Banjo Kazooie in Smash

I can't fucking wait bros.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Let’s discuss the possibilities of a Grunty fight

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It's fucking disgusting that Banjo got in as a playable character instead of Bomberman.
Same with that literal who Joker. Who asked for him? Who wanted him? Nobody that's who.
DQ hero was a solid choice though.

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Falseflagging seething stevie

Those who think Banjo-Tooie is inferior to Banjo-Kazooie are correct.
Those who think Banjo-Tooie is a bad game outright are brainlets who can't grasp Metroidvanias.

Hello UBC-Chan, when are you killing yourself?

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Irrelevant bear, cut by next game

Can’t fucking wait to play as them,

Relevancy means nothing in Smash. Ice Climber, Mother, Game & Watch, Star-Fox, F-Zero, R.O.B., and Wii Fit are just as irrelevant and nobody is complaining about them.

If anything, they will add even more rareware characters in the next game

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>Battle takes place on the bridge to her lair
>Her defeat animation has her falling off the bridge
>A rock falls out of nowhere and we hear her scream

Imagine if a part of her fight consists of destroying jinjo statues that attack Grunty once they are freed

Why are girls like this anyway ?
>Mom sick, admitted in hospital emergency section
>Get told I have to wait for them to call me, before I could visit her
>3 hours pass
>slightly annoyed, but what can hou do
>gf finishes work, arrives at hospital
>tell her of the situation
>gets up, cuts through everyone, straight to the reception
>demand to see my mother
>gets in before she even started to really bitch

Got to love girls sometimes, I would have slept there

You forgot to say "cereal mascot" friend. Take your blood pressure medicine.

Why? he's gonna be boring. He might be fun for a few says but than will be tossed aside by the majority of people. He plays pretty generic. he's only there because of nostalgia I admit I wanted him in not for playstyle but just to have him in the roster

the one above ridley should've been "Things sakurai said before"

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based If they add conker Nintendo is finally getting my money

Is Conker our new flavor of the month?

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You just don't have a backbon

Fair take.

No, we just want him in the game as banjo opened the gate for more rare characters

Still mad it took four games for him to actually listen. Stubborn fuck.

Smash bros you need to get in here NOW.

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where's the fucking edit

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Haha, talking like a nigger is funny!
>when your boy spit some funny ass shit

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Why would they create content that wasn't advertised for the pass? I highly doubt we'll see any DLC bosses.

Why is that picture so funny

I thought you killed yourself

>11 smash threads
>smash Yea Forumseekend is dead
Don't rosterfags play the game?

the FUCKING soups gettign cold

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Pretty sure she's just a stage hazard/element on the SM stage, m8


i want to put my fucking gross cock in kazooie cloaca

She thinks it's her way of being useful in your life. And this is the mistake guys make. When you allow her to do shit like this, she's unknowingly elevating herself to the position of your mother, which is gonna make her hate you in time.


>DQ hero was a solid choice though

Explain why.

I'm still laughing at seething Stevefags

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>Kazooie doing anything but hunting Falco down for his drill bird dick

Stevie Stevie cope and seethe

Fucking Bomb Jack has more moveset potential than Bomberman

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Why the fuck doesn't ridley say too big? Irrelevant to Japan was never fucking ever ridley's downfall.

>upb: Bomb
>b: Bomb
>sideb: Bomb
>downb: Bomb
that's why he's an AT. fucking COPE

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Well he’s in so

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Yo when do they get added? WTF?

get fucked

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I don't believe you.

is that bird really a she? i always assumed they were both males

Yep, a she.

Use Google, no one here cares if you were jacking off to a dude, lmao.

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can you stop falseflagging with bomberman so the retards here won't make some reddit-tier gaypwn against him



Faggots like (You) are why Smash Ultimate died. You fucks never cared about Smash, and I guarantee once Banjoke gets cut next game, you'll all be screeching because you want him back.


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im finna say it!

Don’t worry banjobros I will take care of him

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Not you again...

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yay discord shitflinging threads my favorite

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Why are you wasting your breathe on the Bomberman falseflagger? Y'know all the actual Bomberfags dropped outta the race the very day we got Smash Ultimate footage.
And it still stings, too

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>B&K songs in Smash
>Spiral Mountain
>Gruntilda's Lair
>Clanker's Cavern
>Freezeezy Peak

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This is someone's fetish. For sure.

Why else would someone draw it?

I personally don’t think there will be a remix of gruntys lair, but a remix of the final battle is guaranteed (as they are technically the same melody you honestly think there's going to be a Grunty boss fight?

