How do you feel about Poison?
How do you feel about Poison?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fake and Gay
>no bulge
To this day, I don't get how the fuck that's a dude.
>inb4 gamer bread
I think she's hot, and her dick is cute.
>low-tier in SFV
big yikes from me
She's a dude only if you're American.
I want to tongue her ass and balls, in that order.
i'm straight, but i want to fuck her ass
she would look better with a small bulge though
I love her but only if she has a dick
They made her absolute shit tier and nobody will play her
Can't be worse than Sakura.
i just masturbated to those poison doujins by chinbotsu
>A dude
user that's clearly a woman , she just happen to have a dick.
she's not a dude, she's a woman with a dick because she is trans
based, Chinbotsu is Poison kino
Would suck dick and toes.
She a big girl.
>They made [new character] absolutely mid-tier and now no one is dropping their top tier character to learn the new tech for me
Fixed that for you, faggots cry like this every time new characters are added if they aren't immediately obviously top tier.
We had faggots crying like this about fucking Ibuki for like a god damned year
Lay off of the memes for once. Also, low tier characters are a fun challenge for serious players.
Is she actually trans or does everybody just say so because of some inconsistency that happened one time like with Birdo?
horny and aroused especially for the dick version
Poison is great. Finally, the roster is complete.
Is it gay to want to suck Poison's dick.
Not gay btw
She's my wife, and I take all 12 inches of her every night. That is all.
started with "punching women bad, give dick", then Capcom has been teasing about poison having a dick ever since.
>12 inches
Damn son , make sure to use lube
it's not gay because it's a female penis
8 is my limit,
12 is a big nope, I dont want to be permanently ruined
Poison's okay but I kind of wish instead we got Roxy. An orange palette swap just isn't the same.
She's my pubstomp character along with Dhalsim, it's just so fun to destroy brainlets with zoners
Imagine the smell.
Because liking men is gay, and nobody wants to be that. Traps aren't gay btw.
>I take all 12 inches
>only 12
lmao, what a pleb
>it's ok when Japan does it
traps are women with a single flaw (dick), but improved in some other details
Oh here we go
I feel that Poison can jam 4 jumbo hotdogs in there
100% trans it's just that we used to be extremely homophobic in the US back in the early 90's (kinda still are). The fear of offending the Americans made the Japanese backtrack and send mixed signals. Notice the Japanese never ask if Poison was born male. They all know she was.
12 feet
Is it gay if i just want to hold hands and cuddle with poison ? i wouldn't touch her dick tho.
>i wouldn't touch her dick tho.
I find the lack of doujins where she impregnates chicks and/or gets pregnant herself disturbing
god poison is so fucking thick
I wanna fuck those tits
> i wouldn't touch her dick tho
Lucia is more fun to play, poison is more fun to look at
Never trust a big butt and a smile
She's ok.
imagine not wanting to fuck a 10/10 shemale because she packs a small girldick
What if I want to knock her up? That puts she Male pretty low on my tier list.
Futa poison, on the other hand...
>i wouldn’t touch her dick tho.
what a faggot
I'd fuck her fat ass
Poison is drawn female most of the time. Some people just want her to have a dick and that's whatever at this point. At the end of the day, it just makes Poison a really versatile character for third party materials.
saying pubstomp in regards to street fighter or any fighting game seems strange.
He's got a nice dick.
>tfw will never fuck Poison's fat ass while he cock flops around leaking cum as you destroy her prostate
It's actually pretty ridiculous how thicc she is
She's no trans, she's a completely natural woman that just happens to have a dick
She was already absolutely thick and perfect in SFIV. SFV Poison is thickness up to 11. Easily rivaling Chun Li in thigh size but with much wider hips.
post with or without trip code?
>everyone implying Poison's a dude or trans
Nah. In Final Fight, Japanese version, she had a female voice. For the U.S. version, they changed it to a dude's voice because apparently beating up trans folk was better than beating up a woman.
You can google this fact. I'm surprised more people here don't know it.
Exactly, she was already crazy thicc and got a buff
she also has visible abs, which is great.
