octo don't deserved to suffering so much
Octo don't deserved to suffering so much
Other urls found in this thread:
octos are our friends
Get in the fucking blender
Woah user, im getting lewd vibes from this picture.
that octo's dick must be massive to reach that far
that's a squid
Octo ponytail is the best hairstyle. Change my mind.
I can't
I know this thread will be mostly cute posting, Octo daughter best daughter and all that jazz but I want to say that Splatoon 3 better give more hairstyle options for Octos, especially the enemy octo hair
Octofags should be gassed
>there are people that hate Octos
wtf im gay now
acknowledging and agreeing
sad and strange people
Octos are for race mixing.
those are 2 girls thought
Fuck Octos in their stupid assholes.
They deserve much worse.
God, I wish Agent 4 was sucking my dick instead.
Just look at that expression. You could probably do it and they wouldn't even notice.
>Octolings wont have more hairstyles till Splatoon 3
One day my Octo will have my hairstyle in-game.
>ywn reach into marina's pants on the sly and swipe her clit with your thumb
Not my fault Octolings are dumb.
What if her clit coils around your thumb and holds you there while people are around and it's only seconds before someone sees you and shouts
Better start rubbing it between thumb and forefinger and hope she releases before then
Well definitely get more octo styles, but I think the enemy one is too big to work properly with the hats and stuff
Agent 4 is only for Agent 8
Agent 8 belongs to Agent 3.
But what about Agent 3? I thought she was Agent 8's girlfriend.
woomy burg
why do they like it so much
they're exotic and the perfect date food
fuck off
No u
Woomies are cute
I wish I was a woomy
Tell me about Marie. Why does she groom the agents?
fuck off
she's proud of herself for picking a good agent.
Fuck off
is it just me or are there a lot of anti-lewd posters in splatoon threads
Fuck people who want to talk about video games.
That's not why i'm doing it
Nothing is canon user, let people ship who they want
why do you hate callie?
What would you play if Nogami allowed hybrid Octoling/Inkling characters to be a thing?
i like callie but marie is better
Stop pretending you like callie
imagine being agent 8 there
fuck off
pure boner fuel
i wish i was marie and my sister would molest me.
They're cousins
Unless you have a sister you want to fuck? That's cool
i don't have a sister and i thought they were sisters not cousins. i didn't play very much splatoon or pay attention to it so i guess this is what i get.
there is nothing sexy about fat fish hags
I like that it's implied that 8 moved in with 4.
They're not fish and they're not hags. They're squids and they need love.
it's a nice touch
God I hope Splatoon 3 let us customize our own little apartment.
I hope it has a purchasable turntable and vinyl records so you can have a sound test.
Octos will outbreed and replace inklings.
>implying Octolings and Inklings wont intermingle >forgetting Inkling culture is more lax and pushes Octolings to be less serious when needed
>forgetting Octoling culture is more serious and pushes Inklings to focus more when needed
They're the perfect Ying/Yang pairing
>Autobomb on the chair
Ready for Vegas.
what do you want to talk about then?
That'd be a great extension of the fashion mechanic, and allow for some really fun stuff like if you want to play locally, the in-world menu option is to go to your apartment and invite people over
Imagine a woomy eating a real beef burg for the first time instead of a seacow burg.
How hellish would custom stages be?
on a scale of 1 to 10, 11
Dualies viability is correlated quite closely to their respective painting abilities.
Marie, what are you doing all the way over there?
>thread died after I eventually went to sleep
Damn it, I feel bad now.
You're not wrong, and you already said it but I refuse to not say it. Octo daughter best daughter and she deserves more options.
Octos were behind every war in Splatoon history
It's understandable, we all need sleep. I don't think I ever went without sleep any longer than 2 days
Still, I could have saved it unlike this SR team just now. Bunch of morons.
You're lucky I'm not a narc who calls the mods.
You're thinking of the fucking jellies
what's the problem this time?
The usual, ain't nobody getting those eggs I work so hard to procure.
tink tink tink
What would that even be called? I've floated the idea of calling them Novalings before (since it sounds cool and it references the number 9)
I'm sure most people here would call them abominations.
Or monsters
Octolings are unfresh
Octolings are adorable and very smart
It wouldn't their fault they existed.
