>match ends
>reports everyone on both teams
Match ends
Other urls found in this thread:
I report myself as well
>match is still going
>report everyone on both teams
>gets banned for abusing the report feature
>write a report for everyone single one of them
>"troll feeder flammer"
>someone starts a votekick against me
>one guys comes to my side
>i start a votekick against him and it goes through
>opponent gets banned for mass spamming reports
>hi everyone let’s have some fun!
>insta block him
Haha! Funny! based and redpilled! Show dem fags who bullied you at school whos boss now
>implying I wasn't the one doing the bullying in school
>play vs AI match
>someone says hf gl
wtf why is this thread sticked?
>itt: your average Rainbow 6 Siege player
t. banned
When Valve changed it so you couldn't report people anymore mid match coincidentally I lost interest in playing
i laughed a lil harder than i shouldve at this thread
match ends, look at how superior my stats are compared to the irrelevant vermin
>see retarded frogpost
>report it
feels good
>"win or lose, it's all about having fun :)"
>report and block
>Lose match
>Turn mic on
>Ahem... Nigger
>Exit lobby
>m-mom, someone posted that frog again!
>"just report it sonny"
>report post
>does nothing
Watch me post CP
>"good luck have fun"
>tell him to shut the fuck up
I unironically do this
>hacks the game and doesn't get banned because reporting is literal shit
>uploads it on youtube and shows it to people
>they report me
>my name is spoofed
>they end up reporting some guy who team killed me one time for hacking
What game, Yea Forums?
>team kill the entire match
>guy tells me to fuck off
>report him for harassment
>match ends
>report guy who played character with darkest skin
Same. And they do the180 turn instantly. It's all an act
you won't.
t. faggot who got bullied at school
>boss is a better man than you
I bet majority of posters in this thread are subbed to XQC
chaos is a ladder
>Give call outs and direct the team
>Noone fucking listens
>Woman joins
>Every suddenly grows a mic and starts spouting memes
>match ends
>say i fukin carryed all u scrub fagts
>have most deaths
>almost win game
>purposely int at the last moment and lose the game to see my teams reaction
if he turned around behind him it would a 360 dumbfuck
>not reporting everyone on both teams and leaving as soon as the match start
c'mon frogposter step it up
>bothering to report people
>encouraging developers to keep enforcing faggot censorship
I bet you guys think you're cool
>carry the team
>they're disgraceful/don't follow instructions
>stay afk on late game just to see them lose
>See someone announcing their report
>Report it
>match starts
>say that the image of putin portraying a monkey is real funny
>get killed by kgb
Why the hell is this thread pinned?
>TF2 casual server, grinding for my JI contracts
>someone starts a vote against me for being AFK
>it goes through
>I wasn't AFK
I'm still fucking pissed
I laughed and shouldn't have.
>10 years old kid says hi
>"shut up gaylord"
I miss this...
>match starts
>leave match
>come back after 10 minutes
>game ends
>claim my rewards
>kid says
>vote kick him and it goes through
>Only 52+1 replies
Yea Forums is dead.
>Playing TF2
>3 hours stalemate in 2fort
>Finally I get the intel and escape their side
>Team starts cheering in voice chat, they start doing stupid shit like conga lines and random taunts
>I arrive to the intel room but I intstead run back into the red base
>Team starts flipping in its shit
>Make it all the way to red's intel room before getting killed
>Get vote kicked
>game has avoid feature like overwatch
>avoid all the shittiest 80% on both teams
>soar to the highest ranks
I found a way to use your soi cuck mechanics to my advantage.
>Lose game at bottom of leaderboard
>Add friend the entire enemy team
>Join the one of their matches
>Team Kill
>join match
>act like a stereotypical nigguh
>when my teamates talk shit, report them for raycisums
>write up whole story about how I felt like white supremacy was forcing me out of my safe space
>player reports some people
>send him an automated notice thanking him for reporting and that the problem has been dealt with
>player shares notice on reddit
>the retards there actually praise us and throw more money at us
kys zoomer
HOLY SHIT sticky
>report cyrillics
>get a thank you note next time i log in for helping clean up the game
>play chivalry medieval warfare
>see teammate archer in his position firing at enemies
>go behind him and kick him, then run away immediately
>sometimes they just catch me and kick me back
>say "Sorry" and run away pretending to play the objective
>once he's settles back into shooting at enemies, I go and kick him again
>pony username joins team
>Mute Mike and refuse to support them
>match is about to end
>start a votekick on literally everyone in the match
There was a retarded guy i knew that did exactly the same thing
>mention that we should kick the guy who is pulling sub optimal dps
>start a vote on the retarded guy who sleighted me at the beginning instead
>everyone just clicks yes immediately instead of reading it
>frogposter starts thread
>call him "based"
>actually reported and saged his thread
>12 year olds on CS:GO wont shut up
>I start flirting with them
>immediate silence
>Healer is friendly and has been doing an amazing job.
>Kick them before the last boss and 4 man it with the DPS.
are you a female or was it girl
No to both questions
they're both boys you dunce
Why would he flirt with 12 years old boy?
>he doesn't know
Imagine being so low IQ you kill the best thread on this board currently.
because he's an offending pedophile and lusts after little boys
I only like white people
Black guy asked to borrow my bucket once. I refused because he is black
>gets killed
>reports person who killed me for "having an unfair advantage"
>when I get questioned, I say they were a group of friends and we were all strangers
>never get in trouble
>one of them got warned and messaged me about it (I told him I reported him ingame lmao)
>thinking anyone will actually hear that
>if it does go trough it probably sounds more like "ahem NIGHBBBFFFER"
>Even if they catch it they're either not gonna care or just feel better about it
It really just backfires every way you look at it. Nigger isn't even a wow word anymore.
all fags are pedos
>join match
>start masturbating
>someone mention to kick me
>vote kick that faggot
>everyone click yes
Religion of peace strikes again
There is a janitor among us...
