for me
it's the shulkers
For me
We could’ve got some cool and disturbing creatures that would fit perfectly in the end. But no Mojang is filled with faggots that try to appel to little dipshits by adding these things and “cute” animals instead of actually improving it.
I'm not exactly up to date with Minecrap, did they finally added something cool to the Nether?
>Feather Falling IV
Psssssssh, nothin personnel kid
No. Get this: they only spawn in a different end biome you unlock after beating the dragon, only in generated structures you have to find by jumping between and adventuring across land that all looks exactly the same.
No. End has a structure now though and oceans finally got content. villages got overhauled last update too.
hold a bottle in your hand and use it to grab a shulker bullet.
can be used at anytime to give you levitation
alternatively use it on a shulker box to bring it to life and create turrets around your base
are you implying shulker-kuns are bad?
Go play Terraria if you're so dissapointed with a building lego game
Yes, they look inoffensive and don’t belong in the End’s cryptic scary environment.
Any r34 yet?
>want to go on a long journey with a parrot friend on my shoulder
>They fall off when ever you jump
Fuck sake. Anyone else annoyed by this? Can't they bind it to a unique key to get him of like enter or some shit. Even sneaking wouldn't be ideal but 100 times better
For me, It's real hard mode.
Haven't played this game since 2012, should I play hardcore to get back into it?
hardcore is only fun once you know about all the bullshit ways you can accidentally die
>The End
the only scary about that place is the void, if you want scary, the nether exists
Shulkers only spawn in end cities
Yeah. I'd say there's enough new content to keep interest for a while before going into modded.
2012, that was around village trading and jungles? I can give a rundown of features worth looking out for if you want
Microsoft nuked old accounts so I can't play.
me too
If you can contact support they'll give you a new one
No, Minecraft hasn't beeen good since beta 1.7.3
I can't find the purchase confirmation email from ten years ago.
It should be from "[email protected]" titled "Receipt for Your Payment to Mojang Specifications"
Minecraft hasn't been good since it was cave game. The introduction of ores and trees ruined it.
this could help
>decide to finally commit to a world
>build house and even a barn/farm
>things getting to be a tedious chore
>convince myself each new project will be worth it
>it's not
>have to force myself to play and get incredibly bored after 2 weeks
>get killed by sneaky creeper
>delete world and don't touch for several days
>urge to play comes back again
I just want it to fucking stop already. Dear God, let Hytale actually break this nightmare cycle
This actually is a good argument. Terraria is such a superior game that Mojang should be made to feel ashamed for their lack of talent forever.
>>things getting to be a tedious chore
that's what enchantments, beacons and auto farms are for my dude. To minimize the tedium
what happened in 2015?
shulkers and elytra completely change the game for sure. best items they ever added
>bought by Microsoft
>an entire year with absolutely no updates
Fixing the mess that was 1.8 then releasing dev builds of 1.9.
For some reason tamed animals no longer teleport to me
Really doesn't make it worth it to bring any animal on an adventure except for maybe horses.
They did snapshots for 1.9 in 2015. That image only shows the official updates