On opposite day, perhaps.
Does that mean fucking awesome?
they only have two hairstyles cute but not fresh at all
Octolings are for fighting for JUSTICE
>both styles are absolutely adorable
>look good in literally everything
Octos are the tip-top of freshness mountain, user.
I guess this one is doomed as well. I'll do what I can but everyone's got places to be eventually.
Has anyone played any custom splatfests yet?
I think some guys here were talking about doing it. Who knows if anything's come of that yet.
/ink/ had a Pro-skub vs Anti-skub splatfest just this past weekend. Though in keeping in tradition with all the other official splatfests, I missed it due to fatigue with the game.
Inkopolis Square... Once a fresh paradise for inklings. Now, corrupted by octoniggers low-lives. Motherfucking Squeal Sisters, you just had to sing your stupid Calagarbage Inkantation, didn't you.
Are custom splatfests facilitated in-game, or is it something you organize outside?
Holy shit.
>currently playing rainmaker
>on Blackbelly skatepark
>Already has a host of problems like shooting opponents when you're on a wall
>Still winning, regardless
>Opponent pushes to the left side of our map
>Doesn't get too far, maybe to around 60-ish points
>Kill the rainmaker and now we pop the shield
>Our fucking dumbass team member grabs the rainmaker and GOES IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION
>Instead of continuing up the left, through the narrow channel, he goes right doubling back around our own fucking goal
>By the time I catch on he's caught by the other team
>The moment they pick up the rainmaker they're already at 5...
>They win
Holy shit. I had to actually leave the lobby because I don't ever want to be playing with a person that stupid.
Yeah I think it'd be easier to organize if they were more like smash tourneys
Can you actually put in the names for the teams?
Oh, even better now that it's clam blitz!
>Walley Warehouse
>We have powerclams
>Quickly go up right side and spam "THIS WAY" while near enemy flank
>Our team decides to WALK up the fucking UNPAINTABLE sections thinking that's a good idea
People legitimately have no idea that you can super jump.
You've got to love when they think they can be sneaky when they have a gigantic I AM HERE beacon on them at all times.
I don't really think it would be that good of an idea anyway. I heard what happened to the MK8 threads.
>missed the pro-skub vs anit-skub splatfest
>Agent 3,4 and 8 won't be in Splatoon 3
That's not funny.
It's hard to so since you can't repeat the Agent 3 designing like in Octo Expansion. They will get a refrence and that is it.
They have canon agents with still letting you pick how your squid/octo looks. I could easily see them having the agents team up in a new story mode.
So in ranked, how does the summary sheet after a match work?
What does it mean to be at the top or the bottom? I know in turf war it's who painted the most, but in Ranked it seems completely hidden. It's not the person with the most kills, it's also not the person who painted the most. So what determines the order?
I figure it's ranked by who helped most or least in the objective.
I think it's meant to show who has best win rate.
Delet this
>you will never hug a scared octoling and tell them that you will protect them
>you will never gently pat and stroke an octoling's shivering head to comfort them
>you will never see an octoling smile
>you will never see an octoling smile
Here you go, dude.
Wake up, a new adventure's around the bend.
They can just make them all girls and no one will complain.
>green long hair 3
>orange short hair 4
>red hair 8
Exactly how most people draw then anyway.
I'll protect one as my daughter wife.
I wonder if they would make a new agent canon male. It doesn't seem likely given the marketability of woomies but octolings showed there's room for new blood.
It'd be nice to have a canon male agent that the other agents could bully
Sad part is I could see that happening.
I always worry that, if fictional characters were real, they would adopt the same trash mannerisms that humans in real life have. So perhaps it's best that octolings and inklings stay fictional characters, user.
Octos are canon degenerates anyway
Inklings are fucking retarded though. They're so stupid they don't even recognize Octolings as Octolings, but rather as Inklings with weird hair. The only Inkling that actually has a clue is Cuttlefish.
Everyone has flaws, user. The important thing is you accepting her as she is, for only then will both hearts truly open to one another and be supportive to thick and thin.
>canon degenerate
>literally says inklings are carefree and pleasure seeking
It's already been said in this thread, but:
It's already been said in a previous thread, but I love it and it's wonderful.
