy Jak 2/3 but make it slightly faster and level-based. Also make proper transitions between the levels.There you go, best game of all time.

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>Hard mode: you MUST keep the weapons, cursing and multiple paths

That's easy mode though.

Regardless of how you feel about Shadow the Hedgehog's hilarious edgy tone and questionable decision to turn a children's action platformer series into a grimdark shooter, the REAL problem with the game is that it controls horribly, has an awful physics engine and bad level design.

Shadow slides around the stage seemingly without any solid contact to the ground or sense that you're even moving within a 3D environment, as you slip and slide from one uninteresting enemy encounter to the next (where you can't even aim at the enemies in a SHOOTER because both the character and camera are mapped to the same stick) in endless hallway levels where the progression is tied to killing or not killing x number of random-ass easily missable things in the level.

Basically Shadow is ass not because of the presentation, but just because it's ass. You could easily make Shadow enjoyable to play by addressing those issues. Of course, those issues are also much harder to solve since they're all foundational problems, but what are you going to do.

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fix the movement (for example, replace the momentum-killing sliding kick with rolling into a ball, and make the slippery skating actually feel good to control)
get rid of nonlinear levels like central city and lost impact
add more content so that the paths actually matter (cut down on reused bosses and reskinned stages)

Make it play like SA2

>plays like a run n gun Contra style game
>shoot the hell out of everything in your path; human, animal person, robot, alien, whatever
>multiple exits per stage lead to different routes in story, also have to collect Chaos Emeralds in special stages which play like a Doom clone
>Shadow is incredibly foul mouthed, at least 1/3 of dialogue consists of cussing
>ex. Shadow comes across a time bomb and shouts OH FUCK as his eyes comically bulge out

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>no more kill/collect x amount
>instead have different level paths lead to different good or bad events
>3 endings but a much longer campaign and small choices will shift each ending slightly
>1:1 physics with SA 2
>getting the true ending is only possible by fulfilling certain conditions in a run on top of getting every ending
solid 8/10

Makes the physics better without it being a copypaste of SA2 (otherwise his skates would be a wasted opportunity)

Make it an RPG

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It didn't need fixing. It knew what it wanted to be, knew who it was marketing to, and did exactly what it set out to do. It's a goofy 'crawling in my skin' game with tight controls and an enjoyable branching paths 'morality' system that is inoffensive and enjoyable in the same vein of Prince of Persia WW if you just acknowledge the time-period it was made in and play it to have fun.

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A fair inquiry

More levels like Lava Shelter and less like Lost Impact
StH is a game of extremes; it has some of my favorite 3d sonic levels, but also some of my least favorite. It's not a consistent experience.

I'm gonna work on getting all 326 sequences. Pick your favorite name.

Oh and pick your favorite Shadow.

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>with tight controls
lmao ok bro

Replace bottomless pits with a lower area that makes you have to run back to redo the platforming segment instead of just killing you.
Break up longer levels into multiple acts

No, that's awful
That actually happens in one level and it kills the flow entirely

1. No
2. Changes
3. Needed
Really though, I'm one of the few people who actually like this game

And bottomless pits don’t?

No because that's like a second or two before you're back in the action
After this I thought of this.

>Make 5 different paths to take from the very start of the first level, not between levels.
>Each choice you make in the first level leads to new locations in the first level, so you don't have it be redundant and repetitive
>Each 5 story paths has their own linear narrative that cannot be altered mid playthough
>At the end of each path you get the same two choices to get a different ending, giving you 10 different endings as normal
>Except they are all tied to the last story but as their own perspective outcomes. The original last story is now the True Hero one, with 9 other versions that represent the alliance you made since the first level. (e.g True Evil is when Shadow destroys the Earth, but backstabs Black Doom and takes control of his army, Neutral path is Shadow destroying both sides because "do what he wants", etc)

>Remove any and all physics gameplay. Sonic is about physics (should be at least) so Shadow could be his own gameplay.
>Guns are more of a focus for battle
>Vehicles are removed and replaced with battle armor to go with his gameplay instead of altering it.

