the game was unironically amazing
The game was unironically amazing
Other urls found in this thread:
It felt like a vertical slice
It's terrible after the first third.
the mother base component is stupid. i just want to do missions.
A very very big one
The motherbase component adds weight to the things you do on missions
The gameplay was fine. A little bland in terms of level design, but had good variety with how many different ways there were to complete objectives. Chapter 2 was a complete waste but I felt like there was enough content in chapter 1 alone to make it worth it. The story was nonexistent, which is at least better than being intrusive and obstructive.
7/10 decent sandbox
The game was amazing up until Chapter 2. Then it became garbage. So over all the game is about mediocre.
i agree with both of you
Chapter 2 has some of the best missions, cloaked in silence extreme is the best sniper battle in the series
You have low standards for games then
>all those cut Mother Base things
>animal compound used to be part of the main MB, even with some of the animals walking around with soldiers
>used to be a shooting range that you could use to level up soldiers stats
>entire MB layout used to be customizable "so no 2 Mother Bases will be the same"
It'd be nice if you could just choose to replay the older missions with extra challenges than it being mandatory for progression. There were some stand outs, but overall it was tedious.
if you just needed to extract soldiers/animals here and there i wouldnt mind, but the game wants you to actually micromanage your base and even return to it. really tedious imo.
what game is "amazing" to you, huh?
>inb4 he doesnt reply
i dont think you know what that term means
I'm looking at this promo picture and still think about what this game could have been.
I don't agree, I still don't think the difficulty or updated gameplay trumps the atmosphere, setting, or presence within the story of the end.
Lol no it doesn't. Endgame exactly is only sparingly extracting the few s ranks otherwise its better spent on vehicles and weapons on FOB
Story was great you just didn't understand it
This is the ultimate argument to dismantle the widespread delusion about MGSV having "the best gameplay in the series," or even "good gameplay" at all. This argument will only focus on the gameplay, completely detached from the story of the game or the series as a whole. However, certain mechanics that have more direct ties to the story or lore will still be addressed for gameplay purposes.
The most commonly cited "proof" of TPP having "good gameplay" is the idea that the game has some (abstract) "freedom" that gives you an unparalleled selection of options in-game and thus the game has "better" gameplay than the older games from the series (and that the same "freedom" warrants praise in general, leading to the idea that the game has "good gameplay" and deserves to be lauded as something special).
The second most commonly cited "proof" of TPP having "good gameplay" is the idea that the game has some (abstract) set of "mechanics" that simply "makes it the best". Boiled down to the crux of this non-argument, the idea is that the basic system mechanics in the game are simply "better" than those of the other MGS games, or possibly other stealth or action games in general. As badly as the arguments of the mouthbreathing TPP defenders are formulated and explained, I can only guess at what exactly they are referring to with this one. A fair assumption would be that when people cite the "good mechanics" they are talking about the combat system, the stealth mechanics, your basic controls to interact with the systems and so on. If I wanted to end the discussion right here, I'd probably point at the fact that those mechanics are at best the other half of the nigh-mobile game grind the game has, focused entirely on capturing resources and managing Mother Base.
I will now dismantle these ideas completely.
uh yes it does, i would get these notifications about infighting among soldiers and expanding the base
Nope. You can ignore everything at mother base still runs fine. They give you soldiers anyway.
I just playing it. Game is so empty. No soldiers anywhere. Konami should use these 2 maps and shit enemies everywhere or something. Also cut fultoning soldiers.
TPP trades "design" for "freedom". It opts out to throw out complex level design, something imperative to a stealth game. A map is a platter for the designer to implement their gameplay scenario. For any type of game, but particularly a stealth game, it's undoubtedly necessary to have a gameplay scenario that challenges the player in some way. The challenge itself can obviously be varied, constantly changing, but it should be there to give some type of concise structure for the player. A game is a game, something with rules, something to play in and win at. Basketball is a game, merely throwing a ball around isn't. You might argue that TPP "has" level design, just an extremely barebones implementation of it. This is obvious and in no way counters the truth. Good level design is a platter for the scenario to function in. The only "freedom" TPP gives you is to break the level design itself as the creator doesn't have enough control to make a game out of it. It's almost irrelevant whether or not TPP has any type of level design at all as the creator can't force the player into it's constraints. It's too wide, too open, too empty to faciliate any type of game.
TPP also completely throws out varied gameplay scenarios. The one thing you're meant to use your "freedom" on (the game) is so barebones, so repetitive that the only thing left is to kick the ball around on an empty field. The game has exactly one type of objective that it uses on every single main mission of the game, its one primary gameplay scenario, the most complex scenario it can offer you, the scenario that also gets distilled down to an even simpler form to accommodate the side ops in the game.
"Go here and destroy this. If this can be extracted, it's always the right answer to fulton it instead, no matter what the description of the mission is."
The start of the game was amazing, when Ocelet finishes talking and you just end up in this massive desert to do whatever the fuck you wanted. And the skulls showing up at the end of the first mission and you had to sneak past them was kino af.
Sadly it drops off massively when you hit africa, and then becomes dogturd in chapter 2.
Your mom was unironically amazing
If your mission is to kill 3 commanders, the right answer is to traverse through the empty overworld as quickly as possible and extract them. If your mission is to destroy tanks coming in onto the map, the right answer is to extract them. If your mission is to trail a soldier to assassinate his commander, the right answer is to extract the target. Mission to kill prisoners? Extract them. Extract the tank unit, extract the wandering mother base soldiers, extract the highly skilled soldier number.134213, extract the interpreter, extract the ____ specialist. The only variation to this formula is when you are absolutely forced to destroy something instead, when youre put against something that you can't fulton (Sahelanthropus). These missions are extremely rare and quite offensively simplistic. They offer even less of this "freedom" that is supposed to be the selling point of the game.
So what is the "freedom" that turns these repetitive extraction missions into the "best gameplay" of the series?
The "freedom" in TPP is an illusion. Not only are the options themselves far more limited than the game would want you to believe, the strategies for applying these "options" are automatically kept in check by the other half of the game where you will not progress unless you gather resources.
Knowing this, your options are to either sacrifice resources by killing or getting soldiers by not killing them. Lets assume that both options are viable (which they are not).
>TPP trades "design" for "freedom". It opts out to throw out complex level design, something imperative to a stealth game.
the only mgs game to ever have complex level design was mgs3 as well of the first two acts of mgs4 everything else was uncharted tier
You're still left with two options. Red or blue damage. The exact same choice you have in the past games, except now you have far less complex ways to interact with your enemies rather than simply killing or stunning them. Complex body damage is gone, affecting the equipment of the soldiers is completely tied to one of the mobile game Mother Base mechanics instead (dispatch missions) that happens somewhere offscreen and suddenly the enemies don't have battle armor. The game tricks you into thinking that you have options (look at all these items, look at all these guns, look at all these arms,) but all of it is a lie. You're left with less than you had in previous games, you merely have options for how you want to deal your red or blue damage.
And of course, you can produce noise. Another option padded with a ton of false depth.
Simply off the top of my head, you can deal red damage (lethal) with guns, you can slit throats, use explosives (grenades, C4, rocket launchers, grenade launchers) or even a lethal rocket arm. There are hundreds of guns in the game, all dealing the same lethal damage. You're given the illusion of depth by giving you 100 different assault rifles that all do the exact same thing. You can never even manually deploy without one equipped, you're always decked out to kill in multiple ways even if you don't take the explosives with you (which are never the right answer to anything, since anything you might want to blow up you actually want to extract)
Then you have blue damage. CQC is always available and you even have a chain CQC move that lets you down an entire crowd of close by opponents. Already you can see the pattern of false depth here since you're given a Stun arm which can do the exact same thing, but it's treated as another, as-if meaningful function. You have automatic riot assault rifles and submachineguns, sniper rifles and tranq guns.
And last, you can make noise. You can always deploy with an infinite pile of empty magazines and the biomechanical arm can produce noise directly from you. Making noise is another bloated pile of false depth, since that infinite pile of magazines can be supplemented by limited noisemakers like the active decoy. None of them are actually better than the magazines you have though, just far more ridiculous and overtly visible to not only kill all semblance of stealthy military simulation, but to make redditors chortle into their pube beards.
In short, you have layers upon layers of false depth by giving you "options" out of your three primary modes of interacting with an enemy NPC. You have even less freedom when faced with skulls or child soldiers though. The environment itself is always completely asinine, the objective itself is always so simplistic that it might as well not exist as you intuitively know to fulton the soldier with a glowing marker on it. Your "freedom" to interact with said soldiers is no more complex than in the paid demo, let alone the past MGS games where you couldn't always choose your kit but still had an intelligently designed, varied and interesting gameplay scenario around those mechanics at your disposal.
Your turn, reddit. Tell everyone how TPP has "good gameplay"
Solid first run, no replay value.
All that choice is exactly why the game is good. Just because you aren't forced down a certain path doesn't mean it doesn't count
didnt read lol
but name any game that gives me the same style of gameplay, oh fuck you cant
so it is the best of what we got, because there is nothing else like it
wow, an actual fucking downie, try reading the posts and then try again
try again redditor
>name any game that gives me the same style of gameplay,
any skinner box dogshit you can download for free on your phone
I did lol. Why does having a choice make it false depth? Also the hard difficulty is in fob. The fun in MGSV comes from making the most out of your selected layout
Also your assertion that killing low ranked mooks is a waste of resources once again shows you dont know how to actually play the game
And there are gameplay reasons to go for non lethal body shots, complex body damage is still in.