I said octos you retards, not inklings
Pearl knows Marina is an Octoling.
You're confusing, user.
She had to be told by Cuttlefish. Inklings are just naturally airheaded.
Whatever, I'll just post more cute squids anyway
I prefer rad squids, myself.
More cute ceph posting is always welcome, Squid or Octopus.
You know I'm right
Damn, that's a pretty rad squiddo
That veemo in particular has become one of my favorites. She's just so happy.
Hanging out with friends!
I wish it was easier to obtain Splatfest colors. That deep crimson Ketchup red was really appealing.
i wish that would happen to me
It's in their nature.
Elegant squid.
Kinda wish the members of Ink Theory had more art since they have a similar style to pic related, being more refined rather than punky.
>pretend to be sleeping
>suddenly veemo is tacking your hand
>you feel something slimy and warm.
Octo just enjoying herself in her new life never fails to brighten my day.
It's a wonderful concept but not one that gels too well with the whole rough-tumble action aesthetic of turf wars. Maybe they'll come up with alternatives in 3.
Look at her all curled up in a little ball. I want to pick her up and snuggle her.
Real life octopuses tend to chill in sunken jars and other various spaces; I wonder if that animation is referencing that behavior.
fuck off
It's a concept that needs more cute art.
I honestly prefer the enemy Octolings a lot more than the playable ones. Octozons seemed like a tough and savvy counterpart to Inklings, while the playable Octolings just look dopey. It was kind of disappointing.
Somehow, the ponytail with the leather outfit makes Eight look even more slutty than with the bob cut.
I'm still a little upset this didn't get any follow up.
forgot image
I wish I had as much patience as I have ideas for drawing. Maybe when Splat3 rolls around and I know how to work faster.
how long does it usually take you to finish a drawing?
You would think it would be overflowing from the other side of the ocean.
Japs love that octo pot thing, it almost always comes up whenever they appear in media.
Dicks too big
Not skinny enough
Not young enough
Quick sketches are an hour or so.
Colored drawings take an unknown amount of time because I've yet to finish one.
Jesus christ user this is a blue board
so you're unable to draw any longer than an hour due to impatience?
Can you pick them in custom fests?
That head is too big.
senda molests kids
I have no idea. One time in rainmaker I took it to the goal from 99 to 0 while there was like 4 minutes left in the match, and I was 3rd on the sheet.
In league modes and private battles its organized by kills. In solo rank, its determined by how many games you've won with that weapon over your last 10 games of that mode. whether your weapon shines at the beginning of the game is also based on the same metrics too
Its a different distinction from just using win percentage because you can theoretically use a new weapon for the first time, win and will still show up at the very bottom despite having a 100% win rate because out of 10 potential games, you've only won once, making it calculate as 10% instead of 100%.
I wonder if there are other boomers like Cuttlefish
Cuttlefish is only still alive because he sundries himself every day, so it's a tossup.
Brella Fellas
Mine was always "the variety squad"
Where do you find this information? Inkpedia doesn't have anything on these little details like "weapon shine" or "tally cards" at the end.
Stella Brella Fellas
Going to bed, I'm expecting a there to still be a thread when I wake up.
What a silly squid
Can't stop jacking it to lewd squids, what do I do?
Octopuses exist, you know.
someone post the one of Agent 8 geeking out about the idols while 3/4 comes home from work
pearl is significantly older than marina
Why is the octo so fucking fat?
This makes big fire in my pants.
Octolings are shitty lolibait and I love seeing them suffer.
18 and 21 isn't that much of a difference
Thank you
That was an artist's name?
>Marina is the dom
I sincerely thought that was what they were leading up to with Shifty Stations.
Organized outside
I think you can only invite friends to it
I don’t think so
Splatona 5?
That or lack of motivation.
another sundance winner from the splatoon cinematic universe
You can always put off a drawing to the side and come back to it later
>Where do you find this information?
The mechanics from how the rank scoreboard works is a carryover from splat 1. There was an update around halfway through splat 1's updates where the patchnotes mentioned how it changed how players appear on the scoreboard from kills to "wins." I dont remember exactly how it was worded in the patchnotes but if i were to paraphrase, it was along the lines of recent wins and i think they mentioned the time frame of recent being the past 10 games too. I dont know if it being weapon or mode specific played any part of it in that game as it wasnt something i paid attention to plus the modes back then all used the same rank and i wasnt good enough to consistently win in rank back then.