This is out of absolute hatred for this game and all that it represents, and what I'd do to make it better. Not "good", cause I don't know if this would actually do so, but it's what I think would be a better structure for the game.

This applies to Sonic as well.

I'd rather die and actually end up using a life than having to tediously ride up a ramp

Cmon, I have a lot of nostalgia for this game. But levels like Mad Matrix and Black Comet are pretty bad (i like lost impact and the doom)

1. Redesign the gun aspect entirely. Start each level with no guns, and then, when you pick up a gun, that's added to your inventory on a wheel you can access with R2 and select from with the stick (think Doom 2016). No ammo; instead, you use your Hero/Evil energy to power one of two attacks that each gun has (mapped to square/circle; get rid of the spin-dash because who the fuck ever used that). You get to keep using your favorite guns until the end of the stage and as long as you have the appropriate energy.
2. Give the physics engine a total overhaul. The Heroes Engine is shit. Enough said on that front. That alone redeems half the game's problems.
3. Retouch the level design. Conceptually, Shadow has some of the best levels in the entire Sonic universe, but the execution is not great.

That's all you need.

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Sonic Adventure 2 physhics, Actual TPS for the shooting, and an actual Coop split screen in the story mode

That is, that would be a badass and actually good Sonic game

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Tadayashi is peak Shadow. I love how his hair and eyes looks. I don't like Shinichi one, tho

>Improve graphics to at least Heroes quality
I feel like that's a huge downgrade.

I think I'm an idiot because these all look alike to me except the bottom one


I don't remember any cursing in the game.

Even if you only did the neutral path, Shadow still tells Eggman that he's going "Straight to hell"

Boy oh boy do I have news for you

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Shadow fucks Sonic, Shadow fucks Sonic again, Shadow fucks Sonic some more

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>Damn is a swear word to Americans

Are Americans really that sensitive?

Our society is still quite conservative, although it is changing

We consider damn and hell "naughty words" although you can often hear them used in songs on the radio here. That's just how it goes I guess.

>re-do the cutscene camerawork/music to be Raimi-esque
>have Shadow physically slap Sonic during a cutscene
>get rid of the space colony ARK "kill all prototypes chaoses" goal and replace it with something much simpler
There. Game is re-interpreted by audiences as a wacky self-aware romp that is having fun with its premise, is too over the top to be mistaken for an earnest attempt at edginess and is more playable.

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This game is unironically already good




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the only thing wrong with it was the whole era where they tried to take sonic too seriously

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Shadow and Rouge are my favorite Sonic characters that debuted in my favorite Sonic game and I've even played this game yet I remember nothing about it.

Puritanism did quite a number on you.

Missions that require you to kill enemies from a certain faction now require you to kill most of the enemies instead of every single one in the level.

This will bring it all back to you

Making an observation isn't being "obsessed".


Aliens invade Earth, Alien leader tells Shadow to give him the 7 color rocks and he will tell him about his past.
Shadow gets the rocks, Alien leader tricks him and says he's going to turn earth into food, Shadow kills Aliens.
Also Shadow is the love-child of an Old man and an Alien Warlord

This and Duke Nukem Forever are my guilty pleasures. Absolutely mediocre games, but I unironically kinda like them

Cut the branching paths down to 3 routes (Good where you side with GUN, Neutral where you side with Eggman, and Evil where you side with the aliens) instead of 6 where you just run around and help whoever you feel like at the moment with specific points where you can change sides instead of every level.
Guns remain as weapons however become more stylized like the Eggman weapons are and are typicaly weaker than a homing attack but offer the range and precision to target hard to hit enemies or weakpoints. The full autos are also good for clearing large mobs of weak enemies.
Cursing remains but is most prevalent on the evil route and least prevalent on the good route to buy extra edgepoints for playing evil.
Storywise it would be more clear whats going on with events taking place in every route instead of happening only if you play a specific level.
Aliens invade, Shadow starts looking for the emeralds to regain his memory, things are going to shit, shadow eventualy picks a side after regaining part of his memory, the war is won, shadow regains all his memories, and in the last story he leaves his chosen faction to set things the way Maria would have wanted and kills Black Doom. Roll credits


