8.8 was generous.
8.8 was generous
Other urls found in this thread:
Now I want to know what Gerstmann thinks of the previous Zeldas. Has anyone asked?
7.5 would have been fair
shit over world and lack of any good content outside of doing dungeons kill this game
better than skyward sword and botw for sure
A bit. I love this game but if I had to be honest with it and consider averaging everyone's taste rather than just my own, 7.5 to 8 would be where I put it.
To me personally it's a solid 9 though.
More than Wind Wanker deserves. That shit is 6 at most.
WW too.
>botw for sure
Wind Waker: 6
Wind Waker HD: 9
They fixed a lot of shit for the remaster.
WW is fucking great. Easily one of the top 6
No. it's fair. TP is still more polished and well designed than the majority of games, the "issue" is that it mostly rests on franchise laurels rather than attempts to innovate. But it really isn't any worse of a game than OoT or MM, it just came out a few years later.
>Wind Waker HD: 9
Bro you would have to start from scratch to get WW to a 9.
didn't fix the shit dungeons, the shit empty overworld, the QTE combat, or the triforce fetch shit
4.0 was a bit harsh
Even ebola deserves better than 4.0
It's better than OoT in almost every way.
>But it really isn't any worse of a game than OoT or MM, it just came out a few years later.
it is worse bad pacing fill with filler content such as finding light orbs to continue and forced to fight those edgy shadow beasts at ramdom intervals to proceed
Nintendo ran out of ideas and had to pad the game out
God, this amano art is so good.
>It's better than OoT in almost every way.
spotted the zoomer
>the shit empty overworld
TP fags have no room to talk about an empty over world when the TP overworld isnt even fully connected and is even more empty
only zoomers praise OoT
>had to pad the game out
That was just for the beginning where you were stuck as a wolf, then the pacing picked up after the third dungeon.
twilight princess faggots will defend this
>TP overworld isnt even fully connected
The fuck does that even mean? Of course it was.
TP's first third padding isn't much worse than stuff like the Gerudo hideouts, OoT's baby tier first 2 dungeons, or MM's opening 3 day sequence. They all have some filler moments.
Wind Waker is the worst 3D Zelda hands down. Yes, even worse than fucking Skyward Sword. Which shows just how bad WW really is.
To OP: TP is a 9.5/10
Shitty journalism doesn't change that.
>people seriously taking this at face value
And I thought I was newfag.
Nothing wrong there faggot.
Thats a good chuck of the game dont fucking lie
it only pick up slightly content outside dunguons is bad and still forces players to do repetitious tasks like fighting skull kid in the lost woods again
The over world is a fucking mess and doesn't even interconnect like OoT
>Easily one of the top 6
It's good but it's unfinished and has some of the more forgettable dungeons in the series.
This times a fucking billion. I'm sick of WW getting it's dick sucked. TP was leagues better.
>Still salty a fucking decade later
Feels great to be a TPchad
8.8 was about right.
OOT > MM > WW > BOTW > TP > SS(to be fair I only played it for about 30 minutes, seemed bad).
Peak atmosphere. One of the many things that makes TP amazing.
>look Ma, I posted it again!
how was gerudo hideout filler it was fun and offered a new challenge
the baby dungeons were to prepare players to the harder ones so its not filler
TP filled was not fun and wasted the players time
I agree, 8.5 at best
also agreed
It's a well known fact that TPfags and WWfags typically hate each other's games.
t. TPfag who thinks WW is a bottom 5 Zelda
The definition of soulless.
>we can't think of what to add so we'll just freeze everything and put a filter on it
>get some shitty music to justify it
>Thats a good chuck of the game dont fucking lie
First half, you still got two other to go and they make up with faster pace.
>it only pick up slightly content outside dunguons is bad and still forces players to do repetitious tasks like fighting skull kid in the lost woods again
It's a breeze user, especially when you get your gear back. Just get better at it user.
>The over world is a fucking mess and doesn't even interconnect like OoT
There you go again and you don't even explain your reasoning. Fag.
The game's story would noticeably improve if this character was not in it.
how was edgy darkness and piss yellow skies good again
Everyone keep an eye on the other threads, don't be surprised if another TP thread pops up.
Stealth in Zelda is never fun and OoT has probably the easiest intro dungeons in Zelda history. TP's walk to the first dungeon is indeed too long but the bug hunts proper are really short and TP's pacing is damn near pinpoint after saving Midna a third of the way in.
Not him but i agree
Fact, but you can't replicate the atmosphere by the music alone. This one needs the sound of the boiling lava and machinery to feel complete.
>The definition of soul.
FTFY no need to thank me desu.
>Color change bad
>Every atmospheric element is a filter
OoT didnt even try aside from the music
>edgy darkness
Shadow the Hedgehog must've made you shit your pants in fear.
It's literally a collection of ugly filters accompanied by bad music, with no purpose other than to elongate the game.
>but OOT
You TP-fags are absolutely pathetic.
>with no purpose other than to elongate the game.
The game is already long without the Twilight sections.
What's your point?
You're spewing shit that doesn't make sense.
If OOT is a 10 then so is TP, it's basically the same shit but on newer hardware with those benefits.
Give 5 (five) reasons why TP isn't superior to OOT. You litterally can't.
I'd argue it's worse then MM, but yes, this is the problem: People aren't actually judging it on it's own merits or against prior games in the series just in terms of quality, they are shitting on it for not being different even if it executes the same shit OOT did just as well or better.
>ugly filters accompanied by bad music
Subjective a hell. The Twilight Realm looked and sounded the part of a foreign/alien overcast on Hyrule. In the music and monsters.
No I'm not. Making a poorly paced long game padded out with soulless gameplay sections is a bad thing. The entire game is bad.
TPfag here. OoT's difficulty is a little more finely tuned and the adult dungeons can be tackled in a nonlinear order. Otherwise, TP is a functionally better game overall.
>The entire game is bad.
Nah, there's no such thing as a bad Zelda title and it's one of the better Zelda.
>Give 5 (five) reasons why TP isn't superior to OOT. You litterally can't.
>same room respawns
>story's second half is terrible, which is a big deal when the game focuses on it
>pacing is gutted for the sake of story
>dungeons are all extremely long yet extremely easy
>wolf form is ineffective at everything and terribly integrated since you're forced to constantly switch in and out of it
I could list out dozens of reasons but just the fact OOT has the Ocarina and didn't have god awful characters blows TP out of the water.
TP is a really boring and bland game.
>TP doesn't have the Ocarina
Actually they have optional ocarina parts for the player, so heh. Also, Midna.
It looks like GameSpot saw this thread and is desperately trying to defend their score.
When is gerstmann going to review Kingdom Come
They were awful though, it's not comparable.
Midna was also awful and creepy.
8.8 is generous for any 3d Zelda that isn't WW or BOTW.
>Midna was also awful and creepy.
user confirmed for cuck who can't handle feisty floating midgets.
>Midna was also awful and creepy.