>tfw realizing I'm going to buy a switch just for this game and Odyssey

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There has to be at least one medley, right?

i personally want to see a new DLC adventure mode that's actually fun unlike world of light, but obviously that's wishful thinking

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Yeah, if you take the music out of the trailer in the scene where banjo is looking at the entrance of gruntys lair you can hear a eerie sound effect similar to a boss fight intro, that and the camera angle, and the fact that banjo seems to be the only character in that scene because there are no other fighters

>implying they'd make a dlc exclusive boss
You'll get your Banjoke vs Hands.

They will ad boss rush mode so the other fighters can have the Grunty boss battle

No, it's just that hoping for Conker seemed ridiculous until Banjo got in.

There are actual Bomberfags who are still desperately clinging onto hope
Even made a website

I remember Banjo saying "I like girls, too." instead of "I like guys" last time I saw this comic. Made it a lot sweeter.

No one gives a fuck about Bomberman. And before you say that you give a fuck, exactly, you're no one.

you say all this as if the developers aren't capable of doing things that isn't normally possible in-game for footage
they do it all the time

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Real talk, Bomberman has NOTHING to work with, just bombs, bombs, bombs. This is just shitty bait.

tooie is best

Okay, but consider this: Both Banjofags and their detractors are faggots.
If that includes me, the irony is not lost.

maybe if nintendo kept rare around he'd get in. i think at most he'll get a spirit.

Also because I listened to the spiral mountain remix on the part that plays in that scene, and that sound effect is nowhere to be heard

Post ideas for stages in a new Banjo-Kazooie game.

>Sherwood Forest-like woods where Banjo & Kazooie do favors for both the Sheriff of Nottingham and the Merry Men for Jiggies

>next game

cyberpunk city

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weight gain simulator

Food World

Goddamnit, i kekked.

go jerk off to the bowser scene in m&l fag

i already have today

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I never got why anyone would bring up serious subjects during dinner or any of the 3 meal times. And its better after dinner because your super christian family would be too tired to screech at you for sucking dicks before bed.

Maybe a full pirate themed world, and captain black-eye is the boss of that world, wanting revenge because he got rejected in favor of banjo

even took the soup Kek

>sea of thieves world

Well, to be honest OP, I can agree with your opinion that transexual people tend to have problems in a relationship (my biological mother was MTF, after all) but I cannot, CANNOT, agree with your proposal that they despise using eggplants as a buttplug. The very notion of this idea is simply irrational, as professional and anecdotal evidence contradicts it.
I have not met a SINGLE transgender person that didn't object to shoving eggplants up their puffy asses when I asked them about it. Justine even convinced me to try it, and it was one of the most erotic and pleasurable things I have ever experienced, to the point where I blacked out cold after shooting my goo.
>b-but they don't like cis male penis, what makes an eggplant different?
HA! I imagine you typing a reply just like that to try and disprove me. Face it motherfucker, an eggplant is thicker, juicier, and harder than your sorry excuse of a penis. I would know, I've tried it myself

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I feel like the best case scenario is a yellow devil type deal, where she’s a hazard until someone KO’s her. Hopefully where she’s knocked off her broom and leaves a newly visible gruntilda shaped crater the camera will eventually revolve to reveal as the stage turns

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I have seen this before. Eleven times as a matter of fact.

Because it’s copypasta

But Snake is both violent AND uses realistic firearms.


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Did not come here to see this, but I'm glad I did.

And the earth is round, what else is new?

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That was one of the edits that managed to actually improve the comic without shitting too hard on its original intent.

I can't wait to abuse Hero's bullshit RNG and prevent anyone online from enjoying a single match as Banjo & Kazooie.

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just popping in to say this is a fucking 5 star post

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hero sucks, i fucking rape all hero players with ridley kek

This, if anything, it made it better because it didn't make them BOTH gay for no reason. Can anybody post it?
>implying Hero won't get nerfed into the ground like everyone else

I'm sure you do, little guy.

ok hero shitter

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I thought Bayo's problem was being too lewd

even the RPG is not a firearm
firearms are guns

There is no reason for a sound effect like that to be there if it's just a scene created solely for the trailer. It's not hard to imagine this panning shot of Gruntilda's Lair leading into the animation of her flying around on the broomstick to begin the boss proper. Besides, a Gruntilda stage hazard is like 70% of the work of a Gruntilda boss already done (assuming the largest hurdle is the creation of graphics and animation)


Oh look, a seethy Stevie. You gonna cry? I bet you are.

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Hahaha, what a funny meme
My girlfriend is like that too lol

Would I be crazy if I said I could be Banjo's boss being Dracula?