>Cursing remains but is most prevalent on the evil route and least prevalent on the good route to buy extra edgepoints for playing evil.
That sounds like a pretty neat concept actually

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When the Shadow Androids only show up for two levels despite being an important part of Sonic Heroes

i thought it was pretty fun as is. not like 3D sonic games have ever been amazing

We gave Americans Puritanism and Evangelicalism and they actually practiced it, the mad lads.

why is Shadow so hot?

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Shadow must say the nigger word.

Damn Sega

I, and only I, know what is best

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1. Make more levels styled like Space Gadget or Lava Shelter where they split off depending on which side you choose
2. Controls like SA2 with guns
3. Chao Garden, but you can raise Black Arms, too.

1) Base enemy behavior on the current good/evil score; Whichever one is higher, that faction won’t attack you
2) Slightly reduce enemy count for the extermination missions
3) More bosses

He has the pass

Honestly the game isn't as bad as everyone remembers. Mostly I'd fix some annoying shit like:
>make the "true" ending a whole playthrough path instead of just that last level so we have a full, canon route
>make the missions with certain conditions more lenient (i.e. "kill 50 soldiers" missions have 75-100 total soldiers to kill instead of EXACTLY 50)
>Rework chaos control to be actually useful for hero missions instead of being completely counter-intuitive to them

>use chaos control once
>stay up in the air while the game loads up the level
big kek

Remove all the Sonic characters from the equation

go drink some bleach, shit fro brains

>Rework chaos control to be actually useful for hero missions instead of being completely counter-intuitive to them
They literally had what they needed in the fucking boss fights and used something almost identical in heroes. The ability to stop or atleast slow time.

did they intentionally make these lyrics slightly mirror What I'm Made Of

chaos control from collecting rings
chaos blast from killing a lot of a certain kind of enemy ( blue chaos from killing aliens/robots, red from killing gun/robots)

The Sega Special: fucking up something that already works whenever possible

of course they did, crush 40 aren't fucking amateurs

At least the music when Chaos Control-ing is pretty neat

Are they still making sonic music?

Remaster the graphics, more music, increase shadows speed, add incentive to actually use punches and kicks outside of chaos control. Add a more dynamic and replayable system of levels. Actual incentive to use the hidden mechanics (reviving soldiers and aliens or siding with npcs), make shadow faster, expand the levels, multiplayer actually let's you play single player levels with a bud instead of an arena, online features, fix the huge clunky aspects and finally allow super shadow as a unlockable for normal levels. The game was good for it's time and is still a favorite of mine, however it would need a serious overhaul to even sell today.

The music of shadow is pretty damn fun.

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Make him a big titty hedgehog girl

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They did Team Sonic Racing's theme song.

Check out Lost Impact, Digital Circuit, and the Ark. Honestly most of the stage themes are great at conveying a range of emotions, too bad the story and stages themselves don't really enhance the music

Every track is pretty great, I was tempted to post more. Even the 30 second stingers for rage mode and time stop are great.

>most of Yea Forums hates SA2
>most of Yea Forums likes Shadow the Hedgehog
Is this the bizarro thread?

Am I the only one that actually loves this game? I played 1000s of hours as a kid. I almost unlocked every single combination of stories. (There was a system that changed shadows dialog and other things depending on the exact order you played the levels)

Shadow the hedgehog is so bad that it's great
SA2 downgraded from SA1 a lot and has aged like milk

Jokes on you nerd I loved both.

turn it into a digimon game starring beelzemon.

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Checked those trips

>Am I the only one
No, you're not. Fuck off.

Fuck you leatherman.

Both are fun, but Shadow the Hedgehog is so fucking crazy just thinking about a sonic game with alien invasions, gunfights, Jun Senoue industrial metal, swearing and a moral choice system puts the biggest fucking smile on my stupid face.