>any skinner box dogshit you can download for free on your phone
okay retard, i said name ONE (1)
And why is the stun arm false depth? You cant even get it if you aren't playing as snake and s+ ranks get special abilities that snake doesn't have
All I wanted was big boss becoming the bad guy and the very end showing snake from Metal Gear 1 entering outer heaven as an epilogue and they didn’t give it to me so I’m eternally disappointed. One fucking job.
>gigantic pile of text that explains in detail how your epic "choice" is a complete illusion
try again with an actual argument this time reddit
not an argument, try again. Not only did I review your pile of shits mechanics mercifully out of context of the skinner box mother base shit, if I didnt I would have probably mentioned how the newest story missions always have the highest ranked soldiers you can find at that point in the game
> complex body damage is still in.
no it isnt fucking retarded toddler, the enemies have one universal "damaged" state with zero actual highly specific limb damage states. Show me what happens if you try to shoot someone in the hand to prevent them from using a gun. Shoot them enough times in a desperate attempt to find that depth while they pull guns out of their ass after simply dropping the first one and soon they will die or start writhing on the floor in their universal pain state
sure, after you address the pile of detailed arguments posted
are you fucking illiterate? the game has zero simulation elements, its "electricity" attack does nothing except incapacitate a pile of soldiers which you already have multiple universal and item specific mechanics for
And how is the decoy not better than the mag yet as you said more of a distraction? What
All that text to say so little lol. Sit down
address the arguments redditor
shut up you wanna-be-smartass
>All I wanted was big boss becoming the bad guy
I played but didn't finish. They didn't do this? It was supposed to be the whole point of MGSV; showing how Big Boss went from rebel to full-on baddie.
>the enemies have one universal "damaged" state
Wrong, retard
>address the arguments redditor
The game should have never been open world
It isn't
so this is the TPP defense force, ahahahahaha. Well fucking "argued" reddit, you definitely destroyed those arguments
>plot is pure autism and skullface is a trash villain
>literally unfinished and reuses earlier missions later into the game
>ocelot is nothing like ocelot and doesn't do jack shit through all the game. at the very least we should've had him helping us in a boss fight
>barely any cutscenes, its like kojima somehow took the complaints about mgs4 as people didnt want any, where in fact we just wanted less
>way too easy, the reflex thing just makes it possible to run straight into enemies and tranq them all
>shit boss fights in a metal gear game, which are renowned for the bosses. the sahelanthropus fight was good, but the rest were shit
>a lot of the missions were way too short, it would be better if each mission was about the size of mgs2's tanker mission and had a unique environment and boss fight. though some were good, phantom limbs, the oilfield one and the honey bee one to name a few
It had its moments and wasnt a terrible game but a lot of it was just filler, though the start of the game was amazing and lived up to the older ones. Mgs3 was the last good one, the direction it took from mgs4 onwards kinda ruined it imo. They tried injecting too much realism in a franchise that was never about realsim and always had goofy shit, and they didnt even do so in a good way, just "muh nanomachines" and "muh parasites"
Nope. They pulled some shit at the end that made no sense in any meaningful context that I won’t spoil for you. It would have been a wonderful full circle but neither Hideous Pyjamas or Konami can do anything right
>so this is the TPP defense force, ahahahahaha. Well fucking "argued" reddit, you definitely destroyed those arguments
Sounds like somebody got filtered
location design was criminally bland, ground zeroes had soo much variation in the terrain.
when i got to the power plant in TPP i thought it was a joke, like a big cardboard cutout power station
Dude there's tons of variation in the maps
>size of mgs2's tanker mission and had a unique environment
It would be great if each mission was its own ground zeroes
read this post again
Fuck it I'll bite, mostly because this is a good argument and seeing it get ignored feels annoying.
All of what you said is true only if you're so dedicated to get the best possible outcome. The gameplay feels bland because your choice is to get the most optimal outcome. The choice to kill or destroy targets are still there. A tank can be taken out by a rocket, a mine, or another tank. Are theses the best options? Of course not, just like you said it's better to fulton them but it sure is dull when you compare it to driving full speed towards 3 of them with your own tank. When dealing with human targets you still have suboptimal choices. That rocket can still be used against them. That tank can still be driven full speed towards them.
I'll talk about level design if you actually care about me being a sperg
It is.
It's only a shitty implementation of the already trash idea that are open world games.
You are directly Venom Snake in The Phantom Pain. Venom Snake is a self insert of the player.
The Phantom Pain is not about becoming the bad guy, it is about telling YOUR own tale, as Snake/Big Boss.
>it was bad on purpose
Snake and I Are One.
thanks for the (You)
>thanks for the (You)
By this metric Mario64 is open world too
>write proper arguments that dismantle the idea in detail
>n-noo s-shu-shut up sm-smar-smarta-ass
Being able to make suboptimal choices for a self imposed challenge isnt a perk of the game, I can decide to play any game badly but those games already have a more designed "game" around them in the first place. Its not a merit of TPP to say that you can choose to do this and this to squeeze blood out of the stone that the game is when youre still merely trying to make completing your one braindead task slightly less braindead by playing with your hands tied behind your back. Freedom only means something within constraints, the game has nothing that would make that "freedom" mean anything. It has no elements of simulators of any kind, it has no ingenuity. Your "freedom" is a freedom to make up your own challenge but even then youre challenging yourself to complete a vapid, laughably simplistic task that wouldnt look out of place in the dispatch menu. The main missions in TPP are less interesting and unique than the side ops were in ground zeroes. The side ops in TPP are the shit that should be in the open world at random without any attention being drawn to it because its just pathetic enemy patrols with a marker on it as if it was something to pay attention to
>>thanks for the (You)
shut up retard
MGS and MGS3 are the only two games in the series I can "take seriously as REAL MGS games."
V was just really really ridiculously fucking fun.
the only thing you dismantled was any notion you actually know how to play the game lmao
Even if he answers you you'd give him a generic "heh yeah no that games pretty shit" response anyway
These kinds of arguments are always retarded and makes both people look dumb
man I played this game for over 500 hours and I still never got around to trying the Water Gun
not an argument, try again, assess the arguments, formulate your own counters instead of this pathetic youtube comments incel shit
You can't go from bomb-omb battlefield to tal tal mountain by navigating a corridor enclosed by step cliffs, so no.
wow almost like how MGSV works
I never implied that. Stop twisting my words.
This is the only (You) you're going to get.
you can't know that unless you try it
Based kojima want English language to be wiped from the world
not at all
If it was your first intro to Metal Gear, then yeah I can see that.
Most people who thought this game was a masterpiece were new to the series.
>a series that plays with notions of authenticity and its relation to the video game medium
>"now these are the REAL and SERIOUS ones"
I did and already gave counter arguments, which you ignored.
Much of your argumentation is based around some supposed optimal way to play the game which is only true if you ignore all the end game shit, like how you seem to think soldiers are optimally extracted every time, which is just not true. Fix your arguments.
mgs isn't a stealth game, especially V
stealth is an option
yes actually, Kojima was just really good at pulling the wool over your eyes it would seem
i guess the only """real""" stealth game is thief right?
what a retard
Too much bullshit to argue with. 3/4 of your posts are factually incorrect.
>what a retard
Why kojima love psycho mantis, literally in every game in some form
>I did and already gave counter arguments
>Much of your argumentation is based around some supposed optimal way to play the game
thanks for confirming youre illiterate, ive assessed the idea that TPP has "freedom" separately from the meta game, your objectives either boil down into destroying or extracting something and if you want to paly the game optimally youll extract it. If youre actually retarded enough to imply that the choice to kill or not to kill is some groundbreaking freedom in metal gear, ill tell you to go back to sucking your pacifier retard
>like how you seem to think soldiers are optimally extracted every time
said nowhere by me, not an argument
and yet you cant point even one thing that is "factually incorrect"
>dude mgsv is not open world
Everyone in this thread shut the FUCK UP and read the leaked script with me.
For those who keep getting a mostly blank page in the "demo" portion
>Just click on the second tab at the bottom
>"Fake, I'm not reading this bullshit."
>"It's just some geezer autist's fanfic about their wet dream. Utter hoax, move on."
It helped modders extract of a slew of subtitle ID strings, which were previously known to them only as hashes. It's the actual script, anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.
Sure, there is plenty of evidence you can search around the net that proves so, but I'm not a spoonfeeder. Therefore, I'm not going to Google it for you. That link is all the evidence you need, anyway.
>"Retard, anyone can crack those hashes and include the deciphered strings in their fake leaks! That technical gizmo doesn't confirm shit!"
Say what you want, but bruteforcing the extraction of ANYTHING out of modern algorithm hashes will take you more than 10 years, tops, even with the best PCs and GPUs at your disposal.
idk i've never played thief but even mgs3 call itself an action game
The game became medocre the moment I realised they were putting side ops in as main ops
>all this lunacy and retardation
That's mission 4. The one were you have to fulton the cyberneticist from the barracks AKA extract the prisoner 001
not an argument
> your objectives either boil down into destroying or extracting something and if you want to paly the game optimally youll extract it.
And like I said, the game is much bigger than just doing the main ops once.
>If youre actually retarded enough to imply that the choice to kill or not to kill is some groundbreaking freedom in metal gear, ill tell you to go back to sucking your pacifier retard holy cope and strawman lol
>said nowhere by me, not an argument
That's what you said about the missions lul.
By that metric any MGS game is just walking to the end of the hall way hundreds of times.
That's the first instance but I ignored it until I reached Mission 10. At that point I dropped the game
>it needs more cutscenes!