Poison has a cute 3 incher from all the HRT.
god damn i'm horny now. Poison is so fucking hot.
I absolutely hate her SFV design and gameplay changes from USF4.
I'm very mad.
>implying it matters when I have photoshop and she's not real
My Poison is massively hung with big balls
Her dick is probably longer and thicker than your arm
Poison is the best SF character for porn because depending on what you like you can more reliably find content based on that. You can more easily find futa Poison than, say, Futa Chun Li., but regular female poison isn't uncommon either. She is perfect for doujins because she has Schrodinger's Genitals, where you don't know if it's a dick, vagina, or both until the doujin reveals it.
would fuck her/him, no regrets
3dpd rules don't apply to 2d
they didn't want you to beat on women so they gave her a dick
Guys I REALLY want to rub one out to Poison, can I get some recommendations
Would you fuck a tranny Yea Forums?
Poisons not a dude.
Capcom refuses to admit or acknowledge such trivia.
It makes Poison 10 times hotter but they keep blueballing me by not coming out and saying it.
Just say "no homo" at the end of sexual intercourse and it will all be A-Ok
>ywn look up to see a giant Poison looming over you with her bulge in your face
ayoo, hol' up, where da dick @
Japan in the late 80s: Beating on women is okay especially if they are attacking you, so we made this female enemy.
America in the late 80s: Wow we're not really cool with glorifying beating up women so we'll change her into a drag queen because it's still okay to beat them up because they're men.
And that's how the confusion came about. Now they pretty much make her fully female and occasionally localizations will joke and pay reference in a "haha remember when we thought making you a man was a good idea?" for people in the know.
Poison is a female and the "Poison is a man" shit is a bunch of inside jokery from Gen Xers that remember the 80s
>Poison's not a dude
Nobody tell him.
That's a dude?
>Retconned the dick
>Even if Poison had surgery the game doesn't confirm it and erases the fact that she's transexual, the ONLY interesting thing about her
Toothless cowards. Even if sperg gamers rose up against trannies in their game (which they never did in the past anyway) theyd still buy it anyway. The only reason anyone has ever talked about this character was because she's a transexual and now shes just another semen demon
No dick=No buy.
Does that flavor text say the same thing in Japanese? Because it seems to me more like it's making a fucking Austin Powers reference and keeping with the continued trend of localizations teasing that she's actually a man while Japan just treats her like the woman she always was
>tfw the bottom 4 is you
I'm so glad her SFV model has sculpted abs, she and Cammy both make me go UNGA
Ofc she have always been a woman stop being transphobic
that's bullshit, but I believe it.
>MS paint shit vs. what literally in a Capcom game
This level of coping.
>Lair of the Four Kings stage
>Knock Poison into the left side of the screen for a KO
>Gender: Unknown
Checkmate, atheists. If she were female, it'd just read out as female like all the other chicks.
fuck off back to shooterchan.
it says capcom official dude
she has always been a biological woman and was never a man except in a shitty 80s localization, fuck off, faggot. The only reason you want this is because you're too insecure to admit you want to get fucked by dudes and have to project where it's not wanted. You're no different then little tumblr cunts who are "THIS CHARACTER IS A TRANS ICON AND WE STAN" fucking eat a bullet.
Even after SFxT was censored because of SJWs, multiple characters allude to her sex being questionable. It's not even a debate
>How do you feel about Poison?
I want her to creampie my mouth desu
wew lad . No reason to get this mad over a woman with a dick .
no bias here, yikes.
futa and trap penis size?
i say large
I don't care what's in her pants, I'd fuck her fat butt three ways from Sunday
That's even gayer.
Really depends on the character, their personality and build. Poison is a top and should be hung, but there's plenty of archtypes that should be submissive and tiny.
So when are they making a futa fighting game with Poison as a guest character
wait her outfit actually shows underboob in SFV?
Traps turn me on
*lenny binds*
I might have to make it my self, I can draw but I dont know how to code
Kill yourself faggot
I swear I'm not gay
American localization meme. Nobody thinks she's a herm in Japan.