>tally cards
It itself doesnt exist in the game at least in a way that the players can interact with in a tangible matter. It's basically a concept i thought of which would describe how the metrics work behind the scenes to determine who shows up where on the scoreboard after each game. A lot of people just assume its only focused on wins but paying attention to it in rank modes, it's clearly not just wins and that there's something else going along with it. The example i gave in my last post is evidence that hows that's the case. Of course i don't have any way to 100% prove my findings and observations on that being how it works nor am i a dataminer but it seems to be consistent with my experiences in splat 2.
>weapon shine
Im not 100% sure on how weapon shine works other than the bit about it having to be within the same mode with the same weapon but i'm not sure if its based on getting a certain number of wins in a row or if its maintaining a high win percentage (70%+) in the last 10 games. I dont play solo rank anywhere near as much as i used to so i havent bothered to try and test it out at all
>Literally all human-form octos are fuckable
It's not fair
Dang that was actually pretty cute
>3 is on a mission to liberate Octo society after meeting 8
Fund it
>he didn't eavesdrop on cuttlefish padre and CQ cumber to unlock and beat Agent 3 (Father)
octos are cute. they don't belong underground.
Team Order should have won.
Team order is actually just team boobs
No one likes a sore loser user
What a sexy octo child
She has good ol' cuttlefish, guess that's a win. Or the agents all have some weird lesbian triple relationship goin
>Holding a blue ring
did he died?
I see the orderfags are still seething.
She didn't get bitten, according to the news.
if you don't provoke the veemo, it won't kill you
those are some good butts
>Or the agents all have some weird lesbian triple relationship goin
>implying agent 3 isn't a boy
>holding life and death in the palm of your hand
I can be your angle... or your devil
I'm gonna do it!
Well obviously the octo is the mom. and that's an Inkling "girl" you know
>boy cephs
d-did she get preggers?
With twins.
relevant pic
Based best Korea, clearly Kim knows what he's doing
I wonder how many people die because they picked up dangerous animals
Maybe we will see what that would be like in DLC
Rip user
Why does he make the eyes hyper realistic and blurry when nothing else is
I think it’s a really neat style. The boobage is perhaps a bit too much but I like it still.
>She’s trying to lead you down the path of righteousness
>I’m gonna lead you down the path that rocks!
Tartar did nothing wrong
He lost
A creation by human beings, a species that took millions of years to evolve and ultimately wiped themselves out by their own hubris, telling a relatively new species of only a few thousand years that their evolution is faulty? No thanks. Besides Inklings and Octolings are cute. Any flaws they may possess are therefore null and void.
That little cat is ready to murder the little girl holding him.
Octo and squid mixing is a scheme by the greedy rich [clams]
Look at that mutt
Not a real squid
[octinklings] are shilled!
These would be perfect fap fuel without the big meat sacks known as tits
Octolings cut off tentacles to reproduce
There asexuals
Shut up [clam]
No wars are cause by [clams] trying to monetize the war
All these years and we still don’t have enough memes made with Splatoon.
Yeah user, but that game is gone.
Splatomo when?
Get laid losers
Stop projecting virgy
Imagine if you accidentally had sex with a woomy haha wouldn't that be so weird
yeah totally weird lol
The great turf war was forgotten history by the events of Splatoon 1. The Inklings had never heard of octarians, save for squidbreak thanks to cuttlefish.
Also, the octolings were a new development in splatoon 1, so even those who did know of the octarians would have a hard time knowing an octoling when they see it.
Perhaps, but it doesn't take much to figure out if something is part of your species or if it's... different. And obvious, giant suckers on the outside should've tipped at least some of the Inklings off.
Let's think of some interesting mode additions to RANKED battles
One cool one that came to mind was from looking at some of the more famous shooter series like CoD. No, not a team deathmatch -- fuck that. Search and Destroy.
>Would have specific maps that are more "urban" or at the very least, have significantly more cover than the super open maps we're used to. Would also have levels and windows and buildings
>Each player is equipped with Ninja squid on top of their regular load out (however, the reduced swim speed is not included in this mode)
>There are no specials
>Objective is to insert your zapfish/data point into a large unit
>Only one person has the data
>No respawns
Pretty much exactly like S&D in CoD or CS. I think it would be a very fun mode in Splatoon as well.
