why is it so embarrassing to play handheld games in public?
Why is it so embarrassing to play handheld games in public?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you're weak minded and feel you have to conform with people you don't even know
it's because only chads can play games in public and look cool
also 99.99% of people don't give a shit about your lame ass playing games, the problem is in your head
Because it means you literally can't put down videogames for 5 seconds. It's embarassing.
Because you're probably aware of the fact that some people might look at you and think you're a manchild. Most probably won't care though
Is there something worthwhile I should be paying attention to? Please keep in mind that I'm going to respond with anything you say with a remark about how you're a pussy.
actual fact girls WILL do this if you're a cute boy
Why do you care?
Everyone is on their phones anyway
you wouldn't let a bunch of old girls take you to a hotel, right?
The only acceptable leisure activities you can do in public; on transit, breaks etc. are reading books and listening to music with earphones. Anything else is disgusting and you should be shamed.
>left handed controls
It's gonna take me forever just to get used to them!
what about checking your phone?
everyone seems to do it
Of course not.
Little girls on the other hand...
>those controls
That's not what a fucking NES / Famicom controller looks like you fucking whore, get it right
God I hate women so fucking much
wait a minute....
You will not trick me!
if you're american you should be keeping an eye on any niggers around you at all times
around blacks never relax
no blacks is the reason japs can afford to have handhelds with them every where
Provisionally, it's important to keep in touch with the people you love.
In the PDA era I got a lot of shit for being glued to my gadget. "Normies" avoided PDAs.
Nowadays everyone is stuck in smartphone.
explain this fetish to me
>hey kid want to play monster hunter?
I'm just your everyday onii.. I mean everyday dude.
Say, let's get some power tools from the Home Depot, so we can build the most bro BBQ pit while snipping some slim jims.
It's not. Nobody cares what you do with your free time.
Okay, but you better not hold me back. Sub 5 minute Apex fights or I'm kicking you three.
someone post the one in the bus
Female pedophiles get the bullet too
same root appeal as the hot babysitter, only more predatory and definitely video games.
Whoa, that sounds like a lot a fun. Let's go, dude!
Oh fuck yeah I really feel like grillin' right now.
This i live in Italy and cant even go to the park with my children because they basically live there and take their diks out to piss everywhere
What are those girls doing to that boy?
you do realize that they attend the same school, right?
First aid practice.
>I'm a teenage boy and I'm soooo embarrassed about sex especially when an older girl touches me
Fake and gay
Jesus fuck, I'm so hard my dick hurts.
>tfw 5'4 and shortest guy in my group of friends
>even the girls in the group are taller than me
>people actually fantasize about being the small dude bullied by tall girls
I won't post any of the good stuff until you post sauce.
>Let's play together tonight.
>I will make this a bonus for you If this is not enough, I will go buy again.
>people actually fantasize about being the small dude bullied by tall girls
yep, only for that part, screw being short for when you're not being bullied by tall women
>tfw no loving nip gf to milk you
I'm a full foot taller than you, but for that moment I wish I was you.
Use reverse search you goddamn mong
However, I know for sure that manga is NOT Bullied ~Revenge Hypnosis~ by Aiue Oka
i love how tense the little dude is in every pic.
>korean version
fuck you
i pay my debts
We’re talking about nigs, not italians
>tfw only like /ss/ if it's mother x son
am I doing it wrong?
"the grass is always greener" and all that
god i wish that were me
Posting on Yea Forums makes you a virgin
I'm more a lolicon, but I'm glad /ss/ lovers still get threads.
But user from experience I find anyone stuck as the small dude/girl in a group tends to be the bully.
I'd trade with you bud but the downside is you'll get pestered by people into ageplay and diapers.
Recommend me some good /ss/ works.
>mother x shota son
>mother fucks her son's ass with her thick penis
which one?
>tfw you'll never be a shota again
>futa x anything that isnt a female
no thanks
I know that one.
Nora Higuma
It hurts, bro.
