What is it about time limits that make plebs seethe so much?

What is it about time limits that make plebs seethe so much?

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why did the sequels fail to capture the soul of the first one

2 was the last soul game in the series.


It makes people think they have to rush the game instead of being able to slow down and enjoy it at their own pace. The funny thing is that Dead Rising slows down considerably as the story progresses and gives you plenty of time to pace yourself.

Part of proper pacing is tense moments sprinkled with very slight reprieves, IE Resident Evil

Time limits mean there are never any real breaks and everything is a quasi-speed run. MM can partially be forgiven because it's meant to be cycled through multiple times, but other iterations of the same idea are always worse off for their time limit.

Made by Westerners.

a soul cant be copied or recreated.

1 is a special game. 2 is still good, as is Off the Record but it's just missing something that made 1 special. 1 just feels like it was actually made by a Jap team, it has that weirdness factor to it that 2 is kinda missing for the most part. Also, the psychopaths in 1 just are funnier and better than the ones in 2. 2 has a few memorable psychopaths, Slappy is one of them, the big fat guy with the chainsaw was another. Outside of that not too many of them are interesting or memorable.

I just got done playing through both by the way, 1 is just a better game despite the lack of detail in many areas like Leisure Park. That said, 2 has the combo weapons which are fun.

The main issue with BOTH of these games though is how you always just beeline to make the most efficient / best weapons; ie the small chainsaw and 3 books in dead rising 1, and the knife gloves in DR2 since none of the other weapons are worth making.

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because most casuals are shit at games and thus cant handle the time limit

because they dont take place in shopping malls, the whole appeal was that DR was basically dawn of the dead: the game and you hard to use literally anything to survive, kinda sucks when you are stuck on a vegas strip and have endless amounts of powerfull weapons that you can combine to become even more powerfull right at your doorstep, as soon as the second game starts outside of the intro you can run to the shopping plaza and grab 2 shotguns, 2 snipers, inf pistols and an LMG, then right across is a shop with infinite katanas and some battle axes

>1 is just a better game
Setting and story is better, for literally everything else 2 is better. 1 has multiple things that make it extremely painful to play at times that 2 fixed.

Also, is Dead Rising 3 even worth playing at all?

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1 is only worse because escorting survivors was such a pain in the fucking ass. They fixed that in 2, but then because the survivors basically never die, unless you bring them to a psychopath battle, it just gets too easy. If they get grabbed in 2, they usually get knocked loose and then just run to wherever you are without difficulty. It's nice, but at the same time part of that frustration is what made DR1 fun.

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i love dead rising but i could not get into wario land 4 because of the time limits

1 was Japanese made. Thest were Canadian. The drop in quality and soul is immediately noticeable. 2 is still pretty fun though; it just started that trends that ended up killing the series imo (weapon crafting, co-op, worse psychopaths)

speaking as someone that just played DR2, that is stupid because none of the weapons you mentioned are even worth shit except maybe the sniper rifle, even then it's pointless because the zombies are endless in the game no matter what you use to kill them, and guns are pretty ineffective on psychopaths.

The thing that ruins it is that you can, right from the safe house, go run and grab boxing gloves, and then get a ton of bowie knives from the zombies that carry them and make the strongest weapon in the game right from the start.

>speaking as someone that just played DR2,
holy reddit, why does reddit think saying "as an X" gives them credibility?

Time is anti-fun meme shit, basically.

1 just goes from frustrating to piss easy when you figure out how broken it is. I personaly prefer 2 for making the blender useful. quickstep and drink mixing is by far the best mechanic in the series.
Being made on a different engine is what killed them.

People rate 2 far too highly. It was the start of the casualization of the series. I still enjoy Off the Record for the shameless Frank fanservice but it was no where near as good as 1, which is in my top 5 games of all time.