Or another mode where all the surfaces aren't inkable. You have to walk everywhere and complete an objective.
> No-respawns mode
Please, next time, mention that it would also come in multiple rapidfire rounds with relatively short time limits. Without that, this would be a balancing nightmare and just devolve into team deathmatch anyway.
> No-ink mode
Fuck that. Dualies are oppressive enough already, and you want to make them the only viable way to dodge instead of hiding behind cover like a little bitch?
Every aspect of the game would need to be rebalanced in order for that to not just become a game of "who has more range and saw the other guy first". Or worse, "who has a Brella". Not everyone wants to play goddamn cs 1.6 again, this time with shields.
If you want to take inspiration from other genres, you have to actually style it like Splatoon.
What does every ranked gamemode have in common? Explicit symmetry. No "attacking" and "defending" teams. A lean towards bold offense over turtle-y defense- if it could possibly encourage stalemates over proper resolutions, it's nixed.
So, for instance, Tower Control is a "symmetrical" equivalent to Payload gameplay.
Rainmaker is Capture the Flag, but the flag is itself a weapon and you have to get it into the enemy base.
Splat Zones is a standard control point/king of the hill style gamemode you have to shoot instead of stand next to the zone in, both to attack and contest.
Clam Blitz is The Index, as in Warframe. Also the closest we're likely to get to deathmatch. God fucking knows everyone already ignores the baskets.
So, I propose a two-sided variant of Rainmaker or Tower Control to match the two styles of Splat Zones (KOTH and multi-point).
Sounds interesting, I don't really play much shooters outside of Splatoon though so I guess I've never played that mode
But with no respawns I think the matches would end pretty quick
I still prefer the bobcut but it is growing on me.
The octolings were recognized as abnormal immediately, they just thought it was a hair trend so revolutionary it deserved a spotlight in OtH.
I literally have played like 1 combined hour of Splatoon 2 since the Final Fest and all of it was Salmon Run.
Die already so S3 can exist.
I don't think you realise how dumb inklings are. They'd all be licking windows if it weren't for the daily blood sports.
I'd spend a week breeding Marina nonstop.
Fucking useless ass tiny thumbnail.
See you in 3 days, I guess.
Yeah, I know. Honest mistake.
Fuck it.
Just delete it, maybe you'll be quick enough
What could be also cool is a hide and seek mode or a mode where one player is like a huge end boss with a health bar against the 3 others
octos deserve DEATH
What was it ?
Mode where you and your teammates have to defend the orb from the enemy and vice versa.
he accidentally posted porn
Perhaps a mode like Guardian from Gears of War.
>Each team has 1 member designated as guardian
>As long as your guardian is alive, your team gets unlimited respawns
>The instant the guardian dies, your team is now on their last life
This promotes hyper offense and a lil bit of camp. Matches would be v quick I assume, so there would be rounds. Say, first to 3.
But like topic related or i l l e g a l porn, because I would have wanted to see it if it isn't the latter
Its referenced in the fact they live underground in tiny holes
[Team order] isn’t what you think
Tell me about your main weapon. What role does it play, and what does it do different/better than it's counterparts?
A mode were your only a squid and trail ink when you want with the enemy team trying to find you and kill you.
The more ink you place the faster the time goes down
It was just Marina lol
It'd be interesting to see how they do an asymmetrical mode since they've all been symmetrical so far
more squid memes are always welcome
It’s not fine
Order did win. In the end I just wanted marina's happiness and off the hook not to break up.
I'm proud of you guys. Octo daughter best daughter.
If I had a dime for every time that phrase was uttered, I could buy a sandwich from Subway
If I could harness the power of my love to feed hungry anons, I would.
May the lord bless you user
Unlimited pizza.
Marina as the domme is my favorite role reversal though. Especially when she's cuckqueaning Pearl.
I'm sure he's got better things to do than bother with some weirdo who fell in love with an octopus.
This takes me back.