Generally the main ops are more complex variations of the side ops,
Yes, most action games are actually about getting from point A to point B.
so where the fuck is it retard? show me your deconstruction of the points I made with the relevant counterarguments that I magically missed
>And like I said, the game is much bigger than just doing the main ops once.
not an argument, saying that "it gets good once you beat it" is a pathetic nonargument when even the first playthrough is a repetitive joke
>That's what you said about the missions lul.
and yet you cant quote it because youre a retarded illiterate liar, ive said that if your objective is to kill something that can be fultoned the right choice is always to fulton them or to simply choose to play the game suboptimally which again is the exact same choice youve had since MGS2, even 1 if youre pedantic, except those games had an actual game around the choice of whether or not to kill the copypaste NPC soldier
So then you admit your objectives argument is crap, got it
Why was MGR so good, bros?
I'm glad you just confirmed you suck dicks but do you have an actual argument about Metal Gear Solid V?
It needed a fucking plot was what it needed.
The AI being crap and the copypaste areas didn't help either
MGSPW was more fleshed out from a gameplay standpoint as well. not to mention MTX, real time grind and FOB bullshit. Fuck MGSV and fuck you for defending shit and calling it good
>so where the fuck is it retard?
>lul not an argument
Okay retard. One of the main selling points about metal gear games is going back for rank, you're whining makes no sense
what argument, retard? are you aware this isn't reddit and anonymous can be more than one single person?
Solid stealth gam but shit MGS game
>ive said that if your objective is to kill something that can be fultoned the right choice is always to fulton them or to simply choose to play the game suboptimally
Only the first time though dumb dumb. All your arguments boil down to begging for more structure but that's not an actual fault of the design
OK this has to be the dumbest post in this thread
cope lol
Because you watch anime a lot
Why would I read the script, is there anything in it that's new or missing from the game?
>One of the main selling points about metal gear games is going back for rank,
Im S ranking everything first try by simply sprinting in and reflex mode headshotting everyone while ignoring all side objectives since the speed will just give me an S FOX rank every time. You havent addressed the arguments, youre a braindead toddler desperately trying to snipe at some one individual thing you nitpicked out of the sea or truth and even then you cant succeed at it. S ranking the missions in TPP doesn't require skill let alone using the "freedom" the game offers you as the optimal way to play the game is to bumrush like an autistic toddler while ignoring all items and buddies that arent D horse since it lets you rush the hardest. Maybe take a wallhack pill to see where everyone is without marking and then fulton the thing that will end the mission. Theres your fucking S rank retard the second time through I can decide whether or not to fulton or kill the soldier instead...
Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch
>An open world is a level or game designed as nonlinear, open areas with many ways to reach an objective.
What now.
Not an argument
this is every video game fuck off
I take the water gun in every loadout ever since I decided to fuck around with it while repeating the Quiet boss fight to bring her back.
Unfortunately the game considers it a lethal firearm for the purposes of when Quiet is knocked out so the game kept assuming that I killed her when I chose to take her back to base instead and this meant I had to redo the fight 14 times instead of 7 to bring her back.
>we will never get co-op adventures with the BBs
I mean, look at these dudes
amazingly shallow
Okay faggot
Wolbachia vocal cord parasite metallic archea male to female the one that covers skin breathing yellow cake miniature nukes copulation
reaching the objective is never a challenge in TPP and the objective itself is barebones and repetitive. The only skill you need to have in TPP is the skill to withstand as much annoyance as possible. The overworld is an annoyance, not a challenge. Watching the chopper cutscnee for 10000 times isnt challenging, its annoying, just like doing the repetitive tasks which is all the content the game has. The world doesnt ask dick squat from you as traversing it is a complete joke, there are no survival mechanics of any kind, the enemy soldiers dont litter the world spotting or ambushing you unless you move with care and intent etc etc. You get through a gigantic stretch of empty land to the "thing" and then the thing itself is less deep than the objectives you had on a second to second basis in the first fucking MGS game that put you from one different scenario to the next with the main sneaking gameplay as the glue behind it all
thanks for confirming that you literally lost, I humored your retardation for too long since you werent even able to take apart the original argument
should've taken the Hitman approach of several tightly designed locales around the world
Rushing is one strategy, its good to have multiple solutions to problems, but that doesn't mean one of them is the best way. Again all your arguments show is your don't know how to play it
ok retard but it's still an open world game, only a shit one
Still not an argument
not so fast, old man
>Again all your arguments show is your don't know how to play it
not an argument, and if it was, you would only prove that there is some magical optimal way to play the game that renders your freedom wrong and suboptimal. Obviously you cant actually take apart the arguments so you have to go with wishy washy reddit shit like "you just dont know how to play it hehe"
yeah, thats a report for spamming from me
>the first fucking MGS game that put you from one different scenario to the next with the main sneaking gameplay as the glue behind it all
Just like in V hurrrrr
Lol what a baby. Your arguments are shit.
seeinb4 redditor shaking his funko pop bobble head from a lack of understanding
and yet you cant even begin to refute them, sorry but your epic deflection wont get you karma here
>One hundred year old genius Navajo native American nuclear physicist, engineer and biologist: did you know that we only learned to speak because of magic parasites???
>and yet you cant even begin to refute them
I already have multiple times in this thread little baby
I'm kinda sad it's over, I'gonna miss this handsome son of a bitch.
Your arguing literally over there being minor variations between weapons in the same subclass, your argument is shit
There are multiple reasons for this problem, but the two biggest contributing factors are,
A) The maps are realistic in their size and space, which unfortunately little boring
B) The game needed to run on the Xbox 360
MGSV should have been a pure modern day console game, but instead stretched itself to be playable on last gen consoles, on top of there being strange development inconsistencies with the Fox Engine and the timing of the game's release (along with Ground Zeroes).
>be MGO3
>one of the most fun and mechanically sound MP games out there
>get ignored and forgotten about because of the neckbeard fanbase and their allegiance to kojimbo, their god and savior
a tragic tale no doubt
And again, complex body damage is emphasized with the demon system making body shots more viable, the game has a great ballistics system and there's more to depth then having them go through a canned animation by shooting them in the hands
>bro wtf I have to explore the world in this open world game???
Even in the middle of nowhere there are still animals to hunt for too reduce your demon score
the hilarious part is that you must actually believe this, you took one sentence from a gigantic pile of text, failed to address it and when you got annihilated over even that one sentence you started frothing at the mouth over how I wont "address MY awguments!!1" like some autistic mantra
Are you fucking retarded? Im telling you that your "gameplay" is shit and your "freedom" is an illusion to trick retards, the game has less complex and varied ways of interacting with guards than in the past games and unlike the past games the only thing you can do in TPP is fuck around with guards since theres nothing else to do either. I even go as far as to give you direct examples of this retardation like having your basic kit be more comprehensive than the apparent specialization items that are supposed to give """depth""" like the stun arm which in reality do nothing but give a different skin to a function that you can perform in multiple different ways anyway, even for free like the chain CQC or fucking diving into guards and kicking them once while theyre down
Are you fucking retarded? shooting somewhere else than the head isnt "complex body damage" fucking retarded troglodyte, the enemies have no specific reactions to different locations getting damaged. Youre ACTUALLY fucking retarded
there's no locational damage in MGSV, you cannot shoot radios, you cannot shoot the alert exclamation marks, shooting soldiers' hands simply plays a random hurt animation and doesn't cause any other effect, shooting armored soldiers in their unarmored parts does nothing so you're forced to take them down melee or use explosives.
I had a lot of FUN playing it, so that's all that really matters to me.
I don't care about Metal Gear, I just want to say that I played a little bit of MGS5 and got bored. The empty brown enviroment is fucking boring. The game doesn't challenge you in any fun way.
Dude the other games were more on rails, the freedom and sheer weapon selection alone makes the encounter design way more complex than in the other games
>is there anything in it that's new or missing from the game?
Chico being a cut buddy and the true answer to "what was The Boss' will?"
>I'gonna miss myself.
>God what a handsome son of a bitch I am*
mgsv is pure artificial fun
refer to
>the enemies have no specific reactions to different locations getting damaged
And like I said in my argument, there's more to complexity than baked in animations.
fucking tranny
The game would have been 4x better with 1/2 the map size with more fleshed out bases to compensate for the size.
Also more boss fights would have helped a lot.
I think this is the point where everyone points at this game design illiterate zoomer redditor and howls in disbelief
I already did, more to complexity than baked in reactions, etc.
god i wish that were me
I can hear the howling from your tears lmao. I love how you have a total mental breakdown the moment someone merely disagrees with you
I was obviously talking about BB.
Thanks for the compliment, though!
are you fucking braindead? TPP has your epic baked in pain animation, it doesnt have complexity like being able to shoot out arms to prevent soldiers from using weapons, blow out knees, put enemies into a bleed out state to cause reactions from other soldiers, destroy radios or anything even remotely similar. You actually belong in special ED if you think your retarded shit is an "argument" of any type
>shooting armored soldiers in their unarmored parts does nothing
I get your point, but this is actually incorrect.
it's not forgotten and it was kinda good, just really repetitive
I still have no idea what the fuck MGS V even actually is. All I've seen so far is a dude that looks like Solid Snake, but isn't Solid Snake crawl around in a desert with bizarre gadgets that aren't remotely practical, carrying a gun he never uses.
>it doesnt have complexity like being able to shoot out arms to prevent soldiers from using weapons, blow out knees, put enemies into a bleed out state to cause reactions from other soldiers
Yes it does and its actually handled with more gameplay complexity than most games with the demon system etc. And again, older mgs games were much more linear, quit cherrypicking your arguments if you want people to take them seriously
MGSV was lackluster in almost all areas people enjoy Metal Gear for, but was pretty good in all the new things it introduced. The game is really conflicting for me, but I find myself coming back to V more than the others if I just want to fuck around.