Should have been Dudley
It's called MUGEN
imagine poison going to town on roxy
Cause they're not massive faggots about the whole thing zoom zoom zoomie.
there's no flopping dick physics in MUGEN though
Poison will never creampie your mouth and leave a piece of fudge cake on your chest.
too busy plowing Morrigan
I want to feel my dick in her butthole
she's the near-perfect woman
>pretty face
>thick thighs
>wide hips
>big butt
>big boobs
>small penis
why do you think Poison forces Roxy to dress like her
>small penis
foot long or nothing
>draw+model a girl
>call it a boy
that's literally it
That’s a huge loss
some retard who didn't make the character call it a guy because "you can't hit a girl"
thats basically it
>i wouldn't touch her dick tho.
That's gayer than 10 guys blowing 9 guys.
It's entirely a case by case basis.
I hate poison. It uses up my antidotes.
Hugo when??
Hopefully never. Sodom should be in if anything, but preferably Damnd or Edi E. too
>no bulge
>those child bearing hips
>torpedo tits
>somehow she's supposed to be a man because of an obscure text on some old ass piece of paper.
I call bullshit
Menat and Mika are superior.
>Mika and Poison will never smother you with their asses
>i wouldn't touch her dick tho
What are you gay or something?
remember when we hit the bump limit with every poison thread? yeah, that was a week ago.
You guys gotta let this go. How many hints do Capcom have to drop before you accept she's a bonafide boner carrier.
>no visible pussy lips
Cody don't fall for """her""" lies
Who else here imagines Poison with a vagina?
Me. That body literally can't be a male body.
god fucking damn it i thought she had a massive bush from the thumbnail, that's the only way i would accept poison as a female
As of SFV still her gender is listed as "Unknown" and one of her win quotes talks about people "gossiping about me"
The character is now ambiguous on purpose
Women can't be that big naturally without testosterone, which is a naturally produced male hormone.
She's got childbearing hips and fat tits. Can't be a man.
This. Full package futanari is best. Fuck off tranny lovers.
reminder that Capcom said that Poison is whatever you want her to be, so anyone who imagines her with a dick is a literal faggot who wants to be fucked by a man
They gave her a dick in all the Japanese game manuals. You are just repeating some urban legend from the 90's. We didn't have internet back then
Nice sack tho
I hope Capcom gets some balls one day and outright states that Poison is a woman with a vagina so I can see you trannies and futa-lovers lose your shit over it
Men can have both.
All the Japanese media of Poison mention her as a new-half
The leg wear is still so fucking dumb
which sucks because both legs are hot but the two of them on the same outfit is double retarded
Man boobs and fake tits don't count. Men with childbearing hips are just weird.
you're so desperate for them to make a statement, seems like you're the one whose seething my guy
>don't count
How so?
>Men with childbearing hips are just weird
That's what I'm trying to tell you, user.
Poison has real tiddies and anomalies like bubblebumbutt barely count
It's ok, we are all grown-ups here and won't judge if you like traps.
>gender is listed as "Unknown"
the machine on the left of Lair of the Four Kings can't tell her gender because her male body is infused with female hormones
as far as im aware ivy doesn't have a cock so she loses by default
Shut up
>we are all grown-ups here
there's no need to feel ashamed, liking traps is normal for a straight male
I kinda weird that SFV have so much lewd yet DoA6 is vanilla as fuck. What a strange time we are living in .
Femenine penis > Dickless women.
But I like Poison as a woman
I made my police officer a Poison lookalike in Sims 4 and dutifully knocked up all the teenage girl criminals I arrested and thoroughly fucked the boipuccis of the others.
Many pink-haired babies being born I can tell you and I haven't fapped so hard in ages. Knock them up on the interrogating desk then make them cry as they confess.
Nevermind that. How does Poison feel about me?
If they state the offical gender than that ruins the fun
nothing wrong with that, it's normal to prefer girls over traps because of their superior genitalia
however, denying your attraction to traps is denying the full extent of your heterosexuality
But I do like traps. Poison is a woman.
Honestly, it's bad. Compare it to her SFIV walk cycle, this one is way too sped up it looks retarded.
She got a nice ass
And not to mention her legs are incredibly stiff, there's no fluidity to that animation.