>be completionist
>no mater what i'm gonna have to replay the entire game again unless i use a guide and constantly pause the game after every objective to read more guide
it's hell

I see your time limit, and raise you no-kill runs with any stealth game
>Make a stealth game that allows you to kill an enemy in a dozen different ways
>Hamstring it by scoring the player after every level or mission
>Gives a bonus for no-kill runs

I'm looking at you Dishonored and Splinter Cell
Maybe I can understand Splinter Cell, since they're self-contained levels, but Dishonored is straight up stupid with the scoring since its psuedo-open-world. What's even more retarded is the fact that it's almost impossible to do a non detection run because there's literally one scene in the game where the enemy is scripted to ambush you. It's nearly impossible me to really enjoy that game when, after every level, the game is like
>Check out all this gold and valuables you missed out on
>Oh, the enemy saw your foot as you were fleeing--TEN POINTS FROM GRYPHON-DORK

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dunno, got it for free when some store priced it incorrectly and has been on my steam account since years.

The settings of Dead Rising games after 1 were terrible. There's also a much greater appeal to scrounging a shopping mall for usable weapons rather than making cartoonish combo weapons and feeling in control 100% of the time.

>he doesn't set fighting game match timers to infinity

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Time to enjoy some max comfy with everybody's favourite diabetic Hollywood movie star, Rich Evans.

Getting the no kill run on DXHR was fucking agonizing. Not because of a lack of non-lethal options but because the game loves to kill enemies you knocked out with physics bullshit and you goddamn know it's disqualifies a no-kill run and even better if that the game never notifies you that you failed the run. Having the scoring after a mission lets you know to retry it.

>tfw there for Dead Rising no death run attempt 3 live
>Rich spat the last boss to death at 3 in the morning

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I wouldn't want to live any other life, brother.

>i'm gonna have to replay the entire game again
oh no how horrible

>They fixed that in 2, but then because the survivors basically never die
They didn't didn't just "Fix" the AI. They had it coded that when you're outside into the far render zone for zombie the survivors get the effects of Quickstep and Painkiller until they stop to pathfind again closer to you.

It's much safer and faster for you to tell survivors to wait at the entry door you have them in, run away from them, then tell them to run to your intended exit.

>be completionist
>use a guide
you aren't a completionist, you are a casual
you didn't complete anything, you had someone else basically play for you

is the pc port of the first game good?


I'm just pissed I went through the whole game with no kills but was penalized because I killed a couple of guards in the intro because you're only given a rifle and expected to run past them.

Personally I just don't like having to start over again if I fuck up a time limit. Checkpoints are okay but if it just one big time limit from start to finish I know I am going to fuck it up somewhere in the middle and it will screw me at the end.

The first one was worked on largely in secret and as such didn't have to deal with higher ups and commitees focus testing and dictating the project. The sequels fell victim to western outsourcing as well as general changing trends in video games. The Dawn of the Dead: The Game schtick just kinda tired after a bit too.

I like the concept of being on a time limit but I hate how it forced you to wait for story missions to become available. On your first playthrough you need that downtime to explore, unwind, scavenge, level up, and shit but on your second playthrough or new you know where everything's at, you're at max level, and all you want is for the game to fucking move to the next mission or get to the next survivor. I wish there was a way to advance the time.

I didn't like 2 much at all because you needed to babysit the girl with zombrex. I never played 3. I picked up 4 for cheap. 4 is good for killing zombies and killing brain cells, not much else, but I did like how I could murder zombies forever in the starting area and the respawn rate of items and weapons was so high that I never would run out. 4 is a good time waster and I thought it was cool that there were a ton of unlockable clothes. Too bad most of 4 is absolute ass.

Is 3 worth playing at all? I've thought about pirating it in the past.

>I went through the whole game with no kills
>I killed a couple of guards in the intro

Because I'm only two stages into the game and it's already telling me I lost. Why does this game even have a save system?