My niggas.
spoon feed please
Everything by okyuuri.
sauce me up senpai
Those chests look fucking godlike. What is this chest shape called? The shirt isn't tucked under the tiddies, but it's tucked into their skirts, making the chest look like a big heaving mound.
That's more sexy than any 3d porn to me.
uh oh
looks like I'm cooming again...
torpedo tits
Mama Tama? Also
>that two doujinshis were the futa sister turns the little brother into a biological woman by literally fucking him in the ass repeatedely
I can only get angry at Sky now because he doesn't do doujins and his shotas are irritating me.
Hey, I used to be a little boy and I was never once approached by horny adult women, what the hell?
This is truer than you know.
I can't count the number of times I had random women slap me on the ass when I was in elementary/middle school.
Shit was fucking weird.
was it rape?
Challenge accepted
>lose on purpose 1000 times
the virgin shota vs the CHAD UGLY BASTARD
>You were born too soon, before the Matriarchy takes over and gene editing advances enough to make men stop growing just on the cusp of puberty for 'public safety'
Vs the Thad both
was it rape?
If you reversed the genders, you'd all be singing a different tune.
This shit is so funny, god damn it why don't I have qt oneesans trying to bribe me with premium RAM.
Is that my nigga big J?
Okay that's pathetic
yea because I cant be the little girl and get fucked by older men, if it was with older women I'd mind though
>double standards exist
You’ve been like this for two weeks fuck off
*slap slap slap*
>I just want to play video games
How does this keep getting by my filters
Do you mean dominant loli x onii-san, or dominant shotas x onee-chan?
Because I'd be okay with either.
Source me my guy
Is Yea Forums secretly scared over stronger women?
>have sex
You weren't cute enough.
is she trying to make him wear the girls uniform?
Children like to feel like everyone is judging them.
As long as you don't physically look or act like a spurge and blare your volume high, nobody cares what you do in public.
>that hairstyle
>that sling
Are these things just intertwined or something?
No way this is real. It can't be. Tell me it isn't??
Corrupting cute boys is the cutest thing of all
>Playing videogames
>Mom walks in to watch
>Can no longer play normally
Anyone else?
Nice fannypack retard.
Yes because she knows trap (shota) x girl is god tier and best taste and best thing ever
Nah, I think it's all hot.
/ss/ reverse rape, /ss/ rape, loli rape, loli reverse rape, blackmail, incest, coercion, all of it.
The only thing I can't stand is when a doujin or comic or whatever is tagged with male:rape when it's actually just light femdom that turns into maledom halfway through or just rough sex.
That shit is fucking annoying, stop doing it.
give me the source
you seem like a weak minded individual
i used to play MH on 3ds everyday on my way to college
now my 3ds is dead and got nothing to play on it anyway so why bother
>sling backpack
>fanny pack
tard alert, tard alert
but do they anal
It's actually pretty weird how touchy adults get around children, especially without their permission. When I was a kid there were multiple occasions were random women would just start wordlessly running their hands through my hair without any warning and then fuck off.
>sling backpack
Is that what fags call fannypacks?
>tfw don't live in the future where the Gynarchy has taken over and men are gene edited in the womb so they no longer physically mature past 11 or 12 so they're small docile bois who can be milked to continue the species and serve as playthings for grown women
>tfw no dominant gf that will "force" you to have sex with her for pc parts
its not fair bros
God I wish that were me.
Me in the middle
>loli rape,
Over the line. Lolis are for loving, not rape.
I was actually pretty cute as a kid, I used to play fight with two of my older (High Schooler) neighbor girls all the time and one kissed me at one point. I was in like a preteen at the time so I was too dumb to pursue either of them.
You are now aware of all the missed sexual opportunities you had in high school.
>high school
already too late
iqdb and google gave me nothing
>you will never get /ss/d by a busty oneesan
I actually didn't have any
Gyaru alert has been issued. A gyaru has been spotted in the area. Protect your anus at all costs.
>kemonomimi x shota
Now we're getting somewhere.
>implying I haven’t thought about that since the 3d year after high school
>in year 8 of secondary school
>popular, good looking girl comes up and asks if I want to go out sometime
>laugh and say no
>thought it was some kind of joke
>realise years later it wasn't
God female:rimjob is such patrician content.