Are you 12 years old? What a fucking pussy you are.
t. degenerate freaks
Yeah, 8.8 is too generous for Wind Waker. That shit is like 6/10 at best. BotW is a 9.8/10
t. bitch who handle the bants
t. wimpy pussy
Go back to tumblr and cry to your friends
Who is best Zelda girl and why is it Malon?
>Who is best Zelda girl and why is it Malon?
It's Malon for being a redhead milk mommy whose great-grandkids who follow their grandad's footsteps and go after redhead pusy.
Those are the 2 worst 3D Zeldas. WW in particular doesn't even do a good job of living up to its ambitions.
Keep on seething
WW and BotW are the only ones that feel truly adventurous to me and I see both is doing exactly what they wanted to do
>WW and BotW are the only ones that feel truly adventurous to me
Glad I'll never have taste this shit
I'm glad I'll never get so upset over someone liking something. OoT, WW, TP, and BotW are all fantastic to me because I can identify different games trying to do different things and how pointless it is weighing them against each other.
Nintendo games are for babies. They are insultingly easy with shallow gameplay and outdated graphics.
Stay gay desu :P
If you look at the state of Greatfish Isle, the fire and ice islands, the Triforce quest, the anemic amount of content on 80% of the islands, and the incredibly bland dungeon design and see a complete game then you are as good as blind.
1. Intro is overly long, and hurts the pace of the game.
2. Bug hunting segments are boring and hurt the pace of the game.
3. Preset grapple points hamper problems solving and creativity.
3b. Making the grapple claws two seperate items was cheap padding.
4. Muddied story drops Ilia arc part way through, then shoves in Ganon at the last minute. Events are all over the place, and make the story hard to track. Trying to put events together from memory is difficult, as one section could just as easily have come before or after another.
5. Clearly rushed late game content. Entering the twilight mirror should have been glorious, but it was bland.
He had to threaten to quit his job to give Ocarina a 10 because the editor was a major Sony fanboy and was trying to say shit like "B-but it doesn't have voice acting!"
>outdated graphics.
Every Zelda has been one of if not the best looking games of its release year. Every single one.
>then shoves in Ganon at the last minute
Except it wasn't, it's after the third dungeon.
I would give this game a 2. It is the worst 3D Zelda and off the top of my head the worst 3D game Nintendo has published.
Okay, but I look at what is there and still see a fun game and a game I'll replay several more times on top of the several I've done
delusional. Everything past Minish cap has looked like ass.
>Gerudo hideouts
one single annoying but incredibly short section in Ocarina
>OoT's baby tier first two dungeons
amazing tutorials for the most ambitious game of its type. Rather than having some retard fuck NPC stop you every 2 seconds with a 2 minute long text block telling you how to do something they just let you play the game and learn it naturally.
>MM's opening 3 day sequence
True, MM has some more filler than OoT, but that's a flaw, not an excuse to make 70% of the other games filler
> OOT > MM
Stopped reading right there, I didn't want to inflict upon myself any further retardation
I wouldn't go that far but Wind Waker is definitely the last time I was flat-out impressed with the visuals of a Zelda game. Everything afterwards has just been an "Oh, I guess that's nice."
Ocarina of Time - 10
Majora's Mask - 8
Wind Waker - 5.5
Twilight Princess - 4.5
Skyward Sword - 2
Breath of the Wild - 5.5
the only good 3D Zeldas are on N64
99 > 95
The original always trumps the knockoff, that's why 8.8 is a thing
>amazing tutorials for the most ambitious game of its type.
Nah the dungeons and backtracking to get songs for your ocarina were the worst part of OoT.
It's fine to like MM more than Ocarina but Ocarina outright has less flaws and less bad segments than MM.
*early dungeons and backtracking
>Rather than having some retard fuck NPC stop you every 2 seconds with a 2 minute long text block telling you how to do something
Oh yeah, Kaepora Gaebora was also a thing in OoT.
OoT - 9.5
MM - 8
WW - 9
TP - 8.8
SS - 2
BotW - 9.5
N64 Zeldas are not significantly better or worse than the ones that came after except for Skyward Sword
>MM - 8
>WW - 9
Get that shit out of here.
I like MM more but OOT is the better experience.
Kaepora Gaebora's purpose is to annoy the player and he's only related to the story
it's sad that the character who was purposefully made annoying and long winded to annoy the player became the basis for al lthe future game's NPCs. Just another reason Ocarina is far better than everything after. The fucking kid in TP who tells you how to use a slingshot almost has more dialogue than that fucking owl.
OoT - 8.5
MM - 8.5
WW - 6
TP - 9
SS - 7.5
BotW - 7
SS hate is insanely overrated.
I play games to have fun
So do I and WW's subpar dungeons and Triforce Quest aren't aren't fun.
> the original always trumps the knockoff
See, that's true, but you're implying MM is a knockoff. Which is, I reiterate, fucking retarded. If MM is a 95 then OOT is like a 92.
The bad sections of MM never drag as long as OOT's. I know it's easy to judge MM's flaws more leniently, but I assure you, I'm not falling for that trap.
SS is an insult to the franchise, it is disgustingly bad in terms of its design, and the thought that it took almost 5 years to make and had hundreds of people working on it while Ocarina had only 40 is legitimately sickening to me.
Skyward Sword is an abomination.
only good things in this game are arbiters ground and snowpeak mansion
oot doesnt have any bad sections
>The bad sections of MM never drag as long as OOT's
literally 1/4th of the entire main quest in MM is awful garbage that's almost worse than Skyward Sword (Great Bay)
3D Zelda game scores with the nintendo bonus removed:
Ocarina of Time: 10/10 (literally created 3d adventure games on console, everything from presentation to design is handled expertly and pitch perfect, it's "overrated" for good reason)
Majora's Mask: 8/10 (it's become overrated now, still great but it's literally half the game Ocarina was just with a cooler atmosphere)
Wind Waker: 5/10 (Just fuck this unfinished mess of a game)
Twilight Princess: 8/10
Skyward Sword: 7/10 (great dungeon designs/items, terrible combat)
Breath of the Wild: 7/10 (great storytelling and experience until you see through the mechanics and realize it can be easily improved)
This is being objective, I loved BotW more than a 7 but it has GLARING flaws. Wind Waker has an amazing art style and some of the best Link/Zelda interactions in the series but the game only has 3 real fucking dungeons. The last two are fucking shit in design and use a terrible control the buddy mechanic
No but its world and characters were, as is the general experience of sailing on the ocean. Majora's Mask as a lot that's unique and interesting but nothing that I'm like "I can't wait to do this again"
OoT doesn't even have any bad sections, it's only problem is the overworld bereft of content
>The last two are fucking shit in design and use a terrible control the buddy mechanic
The main problem was fixed in the HD version and I really like the wind and Earth temples now
>oot doesnt have any bad sections
Jabu-Jabu and the first goron temple. The latter was boring because it's brown times a hundred.
>disgustingly bad
The combat is a mess, the puzzles and dungeons are some of the most interesting and clever in the series. Waggle doesn't change that. They are interesting to traverse and you get crazy objects like the beetle or the clawshots. It's the worst 3D Zelda "overall" but it has elements that are better than some of the others
>Breath of the Wild: 7/10 (great storytelling
BotW's story is up there with SS.
