Pathologic 2

No pathologic 2 thread? The show must go on, actors!

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artemy, my son. i need you to go to the quikstop down by the stamatins pub and i need you to get me some lottery tickets, a can of monster and a pack of marlboro reds. do not disappoint me

Will the Shilling go on?

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It must!

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Who to shill to tho

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Anyone managed to survive long enough to hug Lara yet?


Can it be done with cheats, ie does resetting your death counter back down to 0 in the save file also reset all the penalties? Really curious as to what the outcome is but I keep dying early on

Guys I need help.
My PC is too potato for pathologic 2 so I'll need to wait for the console release, what are some games that are similar to patholigic?
As in narrative driven games with strong atmosphere with some engaging gameplay
Already played the void and path 1 and stalker

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Planescape: Torment maybe, it's hard to find something similar.

God not only is nikolay the founder of one of the greatest Dev teams ever, he's fucking handsome as well, usually game debs are mediocre to fat neckbeard but I'd gladly marry nikolay

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In Pathologic HD I stocked up on a bunch of the yellow immunity pills, am I even going to want to use these? It kinda sounds like a bad idea with the health damage but the only other way I see to improve immunity is lemons. Also should I pop some now when not much is going on or is there some reason I should leave it at 50% for now?

I'm not sure if it's really too comparable, but personally I found some similarities in some regards in Darkwood. Also a great game.

if you're running through an infected district and you have your immunity maxed out i've found that you can generally take one plague cloud without getting infected. it's not terribly hard to restore health if you've been regularly trading with drunks and/or using meradorm and other painkillers before you sleep, so if you're not the savescummy type i would recommend actually using the alpha tablets (yellow pills). there are other ways to restore immunity (like beta/blue tablets) and clothing can provide additional protection so dont stock up on lemons they suck

I've just beaten the game today after being utterly absorbed by it for two weeks and now I can't stop shilling it to friends who I know will never beat or probably even play it because I'm far from through with the game yet mentally.

>"template" credit

Not gameplay or story like at all, but in terms of atmosphere i recommend Naissance on steam. It used to be like 10 bucks but its free now. It has amazing art and level design, check it out. Also if you like that also buy Kairo.

almost forgot: you might find it useful to boost your immunity and go rummaging through infected houses for other people's shit. i'd only recommend peeking inside a house, checking all the containers near the door and instantly leaving because infected houses always have a plague cloud that spawns randomly somewhere and tries to track you down. if you don't mind being a bastard and exploiting the *system* i've recently found that stocking up on lockpicks and stealing from regular noninfected houses is lucrative as fuck (the only potential things you risk are a. getting slapped in the face by a dude who watched you steal 3 rubles and b. lowering your moral standards :

This is probably the only place where I can boast that in my first playthrough I've died twice and saved all of my childhood friends as well as everyone on the list. Either the difficulty complaints I heard everywhere were a meme or I did a breddy gud job.

>it's not terribly hard to restore health if you've been regularly trading with drunks
Do the bandages actually heal you then or do they sometimes have other stuff? All I've seen the drunks have so far was bandages and one or two had tourniquets. That's great if they heal, I was thinking surely I'm never going to need this many bandages if they're just for fixing bleeding like the tooltip seemed to say.

As a drawfag who'd love to take Pathologic 2 requests, is this or the drawthread a better place?

I like naissancee but I felt like the game spent too much tight corridors. I loved the first BIG area and also the place that almost looked like a living district, that shirt was amazing.
Part of the appeal of those kinds of games for me is wondering "who the hell would build something like this? Why did they build it?" And those areas really did it for me, I was even guessing at the purpose of certain structures.
But the game spends a lot of time in tight corridors and all the mystery kind of dissapers
Have also played a but of Kairo, seems really dreamlike, almost like yume Nikki, I like that a lot.
A lot of surreal games go for more of a low quality graphical style to try and add to the weirdness but it only subtracts from it imo.
I appreciate games like the void, naissancee and Kairo that have these surreal environments but don't sacrifice visuals for it