Can't have missed any if I was never offered any
uncropped page
find it yourself
i only regret one of them, and in hindsight i dodged a bullet.
college is a different story
I had an older girl hitting on me as a joke when I was a kid and it was pretty embarassing so I can somewhat relate. Mostly verbal quips around my classmates. Can't imagine some girl going in for real though, that must feel surreal at first.
I had an older half cousin would bully me all the time when she babysat me when I was 11. She was tall and cute. I can almost relate to this guy.
>It's a stealth /ss/ thread
Fuck's sake
oh no. quick, do something, shota-kun is in danger!!!
Not true, you can guarantee people are looking at you funny.
>implying I didn't purposefully avoid this
Had a girl around a foot taller than me that would always try to wrap herself around me every day. My mind would autistically go "No this isn't right" and I'd just squirm out and go on my merry way. She was cute and all but holy shit any time she even put a hand on me red flags were just popping up all over my brain.
This is about as subtle as a freight train.
I think we got way past that point.
more mod Chan Lewds when?
Being small and looking young really makes people avoid looking at you if you're playing on a Switch in the middle of a Train/Bus. The only downside is you constantly get badgered by Metro Security thinking you're ditching class even though you're in college or coming from work.
Make no mistake. I WILL silently laugh at you if you play a switch in public.
I would appreciate a source on this, friend
>we'll do it once for every time you die
Well shit I guess I'm not getting laid
Can't relate, closest there was was me ignoring a group stacies in middle school because I thought they were fucking with me for a reaction, but nothing more than them just saying "Hi" in their god awful shrill voices.
Propably never, but here is what I did find with lazy searching.
We were too late.
>Bribery Graphics Card falls off the bed
>on bus ride home after serving after school detention
>emo chick and her blatantly faggy emo twink friend on the bus with me
>sort of friends with the emo girl, we talk and usually shes around during lunch
>sitting in back of bus
>they both keep looking at me
>hey user want to play "are you nervous"
>"what's that"
>"it's a game where you do something and ask if the person gets nervous, and if they do, you win"
>"uh ok"
>girl immediately touches my hair
>asks if im nervous
>this very quickly progresses to her basically touching me everywhere
>reaches my crotch and straight up gropes me
>"are you nervous"
>looks visibly disappointed
>twink goes
>touches me everywhere, really focuses my chest
>sits on my lap
>grinds his ass into me
>"are you nervous"
>also looks disappointed
>"ok your turn user"
>play with girls hair
>eventually grope her tiddies even though im sweating bullets
>she still isnt nervous
>dont really know what to do to the guy
>bus ride gets to their stop and they both get off, both looking fairly disappointed
God I'm a retard.
Okyuuri. You can find all his work on nhentai.
>rimjob + paizuri
The only gaming thats socially acceptable is multiplayer gaming. Everyone knows you're not multiplayer gaming on your handheld in public.
sauce pls
i thought you killed yourself by now quentin
>posting anything lewd
Fuck off KYM using tourist.
Thank you
The ONLY acceptable handhelds you should play in public is a PSP or PS Vita.
>all male highschool
no way fag
What happened to Quentin.
Did he finally had enough?
>went to an all boys high school
Not like there would've been any opportunities anyways, being a nerd and all.
he was DNA banned
blowing raspberries
loli porn is better
are the pc parts a meme or are they really part of the plot?
I'm not aware of any tobh
Shouldn't matter to you. Play them out there if you want.
go away c poster
jokes on you, i never had any sexual opportunities in high school
it's just a meme premise that he wants PC parts and rich onee-san bribes him with them
Look at this fag, so insecure about what people think of him
i miss free rimjob day at school
Ok but then why did they take his shorts and underwear off?
People don't care at all. Actually they only care if you aren't holding anything in your hands. Sometimes I get lost in thought while looking straight at the bus window or something and when I come back people will proceed to look at me like I'm some kind of mass shooter or something
use the little triangle on the uncropped page and you will find it.