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time limit gives you the idea you get limited in your playstyle

the game has multiple endings,
what's wrong with getting a bad one and moving on
it's still an ending, not a big deal
try again or don't, a lot of stuff carries over anyways

2 was better than 1. 1 didn't even work properly on most tvs when it came out

probably reminds them of the finite nature of their lives

Japanese developers vs Canadians

OTR was better than 2 in every way

majoras mask could have been good but instead it makes it a chore. it's not an "interesting development", it's a "pain in the ass that ruins the game" decision.
Time limits are not bad, like arcade games. You're centipede and you've got 75 seconds to shoot all the guys. You do it within 75 seconds so you've got a bonus 5 seconds. That's great

>1 didn't even work properly on most tvs when it came out
no, idiots just didn't understand crts were obsolete
it's no different than trying to hook up an xbone/ps4 to a crt now and complaining the text looks like shit

playing dishonored low chaos is the WRONG way to play it. Dishonored is a fucking trash stealth game and is best played as a balls to the wall action rpg.

>make game only function well on new era tvs where they cost a fuckton of money, for whatever reason
Yeah those japs are something

During an all survivors playthrough I got to Jo and only one of the girls spawned, then after I commit suicide sometimes they would spawn, sometimes they wouldn't.
Then later I learned that there's apparently a guy tucked away in a closet at the very beginning so I had to restart. Are the two guys you see arguing before shit goes down supposed to allude to him being there?

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>There's also a much greater appeal to scrounging a shopping mall for usable weapons
That aspect goes out of the window when you get the mini chainsaw.

>B-line to make the best weapons
>Knife gloves
These are contradictory. The knife gloves are the best because they're right next to the safe house and are easy to make. You don't have to struggle or rush to collect them in the least bit

It's not even a matter of high or low chaos--it's being able to play the game organically. There's plenty of situations where not killing a person is more viable than going full-retard. Conversely, for games like MGS, tranq'ing a guard leaves them open to being revived, and suddenly you have two assholes instead of one searching for your ass.

the concept of time itself is scary.

I like them when it's a game like your OP where it's a constant test and part of the game play
I don't like them when they come out of left field hours in.

You're acting like people knew where the jump was for the bowie knife on their first playthrough instead of just combining baseballs. In 1, fucking everyone picked up that chainsaw and never looked back.

It feels like an artificial risk factor forced onto you by the developers. If players were in a building level being quickly swallowed up by flames, people wouldn't complain as much because they could see the risk for themselves even though it is time based in the strictest sense. Having an unknown bomb detonate in 10 minutes and triggering an auto-lose cutscene makes the player feel disconnected from the experience.

what was her fucking problem?

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DR2 is the best in the series imo, I don't know why people despise it so much. Amerimutts seethe over it too since it was made up here in Canada.

Heard it was alright and underrated, not as good as the first two but not a total trainwreck like 4

Still had a bit of Dead Rising soul left in it

2 chainsaws + the entertainment, engineering and criminal biography book made them last 9x as long, such that you could play basically the entire game with the same 2. It's more useful than even the weapons you unlock for getting lvl. 50 and beating the game, the mega buster and the laser sword. Literally just slices through everything so fast it was OP.

Is dead rising a rogue-lite?

>DR2 is the best
The opinion of retard plebs who don't think for more than 2 seconds. Shut up.

>Everyone picked up the chainsaw
The chainsaw was the only cheese weapon in that game and you had to actually be in the know to take advantage of it, so it all falls on you. It's not even remotely comparable to the utterly busted combo system in future DR games

Imagine being this angry over my opinion of a dead franchise, fuck off faggot.

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I just told you to shut up

I had trouble getting into Pathfinder: Kingmaker because of the time limit it places on you each chapter. You have more than enough time to get everything you want done, but just seeing the calendar change added a bit of stress.

To get the transmissionary achievement do I have to sit through all of Otis's calls completely or can I just answer them without finishing?

>you had to actually be in the know to take advantage of it
Not really, the exploit was obvious as hell but this probably depends on the order you play these games in. I skipped knife gloves and mostly used spiked baseballs and lightsabers on my first playthrough of 2.

define what made the first game have soul

If I remember correctly you have to "listen" to the whole convo without being interrupted.



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There's also the shitty combat and broken AI.