I know that feel user, I've been shilling this game irl to literally anyone that will listen, so far I've gotten 4 people to buy it but only two of them have actually started playing it and one of them only played the first day and the second only made it to day 3 or 4. All I want is for people to experience peak kino suffering and for IPL to finish the other two routes. Is that too much to ask

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unlike 2 you can easily spend the entire playthrough infected and have no problems
Also the most gamebreaking tip, meradorm stacks

This thread, there's probably not that many people in the drawthread that have or are playing pathologic

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I respect your opinion, but i personally really like Naissance. I feel like the smaller corridors also serve to show you the world up close, like you see this huge landscapes and then think that up close they might make sense, and then the game takes you there and it still makes no sense. I admired how the game always ALMOST made sense, like there was some sort of sense to the madness of the architecture, like there might be some actual use to this odd rooms. Man what a great game, shame we dont have more like it, that explores giant architecture.

Could you draw the bachelor getting the shit beaten our of him when he goes to the abattoir?

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Good request. Might give it a go.

I'm currently still on some portraits related to the game anyway, so just wanted to generally test the waters. I'll take requests earliest when I finish my Bad Grief portrait I started just after I finished the Grace one, but that should be pretty soon. Right now I'm just trying to fix the likeness a bit so it won't be as off as on that Grace.
All characters are absolutely amazing for portraits, so much personality and animation in their subtle facial animations ingame.

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bleeding isn't a thing in og pathologic, not sure if you're thinking of stalker but in patho bandages just heal you a bit. tourniquets also heal you but they're a little worse and since they're worth the same as bandages when you're trading with drunks i would never go for tourniquets unless you're absolutely desperate. there are also first aid kits which are pretty rare and as far as i know you can only find them as loot in houses or in shops after a certain point

>bleeding isn't a thing in og pathologic
You sure? It's been years since I've played it but for some reason I seem to recall multiple times where I got knifed by a bandit and then my health started steadily draining after the fight was over until I used a healing item

Holy shit are you the one who did this potrait actor? Well done.

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>this portrait actor
what do you mean?
So far I've only done the pic I posted related to the game, nothing else

Here's a bump on me, OP.

>first time i got infected i ran out the clock for as long as possible, thought i'd have to restart, then coincidentally ran into a kid trading shmowder and had just enough for it, with probably ONE point of health left

>mfw helping murky

probably not making it past this one. but honestly, completely worth it.

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Every time I stepped into the drawfag thread, it looked like a massive shitshow, so I'd say stay here.
Well done.

damn that's nice. you should draw sticky/murky steppe archers atop the haruspex mount, shooting at filthy odongh.

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>Sticky and Murky

This is the only game that ever made me give a shit about child characters. It's incredible, I'd adopt some of these little gremlins in a heartbeat.
Probably gonna do the more complicated scenes as traditional drawings and probably tomorrow or a bit later, I always get stuck fixing little details for too long on digital paintings. Like right now. Gonna post that Grief when he's done though.

How many times did you all die in your first playthrough? I felt the difficulty complaints I heard were a bit memey.

I'm just saying I've seen this potrait on twitter and it's pretty fucking awesome to see the artist posting here, okay?! Why are you attacking me like this actor?

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Alright, I am thoroughly confused. I am on day 4 and the only real difficulty I have had is keeping my hunger meter up.
Everything else is going fine so far, I believe that I am doing most of the side quest, and I have cured everyone that needed to be. Except that one kid on day 3 that died, might have been mandatory though?
Is the game about to bust my balls or something? It feels a bit too easy. I mean fuck I went full gangbuster and killed all the robbers in my dad's house

The experiment requires that you continue.

i died mostly when i got stuck in a death loop, unable to change the situation in time due to draining health. while visiting the theater over and over again was hilarious, the effects weren't.

I only want to save waifu and that kid who hangs around me like an apprentice, don't care about the rest

why yes, i bait coloured folk into chasing me towards guardsmen, wait until they are fighting, then finish off the criminal with my fists, how did you know?