>"I was obviously talking about BB."
>Venom Snake is the player (read: you)
>Venom Snake is Big Boss
But BB is you, though. So, once again, you're talking about yourself.
Bad third person shooter
Mediocre stealth game
Shit sequel to the MGS games
Whether you take it on its own or in context as a Metal Gear game is was always trash
Disappointment of the decade
well you got the gist of it
permabased and niggerpilled
It's one of the best shooters ever made actually
>2 BiBo bro-op
The bara levels would be off the charts
>it doesnt have this, this, this, this and this
>y-yes it does
a literal lie that anyone who has played the game can confirm, last reply youre getting braindead zoomer
>i-its complex because of if you shoot in the head your epic bad guy score goes up!11
so the game punishes you for killing? are you saying that the only way to play the game properly is to not kill?
>m-muh linear
epic "argument" autist, give me 1000 words on why linearity made MGS1-4 worse than TPP without saying something that was already dismantled in my original arguments and ill reply to you again dicklet
You have to be a very special kind of retard to have the fucking skulls unit, a sahelanthropus and psycho fucking mantis and NOT have them influence/assault you during open world areas
For a game that takes pride on freedom and gameplay so much, it might probably be the least replayable game of the series because of how boring, bland and empty the overworld is before you get to the meat of the gameplay. I'd rather be rewatching all the cutscenes during downtime than just ride or walk through empty spaces and generic outposts
Still a 9.5/10
lol cry harder faggot
>I'm Big Boss, and so are you
>He is the both of us
fucking semantics
for a game about language it sure likes to take the piss out of you but I guess that's part of its charm
So what do we call the original Big Boss?
Naked Snake? John?
>Bad third person shooter
It's actually one of the best ever made, it's just packaged as a stealth game that generally doesn't want you to kill people.
No other TPS let's me hold people as human shields, rip through soldiers in a decent combination of third/first person perspective on the fly, and lets me call in air support. Fuck, just doing horseback shootouts is more fun than most shooters on the market.
>but was pretty good in all the new things it introduced
such as the empty open world?
or waiting in irl time to finish research?
or endlessly hunting for materials to complete your base?
or the HOURS you spent sitting in your helicopter between missions?
the one and only thing MGSV did well was the control over Big Boss himself, it was a good control scheme for many tools and was all around neat and responsive. It was also completely wasted because the game provided nothing to use it on properly
actually no it isn't
it's garbage
try playing more than 5 games before spreading retarded opinions like this on the internet
>or the HOURS you spent sitting in your helicopter between missions?
Don't blame the game because you're playing it wrong
Big Boss has a PMC. PMC is destroyed, Big Boss and his best soldier enter a coma. Big Boss wakes up and finds out Ocelot and Zero hacked a plan where they changed the soldier's face and memories so he thinks he's Big Boss. Big Boss agrees with the plan, waits for the soldier (You) to wake up, helps them get started on a new PMC then he fucks off to America. The game is a huge side quest pretty much where nothing you do matters. You're the Big Boss that dies in Outer Heaven in '95, the real Big Boss is found in Zanzibar in '99. The End.
It’s literally not a stealth game, you mouth-breather. It’s an action shooter with viable stealth. I feel like you’re posting from 2006.
Bro, roaming bands of Walker Gears and more robotic based enemies that are immune to CQC or Tranq ammo would have given justification for having lethal weapons at all times, but in the end of the day, MGSV is an unfinished game, and we can only speculate what the final product would have been if it was completed.
I wish Konami would just pick up the leftovers of TPP and Survive and make exactly that.
Kinda offtopic but I love the concept of clones trying to find their own identity while the original is still around.
Not an argument
Big Boss. Solid's dad is still what most people think when hearing the term so it's easier to just call Venom Venom.
Said dude is you
You were once a Medic, but, long story short, you became Snake (as in Big Boss, not Solid Snake) through plastic surgery and steroids to look and perform like him
In short, you are Snake (as in Big Boss, not Solid Snake)
Oh, also, Big Boss is also Snake and a Snake, don't ask why
You look like a bara redesign of Solid Snake, yes, but indeed, you are a different Snake since, once again you are Snake as in Big Boss
Big Boss is a title by the way, there is no such thing as "the real Big Boss" so ignore this retard: That is all.
Its quality as a TPS is as bad as its quality as a stealth game, maybe even worse since in opting to kill you choose to sacrifice even the tiniest bit of self imposed challenge available, youre a walking tank that cubstomps the repetitive NPC drones in your path with no intelligent combat scenarios of any type to throttle you in any way. Its no max payne, its no dead space 2, its no vanquish, its a fucking piece of shit
That made not even a little bit of sense to me, so all in all, sounds like a MGS game. Thanks user
Wow, almost like there's more to the game than shooting people in the face
>Konami never jumped into the battle royale bandwagon with MGSV's mechanics
How can they be so retarded? 10 bucks for that shit and fill it with skins of every MGS character ever and that's it
Tell me what, in detail, and why those things are good
Story was more insane than SOL but the open-world gameplay was pretty cool.
b-but user, I AM Big Boss!
Imagine overcomplicating shit like a retard
No you're right, I blame myself for having played it
The control over Snek is well made but the enemies, bosses, levels, missions and everything else in the game is unfit to accommodate the tools the game provides you with
That's what makes it a bad TPS
Imagine a game with the combat of Bayonetta except all enemies are target dummies on a flat plane, it would be a terrible character action game even though you yourself can do all the moves you ever wanted
The common enemies in MGSV are a joke and you have to go out of your way to make them entertaining and the ghosts are unfun incarnate
>So what do we call the original Big Boss?
According to the script leak, Kojima, Murata and the rest of the scriptwriters call him "the real Snake". Hence, the real Snake.
That's right. Big Boss is the real Snake, not Solid Snake. Don't question it.
>the enemies, bosses, levels, missions and everything else in the game is unfit to accommodate the tools the game provides you with
Did you not see all the shit you get graded on each mission? All the fob shit?
read the rest of the post retard
>how is it a good tps
well "argued" troglodyte
What the fuck was BB doing all these years ?
talking specifically about the boss fights, dummy.
Yeah you didn't explain shit, just that the enemies are easy to dispatch in minor situations. If you want hard challenge, do fob
Nice strawman lmao
so tell everyone what you meant, in actual detail this time redditor
Who the fuck cares niglet, Raiden was also codenamed Snake for like the first 5 minutes of MGS2 yet you don't see anyone calling him that. We know the eyepatch guy as Big Boss, going out of your way to refer to him as Snake when explaining the plot of a game when the title Big Boss fits perfectly when describing him is moot. Dude asks for a summary and you go on with bullshit like:
>In short, you are Snake (as in Big Boss, not Solid Snake). Oh, also, Big Boss is also Snake and a Snake, don't ask why. You look like a bara redesign of Solid Snake, yes, but indeed, you are a different Snake since, once again you are Snake as in Big Boss
Repeating yourself and taking three paragraphs to say something simple ffs
lol cry harder bitch boi
I played some fob but you know going out of your way to search for some difficulty doesn't make the game itself any better?
And here you can witness the typical TPP special needs zoomer crumbling once again. Reported, snapped for the cringe compilation and forever exposed to everyone with the ability to click a few times to see the reply chain and have a good chuckle at another actual spineless soi "male" hanging on his own noose
that sounds really good, why do people hate the story?
Mother Base was destroyed in February of 1975, both Big Boss and his soldier, the Medic, fell into a coma. The coma lasted 9 years for both men, although BB woke up earlier that year, in 1984. Ocelot briefed him about shit and after accepting using the Medic as a new decoy Big Boss, he went on to meet characters like Grey Fox or Sniper Wolf, but we know that because of said character's backstories in earlier games, not because it's actually shown to us. In the early 1990s he returned to the U.S. and takes command of FOXHOUND, while the Medic is still screwing around with his PMC. Behind the scenes, BB buils Outer Heaven and in time the Medic's PMC is absorbed into Outer Heaven. Then Metal Gear 1 happens
>no endgame doesn't count!
Waa Waa waa
Wow you really showed me with that reddit reply
That guy thinks that TPP is not only a good game, which it obviously isn't, but even that it is one of the best third person shooters ever made
Obviously something is wrong with his brain
>Wow you really showed me with that reddit reply
Im sure the irony is lost on some kid who hasnt yet learned what that word means
I'm not saying that endgame content doesn't count, I'm saying that the endgame content being slightly better than the rest of the game doesn't make the rest of the game better because the rest of the game is also the majority of the game's content and it sucks
Lol why are MGSV haters all such brittle babies, then again what do you expect from people still salty about their headcanon after all these years yikes
It literally wasn't the safest brainlet story everyone expected it to be, and instead went with something outside the box instead.
Not saying what we got was good, but it was definitely unique.
By the looks of this thread, the "MGSV haters" are posting well formulated and researched arguments that toddlers like you are deflecting with literal lies or complete ad hominem empty replies that dont address anything at all and just throw around meaningless insults
Except endgame is the bulk of the replayability
>90% of the reasons listed why MGSV is bad are related to gameplay and gameworld
>y-you just hate that it doesn't fit your headcanon
sasuga retard-kun
Play the game and you will see how laughable that is
>n-no! You disagreed with me! Y-you're just a toddler!!!
