24 hours

>24 hours

Attached: 24 hrs.png (881x403, 679K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are we even going to be able to play with this many people trying to log in at the same time?

No. Blizz said if server is "full" queues will be hours long. And all servers are full.


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>expecting 3+ hour queue times
>going to use VNC to log in on my home computer while I'm at work
>even if I'm still not home when the queue pops, I'll just keep my character active using VNC until I get home
>tfw going to arrive home with minimal to no queue time this week

Attached: interested linux frog.jpg (640x479, 67K)

They had better open new servers. There's no way the majority of people interested in playing subbed early, they are going to need twice as many servers at least.

No keep the servers to a minimum so that all of them stay alive 1 year down the line.
Only redditors want more servers.


Wait it's only releasing now??
How the fuck did it take them months to release an older version of the game hahahaha

Only 24 hours and I still have no fucking idea if I should go with a human paladin or dwarf warrior

Here's the list of realms and their pop tiers as of 8 hrs ago.

Also do note that, as the bottom of that article says, there'll be several more servers opened at 10 am PST tomorrow.

Do you want to tank or heal?
Tank or DPS: Warrior
Heal or PvP: Paladin

>behind on levels
Never gonna get MC clears

Thalnos confirmed the BR server:

Attached: consider the following kim jong un.jpg (350x197, 24K)

I'm going to play the game casually. I'll clear MC eventually.

all pvp-english servers are full, what a joke kike blizzard dont have moni to open more realms

Blaumeaux is Med, Skeram is High, and there'll be two new ones tomorrow morning (Bigglesworth and Old Blanchy)

>no queues
>no twitch emojis
>background noise in cities
>the retirement home of servers

Attached: high quality boomer.jpg (680x661, 80K)

>Playground for trannies
>Top level guilds already confirmed going there to take advantage of the soft population
>Will be full just like all other servers

I'm rolling gnome warlock on Herod. How fucked am I?

>lists NA servers
Yankees get out.

>Playground for trannies
You're thinking of RPPVE servers

Ah, yes, I'm supposed to magically know which english speaking country (US, UK, Aus) an anonymous poster on a taiwanese noodle cart board is from when they give literally 0 details.

>I don't care if there are trannies in goldshire because they don't live in my head rent free
>There's not even a whisper of guilds going there
>Will be less full even if so

I don't want to fucking work lads
It won't be the same with so little time

You're delusional if you think only PvE will be infested. Both types will be packed to the brim

How autistic are rp servers really? I was always intrigued but I can imagine 90% of the people being absolute cringelords

Which server will have the most RPers?

>Friends are fucking INSISTING on going Whitemane like retards
>Only one of them is a NEET
>All the others have either classes, jobs, or both
I actually want to beat the shit out of them, god damn they're stupid

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US and Aus are not "English" in-game.

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Literally any of the RP servers.
Blizz has said multiple times that any Classic servers that say "Medium" now have far more characters than even Vanilla "Full" servers did back in the day.

Not at all, I played retail Emerald Dream and Venture Co. and I had no problems with the population. All the retards are sequestered in inns and Goldshire, for the most part, you will not be exposed to them.

RP-PVP servers are deceivingly low on RP and actually has some of the chillest people you'll find

I've tried one
It's big cringe but kind of fun to watch
If you were actually forced to RP it would be unbearable but no one is going to try to RP with someone doing their mail/AH shit anyways, people seem to /walk around to initiate

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Old mmo rp communities were amazing. It's cringe nowadays. Just like pvers and pvprs expect serious pve and pvp, I'm guessing rpers expect serious old-school rp

Source? I need to show this to my friends who keep telling me "hurr medium servers will be dead"

t. Dutch

>full servers
Not if you're a grobchad.

Only one more sleep left.

Just curious, how much fun I'm able to get out of this game in a month?
I want to try to this game out before getting drafted.

You're late! This was confirmed many days ago.

What's your fun/hour? Multiply that by how many hours you'll be able to play

Not much honestly

Most RPers are cool, some are autistic. The worst thing that could happen is cliques forming like it's fucking high school again.


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>name is unavailable

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So if I mostly just want to run around solo and want to be immersed a little without shitty memes in chat and without characters named figgernaggot running around it would be a good choice?
Maybe now is the time to finally try it out

>Please also note that our realm population estimates of Low, Medium, High, and Full are based on this increased capacity – a Medium realm today already has more characters on it than even the most crowded realms did back in 2006.

I don't know that it's possible to completely escape those things in this day and age, if it ever was (it never was)


Be home soon

How much is the racial difference for Tauren and Orc? Everyone always says don't bother with Tauren but war stomp seems useful, especially for shamans.

It was back when Blizzard enforced RP server rules.

play what you want to play. racials dont matter.

The problem with War Stomp is it's an 8 yd aoe stun with a cast time - the cast time and range restriction make it not very useful against caster mobs or players, and the fact it's a stun and not an interrupt makes it not good against bosses.

Play what you like.

Racials will only really matter in 1v1s and small group fights, and can be completely overcome just by outplaying the other guy, having more consumables, being more prepared, etc.

Racials barely matter at all in BGs and large scale group PvP.

You need to insist back whitemane is going to be a hell hole

>Why yes, I do RP in Battlegrounds, and when people complain, I RP even more and refuse to talk out of character. How did you know?

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>making little in-character /yell macros for abilities

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Why does this image turn pale and orange when i try to save it and use it as a desktop pic WTF

>making completely out of character anime/vidya reference /yell macros for all my cooldowns

I am so mad.
I am so unbelievably fucking mad.

I had it all planned out, I was happy with my choices, everything was fine. I literally had my faction, race, class, professions and everything picked out for optimal PvP destruction and now I'm questioning myself and for what? A fucking meme class and a meme spec.

Listen. I have been adamant about picking an Orc Warlock for classic. There's still a 50% chance that I will go that route and before I even mention the other class I'm wanting to go I'll straight up say that I am well fucking aware that it'll perform a whole lot worse than an Orc Warlock, which is peak class + race combo. It does everything, it's strong vs everything, it is the definition of perfection.
I'm now wanting to pick a fucking Shaman. Not a Restro shaman though. Not even a fucking Elemental shaman, no, I'm actually entertaining the idea of playing a shitty fucking Enhancement shaman now. My mind is trying to delude me that it could work. I'm saying to myself 'dude, you won't get kited forever, just frost shock them lmao' and 'dude you'll ALWAYS hit those big boy windfury crits, dw about it'.

Just fucking kill me now. My brain says Orc Warlock but my heart says to become a meme and play Enhancement shaman, but if I'm gonna get bodied by absolutely everybody then I know that's the wrong choice.

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Grobbulous Bros ww@?

RP-PVP: jack of all trades, cancer of none.

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Do you have Yea Forums Gold?

I can't wait to go home. It's been so cold and lonely since it was gone. But finally, after all these years wondering, we're finally going home.

+5 to weapons equates to roughly +3% hit once you have max skill of 305. This is great early on but by the end game it wont mean shit.

I still can't decide dwarf Hunter or rogue.

Is the leveling ground going to be that much harder? (Played a lock originally).

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Oh my god, this guy, he has a macro when he lands off of a fucking flight like a gryphon, he yells "hello everyone I am here" and I've seen him do this like 4 times. And then he greets everyone warmly.

I've told them. I've told them they will literally not be able to play but they're actual morons. All they say is
>bruh the game's going to die after a few weeks, chill
>but i want to play with my friends outside of our circle of 10
>i don't know man, i don't want to play on a "dead" high server
i'm just going to make new friends on a real realm

Beyond fucked. You're going to get camped by 500 UD rogues

hunter will get you to 60 faster but rogue will be much more rewarding at 60

Should I level mage or priest first, Yea Forums?

Mage was fucking easymode compared to priest when i did it on a private server this year, and that wasnt even with aoe farming. But will there be less ganking on launch compared to after everyone's first 60, so i should go priest first to get it out of the way?

