Be honest Smashfags: Are you satisified with the Fighter pass?
Be honest Smashfags: Are you satisified with the Fighter pass?
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It Reimu is actually in then yeah it'll be worth it. If not then I'll just stick with only Hero
>leakers confirmed it
We don't know how fun the rest of them plays but if Banjo & whoever the last 2 are turn out as boring as Joker & Hero then i'll definitely be disappointed.
Plant is so far way more fun than these two.
>Source:My ass
Replace Reimu with Chosen Undead, and I would be satisified.
Rare Replay & a Banjo game was leaked on Amazon shortly after Banjo was announced
>gay anime twink
>cereal mascot
>never ever
> Literal who faceless character that nobody remembers or cares about.
> Iconic Japanese character from a Franchise that dominates Japanese culture & has 600,000 pieces of fan art
> Seething this badly about Reimu
Cope more
>using fanart as an argument
Congratulations, you've hit a new low.
The wait for the last two is killing me. I know they won't be as good as Banjo.
Mystery Niggas
O.k would so kindly source the Amazon thing? That want under my radar
smash tournaments smell bad enough without touhou fans
when are we getting grotesque reimu
Why not bloody Reimu?
Fuck off faggot.
This + Mystery Negro as bonus dlc is ideal
>i've actually tricked people into wanting mn
Ray Moo would be cool but I don't think her inclusion would draw new players from other walks of life into Smash Bros.
sorry wrong pic.
Reimu is unlikely to be in the game but still has her chances. IMO Touhou is not popular enough, and does not have a real history with Nintendo.
At least it's not something like Bandana Dee or Ashely, those were really some never ever.
>paying 25 dollaroos for characters you wont main
>one of the characters gets banned anyways
Replace Dante with Leon and it's good.
Wasn't Reimu a meme right after E3 like Steveposting? Why are people believing it as fact now?
No, I paid for 5 characters not 4
No I tapped out from caring about it once Hero was revealed. Started off strong but just killed every single ounce of hype and interest I had in keep playing the game
We want to believe
because it was leaked that the next fighter would be female and then it was leaked of a ying yang symbol.
I'll be completely stunned if Reimu actually gets in, but I think she would be a pretty fun character to play as with a lot of potential good moves.
Because Steveposting mostly stemmed from the thought that *if* a Microsoft rep would make it to the roster, it could only be one or the other. Ergo, Banjo's entrance necessitated Steve's exit.
Reimu didn't have this quandry, so she's still here.
hell yea i want to fuck reimu
Steve can still make it, still the biggest indie game ever and we already got some indie representation with Shovel Knight
I don't understand why Banjo would mean that Steve is out, Microsoft could get two characters
Can't wait for the official nintendo render.
I bet she'll have absolute perfect armpits.
You have exponential taste. Hero is the only good DLC fighter so far. Remu would be another female rep, she would be from a good indie game, and we could bring Touhou music to Smash bros.