Will you be buying her tired, low-effort game?
Will you be buying her tired, low-effort game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course. You have a reason why I shouldn't?
Nah, the national dex being excluded pushed me over the edge. The girls are all pretty cute, but I’m not going to give 64 dollars to a lazy beta.
>no national dex
>no Megas
>no Z-moves
No thanks.
Absolutely not. I haven't played pokemon since pokemon x and y and ORAS because they keep fucking shit up
They didn't even bother improving the games mechanics since gen 4.
Gen 3 was when the series started to go downhill gen 4 and 5 brought it up then gen 6 started the downfall again
if it includes her yes
My last pokemon game was silver on the GBC, so I dont give a fuck about national dex. Game looks fun
absolutely not
>people shit all over Mega Evolutions and Z Moves relentlessly
>finally get removed
>people throw massive tantrums and cry about them being gone
only nufags give a shit about the national dex.
The real problem is that they keep pumping out new mons every other year instead of fixing all the broken,retarded and lackluster ones that already exist.
Also this shit clearly shows that Pokemon Go made them think they could get away with anything now, people that played pokemon since gen 1 have been eternally BTFO
>They didn't even bother improving the games mechanics since gen 4.
Which mechanics and how do they need improvements?
Can I take off her shoes and socks?
>that one copy pasta
>instead of fixing all the broken,retarded and lackluster ones that already exist
Not every Pokemon is going to be viable for competitive. Do you really want Caterpie to be able to stand equally with Arceus?
how many times do we gotta tell you it's the contrarian board, either that or they never realize how much they actually love something till it's taken away.
Can someone post she getting matting press?
No. Thought it looked underwhelming from the reveal trailer and every bit of info afterwards has made the game look even worse.
why do people get awarded so much in neetbux that they can throw it away on shitty pokemon games
No. I don't even bother to watch the trailers anymore.
Of course I will. I have neither any self-respect nor high standards and know that I will enjoy the game anyways.
no but i will play it wink wink
National dex patch post-release, or an app that can store your pokemon without deleting them if you don't pay a subscription. The gamecube had it, the Wii had it, make one for the switch and I'll give less of a fuck about the national dex cut.
I am guilty of buying both versions of every game since RSE going forward, not buying either of these until this is fixed.
I can deal with shitty visuals. and the abortion that is Impdimp, and all the same crap that I've put up with for years now, I wasn't expecting that shit to get better. I wouldn't even pirate these games out of spite because that would require me to own them in one way or another.
then call me a nufag because not even having the option to use certain Pokemon is a deal breaker
Do we even know what all is in the Galar Pokedex?
So far we only know about 219 pokemon who are in.
Ill wait for whatever the sequel / remake is called and if they add the ability to transfer in pokemon from home into the national dex, Ill buy it.
Not a reason
>gets replaced by something even more low effort
Not if you enjoy Game Freak fucking you in the ass while Masuda and Ohmori tell you it's just a lower back massage.
>not matching blue pokemon with blue sword icon
One fucking job
Lost interest after USUM. I'll just take my gen 4 remakes and leave.
>remove a shitty mechanic
>implement an even shittier mechanic that only hackers will have access to instead
Thanks for posting for me
Yes. I want to spite poketards.
Yeah buddy that's totally it.
The new Pokemon games actually look amazing. All of the criticism for the games is made to troll a perfectly good game, and is completely unfounded.
Gamefreak is really breaking new grounds here with their innovation and passion for the franchise.
I never said that, just talking about what he said about the mega evolutions.
Figures someone who uses that meme would be one to jump the gun.
And the point has also been made here that Mega-evolution is a hell of a lot better than dynamaxing.
I need to see more.
The new gimmick looks lazy and I keep seeing lame excuses for low quality production.
I mean, that's basically what I was getting at.
People complained about mega evolutions for years, but now suddenly want them back after they're actually gone, hence why I thought it sounded contrarian. But to be honest, I don't blame them, it 'is' more thought out than Dynamaxing. It's like for every new feature they introduce, a sequel brings in a bastardized replacement or scraps it entirely.
I'll do it for her!