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>Lirik rolled Grobbulus

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I still can't decide which faction to roll

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You're going to love STV

If you believe classic will last, then the answer is simple. The heart will not get bored as quickly as the brain.

how unplayable will whitemane be

Get rekt asmongold

Still can't decide between rogue, mage, or warlock.
Human as warlock/mage, undead as rogue. Can't stand human rogue animations.

don't do it. meme specs are regret specs.

Stalagg is safe from normie faggot streamers right?

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Every server is going to be a hellhole. Go look right now. There is ONE Medium pop server. ONE.


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Who's that?

but not safe from anime faggots like you it seems

which hair color should i pick bros

shut the fuck up

From a WoW thread I saved 9 years ago:

Back in WotLK I saw a dwarf prot warrior announcing in trade chat every fucking day around Christmas that he was giving gifts. I forget his name but he was a true bro. And he was also in shitty gear.

Around that time I remember he was saying something about a quest for anyone up for a challenge. I asked him about it but he just said to meet him in the Dwarven District in Stormwind in that big empty building. I was bored so I was like fuck it, and I went there.

He said he had a plan to take the Crossroads. He said if we came with him and helped him conquer it, we'd each get a cardinal ruby and some potions. Fuck, what did we have to lose, other than some time? Unfortunately nobody really gave a shit, so we couldn't even form a full party. It was just four of us.

We went to Booty Bay and landed in Ratchet. As we were riding to Crossroads, he commanded us to not show any mercy. Kill them all, he said, even the weak. He knew we'd attract some 80s sooner or later.

Anyway, we arrived in Crossroads and he immediately charged the guards, then charged one of the really low level NPCs until they were yelling something in Horde language. A level 20 was flagged and he shield slammed him without even hesitating. The first 80 came. We piled onto him and even though this warrior had shit gear, he was really good at controlling other players. At one point a mage was about to finish me but it was reflected off me (so I know he was talented for spell reflect) and it killed him.

More 80s came and we were quickly outnumbered, but we kept fighting. After about 20 minutes we were just getting farmed and he said we could go now. He gave us each a cardinal ruby and five haste potions each.

As I was hearthing back to Dalaran, I saw him run back into the Crossroads alone, yelling shit in character as he charged into the group of 80s. His last words before I hearthed were, "HAVE AT ME, HORDE FILTH!!!"

I haven't seen him since.

Attached: midkemia_dwarf_large.jpg (1200x1600, 248K)

Okay. Got the popcorn and getting ready to watch my boi play.

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Time to corpse camp him.

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There will also be fucking infinity more pvp overall because drop off won't have happened yet
Doesn't matter if they're 60 or your level if they jump you while you're fighting mobs

Attached: wow classic beta populations.jpg (640x500, 48K)

Some more encounters from that thread:

We were doing a random heroic Utgarde Pinnacle run, and I noticed this dwarf hunter with a bright red hat (looks like the one in the pic except it's red). I inspected him and saw he was decently geared, had basically some T9 and one piece of T10, decent weapon, rings, trinkets, I mean fuck, I'm not a hunter, but it looked pretty good to me, with the exception of this hat. It was some lower level green that was definitely pre-Northrend in origin. The healer asked him why he wore it and he said, to paraphrase, "I can get a drink from it and it looks cool on me. I haven't stopped wearing it since I got it." Someone tried to kick him but the vote failed. We went through the instance and he actually did really well. He was pulling decent DPS, better than me at least. He also used a lot of traps and misdirection, which I honestly never see in heroics.

Then a few days later I see him in an Arathi Basin game. I recognized him because of that goddamn red hat. But you know what? Motherfucker was ripping shit up like I've never seen before. I was guarding LM with him and another guy, and nobody was guarding BS. As we were getting attacked by a shaman, he saw Horde down there and said, "Stay here." He took away his crab, flung himself off the cliff and parachuted safely to the ground. He popped a flare, revealing a rogue, summoned his crab, and fucking wasted him. When reinforcements arrived he rode back up to the LM.

Elitists like Neeshka will say that this guy is a "baddie" just because he's wearing a shitty green, but I have nothing but respect for him. I never saw him again, though.

big twitch streamer

Oh my god, this guy, he has a macro when he lands off of a fucking flight like a gryphon, he yells

pink because i can already tell youre a huge faggot.


Why don't you level the Warlock first and then do the Shaman as an alt.

Some more:

Best friend and I had grouped with 3 random people for heroics, and we were talking about how we still didn't have our epic flying yet, and the grind's going slow. We'd been 80's for about five days after all. Battered hilt drops, worth 10k. We both greeded like idiots because we hadn't seen it before so lost it, and the guy that got it said "Eh, I don't really need it since I'll just sell it anyway." And trades it to me. Friend and I split the money and get our epic flying.

Hey Cavill

no u

humans dont get pink sadly

check what site youre on nigger boy

Attached: 1566162507231.jpg (663x673, 142K)


Cool story, bro.

Anyways I dunno about any one specific awesome person but I miss my old Arathi Basin team back when the instance first came out. We had 4 druids, myself included, who would put on green whelp armor and sit stealthed at flags. Back then a caster could not kill a resto druid EVER and if there was melee we'd go bear form and green whelp armor would put them all to sleep (long ago nerfed). Meanwhile the other 11 people were tearing about the BG in an organized fashion.

My job sounds like a boring one but locking down 4-5 people at once indefinitely was awesome. The whole time having a blast on vent with everybody. We used to drive them nuts with constant DRUID TALK.

WoW PVP just seems so lame nowadays since blizzard took this stance towards it.

>crosses an ocean just to kill innocent horde and then gets put down like a dog

Yeah sounds like the standard alliance schtick

>Releasing this on a Monday
Starting off retarded already, eh Blizzard?

Another story from the thread:

>see dwarf on my PvP server
>notice he roleplays
>all the time
>whenever I see him in trade chat he's usually pushing the Alliance to join WG, and tried organizing a raid on the Crossroads
>saw him offering to do runs for low level characters on Christmas
>he was handing out gifts every single day for a week before Christmas in Ironforge, I got a paper zeppelin (FUCK YEAR)
>inspect him, see shitty pre-heroic prot gear
>check armory
>he doesn't even have the city raid achievements
>he hasn't done any heroics yet
>he's only done a few dungeons overall
>he hasn't done any arenas
>he hit level 80 in October

>releasing it at the very end of summer when everyone is starting university/highschool classes this week
What were they THINKING?

I know what site I am on and I used to like anime til faggots like you ruined it with your inane faggotry. Fuck off and die waifu faggots.

>tfw no cute anime posters on euro servers because euros are anti-gay
this is why america rules the world

Yet another story shared by an user:

I was half AFK in Org when this undead rogue walks up to me and opens trade.

I had just hit 80 a couple weeks back and my gear was made of absolute shit.

I had mostly item level 200's and this was before the random instances shit.

Well the Rogue who had opened trade, put in the trade window a pair Of Combustion Bracers.

They were item level 219 which was a huge upgrade over my greens.

I whispered him a simple question mark.

He just clicks accept on the trade window and messages back.

Hit accept dude. I said really? He said, "Yeah, some times I feel like you gotta be nice to some one if you ever want to expect anyones kindness in return." I thanked him so much I couldn't fucking believe my eyes.

I've replaced those bracers since then but i've kept them in my bank to remember this guy ever since.

>Comfy boomer paladin leveling
Might be slow af but I can take my time and enjoy auto attacking

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I still remember the guy who escorted me all the way to TB from Durotar for that quest where you had to talk to the flight master or whatever it was. He gave me money to buy some vendor gear too.