>The last two are fucking shit in design and use a terrible control the buddy mechanic
I've actually always really liked these dungeons and thought they were fun and interesting.
But I also just like Medli and Makar.
>Jabu-Jabu and the first goron temple
those arent bad tho
>This is being objective
I just replayed the HD version after saying for years the GCN one is secretly the best 3D Zelda
I really don't see what you liked in those dungeons, especially Makar's
The wind Temple is the one nonlinear dungeon in the game and maybe the last one the series ever did
sure BUT that fishing tho....
> im
> plying
> the first three dungeons weren't double the total size they needed to be (looking at jabu jabu in particular)
> the horseshit surrounding and within the shadow temple was top quality
> everything to do with the gerudo was fine
No, fuck off.
> he doesn't even like zora swimming
top retard
>those arent bad tho
They were boring, and that's a stain on the GOAT
It's a bunch of smaller areas with loading screens between them. You can't even get to Gerudo Desert on foot, you have to use a cannon to reach it.
Zora swimming is worse than anything you're complaining about an Ocarina of Time.
Zora swimming is fun as fuck, when I was a kid I would often just waste time being a dolphin and jumping out the water.
That doesn't stop Great Bay from being probably the single worst segment in any 3D Zelda game outside of a tutorial.
First you do the shitty Pirate stealth mission, a level so bad they programmed in a way to skip it.
Then you fucking do the egg fetch quest, and lord help you if you didn't autistically sidequest around and have less than 4 bottles.
And what is your reward for doing these two utterly awful tedious bullshit segments? Congratulations, you get to play through the worst dungeon in Zelda history and fight the second worst boss in Zelda history!
Great Bay is so bad in every conceivable facet.
Meh, I liked what it tried to do with blending overworlds and dungeons, it had some fantastic gimmicks like Timeshift Stones, the Skyloft sidequests were good in that they were sort of a poor man's Clock Town, the pouch system is probably the smoothest UI for item management to date, and the dungeons proper on average were pretty solid. It did have its shitty aspects like fighting the Imprisoned over and over again, flying around a sky with almost nothing to do, and almost everything about Fi's integration into the game, but SS gets so much shit for its bad parts that no one stops to acknowledge the good things that it did. In reality, it's a game of high highs and low lows.
SS has some of the most bland and uninteresting storytelling in the series, it's Link and Zelda are boring too.
How BotW shows Zelda's ordeal leading up the Calamity is the most advanced and well-done writing Nintendo has ever bothered to give the series (which is kind of intresting for them to bother now since it is called The Legend of Zelda, not link), and makes what they did with Midna in TP and even Tetra, who's a great Zelda, look like child's play in comparison.
Maybe that annoyed some people but all of the writing for all of the Champions, especially their journals and after the DLC cutscenes, were top-tier and made the game more memorable than its gameplay imo
>How BotW shows Zelda's ordeal leading up the Calamity is the most advanced and well-done writing Nintendo has ever bothered to give the series (which is kind of intresting for them to bother now since it is called The Legend of Zelda, not link), and makes what they did with Midna in TP and even Tetra, who's a great Zelda, look like child's play in comparison.
You are going to piss a lot of people off with this, but I want to commend you for having the courage to post it.
It's still wrong but I can absolutely see where you're coming from
>How BotW shows Zelda's ordeal leading up the Calamity is the most advanced and well-done writing Nintendo has ever bothered to give the series
>and makes what they did with Midna in TP and even Tetra, who's a great Zelda, look like child's play in comparison.
Fuck no, Zelda was an awful character in BotW as she was in SS.
Those are some jank ass complaints about OoT. The first 2 kid dungeons are dirt simple but they certainly aren't too large, and Jabu-Jabu feels like the first real dungeon that the game has. Everything around the Shadow Temple is peak 3D Zelda, don't know what you're going on about with that one. As for the Gerudo, only the fortress is tedious and even then, only slightly so.
You, however, are even more fucked. Great Bay is fantastic, I live for Zora Link and Great Bay Temple's current management ranks among some of the best spatial reasoning challenges in 3D Zelda.
Thanks for the laugh user. Outside of leaning over to show her average ass, Zelda was a forgettable character with the charisma of a baby dropped on it's head and had the worst cutscenes because of that shitty accent and even shittier dialogue.
Great Bay is the entire reason that Majora's Mask is not in my top five Zeldas. I have more fun dealing with the train in Spirit Tracks.
Great Bay is my favorite part of MM.
>worse than the absolute worst thing to happen to Zelda overworlds
I cannot agree with that on any level. The train is a goddamned cursed mechanic.
The train at least has godly music. That's enough to push it over any of the bullshit in Great Bay for me. Fuck stealth, fuck eggs, fuck swimming, and fuck water flow puzzles
TP is a version of the best Zelda LttP which is why it's the best 3D Zelda. Only thing that it lacks is further item utilities outside dungeons.
Swimming is great. The only reason water sections aren't fun is because 98% of the time it just hinders your mobility. Zora Link deftly avoids that problem by having all of the mobility in water.
I love TP but it's far too linear to be like LttP just because it also has a "dark world".
He has the speed but not nearly the mobility. Him controlling so badly is why people hate the boss as much as they do
>Clearly rushed late game content.
Which is especially ironic considering how many times the release was delayed
I only hated Gyorg the first time I fought him, and I was 9 years old at the time.
I really want to know what they were doing
He's either frustratingly hard or so easy that he leaves no impression. It's a lose-lose situation.
Fite me fgt
completely agreed
do some of the worst filler segments in a Zelda to get to the worst dungeon in Zelda to get to what was at the time the worst boss in Zelda
Another Zelda debate thread huh?
It's not just the dark world, it's the entire aesthetic. The colors, the music, the people, spirit animals... It's a culmination of subtle aspects beyond the main gimmick
I don't think TP's endgame was rushed in development as nothing from City in the Sky onwards feels "incomplete", but it is a bit odd that the game basically funnels you from dungeon to dungeon to dungeon at the end there. I guess some of that has to do with the entire world more or less being uncovered by the end of the 5th dungeon, with an area revisit and a story sidequest being pretty much all the inbetween main story content after that point.
Wanna join?
"That guy isn't here anymore. Except for the Kokiri, people who come into the forest end up lost. They all become Stalfos. That's why he's not here anymore. Only his saw is left. Hee hee. Heh heh heh. Are you going to become one...too? Heh heh!"
what the fuck is wrong with this kokiri bitch?
I hold Gyorg in higher regard than Twinmold and arguably Odolwa. Goht and Majora are objectively the best bosses in the game, though.
Majora is only fun if done without Fierce deity which is a shame
Why do fans of Twilight Princess always have to make it about Wind Waker when it's not the Wind Waker fanbase that's giving them the most shit?
The fun of Fierce Deity is being rewarded for all that time you spent hunting down some dumbass masks with the big dick energy.
There is no Zelda infighting fiercer than WWfags vs. TPfags. The games have near polar opposite design philosophies and are about equally flawed in wildly different ways.
which was a complaint back then
but like, no fucking N64 games had voice due to no space for it.
even i knew that shit and i was like 14.