The camera pan away is way to unique. The way it frames Grunty's lair is exactly how a Boss fight would go down. She would fly out, do a cackle, and the fight begins.

user, I think all the Stevefags have killed themselves or moved on by now.

Also, Gruntilda is a huge personality and to have her represented as a boss is more than appropriate. The only people who would think otherwise are the same people desperately trying to detract from Banjo-Kazooie's acclaim and place in gaming history. Even the fucking Japs see her in the trailer and choke out "Gu-lun-tilda!"

can they just add Grunty as a character? I love her, she's crazy

they're just in rosterfag threads now, actually.

it still feels good knowing that they're in to this day

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Mario 64 was the one that revolutionized 3D gaming though. All Banjoke-Cuckzoomer had going for it was that it was a mediocre collectathon.

Banjo Kazooie is unironically better than mario 64

I just don't like the darker tone of Tooie, personally. It lost a lot of the charm the first game had by going that route.

I kinda want him too but I know we aren't getting 2 microsoft reps so honestly even if Conker doesn't get in I'm still very much pleased with banjo as he needed it more than conker did. Plus seething stevefags.

Banjo Kazooie has a better camera, more personality and let's you skip a tutorial entirely.

Conker has to compete with Master Chief and Steve for the second slot so I don’t see it especially with him having zero fan demand makes me think he’s never gonna happen

I'd recommend Tropical Freeze if you didn't play it on Wii U.

He actually has a decent fan demand

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Not him, but Dragon Quest really should have been in smash a long time ago.

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot bear from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who brown shit and his tranny bird buddy who haven't had a game in 50 years

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the bear and tranny bird

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Can agree. Only people who wanted this rejected cereal mascot were autistic manbabbies.

Why are you replying to yourself UBC-chan?

I don't wanna accuse of samefagging, but at the same time, I hope this is samefagging because two of you is one too many.

>has to compete with Master Chief
I can't can't believe that we're living in a timeline where this isn't a totally unreasonable line of thinking.

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I mean I think Steve has a much better shot then master chief

I fucking hate Omni's renders so fucking much. The only remotely decent one was Rayman, but that's only because he had 40% less character to fuck the shading up on.

True, but at this point in time the next newcomer could be anyone. There's no telling who could be next.

Well not really, master chief is Xbox’s fucking mascot, he’s Microsoft’s Mario

I have never heard of anyone wanting Conker until that render was made

Try telling that to rosterfags.

still mad about their inclusion huh? stay seething

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Nips don’t really like him and the smash community has made it clear that they want Doomguy for the “generic space shooty man” niche but it depends on whoever Sakurai wants

Lmao changed the subject of your copypasta from gatornigger to try and stay relevant?

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>but it depends on whoever Sakurai wants
This, how do rosterfags keep forgetting this?

I did, and also plenty of people in the Spanish community would like to see conker in (unfortunately that’s also the community with the most zoomers and legitimate stevefags)

Coker is definitely something that's extremely unlikely, considering Nintendo themselves despises the character.


You think Banjo was unlikely, Nintendo hates Conker with a burning passion after how Bad Fur Day turned out.

The only thing that changed is he's a more realistic expectation. He was never getting in before Banjo. He's not likely to get in by any means, but he's not lost in the shadow realm anymore.

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>Nintendo themselves despises the character.
>Nintendo hates Conker with a burning passion

Source? And I mean actual source. Not just speculation.

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They didn't advertise Bad Fur Day at all in any magazine that people who would give a shit about the game would be reading, only a few ads in Playboy.

It hurts more knowing Sakurai thinks he did fans a favor by making characters into items. I’d rather have nothing than an Assist.

>And I mean actual source

I'm glad he turned them into "items". I'd rather have assists than nothing. It puts a smile on my face when I summon a character that I like.

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This is it. This is the worst videogame opinion of all time

Yep, people are only really pushing him now is because of that render someone did. I've only ever seen like 1 conker supporter and even got his image before banjo and hero got in by I think the character designer for conker

My guess is that Banjo Kazooie's classic mode will be based on N64 games (Mario 64, Oot, DK 64, etc.) the boss would be Ganon since it's appearance is based on Ocarina of Time

I’m still sitting here hoping for Crash Bandicoot...

No, that would be "EA did nothing wrong". But this is up there.

We just got to wait and see Crashbro, it's all up to Sakurai. Hopefully the phoneposter gets assblasted as well.

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Absolute garbage tier soup brah

join us, crashbros. and we will make weebs seethe for eternity

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Lol get a load of the chowderbaby.

Based Banjobro.

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>he's not a maztobro

That’s high quality as hell. It’s cool to see conker in HD like that.