God id love to cave his skull in

72 hour mode lets you do that. I killed the guy with the frying pan but I don't find him that bad honestly.

> didn't have an HDTV in 2006
You're fuckin' pathetic. Fuck you.

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Is there any way to make 3's PC port not complete garbage? I tried to give it another chance now that I've gone from gaymin laptop to real PC but it runs just as awfully.

Time management can be a very difficult task

It makes sense if you lose all of your progress but in the case of Dead Rising it doesn't really matter since you keep your character progress after each playthrough and game over.

I'm sorry but you cannot even begin to convince me that people organically found out that one particular boss weapon stacks with 3 different magazines found in 3 different parts of the mall. Derp.

Still not an apt comparison to the combo system of DR2. This is cope.

OTR nerfed them to be a reasonable challenge.

The Virgin Mini Chainsaw vs The Chad Mannequin Torso.

3 has you break into his funeral.

I'm glad DR is probably dead. No one deserves to have your corpse repeatedly raped by fucking Canadians. Fuck these faggots and their undying arrogance.


>retards complain about time limit
>they finally remove it for an extra mode in 2
>people quickly realize without the time limit forcing you to prioritize there isn’t much depth to the gameplay

Hmmm it’s almost like time limits are there for a reason you imbeciles.

Softreboot got leaked awhile ago and Dead Rising always leaks early and accurately.

It hinders exploration and experimentation, with the only benefit being an artificial sense of tension.
It is however necessary in other types of games to discourage lame turtling mechanics, like overwatch inching in XCOM 2 for example.

The time limit wasn't even a limit per se. If you just wanted to fuck around in the mall and explore, leveling up, then you could just "fail" the story mode and goof until your heart's content.

I thought DR4 was the soft reboot?

>3 different magazines found in 3 different parts of the mall.
They were spread out in 2 as well. Using only the chainsaw just seemed way more obvious than 1 particular combo weapon out of 50 at your disposal.

Well I just hope Capcom's learned their lesson about trusting western studios

Never understood people's problem with the timer. If you want to piss around you can, sure the main case will expire but you can just do that on your second playthrough once you've leveled up a bit.

>weebtrash coddled by parents buying him more expensive stuff for his useless entertainment

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4 was a softsoft reboot, the leaked one is a proper soft reboot. soft soft = not as soft to make it clear.

Guy leaking it said they're not in Japan or Canada.

What are these leaks? I googled it but couldn't find anything


DR1 had its own idea while the rest mostly just tried to recreate what they thought it was. It's honestly why I would say DR3 is the only other good entry in the series, as it's obvious they tried to do more than just "DR1 but Bigger Map" with the shift from sandbox to open world.


how far does he make it in the resident evil universe?

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Because people want to explore the world, and not had to rush everywhere. It’s really that simple stope being an elitist

>define soul

There's not much to explore in these games though, honestly. By that I mean there's not a lot of environmental storytelling, yeah you can wander around the malls and whatnot, collect items and shit but it makes no difference.

Honestly, the time contraint in these games isn't even that bad, especially in DR2 in which it's a complete joke. You have so much time to rescue all the survivors, and most of the case files are just going back to the safe house for a cutscene. 1 is a little more, it takes a guide to rescue everyone, and the bad AI makes escorting your survivors back difficult but it's still do-able with the time constraint.

Rerelease of 2 that stars Frank and makes CURE the baddies.


But DR2 and D2:OTR are better than DR1 in almost every conceivable way

Depends, how do pyschopaths compare to all of the specialized zombies in RE?

I gues it depends on the game. I had more fun doing an extreme no kill stealth run on MGS3 than I did playing it normally

Didn't the director for the first game oversee some, if not all, of the development of the sequel?
If so, that'd be why 2 is still a good game but just not as soulful.
Once the western team had free rein with the third installment, the soul was already gone and any personality of the original was zapped away.

>It's honestly why I would say DR3 is the only other good entry in the series, as it's obvious they tried to do more than just "DR1 but Bigger Map"
Silent Hill Downpour tried to do more than 3 but I would never call it the better game. It's probably the worst piece of shit released past gen.

