Thoughts on Sunshine?
Thoughts on Sunshine?
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Unironic masterpiece
I can't believe they haven't made an HD remaster
pure comfy
i like its controles and aesthetics and setting and music
Dogshit game, only praised because of muh nostalgia
Incomplete, unpolished, buggy, terrible voice acting. Like pretty much all first party Gamecube games really.
>I can't believe they haven't made an HD remaster
i can, since the game is a big unfinished piece of shit.
It's really enhanced if you're willing to learn how to move and limit your Hover Nozzle usage. Give yourself some time to master the controls and it's great fun.
Very good game. Very thematic and soulful. I haven't played this or the galaxy games in a while, but I don't understand people who say galaxy is better than sunshine (or that sunshine is the worst 3d mario game). Maybe it's just because I like the "open world" feel of the game. Overall, good game. May be the worst 3d mario, but still very good.
Over rated UNFINISHED game.
>collect these blue coins
>now chase shadow mario
>now chase the running man
What's there is good, but come on man, you can't play this game & think they didn't need like another year to iron it out.
7.5/10 Solid game, but it's rough in spots.
pretty meh
To back this up a bit more look at how different the prototype is. You can't even get Green Yoshi in the final game without glitches.
love/hate relationship with it. love the visuals and atmosphere, hate how every world has a shadow mario chase and usually at least one other lame mission like the watermelon one in gelato, or the yoshi one in ricco harbor. still a solid 8/10, 2nd best 3D mario behind 64.
Least favorite 3D Mario. I don't like FLUDD. I do like putting Mario in a specific setting instead of traveling between worlds. Awful missions. Last time I played it, about 2 years ago, I remember getting upset a lot because of bullshit slopes and jumps that felt off. Yoshi was handled poorly. I will never play this game of my own volition ever again.
second worst 3D Mario after Galaxy 1
incredibly comfy
This beta area looks super comfy
The beta runs at 60fps too.
It's my least favourite 3D Mario game, mainly due to the blue coins, and how all the tropical locations meld into one another.
>galaxy is my least favourite 3D Mario game, mainly due to the purple coins, and how all the space locations meld into one another.
Nobody's going to mention how bad the camera is?
the lava boat is cancer, other than that I liked it
>Play Mario 64
>Oh wow I like how you're free to do whatever you want and go anywhere you want
>Play Sunshine at someone's house
>Oh wow Super Mario 64 2 I love this
>Get Sunshine myself
>Become disappointed that it's similar to 64 in regards to level design but don't have the freedom to collect any stars you want in any order besides the literal first star of the game
I beat this game as a dumbass kid thinking it would eventually open up or something or have bonus areas or something. The game was just a disappointment to me through and through. I didn't even own Galaxy 1 or 2 because of this either despite learning years later that they were heralded as god-tier games (Didn't really browse the internet at this time so).
the galaxy games are grade A garbage my man
Great game., Get's shit on even though most of the shit it gets shit for 64 does even worse as this thread evidences.
64 is more unpolished and buggy. Sunshine has jank but it's not as bad as the early 3d jank of 64.
The level design/missions are a huge improvement over 64 though. In 64 basically every mission was some variation of a Go to X and get star. Missions in sunshine have actual narratives with varied tasks and objectives.
In terms of level deisgn, despite supposedly being a sandbox platformer, 64 has all it's platforming in linear paths or half the time are just straight up overtly linear. In oddsseey, platforming is still really mainly built into paths, but with tons of branching ones and there's some opportunity for breaking these paths with clever custom platforming paths. In Sunshine, there's still a main path or two, but even better then in dossey, there's a TON of platforming tools and geometry all over the levels to the point where you can make up freeform platforming paths across any which way in most worlds.
For example, Bianco Hills, like Bomb-omb battlfield, has a central path through the stage and then spiralling up a tower, but there's also a large village to the left, a wall section with waterwheels, a park area with trees, and a lake with large poles and tightropes, and you can freeily and creatively platform off of and between all of those parts of the maps; wheras in Bomb-omb there's basically fucking nothing.