And another:

I'm flying around Sholazar for hours, tabbing out and doing whatever the fuck while checking back every 10 minutes or so for Locque'nahak, whom I intended to tame.I finally notice him six hours into my search, and I land and start taming him. Mind you, I'm on a PvP server so I'm flagged, and in shitty greens. A hunter in what looks like full PvP gear, a tauren, lands beside me and targets both me and the cat as I'm taming him. It's pretty obvious he could obliterate me if he wanted, and take the rare pet for himself since I found out later he was BM. I think that he was looking for it too. But he just /cheer'd for me and allowed me to tame him.
Probably a small gesture, but I appreciated it all the same.

>anti fags

Here's one from vanilla:

during vanilla there was a shaman on my server who would organise these crazy events using his gold

for example, one such event was a "level 5 or under gnome run through orgrimmar". the rules were simple:
- you must be a gnome, level 5 or below
- everyone starts the run at the same time
- first one to get to thrall wins

the winner would get 1k (back in Vanilla this was a LOT) gold, second would get 500 gold, third 250 gold. there was also bonus prises for the best named gnome, etc. as you could imagine these events were quite hectic and a lot of fun

the guy also ran an item and gold transfer service. that is he would transfer your items or gold from alliance to horde or the other way around. if i remember correctly, transfers of gold was free and transferring an item cost 5g (due to AH costs)


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Back in vanilla, there used to be this gold farmer that was at Tyr's Hand 24/7. He wasn't a dick, like the other gold farmers. Other farmers would train mobs on you and shit, this guy just stayed separate. His name was Brandyy.

I was a mage, and everytime I saw him I made some food and gave it to him. I never asked for gold, but one day he put up 400g and clicked accept. I hadn't even given him anything.

Keep in mind, this is vanilla WoW. People considered 1000g fucking MASSIVE. Many people said "fuck paying money" for epic mounts and just got to rank 11 for the PvP mounts(mounts cost the most, not the training in vanilla).

He couldn't speak english very well, but I talked to him now and then. Good farming buddy.

Then, one day, he simply vanished. Most likely in a ban-wave by Blizzard.

but seriously WoW sucks ass.

Do you think he's going to be playing Classic, bros?

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Same here brother

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That reminds me of the story of when I saw Battered Hilt drop twice and won it both times
The first one I completed because it was an upgrade and the second I used to buy a motorcycle

It's endgame it actually matters smoothbrain, orc is bis single target no doubts but tauren hidden racial with gigarange is not to be underestimated

>have to work in the first week
imagine not having vacation wagie and I have vacation all year.

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23 hours until we get to rape people in wPvP again


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Is he going Alliance or Horde?

Here's one:

Back when I played on Moon Guard, there was this one human rogue with a tuxedo. He was level 70, but he never did ANYTHING but act fancy. He had the most amazing vocabulary ever. He was goldcapped and shit, but nobody ever saw him farming or doing anything productive. Just hanging around stormwind, frequenting certain inns.

He'd purposefully go into Goldshire and just sit there, then FLIP HIS SHIT whenever some neckbeard tried to ERP with him. Funniest thing ever.

Anyway, one day, he's trolling the shit out of some transfer with the highest vanilla PvP title. Basically, he gets challenged to a duel. Everyone went outside SW to watch. The transfer was in full Brutal gear.

The rogue suddenly pulls out TWO FUCKING WARGLAIVES and rapes him in 10 seconds flat. All in his tuxedo.

>At 10 am Pacific time, on August 26th, Blizzard will open up five more EU realms
Razorgore... home

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Another story:

Huge TL;DR:

I joined during BC, as a massive noob in whites that sold blues to vendors and equipped my hunter with strength gear. I was truly the worst player you could imagine. I was invited to this casual guild, where I was given gold and netherweave bags to start out, and was run through dungeons and they basically helped me blossom. I remember going through screenshots on the WoW site at around level 30 and going "HOLY SHIT THAT PHOENIX IS AWESOME WHERE DO I GET ONE" in guild chat. They laughed, told me TK, and I told them that I'd get one no matter what. I mentioned it alot as I was getting up there in level, and was still in the now large guild by the time I hit 70. Our guild was in the top five on the server, and I watched people in envy as they raided TK and BT and the like while I was in Karazhan. Finally, I was invited to run, and it was the time of my life. We even got to Kael'Thas, and kicked his ass without a single wipe, even with me, Captain Karazhan.
We looted him...and the phoenix dropped. Server first, I come to find later. Everyone's freaking out over vent and rolling.
I roll a fucking 2. Exasperated, I noticed that the guild leader rolled a 100. Everything goes quiet, and I noticed the loot hadn't gone to him yet. I hear a "are you sure"? Before I'm given the Ashes of Al'ar. I'm FREAKING OUT, asking if it was a mistake and I'll put in a ticket. He goes, "That's the one thing you've wanted since you first joined our guild. You deserve it."
Years later I'm still flying around on it in Dalaran, and the guild has long since disbanded.

Still dont know ally or horde.
What side has more comfy leveling?

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i havent played wow in years, im assuming i dont have to buy it again if i want to play classic right

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Another story:

>Christmas day on WoW.
>Low pop server
>I'm a blood elf, I put on red holiday suit and a rocket helm, lookin like a pretty creepy santa.
>Start handing out random Rhino Dogs to people in Org, because what could possibly be creepier than Santa giving you sausages on Christmas?
>Undead lol's and thanks me
>He follows, puts on a rocket helm and red suit, and starts handing out drinks to everyone as well.
>More people match my attire as best they can, and soon theres a growing group of people in Org just giving eachother random little gifts.
>Undead guy from the start gets a raid group going, inviting most of the people in Org who were just laughing and giving eachother gifts.
>Everyone gets geared up.
>We do For The Horde without any wipes, first try.
>Most satisfying WoW Christmas ever.






















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No you don't just sub.

What class are you going to play?

calm down retard

Ally, way more ally.

Never touched in MMO in my life because I'm too brainlet, should I try this?


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Anyway, there's a fuckton more of the stories. Maybe I'll upload the thread. It was from 2010 (post 58081145) so I don't know if it's still up on any archive sites.

Alliance definitely has better quests. Also at the endgame. The alliance questing was finished first before they finished horde quests. As a result, horde quests are often rushed and lamer. The Onyxia attunement chain for example, is really cool for Alliance and for Horde it's just oh shit these guys gotta raid too.

blizzard has always made games for retards like you.


i kinda want to make a gnome warlock for nostalgias sake but i also dont want to be raped to death by every undead rogue i come across

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>I CAN'T WAIT LESS THAN 24 HOURS (+ a few more hours in queue) OH NO!

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The game was designed for brainlets in 2005

The one question you have to answer:

Would you be frustrated if you can't teleport to zones instantly, and instead need to take a real-time boat or aircraft or gryffon?

If yes: play a modern spoonfeed mmo
if no: welcome to the grind, user.

yeah sure
its piss easy dont worry

>The game was designed for brainlets in 2005
So in other words, it's too complicated for brainlets in 2019.

>was going to play a female nelf since they're hot
>remember that others will think im a tranny so running a based orcbro warlock instead

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Here's your healer tonight bro

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cringe but based

>you can't teleport to zones instantly
[laughs in mage]

the boats and aircraft arent real time


Almost heaven, Western Plaguelands, Red Ridge Mountains, Thondroril River.
Classic Roads, take me home
to the place
i beloooooong

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this guy fucks

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only a tranny would care what others think

so instead of a tranny, youre gonna be a ripped hulking male in a hooded cloth dress.

Sounds pretty gay, bro.

That looks like a warrior to me bud

stop being a fag and roll your nelf female, fucko, you know you want to

Attached: dredolph.png (716x1040, 1.33M)

the true chad choice is nelf male resto druid

>Femininepenis is taken
aaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped, back to ffiv i go

any tranny guilds out there. my voice doesnt pass and i dont want to get on voice comms. im probably just going to have to pretend to be a cis dude

kek post your characters

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yep, that's going to be a BIG yikes from me

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I might as my alt still, I like my orc warlock now.

