Are JRPG making a comeback?

Are JRPG making a comeback?

>Persona 5 sold over 2.5 million
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1.8 million
>Fire Emblem Three Houses has sold 800k digitally and is poised to be the best selling game of the franchise
>Final Fantasy XV is the fastest selling game of the franchise
>XIV is the most successful MMORPG currently
>Nier Automata sold 4 million and it's one of the most successful games this gen
>Octopath probably has sold over 2 million
>Breath of the Wild is the best selling game of the franchise
>Tales of games are selling well too
>Ni no Kuni II did amazing as well
>Kingdom Hearts 3 is the best selling game of the franchise

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anime will always be better than real life. stop posting this terrible image.

>It's another Fiction vs Real Life thread
Fiction wins everytime, it's why it's called fiction


>Consumerists pigs who are obsessed with women but are too cowardly to actually engage with them.
>Probably play Gacha games.
If you're gonna be ronery, at least have some self respect. Pussy worshipers are the worst.

Post the face

Where's the bulge ahh

>left: soul
>right: soulless

>Pussy worshipers are the worst.
No need for self loathing, user. You'll grow up one day.

>not a single mention of DQXI
cmon OP

JRPGs went through one generation of pure garbage (PS3/360/Wii) and it was enough to make the fanbase THIRSTY.
Nintendo JRPG fans especially. Tales of Symphonia sold millions because it was almost a decade between the last good RPG on a nintendo console.

Are Souls games and Dragon's Dogma JRPGS?

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Because DQ11 fucking sucks now fuck off, it's a boring game and people only ever talk about it to start a console war.

I want to have sex with Rin. and that May.

Its fags like you who cant talk about it without mentioning what platform its on. It was a fucking great game, too bad your zoomer ritalin riddled adhd brain cant appreciate it since there arent enough bright flashes and lootbox animations to hold your attention.

>Because DQ11 fucking sucks

imagine having taste this awful

>It was a fucking great game,
All the characters are one note caricatures.
The combat is boring and repetitive.
The story is minimalist and pointless.
The only thing it has going for it is it feels very "retro" but as I look into the series it turns out it's the same as all the previous games, just prettier.
I play ARPGs and JRPGs almost exclusively and it was by far one of the worst JRPGs I've ever laid my hands on.

I know right? It's better than literally every other game on OP's list.

In what way? What makes DQXI good?

>All the characters are one note caricatures.
Like who? And how?

Your argument has no substance. Your first three points can be used against 95% of all games let alone JRPGs.

It has extremely likable characters and like all DQ games, the creators have gotten the balance of the game/maths down to an exact science so its paced extremely well.

Yeah. Action RPGs, but since they're made in Japan they're technically JRPGs too.
>Your argument has no substance.
Fair but neither does DQ11. Calling it better than any other JRPG was a huge insult considering how barebones it is.
It has 3 music tracks in the entire game and the combat rarely ever evolves from "spam attack/AoE magic" for fucks sake why does it have such a rabid fanbase?

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Thanks for keeping my fav series niche by not mentioning it. We don't need more zoomer normalfags polluting everything.

>3 music tracks
blatantly false
Were you playing with 'strong monsters' turned on?

These numbers are still pretty low.

JRPGs will never go back to the PSX numbers.

The world is imaginative and it's fun to traverse despite the linearity. The characters have a lot of personality and great chemistry with each other. In particular Sylvando is great. All the different little stories of each area are funny and charming. I like the town of Gallopalis and how the prince is a coward but he has you do a bunch of stuff like slay a monster and ride in the race while pretending to be him so he can become king. The monster designs are cute, this is one of the few JRPGs where I'll go out of my way to fill up the bestiary. The game at least on hard requires strategy and a little bit of luck to best most of the bosses. (Or you could grind if you're a bitch.) There are a few unfair bosses like Dora of Grey or whatever the fuck her name is. The only problem I have with the game is the overworld music but you can switch it to DQ8's overworld music with the free DLC so that's not even a problem anymore. It's not a mindblowing JRPG, the story is pretty basic aside from a few twists and turns but it's still one of the best JRPGs I've played in the past 10 years.

>Were you playing with 'strong monsters' turned on?
Why, so I can do the exact same thing but battles take even longer?
I'm not talking about difficulty. I'm talking about fucking substance. It takes forever just to get something other than the basic ass attack/heal options. Even after 40 hours I started going insane because the game has ONE GODDAMN MUSIC TRACK FOR EVERY SINGLE FIGHT.

Everything in the design philosophy of the game is based around low-effort repetition. It's the Dragonball Z/Super of videogames and not just for the Akira Toriyama art style. It's legitimately one of the shittiest, low-effort trash JRPGs I've ever been tricked into playing.

Ah didnt even bother reading the rest of your post. Pleb filtered.

Most JRPGs only have one music track for normal battles and boss battles.

soul soulless

harder monsters means you have to strategize with different gear, skill tree options, and buff/debuffs. You did yourself a diservice by playing on ez

>Dude bloat the enemy damage and HP it'll make the repetitive game even more repetitive and long making it good.
fuck off
No, they don't. Most JRPGs I've played change the battle music for; surprise encounters, bosses, when the story reaches a twist and so on.
The same background music plays for every single area in the entire game, most JRPGs have the fucking sense to change them dependent on area or what the situation is like in the plot at the VERY least.