I don’t think I’ll ever understand why everyone loves Zelda games so much. To me, they’re some of the most mediocre games in existence.
The combat is average as hell. It doesn’t have the challenge of a Soulsborne game, nor the depth of something like devil may cry. It’s incredibly basic.
The puzzles are bland as hell shit that can be solved by little kids. Sometimes they’ll throw in something really obscure, but usually they’re not well designed.
The world map is usually empty as fuck and the only thing to explore for is health upgrades, which are completely unnecessary because the combat is so easy.
The world is very, very bland. Sure, Gorons and the lake people were interesting the first time I ever saw them, but they just reuse the same races in every game and it gets really stale. The story is also consistently the most bland thing possible.
Really the only standout thing about these games is the presentation. Can somebody explain why these games are supposed to be good? It just seems insane to me that this is considered one of the greatest franchises of all time.
>when it's not the Wind Waker fanbase that's giving them the most shit?
Except it is. Dudes seethed because it went back to doing what works instead of another cel shaded game.
probably because they realize their zelda simply cant compete with OOT and Majora
>bout equally flawed in wildly different ways.
Nah, being a finished game with better pacing automatically puts TP above WW.
this is exactly what I was talking about. It's a N64 Zelda fans that have this weird obsession with Twilight Princess
>better pacing
I can't agree on this and the fact that Twilight Princess got the time it supposedly needed makes this issue with it bother me even more than it does in Wind Waker
I think ruining the final boss is a pretty shitty reward. Majora was never intimidating enough that I felt the need to kick his ass.
i dont have an obsession with that oot-but-inferior game. I played TP once, realize it was OOT but inferior and never touched it again.
im the guy who hated tp
after playing tp hd with hero mod, my problems with the game were fixed
it's sufficiently hard as of now
TP has a lot I like more than OoT. It might just be my favorite incarnation of Hyrule
I personally agree with that, but in all fairness TP can be picked apart for its subpar overworld content, spotty pacing in the first third, questionable story beats and near complete unwillingness to be a meaningful challenge. WW's also easy as hell but at least a game over sends you back to the start of a dungeon. That is actually more than what TP does, and I say this as someone who favors that game on the whole for its swordplay, dungeon designs, and even aesthetics.
Simple, just take all the points you just made, imagine that most people disagree with them, and there you go
TP's pacing is really only jank in the first third. WW's pacing is jank for the entire game.
>which was a complaint back then
Mostly just Sonegroes doing what they do best. Games without voice acting during the PS1/PS2 era were a blessing. Voice acting didn't become tolerable until around 2005 at the earliest. Before then, only Metal Gear Solid was tolerable, and it was a movie-game series prior to 3.
all zelda games are gonna get inflated scores because it’s zelda
Ok so in what way do they disagree? Do they think the combat is complex? Do they think the puzzles are hard? Do they think the overworlds aren’t empty?
>only Metal Gear Solid was tolerable
Yeah, and even then, only because it was campy as hell.
TP and SS were the worst Zelda games. Too many cutscenes, too many dungeons, not enough time spent enjoying the overworld (both of which had shit overworlds).
WW's pacing is fine until you get to Triforce Pieces which can be diluted through the course of your run with casual exploration. Twilight Princess still has a lot of bullshit involved in getting into it second-half dungeons. In particular I hate all the shit you have to do to get Ilia's memory back
Yes it's called an opinion. Personally I hate people who bitch about over worlds being empty. A little extra space is necessary to grant the setting a sense of scale. I'd hate to see these games compressed to solely to space that they absolutely needed
Your opinion differs widely from mine but you seem like an actually good person
We probably just enjoy different parts of Zelda games. I like the ones with fun overworlds to explore and dislike the ones that railroad you (heh) or have an emphasis on dungeons over overworld.
damn this is bad
Yeah, but in a good way, like Yea Forums's favorite meme movie that shall not be named lest I be asked to stream it if I'm so great.
Because from the mid 80s to the early 00s Zelda was the shit. So much so, in fact, that the games from WW onwards can easily ride on the coattails of how cutting edge the first 8 or so games in the series were, which typically result in still good games but not really ones that live up to the legend. A good example is OoT's combat, which did a lot to pave the way for franchises like Souls and DMC in the first place. There's also stuff like how Zelda 1 was the first console game to have save files, or how massive Link's Awakening was for a handheld game at the time, or the intricate time-based sidequesting of Majora's Mask, or the ambitious cross-interacting quest that was the Oracles. Zelda was pretty damn cutting edge for the first 15 or so years of its existence, and only recently with BotW has the series done anything to even attempt to recapture that legacy. Even concepts like Skyward Sword, which did see the series try something a little different for the first time in years, was beat to the punch by Red Steel 2 and Wii Sports Resort.
>too many dungeons, not enough time spent enjoying the overworld
I disagree vehemently with this opinion, but I respect that you hold steady to it.
Look, man, all I'm saying is that the best parts of Zelda are when you get to find new stuff in the overworld by making use of your items from several previous dungeons instead of just using the same dungeon item over and over until you use it to get to the next dungeon and then use that dungeon's item over and over again.
Dungeons can be good, but Metroid they are not.
Not him but I think people misunderstand what it means for an overworld to be "empty". An overworld can have a lot of blank space in between locations and have plenty of things to do. Wind Waker has 49 different islands in its overworld and most of them aren't story critical. Witcher 3 has a bunch of things you would miss if you just stuck to the largest towns and didn't explore off the beaten path. The Shivering Isles expansion to Oblivion has a lot of random things you can find in optional dungeons. "Empty" overworlds are overworlds where the open space is just there as padding because there isn't any optional content to justify having that much open space. TP and Morrowind (and to a slightly lesser extent, Oblivion) are examples of what I would call "empty" overworlds.
>not hero mode + ganondorf amiibo
While we're arguing over petty opinions, let me throw some grease on this fire.
And I like the Overworld in Twilight Princess for making Hyrule feel like an actual Kingdom for the first time ever
>TP underneath Oot, SS and BotW
Way to out yourself as a shitposter. You cant do that. It wont let you.
Source: I tried
Nah, look at all the bullshit you have to do prior to Dragon Roost Island, it really isn't any better than TP's opening. Look at Greatfish Isle and how the game basically just gives you the third pearl, which is just weird. Look at the fire and ice islands and tell me they wouldn't be better off as fully fleshed islands with proper dungeon content. Look at how the only reason you can't do Wind Temple before Earth Temple is because Makar simply doesn't appear until afterwards, squandering a perfectly good chance at organic, non-linear pacing which, funnily enough, the fire and ice islands actually pulled off. And yeah, the Triforce quest which, also funnily enough, would've been much more tolerable if the game had simply worked this way from the start instead of trying to hamfistedly force a non-linear quest 90% of the way into the game. I'd like WW so much more if the game basically was the Triforce quest as the main quest, then it would feel like the proper Zelda 1 throwback it's so desperately trying to be. WW just does a bunch of jank ass shit all throughout its main quest and it never really stops feeling off for it.