Are their nudes worth paying for?
This a dude?
With an ass like that does it matter.
This isn't I think
its not a dude. its a drawing so the parameters do not exist. its a dude if you want or its a chick. every single person in the game has unrealistic proportions and since it's a drawing there is no amount of hiding its appearance if it were to be considered a male, its just drawn as a woman.
>english translation
poison's designer has repeatedly said to avoid lawsuits from bulldyke rabid american feminists to make poison a token tranny because you cant get mad a diversity signal
it's literally the easiest trick in the book in making feminists look even more retarded and hypocritical
in japan poison is female in text and as said by the designer he considers her a woman
like pottery everything america has is trash
Who wouldn't want to ruin themselves for Poison?
Dude you are overthinking all of this just embrace Poison for what it is
i'm straight, but i'd cum buckets inside this ass
Her SFIV model had even tighter abs.
another trash character mentally ill trannies think they relate to even though she has all characteristics of a biological female including hip ratios which no tranny irl has no matter how many suicide pills they take
Ivy, she just looks better
Good design, but need a bulge over there
Ivy since she can only have anal sex
Uninstalled and completely removed from my steam library. I'm still mad about wasting money buying it.
I mean they did tone down the sexuality of DoA6 for "modern sensibilities" or w/e other stupid reason they had, but its still got sexyness to it. More so in some recent DLC.
Honestly surprised the SFV added poison considering the Disney/ESPN Core Values censorship at Evo.
I want her to stuff me with her huge veiny futa cock
I want her to shove it down my throat until I suffocate.
You cant cuddle with at least her huge cock touching you a little bit
Are you trying to find justification from the boner you get when you see poison ? She's jsut a trans women , Really is not a big deal.
DoA6 only have i think is 2 "sexualised" costumes the rest is either normal clothing or battle costumes no half butt hanging or stuff like that.
No its a woman (male).
Which are the two you are thinking of?
How do you feel about Kolin?
There are real life trannys built like her. Its amazing what hormones and a good plastic surgeon can do.
Imagine drinking in her musk like booze while you cuddle.
Not Mika or Juri but would still fuck
I don't believe you unless you give me some names and scenes.
>is this nigga serious
Poison is drawn with a dick in 95% of her art/porn. Roxi is even drawn more often with a dick and she's not trans.
Christie BDSM suit and one of Honoka's normal clothes (IMG related)
Try again
I want that pussy and as a 3d artist I will get what I want regardless of how futa fags feel. Gonna get roxy pussy too
Feel free to look around.
Guarantee you will find several hot and passable trannies.
And lots of not passable ones. Spoonfeed me.
Are there any traps with fat girl-like asses?
I want her to just grab my ass and just pummel in her giant femcock using me as a fleshlight until mass is gaping like a glazed donut her thick cum just pouring out of it
Morrigan would be a better mommy than Poison!
God damn I love Honkers even if shes into dogs.
I feel like I want to lick her asshole until my tongue falls off.
why are dicks so fucking ugly, but female bulges arousing as fuck?
fucking disgusting
I would a Kaya.
Name or code?
i would a Meowriza and Kaya
100% straight btw
You act as if that'll stop people from making art of her with a dick. It won't.
I have no idea
Huh, they've gotten bigger. Last time I saw them, they were smol lumps.
hot traps/trannies are for straight men
She doesnt have any nudes, the only thing you see is her ass and bare nipples, not her dick and balls and shes very inconsistent with her content.
I'd at least argue that she could be a futa but more than likely she has big dangling ovaries.
do you have a link to the rest of these Mika close-ups?
>discord tranny thread
could make an imgur one
That would be great.
Sorry for the wait. Here ya go:
after centuries of brainwashing, this is what modern straight men want, just like our ancestors
p-puffy vulva?
I'm going to mercilessly beat my dick tonight. Thank you, kind user.
Im definitely checking that thread out as well.
yes, very
No problem user, have fun.
>this thing corners you in an alley and starts putting its hand in your pants
Can you make one for Poison?
Mika was my fave so I mostly just have her and chun right now, sorry
>How do you feel about Poison?
