MGSV's script

Have you read it yet, Yea Forums?
For those who keep getting a mostly blank page in the "demo" portion
>Just click on the second tab at the bottom

>"Fake, I'm not reading this bullshit."
>"It's just some geezer autist's fanfic about their wet dream. Utter hoax, move on."
It helped modders extract of a slew of subtitle ID strings, which were previously known to them only as hashes. It's the actual script, anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.
Sure, there is plenty of evidence you can search around the net that proves so, but I'm not a spoonfeeder. Therefore, I'm not going to Google it for you. That link is all the evidence you need, anyway.
>"Retard, anyone can crack those hashes and include the deciphered strings in their fake leaks! That technical gizmo doesn't confirm shit!"
Say what you want, but bruteforcing the extraction of ANYTHING out of modern algorithm hashes will take you more than 10 years, tops, even with the best PCs and GPUs at your disposal.

Attached: ui_face_big_boss.png (512x512, 131K)

Who cares

>1 ip
user why are you doing this to yourself

same and fagpilled

V was a horribly written piece of crap, so no

Bump. Good stuff, holy shit
Where did it come from?

>paying attention to the poster counter
Why, just why?

Because it's useful for identifying samefaggotry?

what the fuck is wrong with you?

This is really interesting, but what am I meant to gain from this?

>what the fuck is wrong with you?
Doing this:
>Hey look THIS REPLY SEEMS TO BE FROM A DIFFERENT GUY but the IP count didn't rise when the reply post went from 0 to 1 SO SAMEFAG SAMEFAG SAMEFAG
Makes you look like an autist.

>phantom BiBo is directly the player through his/her avatar (read: a proxy for you)
>Chico buddy cut
>Prosthetic pinky cut
>Strangelove's words about the "egg" inside of The Boss was referring to Sunny and how she, in MGS4, injected a virus into JD, allowing her to released a code for sealing The Boss' will
>The Boss' will is exactly "a world made whole and free of controlling ideologies", /pol/tards BTFO
>BiBo is referred to by the scriptwriters/comments as Snake/the real Snake for whatever fucking reason
>To add on to that, phantom BiBo is referred to by the scriptwriters as Snake/Avatar Snake/the player/the Medic/Snake (Player)
>Despite getting plastic surgery to have Snake's face, everyone still sees your face being your avatar's instead of Snake's
>Kingdom of the Flies is presumably DLC, and it's also the last thing they were working on (they took too long to begin working on it, more than a year after the story was finished)

>phantom BiBo is referred to by the scriptwriters/comments*

it apparently gave OP autism

>Strangelove's words about the ''''egg'''' "inside of" The Boss were referring to Sunny*
Double oops.

Might read it later. Anything actually interesting in it? Cut content/scenes etc?

So does samefagging

Well... alright, then.

None of this is new

>after the story was finished)
wait so that shitheap was meant to be a finished story? hahahahaha and people blame konami cuts

>>Despite getting plastic surgery to have Snake's face, everyone still sees your face being your avatar's instead of Snake's
What? Why? That makes no fuckin sense

>There are enemies everywhere, we must alter your appearance immediately
>Shows you a mirror where you look like Big Boss, who has enemies everywhere.

In reality, no plastic surgery happened. Phantom is brainwashed to see himself as Big Boss, while everyone else believes that Big Boss underwent plastic surgery so that's why he looks like avatar.

and miller just rolls with this and nobody mentions it
10/10 bravo kojima

He's blind.

Do you remember rescuing him?
>"They do something to your eyes?"
>"No, it's just bright, is all..."

you'd think at some point on mother base somebody would mention snake having a different face nowadays and he'd think, "hmm... wait a second... i don't..."

Miller is blind, the script confirms it, it specifies how he pretends he is not in each sequence.

this gets worse by the minute

Fpbp. MGS is dead. You fags need to move on.

the only part i dont get is when real BB is at the "end" at seemingly he is switching identities with the player or some shit, its pretty confusing

Kill yourself.

is he actually blind? i never comprehended that if so, he seemed like he could see

Partially sighted. They made jokes about it.

This, a better, more complete story wouldn't magically make the game any less shit

It wasnt finifshed in its original concept as the script mentions how Amanda later wants Snake too kill Chicothat would be closer to the real end since it goes full circle with the script often mentioning how every walkman is like Chico´s at the beginning of the game, but clearly they locked the content at some point and thats when the DLC mission was conceived, sort of obvious with how its just one mission in the documents insted of a group of missions in that island.

