Remember all those IRL deaths from Vanilla WOW?
Take that and multiply it tenfold.
>big chunk of playerbase is 30+ and unhealthy as fuck.
>heavy poopsock game design.
How soon till the first whale drops dead, lads?
Remember all those IRL deaths from Vanilla WOW?
Take that and multiply it tenfold.
>big chunk of playerbase is 30+ and unhealthy as fuck.
>heavy poopsock game design.
How soon till the first whale drops dead, lads?
Why did you cut off the interesting part
How did she die?
no breathing
don't give a fudge if a cuff my ham weeding.
How did she suffocate?
Lack of oxygen.
who cares dying because of an MMO is so 2005, lmao.
Baby's are dumb
Babies can die of anything if you leave them to their own devices from my experience.
Sounds like survival of the fittest to me!
Baby's on average have very low iq, inb4 "i-i-it's just complex socioeconomical reasons"
Babies are genetically disposed to be lower iq
Blood clots inbound
>blaming vaccine death on video games
never change americans, never change
Why do we even have babies
you don't, incel.
yeah cus I'm smart
Most likely cot death from being left on it's back for too long.
Lotta niggas gonna die in the next week, watch.
>from my experience.
Uh user...
>from my experience.
the fuck?
Weren't you guys babies at some point? Haven't you had a near death experience?
no such thing
It's real, now imagine a 300 pound wheezing 30 year old attempt to power through 72 hours without standing up.
Niggas gonna die this week.
Maybe but the way that was phrased implied that user was a baby killer or was around to experience the death of one.
>be retarded baby
>manage to kill self by flipping around
>implying this is not natural selection
The parents did nothing wrong
Well I got a giant scar across my belly and another big one on my head so a pretty big yes, but I don't remember anything about them.
babby cant breathe sleeping on its front. Do not ever leave them like that
Stop fucking evading.
vaccine death? are you a retard, it was SIDS.
go shoot up a mosque faggot
Yeah you should really die
This is babycist.
Sounds like you need to be apart of natural selection yourself.
So you mean mothers who try to bullshit their child murdering.
t. baby
I hope you flip and suffocate
brought this up yesterday actually, at least a few will die from trying to achieve world-firsts
Sudden Innoculation Death Syndrome
Hmm really makes you think...
Yep, lot of dudes aren't spring chickens anymore, and I highly doubt they're healthier, this game gonna murder people.
yeah, but it's usually involuntary manslaughter
shit sucks
i like the fact that it's less babies dead per year due to uninformed, stupid parents