It doesn’t matter how many islands you’ve got if none of them have anything interesting to find there. No mans sky has endless space to explore, but it’s completely devoid of interesting content.
>No Tetra
You can do it. You're full of shit. Source: I beat the whole game that way.
You're a liar and its obvious you didn't play. I bought the remaster with full intent to do this and immediately tried. Unless they patched it in, you're a retard.
Not that user but are you saying you can't use the Ganondorf amiibo in Hero Mode? Because that's very wrong if you're trying to argue that. Like, dude what?
I played it at release, you must be a retard that can't hold an amiibo to an NFC touchpoint right.
I agree, desu. Twilight Princess is the worst 3D Zelda and its not even close.
You have to do finish a bit of the intro of the game before you can do it
Then they patched it in. I tried it, the amiibo activated, and I took normal damage, not 4x.
"Normal" damage in Hero Mode is 2x. The Ganondorf amiibo doubles that again for 4x.
It's actually my favorite 3D Zelda. Best supporting characters, fantastic soundtrack, even better art direction especially for anything Twilight, Castle Town was really alive, and combat actually had some depth which wasn't properly implemented of course but it was nice to have all these different moves to use. Loved it and still waiting for Nintendo to port the Wii-U version to Switch.
lol sure, that link is from 2 months before the game even released, guess they patched it waaay early
What you described is mostly just 3D Zelda, which was good when it was introduced but hasn't been built upon until now and even then only barely.
>Nah, look at all the bullshit you have to do prior to Dragon Roost Island, it really isn't any better than TP's opening.
It's much much better than the opening of Twilight Princess
>Greatfish Isle and how the game basically just gives you the third pearl, which is just weird.
that's cut content which is opposite of filler. That doesn't hurt the pacing.
>Look at the fire and ice islands and tell me they wouldn't be better off as fully fleshed islands with proper dungeon content.
Same as above. Not a pacing issue
>sufficiently hard
>no punishment for death
>not iron manning it
LoZ: 8/10
AoL: 8/10
ALttP: 10/10
OoT: 10/10
MM: 9.5/10
LA: 9/10
OoS: 8/10
OoA: 7.5/10
WW: 8/10
MC: 7/10
PH: 5/10
TP: 7.5/10
SS: 6/10
ST: 6/10
ALBW: 8.5/10
BotW: 8.5/10
Respectable taste, at least you seem to actually like the franchise.
No. No to all of this. The intro on Outset was fine but the stupid rope tutorial, the glorified stealth section that was the first visit to Forsaken Fortress, the shitting about at Windfall looking for a sail, and the sailing in a straight goddamn line for 5 minutes before finally making it to the first decent part of the game? Nah, that's just as bad as TP's opening and why WW gets away with it never ceases to confound me. And yes, I'm going to hold cut content against the game when it feels so obviously cut, that these sections got shorted as hard as they did outright feels wrong, like there should've been more to it. I would absolutely consider that a detriment to pacing.
If you're trying to say to beat it without dying, I don't see how starting over after 15 hours magically makes it a good game, especially with all the filler along the way.
I dropped the game the first time the shadow beasts showed up.
>It doesn’t matter how many islands you’ve got if none of them have anything interesting to find there
They do though. There are small dungeons, treasure charts, minigames, there's plenty of stuff to find by exploring. And that's not even getting to all the things you can do in town. Twilight Princess on the other hand is just a big field with some bugs in it and a few towns with MAYBE 2 things to do in each.
>anywhere above 5
Ehhhh nah
Twilight Princess gets a 10/10 because Midna is in it. Wind Waker gets a 10/10 because it's maximum comfy.
But they're piss easy.
>Nah, that's just as bad as TP's opening and why WW gets away with it never ceases to confound me.
Because I've timed both and it's not nearly as long. Plus Wind Waker's story and charm are infinitely better than what is in Twilight Princess so people are going to be more forgiving of cutscenes in that game
>And yes, I'm going to hold cut content against the game when it feels so obviously cut, that these sections got shorted as hard as they did outright feels wrong, like there should've been more to it. I would absolutely consider that a detriment to pacing.
But I find that preferable to having a bunch of unfun bullshit shoved in to fill the time. As a kid I actually really liked getting the pearl without a dungeon because I was really looking forward to what would happen when I got all three
WW's too obviously rushed to justify being that high but otherwise this is a pretty safe opinion.
Why are people obligated to let the fact that it was rushed bother them?
Because you can see the writing on the wall. Games like TP and OoT feel complete, WW doesn't with the pacing and that awful triforce quests that was meant to draw out the length.
>Because I've timed both and it's not nearly as long.
But they're equally tedious. The point is, both games take a couple of hours or so to finally feel like they're going somewhere that matters.
>But I find that preferable to having a bunch of unfun bullshit shoved in to fill the time.
I get that. I don't think that a dungeon on Greatfish would be unfun or out of place though. Same with fleshing out the fire and ice islands. On the contrary, my issue is that it makes so much sense to do this that it's damning that it didn't. You wanna talk about unfun padding, though? Paying to have Triforce charts translated was pretty damn unfun and that actually did make it into the game.
The triforce shit and cut content still chafe my ass. I feel like if they had just a little longer to get the game how they wanted it to be WW could've legitimately been perfect.
Because it clearly impacts the quality of the game. WW has signs of it all over the main story progression and it has shit pacing for it. Of all the flaws in 3D Zelda, I find it to be the hardest to handwave because it permeates itself all throughout the game's progression.
Switch port when?
But that doesn't answer the question. Why do I have to let this bother me when I still love just about everything about Wind Waker?
I can name bullshit in every 3D Zelda except for Ocarina that bothers me just as much as the filler in Wind Waker. Wind Waker is not remotely unique in this
I've never been able to get past the second stupid bug hunt in Twilight Princess. What a horrible game and what a waste of time that stupid shit is.
I don't give a fuck what WWfag thinks. WW being unfinished is once of the biggest flaws of the game.
And that's why I have the game as a 9/10 instead of a 10/10
yes, it was i never actually beat the game. i traded it into gamestop years ago. i bought it again on ebay or something. so many games so little time.
WW is unique in how off some of its moments are. There's parts that I always question in the moment, "Why is the game like this?". Even with something like SS or BotW, I can factor in that the games are trying something different so a design choice or section comes along and I can at least contextualize the thing rationally. WW's cut/rushed moments leave these gaping holes of profound oddness, like having Greatfish Isle just give you the pearl. Yeah, there's story justification for that but, aside from a lack of time, there's really no compelling reason to actually do that. Or why I can't do Wind Temple before Earth Temple, why is this a thing? There's no story justification for that one, it just fucking is. WW almost reminds me of Megaman X6 sometimes in that I just don't get what they were thinking with some of these design choices. Lo and behold, that game was also rushed to hell and back.
Out of curiosity when people discuss the GameCube Zelda's are they referring to the original versions or the Wii U versions? I never played the originals again after the HD versions get out so I can't even remember what it was like sailing on the GameCube or hunting bugs
He gave OoT a 10, dislikes Majora's Mask, fucking loves Wind Waker, 8.8, not sure what he really thinks of Skyward Sword.