>argentina and brazil after world cup.jpg
>okyuuri has untranslated /ss/ doujins
>people only translate his faggot futa dickgirl shit
>losing to a piss easy game
>losing to a piss easy game on purpose for some pussi
Shoving your pride aside just for a quick release is the same behavior as trannies. And you should feel awful for even considering it.
you talk like a fag
I've literally had this happen. When I was a shota playing on my game gear. My dads friends had twin daughters around the age of sixteen or something, I don't recall. They did this to me, I was a 11 at the time. Had my first fap thinking about being the meat of that tit sandwich that night.
>tfw my mom will never not be fat
damn it
>do a presentation in math about System of a Down because our teacher wanted us to 'express our understanding of math through music'
>qt goth girl asks me about them after, says there's a concert coming up near us
>say 'oh, that's cool' and walk away
fucking gut me
To this day I'm still wondering if this is an edit or not
There really is a double standard on this stuff, swap the sex and it's even worse.
I think it's because 99% of the people consuming it are guys who want it to happen to them. It doesn't even have to have shota in it most of the time either, just the concept alone is enough.
I know I do lol
It's pretty much the same as carrying a sign stating that you have no social life, including a thorough explanation of how and why
Minato Fumi is an amazing artist, but he mostly draws same-age stuff.
>ywn be /ss/d
It's that gaming time.
The difference is men feel good for other men who succeed, while women feel jealous for other women who succeed.
people who appreciate the opposite are equally based and redpilled though
>All these disgusting cowtit oneesans.
>double standards exist
Small penis goes in big vagina vs. big penis goes in small vagina
Missed? Were there fucking any?
Sauce please. I get no hits
I don't think you understand how vaginas work.
I've only been exclusively masturbating to /ss/ for the past year
how do I stop?
I just fuck them I don't need to know how they work
Eh, only had sex with one girl throughout high school, it was okay. Now college is where the most fun fucking happens. Worked at a Starbucks at the time and I easily had three co-workers water over my dick at the same time. I moved before they all found out. I also slept with another co-worker recently who was engaged too, which added a bit of hilarity because another male co-worker had the biggest crush on her and I snapped it all up.
/ss/ is garbage. GARBAGE.
>search combination of tags that would fit this image on sad panda
>Can't find the exact source
Ok, somebody better give a sauce.
Same user
Do girls fap to lolicon? It seems the kinda shit only men would enjoy
please source
Cringe and gaypilled
>fucking vaginas
i miss penis inspection day
God, I wish that was me.
I don't think that's an appropriate place for that lady to put her foot
tell me more about it
>posting /ss/ on Yea Forums who said something incredibly stupid about vaginas that only a virgin would think
Yes I am sure you fuck them all the time my friend.
what a fag
>vaginas are the same size at all points of a woman's life
ok retard
Guys, you're losing the point of this thread
sugar milk
there's no futa, so I I'll spoonfeed since it was a little deceptive
Artist is ohisashiburi
They're just girls he made
As I said I don't think you understand how vaginas work. Its okay not everyone is a chad or a doctor. Just for your education bro vaginas are like rubber bands, they are all tight and stretch the same. Its general use and tear that makes them loose, not age unless you get into extremes like 50+ years old.
me on the left
I wouldn't know because I don't give a fuck. If people can tap their phones, watch movies on their laptops, etc, then I can play a game too while we arrive. If anyone thinks less of me compared to those doing those other things, they can go fuck themselves.
disappointingly little there
thanks anyway friend
>penis inspection day
>Forgot to wash it off the previous day
>Teacher had to clean it off using her mouth
>Came instantly, first load wasted
>Second load I forgot to pull out so she couldn't check for consistency and colour
>Gave me an F
God, I hate being homeschooled.
>left to right
Kill yourself.
Only if is a nintendo handheld
/ss/ is the most bitch dicklet cope self insert and all of Yea Forums loves it, what a surprise. Learn to initiate sex and not just fantasize about getting raped as a child faggots.
to be more comfortable
Figured, though still just as good
This the genitals never grow my dick is the same size it was when I was 9
joke's on you faggot I self insert as horse hung shotas since I've read secret journey
Would you give away your innocence and wizard powers for an i9 and 2080ti?