Grow up faggot
not when the game doesn't have much replayability at all
*awkward jeep ride intensifies*
Most of the reasons are nitpicks that ignore large portions of the content because the story wasn't ripped off
There is nothing well formulated or researched about their arguments. They are stating opinions as absolute fact, and using those opinions as springboards to try and shut down opposing arguments that don't agree with them. While I had my issues with MGSV for sure, it isn't half as bad as Yea Forums makes it out to be.
I don't think you know what this word means
David and Eli weren't any form of Snake until another decade.
Jesus fuck I forgot he was called Snake in GZ
Looks like everybody did
so refute
>how laughable that is
How laughable what is retard?
>n-no! You disagreed with me! Y-you're just a toddler!!!
you are just a toddler, seeing as how you pretended to attempt to argue and the second you realized you cant you started screaming HAHA CRYING CRYING HAHA OH NO NONO HAHA YOU REALLY SHOWED ME OH WOOW NICE STRAWMAN HEHE
complete cringe dogshit, go back to square one and ATTEMPT to refute the original posts. Attempt is the key here since you couldnt even begin to with your mental ""capacity""
Wouldn't surprise me if the MGSV defence force was made up largely of underage posters and kojimadrone
The former will mistake it for a great TPS because it's the first game they've played that's not CoD or Battlefield
The latter will mistake it for a great game because it has Kojima's name on it, or even just because it has Metal Gear in the title
Your use of quotations pissed me the hell off. Even I did agree with you, I'd rather die of pneumonia than read your bullshit ever again.
Dude you have been presented with plenty of counter arguments, seething like a little bitch because people disagree with you does not make for a compelling argument.
You being a retard wouldn't surprise me either
>Dude you have been presented with plenty of counter arguments,
List them. I can already tell you that nobody went even began to attempt to take apart the brunt of those arguments, but feel free to repost the individual nitpick whining some toddlers attempted and ill just repost the replies I gave to those posts. Eventually youll be reposting your "haha u mad" concessions once you crumbled
the underage mark must have hit pretty close to home, reported again
>so refute
I'm not reading your circular logic novel, user. Bring up a singular point and we'll hash it out like normal fucking people.
the game i imagined in my head was a hundred times better than the game that came out. Big Boss wouldve spent the entire game befriending the local tribes in Afghanistan and doing missions for them in order to initiate a final strike against Skullface alongside the other independent PMCs in the region. It would've also involved a bossfight with Skullface which you canonically lose before Skullface spares your life and takes you on a jeep ride to show off Sahelanthropus and commandeering it before your allies show up to save your ass.
you say that but every time a singular point is made you go
>oh but that is just a small part of the game
>the game is actually great if you ignore that
>what about this other part of the game that is actually somewhat better
this is repeated until almost the entire game needs to be ignored and all the focus lies on a small optional feature to make the game actually look good
I have multiple times. All you say is that something is bad or barebones with no actual insight. MGSV does indeed have a structure that imposes difficulty in the player like you said it didn't. There is indeed level design that encourages the type of sneaking gameplay kojima wanted to implement and there's layers upon layers of gameplay systems that give every decision you make have weight. I hope you get banned for all those bullshit reports you've announced, I mean reporting someone because they disagree with you? And you call others childish?
>We know the eyepatch guy as Big Boss
And Kojima knows the eyepatch guy as Snake.
>going out of your way to refer to him as Snake when explaining the plot of a game when the title Big Boss fits perfectly when describing him is moot
The official plot descriptions call him Snake.
So, my point still has meaning.
Everytime something good about the game is brought up you do that minimization bullshit, difference is we're not arguing that everyone should share our opinion just that we disagree with yours and that pisses you of for some reason
That is a singular point, the point is a comprehensive dismantling of the idea that the game has some dubious "depth" that makes its gameplay so freeform and great. The only circular logic is how the TPP zoomers beg for arguments to prove how the game is shit, then turn around to say that there is more than one way to play the game, then turn around to say that youre actually playing the game wrong, then turn around to say that you just hate it because of your "headcanon" without addressing a single point. Youre not addressing anything because you cant. Youre looking at a wall of truth and you couldnt even refute a singular point of it like the pathetic autists here tried and the best they could do is to attempt to lie about things like the body damage or to make retarded statements like "WRONG ITS JUST GOOD". And when I show them mercy and even offer them a chance to explain in depth, the replies are like>there is because I say so
and yet
goes in depth to explain why there isnt. explain to me in vivid detail because I couldnt give a lesser fuck about your "haha actually yes there is" retardation conclusions. Make a fucking argument before expecting me to buy your retarded ending statements
Cope harder lmao.
More like the reason the script calls him Snake is because And we're not talking in the script, are we? We're in a silk weaving Taiwanese drawings board, overcomplicating shit with "he's a Snake, but not Solid Snake Snake, Big Boss Snake!" when saying BB would've been enough, especially when you're explaining a game's summary, is retarded
>Solid Snake
>Big Boss (maybe even call him Naked if referring to 3)
>Venom Snake
It's that simple
Infinite heaven has random skull encounters
Your arguments are as shallow as you claim MGSV to be
Explain, in detail, if they are so shallow it wont be hard to take them apart point by point
You see
Big Boss is not the real Snake, SOLID SNAKE IS.
The game has some issues but your nitpicking does not make the game shit lol
Not an argument, try again with an actual argument this time
Kojima has always had a hard on for Escape from New York, that's why he made BB be referred to as Snake in GZ even though he accepted his title at the end of PW. That, and everyone and their mother accept when you say "Snake" you're referring to Solid, because we have other words for the other characters, like BB for the eyepatch fag or Venom for the scarred fag. Are they still Snakes? I mean, technically, yeah. But why refer to them as such when other names are more indicative of who they are?
>because the script does so
The script can do so because Solid Snake is 12 at the time, hasn't even received his codename yet and doesn't appear at all in the game
I just want more Big Boss, desu senpai
>Venom Snake
The timeline calls him "Big Boss' phantom" when referring to the Outer Heaven Uprising (read: when he's not being the protagonist of a Metal Gear game). So, it would be more like
>Big Boss' phantom (maybe even call him Venom if referring to V)
Big Boss a title. Let me repeat, Big Boss is a TITLE.
So it makes no sense to call the original "Big Boss" and the phantom "Venom", because the phantom is Big Boss, too. Refer to
This was my second MGS game I ever played since MGS2 and honestly this was a very sophisticated tactical 3rd person action game. It got me thinking about a small scale MMORPG with special forces stuff, LARPing as an operator doing missions with other people.
Anyway the story seemed like fluff but it was fun to play.
Let me repeat: NO ONE FUCKING CARES. Quite literally the entire fucking world will keep calling John, Big Boss; and the Medic, Venom. That's how it is, being caught in semantics "achstually they're both BB, and Venom is you!!!!" is fucking stupid, you pathetic moron.
> It opts out to throw out complex level design
define "complex"
> it's undoubtedly necessary to have a gameplay scenario that challenges the player in some way. The challenge itself can obviously be varied, constantly changing, but it should be there to give some type of concise structure for the player.
And this doesn't apply to TPP why?
>Good level design is a platter for the scenario to function in. The only "freedom" TPP gives you is to break the level design itself as the creator doesn't have enough control to make a game out of it. It's almost irrelevant whether or not TPP has any type of level design at all as the creator can't force the player into it's constraints. It's too wide, too open, too empty to faciliate any type of game.
There's more to good level design than forcing players into scripted constraints, but hey TPP still even has stuff like that like say the Honeybee mission forcing you into the asghan base and it's twisty caves.
>"Go here and destroy this. If this can be extracted, it's always the right answer to fulton it instead, no matter what the description of the mission is."
And this could be similarly argued as boiling down any other MGS as getting to the other side of the hallway over and over again, at least TPP has more freedom in how to do it
>If your mission is to kill 3 commanders,...
again, extraction only matters the first time you do a mission, MGSV is built from the ground up to be replayable, which is partly why many of the missions don't have a lot of scripted cutscenes in them.
>These missions are extremely rare and quite offensively simplistic
Cloaked in silence extreme is the best sniper battle in the game.
>So what is the "freedom" that turns these repetitive extraction missions into the "best gameplay" of the series?
The ability to go in with different loadouts to change up how to play the game. (cont)
>That, and everyone and their mother accept when you say "Snake" you're referring to Solid, because we have other words for the other characters
My mommy and my peers call the guy with the eyepatch "Snake" though, not "Big Boss" and "Venom"
Show me a time when combat in TPP is the same twice.
GZ was amazing
>largeish map with multiple ways to infiltrate
>guards actually have schedules and interesting side conversations
>can do different objectives in different order
>secrets are crammed into the base
>good music
V has better controls but is just bloated to the point where everything seems flabby
There's two eyepatch guys. You referring to the scarred one or the one that's afraid of vampires and believes in Santa Claus. Also what do they call David?
I don't think (You) do
This is what I read from your post, stop being this pushy and admit that you don't like the idea of a literally who (read: you) becoming Big Boss
Also, forgot to mention that my friends usually call John and the Medic Snake too. This makes your point further invalid.
Fucking hated those parasite assholes.
I'm referring to both, oops
They also call David Snake too
The snipers were fun
>This is what I read from your post
Then you must be blind mate. Venom has the Big Boss title, same as John, sure. But we're not ingame, and using the same title for mutiple characters during a discussion is retarded, that's my whole point.
You then go on to say how nothing you pick in the loadout matters because there are redundant alternatives, but that fails to take into account how limited your selection is and you still have to make a decision on how much of a particular playstyle you want to bring to the battlefield. Also the sheer power you wield as a matter of fact of the game is one of its bigger draws, you feel like a literal boss from some other video game like, say, MG1....