If sunshine actually gave you a reasom to come up with creative platforming paths through each world, like a Sonic Adventure 2 style rank system where the more stylish jumps you do, the fatest you beat it, and the less you use fludd, you get a better end score, I think people would apperciate it more.
64's is worse,
Why would you care about not having the freedom to go in any order when the actual levels themselves are way more open ended?
This. It's aged fucking beautifully too. It's a product of its time and it makes its time look better than it admittedly was.
Because having big levels where you can platform wherever you want are just that, levels where you can platform wherever you want. You dont have any goals to accomplish or secret stars to discover on your own.
I still vividly remember discovering that 100 coin stars were even a thing in 64, I got my first one in Big Boo's Haunt and it blew my mind.
Can't believe they haven't ported it to switch yet or made a sequel.
They don't, but whatever.
It creates glare I prefer darkness
I can't fathom a reason for not doing it. It's a very well received game. Is it just too hard a game for the manbabies Nintendo sells to now?
>generic beach level... IN SPAAAAAACE
>generic lava level... IN SPAAAAACE
>generic ice level... IN SPAAAAACE
>generic ice AND lava level... IN SPAAAAACE
>generic sand level... IN SPAAAAACE
Fuck off.
Okay game if you want to play it for the heck of it without 100%, fucking boring af if you want to 100%, 1/5 of shines are blue coins, another 1/5 are red coins, shit boss fights
Secret levels are kino tho
>Chuckster secret level is either cut entirely or replaces the empty space with big safety nets that bounced you back to where you were thrown from.
>Manta Ray in Sirena Beach is only half as big
>Sand Bird turns at half speed and never dissolves
>Only have to get half as many shines for Corona Mountain as before
Its my favorite
Its also Charles Martinee's favorite game
It's my favorite 3D Mario game.
It's very beautiful, the setting is great and better than all of its successor's, the FLUDD controls are great though the actual movement controls suck outside of FLUDD and the game just holds up very well in terms of mechanics, variety, and graphics.
But all of that comes with jank unrivaled by even Mario 64. The game has a lot of silly difficulty spikes that come out of seemingly nowhere, and the level design can be laughably bad.
Like who thought "Yoshi's Fruit Adventure" was a good stage to put in there? A random chance to get the fruit you NEED? A fruit that is affected by very arbitrary physics no less?
I love SMS but I hate it sometimes too. It's the Mario game I have the most fondness of and I wish they would revisit the strengths of it more in the next game. Odyssey tried but missed the mark given how stupidly easy it is and how incoherent and disconnected all of its locations are.
Except that's bullshit; Sunshine still has the 100 coin challenge AND it has blue coins which actually encourage and reward you for exploring and paying attention to the environment and doing quasi-puzzle solving.
the levels in sunshine don't meld into each other though what the fuck
>Mediterranean inspired city center
>a lakeside village and windmill
>industrial harbor
>picturesque beach and hills
>an amusement park
>a series of cliffs and waterfalls
>a haunted hotel
>a jungle/treetop village
My biggest theory
the controller
FLUDD uses pressure sensitive triggers the switch does not have
sure they could sell it with the GC controller but they have to account for people to play dockless
>set the left trigger to be a half press for fludd
problem solved
Watch hover power be tied to how fast you can jerk a joycon
The available GC controllers for Switch don't even have pressure triggers on their L/R buttons. That pretty much kills any chance they'd do a Switch port unless they change the control scheme.
Essential comfy-core. I used to play it and wind waker every summer. Then I would alternate each game every other summer.
I haven't player either in two years. Help
Nintendo really went all in on tropical shit in games in 2002 didn't they
>Wind Waker
>Pokemon Ruby and Saphhire
And they were all max fucking comfy
>unskipeable cutscenes
I never said it wasn't bullshit though, 100 coin stars have become a pseudo staple in 3D sandbox Mario games since, and why would you go off the beaten path in Sunshine to find blue coins when you're going to be forced to go to certain routes through levels eventually anyways, thus making it feel like a big waste of time.