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At least help murky too

The experiment requires that you continue.

murky took me out to a random field to waste my time.
I got some herbs out of it but if she pulls that shit again she is getting the paddle

Cut her some slack, she's autistic.

So is Rubin, and he is lucky I even bother with him at all

No, Rubin is an idiot.

He is an autistically stubborn idiot

Apologize to Rubin right fucking now
>doesn't sleep, works 24/7 on stopping the plague and the hospital until he falls into a coma
>doesn't eat, the Changeling has to bring him food or he would starve
>every single faction is trying to murder him because they didn't like how he made a vaccine
He is by far the character who puts the most effort into stopping the plague

Well so far the only thing I have seen him do is whine about me being late and telling me I am a shit replacement for my father

not gonna make it...

lara should be a bound, acting as a mother to BOORAKHs children.

as it is, its a shame she's a low priority. oh well.

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can't wait to play as the sassy bottom bitch manlet.

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I didn't mean to attack you, I'm just a bit tired (it's late at night for me) and wasn't sure if I really understood what you meant so I tried to ask. Through all the misunderstandings I get it now though, so thank you a lot for the compliment!

Those herbs are gonna be worth a ton to you soon

nigga you know how many fucking herbs you can find over the city? I have like 10 of each of the herbs

You're gonna need more than that to make it through the whole plague

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Can you even pick them before that quest on day 2? Serious question, I only started after.
The steppe at night is the best place for herb gatehring though, no question

Im on day 5 and just now realized your deaths stay regardless of reloading after. Woulda never gone to try and beat down the robbers at daddys house otherwise.

>tfw want to restart so i have a better chance to stock up but dont want to waste the many hours ive already spent

I doubt it when you can cheese the curing process with save fagging
You can pick them up beforehand.

>he didn't see the room of light
Not gonna make it.

the room of what

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I think the game did well at encouraging the player to dispense with labels like bound to some extent and to instead encourage the player to choose who they prioritise. The list as it were shifts around and bears little releveance on the ending that can be attained.

The experiment requires that you continue.

why do you keep saying that

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Idk try super bunnyhop I guess

Google it.
But I keep saying it instead of saying, "Stop asking for spoilers, stop posting on Yea Forums, go play the game".


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>thread's on life support
Let it go, friend.

We need to save it.

Before spending more hours on trying to get the likeness right I think I'll rather try to get to the two requests from here next. But tomorrow earliest, it's almost 4am.

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Movies for Pathologic fans
>On the Silver Globe
>Werckmeister Harmonies
>The Turin Horse
>Hard to Be a God

Which of the three families actually holds the most power?


The Kains

Obligatory Varys quote.
>unable to control the Kin
>no worthy heir
>incompetent morons
>experiments keep breaking things
>they themselves do not understand what they are doing

that would be a good idea. the game is ripe for any analysis video.

He doesn’t have the patience. Few ecelebs do.

Chad Vlad’s no doubt.
They have real power. Saburovs fun in circles and the Kains are doing weirdo occult stuff that only they give a fuck about.

If the earth is as alive as it is, who is not to say their occult ideas have merit in that world? As a metacommentary on architects and seeing how they broke the laws of physics they seem above power in the sense of economy or might. Their power is more pure and abstract, but that makes it eternal. In their town, their influence will be unavoidable in every road and house even if the last of them dies.

Even matthewmatosis couldn't get into the original Pathologic

The Kains are nowhere near as powerful as the Stamatin brothers

>makes an entire series on hyperautistic Zachtronics programming games
>couldn’t get into Pathologic
Seriously? That’s fucking weird.

I count them to the Kains, as in to the architects, and would regard the architects altogether as implied to be the truly most influential, but a lot of that could be me overinterpreting symbolism and the like

nice one katanghe, mind if i save it?

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Bayarlaa, kathanger, feel free to, I'm honored.

What a shame.