>You're still left with two options. Red or blue damage.
It's more varied than that actually, with there being DMG, ZZZ, and STN damage, and part of the fun of the game is how you can mix these different types of damage up and what effects they have on the gameplay like how zzz can't break spotlights.
> Complex body damage is gone,
Again, more to complexity than just baked in animations, TPP actually has some of the best ingame justification to go for non lethal body shots given how it factors into the rest of the systems, which again is part of the game's charm, how everything you do has some mitigating consequence.
You point to all this shit you can do and then write it off as an "illusion" largely due to your earlier misconceptions about the game. And just because you have limited options against the skulls, doesn't mean somebody who is good at the game does, so there's another example of you flat out ignoring depth due to it going against your little vendetta.
And even then none of this would even be so bad if you didn't speak like you were some definitive authority on the game, pull your head out of your ass
sneaking up on dat ass was fun
YOU're Snake. And YOU're Snake. And YOU're Snake. And YOU're Snake. And...
is there a nice plot summary somewhere on the internet? of all the games in the series i mean
I guess I was the Punished Snake™ all along for receiving this dogshit game after paying up for the demo and then the full game
>define "complex"
Sorry for assuming you had a brain. TPP has a barren land with a few objects thrown in it, Thief has an intersecting hub of a map with intricately designed interiors. Even the first Metal Gear Solid on the first playstation has a more intently designed level that forces you into confronting the challenges the designer has crafted
>And this doesn't apply to TPP why?
are you fucking illiterate? read the full argument autist
>There's more to good level design than forcing players into scripted constraints,
statement not backed up by literally anything, never beg me to "define" or explain anything mouthbreather
>And this could be similarly argued as boiling down any other MGS as getting to the other side of the hallway over and over again,
if youre a fucking retard who never played them, sure. The third most common complaint about MGS2 is that it doesnt let you "just sneak" because the designer constantly varies the scenario so much that you can't focus on just getting somewhere while avoiding guards. You find and defuse bombs, then avoid a railgun, then avoid guards, then have a bossfight, then infiltrate a compound in disguise, then look for a heartbeat with a listening device, then dive underwater, fight a boss again, escort someone, have a sniper segment and so on
>again, extraction only matters the first time you do a mission, MGSV is built from the ground up to be replayable,
theres nothing to play in the first place let alone replay, its the least replayable metal gear game because its just a droning grind with one task over and over and over as explained in detail in the argument
>Cloaked in silence extreme is the best sniper battle in the game.
epic statement, backed up by nothing and meaning nothing
No, watch these for any games you're too lazy to play.
please try to address my points like you said you would instead of being a butthurt faggot like I knew you would, disappointing
>You then go on to say how nothing you pick in the loadout matters because there are redundant alternatives,
yes, you have your pile of false depth and there is no challenge in the first place to use any of it on
>It's more varied than that actually, with there being DMG, ZZZ, and STN damage,
are you fucking retarded? like I said, red or blue, lethal or non lethal. A tranq dart not breaking glass isnt some epic depth that changes the game when you cant even deploy without a main weapon like a rifle
>Again, more to complexity than just baked in animations,
Thanks for confirming what a fucking illiterate, braindead autist you are. Being able to affect enemies in ways like disabling their gun arm isnt a fucking "baked in animation", its affecting their functionality and behavior. How fucking retarded are you?
>TPP actually has some of the best ingame justification to go for non lethal body shots given how it factors into the rest of the systems,
the only factor is, like I said, to fulton things which is playing the game optimally, but then youll loop around and start frothing at the mouth how fultoning things isnt actually le best way on NG+
>You point to all this shit you can do and then write it off as an "illusion"
Because it is, try playing more videogames dicklet. TPP offers you no systems to play around with, no actually relevant ways to solve challenges with ingenuity because the game is extremely limited and retarded. Attempt to disable electronics with electricity? Nope. Dont even think about simply turning them off either, except that one baked generator interaction obviously. Same thing with lockpicking, game just pulls mechanics out of its ass as it pleases and none of these affect anything as there is never some central objective you beat by trying to use mechanics like youd see in actual immersive sims where one player hacks a panel to get through a door, another climbs up into a vent by stacking shit and one blows it up
>the first Metal Gear Solid on the first playstation has a more intently designed level that forces you into confronting the challenges the designer has crafted
Epic statement, backed up by nothing and meaning nothing
Are you fucking retarded? Address what? You asking UMM HOW DOES IT APPLY!!!?? when its explained in detail how TPP has literally one objective it recycles for every mission?
How braindead are you exactly? You arent dropped into a barren open world in MGS1 where you get to approach a hangar door from a kilometer away from any direction, right from the start the game throws you into a small room with some cover, two guards and tells you to wait for an elevator
>using the same title for mutiple characters during a discussion is retarded
But, once again, to reword my point, I've seen normies do it all the time. No one but autists, in which YOU ARE ONE care.
>Remember when Snake rescued Chico and--
>Remember when Big Boss tried to kill Solid Snake in Outer Heaven with his missile launchers and--
Metal Gear -
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake -
Metal Gear Solid -
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty -
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater -
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots -
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker -
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance -
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes -
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain -
Have fun.
>are you fucking retarded? like I said, red or blue, lethal or non lethal. A tranq dart not breaking glass isnt some epic depth that changes the game when you cant even deploy without a main weapon like a rifle
But you can deploy with only zzz weapons
>Being able to affect enemies in ways like disabling their gun arm isnt a fucking "baked in animation", its affecting their functionality and behavior. How fucking retarded are you?
And this still is a feature of MGSV that you wrote off because of the lack of an animation, keep up.
>the only factor is, like I said, to fulton things which is playing the game optimally, but then youll loop around and start frothing at the mouth how fultoning things isnt actually le best way on NG+
No, that's not what you said, you argued in part that the gameplay was dull because the optimal way to play it is to Fulton every soldier, which is objectively wrong.
>Because it is, try playing more videogames dicklet
All this mad just because someone disagrees with you, pathetic.
>You arent dropped into a barren open world in MGS1
Yeah, just a series of linear corridors with on rails scripted sequences. TPP has other ways of drawing player to challenge, like how the level is designed to be split into maps
To further prove my point, here is a news outlet calling Big Boss "Snake":
>Kojima Explains Why Snake Has a New Voice Actor in 'Metal Gear Solid 5'
Want more? I'll shove it down your face.
Split into missions, also fob has lots of interior esque design and actually has tons of choice in how you sneak around them
See, I don't care if you call Venom Big Boss, or Big Boss Snake, if it doesn't impact the conversation and the names are interchangeable at the discussion at hanf. This whole thing started with being redundant with his bullshit explanation when all the other user asked for was a V summary and the retard started with bullshit like "Oh, also, Big Boss is also Snake and a Snake, don't ask why" which confuses a new guy more than anything else. This is twice that you assume stuff about me.
>And this still is a feature of MGSV that you wrote off because of the lack of an animation, keep up.
probably because youre an actually illiterate retarded liar who doesnt even play his own shitty game. The only states a guard has in TPP is completely functional, writhing in pain on the ground while bleeding to death or simply dead
>No, that's not what you said, you argued in part that the gameplay was dull because the optimal way to play it is to Fulton every soldier,
>which is objectively wrong.
go ahead and prove it, inb4 it gets good in NG+ even though your mission objective has been the same since the second mission of the game for 100 hours
>TPP has other ways of drawing player to challenge,
tell everyone what the "challenge" is
Here's is discussion about Metal Gear's LORE (read: CANON) that calls Big Boss "Snake".
thanks, man
Have you even read ?
That "retarded bullshit" that said user is perfectly understandable.
>You are Snake.
>Snake is Big Boss. He's also a Snake (hinting that Snake is more than just a name, it's a thing, and there are four of them).
Do you happen to be ESL, by any chance?
MGSV sucks deal with it
Deal with it
deal with it
d e a l w i t h i t
f a g g o t
that user said*
It's perfectly understandable, but overcomplicated for the sake of overcomplication when responding to , going on about how he's Big Boss Snake but not Solid Snake Snake when it has nothing to do with the original question
Just the amount of known cut content is astonishing
Chico was supposed to be alive and have scars that make him look like a demon
The battle gear was deployable in field
You were supposed to have lots of other options when interrogating a soldier
You were supposed to be able to return to camp Omega in a later update if you owned GZ
I'd imagine that other than mission 51 would have been more missions added post launch because of the episodic nature of the game
I remember seeing a video teasing snowy areas so I think there might have been areas like that planned
>go ahead and prove it
When your FOB is full of S+ already, it's objectively better to spend that fulton on a tank or MG
Big Boss is Snake.
Snake is not Solid Snake. He'll be Snake later, in MG.
Not overcomplicated, dumbfuck.
every game has cut content, you're going to fault TPP for Kojima dreaming too big?
just watch this
>TPP has literally one objective it recycles for every mission?
That's not true, and even so the replayability comes the massive loadout you have available
TPP has the most obvious cut content.
Can you even fucking read though? says how he has no idea what V is about, and instead of writing a summary like did you have this faggot writing literally nothing, saying "Big Boss is also called Snake btw" for three paragraphs and that's it. That's where the original "Imagine overcomplicating shit like a retard" in came from, then other fags joined in on the discussion. Call John and the Medic whatever the fuck you want, just make sure you're actually contributing and not saying a whole bunch of nothing
I honestly don't know what was kojima dreaming too big and what was Konami being a bitch
If kojima had as much money and time to add all the content he wanted the came would probably never come out
Also I wish that there was a MG 1 and 2 remake featuring both Kiefer and Hayter
Do people still play mgo? Is it still full of cheaters?