>tfw happened to me with a girl a few years older at school
It only got as far as kissing (which was crazy for the young me), but thinking about it still makes me blush to this day.
why would a woman go after a small peepee? porn taught me women like them big
It's not and fuck what they think Metroid Prime Hunters is a whole lot better than gacha shit like Fate Go.
I want a story of a sweet, innocent girl having a crush on her childhood friend. However due to the Shota procurement law, he is to be wedded off to an older office lady in her 30's by the time he is 12.
>Learn to initiate sex
That sounds like a good way for me to be thrown in jail.
>ditching class even though you're in college
Go to class user, you cant hide your grades from your parents at the end of the semester when you need them to file for financial aid.
I'd have to run a benefit/cost analysis.
don't forget the trident ram
>Sling bags
>thinking theyre the same
You really should google each one up user. Fannypacks are tied around your waist. Slings are as the name implies slung upon your back
This. The same reason Yea Forums doesn't watch anime in public.
>ditching class
user, you're paying for it. Go to fucking class, most of the classes I've ever taken are relatively easy if you just show up, even 400 levels.
Nah, you're just based and mommypilled.
It's because you're not attractive and ugly.
I'm pretty normal looking but am healthy looking (thanks fitbros) and I've never had any negativity from people playing my little emulator machine. In fact Ive gotten some compliments and questions on what games I'm playing. Best one was this big tittied girl asking me what game I was playing because it looked cool.
I told her it was super ghosts n goblins.
femdom or bust
Fuck me, what’s the source? Reverse image search isn’t giving squat.
for shame, you could have had both of them all on your cock
But anons you misunderstood. The Metro cops think im ditching class cause they assume im a Freshman in High School even though im a College student.
>ditching college classes
Shit I'm paying for that shit, obviously I'm not going to ditch those classes. Shit is coming out of my wallet.
Disciplining him.
Based environmentally conscious mom
*femdom and ballbust
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a son. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can go and ravage another woman. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - singing him lullabies, taking him to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet to grow up big and strong, educating him, playing with him, giving him loving hugs. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the women that will eventually get fucked by him in their every hole.
Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random slut who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. She gets to fuck his nice big cock every night. She gets the benefits of his kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.
As a woman who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for another woman to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
It's like you retards never lumped all your units into as few days as possible. Four day weekends were the best.
I wish I was loved
Artist is nakano sora
>he doesnt know about /ss/ where the boy initiates sex on some shy homebody cake
Knowing my autistic ass, I'd argue that it doesn't count as dying if I use the revive mechanic, and she'd have to rape me in frustration.
>Virgin keeps trying to save face
Stop being a retard, christ.
Yeah, I know. I regret it to this day.
its just a game bro
i dont self insert. i want to fuck both.
Ummmm?! I hope that receptionist reported them to the police...
Source? Google and Yandex aren't giving me shit even when I try to plug it into sadpanda.
The artist is Korean
I always like it better when the boy just confesses his pure feelings and go for a kiss because that's the most lewd thing they know then the cake leads from there
>janny nuke lolis threads after it reaches bump limit
>janny leave /ss/ threads up also.
Dark age Yea Forums
hell yeah son
This artist makes me fucking diamond every damn time.
>tfw they never been held down by their sister and her busty friends
>one of them sat on your chest and they gave you a makeover
Is this a doujin or just scattered images? I'm ready to blow a load bigger than mt st helens
No need to, you JUST KNOW it happened.
random images that follow a theme. artist posts them to twitter.
the hitomi.la link in this thread is your paradise though
scattered images by the same artist that tells a story when connected together
At least 3 girls had a crush on me through elementary/high school. Maybe more but they weren't obvious.
One of those girls I also had a crush on, nobody knew but I knew she had a crush on me. She would tease me about playing games during computer class and how it's for babies. She was a pretty athletic tomboy and mostly hanged out with me and my guy friends. She absolutely wrecked everyone in dodgeball (boys and girls) during PE and she had one of the best scores in almost everything. We've hunged out for years. She would come to my seat and tease me during computer class. In earlier grades we would walk home part of our ways.
