>enemies can attack you on the save point
Enemies can attack you on the save point
>enemies ARE the save point
name the game
>outsider will spam the same unfunny "jokes" for the better part of a decade
>load into that one lantern in bloodborne
>a few seconds later spiders flood into the room and attack you
fuck chalice dungeons
>saving your game produces sound, attracting attention of nearby enemies
>enemies attack you just when you were about to save your game on a save point
You are saving second before enemy attacks you
>Saving your game destroys your save file forever
>enemies can kill you while you're saving
Fucking alien isolation
>game saved itself right before your death
>you just lost hours of progress because if you load it you die instantly
Chrono Trigger.
>savescumming in emulator
>never bothered with actual saves
>savescum yourself 40 hours into the game where the only thing left to do is die
>never touch game again
>enemies can invade the save screen
Name 37 games that do this
>enemies can open doors
>enemies still attack even when you’re not plauing
>enemies taunt you in the death cam
>using default settings not setting it to use consecutive save slots
>Deleting save files for another game on the memory card will cause your data to be corrupted at a random point in the future
>enemy knows what game saves you have for other games
what emulator
>enemy moves during a pause
>that one black knight that follows you all the way to the undead burg bonfire that will smack you out of the resting animation
>All those broken bonfires in Dark Souls 2 where as soon as you sit enemies respawn, aggro and start pelting you or attacking you.
>Need to kill them 15 times each to make the bonfire actually safe.
>save point attacks you
happened to me once as a result of a glitch.
In the Sims 3, used a wizard to freeze a guy. It froze him into ice, but spawned a clone of him.
Said clone carried on moving around when the game was paused. Needless to say I was disturbed. Imagine it doing idle animations silently while the game's sound is paused.
>enemy checks your voicemail
Fucking mimics.
>enemies can damage you while the pausing animation plays