>ywn have women literally turn their heads to look at you

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Just deadlift twice a week and you will

>24 hours left
>still haven't decided between warlock and shadow priest

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>leveling mage is fun as fuck
>but braindead in raiding

>leveling priest is shit
>but fun to heal raids

Why are warlocks vulnerable to this? Cloth and not enough cc? Or do people just love griefing gnomes?

>come open trade bro, i'm the female troll shaman on org bank roof

Attached: 36159591_910947475754429_1364794904198250496_n.jpg (623x776, 60K)

he's right you know

Get ready for Yea Forums to be absolutely fuckin' unusable for the next week.
It's gonna be glorious.

>still havent decided which EU server play on

Not really and he's always been an annoying faggot.

do you want to be a faggot that everyone wants to spec swap or will be replaced with a mage, or a warlock which is actually good in pvp and provides a valuable role in the guild

nah he's right

What are these threads absolute obsession with transsexuals?

I thought he played night elf?

nah he's wrong

I'm gonna enjoy BTFOing you fags nonstop after it launches

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just got my name on Skeram and Grobbulus
YEEEEAAHHHH WOO! god dang it im excited.
fuck yeah! where my /bugbois/ at? we gon' scare'mm

Haha the randomly generated twitch urls are always so quirky!

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Channers used to love trolling the most spastic fucks, but now they've become the most spastic fucks. If you're truly in it for teh lulz you should roll female characters

Yea Forums hates trannies because they all are mad they cant be cute girls irl

nope sorry sweetie, he's 100% right

Attached: hotbitch.jpg (540x893, 46K)

Take the pill, asicianon. You know you want to.

Attached: idort.jpg (1344x2839, 564K)

cmon u can get like any good name just use ur brain

Attached: wow.png (417x252, 143K)

we hate trannies because they are fucking disgusting abominations.

Umm, no, tranny here, that's not true, we are most definitely cute girls.

Attached: 1566745681325.png (2394x1886, 2.71M)

In this case it's probably just because he's famous. I'd turn like that for Jack Black

>trannys and low iq

female ofc

Attached: 1566745912924.jpg (2502x2108, 452K)

On what world is priest leveling shit? The enjoyability is about on par with any other caster with the added benefit of being a buttery smooth zero downtime ride all the way to sixty, plus it being ezpz to get into dungeons.

Chad Tauren feral tank druid next to a female troll resto shaman.

Attached: chad irl with shy girl next to him.webm (1100x850, 1.77M)

Will there be more alliance or more horde players?

horde of course

Attached: 1566746036079.png (2279x1381, 2.89M)

>classic isn't even out yet and people are already fapping over the possibility of classic+

Fuck the Horde

would obviously respec to holy for raids, without question. Shadow would just be for the leveling because I'd rather get fucked with a rake than level as holy.

>classictards think blizzard will add new content

Attached: 1564641241161.jpg (329x329, 16K)

PvP servers: more Horde
PvE servers: more Alliance

stalagg chads report

Attached: 1566746114023.png (1794x1338, 2.14M)

>caring what a tranny anime poster thinks


Thanks I will play alliance on pvp server than

Attached: 1566746188366.png (2275x1598, 3.66M)

23:58 > 24:00?

>cares so little that he had to reply

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I really want to play a female character

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Nice images from reddit, fellow narwhal

i really want to fuck you


>Some men want to look hot
>Some men even want to play female characters in video games
>Doesn't affect you in any way
>Except maybe you'll think a dude is hot sometime
>This enrages you

Why are you so upset about this? Did you have a bad relationship with your father or an uncle?

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>classictards think blizzard will add classic servers

friendly reminder to laugh at shamans, the shittest class in the game by a country mile
friendly reminder that if you play shaman you are actively admittedly to being a shit eater

Attached: 1562356773751.webm (480x480, 2.89M)

>tfw no money to spare this month
>have 9 euros on the blizzard shop
>game time for 1 month costs 12,99 euro
>can't just add 4 euros with paypal, have to add at LEAST 10 euros
>tfw just wanted to check out if I liked it so I only want 1 month and I want to spend the 9 euros I already have there
Fucking jews. I am so god damn mad. Anyone that can spare me 4 euros on his blizzard account that he doesn't need anymore? You can trade that shit at least, which surprises me as blizzard seem to be turbojews.

troll hunter here my fellow based user of good taste in realms

Making a holy paladin.

Cant decide between a cutie female human or female dwarf with those helicopter pig tails


Attached: dook.jpg (207x213, 11K)

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>servers perpetually full
>those waiting in hours-long queues will eventually just log into BfA since it's on the same sub
>they will literally be playing retail to kill time while waiting to play Classic

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>dwarf paladin

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>even considering playing a human

Attached: 1343462907892.gif (191x170, 21K)

So when blizzard says long queues, can I expect 45 min queues or 2 hours plus?

>resub last night
>retail starts downloading
>immediately pause and start installing Classic
>never resume retail download ever again

Attached: 1562107832123.png (531x376, 287K)

Ye got somethin' to say, laddie?

Attached: 1566746690571.jpg (2448x1831, 374K)

yup cant fucking wait to sit in a 10 hour queue
just like the good old times

Attached: qq.png (806x299, 92K)

Play one with friends and use the other one while they are gone or something


If you stand on your tippy toes you can wash my balls

What's the most fun class and spec for a night elf?

I expect 4 hour queues and the client crashing so it resets, atleast twice.

>everyone got to endgame and start getting bored
>releases new expansion

Attached: 1512951155857.jpg (500x216, 37K)

What's a headset with good mic quality, Yea Forums? I haven't used one in years and now all my boomer friends want to relive their nostalgia with Classic, so I have to begrudgingly talk to them.

Twitch culture is going to absolutely ruin the first week of classic


>45 minutes

Attached: 1415733627970.gif (500x281, 1004K)

ERP druid

there's not a single fun class
just pick whatever and hope you get loot to kill people in wpvp

>someone still butthurt at being constantly frostshock'd 15 years ago

Yikes, dude!

but druid is the worst class
shamans are actually p gud. decent healers, great damage as ele in pvp.
also enh is a gr8 leveling spec/can be used in pvp/raids.
druid is the worst healer, balance is the oom spec with shit dmg, feral sucks compared to its counterparts. they do have innervate and battle rez tho.

Based move from Soda in trying to keep the zoomers away from our game

Attached: 1566767652511.jpg (1133x1240, 140K)

I'd have to buy BfA to begin with, and since my interest in that is int he negative, I think i'll be fine.
Night elf mohawk

Holy Paladin Rundown

- Best Healer in the game
- Least Gear Requirement and Highest demand in both pvp and pve content
- Can tank 5 man dungeons with gear
- Better than Warrior at certain dungeons and AOE tanking
- Can solo DM farm with gear

Holy paladin is actually overpowered and easy to play if you are looking for a fun healing build. People just hated paladin back in the day because everyone was ret and prot.


alright boys, post NPCS that FUCK

Attached: stanlet.jpg (890x606, 164K)

Druid is best for world PvP, though.

Got my Horde main on Zandalar and a couple of Alliance alts on Hydraxian. Get fucking hype.

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>oom spec with shit dmg

stop mouthing off about shit you know nothing about, zoomie

Attached: 34087857184-offset-7414.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Druids actually top Bgs though.

>t. still butthurt

Attached: frost shock.webm (640x480, 2.1M)

Love being a Holy paladin

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Attached: woo.png (813x560, 534K)

What server should I roll on? Blaumeux has medium pop so is that a good choice?

Zandalar Tribe
Come home boya

>remember how op frost shock was early vanilla
>remember the dire maul shaman class book "frost shock and you"
>start giggling like a dunce

Attached: 98934346986436.jpg (320x220, 10K)

which server for a guy stuck in south east asia?