Tfw shadow will never be playable as much as he was in the prime of the sonic series.

I just want to play Shadow in the next sonic game.

I liked this game
Then I grew to hate it
Now I like it again

I'd just think the graphics and have Shadow's actions mean something. Goes to shit in the last story when your good, bad and neutral choices mean nothing.

they've started easing him back into mainstream sonic. Plus the modding community does him justice

1. Tighten the controls, maybe give it the engine that Forces and Generations uses?
2. More levels
3. Have the multiple endings all be massively different.


>Do hero missions
>Gun soldier's still attack you and vice versa for dark missions
Fix this. It confused me heaps as a kid.

I forgot about this reboot. Need to catch up but I think I got bored of it.

>central city intro, chilling with black doom and some aliens
>mission starts and they attack you

canonically, they say the GUN commander tells them to attack you regardless cause UN soldiers that don't even shoot at terrorists commiting ethnic cleansing in front of them would totally shoot hedgehog dio jesus
black doom is just a memer

The heal gun is the best item in the game.

I imagine the aliens are like super mutants from early fallout games; sure they listen to their master but they're dumb and'll attack anything

In FO1, the supermutants at necropolis hold their fire until you start messing around with their prisoners or the water supply iirc. They also have to tolerate normies in the cathedral.

holy fuck this song is hilariously out of place

Give it a better/improved soundtrack. Make the routes longer than just 5 stages. Add some fun gimmicks to the stages and a chao garden.

There. The game immediately becomes an 8.

>Hard mode: you MUST keep the weapons, cursing and multiple paths
But those are the best parts.

I was mainly thinking about this the FEV ending where the mutants kill the people in the vault instead of turning them into smart mutants

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Polish it until the levels, gameplay, graphics, physics and glitches don't make it an unplayable shitheap anymore

If you want to be edgy and keeps guns and vehicles, the level design should be built around it. Maybe make it more of an action game than a platformer

I liked the platforming aspect of this game more than the vehicles

You can't look at SA2 without comparing it directly to SA1, and it's clearly worse
Shadow is its own thing

Which is better: Glossy and overly bright cartoon
or drab and stiff SA2

SA2 is really colorful bro, what are you on about

Damn and Hell are Christian words and Christianity was censorable in games and media since the fucking 90s. We are slowly moving out of it, give it a rest.

Drab version of SA2 I should say

>>most of Yea Forums hates SA2
Those are classicchads, the rest escaped to /sthg/
>>most of Yea Forums likes Shadow the Hedgehog
Zoomers. Everyone else just ignores them because it's a lost cause to tell them otherwise. Same for 06retards and the storybookfags.

Right, but if those other things need to stay. The levels should change


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just fix the controls and make better level design. Same thing with 06 heroes and secret rings

>remove Sonic gameplay
>add Ratchet and Clank gameplay
>bigger bat tats

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hmmm, the promised time huh? well then, time to go and fulfill this promise.

just make it a FPS

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video related

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Make finishing all 5 final levels the requirement for the finale instead of beating them twice each with different bosses. Reduce the objective requirements. Make it so the Hero and Dark bars affect enemy hostility and not make using them detrimental to getting good scores.

damn it! what does it all mean?

More polish x3

StH is hardly a bad game fundamentally and the story is endearingly cheesy. Its actual problems stem from janky animations, physics and presentation but design-wise, it's like a 6/10 game that could be brought up to an 8 with a little more elbow grease. Well, that and not being made during the nadir of Sonic Team's existence.

What do non-zoomers enjoy then? Sonic Colors and Generations?

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add porn and drugs too

there is a story path that implies shadow loves amy so..

Boomers = Classics, some with SA1
Zoomers = SA2B near exclusively, some of pre 2006 Sonic games, minor few that likes 06 and storybook games
Baby Zoomers = Boost games.

>not liking both

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Unleashed seems like a mix of zoomer and baby zooms. It has the boost, old voice actors, and a forced gimmick with the werehog)

Make the physics, controls and weight the same as SA2. Done.