>tfw I did absolutely nothing and am a kissless virgin
Random, but the boy gets drained hard though.
kys faggot
>they assume im a Freshman in High School
post bussy
You self insert as the boy.
>Spouts semen all over her breasts
>She immediately smothers him in them
>The semen is just gone
Why can't these drawing fuckers do continuity.
Sky freedom- Jk rich thots
But it doesn't seem to be in english anywhere
literally guilt free way to fap to teenage anime girls for normalfags anwyay
When I play my old gameboy advance in public people (mostly children) gather around me in awe.
I've made many friends, and even got a job just for playing in public.
boys mentally mature at a faster rate than girls do so they're ready for sex earlier. men and women are different, deal with it feminazi. equality is a false god
how can threads like this exist on Yea Forums but loli threads on Yea Forums get nuked by post 5
it's not fair Yea Forums
Do you want semen all over your face
Because if you do ur gay
>your face
It's not my face, retard. Continuity is still good.
Yea Forums is dead, bro.
Okara evening flower, on the cafe
Maybe because Yea Forums mods are huge faggots.
saunce before thread is pruned
Herp derp what is a self insert
What is time between panels
It is bullshit, I unironically made a Yea Forums thread on Yea Forums and it survived for some reason it was a koikatsu thread with fate so it could be argued to be on topic
user what's the source plz
>Herp derp what is a self insert
I don't self insert, I just fap.
>What is time between panels
It was almost immediate.
>Yea Forums is a tsundere for Yea Forums
bacause minus the musicals Yea Forums is fuking dead they can lewd post but as soon someone post a doujin the entire thread is nuke to oblivion
maybe just maybe
Yea Forums despite its flaws is still a good board for off topic discussion
What if you live in Ohio or Wisconsin?
Trash, post loli and their over loving mothers.
How can little brats even compete against older women?
what if you insert as the chad shota
Ohh so the trial to becoming a man. it isn't some weird adventure, but its when a older girl takes your virginity as a young man. Who would had known
>reading /ss/ for the woman and not the shota
found the fag
PK Gristle (Igumox)] SEX INTERSECT
Why are female pedos allowed to have threads on Yea Forums but male ones aren't? Kinda unfair.
>cuck shit
I didn't order any onions.
Sauce me right now PLEASE
That's false, women mature faster mentally than men. It's why women tend to date older men and why women have better GPAs in high school but men end up with better SAT scores.
damn right its your face, you love it.
Male sexual drive peaks while young. Female sexual drive continues to mature through middle age. An older girl and an energetic young boy is the course of nature. Male pedos are abnormal.
Based user. thanks.
yeah no, ever heard of child soldiers? there's a reason they're always male
Because men are viewed as expendable.
>Incest NTR
The most based of fetishes.
its not a kinoplex baka
>reverse searching shota or loli on Google
I can't imagine how many lists you're on
>being a faggot
>found the faggot
what did he mean by this
Sadly never fucking ever.
His gf was a qt maiden. Qt sister and gf. Lucky guy.
google image search has been shit ever since they intentionally gimped it after it kept detecting black people as gorillas
use yandex or saucenao. saucenao is best for uncropped pages and pixiv images
i dont know i was hoping someone else'd post it
Going to need a source.
>being retarded on purpose
You don't deserve it if that's how much effort you'll put into it.
Do none of you fucks know how to use reverse search? Jesus fucking christ.
There's no way it's "Uchi no Otouto Maji de Dekain dakedo Mi ni Konai?" by Kemuri Haku. There's no way it could be that.
I dunno why but the mods on Yea Forums are currently doing jack shit at this hour, despite being the evening in American hours. There's even a thread on Yea Forums still up as of now spammed with totally explicit loli porn, and 30 minutes later it's still going
>Holy shit this guy has good taste, I better tag all his search results to add to my collection.