2 had Inafune producing it with some of the 1 staff supervising. 3 was them independently, 4 was all new team leads.

Was the major complaint. What I don't get is the 3 Days is quite a length of time, wasn't it something like 8-10 real life hours? Plenty of time to do uninterrupted shit at your leisure. Besides a few side quests, everything has a ample amount of time to complete.

Dead Rising 2 sucks dick, awful story, awful setting, combo weapons are a terrible addition, survivors were made turbo easy after retards complained, timers made too lax after retards complained, no zany nippon charm, no big tiddy homeland bitch to ogle after you rescue survivors, etc.

>DR2 better than 1
>In every conceivable way
Is this bait?

A lot of things. The best things about 1 are the little things.
1 was definitely trying to ape the concept of Dawn of the Dead. 1 has a relatively clean and calm aesthetic. Really looks like a mall. Malls are generally so sterile and clean. Everything after was grimier, dirtier and darker. 2 was really sleazy more than anything but even the little things like the UI and higher detailed textures took away from that. And the mall itself, 1 is an earnest attempt at the "anything is a weapon" concept. It fits the mall setting, they're practically perfect for each other. That concept doesn't pay off the same in bigger environments. It never felt like the sequels ever wanted to make those everyday items more applicable on their own or more appealing (maybe being more physics based or diverse choices), but wanted to focus on what would be stronger versions of them. This has a split effect that causes some people to really like 2 and its combo weapons because it is a good gameplay element but it is incredibly hard to improve on and develop naturally (combo vehicles are retarded). It also destroyed the need for your everyday items when they became nothing more important than crafting fodder as the games went on. It's a system of efficiency where you learn what's important and what's not. Arguably the biggest flaw of DR1 is that you can be too good at it and lose sight of the little intricacies of the game. You'll know where to get all the guns, the weaknesses of psychos, how to survive and gain enough skills and unlocks to become untouchable. Getting good at DR1 is the best part about the game. It would have been nice to have a harder and more intricate sequel to capitalize on that, but being good at 1 can impact how you see 2's own intricacies. I can admit I'm bias, but I've never felt Capcom Vancouver has ever had the vision to evolve the game beyond making QoL changes or bloating the game. 2 is still absolutely a good game, but 1 is a special game.

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>Using only the chainsaw just seemed way more obvious than 1 particular combo weapon out of 50 at your disposal
That's the thing though, because pretty much all the combo weapons are as good as the chainsaw or better, and don't give me the typical DR2fag argument of "just don't use them :4head:" because the character progression system has been balanced around them.

He would steamroll through the village with his superior melee ability and then maybe get squashed by a trap he was too fat to outrun in the castle. Although since he would probably be there to get a scoop on Los Plagas and the Los Illuminados rather than save Ashley he would more than likely not go that far in the castle before getting what he needed and leaving.

Stop talking shit, you stupid pillock.
>Reading about the chainsaw combo online is way more likely than using combo weapons in 2
Do you even think before you type? Retard cope.

Celldweller. Nothing on 2's ost comes close to the early 2000's genre ripoff compilation glory that is the DR1 soundtrack

Honestly most timers in games like this are long enough. It's just seeing a number nagging at me to get a move on that pisses me off. While I know I have enough time to stop and dick around, the timer makes feel like I don't.

so its not real, got it

Have any of you anons modded out the zombies just so you could walk around a virtual 2006 mall? The Wilamette Parkview mall always gives me such intense nostalgia

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That shit always annoyed me, there's nothing making you do the missions. You can dick around to your hearts content.

underrated comment.

don't try to belittle others achievements just because you're retarded user

>have any of you had autism and purposely ruined the game

Off the Record was the best in the series.