It seems like every day someone finds a new way to make these things even cuter.
you really need to take an english course you mongoloid
why do you type in this gay fake way? huge faggot
Okay, but is Subway actually good? I only ate there once, and when I did the chicken was shitty and full of gristle.
>tfw no main
>can count the number of weapons I have with 100k+ paint on one hand
I have my pearl plushie placed where it looks like some sort of benevolent god watching over everyone in the living room
Subway is the worst place you could possibly buy a sub from
It's okay, I guess. Used to be a go-to place for cheap and not horrible subs when they still had 5 dollar footlongs.
You're a funny guy. LOOK AT THOSE BOO
the subway club is delightful, everything else is mostly trash.
fuck i havent touched one of these threads in a couple weeks, did i miss anything?
If you want something quick to eat and also cheap, it's got you covered. Don't expect them to be all that great, their food is serviceable
Not unless you got any Splatoon news we're not privy to.
sadly no, my main source of news, oatmeal dome has nothing new
>he's actually a person who works on Splatoon.
Thought this was futa. Still cool though.
dont blow my cover user
Son of a bitch.
Shh, you didn't see anything
dont be mad beebofren, there's no way you couldve known
am i looking at snuff
I didn't know squids could get heatstroke.
But all the signs were there!
a crazy calliefag? i guess you're right, the signs were there
Now you've done it.
They grew a pair of balls so big that they kicked ass and then climbed into a locker just to kick their inner heros ass
Damn, that's actually a good point.
So how's SR aka best mode going for you chucklefucks? Personally, I've had my ups and downs as of late
The last time I played it was a month ago, once, and that was preceded by two years.
Needless to say I'm a bit rusty.
I was actually surprised to find it wasn't. It's rather rare to see OtH R34 that doesn't involve at least one of them dicking the other.
The loadouts have been amazingly good for about 2 weeks now. I'm expecting pure shit any day.
it's okay. Some good experiences and bad
i feel you there, i expect only the shittiest soon of loadouts soon like inkbrush, nozzlenose, octobrush, and sploosh, all on gay baby island
OP, stop skipping English class.
Don't even joke, you know they'd do at least half of that. Having some surprisingly good games right now, though, and next shit is still a nice loadout. Even tenta brella can do some shit.
i know they would, thats why i said it. they'd absolutely do it
i just realized they're playing koi-koi, fun game actually.
I was wondering what games they played with those hanafuda things.
Man, I've been getting absolutely destroyed in ranked this past hour. Not sure what's going on but it's just demoralizing.
I'm rank --- in Clam Blitz
I always get fucking annihilated on MakoMart and I have no idea why. I like the stage's layout well enough but it seems no matter how hard I try I'm doomed to fail.
"Communication error"
>Insta ranks me down
That'll be $20 dollars sir.
Oh man, just won a grueling match of Tower defense in mako mart. I felt like I was being targeted by tenta missiles every fucking second. They're so disruptive.
At the win screen I look at the enemy team comp:
>4 tenta missile users
Each member had tenta missiles, some using them upwards of 8 times. Jesus christ.
It's been a long while since I fought an all-missile team. Those assholes always have all the special-related abilities for maximum bullshit.
when are splatoon 1 disruptions coming back? toxic mist is so damn useless
The more I play, the less I see the use of Ninja squid -- at least for my playstyle.
I tend to be a big frontliner/slayer and I like to play really aggressively. Waiting and sharking just doesn't appeal to me. And being aggro means I have to paint turf all the time which defeats the purpose of ninja squid since I'm so visible. Not to mention that the amount of paint coverage in a ranked match is significantly lower than in turf war.
Splatling with full Run Plus >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ninja Squid
They can`t see you on the map and you walk faster then swimming.
I think you just made me realize I don't really use ninja squid enough to warrant having it on so many of my shirts. I know the game rewards being sneaky a lot but I'm too gung-ho and rarely ever hide in ink to splat passersby.
>want to participate in the Splatoon 2 open tournament last Saturday
>Get paired up with girl I absolutely detest but her at least she's a charger main and I can play my dapples
>She goes dapples and does not switch off
>We lost in the first round
I'm still mad. What are the chances they'll continue doing those open tournaments?
always bully octos
remind them who won the war
I'm surprised they were still going in the first place. Might just be a a regular thing for a few years until interest wanes.