Do you guys think there will be a second fighter pass?

I appreciate shit like this when you compare it the dogshit Smashified has been doing

personally no. But I would love if there was. Banjo is all I wanted, but I still enjoy playing new characters and watching SSBU grow into an even more grand and ridiculously huge crossover

It’s a copypasta you literal retards.

Not very likely but not impossible

I honestly think Nintendo would want to push more first party DLC

Wow you’re so cool and edgy kiddo. I wish I was just like you!

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I agree with that joker literal who character that should have never even been thought of as a choice got in instead of icons. Sakura is a fucking weeb for sure and bias for nips. Persona fags should all kill themselves

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I’m pretty sure that Nintendo is okay with conker nowadays, because they are now a more open company when it comes to adult content, remember that early Nintendo was super stingy about adult content, but nowadays that isn’t the case

I imagine his Classic mode has a few different ways it could play out.
All opponents could reference Rare characters.
>Diddy and K.Rool
>Miis using jet-packs/ Duck Hunt for Jet Force Gemini
>Blue shirt Diddy for Conker
>Samus for Joanna dark
>Joker for James Bond
>Green Bowsers for Battle Toads?

All fights could reference boss characters from the first game.
>Giant Green Bowser with super armor spams down-tilt in reference to Nipper battle
>Giant light-weight Yoshi to reference Mr.Patch
>Giant Black K.Rool for Ol' King Cole
>Robin for Grunty

There's also the possibility that we could see them fighting other tag-team characters.
>Ice Climbers
>Rosalina and Luma
>Master Hand and Crazy Hand

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>he thinks there's going to be a next game

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Still salty that you aren't getting Persona 5 on Switch? It's okay, so am I but at least we got Banjo and Dragon Quest.

>Sephiroth is a huge personality and to have him represented as a boss is more than appropriate.
>Liquid Snake is a huge personality and to have him represented as a boss is more than appropriate.
>Octolings Gruntilda is a huge personality and to have them represented as a boss is more than appropriate.

Based as fuck.

>All fights could reference boss characters from the first game.
I meant to go back and change that. Clearly they need more than the first game to work with.

You'd think that.

The idea is that Grunty in general is a boss who gets updated in via the boss update that comes with Banjo and the 5.0 update.

A proper boss rush and possibly other new bosses who don't have spirits yet.
The only ones who come to my mind who would alongside her is Porky and Ultra Necrozma

You mean the magazine for children? No shit. They did have on their game sites page one month but got rid of it the next.

>defends Dairy Queen swordsman
Of course.

user, I'm gonna let you in on a secret: just because you absolutely hate something doesn't mean no one cares about it.

The Dragon Quest spirit boards included enhancable spirit

They have to somehow include Sexy Grunty

If Hero didn't even get a real Dragonlord fight I doubt Banjo will get a boss.

Clearly samefagging.

The times of those two posts were less than a minute apart.

Petey is guaranteed to make it in. I'm speculating that the reason he made into Plants final smash is due to him being planned the whole time. I think there's a good chance we could see other bosses as well.

That's a possibility but im going through the assumption that we will need brand new spirits, which is why im saying Porky and Ultra Necrozma, because they arent in the game, while Petey, Rayquaza and Duon are

>when your parents weren't divorced.
Now I feel bad for banjohaters. My parents are still together.

Thank ms Crashbro. Your hope brings a smile to my face.

I’m already with you BanjoBro.

It seems really odd that Porky was forgotten like that. I was really hoping that he'd make it into the DLC, but now I'm thinking that boss battles are his best bet. There's no way they could just forget about him like that.

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Still, glad to see it, nice break from the rosterfagging.

It's only a matter of time

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I’m really hoping he comes out in September as early as possible. It feels longer than the wait for Joker. Probably because I actually wanted Banjo.

That's actually a good theory

Im just really fucking glad that we actually get Grant Kirkhope, wonder if he's remixing any other song.

I wonder who at Nintendo's composer list will get the honor to remix Gruntilda's theme

The fact that he still didn't show up for the mother anniversary spirit board proves that something is up.

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Grant Kirkhope was going to make a medley but Nintendo was against it and preferred Spiral Mountain have a subtle medley

I really like this image

>implying Hero won't get nerfed into the ground like everyone else
Why would he? Joker hasn't been touched yet

Congrats, Banjobros.

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I think it might happen due to all of the people complaining about him. I actually got kicked from an arena today just for playing as him. People are genuinely upset over him and they won't let it go. Personally I have no trouble with him and love his inclusion.