>Or why I can't do Wind Temple before Earth Temple, why is this a thing?
This never bother me because I always save my favorite dungeons for last when I'm given a choice on the order.
>There's no story justification for that one, it just fucking is
The justification is that Makar is off practicing in secret. The game doesn't explicitly block you from entering the Wind Temple but you can't find the guy you need to come with you.
Holy shit, he's based as fuck
Vinny has decent taste.
>dislikes Majora's Mask, fucking loves Wind Waker
That's the opposite of based.
i thought his favourite was zelda 2
Because he doesn't equate looking like OoT to having OoT's quality? Beyond their exteriors, Majora and Wind Waker are the same fucking game. People just prefer the aesthetic of Majora but pretend it's about the gameplay. I'm glad there's someone out there besides me who can see through that shit.
He likes it a lot, but the other ones just mean more to him, mainly the S tiers.
>This never bother me because I always save my favorite dungeons for last when I'm given a choice on the order.
Okay, but there's no reason for there not to be a choice in this instance. Not narratively, not mechanically, nothing. And the whole thing goes against the very spirit of freedom and adventure that WW seems to want to revel in, but that's a whole different can of worms right there.
>The justification is that Makar is off practicing in secret. The game doesn't explicitly block you from entering the Wind Temple but you can't find the guy you need to come with you.
Practicing what? You conduct the melody to them on the spot.
>Beyond their exteriors, Majora and Wind Waker are the same fucking game.
This is the most off base thing I've heard in a while.
>Majora and Wind Waker are the same fucking game
One is kino, the other is WW.
>Okay, but there's no reason for there not to be a choice in this instance. Not narratively, not mechanically, nothing. And the whole thing goes against the very spirit of freedom and adventure that WW seems to want to revel in, but that's a whole different can of worms right there.
No there isn't but it took me years to learn it because I never even attempted it for the reasons I already stated. What you're saying is true but it simply doesn't factor into my opinion of the game.
>Practicing what? You conduct the melody to them on the spot.
For some sort of korok Festival. It's trivial but the Deku Tree does tell you if you try to find him before you finished the Earth Temple
>Majora and Wind Waker are the same fucking game.
u wot m8
Majora's Mask is all about sidequests while Wind Waker is all about exploring an overworld sea. They only share a de-emphasis on dungeons. MM has more in fucking common with SS due to the gratitude crystal quests than WW.
Better than WW at least
They go back to child Links
They both feature a heavier emphasis on atmosphere and characters
They both have far less dungeons than what was traditionally expected at the time
They were both made on shortened development Cycles
They both feature awkward pacing and loads of filler.
Same damn game
As if I needed another reason to ignore you
>Same damn game
No, other wise WW would be as good as MM.
>What you're saying is true but it simply doesn't factor into my opinion of the game.
I guess so. I'm just telling you reasons why people harp on and on about how WW is rushed - a few minutes of critical thought reveal quite a lot of cracks in its armor, more than most other Zelda games.
>For some sort of korok Festival. It's trivial but the Deku Tree does tell you if you try to find him before you finished the Earth Temple
Makar has an established secret practicing place, which is where you end up finding him. I wouldn't be surprised if that was still the dialogue you got AFTER beating the Earth Temple.
Better than BOTW
>As if I needed another reason to ignore you
WW doesn't emphasize characters nearly as much as MM does.
Every 3D Zelda but WW is.
Well duh, TP was a Zelda. BotW was... something.
Through several runs through both games I've yet to see any major areas where it isn't. They're the same game to me except I prefer Wind Waker's aesthetic to Majora's but that's purely subjective and I get why many people feel the opposite
At the time of its release. It's incarnations of the main Trio were by far the most fleshed-out we'd ever gotten and the case could be made that they still are.
The core difference between the two is that Majora puts its emphasis on its side stories while Wind Waker puts its emphasis on its main plot which is what I prefer.
>They go back to child Links
>They both feature a heavier emphasis on atmosphere and characters
Atmosphere is debatable because they go about it in completely different ways, but WW doesn't have a very strong focus on its characters 90% of the time.
>They both have far less dungeons than what was traditionally expected at the time
>They were both made on shortened development Cycles
>They both feature awkward pacing and loads of filler.
The pacing of MM is completely up to you along with its "filler". WW sets itself up to be a game the size and length of TP and substitutes it with one note islands instead of actual sidequests like MM.
Not at all, BotW (and ALBW) were the best Zelda games since MM.
>and ALBW
but with far better, more interesting gameplay
LttP is boring shit. Even when it first came out I wasn't terribly impressed by it and I had better Zelda games on the SNES like Brain Lord and Terranigma.
Not at all. This decision directly impacts the entire tone of the game with the Links feeling more helpless then the tougher adult versions.
>Atmosphere is debatable because they go about it in completely different ways, but WW doesn't have a very strong focus on its characters 90% of the time.
How is the meat of the Zelda experience superficial?
The shortened cycle is the reason for many of the controversial design decisions.
>The pacing of MM is completely up to you along with its "filler". WW sets itself up to be a game the size and length of TP and substitutes it with one note islands instead of actual sidequests like MM.
MM has two fucking stealth sections and the gibdo fetch Quest as part of the main game
>but with far better, more interesting gameplay
It's the same shit except ALBW has an ugly overworld and a dumb gimmick.
and dungeons that are actually fun and items that are fun
also the gimmick was brilliant and made the game feel fresh
Outside of the OG three, the boat, Makar, Medli, Tetra's pirates and the dragon, I can't remember any other major WW characters.
It's nice being a BotWchad and not being insecure about review scores
A contradiction.
You just listed everyone central to the story.
>the main Trio
That's clearly not what MM is trying to do.
>Majora puts its emphasis on its side stories
Okay, so you get that. MM is ALL about worldbuilding and character interactions, the main appeal of the gameplay revolves around the inhabitants of Termina. That is a VERY relevant distinction to make compared to WW, arguably the most relevant distinction to make, and what makes it a Zelda unlike any other to this very day.
>while Wind Waker puts its emphasis on its main plot which is what I prefer
That's nice that you prefer that but it doesn't make WW and MM the same game. Parallels can be made with their developments but the games themselves have obviously different end goals and unique mechanics.
lol you guys are literally the Nintendo version of Skyrimfags.
*top 2
So the games took different approaches to the same goal but it's a goal unlike any other games in the franchise. Every other one put all of its eggs into crafting a bigger overworld with more dungeons.
Could've sworn there was a memorable quest character in there.
>scorelets seething
Didn't see that one coming.
A lot of the characters are Charming but you don't get any Side Stories as deep as Kafei/Anju. You're probably thinking of the beggar girl Mila.
But OoT has a better score, scorelet.
No, MM put all of its eggs into crafting character interactions. WW is more about overworld exploration, and at its most non-linear it wasn't entirely unlike Zelda 1. Both still have main quests that are put on the backburner compared to the new ideas, but said new ideas are going off in different directions.
>favorite game is OoT
drop dead.
>>scorelets seething
Breh my game is a 99. You a 97 cuck.