Me too user, only person that died in my playthrough was big vlad during the termitary quest.

I have no clue how to save both Vlads. I figured that one was doomed to die.

Nier Automata is the only other recent game that tells a story through gameplay.
Chris Avellone games are also similar - planescape torment, knights of the old republic 2 and fallout dead money.
The last guardian as well.

I think you gotta try to talk the kin out of having either Vlad. At some point, instead of killing the odongh, just wait for the messenger and do nothing. I just am a bit lost on how to stop both from going to the pit.

There is a way, but you have to go to big vlad first, i went to young vlad first which dooms either one to die.

mandalore uploaded another one bros

I wish Pathologic 2 was popular just so people would make a bunch of fanart of Grace, she's honestly really cute.

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Kys nigger

>pause any review of the game at inventory screen
>judge reviewer entirely by inventory contents on day 2

i wonder what these gentlemen were up to

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>Nier Automata is the only other recent game that tells a story through gameplay.
???????? Please elaborate.

>day 2
Are you one of those exploitcucks that murders and robs to their lack-of-a-heart's content until the reps automatically reset?

mandalore just put up a third video bros, bachelor confirmed

Not quite perfect, but if I didn't already know it was neural network, it'd..... not fool me, because Peterson doesn't do these kinds of videos or play bideo games, but it'd definitely make me ask questions.
How long until deepfakes ruin everything? A decade?

I'd have to type an essay and I can't be bothered cause I'm not on my pc. I'm not a salesman so i don't care. But Nier Automata is a most unique game.

technology ruined us a while ago already

>phoneposting baka-gaijin can't explain how Nier tells a story through ludonarrative harmony
PROTIP: the end credits aren't the entire story, retard.

Next time someone does one of these I swear I'm going to try and build a voxbox out of it to HL level.

Not that guy, not entirely sure I even accept his premise that it is singular in it, but nier does generally tell much of its story through gameplay over cutscene. Battles, exploration, and scenery are rarely segregated from the action itself.

I'm not sure what more you want, oh multi redundant interrogator.

I wasn't even thinking of the end credits. Adam 2nd fight, pascal memories, a2/9s choice, recovering the data before that, etc..
Probably a lot of other shit I'm forgetting.

This is public domain fuckery, so its probably safe to say national governments have the capability at least of already fucking about for purposes of espionage and sabotage. Given its public knowledge and it hardly takes a deepfake to get some Indians to go murder a village of people just because someone what'apped that they're rapists I don't think it'll start a cultural panic for a while, at least not in this form. My best guess is that its mere existence will be used to denigrate any piece of audio or visual evidence of atrocity or criminality in developing and 3rd world countries. "No we didn't kill 10,000 tingli people, that was a googlefake by the American" kind of thing. Look at Hong Kong or Africa, its literally impossible to stop people whipping out a phone and broadcasting live scenes, media outlets were able to piece together the cameroonian riots from a dozen livestreams that all essentially self-verified each other. The fear won't be in deepfakes, it'll be in proving anything isn't a deepfake.

Nope, the first thing I killed were odonghs in the termitary and two soldiers on day 10. But by day 2 I had at least some stacks of food still.

Has he even said if he’d do more videos for the additional routes? I’d normally think no but if they do a genre shift like the interview stated that’d actually be a compelling reason to.

this is a good grief

She's a hideous fish monster.

In many contexts deepfakes are substantially worse than a modestly familiar user of photoshop, after effects and premiere pro.

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Someone got dead

pls don't insult my daughteru

Finished the sketch at least instead of getting some healthy sleep

heh. thank you!

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Very nice

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Innsmouthers are not hideous!
What do you mean by "worse", though? I assume you mean less convincing.

fantastic stuff user.
poor dork could be grabbing an eyeful of primo herb bride cooch if only he'd open his eyes.

>genre shift

elaborate please

She looks nothing like a fish, you are a fish!

Bachelor and Changeling might not have survival based gameplay

I just outright bought it to two of my friends.

Very nice actor, very very nice.