Theres no fuckig way the game was supposed to end like it did with all the last revelations happening off-screen with no ligical reason after Quiet´s story ends, and even left Liquid up in the air, they just couldnt finish it.

Also theres no mention of Chapter 3 anywhere so thats a leftover of other mistery

Oh, also
>Miller being blind confirmed
Which leads me to this:
>partially sighted.
Nah. The script states literal, "Miller is blind".

Pretty sure the prosthetic pinky is, at least.

IIRC, someone dug deep into the "missions" file's revision history and found out that the story was finished in 2013, with minor revisions/additions being made afterwards until 2015. Kojima spent way too much time polishing instead of thinking of a good story.

>Despite getting plastic surgery to have Snake's face, everyone still sees your face being your avatar's instead of Snake's

Yeah let's forget about all the soliders saying that big boss is back, and the fact that Skullface recognized big boss


Just play MGS

Pretty sure all the Chico stuff was cut early.

>Theres no fuckig way the game was supposed to end like it did
>they just couldnt finish it.
Too bad, it was, and thus they did. Also, MGSV aims to simulate real war (in other words: repetitiveness and constant nothingness with NO FANFARE), and endings are essentially fanfares, so they're out of the picture. Had Kojima been given more time, the only thing we would have gotten would be Kingdom of the Flies and better gameplay.

that whole part is confusing even in the same script with detailed explanations, the endig with the real BB and the fake passport is also equally confusing, one thing is two BB at the same time doing different stuff, but two BB with different faces pretending to be the same person doing different things escapes my comprehension.

Should have been more specific. To the outside world (Skullface, etc.), it sees your face being Snake's. To your peers, they see your face being your avatar's.
Sounds "lolrandumb" and unscientifical, but remember that this is a video game. Kojima can do anything he wants.

>real BB
You mean "the real Snake"? There is not such thing as "the real Big Boss". Big Boss is just a title.

yeah, cut early just like they say with the Kingdom of the flies all the time, just like Battle Gear was cut early and we only have concept drawings for it and Chico when Battle gear was actually implemented in the game at a playable level, the only reason we saw half finished content from Kingdom of the flies is because someone thought of putting it in the special edition to milk people since they canceled it, if it werent for that we would only have image boards and concept art of that one too, so theres no certain way to know if chico got to have a model or even gameplay implementation at some level.

>"No, it's just bright, is all..."
He says that in a dark ass prison.

Either he's blind and doesn't want to admit the weakness, or his vision is damaged enough for him to be seeing almost white but be able to discern shapes.

okay real snake, you know what I mean, whats the deal with the faces and their identities, since anyways, the real snake is going to be "Big Boss" at Foxhound or wherever while another snake is "Big Boss" as an enemy of the world.

I dont get the identity strategy with the faces with the weird hints that things are not as we see them, but I admit tht maybe its just that it flew over my head and its not so complicated

the script says he is completely blind but is pretending not to be and his other senses are heightened.

>Either he's blind and doesn't want to admit the weakness, or his vision is damaged enough for him to be seeing almost white but be able to discern shapes.
For the last time, as I said in , the script states literal that he's blind.

So, the former. He's blind and doesn't want to admit the weakness.

Attached: Miller is blind.png (1017x116, 10K)

What's with all the sudden threads about MGSV recently? I even got an urge to replay it out of nowhere

Attached: 1562872804526.jpg (310x346, 28K)

>bangs with the boy

Just sounds like this never had a chance.

>Kojima realizes the plot makes no sense
>he makes Kaz blind in order to have it make slightly more sense
>this in turn makes Miller make no fucking sense in MG2 and Liquid's impersonation of him in MGS1

This is how Kojima works. Every time. He retcons something to make his current game work better, but in doing so ruins his old games. It's just like the arm possession being retconned into hypnosis.

>still giving a s hit
Honestly I enjoyed the game, I still play it sometimes, and I never cared about the cut part of the game.

Viral marketing for demon edition

Same, Although I'll always be mad they cut mission 51

bro-op game never ever

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Holy shit that is an amazing idea.
Venom is slower, stronger and has an utility arm.
Big Boss is faster, more accurate and harder to spot.

I hate that we'll never get this.

Attached: zzzxc.jpg (1199x704, 107K)

After a mission you can go into the shower booth at Mother Base together

make it so that the only way you regen health is if you're in the shower between ops.

i feel like most people who say that the game is shit havent actually played it