I'm fine if you like DQ11, that's totally okay. The absurd amount of praise it gets is fucking unreal though. So many significantly better JRPGs are getting shit on left and right and this barebones gamefreak tier game is getting held like a goddamn national treasure.

>So many significantly better JRPGs are getting shit on left and right

name one

>The same background music plays for every single area in the entire game
it literally doesnt though

whats the best jrpg out there Yea Forumsirgins

>name one
Fuck off, you're just going to pull the "nu-uh all those games are bad" bullshit and I'm not going to humour you.

Trails will be best when Cold Steel 4 finally gets over here, though Utawarerumono is a close second

Then why would you even put a claim like that in your post if you cant defend it

I've played all the games on OP's list and enjoyed them. I just enjoyed DQ 11 more.



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Depends on your taste. Most are at least better than Dragonquest in at least two categories though.
Tales of, .hack//, Persona, SMT, Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Star Ocean, Soulsborne, Dragon's Dogma, Nier, Resonance of Fate and Lost Odyssey to name a few.


All I’m gonna say is you’re based as fuck. These faggots would shit on DQ11 if it had modern anime character designs.

>Claim Dragon Quest 11 is one of the worst JRPGs
>Can't just search any JRPG and see it's significantly better than DQXI
Do I really have to name some when you have google right there to name one for me? Any JRPG you can think of is probably better than this shitty series. Except final fantasy maybe.

DQXI is probably the best JRPG of all time if you don't play videogames and just shitpost on an anonymous imageboard all day.

>he still cant name ONE

>If I dont enjoy something it must be bad

its fine if you didn't enjoy it but to claim its bad is retarted

>Tales of,
which one

no u

>which one
Any of them except Zestiria and Tempest. Graces f is also debatable. It's a good series otherwise.

beat me to it

Lost Odyssey.
Is your mind fucking blown yet or are you about to try and debate how DQ11 is somehow better?

lost odyssey is actually pretty good

While we are on jrpgs and all. Is breath of fire I required for the sequels? I just started it and got my third party member but the narrative is almost non-existent and i couldn't give less of a shit about anyone. the only cool thing i found is the mc character portrait, MC looks chad as fuck and ain't afraid of anything.

>.hack//IMOQ won't get a remaster or remake because nobody bothered to buy the //G.U. remake
Being a fan of a niche series is hard.

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Also, PSX JRPGs were mostly turn-based games (Final Fantasy ATB is close enough to turn-based to warrant inclusion in this context), while that list is mostly ARPGs or even games that aren't even really intended to be RPGs at all like Breath of the Wild.

Nah its just filling in the space for xboc n western rpg.

For what it's worth (not having played DQ11), when I see people criticizing an RPG (JRPG especially) for being "barebones" and over-generalizing about spamming "attack/AoE" magic it's almost always because they don't like or understand the point of the classic "wizardry-style" turn-based combat system in the first place. They don't know how to tell a good one from a bad one and instead just focus on the goofy gimmicks JRPGs tend to bolt onto their systems to fool people like you into thinking they're good.

Zelda isn't a RPG you fucking retard

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this, thays why I mentioned how by dqxi, the creators have perfected the maths of levelling and combat, you can just tell based on how smooth the whole experience feels

>For what it's worth (not having played DQ11),
Please fucking play it. You will understand exactly what I mean.
Every single town and area has the exact same background music.
Every single fight has the same music.
The turn-based combat is every single turn-based JRPG but entirely stripped down to the most bare essentials. After 20 hours DQ11 feels like half the game any other JRPG is at 10.

I implore you to pirate the game or get it for cheap and see exactly what I mean.

So normalfags are behind the gamer meme? What a surprise

>Every single town and area has the exact same background music.
>Every single fight has the same music.
These are both so false why do you keep repeating this shit?

>These are both so false
Because they're not false and they are true. I am repeating it because the evidence I have (the entire goddamn game) has backed up my claim.

No i just picked the most recognizable Logo

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Thick thighs.

No, theyre action games with rpg elements made in Japan.

>tfw too intelligent to refrain from fapping

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>Angri la
>puerto valor
>phnom nonh
>starting village
>sky haven
All have different themes.
Also there are like 4 different boss themes, several cave themes, sea travelling theme, and the main overworld theme switches in the third act.

Youd make a better case if you werent so damn hyperbolic and dramatic.

gamers are some of the nicest people I've met

> is fitered to gamer

Thighs need more thicc

hmm gonna need the OG webm boys

left is unironically better

No. JRPG is a genre that has certain characteristics. Stop being a fucking retard and think. Are all french fries made in France?

DQ11 is the best JRPG I've played since Persona 4 Golden. I would even say it's the only good one. Holy fuck is it amazing, can't believe I waited so long to get into this franchise. There is not a single modern JRPG that is as good as DQ11. Fact.

>Lost Odyssey
>xbox360 exclusive
>picked it on purpose simply because he knows no JRPG fan actually buys xbox consoles
Pretty crafty. You're still a retard for 2 things:
1. DQ11 is kino and you have terrible taste in video games
2. You think JRPG means literally an RPG made in Japan instead of a genre, something only a complete fucking retard or child would think

lost odyssey is even more generic than DQ, and that's saying something

Yes why would they not be?


2D > 3D


>Stop being a fucking retard and think. Are all french fries made in France?

Very American post.