>a half press
>half a press
and then it was space/sky for wii with galaxy 1 and 2 and skyward sword and metroid prime 3.
No, before that it was Light/Dark worlds with TP and Prime 2
I loved the levels
I loved my ex-wife
How do I flip the camera controls?
That doesn’t disprove what I said you goober
The worst 3D Mario due to it being insanely unpolished and buggy and having dogshit level design
It has the best level design of any sandbox 3d mariog game you moronic faggot, see also 64 is more buggy and unpolished
It's the closest 3D Mario comes to 3D Sonic. That's not a compliment. No wonder gamecube kiddies like it so much.
uuhhh, bro?
it's MARIO, not mariog.
64 has more bugs but Sunshine has more bugs that will pop up during normal gameplay.
Most of the bugs in 64 are frame perfect item cloning and parallel universe related bullshit that you will NEVER see on accident. Meanwhile in Sunshine falling through the floor of the world is a common ocurrence along with bizarre item behavior.
Also the level design is not good because it is more open, Mario Odyssey did open levels far better. 64's levels are more fun to navigate aside from some bad ones in the second half of the game.
the only level in Mario Sunshine I think is actually fun is Ricco Harbor.
I think you're way overrating how buggy it is. I've been playing Sunshine for nearly 20 years and I've NEVER had a gamebreaking bug occur, and I've never heard of it happening to anyone before either.
FLUDD sucks
the platforming sucks
most of the levels suck
most of the missions suck
the game is glitchy
the game has unskippable cutscenes
the game is clearly unfinished, missing probably about half a year of work
it's beautiful, has a nice atmosphere, has great music, and occasionally something fun happens in it. But none of this is enough to save it from being a subpar game and the worst 3D Mario.
You can´t, but you don´t need to unless you are mentally retarded.
Nintendo was planning on adding Delphino Island as DLC for Odyssey, but decided to make it the hub for the sequel instead. But, what could possibly be the premise of a whole game taking place there?
Too much story shit especially at the start.
K guess I'll keep eating the shit controls.
Probably one of the best games ever made.
>Mario Odyssey did open levels far better.
Odssey is still fundamentally designed around predesigned paths, just multiple branching ones instead of 1 single one in 64. The only exception to this is New Donk City which has sunshine-like even-spread of platforming tools and geometry, and, suprise, it's the best stage in the game.
>the platforming sucks
>most of the levels suck
Sunshine's levels are way better for platforming then 64's are, see
Pretty sure it is unfinished/rushed like a few other of the GCN's games like WW and Melee
Confirmed to be rushed & unfinished, despite its flaws it's very thematic and comfy
Soul: the video game
It's sunny
Is it the rushed and unfinished state of the game what attracts autists to it? Like with Busby and Ulillillia?
I consider it the spiritual precursor to Splatoon.
Fantastic game that did an impressive job merging shooting and platforming.
And I think that we're at a point in the industry were motion controls have improved aiming to an extent that a sequel is not only desirable, but necessary.
Really good controls, really good aesthetics, fucking terrible level/mission structure
bad game
>Best movement in a Mario game
>best atmosphere in a Mario game
>visuals aged great like most of the GameCube library
Best 3d Mario easy.
It does have half the levels of its predecessor.
like 9/10 on the comfy scale
6/10 for actual gameplay
>no snow
Worst Mario game ever.
I never played it for more than an hour but I remember really liking the artstyle and atmosphere, I should really go back and give this plus Luigi's Mansion a shot.
>i really wanna play through sunshine again, but I want to play different missions and levels
mods when?
A flawed masterpiece
I really like the music.
what did he mean by this
I can't fucking play it because of the absolute dogshit voice acting.
If I could play it with no voice acting, and with everyone just murmuring and grunting like in other 3D Mario games, I'd probably love it.
padding. It's Sunshine's big flaw