>tfw leaving for a week long trip in six hours


Attached: 1565584589200.jpg (1014x1024, 66K)

>Best Healer in the game
that's priest

>Least Gear Requirement and Highest demand in both pvp and pve content
pvp yes, pve enjoy off-healing for the priest.

>Can tank 5 man dungeons with gear
true, but not at 60

>Better than Warrior at certain dungeons and AOE tanking
AOE tanking yes, certain dungeons = only dungeons with undead.

>Can solo DM farm with gear

who here /Thalnos/?

Hunter or Priest because both can absolutely assrape people out of shadowmeld.

lol, is this real? might reconsider my choice as mage either that or bind frostbolt to mouse1 and put my feet up

>dude WoW Classic
>we're going home bros
>just like how I remember it
>collecting 50 bear asses is full of SOUL
>holy shit you can WALK to the dungeon

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Is he the only canonical Asian in World of Warcraft?

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Put on the dress.

>They don't know


You fucked up

New to WOW and don't wanna play vanilla since I've heard it's been shit since I think it was either the last expansion (Legion) or the latest one (BATTLE FOR AZEROTH). Do I need a WOW subscription to play Classic or is Classic free?

> tfw can’t wait to get my ring and pants

>undresses himself for rape dance

>Accidentally kill a streamer
>They get you blacklisted


Attached: 1477605578940.jpg (432x444, 196K)

>"dude le ebin griefing server"
>implying it's not going to be filled with trannies regardless

he's not Asian he just has a stupid name

im sorry druid bois. I actually haven't done any testing myself. I felt like I shouldn't have posted that after >.<
those r phat critz.

You need a sub but that's it.


thing is when I was in my early 20s, it happened to me all the time. sucks being old.

>retail/FF trannies absolutely SEETHING

PVP playstyle for Holy paladin explained (nutshell explanation)

- You spam heals, never have to worry about mana
- You have wide variety of item builds available, from cloth to plate depending on how you want to play or be good against/with
- You cleanse everything off your team, including viper sting.
- If focused you have bubbles
- You have a short range high duration stun
- You have very powerful buffs
- You will cast blessings of sacrifice and blessing of freedom as needed on allies. Sacrifice will trigger damage to free you from polymorph, certain disables, and fears.

At your role, nothing in the game is close.


He's got the squinty Asian face.

this is how most dps classes plays in raid

Attached: Untitled.jpg (831x346, 82K)

Paladin is a better healer than priest.

Don’t you have a world to merge or some shit? Please go and stay go

help please anons

Full is probably 10k players. What will end up happening is increased layer counts and eventual free server transfers to new servers should the pop not decline quickly enough

by the time you get back ragnaros will have been killed

>grob is high now
>will probably be full at launch

yeah that actually sounds p cool
ill enjoy killing you alliance bastards even more now :D

Attached: tauren shaman.png (1118x1078, 1.77M)

>Ques aren't that long.
>He logs in after an hour.
>Gets logged out.
>Comes home and has to wait another hour.

wtf you're right
try screencapping it?

>Be Warlock chad
>Shaman cucks '''unloads''' his pathetic damage on me
>"Oh, a shaman is attacking me pfffthahahahahahaha"
>Click Sacrifice on my Void Walker
>Start wanding the Shaman cuck (don't even bother putting any dots on him t b h)
>Shaman unloads on me again
>Doesn't even break through my void walkers sacrifice shield
>He's now OOM after casting 2 chain lightnings
>He starts panicking and runs while I just steadily wand him down and /laugh at him
>Drop his retarded ass and wonder why anybody would pick such a dogshit class
>Still had healthstones, a second void walker shield sacrifice, soulstone full heal res, pots, fear and deathcoil available to use

Imagine being a shaman cuck.

Attached: yikes.jpg (464x618, 25K)

Attached: 1555683614482.png (550x627, 98K)

>Got Skullface for my death knight on Grobbulus
>Picked up my waifu's name too.
Home soon.

Attached: 1559433453212.jpg (450x557, 62K)

Based and YoshiPilled


like 1% of the population actually RPs on RP servers
it's just a filter for the underage twitch kids, RP servers are always the comfiest


I'm gonna stay up until 10 am, sleep until 7 pm, take a shower, eat, have a cheeky wank and still have a couple hours left for maximum hype to build up.

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hell yeah, i'm pulling an all nighter so i can wake up 30 mins before launch. gonna be a great week.

wtf whitemane is full what am i gonna do polbros

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Why would /pol/ play WoW?

Priest tip of the day: Blessed Recovery is good dispel fodder, mandatory 1 point.

just like I remember
I'm a teenager again mom

Attached: 1560083085406.png (294x393, 147K)

the RP filters out zoomers, the PvP filters out the BfA crybabies
RPPvP is the way to go

Pretty much. As long as you have an RP-appropriate name and don't rain on some autist's parade, you'll have a good time with some of the coolest folks you can meet.

t. AD-EU since 2004

Rp-PVP is for guilds afraid and dodging actual good players.

aaaa I want to roll druid but they scale like ass. Thinking of going female Tauren warrior instead.

maybe. but people do have jobs

wtf why are you calling me out

my first character in 05 was a fucking priest. good god that was slow, i even fucked about when WSG launched. it finally sped up when i met my best friend around level 50, who i leveled with to 60, then we leveled alts together straight after that. joined their guild, and the rest was history. still though, that first character took me 3 months to get to 60, where many others were already nearly at 60 on their 2nd characters.

>not playing shaman

Attached: well.gif (147x162, 517K)

Only true veterans can climb the roof of the blacksmith in goldshire.

Uhh, no sweetie, no.

Attached: 125348678745.jpg (499x615, 39K)

its not about the rotation in classic but but the math and number crunching behind it.




Attached: UndeadChad.png (989x846, 1.48M)

should start a name thread
i wonder hypertard bs u guys have picked

Attached: help.png (520x278, 293K)

wow gj you found 1 (one)

Attached: bonbi thumbs up.gif (382x678, 2.29M)

Lurk more and learn to greentext.

He looks and sounds like a total fucking faggot.

Undead Mage reporting in.
Female undead have the best casting animations in the game.

r8 my character names

>bank alt

Attached: WoWScrnShot_081219_201337.jpg (1366x768, 337K)

>Implying you will play at midnight

What does it mather if blizz have 300 NATIVE ping.

>dwarf females have some of the best animations in the game
>nobody plays them

Attached: 1564146690424.jpg (680x680, 67K)

Every server is probbably gonna end up with one. So long as they aint Assmangold level though it should be fine.
>inb4 I end up in a guild with one without realizing and he takes all the loot.

RP-PVP servers do not welcome tranny bullshit. Anytime a tranny tries to ERP in Goldshire they get shanked.

classic-schizos are literally just brainlet neet turbovirgins, assmad that modern WoW has taken measures against griefing
they just want to go back to ganking lowbies at crossroads and ninjaing loot from raids: the highest point of their miserable, sad lives.
that's all there is to it and every claim otherwise is them lying through their teeth to fool zoomers into playing classic and getting griefed

I'm an RP-PvP chad. Your giant queues aren't my concern.

Attached: 1550063442613.jpg (443x455, 40K)

Let's RP RWDS streamer removal

how do you "math and number" your one button frostbolt rotation
you just have to pick gear that gives you more spell power and that's it

lmao you fucking boomers

I'm gonna make a warrior!


Real original my bank alt is the same as my retail ult. Goldinster...

Except they don't. Their healing spell animation looks like they're trying to balance balls in their hands.

Spot on. Classic is a trap.

>Im playing RP PvP but I won't RP
Can we get this faggot banned from the server please?

I'm rolling fem human warrior!

cleave beast in the streets, whore in the sheets!

heres what im rolling boys true boomer chad style
yep *sip*

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shut the fuck up you mongoloids holy shit

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B A S E D !

