Which mmorpg you miss the most?
Which mmorpg you miss the most?
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BASED and youtubepilled
Ragnarok Private Servers were the only good thing about Ragnarok. Outside of it, it was either WoW, Everquest, or kill yourself.
Auto Assault. I could "grind" in that game for hours because it didn't feel like grinding, was just pure fun.
LaTale, Rusty hearts, Mabinogi, Tera, Granado Espada, and dragon nest.
Was that the Twisted Metal clone? I watched some fedora autists video on it recently.
LEGO Universe
Yeah, it was a Vigilante 8 clone. It had a high tech physics engine at the time so bodies and buildings would blow up amazingly, and they would throw so much human fodder at you.
I've only played Lineage II and WoW (vanilla to WotLK), so I guess vanilla WoW.
All these memories, gone. Like tears in the rain
Pre-Luclin EQ
The one I played with friends.
Star wars galaxies, city of heroes, champions online, the matrix online, wildstar
Runescape is still alive
This, but Pre-GoD
Europe Maple Story
mmos fucking suck
I thought I was sad that I didnt get to experience most but I realize I lived my life
mmos are trash and so is everyone in this thread
it was pretty based until the end, supreme server was kino
Myth of Soma
Dragonica ala Dragon Saga.
It was unique and had alot of great ideas but also alot of bad ones.
dream of mirror online one of the 1st game to have that option to change classes on the go like in eden eternal and similar , it was damn comfy.
also wonderland online , a game that looked like shit but played like a final fantasy , you could have a home like in fiesta online could go away and let your chara farm items to create stuff for your home , i remember having a shop in my home making shelf like crazy and slots machine with the idea of reccetear in my mind.
I wanna go back
Where I level up a Assassin to 99 on Ragnarok?
This renewal thing is strange.
It was before social media took off, like twitter or facebook. Mmorpgs like Ragnarok Online were like a glorified chatroom where people formed bonds.
You had to be there.
Thank you for the update.
I still have it in my steam library from when it first released on there.
I fucking loved the engineer class and their defense fortress turret.
but as it is now its fine
I just miss the old community and population
Flyff. That game was top comfy.
Always and forever Silkroad
Lineage 2 Paradise private server
Kstyling got me laid and my first gf
somebody hold me
Lineage 2 >>>>>>>>>>WoW
Too bad only euros played it and amerimutts have shit taste
I can't believe that they got rid of the only thing that made this game stand out and interesting in the sequel.
Yeah, you might be right about that. Although I did run into some burgers on the private server. Lots of Russians, though
I miss FFXI
I wish I got further than lvl 50 and stopped autistically switching jobs.
Fuck off Brimstone.
Phantasy star online. I don't think I ever played another mmo religiously like i did with PHO. The worst part is that I want to play the second one but the anons say it's only a waifu lobby simulator and a lot of the content is shit
Grand Chase (the mobileshit isn't the same, it has a good story but no gameplay to speak of)
Also Elsword but luckily that's still alive for now somehow
What did they get rid of? What happened with the sequel?
I swear to god if you say k-styling I'm going to find some way of remotely injuring your testicles over long-distance. I never got tired of trad-styling all over k-stylers, roll-spammers, and dual-wielders with just sword, single revolver, and careful aim/timing. If the sequel that I am mostly unaware of was only missing glitch exploits, I'm going to pick it up and find some private servers right the fuck now.
>Granado Espada
Fuck yes!
Where the fuck am I going to get my fix of Romantic/Napoleonic-era light-fantasy design now?
>ywn grind cranes again before hitting 60
They got rid of k-style. GunZ 2 is closer to a Team Fortress 2 knock off with classes to choose, each having individual weapons and abilities.
Game ran on an ancient peer 2 peer netcode, same one that powered the first game and was the cause of all the leadshotting bullshit. People demanded official servers, devs supposedly were working on them until they went radio silent. Years(and I'm not kidding) later MAiET went bankrupt and dissolved, the rights to the series now belong to Masangsoft if I'm not mistaken.
Well shit, I had a feeling they might have changed core gameplay functionality. I miss being able to make your own build, and having it all be equipment based.
careful user you'll get some pre-bb kids in here screaming that new maple is bad because the grind is more focused on endgame instead of being an unbearable slog throughout.
it's bad but not for those reasons
masangsoft is actually just maiet with a new name after their bankruptcy. They own basically every maiet property and a good 70% of the staff of masangsoft was from maiet. They own raiderz and skid rush (drift city) and gunz1/2.
Ragnarok Online has aged like a pile of dogshit. There's literally nothing to do other than kill mobs or complete retardedly-grindy quests for cosmetic items, and the class balance is absolutely nonexistent; I remember wizards and assassins just shit all over every other class, no competition. Every aspect of its gameplay has been done better by MMOs that came after it.
.....but fuck if I don't get a massive throbbing nostalgia-boner by listening to the soundtrack. What is it with korean MMOs and having amazing music?
The same as with 87.567% of this board, my first one.
ultima online. Nothing can top it
I miss The Pillars
Phantasy Star Online
is this ffxi?
The Matrix Online
Sounds like you're a bitter faggot
but doesn't xiv still exist
Flyff was one of my first mmorpgs and is in my opinion one of the worst games ever made. Having nostalgia for this shit makes laugh.
Man, I used to run a GameFAQs guild on iRO back in the day, A lot of people used to ask me if I ran GameFAQs or something, I used to think I was so fucking cool.
what grind its literally p2w and has been for ages unless you're on reboot which is just meso grinding forever
I miss Runescape because even if it's still there and there's a little bit of community left I still don't have time to devote to it anymore.
I miss being a kid with only a couple hobbies and all my friends played the same video games as me.
Age of conan, open world pvp in this game was the fucking best in the entire history of mmorpgs.
>b-but muh blueburst
Its just not the same when you play only with those 50 autists left
PSO2 is its own thing rather than a sequel to PSO. The core gameplay of PSO2 is enjoyable, the issues are everything around it, like the story, the level/encounter design, the kMMO-styled quests, all the equipment systems (and the equipment itself), the timers, the cash shop, the gachapon, etc. Things can get tiresome as you progress in the game.