>Not at all. This decision directly impacts the entire tone of the game with the Links feeling more helpless then the tougher adult versions.
Link isn't helpless at all in MM, he's treated as an adult. The fact that they're both children is in fact superficial.
>The core difference between the two is that Majora puts its emphasis on its side stories while Wind Waker puts its emphasis on its main plot
That has nothing to do with what I said. MM builds its world and atmosphere through how people act in the face of an apocalypse, WW doesn't build its world and its story emphasizes around Link's coming of age as the Hero of Wind, much like OoT if anything. Plus, the only characters who get any major attention are Link, Tetra, Ganondorf and the King. They're two completely different entities.
>How is the meat of the Zelda experience superficial?
Because it's a coincidence and the dungeons themselves couldn't be more different from one another.
>The shortened cycle is the reason for many of the controversial design decisions.
And? That has nothing to do with the games being similar to one another.
>MM has two fucking stealth sections and the gibdo fetch Quest as part of the main game
So fucking what? They're handled completely differently and have completely different length.
As someone who was autisticly following the Twilight Princess hype train from the moment that first trailer was shown at E3 2004 AND camped out for 18 hours at Walmart to get the Wii and TP on launch day..yes. Twilight Princess was a bland slog that completely failed at capturing the soul and charm of Ocarina of Time. Not a terrible game, but not the 2nd coming like it was hyped to be. It did have a really neat final sword fight with Ganondorf, but the piss easy difficulty that permeated the entire game ruined it.
>b-but OoT
Your shit is old and deprecated, find a new hobby boomers.
As someone who was aware of the hype but didn't let it get to them, TP is my favorite game in the series. Far from the least flawed, but its good qualities are ones that I like more than any other Zelda.
>Your shit is old and deprecated
Still fresher than BotW, scorelet
Should have been 9.9.
>a dumb gimmick
The painting gimmick was fucking great and I'm so glad it was used to the fullest potential.
>first post is all about the score
>now the score doesn't matter
Now there's some real seething.
>Better than BOTW
I agree, I found it way more memorable with dungeons that are fun to do. BOTW is just another sandbox game and like with all sandbox games there comes a point where it's not worth doing it anymore. At least with Twilight Princess I can go back to it in years to come as the eternal charm is the journey while BOTW is all about the grind.
>painting gimmick
>fullest potential
It was the first time in years that there was hope of a revival of Zelda 2's gameplay, however soft of a revival it might've been, and we got nothing. "Fullest potential" my ass.
>Link isn't helpless at all in MM, he's treated as an adult.
Did you miss the whole fucking thing with the Skull Kid and Moon?
TP is the most underrated Zelda game just cause people got mad it treaded old ground. It's still basically as good as Ocarina with some minor mistakes (drawn out opening, just okay wolf sections). You're still getting the last great old school Zelda before BOTW. It's a 9 at least
Everyone bitching about why their Zelda game is better but it's pretty obvious each 3D Zelda aside from the first three all go for something different. Comparing OOT, SS, and botw is completely retarded because they are so different. Sure you can compare lot and MM, but saying TP is better than say, as, is not only objectively wrong but a flawed approach. TP went for and OOT vibe with a hub world on loose rails, while SS is very linear but has top dungeons, arguably it's "over world" even feels like dungeons. Then you have BOTW which is nothing like any other zelda and the complete opposite of SS
This level of rationality won't be tolerated here
Did you miss
>"Oh, a swordsman"
>"By doing one good deed, a child becomes an adult"
>"Please, heal my soul" x2
i heard WW Link might be 16, is there truth to this?
It's a mechanic where you become a painting on a wall and use it to help you solve puzzles, fight some of the bosses, and explore the overworld throughout the entire game.
I don't get how that would have been utilized as a revival of Zelda 2's style at all (aside from a full dungeon where you have to be a painting, which wouldn't work because then they would have to get rid of the meter that makes the mechanic not broken) and if anything it might have been seen as a cheap imitation of Zelda 2 rather than a full return had they went that route.
If they ever made a TP2, I'd buy it and unless they made a sequel to that, it would be the last vidya I'd ever play.
>Everyone bitching about why their Zelda game is better
I didn't, hell my post was even ignored in the sea of shitposting. I said TP is my favorite, I didn't say it was better than anything else and you're right, each LoZ is it's own thing although you have to understand that some people will prefer the direction of one game over another and argue why that direction is better.
But I'm talking about lacking the physical strength and presence of an adult. Young Link gets blown the fuck out on numerous occasions which is why he relies on transformations
He is 12.
>tendie outrage over 8.8 got skyward sword unearned 10/10 scores
He's still a child. Look at the OoT Link statue for comparison.
>99 on 22 critic reviews from the era that declared THPS2 the second best game of all time
A modern 97 takes a fat shit on that when you put it in context, sorry. You need to accept that we've progressed past the days of considering OoT as one of the best games, or even best Zelda games honestly. BotWchads have risen up and taken the mantle.
But BotW was worst than TP and it got a 97 in Metacritic.
>I'm talking about lacking the physical strength and presence of an adult.
He was stronger than a great Zora warrior and the Goron patriarch, the only thing he's too weak for is a Powder Keg.
>OoT has a perfect score
>BoTW does not
This is all that matters and your rant is screams of pure mad at this fact.
how do i get gud at LOZ?
First of all, the meter does demolish the idea BUT I still hoped leading into the game's release. Second, I see no reason not to incorporate side-scrolling combat scenarios as a painting because of magic bullshit. Yeah, it'd be a pale imitation but I maintain that a Zelda 2 style game deserves another chance, one that is less obscure and needlessly punishing.
That's because Pro Skater 2 is pure, unfiltered SOUL while BotW was ubishit with a Zelda mask over it.
There is no defense for this. The mortal draw deals death.
why is tp the only one where you can run and swing your sword at the same time?
He truly was the last good Link in the series.
TP gets so much flak for being soulless but in truth it had soul, albeit in the weirdest fucking places.
OoT doesn't have a perfect score. Ironically, it was Nintendo Power of all people who gave it less than a perfect score, because it didn't have the traditional Hyrule theme or something. God they were retarded
In that case I would hope for a fully 2D game of that style then, rather than latching onto a gimmick in an entirely different game. While more combat than just Light Arrows in painting form would have been a neat idea I don't think it was necessary since the mechanic only existed to make you pay closer attention to your surroundings and think outside the box.
I would agree, but I do like ALBW Link as well
>Getting to control a Cucco if you attack it enough times
I'll never understand why they did this, but I'll always appreciate it
GameSpot is fucking based, look at their Zelda rankings
> The Legend of Zelda (7/10)
> Adventure of Link (6/10)
> A Link To The Past (9.2/10)
> Link's Awakening (10/10)
> Ocarina of Time (10/10)
> Majora's Mask (8.3/10)
> Oracle of Ages (9.2/10)
> The Wind Waker (9.3/10)
> The Minish Cap (9.1/10)
> Twilight Princess (8.8/10)
> Phantom Hourglass (9/10)
> Spirit Tracks (8.5/10)
> Skyward Sword (7.5/10)
> A Link Between Worlds (9/10)
> Breath of the Wild (10/10)
Respectable taste.