Dead Rising 1 is unironically one of my favorite games of all time

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You don't do it when you want to actually play the game, it's just for walking around the mall

Here's your (you)

That's an asinine point to make. First, it ignores the whole host of changes in overall design and tone that makes SH3 very much distinct from SH2 in a way that DR2 fails to do so from DR1. Second, it's disingenuous to use Downpour when it's obvious that The Room better fits the comparison, given that they also tried to do something beyond just expanding the formula to a new area, to both decent success and noticeable failure.

How is it artificial if the entire game experience is artificial? If anything it's the only real risk/reward that the game has to offer because you can always see how much time you have left.


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DR1 Frank > Dan Aykroyd Frank > Chuck >>> Nick >>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Live-action Frank > DR4 "Frank"

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I remember seeing the very first trailer for DR4 and getting so hyped, back when Yea Forums thought it was a remake of 1 but set during christmas

feels like you can't explore and have fun when you have a time limit hanging over your head and have to pick the most efficient route and go directly for your goal.

I remember the theory it was a shitty film adaptation of the events of 1 and you'd encounter the real Frank later on.

I remember that too, would have been great

>pretty much all the combo weapons are as good as the chainsaw or better
In what way? Half of them aren't even worthwhile to combine so everyone points out the knife gloves.
What level of irony are you on?

>escorting survivors was such a pain in the fucking ass

God damn dude, I just finished playing DR1 again and I can attest to this.
>running toward the warehouse door in paradise plaza
>survivor immediately jumps in the water to avoid zombies
>Can not get out of the water at all
>spend 10+ irl minutes nudging and bumping them into the proper position so they will actually climb the fuck out rather than just running forever

>escorting survivors
>clear an entire path
>no zombies anywhere
>move forward hoping they follow you
>50+ zombies immediately spawn on top of them because the ai is too stupid to actually follow you and just stands there unmoving.

funny how badly the fucked up the central mechanics in the first game.

first game made by kooky Japs
second game made by tryhard Canucks

He could job RE 1-4 but would die in 5 because he can't punch boulders very well.

Most of them are as good at crowd clearing as the minisaws, and last as long. There's probably ten or so easy to combine combos that melt bosses as easy as the minisaws, lightsaber, kinfegloves, nailgloves, and they're all right by where you exit the safehouse

I wanna play a game to relax for the most part, with moments of tension throughout. If the entire game is under a timelimit there is no relaxation, there is no time to explore, no time to admire the scenery, I won't be running around enemies moving the camera to get up close looks at them, I won't goof off and knock shit over or try and jump on top of animals, people, or signposts, and I just won't have fun.

Now time-limits for specific levels, missions or quests? Good fun, that's a singular bit of exciting tension. MM style time-limits that are just part of a constant cycle? Good fun, makes for an interesting plot and reactive world. But time-limits for the entire game? Well fuck man, I've got a time-limit until I die so I'd rather spend it on a game without them.

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Dead rising ... now this is a good game

Most games are based on the idea of getting immersed into its world, at least on some level. If a game starts changing up its rules out of nowhere without adequately convincing the player, it leads to annoyance and/or frustration because it takes them out of the experience. Even in something like Mario, players will experience more fun and less frustration in autoscrollers stages if they're being chased by real in-game objects, rather than arbitrarily dying because they went off-screen.

Perhaps I'm making assumptions but Dead Rising is almost identical to MM in terms of time limits.
Also, nothing in either of those games is permanent. Both loop at the end if you do not win the game outright.

You don't unlock those as fast as the chainsaw though unless you fuck around to see what you can combine. Most people probably don't even combine beyond the safest options.

Why does frank walk around like a fucking hunch back?
Who the fuck though that was ok? Like why couldn't he just stand up straight?

the worst escorts are the ones later in the game where you have to run from leisure park back to the warehouse. There's just so many fucking zombies in paradise plaza, and the only way to get the survivors there is to clear a path. Last time I played I had some of the survivors at the movie theater, and had to bring back the hostages from the cult mission and it was an absolute nightmare just to get them the short distance to the warehouse.