You're either a liar or you didn't look hard enough. I have a couple of dick pics and ass shots.
No I'm not posting them so fuck off.
>obvious fake bulge
>Are you trying to find justification from the boner you get when you see poison ? She's jsut a trans women , Really is not a big deal.
i don't know why you people are so desperate to try and force everyone to have this conflict with themselves
she's a woman, in a lot of porn/doujins she's a woman with a vagoo, only here on the internet and in jokes and memes is she packing and only for the sole purpose of trying to rustle jimmies
poison by herself with none of this cloud of shit looks and acts female, has no room to pack a cock in those shorts, and will eternally anger gays and trannies
holy fuck. Where can I find video of something like this?
>No I'm not posting them so fuck off.
Why not?
i want to massage her prostate and make her leak her watery semen so fucking bad
Maybe if you ask nicely.
Welp, time to unfuck my installation and mod folder. Care to share some mods?
Is please the magic word?
Somebody polite talk with this user already, for God's sake.
Just fucking look up mariza on yiff party
Perhaps it is.
I want to achieve Poisonmode
You have to eat a lot of semen directly from the source to do that.
me, futas are just not my thing, i don't care how male she is in the cannon, she's a woman in my headcannon and i would let her do anything she wants with me
100% female. Everyone who thinks otherwise never got the joke.
male-on-dickgirl or dickgirl-on-female?
FutaXfemale is the patrician choice
MTF threesome male doms both
dickgirl on male
Dickgirl on female
She was only temporarily trans to allow the games to release in the US because at the time "punch girl = bad" so they said "lol its a guy" and US said that was fine.
She's always been a girl in Japan, they just keep teasing the possibility because westerners now desperately latch onto any tranny they can find.
Male on Dickgirl
That's hot.
She's really a dull looking chick but she has... a big clitty... thas all ^_~
Her pink hair? Fake.
That bod. Hot.
Her big clit, GAY.
>Source: my ass
>japan poison is female in text and as said by the designer
100% wrong my dude. See
me sucking off a dickgirl while she forces me to deepthroat her until she fills me full of her hot sticky cum, she then forces me to bend over on to the bed and begins to shove her thick veiny cock inside my asshole and fucks me hard until we both cum, she slowly pulls out her fat cock and begins to finger my asshole some more while she cleans the watery cum from my dick and then proceeds to kiss me with her cum covered lips.
That's hard gay
>Poison is a female
>Poison is a tranny
>Poison is hot
Both are good.
Just depends on the mode I'm in to fap.
A few posts above you and you shall find the answer.
How do I find a guy that looks like this?
In the end I would fuck "her" no matter what.
Doesn't exist
>i wouldn't touch her dick tho.
explain.. i thought it was poison who could only have anal sex
Daily reminder to all trans """"people"""" that your self image and identity is a product of escapism and mental illness and your physical features are more akin to the likes of a goblin than whatever anime character you've deluded yourself into believing you look like. You will never be a real women, nor resemble one.
Join the 40% today and kill yourselves. :)
Ivy has evil, cursed blood from Cervantes and doesn't want kids to spread that shit.
also if you could be botherd a imgur would be very appreciated
Poison has a comically humongous borderline hyper cock with balls the size of large melons
And yes, she stuffs aaaaaall that girlmeat into those micro shorts and thongs. You give those things the smallest of tugs and FFWWOOMPHF, you got an enormous problem on your hands (and draped over your face and back)
It's the same story as Samus being a guy.
Americans are obsessed with trannies.
Extremely fuckable
>draw female
>call it male
typical Japan, atleast in burgerland trannies are realistically depicted as disgusting
Male Samus was just Brianna Wu being insane.
Poison is a tranny though.
That's not how backs work...
too muscular
touching dicks is very gay though, but not Poison's
>artist draws a hot Poison
>SFW version
>vagina version
>penis version
truly /ourguy/
>covering that part
Please, not now. I need to rest
i'm straight, but a shaved male genitalia attached to a female body looks aesthetic as fuck
>i'm straight,but
say it.
hahahaha what a fucking faggots, i bet you like black dicks the most fag
not at all, i like vaginas the most and i have no interest in playing with a dick, but they do look aesthetic when attached to wide hips and a thin waist
that's pretty fucking gay dude
>source: your ass
I want to suck her cock while she teases me about how good of a little dick kisser I am
Why can't actually hot dick girls exist bros...