>people shit all over Mega Evolutions and Z Moves relentlessly
>they get replaced by a combination of both
Whoa! Amazing new feature!
>Everyone online that's not me is one person!
Day 1? No.
Used Copy or Pirate? Maybe later down the line but it's not on the top of my priorites
Imagine paying $60 for a game which barely steps up and has features locked to paid online.
Rather go finish my Black/Black2 runs or start Emerald.
I can't even care about the new pokegirls anymore.
People weren't bitching at the existence of mega evolutions, but the implementation
I havent bought a pokemon game since gen 3 so no
I don't get it.
What is wrong with you people?
Only hackers can use Dynamaxing?
Pokegirls > any other vidya girls
>people shit all over Mega Evolutions and Z Moves relentlessly
I only remember people complaining Megas were just copying digimon and Z moves looked dumb because of the dances.
I know, they all wanted it to be permanent actual evolutions, which would actually fuck over several of the Pokemon like Garchomp.
>girls you barely interact with
>over anyone
Jesus man, gen 7 porn's great and all + gen 1 nostalgia faps, but get some taste
I get that, but buying a $60 game for what you could just get from the internet?
Only hackers will have access to perfectly raised gigantimaxed Pokemon.
>friend and I both agree the game doesn't look good
>friend still is going to buy it because "everyone else is anyway"
Buy Temtem instead.
very poor taste user
Yes, I'll keep supporting GF's bad games like nothing is wrong, if that means they'll stay lazy and uncreative.
>Low effort
>Rebuilding all the pokemon included in this game
>Being on the SWITCH rather than a cheap 3ds system
>Introducing more mechanics and gameplay than most other games
>Looks 100x better than any pokemon game so far
Yeah, really low effort. We get it, you all dont like pokemon anymore. Stop bitching and move on with your lives
>Introducing more mechanics and gameplay than most other games
You had me up til here
>>no Megas
>>no Z-moves
This is one of the best things to come out of the game. Cope harder.
So like with all Pokemon games only hackers will have access to perfect IV max EV-trained Pokemon. How is this a specific knock against Dynamaxing?
>>implement an even shittier mechanic
It's not shittier though. It seems that you're just butthurt that you don't get your ebin dbz button press anymore.
nigga they're the same models they've used since gen 6
I don't give a fuck. The wine point of new mons in a new region is to beat them with my gen 1 superior Pokemon team
>Rebuilding all the pokemon included in this game
>Introducing more mechanics and gameplay than most other games
Oh come on now. You can't be that dense.
>being this delusional
Listen, new things are always bad and things always become good the moment they become old ebcause of new thing.
>literally zero hype
Little Town Hero is destined to flop
Why bother playing any games past Gen 1 if you're just going to be autistic?
She looks like she fucks pokémon
Instead you get inflatable pokemon that mixes the two things into one. Truly the best thing ever
To be fair, even GF knows that gutting gen 1 from the regional dex would be suicidal considering how it's been like since gen 6
don't think you know what that phrase means
Imagine for a moment being a grown man around his 35 years playing a pokemon game that main focus are little kids
It's mega evolving with less options, less Pokemon, and broken Z-moves tied to the form change. If you thought mega evolving was polarizing, this is going to be even worse.
Imagine for a moment being a grown man around his 35 years playing video games
Imagine for a moment being a grown man around his 35 years
Try researching. Thats literally the reason "much national dex" isnt in the game because they literally would need to redo every single pokemon model if they were to be included. I figured you would know why you guys dont like this game with how much hatred you all have.
>It's mega evolving with less options
Last time I checked only 30 or so Pokemon had Mega Evolutions, while all Pokemon can Dynamax.
Imagine for a moment being a grown man
>he believes shitfreak's lies
oh nononono
Why would you dynamax a random shitmon when you can gigantimax your Drednaw or Alcremie for far superior moves and potentially higher stats?
this. good idea horrible execution, shit like salamence and garchomp didnt need fucking megas
also almost all of them look like shit too
I also like to post mistranslations that were proven wrong months ago.
Dynamax is better because any pokemon can do it.
I don't give a shit about your competive balance
Still not buying this garbage though.
I don't know, why would you want to waste a Mega Evolution on something like Altaria or Garchomp?