Don't link me a game grumps video user, jesus fucking christ

He fucked up his leg jumping out the helicopter, and as you get faster the limp goes away

bust his leg jumping out the helicopter

Honestly the game would have been 50 times better if zombies only respawned on area loads rather than based on distance.
So much of DR1 just felt like a fucking chore when compared to DR2

Because knife gloves are one of the most OP and easy to make weapons, retard. Also you have still not made anything resembling a sound argument as to why that one boss weapon in DR1 is the same as the entire combo system found in 2.


Man I get that, but shit still looks fucking retard, the dude is already a fucking manlet and he just shuffles along with his chin at the same level as his chest

i want to fuck jessie

>DR2 best game
>DR most soul
>everything else timeless garbage

Immersion isn't really about setting the stage in such a way that the presentation makes sense within the visual language of the game. Immersion is how much you are willing to suspend your disbelief.

If anything a ticking clock will bring the player and the main character even closer together and heighten immersion because you as the player now identify with the protagonist's struggle even more in a completely literal sense, and not just a narrative constructed one.

If you wanted to play a relaxing stress ball squeezing type game with little tension and infinte exploration like minecraft, then you're in the wrong genre for that kind of experience

Time limits are actually a good way to add gameplay variety as long as you can find ways to either extend them or stop them entirely. Prove me wrong.

It's probably the most cathartic experience I ever had in gaming

>source is Yea Forums

that leak was made before CV shutdown, and we still haven't heard anything about it. It's dead.

Maybe it's a next gen launch/launch window title like 1 and 3 were.

Majora's Mask is supposed to loop, Dead Rising's time over is a failure state. You're expected to time out in MM, but not necessarily in DR. Dead Rising's various timers are actually extremely tight if you want to rescue all the survivors, as an aside. The game can be very stressful, and it was designed that way on purpose. For some people, it is eustress, for many others, distress. It really was down to a matter of personal preference when it comes to the issue of the timer, some people viewed it as a core part of the feel of the game, while others just wanted that monkey off their back the whole time.

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>Because knife gloves are one of the most OP and easy to make weapons, retard.
In fucking hindsight. Are you telling me you instantly knew where and how to combine those for the entire game on your first playthrough? The chainsaw is that obvious, combos are up to the player.

Take that back or I'll Switch you Back to Hell

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forgot to mention it was after getting the transmissionary achievement

This. Here's the dead rising team responsible for the piles of garbage after 2. (I only liked the 1st one but at least 2 wasn't like this shit)
If you don't feel like watching it, it's Canadian dude bros with literal
>rocket launchers... sharks... explosions???....fuck yeah

Time attacks are shit. Games in which the main loop/campaign is centered around time is fine if not great. See Outer Wilds.

The mini-chainsaw takes beating a boss, and putting together three seemingly unrelated books. All it takes to make the knife gloves is a combo card.

Protip, if this is your first time playing on that save, if ever the mission is active and you enter wonderland plaza but don't fight Jo and leave to come back later, the other girls' health bars deplete as if you left a survivor behind. The game doesn't tell you that they died because they're not in your notebook. I found this out during my various New Game+ runs.

Also, no, no one tells you the fatass is in the closet. There are 3 sets of secret survivors iirc. Him, the gunshop trio, and the drunk in the food court.

Not him, but Mini-chainsaw is broken even without books. And the shit respawns the second you leave so it's easy to stockpile.

>The mini-chainsaw takes beating a boss, and putting together three seemingly unrelated books
Which you find all over the game if you explore just like in 2
>All it takes to make the knife gloves is a combo card.
One out of 50 and you would only use them if you knew how overpowered they are beforehand or if you prefered them to all other options.

The ability to suspend your disbelief is tied directly with a game's presentation. A vague looming threat that exists only on the player's UI and not anywhere in the world itself will take a person out of the experience, even if only momentarily, and many times time limits are narrative constructions, but feel annoying because there's another degree of separation between the player, the protagonist, and the threat. There are many ways to implement tension, but slapping on a counter is a lazy way of forcing it, and these lazy methods are a lot more common than actual, well thought out time limits in games and movies.