Can someone explain to a brainlet why there is so much anti classic sentiment?

Why else would you play a female? I mean the only reason to do it is so you can gargle semen and blow some big hot male dick.

There is nothing more chad than a Human Male Paladin with no beard, with Enchanting/Tailoring


What time are you waking up to minmax gameplay time? Is 1 hour before servers go live too late?

there is no "math and number crunching" you brainlet
did you even play vanilla?
all you have to do is get all the buffs from every class in you raid so you can beat the tank and spank raidbosses
it's the most dull, mindless thing imaginable
classicucks are liars


I managed to convince my two friends who originally played vanilla with me to come back for classic. We're going alliance this time. I'm so fucking stoked I can't believe it.

What healer class should I go? Paladin's have a free mount at 40 and are good, but apparently boring.

Blacklist him, work with the opposing faction to camp him 24/7 until he leaves.

seething final fantasy and retail trannies

/vg/ has gone through like 60 threads this week and the game hasn't even launched, FF and retail will be dead

And consider making both of em
You can still heal pvp and get gear with the Druid, maybe take herb/alchemy for maximum profit

OG Death Knight reporting in.

Attached: Skullface.png (1920x1080, 3.21M)

>it's the most dull, mindless thing imaginable
God your asspain is so delicious

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Attached: 1562841908790.jpg (400x400, 170K)

Why do people think it's ok to like MMOs now? You still have shit taste.


What do you think. Easy (you)s.

any zoomers going to be playing it for the first time or is it just us nostalgia fags

who the fuck knows

login queues will start before it launches

I really want to play mage but i figure i'd get bored of an all out damage class in PvE and it'll make grouping even worse. How does Rogue fair in comparison and which would be better or more fun in PvP? Rogue or Mage?

Probably going Druid for my main because of heal and requirement in raids.

>Studying a wiki for strategies in the game that casualized the entire MMO genre
>Paying Blizzard money for the "privilege" of reserving a character name on a server before you can even play the goddamn game
>Servers are already full and getting fuller, meaning that once Classic comes out you won't even be able to get in-game because you'll be waiting hours in a queue
The absolute fucking STATE of WoWcucks.

Attached: Laughing Pencil Eraser.png (512x384, 351K)

Because it's probably one of the most overhyped games in recent years.

some of you dwarves are alright, don't go to wetlands tomorrow

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Fear from retailcucks that it'll take resources and exposure from whatever the current expansion is, making their servers ghost towns and invalidating all their pet, transmog and mount farming "achievements".

Have fun drawing aggro 30sec in and dying like a bitch.

just had a thought, are the servers coming online at the same moment around the world? so won't eu will have less queues due to it being midnight or whenever.

So, at what time tomorrow are they removing the 3 character limit per server?
I have more names to reserve

It won't fucking matter because what's gonna happen is you log on an hour in advance and when the servers unlock you'll just disconnect and end up in a 30,000 queue anyway.

Zoomers are embracing the kike advertisements.

alright mr shekelsburg

Attached: 1565192895535.jpg (430x419, 23K)

>inb4 day1 namechange

Attached: b&.png (524x279, 312K)

aka dont join Faerlina that boomer who is unaware that rolls it. Pour one out for him ;_;.

Keep feeding me your seethe.

are you kidding
every fucking streamer ever has their retarded pack of rabid zoomers playing the game with them

a handful neet turboautists are shilling the game 24/7 in order to get new players to play it so they can grief them

Attached: Untitled.png (691x486, 173K)

Attached: WoWScrnShot_082419_221351.jpg (1920x1080, 356K)

>face isn't a skull
remedy this posthaste

Attached: 1547477960956.jpg (736x757, 34K)

I think 5 hours before servers go live.

u mad?

How do you overhyped a product which everyone knows exactly what it entails?

You sound very salty

3 is the max for name reservation user, they will lift the limit when it goes live

they have some top tier melee animations for sure

Is this really true? Won't bother playing if so.

There was an option that was more skull-like but I wanted him to be pretty and clean.

Because there are a lot of people who play retail WoW and honestly think its a good game.

lmao. what if asmongoloid server-changes like, a week in?
you're all going to get fucked then

>can't use the name Skelewhore
oh come on

But can that many fireballs even be cast before going OOM?
The numbers simply don't add up...

Do you think zoomers will miss out on joining asmon layer

>How do you overhyped a product which everyone knows exactly what it entails?
Why don't you tell me when 90% of the player base has quit in 2 months.

Tauren for the hp boost

You do know that purge removes the sacrifice bubble?

i forgive you because we're going home

Attached: 1548128657258.png (234x216, 7K)

(You) samefag

You shouldn't in the first place.
It's just a broken, primitive version of an already mediocre game.

>Grobb just moved to High today
It'll be one of the least populated but it might breach into full by launch tomorrow. Fucking hell Blizzard I know it's been ages since people cared about your game but actually get your servers in order, would you?

> he doesn’t know

I still do not understand all the hype for Classic. As someone that played on launch day of WoW most of you are going to be sorely dissapointed once the novelty wears off. The game is a journey and all about the fun you make. Everyone is talking about rushing the content which is a terrible mistake.

Also as much as I have nostalgia for Vanilla, the game is a fucking slog 40-50 and let's not talk about the last 10 levels. People bitch and moan about no skill unlocks while leveling now wait till the only thing they get is a little more dmg in a skill and a passive. Finally the game is doomed since there is only so much content, and TBC is fucking terrible. It was remembered fondly, but for me I remember thinking it was terrible. The outlands was neat enough looking and I enjoyed the dungeons but the end game was fucking dailies.

Quintessentially based.

Attached: blood elf rp.jpg (989x234, 34K)

i cant wait to btfo of zoomers. god its going to be so good Yea Forumsros. i cant wait. almost. home.

Attached: 1566175228544.png (1445x1200, 265K)

Tauren are more intimidating in pvp.
Big black bull running at you 100m/ph is enough to make most alliance shit themselves.

I DREAM that they will do this in Classic but I doubt it. I will nut hard if I see someone banned for a non-RP name.

>I still do not understand all the hype for Classic
Nobody cares

Attached: 1461785727057.jpg (500x375, 59K)

Look. Take a good FUCKING look at this face. That's what you're gonna see staring you down while you TRY to quest in your fearful attempt to "quest". But you end up a corpse every fucking time.

Attached: Wow_2019-08-25_19-05-04.png (985x797, 846K)

...You can?
Well fuck.

Attached: 14235346457568.png (628x636, 248K)

I pray this happens to no one. Ever. In any game, in any future.

is enhancement shaman good for anything but pvp

>Why don't you tell me when 90% of the player base has quit in 2 months.

There are still people playing the pile of shit that is BFA.

>And TBC is fucking terrible
TBC is objectively the best WoW content they ever made.

85% of the people thinking they're going to "rush to endgame" and down Rag week 1 are going to get to 34 and quit. It's the same fucking zoomers playing retail

imagine not picking orc whenever given the choice
imagine not even picking tauren
imagine picking a fucking troll and thinking you're gonna kill anybody

And what does that have to do with anything?

How long till people quit? Zoomers I mean. Boomers will get to 60 on nostaliga alone but zoomies don't have that going for them, they only have the (false) stories from boomers about how perfect and wonderful the game was.

No flying mounts alone is going to make a lot of people quit, but generally the amount of quality of life shit from vanilla to current wow is staggering, losing all of that will not be fun.

Attached: 1558878996133.jpg (432x231, 38K)

t. moonguardfag

He could but I know hes starting on that server. For the time being ill just hope he doesnt bother.

>I don't understand why people have fun

Attached: 1526257356857967965.gif (333x194, 1.78M)

This sounds like misinformation, all streamer-sites still have him confirmed as Faerlina

Mage or Rogue for PvP both in World and Battlegrounds?

