
Best member?

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Become a member of Reddit and stay there, underage e-celeb faggot.

lawrence is Yea Forums personified

he's a cuck so no

Looks like a bunch of normalfag shitheads, I hope they all fucking die

Don > Lawrence > James > Bruce = Elyse > Adam > Peake > Alanah

alanah is such a turbo pleb

lawrence is Yea Forums personified


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Bruce or Adam or James

One of the starkest moments of my life was watching Alanah's first time hosting Google Trends, wondering why she suddenly looked so fuckable, and slowly realizing to my horror that I have a fetish for the Trendmaster outfit.

James > Elyse > Bruce = Adam > good Alannah > shit > Lawrence > bad Alana

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Damn dude those tits are something else.
Shame she's probably insane.

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The ones that aren't there anymore.

Joel and spool.

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Adam unironically,
without him the channel would have Lawrence or James' shitty opinions taking the lead

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Too small and not funny anymore.

What the hell did Spoole contribute?

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Lawrence literally goes on Yea Forums

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She ruined a dude's life

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Adam because he's cute.

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why does his face look photoshopped on


she metood him
got him fired
then said jk

My favorite rotates between videos. Adam for his personality, James for his bits, Lawrences bits, Elyses dumb comedy, Alanah because she's hot and a female Adam(which is perfect)

Pic not related.

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Bruce and James in the back talking while Adam plays. I knew this from the start but it was confirmed when they played Kingdom Hearts 3 and Adam acted like a sperg.

Ok but why would his life be ruined if she admitted it was a joke?

Yeah guys, get this girl away from my video games!

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You're such a faggot.

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Do you have her insta pics?

They're all annoying. The best ones are the slavs they pull from the pit sometimes like the fat one with curly hair, the young fat one with the curly hair, the monotone autistic boy, and the tall one that probably wrestles gaters.

Because the guy you're responding to is probably full of shit.

imagine watching this absolute normie trash instead of killing yourselves today MODS

>that one video where elyse says she's aware that people are taking pics of her feet and uploading them on wikifeet

Marty looked like a drunk creep. I wouldnt doubt if he tried to pull some shit.

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Honk Honk

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Jonsmiff, Jacob, /\, Ryan.

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Her personality elevates her to a 10.

the best of both sizes in the same office
lucky bois

Daddy issues.

>Pointy elbows would not bang.
Only the best for the real men of Yea Forums.

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Don't do this to my Neytiri

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i still dont get whats with all the recent funhaus threads

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literally who

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>the man who has no opinions balances out the man who has nerd opinions and the man who pretends to hold whichever opinion is funny at the time

I don't follow.

Fuck off Lawrence.

Ex-Machinima personalities that went independent only to get bought up by RoosterTeeth (ultimately owned by Warner Bros.)

they're shilling their own shit here. And they can fuck off. They've ground down literally all the edge they had in order to be allowed to suckle at the teet of roosterteeth. Now they're so boring that I had to use words like teet and suckle.

I'll take them seriously when they make another holocaust joke, cuz that at least shows they aren't cowardly with their comedy. The best they ever did was virus-jew and we-get-it-and-thats-it.

>watching basedhaus

On the Spot is still their finest moment desu senpai

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>i only find them funny when they say edgy low effort jokes
fuck off
also bruce is the least funny cast member

bruce always struck me as trying too hard yet never succeeding
much like the autismos i knew in highschool he probably also smells pretty bad
i hope i wont miss him now that hes gone


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So do you jack off to these often or do you just look to ogle at her? She's only going to get better because her age is showing more lately.
>now that hes gone
For like a month. Do you know what a sabbatical is?

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All he ever does is talk about ska and pause to make an exaggerated "i fucked up" face.

A sabbatical is an off-year that academics take to broaden their worldview or continue their education.

Someone post the pasta

i dont know what pasta you mean i feel like i was late to the funhaus party but at least i get to bingewatch all the old videos

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I really like this .gif, could watch it forever

I mean I don't masturbate it's sinful but sh'es a pretty woman

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Left guy is RIPPED

High waisted jeans Elyse is my favorite

Something like that

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Not as ripped as I thought but still impressive, props I prefer ottermode

proof he is a cuck?

you stand before the council of wives; how do you plead?

>how do you plead?

Adam is legit the most fit of the entire group which is hilarious considering the amount James talks about exercise.

Adams arms are fucking huge.

unsubbed like two years ago, have i missed anything?

It's that Scandinavian blood in him

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Hitman 2 and the other ripoffs


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Of all the internet personality women to beta orbit, why pick one that is already married?
Just how beta do you intend to be, exactly?

>I don't masturbate it's sinful
You won't make it as a creep

Elise. She's really the only good one


Bruce is not self-absorbed and knows how funny he is, he's ok in my book. Everyone else is a complete cuck who tries way too hard for internet monies


I understand why you make eceleb threads on Yea Forums, like everyone else you want to discuss your autistic interest with other anons, but have no true place to do it, unlike everyone else. I believe we should get a board for ecelebs, so that everyone can be happy. That being said, Funhaus sucks, and if you watch them you're a faggot.

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the man in the middle balances out the two extremes

what's hard to follow?

ma nem jep

Lawrence looks like a lesbian

>why yes, i worship women on the internet
semen head

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ok gay boy

She mentions that she has a perfect 5 rating

He's not in the middle, he's completely devoid of opinion.
The only thing he cares about is Halo.