>All it takes to make the knife gloves is a combo card.
Which you don't even need. I found the knife gloves instantly on my playthrough because the gloves and knife were so close and I thought "I bet there's wolverine gloves"
People here are also forgetting that every workbench 2 combos ready to by made sitting directly by it

Good to know. I kept going through the bathroom shortcut, fighting Isabella and used her motorcycle to clear the zombies around the two people hanging from the rabbit. I guess I'll skateboard through the park this time.
I actually found the trio in my first playthrough since I forgot about Cletus and wanted to try fighting him too late.

I recently just did a no-kill/no alarm run, and when I beat the game, I only got the Pacifist achievement. I know for a fact that I went through the game undetected because I obviously quickloaded any time I fucked up and got spotted, so I'm wondering at which forced alarm-state did the game fuck up and bug out on that locked me out of the achievement? Of course, this is the Director's Cut version, so it could be fucking anything.

>play GTA Online for the first time in a couple years
>mission is for 1-4 people
>time limit actually makes it impossible for 1 person
Fuck that game.

not great but alright you can have fun in 3 unlike 4

I feel bad for the cultists, they were all normal people and there's thousands of them but they got brainwashed and have no remorse to or by Frank

No time to explore I like to take my sweet time seeing everything the game has to offer and I do mean everything.

They don't understand that they can just basically NG+ the game whenever they game over if they're bad and think they HAVE to go through the game in one shot


The only problems I have with this game are the shitty civilian missions, the save points (should just be able to manually save anywhere) and WEEEEELLLLLLL HE AIN'T MY BOY BUT THE BROTHER KEEPS RESPAWNING FOR SOME FUCKING REASON

Otherwise DR1 is an excellent game that really takes advantage of its setting.

If that ends up being the case, it'd be incredible that Capcom would've been able to keep it secret for this long otherwise. Dead Rising 3 had full on concept art leaked around the time of OTR I think

go drink some bleach, shit for brains

>tfw beat this level in a minute and a half once
Easiest way is to quit the level and reload so it gives you a better placement for the emeralds.

I have never in my life gotten it to work.

Dead Rising is meant to be played the same way. The game is a cake walk at level 50 especially with the X Buster.

This is why Majora's Mask is how you do time limits correctly.

Attached: 0HKjSvy.gif (244x156, 3M)

By not having them?

it was the worst but 4 was released and now its actually considered decent because of 4

Because they can't "play it safe"
Best example being XCOM 2
Brainlets bitched so much devs had to add an option to double the timer on missions so they can overwatch-crawl through the map at a snail pace without failing the objective.

Attached: XCOM2_WotC9.jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

Why is the camera so zoomed in in DR2? It makes it hard to see what you're doing and it's also kind of nauseating

As much as I enjoyed DR1 and Pikmin 1 for that matter, I just can't get into games that are long and have time limits. I'm at a point where my gaming free time is limited and I don't like having my time wasted by a game going "well you've been playing for 10 hours, but you mismanaged something hours ago so you're runthrough is fucked. Try again." I just want to play the game, enjoy the experience and move along.

I don't think I see any benefit to theorycrafting this, OP.

Maybe get a hobby besides shit posting.

Attached: worksonmymachine.png (200x193, 30K)

I want to play DR1 in co-op. Not saying I take points off since I can't though.

Are you proud of yourself for reading instructions?

Casuals hate challenges, they want their instant gratification and spoonfeed mechanics to feel like a true gamer

desu you haven't lived unless you've pulled the max number of survivors at once with under a minute before a story case expires in DR1

Dude, let's not pretend the time limit in Dead Rising was about challenging gamer skill. It was about grind. It was about padding play time. You play the game but the outcome is fixed. You are going to lose because you haven't leveled enough yet. You lose but you keep your skill increases which means shit like you can run faster, carry more items, etc., etc. for your next play through which means next time you play the game it's a lot fucking easier. It's a lot fucking easier no thanks to any "skill" on the part of the player but thanks to wasting X amount of time grinding.