>So lonely that I'd take the futa dick up the butt
>No man, woman, or futa wants me because I don't have anything to offer in a relationship
They do but their egos are on space and they'll only date rich greek/spanish men.
I'm bi and you all are too
nope, i only girls and traps (female-looking trannies, femboys and intersex people) aka straight
Poison threads are always, always far too much bitching about irrelevant shit and not enough posting Poison.
Appreciate what you got, there are dudes out there who had everything and they still offed themselves.
Sure thing. Gimme a sec
I want a threesome with both of them.
male on dickgirl, dickgirl on male, dickgirl on dickgirl, dickgirl on female, any and all are welcome by me
you're not Straight user, you are Bi
me-on-Poison-on-Ivy, then we DP Ivy
nope, i only like people that look like girls
Here ya go pal. All the chunners I got.
yeah, I'm thinking he's based
is that Poison before transitioning? neat.
>You smell like a man.
Trannies BTFO.
I am literally not gay, but Poison is the only one i’d give myself to and pleasure in any way she wants.
I don't care about this issue, but I can say for sure that you are a complete moron just from the way you typed this post.
fuck and suck
Male on futa on female
If this is a Poison thread why don't I see a single penis in it?
while the jannies are trannies, they will not stand for a tranny cock posted
Because it's a fictional character so you can make them look like however you want. Trannies seem to forget this.
winning is more fun than losing so ill just pick akuma thanks
why would she have a bulge when she is post-op?
>still no bulge mod
why even poison
Poison is pre-op and has a small, aguarbly limp, feminine penis.
I don’t like her cancel gimmick. Having to do that shit in the middle of a combo overloads my brain. She had a better move set in 4, albeit, not as original.
Futa topping male.
I wish futas were real bros I just want a dominant futa mommy to lightly femdom me and tease for hours until my balls hurt before absolutely obliterating my shitter and making me boipregnant.
I don't have imagine because I'm not a degenerate. The instant I found out about the tranny debacle I moved on.
Imagine entering this thread just to tell everyone, anonymously, that you aren't gay. What kinda turbo gay lord does that? A man in denial. That's who.
Imagine being so repressed that you deny finding something attractive just because it might have genitals you're not "supposed" to like
This one.
She is post op homo
I remember laughing at mpreg a decade ago thinking wtf how can people be into that?
Then I read this.
I Would unironicly suck her dick and be her bitch.
No home though because its a feminine penis
Or they are, you know, straight
I too open up dickgirl threads because I am straight.
That's just full on feminization though
>ywn be dicked so hard you become the girl
I hate it personally. This was a good read until it was like "lol my ass is pregnant" man what the fuck.
Now now user, a bulge might trigger post op trans people.
At first this was my reaction too man, but now I fap with my legs wide in the air and with my tongue hanging out my mouth begging to be impregnated by a big dicked futa.
If males could become pregnant, the female population wouldn't survive a month.
>implying i wouldn't fuck post op Poison
i wanted to try sfv but i only want to play vega and i heard playing vega is suffering so i never bothered installing it
Playing anyone is suffering that's the fuckin point.
Futa-on-male Futa-on-female
If the girl penis isn't on top, you might as well watch vanilla ... if you can find quality artists that draw vanilla that is.
Here you go
I fap to FemPoison.
If females didn't find you repulsive your family line might carry on, yet here we are
lel women are trash-tier Incubators-For-Hire worry about your own lineage
Because women sadly can't grow a penis at will, thus making the only option in the real world a bunch of men trying to look as female as possible. Real mood killer, I know.But meh, my desire to not have things shoved down my throat or up my rear, don't make me feel all that bad about it.
Since Street Fighter does not bother with realims (which is good), there's no way to tell Poison apart from a real woman.