Iinari no Susume | Advice for the Whipped
But im not gay user. Only faggots think they have that.
its ok i use bing
I think they just let everyone get their off topic shitposts out of their system for an hour or two then go back to moderating
>There's even a thread on Yea Forums still up as of now spammed with totally explicit loli porn, and 30 minutes later it's still going
Which thread?
Second purest form of love with first being brother/sister incest of course.
the one with pink haired trap in the op
The fate trap one
This got translated btw
>If you reversed the genders, you'd all be singing a different tune.
most loli artists are females that self insert as little girls getting ravaged by hot older dudes.
the artist is Nunnu
Thanks, anons.
>I don't want to
>a a aa ah
Livestream your next bing bing wahoo in public you won't
>"where will you be when diarrhea hits?"
>expecting results from cropped stuff
I like to pretend that I was a lucky child.
You have to be literally gay to not let chicks fuck you senseless for $700 especially at that age.
>all male
im sitll a virgin
your welcome
hyper futa on hyper trap shota (futa)
Yandex motherfucker can you use it
Shotas trying hopelessly to hide their boners are some of the best images out there.
Is this really what guys like? t. actual girl
Lmao I wonder what this thread will be about xD
Does anyone want to invite me on Discord and post images/text that will inspire me to masturbate, while I pretend to be anxious and uncomfortable and lonely?
Because that would be super epic! Haha xD
Now that was wholesome.
Yea Forums: fuck roasties and fuck niggers
Yea Forums: pwease I need a mommy gf to dominate my scwawny wittle body
>short dude
>live in LA
>constantly end up meeting Age Play mommies who want to put me in diapers
Shit why would you want to put someone in diapers if you like them sexually?
yes t. actual guy
Do you not see the hypocrisy?
why must crops be so hard to find sauce for
>don't have time to reverse search all this right now
>archive is down so I can't save the thread for later either
>Yea Forums: pwease I need a mommy gf to dominate my scwawny wittle body
>Yea Forums is one guy
>equating sexual kinks to identity and politics
>be me, 12
>Boomer dad takes me to see AC/DC
>his friends rented a party bus, just an open schoolbus with seats and big stereo, you can drink in the back
>parents are getting destroyed in the back, one guy keeps giving me a dollar every time I bring him a beer
>end up with five bucks, sitting on my chair
>mom's wasted friend wanders over and sits way too close
>Keeps talking at me, looking me straight in the eyes, getting touchy
>my mom comes over, friend tells her she was just checking up on me because I was being so quiet
>they both leave
Shit's scary honestly
>>live in LA
enjoy the plague rodriguez
The beauty of /ss/ crosses all racial boundaries and cultures.
Keep the tab open
>Livestream in public
I think your priorities of what is and isnt socially acceptable are a little bit mixed up.
No, it's what manchildren like. Real men like cunny.
I like both
user we both know you aren't going to do anything with it later. You might even delete it and then frantically look for it several weeks down the line.
So remember this word when using the archive word search hitomi
You don't actually want your big sister to rape you
>Not liking both
>archive is down
There's an alternative one which goes back 3 months ago, use it while fireden tries to fix their shit (or not)
Uh oh. The loli thread got nuked.
Both of those were sourced.
Silly phone poster.
Is the appeal of this that you can pretend your sub 5 inch dicklet can satisfy a mature woman? Because that seems to be the case in this thread.
Well duh, if I wanted it it wouldn't be rape.
are we next?
kid icarus did a lot of things right
Guys on 4channel? Yes.
It's easier for them to self-insert when the girl takes all the initiative and they don't do anything.
No, the appeal is having a sexy lady completely predatorily dominate you
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you have not actually fucked a vagina user.
I would have to expand every single image first so that they stay in my temp files.
post boy ass then
>453 replies
We can't falter yet, brother, let us reach the bump limit first!
>Not having 4chanX so you can do exactly that with the press of a button
Imagine being this much of a scrub.
But I don't have any /ss/ to post!