Why do artists always draw huge dicks? With girls at least you get a large veraity of breast sizes. But with guys, they're always big dicks. Not even average sized stuff that goes to your navel, but dicks that go up to your chest.
turn her into a single mother.
At least they aren't drawing teenie sausage weenies like the majority of Japanese artists do
Not all artists do that. And yes, it is aesthetically displeasing.
I'll do some SR before work so I can be disappointed in my coworkers twice today
>the adorable ceph thread is still up
Why are Yea Forums Splatoon threads so cozy lads? Not even /ink/ gets anywhere near this comfy.
Easy, I don't care about circle jerking. I just want to post cute veemos and talk about the game, though that second part's gotten harder recently.
Oh god, this octo squid hybrid reminds me of Reggie from Twelve Forever.
I'll be honest and admit I'm mostly here for the artwork. Though I largely attribute that to the fact I get burned out of certain games pretty easily. I remember only getting to level 28 or so when the game first came out, playing a few splatfests, and quitting before returning for one final hurrah of the Splatocalypse. I still regret not playing more, so these threads are nice to get a taste of what the threads must've been like during the game's active period.
I still play the game all the time. It's not the only one I play but it's nice to be able to slip into a fun experience anytime in this little world I've come to appreciate.
I wish I could, but any game I play for too long becomes mentally exhausting to play after a while, almost to the point where it makes me physically tired. It's part of the reason why I hope we get a Splatoon 3 sooner rather than later, so I can get another opportunity to enjoy the splatfests, and more importantly, the fun threads with other anons.
It's not going to be for a while, sad to say. To even consider 3 we first gotta wait for AC to come out.
Recently I found this video.
Now every time I get pay cut in salmon run I play it. It eases my mind because it cries out what I feel.
>this fucking weapon rotation
What's wrong with it? The only mediocre thing is the undercover brella, and even it has some use as damage dealing.
Dynamo is dead weight most of the time with these weapons
People can't aim at all with scope
>The only mediocre thing is the undercover brella
Bullshit. That's the best one
A new AC game has been on my wishlist since the Wii U released that Plaza thing a long time ago. So hopefully that will be able to contend me for the long wait ahead of us.
how they make this sound?
>dead weight
>with 2 DPS and a ranged weapon
I've had almost zero issue using the thing this time around, come on.
>Wii U
Still mad about that amiibo shit.
Dynamo and charger can carry the entire thing. Tetras are kinda trash but still usable, Undercover still somehow has shit DPS despite being thrice as powerful as in PvP.
>win a 10x battle in a splatfest
>get a comm error in the results screen
>Dynamo and charger can carry the entire thing.
3 Stingers nods respectly to you
Charger actually can deal with them up close, just get a rhythm for partial charges. Undercover and Tetras are both fantastic at dealing with them though so even that is not necessary.
why this stupid pedo thread is still up??? die fucking trash
They aren't kids, they are squids!
fuck off
I want to _hug a ceph!
>all those HD models that were only used for amiibo party
Dondolma hasn't posted anything in a while
I know, I hope he posts something new soon
b-but that's forsquidden love user!
Kiss nyoomy
that's the best kind
That's quite chaotic of her
Almost two days old
I want to kiss nyoomy
It is
>its ok when japan does it
yes it is
will we get any kind of bone thrown our way in any way shape or form next direct? i doubt it but i hope so
We can only hope
When is the next one supposed to be?
no clue in all honestly, it's been a while since the last so i can only imagine maybe early to mid september maybe?
Why does everyone hate Marie?
Marie is a slut!
A slut!
I don't even remember what the last one was about tbqh
unless you count the one from july that was all about the hero, e3 was the last main one iirc i dont count the nindies
Who's dummer, Callie or Pearl?
callie > me < pearl
They're both dum in different ways.
I wish they'd update us on games that have no release date like Bayo 3
i want to pet this woomy
Big smok
i want this woomy as a pet
very cute
good thread splatbros
indeed. i joined late but it was fun
>one days and 21 hours
So close to 2 days.
theres always next time
It was a nice thread
With how awful Yea Forums is these days, these are some the few threads I actually like
A break is needed though so we don’t get burn out on them
Yeah I agree since this one lasted so long
i wholeheartedly agree fren
also this