>Spending 5 entire levels in Hellfire Peninsula
Burning Crusade has some genuine blind nostalgia I swear.

It'll be fun because we'll all lose it together.

>flying mounts
>shared city
>heroics replace actual dungeon difficulty
>arcane mage
>arena killing PvP

desu do just want to go back to vanilla because ganking fulfills some dark need in my body to hunt humans (and that is kinda pathetic, never ganked same person more than twice though)

Attached: wowGanking.jpg (1000x1450, 453K)

>tauren girl in the group

Attached: 1490222597513.gif (480x270, 2.24M)

and your life is so fulfilling and exciting?

> join warding gulch
> tfw you saw a Tauren warrior wearing t3 and and that hammer that dropped from horsemen
> he also had 2 pocket healers with him all the time
Don’t mind me, I’m just gonna try to sneak into the flag room

Attached: 626CC64F-6CCE-46D0-AA1A-7CCA346A7BBD.png (1334x750, 2.61M)

>last time i played on a pvp server was in eu closed beta sometime before 2004
>still have nightmares about my first trip to stranglethorn
>was a noob paladin relentlessly farmed by the horde, especially hunters
>went for pve server when the game released
i'm gonna do it guys

i'm gonna be horde, and i'm gonna roll on a pvp server

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>arcane mage
>a bad thing

How many Oceanic servers are there?

This. A lot of the shit that grew into cancer later on started in Burning Crusade.

>15 years ago
>Started wow because my dad got me into it
>was pretty much the biggest source of father son bonding for me, played every day beside him all up until MOP when he couldn't play because of poor health
>He was very interested in classic, prepped everything to enjoy playing with him all over again
>passed away last month
>mfw i can't bring myself to play without him, itll be far too lonely

Based and bropilled.
I might go undead lock, because God knows I'm going to have an orc warrior, shaman, and possibly huntard. But I'm also thinking about Tauren or Undead warr. I fucking love the concept of orc locks.

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>the highest dps in raid is a class who click LITERALLY 2 buttons
Oh.. yay.

Me too bro.
Just can't decide between ZT or Firemaw.

Mage because you can fight off all the warriors that wil inevitably PVP when they can't raid as Arms.

>he's not going to be there the second the servers go live
Granted if it's like every other WoW launch and you're constantly getting DCed then yeah, everyone's fucked.

>Dailies best content ever
Dungeons were awesome in my opinion but hitting max level in TBC was easy. Which leaves you to do Dailies over and over. The daily quests then are worse than now, let that sink in.

Oh, you're a faggot.

not enough, I tell you hwat

>The assmongoloid pictures zoomer spam is finally going to end

fucking finally, Kys all of you who do this

it's god awful. wotlk is when wow became remotely close to being a video game

Sorry to hear that bro. I got my Dad into back in the day, then him and his wife played more than me and made me look like a faggot noob.

You should join us though, you might find some friends to help through these hard times

>You hear moans now.

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i'm on zt

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Sounds similar to a certain other mage spec in vanilla...

Wrong. 60-70 took barely less time than 1-60. Look it up.

*stealth noise*

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Entire reason I started playing as a Warlock

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Honestly blizzards actually been good with launches lately. BFA and legion were smooth as fuck beyond a few DCs in the first 10-30 mins. I reckon itll be fine


>used to have all sorts of girls laugh at my stupid jokes and want to hang out with me
>slowly lose my hair and they never look at me the same, if at all

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Fucking zoomer. WotlK literally introduced everything bad and wrong with WoW.

reminder to avoid all
>female nelf priest / druids
>female human mage / priest
>female gnome mages
these are trannies.

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Yo me too.

Bro you don't level as holy. You always level with 5/5 Improved Wand and then the rest in Shadow until 60. You can heal just fine until level cap as shadow.

>Human Female Warlock
Name a better combo. Green niggers need not apply.

>those waiting in hours-long queues will eventually just log into BfA since it's on the same sub
>they will literally be playing retail to kill time while waiting to play Classic
Not going to happen with me. I resubbed last month, tried retail for 30 minutes, left, never came back. Retail is complete shit. The only reason I played longer than 5 minutes was nostalgia from looking at my original characters, going through my bags, bank, etc. But that wore off quick.



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>playing on a PVP server where we're trying to rush to 40
>knowing we'll hit this area on day 4-6
I pray to god there aren't that many people there yet, I don't want to go back to the jungle, pa.

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All female humans are trannies. Female night elf druids and female tauren druids have a 50% chance of being actual women, with tauren having an extra 25% chance of being mommies.

t. someone who knows several of each

Actual faggot.



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That's because nobody played those

>Trannies + bullet to the back of the head
Easily a better combo

Arthas! You took Sylvanas and now you're taking poor Cosmo!

remember the hideous original model?

>join warding gulch
fuck off phonefag

managed to convince my gf to join me in classic, kinda regretting it a bit though since i don't wanna be bogged down waiting on a newfag the whole time.

>given the choice to be a man or a woman, I pick woman
hmm, makes ya think

Play and when you quit for good log out your character in his favorite spot.


Cup size? BMI?

no one does

Log in early. You can get to the character select screen right now. Enter World is greyed out, so wait warmly until it is ready.

this is wrong though, it was definitely quicker

Take the ZT pill my man. Chiller folks, less chance of a queue.

Hydraxian Memelords

>Started the raid focus gameplay
TBC did have good content in it, but it was also the wrong way to improve the game.

One of the RP servers and grief the fuck out of any rp faggots you see.

Dude it was a lot faster, and then there was a xp nerf that made it even quicker.

surprised PvP isn't illegal in bongland

I remember playing a BG with a warrior that did this, he was one of the best player I got to play with, carried the shit out of the team 3 times in a row. When he used execute his character would sometimes yell
And someone would fall dead. One of the most fun and bizzare PvP session I had, watching this madman shitting on everyone.

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zandalar tribe is the non retarded answer

get a job

I knew a female gnome warrior that was a lesbian. Shame since she was kinda hot.

not shazzrah or golemagg, eu streamers

I'm not self inserting so what does it matter?

>gets banned

prep the dwarven handcannon

>Given the choice to be man or dwarf, he picks dwarf
Really makes us think

I read somewhere (and I've tested it a few times) that it'll automatically throw you out after 30 minutes no matter what you're doing.

When it comes to raiding and end-game is it safer to level a healer / tank first?
I really want to play as a Rogue for PvP but will want to heal as a druid or monk in End-Game PvE? I have no idea how implauisble it is to have two max level characters in the game in as quick a time as possible?

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> log in to my lvl 80 paladin
> still in icc gear
> talents are a mess
> everyone within 5 feet phasing in and out
> infinite mana and hp
Pandas look nice but the game feels hollow, couldn’t bring myself to play for more than 20 mins

Any Retboomers?

>being a healthy white male with a strong body and mind
>playing as a woman in a game
No. Doesn't happen.

you will get suspended if you intentionally disrupt RP on an RP realm user

How do you think I pay for it?

>tfw started in Burning Crusade so I'm the newfag
>Druid friend (female) is going to complain about how slow I level
There's just no winning.

You're also assuming you wont be forced to log out to download any updates on launch day.

>Never played WoW, was a RuneScape kid
>now going to get to experience the game like I would've as a 12 year old if I hadn't been a poorfag who couldn't pay for the subscription
Not gonna look up any meta nonsense, just going to do it all blind and hopefully make a few bros along the way

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ZT nigga

>playing a tauren means I sexually identify as a cow

Friend's gonna tank, I'm gonna heal, another friend will be rogue.

Should I convince him to go mage/lock for summons and ports?

Zandalar Tribe is the kino server. Boomer only, though. No zoomers allowed.

Pandas do not look nice

I'm HtD (human to dwarf)

I'm a healthy white male with a strong body and mind and I'm playing as a human female. Cope t b h

>given the choice to look at a male or female ass for hundreds of hours, I choose a male ass

Unironically going to make a Tauren Warrior named Karaboga. I'm going to make one for unsheathing "whips out his Beebeecee, Sword of the Black Bull" and then one that just shouts BLACKED on every ability use.