>nobody replied to the gamer posters all thread
this thread made me try "tomgirl -yaoi" and has lead to some interesting results
I’ma post a browser crashing image you little shit
I want more games about cute boys falling in love with cute girls
I'll eventually move out user. This place is doomed as is, they constantly build luxury houses and apartments when no one can afford them causing Skid Row to expand. Actually had the chance to move out to Texas had I taken the offer of a mommy type though I'm not sure the tradeoff of having to wear diapers was worth moving out of this shithole.
Please for the love of god, i beg of you. I need a srouce
Post sources before thread dies
Maybe she's A slime-girl in disguise and her body absorbed the semen
Some did, though. Read the thread.
Why would anyone give a shit what literal strangers think? The likelihood you’re ever going to meet any of those people again is minuscule, and even then there’s no chance they’d recognise you.
People always respond to these threads with “nobody cares what you do” which is probably true for 99% of people, but even if it weren’t true, why would that matter? Are you really going to deprive yourself of enjoyment because some random brainlet will internally think you’re a loser? Hate to break it to you but they probably think you’re a loser anyway. Unless you live in some shithole country where you could get assaulted, you should just do whatever you want in public. As long as you’re not inconveniencing other people then there’s no problem.
I don't really like Yea Forums X. There were some cosmetic things I couldn't change so I haven't used it in a long time. Yea Forums's native features are enough for me. Beyond the [expand all] I could use right now, I don't think there's anything 4chanX offers that would convince me to reinstall it.
unless they are from the same place then is not a source
Is it? I haven’t noticed, sounds to me like you have insecurity problems, that’s a you problem man.
Then enjoy begging for sauce and individually expanding every image like the phonefag you clearly are.
don't talk like you know me motherfucker
For what purpose?
Jesus Christ you can not only reverse image search it but it also has the name on the filename.
>cubfags and furry shitters come to ruin the thread again
they always do this shit
me too
>janny’s are here
I thought this was a thread about playing games in public, what's with all this porn?
now try pulling the full translated set out of your ass.
Yea Forums - video games
play otome games
>no Oga-san gf
People have this fetish because most real women are fucking selfish and mean cunts. All what these guys want is just a caring woman but that's taboo because no woman wants to be your mom (being caring is being a mom in their eyes)
Thread theme youtube.com
I'm not begging for source. I said I was planning on looking everything up myself later. Also I'm on a desktop. I'm not saying I have a problem that I need help with. I was just expressing my disappointment that I will not be able to look this all up later. It's not a big deal. I'll probably just try to save a few that look the most interesting.
mods gave up on Yea Forums, and is it just me or this didn't happen like 5-10 years ago? I mean all this porn spam? I don't remember it ever being this bad
>being an adult means being yourself!
>no one even notices anyway!
youre the dumb faggot that thinks a 9 year olds vagina is the same size as a 20 year olds lmao
They do if they've got good genes.
Jesus you faggots can't resist the urge to blog like little bitches can you?
Shit man, that's rough.
Worst I ever got was play-kissing with my older sister.
Nobody would save or post this picture if the guy wasn’t fat or ugly though. If it were just a normal looking dude people wouldn’t bother making fun of him.
>tfw married with a job and I can play video games for hours in my free time guilt free
Call me FRIENDLY DAD 7, bitch.
>All these deleted posts around me and mine as well
Look at the badges. He's obviously at a convention. In a room full of fat, bald, pathetic losers he plopped himself right in the middle like a little kid and busted out a fucking DS. I'm sure there was chairs and tables at this event.
nasty old THOTS denied
I love Kloah's work but shotagangbangs are so lame. I feel like shota doms completely miss the point of shota, but who am I to argue what is a legitimate fetish and what isn't.
Oh dear god no.
THOTS denied
how the fuck do child soldiers prove anything here you fucking lunatic
>I feel like shota doms completely miss the point of shota
They do.
Which would be fine if it wasn't so common.
It'd be like if 60% of loli doujins were lolidom instead of the 15-20% we usually get.
Maybe he's just trying to keep the thread alive.
Why didn't you just NOT report the furry. Then nothing would've gotten deleted and nobody wouldve gotten banned.
Gimme the source this shits hilarious