Thus, since it isn't disgusting to look at him, coupled with the fact that SF story doesn't shove the fact that it is a tranny in your face and that the backstory of this particular tranny actually makes sense, I think Poison is an acceptable character.
Lastly, as a fap bait Poison still doesn't harm the nationalist cause, even though tecnically it is faggotry.
That said, the only way I would start to see this character as problematic was if real trannys adopted it as a sort of mascot for their cause.
Since that doesn't seem to be the case, Poison is fine for now.
Now this is based.
Dont care. I like vagina.
shut up nigger
>I am a cuck with a used goods fetish
We heard you the first time retard.
wrong thread nigger
Never played her games but I want to buttfuck/be buttfucked by her.
If women could grow penises and impregnate men, not only would women start trying harder to sleep with men, but also the incel population would go down by 80%. Obviously.
Very based and videogames pilled.
cuck doesnt even make sense in this context
0/10 bait try again maybe add in cringe snoy based or boomer
Ages ago there was a lot of negative press about being able to beat up a woman so severely in these games so Capcom just said ‘nah fuck it she’s a dude’ and have had jokes about her having a dick in every game since. She’s canonically an mtf transgender because prudes were upset a biological female was being savagely beaten in a video game they were never going to play.
>muh repressed thought
just because you used to say nigger and ended up dating a black guy doesn't mean everyone else is compensating in their life.
Pretty good looking for a guy, very confusing for the penis.
Women would be culled wholesale once their role for the species is supplanted. Obviously.
I hate her new design. I wish she gave her a fishnet design like this one. Pic relate
Same thing when decent companionship/sex bots get made. A LOT of men will drop out of the useless social games that have the entire goal of getting laid or finding a partner. So much time, effort and energy is spent by men on these useless and often futile interactions with women. The amount of capital that will be freed up from sexbots being made available will cause us to enter the next technological revolution as men, the creative, hard working and intellectual gender, suddenly don't have to waste half their lives in the chase for a used up cunt.
Women will eventually rebel against their supplantation in society and be culled when they try take away the bots that men will be extremely attached too.
Just like trans and gay people are being culled? Guess you'll be bending over then.
Silly user, laws are made by rich people who many women would probably be happy to turn subserviant for. It would likely end up with anons reeing about "muh robo wife" being taken away and followed by other anons working on a way to start a black market for robo-waifus
Good AI robowaifus will be in such high demand that law makers won't have a choice, plus they'll be so much better than biocunts that eventually the stink and drama of women will drive even the most diehard opposers give in.
I only use MCCC and Wicked Whims, my dude. The rest is all your imagination.
In the proposed setting, "gay" wouldn't have the same meaning as it does in our own.
I saved some pic of her getting fucked by M.Bison with a dick and a vagina so she/he/it/zhe's alright
Nah, seems pretty simple "Sleeping with men as a man or with girls as a girl."
It's a useless tipe but Arbok is cool
>just look at her
>trusting your eyes
Man, I wanna remember what that person's name was, the latin guy that looked like a female model, sounded like a girl and everything.
reminder that no amount of hormone pills will ever make you pass for a woman
>guy has better T&A than most women
Why do we still have women?
Wait why is that one doki doki character in there. Am I unaware of something?
>I have zero evidence, but I want her to be female
Fuck your wishes and your feelings. Facts are facts. Go play chun li if you don't want to be gay. Us fags will stick with Poison
transgender didn't exist then. she was a crossdresser
Thats so lazy
>transgender didn't exist then.
Probably because everyone laffed at 'core values' shit.
Citations Please! I can hardly believe even half of what's listed in this image with out seeing the proper sources in question. Plus, I'd like to see exactly which sources that you have pulled from to check their credibility, because there are a lot of websites that like to just spread a bunch of false ramble just to get clicks without any regard for accuracy or any ounce of validity. Especially since you don't even list anything at all in the opposing column, practically showing a vested bias in the sexual presentation of this character and a form an agenda that might be brought with it.
After watching this video it's pretty clear that poison is a guy, which is a shame, because design does things to my dick
poison is a girl, there was never any bulge
new poison has a face of a guy on a girls body