>That's not true, and even so the replayability comes the massive loadout you have available
yes, keep going around in your retarded hamster wheel of a nonargument even when each individual stepping stone has been dismantled and proven false
MGO is dead, I never really encouraged stealth gameplay so it felt really generic where it could have been amazing.
How can one guy BTFO multiple user's arguments? He can't keep getting away with it!
MGO died due to shitty balance more than anything, the easiest class to play was also the most stun resistant, had the best stun weapons, and the easiest way to fulton people. trying to play infiltrator was pointless
slice of shit more like
You can find an occasional game up but it usually only lasts for about an hour before some fag teleporting in spawn and instantly fultoning everyone shows up and then everyone just leaves
why is it that the MGS series got progressively better gameplay and progressively worse atmosphere/narrative
Plenty of challenge in fob, but also from pulling off what you want in style
You never showed how the load out selection is bad just whined about there being lots of sub class selections
>You never showed how the load out selection is bad
nobody ever explained how its good at all, instead I went in depth to illustrate how its nothing but an illusion of a bloat to mask the fact that your only three modes of interaction (red damage, blue damage, noise) are skin deep and can already be produced in multiple ways even without the multitude of items that are just reskins of eachother. In reality you have less ways to interact with enemies than before and less specialized items to even do it like the porn magazines or more specific body damage from the past games. Its irrelevant what skin deep "playstyle" you choose in TPP because its all skin deep nonsense to conquer nothing in the first place. A good game like system shock 2 or deus ex offers you a pile of significantly different specializations to determine how you solve challenges. TPP has no challenges and so systems to even conquer them with. Even your mobility is nothing but canned animations at predetermined points of interaction where you can arbitrarily climb or jump
>literally just stealth and fultons
I'm glad its dead
>TPP has no challenges and so systems to even conquer them with.
Same reason SOTN sucks dick, they threw balance off the window
do games really need challenges?
No, you just said you didn't like the level design and wrapped that up as some objective criticism
just don't dude, it's a pretentious pile of shit
>TPP has no challenges
Again, the type of challenge you're looking for is plentiful in fobs
Based retard
>just do le online mode over and over where you infiltrate the replica of your own base but with obstacles in the way many times should I do the one level over and over on repeat? Simply epic, you traded your singular "kill/fulton this" objective into "get to this point on mother base"
And I've told you that the depth comes from balancing out what types of options you have in order to determine how deeply you stick to each of the interaction styles in a particular layout as part of the depth. You are great at explaining the base mechanics, but you seem to be deliberately ignoring how these systems interact
there is zero "depth" involved, I can deploy with a full loadout of grenades, C4, sleep grenades, stun grenades, smoke grenades, magazines, decoys, pentazemin, cardboard boxes, NV goggles, the phantom cigar, acceleramin and so on. The only choice i have to make based on the mission is whether or not I want to take a rocket launcher or a sniper rifle on my back. Even that choice is completely moot if I just bring Quiet so I can click on the "solo the base" function while I smoke the cigar so its over in 5 seconds
the entire game is designed around it bud, now you're writing it off because it's online? Pls, that also means, you can pick up the game a year later and still have something meaningful to do without restarting an entire story, even though you can it's brilliant
And yes, like any mgs game, like any game really, it's all about the points. And emblems if that's your thing.
>do fob
>sneak and doing well
>owner of fob spawns in with infinite rockets and teleports next to you
>the entire game is designed around infiltrating one base over and over again
ahahahaha if I want that I think ill just stick to ground zeroes since that one has actual freedom instead of cucking you with epic online skinner box OHONONONO HES RETALIATING bullshit
nope, a good game is all about the gameplay itself
>is zero "depth" involved, I can deploy with a full loadout of grenades, C4, sleep grenades, stun grenades, smoke grenades, magazines, decoys, pentazemin, cardboard boxes, NV goggles, the phantom cigar, acceleramin and so on.
Yeah and that costs a lot of resources
And quiet fucks off that's why she's op and if you knew how to play the game you'd know dhorse is better anyway
Most of MGSV's development time and budget went into making the Fox Engine. The fact people don't realize this almost 5 years later is astounding.
And yet Ive never even seen red GMP or ran out of anything even though Ive done this for every mission in the game since starting on my fresh savefile, funny how that works mouthbreather
oh no, there the retard goes spinning his wheel of autism again
See you get btfo and all you can do is cry, cope
Quiet was literally designed to be unreachable after a point you blithering retard
Because Kojima was finished with the series after MGS2, but Metal Gear was Konami's cash cow in their video game department, and literally no one else is capable of handling Metal Gear other than Kojima. Thus, you are stuck with someone who takes pride in their work, being forced to make something they aren't entirely passionate about making despite giving their best effort.
yes, you sure proved everyone how TPP is not a repetitive skinner box at all and is all about da freedoms while pointing at the mechanic where you invade the exact same base over and over and over again with no objective except "get here" and if you kill anything youre severely punished for it
Not only can you get her back, which anyone who isnt a retarded toddler already knows, that wouldnt mean anything as you get to curbstomp the whole game with her before you ""lose""" her at the last fucking mission
whats with you and the skinner box? isnt any game like that?
Just because it's a skinner box doesn't mean it's bad, you said yourself a game is about the gameplay
>Not only can you get her back, which anyone who isnt a retarded toddler already knows,
Not my point, that was added in a patch after kojima was booted and again there's plenty of endgame shit to mess with like any mgs game, but now it's bad because you need an argument.
Is this the quality of "arguments" you receive back from /r/metalgear? Maybe buckle up and pay up those cuckold base coins to develop a better argument a bit faster bronies
nOt An ArGuMeNt
>that was added in a patch after kojima was booted
Couldn't you just use Quiet's butterfly emblem since day 1 to keep her from leaving?
whoops forgot the pic
Okay fag
Wasn't that a bug?
Sounds like a quite convenient bug that equipping the emblem associated with her blocks the mission she departs from ever happening.
join friends :D
minecraft server
im a brainlet, someone explain to me all this big boss venom john medic shit like im 4
Kojima and KojiPro might overdone it, but to a team making not only a game (that turned into two) and a new engine, and considering Konami killed most of their franchises, they deserved more.
>John is a legendary soldier who earned the title of Big Boss but has a field name of Snake.
>He got cloned 3 times, each one got branded a different kind of Snake, Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake.
>To help hide his ass, his number 1 guy in his PMC who's a player insert got a facial reconstruction and hypnosis to think he's Big Boss and got the field name Venom Snake.
Yes, one of the best games ever made. Only retards who dont actually play games hate it
and only zoomers who have played nothing but cod and battlefield before it think its anything special
Original poster here, FFS I was saying
>You control yourself, as your own character with a backstory. You used to be a Medic, but you're now Snake through plastic surgery and steroids
>In short, you are Snake (Big Boss), who looks like a bara redesign of Snake from MG1-2 and MGS1-2 and 4.
>Obviously, given the implications from the above, Snake here is a different guy from Snake in those games.
That better you, asshat?
it IS something special you absolute degenerate
yes, if youve played 5 games in your life, certainly no metal gears before V let alone any actual stealth games, TPS games or sims of any kind
games wit cutscenes are not games lol they are movies. I wanna playyyy lol I'm too dumb to enjoy a storyline because i wanna shoot stuff.
Holy shit. People like you used to be the laughing stock of the gaming community. What the hell happened.
so venom isn't the real big boss
i figured as much considering the different voice and the facial scars
Am I the only person in existence who hates MGSV just because of the huge amount of helicopter downtime?
I actually want to PLAY the game, not wait around for a helicopter to land, then fly somehwere else, then land, THEN get to play for a bit, then repeat...
Not to mention it takes forever to navigate around at Mother Base once you expand it even a little bit.
>kojimbo's name isn't on the box
lol cope
Original poster here, FFS I was saying
>You control yourself through your own character, who "is" Snake (Big Boss). You have backstory to make your insertion not seem out of place, though. Long story short, you used to be a Medic, but then became this other guy, Snake, through plastic surgery and steroids)
>Snake looks like a bara redesign of Snake from MG1-2 and MGS1-2 and 4
>Obviously, given the implications from the above, Snake here is a different guy from Snake in those games
That better you, asshat?
Big Boss has the same new voice in the west. Big Boss, Venom, Solid, and Solidus all have the same voice in Japan.
Yeah, you're fucking retarded. The game lets you chain missions without using the Heli
Venom is Big Boss, and Big Boss is a title. There is no such thing as "the real Big Boss".
Plus, both Big Bosses are voiced by the same voice actor. Have you played Ground Zeroes?
>i want to watch a movie instead of playing an actual video games
He isn't. Funny because Yea Forums found that out as soon as GZ came out
phantom Big Boss is TOO LONG
Venom is S H O R T E R
Fuck all the autists, I'll call the Medic Venom and John Big Boss, and you can't stop me.
the blood effects look terrible, whoever made this need to get gud at photoshop
if you wanted to play actual games you wouldnt be playing zoomer gear solid V
For fucks sake, Stop separating the two by calling the phantom "Venom" and the original "Big Boss". That kind of name calling doesn't make sense.
Call the original "Big Boss" and the phantom "his phantom" instead. It's what the game wants you to do.
Fuck you nigga
whoever venom is isn't who you play in 3
are you happy you autist
I want to play a video game with a good story. I've seen retards like you calling silent hill 2 a movie because there's a fucking storyline. kys zoomer.