> Adventure of Link (6/10)
I think not.
>LTTP underneath WW
Holy fuck that's some shitty taste
Peak contrarianism
Sorry WWcuck, but isn't a good of a game as ALTTP. That's just a fact.
>GameSpot is fucking based
>Link's Awakening that high
>Wind Waker that high
>Twilight Princess that low
>Skyward Sword that low
>A Link Between Worlds that high
yeah no
Fuck you, Twilight Princess was an overall upgrade to Ocarina in every way
I don't even like ALttP that much, but I agree with you. It's much better than Wind Waker.
Still better game than shill of the wild.
>he can't even into AoL
Take your casual ass out of this thread.
I regret none of my life choices.
Switch the Oracles with MC and LA, and that's my S rank.
He's fundamentally unable to defeat the villain with his own strength alone
Just a reminder not to trust anybody who rates OoT at 10/10 or a top 5 Zelda game.
Ask me about my B tier, go ahead, ask me
Spirit Tracks has S/A tier dungeons but that overworld is a through and through bomb. If the game was just dungeons then it'd be yearly replay tier.
>two ALTTP Zeldas
Ghost Zelda in S tier, TP Zelda and Hilda in A tier, don't care about the rest.
I like comfy train rides despite it dragging at points
why don't you like Ages/Seasons?
I dislike the way the gameboy games control. They want to play like LttP with the button layout of the NES games. I fucking hate having to equip the sword and bracelets. LA will probbaly go up to at least B when the remake lands
WW was a fun game:)
That doesn't make him a helpless child, everyone needs help at one point or another.
I always try and take hardware restrictions into consideration. That being said, the bracelets should have been 100% a passive item like in LTTP.
8.8 is generous for BOTW
Pretty agreeable although I'm wondering why TP is so low.
But the kids moreso than others. The entire point of OoT was that Young Link was physically unsuited to be the Hero of TIme
It detracts from my experience way too much
It was the first time I was truly disappointed in a game. It's an Ocarina and Link to the Past retread without the magic of either. The only actual character is Midna. The music is still very synthetic and processed when it should have been orchestral. The colors are muddy and dirty. The dungeons slowly pick up but don't have any interesting story context, aside from Arbiter's Grounds and the yeti mansion. It takes forever to get going, so replaying it for the good bits is a chore.
It didn't matter. It was and still is a thing people judge games by. It's why Fo4 has VA forced into it regardless of the quality.
> TP & SS fag
>The entire point of OoT was that Young Link was physically unsuited to be the Hero of TIme
He's grown out of that in MM and devotes himself to helping others instead which is the whole point of that game.
Link was perfectly capable of beating Majora on his own as well, what he needed help with was healing the lands that had already been put into chaos.
>He's grown out of that in MM
No, he's back to being a kid. If he were to grab the Master Sword he'd be sealed again
>Link was perfectly capable of beating Majora on his own as well, what he needed help with was healing the lands that had already been put into chaos.
The Giants and FDM aren't on his own
What's the best version of Twilight Princess?
HD with the Ganondorf amiibo.
Finally got home to fix that awful list from before
>No, he's back to being a kid.
Yet he can use all of his adult items, ride Epona, and use a sword as big as the Biggoron Sword.
>The Giants and FDM aren't on his own
FDM isn't required and the giants did jack shit in the end since the moon just kept going again.
>WW Zelda that high
>BotW that high
>ST that low
You shouldn't have bothered.
>Yet he can use all of his adult items, ride Epona, and use a sword as big as the Biggoron Sword.
The game would be boring if he couldn't but he's still not as strong as his OoT adult self
>ST below anyone
I see ST as an extension of Tetra. I can't put her above the one she aspires to be in the first place
>BotW Zelda anywhere but the very bottom
Objectively wrong.
I like the use of blue on her design, and I have this weird love-hate relationship with her personality which annoys me but interests me
They literally had an adult mask in the beta and got rid of it due to how useless it is. What can he not do in the land of Termina that his adult self could?
What they have in common begins and ends with their appearance. They're two completely different people.
The gauntlets wouldn't fit him. I'm still talking from a story perspective though. Young Link would lose to OoT Adult Link in a fight. a 16 year old is going to win against a child
As someone who's been replaying all the Zeldas very recently, I agree TP is not half as good as a lot of people here are making it out to be, that said I'm a Zelda shill who still loves the game, but honestly SS, MM, and WW are all superior in their own right
Yes, but ST Zelda makes her admiration of Tetra clear throughout the game. ST Zelda would not be who she was without Tetra's influence
Yes, pic related is only fanart but it's cute as fuck
I'm a bit biased because it's my favourite Zelda game but I agree, 7.5 is more fair for it really. I think I liked it so much because I was a teen with shitter taste and I like it so much now because I can remember what I was going through when I first played it with rose tinted glasses.
I disagree pretty hard with WW (not even properly finished and it shows) and SS (made nearly every mistake TP did and doubled down on them), but MM is a fair pick.
3d zelda was never good
Are you Zeltik?
It amazing that 3/4 WW is still better than a whole TP
Nevermind, I remember some eceleb ranking MM a bit lower than the norm and saying something similar to you. Anyway, why only B?
>implying that OOT doesn't have just as bad issues
I just want them to release a game halfway between Souls and Zelda.
Souls is too cancerously hard to play while Zelda is too easy.
Yeah 6 is way closer to truth.
People that shit on Gerstmann for that score are fucking retarded.
I take that back, he's a moron. 8.8 is too high.
lets be real guys, if this game didn't have the sailing it wouldn't have been that good of a game
>botw 9.5
explain please. I can't possibly fathom how this game could objectively be above an 8/10.
Basically my opinions of WW and MM are swapped compared to the mainstream. I see WW as the game that really pushed what Zelda could do with aesthetics and story telling while MM is just a well made, quirky, but heavily flawed game
It's because zelda is nostalgic like mario. Any zelda and mario game will automatically add 2 points to the overall score of the game just for having the same name. Just look at BOTW
>nah cause I said so
kill yourself faggot
if you're gonna bait try a little harder
Those are the exact gamespot review scores, idiot
The only people who hate Twilight Princess are young fags who's first Zelda game was Windwaker, and subsequently think Link is supposed to always be like Toon Link and Zelda games are supposed to be brightly colored and light hearted and silly because afterword they played Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Phantom Hourglass.
In other words only faggots born after 1994 hate Twilight Princess.
Zelda is the kind of franchise that propels on hype. In hind sight, every game since WW has never been worthy of the score it earned.
I love TP but this is awful bait
Is that the infamous cannon where if you saved and quit you weren't able to continue the game?
Fuck TP, and fuck all TP posters.
Haven't heard anything about that and I've beaten TP like 7 times.
fuck off egoraptor
No, it's not.
It's the Lake Hylia cannon run by Fyer, not the one he restores for you
Literally a much better game than botw.
seethe zoomers
Is that his list?
>Botw Zelda above SS Zelda
absolutely retarded taste
SS Zelda is fucking trash. At least BotW wants to be useful