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I unironically have no problems facing Hero. He’s one of the few characters where you have to out-strategize him instead of rushing forward like so many others

People realize Joker isnt OP, MK Leo is just really fucking good with him

I think the only way to fix hero in general is to lower his Critical Hit rate, his specials are not a fucking problem but the Critical Hit bullshit needs to be nerfed, 1 in 8 is horseshit

I’m pretty sure Nintendo is okay with conker nowadays, remember that they hated any kind of adult content on their consoles but nowadays that’s not the case, hell, the first third party that was added came from an M rated franchise

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I know people will meme about it, but using shield really does work against nearly all of his attacks.

Joker's already boring garbage, nerfs are not necessary.
>But Joker won EVO
That was just some guy being really good with him. Like, REALLY good.

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They should, but they won't.

I'll take more anime swordsmen over cartoony furbait any fucking day. Grow up you goddamn manchildren.

I'm not excited over their inclusion, but hopefully they won't be annoying to fight against like Ness.

That is a fan-fucking-tastic model, could see it in a remake without any additional edits.

I really couldn't give less of a shit about BK. I just want more hot girls in the roster.

Yeah, it makes smashified look like an amateur’s work

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One I haven't seen before now, and it made me laugh. You fucking retard.

Kazooie is a girl you faggot


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Only when Banjo-kazooie's released will I truly take my boot off their throats.


Opinion discarded.

>i lived long enough to see steve posting die

Can't believe it but, Yea Forums restores my hope in humanity again

He's out on October, 4 is on December and 5 is on February.
>tfw a MaxDood stream has more deductive skill than Yea Forums does.

Dracula's Castle, Mementos, and Yggdrasil's Alter say hi. The most we're getting is a stage cameo and a png.

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It would be kind of boring, but making classic mode based around notable N64 games also makes sense
>Mario on Peach Castle 64
>Young Link on Great Bay
>Kirby + King Dedede on Dreamland 64
>Yoshi Squad on Yoshi's Story
>Captain Falcon on Big Blue
>DK, Diddy and K. Rool on Spiral Mountain (a welcome home fight to cap it off)

I've been playing this slowly for a few hours and have been enjoying it, do Banjo fans accept Yooka-Laylee?

I'm just getting to level 2, I did everything I can in world 1 extended as far as skipping past the windy challenge with jumps around the cliff, couldn't get whatever is on the roof in the middle of the map, the underwater air blowing vent, and the big entrance to one of the mountains that has a security camera inside that locks me out.

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Why do women do this?

You first.

It’ll return

Because they notice you aren't wanting to bother anyone which they find sweet and nice and makes them want to get at the people making you uncomfortable all the more.

>No water edits

But it'll never have the same impact it once had. People will just laugh at them and remind them about how badly they got fucked during Ultimate.

Is it really 1 in 8? I must be getting RNG screwed pretty bad if it is.

Smash bros you need to get in here NOW

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Because feeding their family is their biggest instinct

He's just doing the Spiral Mountain remix

this fucking guy gets it
it sucks dick that my picks didn't even get the assist spots

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>implying that this smashified shit isn't already an amateur’s work

Just answer the fucking question.

None you idiot, just a stage hazard at most.

A damn ugly one, just like all Western-created female characters.

I'm pretty sure Porky will appear in some fashion soon, whether it be a fighter or a boss has yet to be determined.

Imagine being this contrarian.

I liked it, don't get me wrong, it's not amazing but I found it mostly inoffensive. As a first attempt at recreating a Banjo-Kazooie style platformer after nearly twenty years, it did it's job well enough. There is a lot of stuff they could fix in a sequel assuming they've been paying attention to criticism. Too bad they seem to be more interested in copying DKC now though, (I thought the whole point of these two was that they were going to be Banjo-Kazooie platformers?) Well, maybe now that they are in the spotlight again, Microsoft can finally find somebody else to loan out the actual Banjo-Kazooie to and we can get a new platformer that way.

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My brother played it, he loved it. I hear there were a lot of gripes about to wide of world with nothing in them and shit controls.

Putting Diddy Kong in Brawl was a mistake. Now we have too many Western characters in the roster, and fags still want more like Tras- uh I mean Crash.

I hope Impossible Lair ends up being good. Like it or not, Playtonic seems to be the only dev right now that has any interest in the Rareware IPs that aren't Sea of Thieves. I'd like it if they could do well with this title, then maybe take another crack at the Banjo-Kazooie style games but with more experience under their belt. Plus, with Retro going back to Metroid Prime, it may be a while before another DKC style game is released.

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Come on anons, you c-can do it! D-don't let the thread die now!

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uncreative drawing, please stop.

Grow the hell up.


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shut up about smash and post kazooie art

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What a terrible GF