The first major content update will come after SIX months. You'll have plenty of time to raid.


>Deadzone and auto shot counting

>Don't wanna healcuck

>Mage & Warlock
>2 easy and 2 much gear competition

>Zero AoE and tons of gear competition

>Fighting 6 others in a raid for gear, plus MISERABLE leveling

>Totem autism and spell downranking


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Won’t be quick but it pays off as you can do weekly mc/onyxia then level the alt, that way you don’t miss your weekly loot

Same. I didnt get a chance to play WoW vannilia back in the day. I was like 10-12ish when it came out. My parents said I can either play WoW and get no new games or get new games and not play WoW. I chose multiple games. I made the right choice.

Sounds comfy user, I really hope you'll enjoy it.

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make him play warlock
summons are just too fucking good to pass up, people will even be more likely to join your group because you have summons


>1/10 posts itt mention "trannies" completely out of nowhere

Pretty much the same, took a decent look at how characters play and endgame and am leaving it at that

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Warrior but be the tank that everyone loves.

>Activision giving two fucks about rp shitters

OP strat: log in 29 minutes before launch

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no one will care about meta except for the hardcore raiders that have always existed.
most of us are purely in it for the fun of existing as our toons in that world
>inb4 toons
what the hek is wrong with it?

>I'm so gay I can't stop staring at my character's ass if I play male

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That's honestly what I was thinking.

Why do trannies identify themselves this easily?

>Literally and unironically 0 gear competition
>You can get fully geared before everybody else because of this
Only issue is, you're forced to get Brokentooth which defeats the whole purpose of 'I get to choose my own animal bro to travel with' that the class is known for. If you don't pick Brokentooth as your pet you are literally gimping yourself.

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>roll on RP server
>undead without jaw
I'm a fucking genius

>tfw Skeram Scram Gang safe from all evil
>Now High pop as well

The perfect server.

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Time is money, friend

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not so fucking loud nigga

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>Play hunter
>Get benched for anything after BWL


Define 'safer'. If you mean getting into a raids, your class is irrelevant, there are hundreds of guilds raiding and they always need everything and everyone. If you mean difficulty then tanking is the hardest both in skill, knowledge and time investment (mainly time). Healing/DPS are identical in gearing/skill requirement. It will take you 2 to 4 months to level, since you have not played before.

But you're already playing wrong. End game is not worth rushing to. Pick a class/race you like and level, enjoy the world, meet people, engage in it. If you just rush you're going to get burned out and turn into a jaded raider.

>tfw making a shaman on Daerilna just to see the shit show
It's either going to be fun with a bunch of shit happening all around the world is like being tich/illidan on live so either way it won't be that bad,

What's the deal with choosing different factions for alts? Is it true you can only PvP on the facion of your main, so if you have alts in Horde you just can't do it?

>not being logged in 23 hours in advance and staying that way till launch

>friend is rolling Faerlina
Pour a 40 for me, anons. I'm going in.

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>dude play ugly shit like me or you're a tranny
prep me my dilation station then

yyeaaahhh booii!
bug bois unite
sik boss in the game as well. drops an awesome staff

So to the ZT fags in here, how shit will it be if I've never played wow before?
Is ZT really boomer only?

Hello me

I was a poor cunt too and could never afford WoW. Now I can finally waste my adult years like I wasted my childhood in Varrock cutting yews.

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Godspeed you magnificent bastard.

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>But you're already playing wrong. End game is not worth rushing to. Pick a class/race you like and level, enjoy the world, meet people, engage in it. If you just rush you're going to get burned out and turn into a jaded raider.
Thanks this sounds great!
I was just looking at viability. I've played a Druid before in the main game so perhaps going Rogue would be a refreshing experience though i did really enjoy Druid at the same time.

going in to the friend store to get a new one

who the fuck has time to level an alt anymore? i really want to pick the perfect class/race, because i barely have time to play in the first place nowadays. i used to be priest and warrior. now decided between rogue/hunter/warrior. i loved tanking and taking on that responsibility. i got sick of being everyones favourite healer though. always had the urge to play rogue... decisions man.

>raid dies because no tranq shot

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>day 4
It's going to be a warzone by then. You'll really have to neet to outpace people, don't underestimate the amount of neckbeards that took off a week of work for launch.

>Not SL/SL

>>Literally and unironically 0 gear competition
Do you want to know how I can tell you never played vanilla.

There is absolutely no class with no gear competition. Zero.

hey, at least you are not rolling on Thalnos

fucking hell that cirno

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>MFW working and will level at a slower comfy pace
>When I hit 60 I just plan on doing comfy rep farm and leveling a warrior up at the same time

Go druid.
You can respec into different roles (tank, healer, dps) where all rogues are dps only.

you can have multiple pets bro, just use brokentooth for raids

That's a tbc spec

>he doesn't want to be a big strong bull

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I am one of those neckbeards. But there can't be THAT many people who'll be playing 14 hours a day to get to StV by day 3-4 right? And when we get there we'll all be busy leveling and uninterested in ganking eachother right?

Hunter has no gear competition. Seethe cope dilate

That is honorable, but I bet you loved him for the great heart he showed you he had and the great father he tried to be for you.

So the real question is: would he had wanted you to walk away from the fun adventure and friends that await you? Or would he wish for you to have an amazing time in wow?

Makes sense thanks user, would probably use Rogue for PvP only anyway so variation would be better with Druid it seems.

Back in me days the raid leaders would ask hunters to dismiss pets tho

plenty of people are playing BECAUSE of STVietnam. you better believe it's gonna be all out war.


I think he means brokentooth for PvP since it has a 1.0 attack speed

Imma go priest.
Pray for me.

I'm personally just going to skip stv

I'll pray for your sides not to split open when you yeet losers off cliffs with mind control

Destruction pvp is a meme spec though

But why that's going to be the best part.

anyone rolling zandalar tribe alliance?

>rolls the designated praying class
>asks people to pray for him
Are you retarded or just pretending


>hundreds of troll tribes
>the one you get to play is the most cucked of them all
why is this allowed? why can't i worship Hakkar the mother fucking Soulflayer?

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lol why would anyone do this shit?

then play PVE. this is part of the flavour of vanilla, and adds to the fun.

it's a faith thing, you wouldn't understand

awesome vid

Current polls show that ZT is fairly even with a slight Alliance pop advantage, but they're not 100% accurate and don't count for people subbing at launch.

These dubs are for the alliance.

oh shit, i just realised that i'm gonna get the chance to get my favourite sword in the game. i never saw it drop in vanilla ;_; original ZG was my jam

>most cucked of them all
the rest of the trolls (besides the zandalari) had their empires collapse and are now either slaves to their malevolent gods who dont help them or are just culture-less savages for adventurers to kill

Yeah i'm on Zandalar Tribe Alliance.
We could level together depending on when you'll be online and what your race is.

>nelf female

You will be healing raids. You can tank 5 mans. You will be brought to 5 mans as a healer sometimes. You may get to do melee DPS in five mans. You will only ever get to ranged DPS in PvP.


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I'm running a normie guild with 4ch.onners and 4channers as the officer core, interested?

Because it's a pointless shit fest. I'd rather go to less populated zones and level. Pvp is only fun when you are max level and geared.

>>Literally and unironically 0 gear competition
I don't get it, is the joke that there's no competition because you're going to roll Need on everything anyway?

>and what your race is
this is a trap

Healing and tanking is right up my ally.
The DPS for Druids i recall being extremely shitty and boring with Moonkin but Feral was enjoyable. But yeah, healing all the way then DPS on Rogue down the line later for PvP. I don't think i'd ever take a Druid to PvP. Never heard good things about it.