Venom ran Diamond Dogs
Big Boss ran Zanzibar Land
I don't care what bullshit you say, Venom AS A CHARACTER is Venom and Big Boss AS A CHARACTER is Big Boss.
Sure, he has the title of "Big Boss", but he isn't the character named "Big Boss".
I'm sorry it didn't cram you into the specific type of box that makes you feel good, but that doesn't make it a bad game, or a badly designed game. It just means you don't like it. Now go remind your handler that it's time for your sippy cup.
>not playing zoomer gear solid V and then going on twitch to watch Stefanie play it too and then giving her money with mom's credit card
It sure was fun just fucking around doing the side missions and the tertiary objectives in the primary missions. Even just roaming form camp to camp finding the best soldiers to kidnap was fun.
The story itself was standard kojima nonsense but they did offer some nice levels to fuck around in.
have sex
I didn't like it. It was the one and only metal gear game i got legit bored while playing. But i'm glad people liked it, after all games are for having fun.
>whoever venom is isn't who you play in 3
According to this, he is, de facto.
>if konami wasn't going full jew we would have had mgs6 as the real and only big boss running zanzibar land instead of a walking simulator
fuck konami
cringe game
>calls Big Boss "Big Boss"
>calls him "Snake" right afterwards
only Yea Forums hates MGSV because they hate video games, only normal functioning healthy people will enjoy it :)
Who's obsessed now?
I hate Konami like the next guy but Kojima wasted a lot of money too. In my opinion mgsv is this controversial due to poor management on both parties.
not an argument, address the points
Obsessed with what?
either im stupid or something isn't clear
it says "the doctor shows you two photos"
one is you with boss and others with bandages, the next photo is you with bandages off, then you (the player) believes you are snake in the opening mission, while in fact you are "this" individual (that had the bandages on) with the player's created avatar face next to "him" (the real big boss)
We already have, the game just isn't for you, that doesn't make it objective shit
Fuck i cant stop playing the game its SO FUCKING GOOD!
remember when it was a meme that we were delaying our suicide for this game.
Him and Big Boss don't have fucking eyebrows for some reason.
>In the opening mission the player believes that they are Snake.
>In fact, they are this individual [Snake] with their avatar face [the medic/the player] standing next to him.
This is how it's supposed to be read.
funny how anyone hasnt been able to refute the points calling it objectively shit, just run around circles saying "w-we did it already" because some mouthbreather said that FOB's exist
Playing MGSV and listening to New Order!
Cope harder lol
funny how you still didnt name a game like it, retard
>it says "the doctor shows you two photos"
>one is you with boss and others with bandages
>the next photo is you with bandages off
>you (the player) believes you are snake in the opening mission
Right. Snake is Big Boss.
>fact you are "this" individual (that had the bandages on) with the player's created avatar face next to "him" (the real big boss)
Wrong. "This individual" refers to Snake, not any of the "bandaged" guys. "The player's created avatar face" refers to the guy that took his "bandages" off.
In this opening mission, the player believes that they are Snake.
In fact, they are this individual, with their avatar face standing next to him.
so the player is led to believe they are snake in the opening mission
in fact, they ARE indeed this individual, with the avatar they created standing next to him (this individual)
did i get it now? metal gear has always been confusing
You loved playing as an angsty bishie.
Still confused?
>In fact, they are this individual with their avatar face standing next to him.
Let's break it down.
>In fact, they are this individual, with their avatar face standing next to him.
>In fact, they are this individual. Their avatar face is standing next to him.
In the case of missing commas, as per the conventions of the English language, one can be validly assumed right after "with", but not after "face".
Snake is whoever the fuck the player character is in each entry, but Kojima originally planned MGS3 as a one-off, which why he still goes by Snake in PW and GZ.
>the player believes they're Snake
>they are, in fact, the individual with the avatar face standing next to him (Snake)
How is this fucking complicated?
Still confused?
>In fact, they are this individual with their avatar face standing next to him.
Let's break it down. Try reading the sentence WITHOUT commas out loud, naturally, and then guess where commas should go.
>In fact they are this individual with their avatar face standing next to him.
If you took this in your head:
>In fact, they are this individual, with their avatar face standing next to him.
As you spoke, you're on the right track. In the case of missing commas, as per the conventions of the English language, one can be validly assumed to be after "individual", but not after "face".
>In fact, they are this individual. Their avatar face is standing next to him.
see you understood differently from that user
this type of writing is just confusing
wait did everyone else who delayed their suicide for this game already kill themselves? am i the only one left? i'll play death stranding for you bros
Gravity's Rainbow is confusing, but that doesn't make it bad
The thing is there's nothing to "understand" because that's the whole point of the story twist. We believe we're John, then we replay the hospital escape through The Truth level and find out we're the balaclava guy. That's the only way to understand it
Is the anti-mgs redditor posting again or the tpp autist is a different poster?
>In this opening mission, the player believes that they are Snake.
>In fact, they are this "individiual with their avatar face" standing next to him.
You need to read the quoted part all together. We're the medic, same as always.
I know I won't get a response but jesus fucking christ you're an idiot. You don't need to do a single repeat mission to get the true ending. Source: me, because I didn't do a single fucking repeat mission and I got the true ending. Why is this STILL never refuted in these threads despite it being known the day the game came out? Fucking retard.
Now, say this, while taking in all commas:
>In fact, they are this individual with their avatar face, standing next to him.
If you have proper English comprehension, you can see how strange and nonsensical that sentence sounds.
Now say this.
>In fact, they are this individual with their avatar face.
That sounds even stranger. So, the sentence is obviously not supposed to be interpreted that way.
ESL much?
>They are inside this apple with a worm.
>They are inside THAT apple with a worm.
>In fact, they are this "individiual with their avatar face" standing next to him.
>In fact, they are that "individiual with their avatar face" standing next to him.
I don't make these rules, schools do.
So what you're saying is that there's a super "sekrit tweest" where we were OG Snake all along instead of, you know, the script actually saying what happens in game? Are you okay?
360/ps3 held the game back from its true potential and dont meme about ps4/one. they aint pc tier but they are miles ahead of the earlier gen.
>this type of writing is just confusing
The actual script is in japanese, isn't it? Who translated it into english? 'cause if it's not an official english translation, it's a matter of semantics and it'd be even if it was, because we all know japs can't into english for shit
>that this person is in fact Snake.
>in fact
Keyword: fact.
Here is the original Japanese of the apparently troublesome to understand lines:
Translate this, moons.
You're a colossal retard that can't into common sense. That's the script, the final scene plays slightly different. The way it's written, it seems like for a split second Venom would have the medic face, either that or it would've been reflected on a mirror or Huey's glasses. But then Huey would've been all like "you're Snake" like he's in the actual game. Anyway none of that happens in the final game, the closest we get is Strangelove's AI wondering if you're Snake and Huey hesitating a tiny bit before you put the sack on his face. All of this to foreshadow the twist, same as the helicopter's window at night in the final game.
I just started playing it again tonight. It's very fun, even though the story sucks balls.
Google Translate gave me this:
>Show 2 photos. The first one is Medic wearing a skull cap. (2 photos, first one Medic with balaclava)
>The second piece is taking off the skull cap. (second one Medic without/taking off balaclava)
>In the opening mission, the player believes that he is talking about Snake. (in the opening mission player believes they're Snake)
>It was actually a side avatar (they're actually the avatar on the side)
Pretty fucking clear
>Mother base people, mirrors and players with avatar faces beside Snake.
>Show 2 photos. Continuous photo. The first one is Medic wearing a skull cap.
>The second piece is taking off the skull cap.
>In the opening mission, the player believes that he is talking about Snake.
>Actually it was a side avatar.
Not true. The games really great if you've read Moby dick. He plays around with the themes pretty well and shatters them with big boss never appearing again in a fascinating way
Nope the game was shit.
Ground zeros was better than the entirety of MGS5
>"Mother base people, mirrors and players with avatar faces beside Snake."
>"They show the player (with their avatar's face) standing next to Big Boss, Miller, and other individuals from Mother Base."
>original JP line calls him Snake
>"quarity expertise transration KJP" calls him Big Boss
>the rest of the "transrated" lines then go back to calling him Snake as per the original JP
How can you fuck that up?
Can someone please explain to me how this game even got a single 10/10?
Reviewers only played Act 1
>Never forget it, and you won't be forgotten.
What did Kojima mean by this?
How differently would Yea Forums feel about TPP if gz hadnt been released early and had come out packaged with TPP like it was intended to? I feel like people would have received the game in a much different light
Agreed. It sucks that AAA devs have abandoned stealth games, they're my favourite genre.
Watching you struggle to sound intelligent by littering your posts with "unnecessary" and obnoxious quotation "marks" would make "me" feel a little sympathy "for" you if you weren't also "such" an insufferable, condescending "faggot." Seriously, whoever taught you how to write deserves to be dragged out into the street and shot "in minecraft."
I literally just tried it. You can't shoot them in the parts where the armor looks like it just connects other parts. For example trying to shoot them in the back of the knees or between the elbows does nothing.
>It felt like a vertical slice
SNAKE!! Your mission is to infiltrate the enemy facility known as Vertical Slice.
Can confirm!
I haven't played it since 2015 but that shit further made me realise this game is shit
Ground zeros was fucking amazing.
Because it had level design and the objectives were designed around it. Ground zeros literally blew my mind with his smooth and refined everything was.
If metal gear 5 was more like this ,it probably would've been one of the best games of all time. Instead we got a sprawling directionless mess.