I've seen people do that on purpose, they'll wait for the contract complete message to pop up and then kick to make them lose all progress.
>enter game
>everyone votes me out
>ask to report a troll
>everyone reports me instead
Everyone in this thread should kill himself. Do this world a favour.
Poor janny never saw it coming
No u
>Enter match
>I'm lagging so hard my opponent kills himself to avoid playing against me.
Thats the niggerest thing you can do. Why fuck the guy who stood by you when you were surrounded by faggots?
Still hilarious, though
>Enter thread
>Post my favourite meme: Pepe the Frog
To make them uncomfortable and stop being annoying
>be assfucking enemy midlaner
>start flamming them on /all and spamming gestures mocking them everytime they make a mistake
In the game or irl?
>Mother brings visitors into my room
>Show them the frog folder.
>Teammate flames you
>They're on the enemy team next game
>annoying idiot joins the game
>hes retarded
>votekick him
>votekick fails
>he gets mad and votekicks you
>votekick succeeded
>me and the boys all join the same solo deathmatch or battle royale lobby
>work as a team
>match begins
>mass report and DDoS everyone in the lobby on both teams
>play rainbow six
>say hello to team over coms
>every says hi
>some roastie wannabe cutie says "hi guys"
>nobody responds
>keeps being annoying and loud through the match
>give shitty callout and tries to be funny
>can her her beef curtains flap everytime her mic is on
>tell her she's loud and ask her if she could be quiet
>guy on team says "who? The girl? oh I already muted her"
>another guy responds saying "yeah me too"
>roastie stays quiet the rest of the match
>create a competitive lobby
>invite people only my rank or higher
>if more than 5 join kick the lowest ones
>Create WoW PUG raid
>Things are going slow, only people joining have no achievements/required item level
>Invite them anyway to fill up the slot till high level people join
>Kick low level people when we are full
>poster agrees with me
>attack him anyways
>playing in a match of randoms
>mute and report anyone who says anything to me
Based, to be quite honest with you famalamilia.
break the system
If everyone gets reported, nobody gets reported
>join dead fightan game room
>multiple giga niggers with 2000+ matches while I barely have 100 on my main
>close game
>match ends
>we lose
>report enemy player who says "gg"
>get destroyed by the same guy on the enemy team over and over again
>kill him once
>type "lmao get wrecked faggot"
>leave game
>two guys having an argument in chat
>a third guy tries to break up the fight
>I tell the third guy to shut the fuck up
>two people arguing
>I start screaming and blowing air in the mic until they both shut up
>they stop arguing and both start to scream and blow air in their mics
I will be stealing this idea
>arguing with some retard who is wrong and I am right
>some other retard tells me to stop
>keep arguing with original retard
Based as FUCK
>enemy player kills me
>report him
>got to the point where all grils are roastie
>automatically hostile to gril
I get the average girl is annoying as fuck in online vidya but damn son, thats just brutal
>Two anons on Yea Forums are arguing
>Pretend to be one of them and make their argument sound retarded
>Other user believes I'm actually him
>Thread derails
>be me girl
>enter thread
Enjoy your shit thread now.
kek, fucking based
>two posters are arguing with each other post after post even though they have the same opinion
See this shit pretty often
Lmao it's like he's refusing to look at his son. One day he's gonna snap
>spelling out nigger in morse code in steel diver sub wars
No matter what game i play, I purposely start political wars or religious ones. I'll make one simple comment like, "Trump is an idiot" or "Muslims don't belong in America".
Then everybody just starts throwing their shit each other all match and I'm crying laughing with my mic off. Afterwards I often wonder when people will just start killing each other since tensions are so high.
nothing is worse than an idiot who agrees with you
I remember you posting about this shit right after jungle inferno came out
>not playing PvP games
>not playing MMOs
>just playing coop games with friends
Feels good to now waste my time
This had me bust out laughing harder than I should have.
It's not the same without the music
Source on video? That's insanely cute
This channel youtube.com
wasnt there a guy that got banned in the middle of a pro tournament cause someone reported him?
Thanks user.
too much if a pussy for pvp/multiplayer games?
Back when I used to play Siege I was in a voice call with a bunch of friends and we were doing Hostage. Game is intense back and forth and gets to overtime, we're defending. My sweaty friends are spawnpeeking and get the game to 5v1, ez win for us. I suddenly execute the hostage. I don't know why I did it Yea Forums but I bathed in rage that night and now, even like a year later, none of them play the hostage mode.
>someone curses
>reported for toxicity
Oh my god thats so based can we get it to bump limit?
>mute everyone in the server
>blare loud nigra at full volume through my mic
I don't do it for the reactions. It just makes me feel better knowing that its there.
>one guy offline
>vote kick random player who's active
>people kick him thinking he's the offline guy
>guy kills me 77 times on 1v1 map
>kill him once
>type "ez pz" and leave
I always get evil whispers from satan to do this, but so far I haven't acted them out.
>votekick myself
>type in chat he's been griefing me
>It passes
>first time playing a competitive game
>buy diamond account
>play competitive soloq
they're just too boring
>Effectively lose
>GG and leave when they see the advantage and move in for the kill
>Effectively win
>Have to hunt down and destroy 90% of their buildings before they leave without a word
SC2 bronze league boys, where we at?
>2v2 playing as terran
>lift the base and hover above empty space on the far corner of the map
>not "good luck having fun"
>join game
>start playing massacres and other fucked up shit over the mic
>rush with shotgun even though team is losing by a lot
>always get 2(two) kills at least
>team still loses
>blames me
>no white knights defending her