I havent played a Pokemon game since gen 3. I'm kinda thinking about buying this but everyone keeps saying its shit.
I will. Never cared about completing the national dex and making the obnoxious faggots whining about it fly into a frothing autistic rage is just a nice side effect.
That's a Croc of shit, the last gen models were designed to be usable in the next gen.
Mega Altaria and Garchomp gain new abilities and enhanced stats to justify their use. Whereas if you dynamax a regular Pokemon, you aren't getting anything. You're just getting more HP and some inferior z-moves. It really wouldn't be nearly as bad if gigantimaxing didn't exist.
But user, don't you know that gigantmaxing =/=dynamaxing
>isnt in the game because they literally would need to redo every single pokemon model if they were to be included.
I cannot wait for datamining to see if it's just retextures or they actually threw away then gen 6/7 models for no great reason.
White Women fucking dogs
I don't care about low quality animations either!
Game Freak bootlickers WILL defend this
>Game looks so bad even Arlo, Nintendo's professional cock sucker, made a video criticizing Game Freak.
Yeah nah.
You're retarded or trolling.
I haven't given a shit about Pokémon since gold and silver, but why is this a problem?
Am i the only one who thinks Mingey would be a perfect name if it wasnt already Gloria.
Only gen 1 and gen 2 are good. Born in 1990 btw.
>or an app that can store your pokemon without deleting them if you don't pay a subscription.
Do we even know if Home is subscription based?
Garchomp also loses his most vital asset, his speed.
Of course not since it's Nintendo. I am excited for any fan products that are playable on PC or on Emulators, though!
"I'm not trolling, but here's a troll image that doesn't actually make a point and is just used to try and shut down other peoples points without addressing them".
Sadly, no. Been playing since the original Red and Blue, but Gamefreak murdered my enthusiasm. If the last two gens weren't shitshows I would have been willing to give it a chance. But I have no faith left. The bridges are burned and, after SM especially, I just can't get excited for Pokemon anymore. If I ever get the urge to play again I'm fine just replaying gen 5.
>"We're making lots of new animations"
>recycles an old, bad talking animation
>even slaps it onto the new rival
To be fair he's been progressively becoming less and less of a blind bootlicker over the past year or so. He just recently had a video absolutely shitting on Nintendo for the Joycon drift situation and straight up declared that Nintendo's build quality and their silence surrounding the issue is 100% unacceptable.
A Switch game using the same animations as a 3DS game for one of the largest video game franchises?
I don't see a problem.
>Gotta catch 1/3 the bestiary!
Why was Pokémon LGPE not a problem for porting the models, but SwSh is?
Does the image hit a little too close to home?
>Do we even know if Home is subscription based?
I'm surprised we don't even know anything yet
When they were damage controlling about the restrictions, they said that they'd try to make higher quality animations now that they're on the switch, so now everyone's scrutinising it since stuff's getting reused from prior games or it's still pretty half assed, even with human animations.
If it actually turns out to be good, then yeah. That is a very big if, though.
Because GameFreak/fans didn't lie about the models being totally redone for LGPE. They did for SS, however.
Bestiary makes it sounds like she fucks them
>Gotta catch 'em all
Stopped being a thing with Gen 3 since it forced you to buy spinoffs to even have a chance of doing that.
I'm not going to abandon a franchise I love just because of one or two installments are mediocre to bad. I'm going to enjoy all the neat pokemon.
Are you hype for Sun/Moon HD? Why the fuck haven't you preordered the double pack yet? It's only $120 and you get a cool gold studded bag cosmetic
I think it's a safe assumption given what we do know about home, and how Bank already works
If it's not a charged service, that's good, but if they started charging for bank, and home is supposed to be a differently branded thing that does the same thing, it's going to work similarly in price as well. Most sources I've read seem to assume this as well, though.
Kanto cuckolder
>Ugh! Don't be such an entitled manchild and buy Sword and Shield.
Omg Pokemon games follow the same formula!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
>The fucktard never played Sun and Moon on how asinine they were.
Stop being disingenuous if you want people to take your point seriously.
I think the complaints about GF are valid and should be vocalized. I think people who are unable to communicate through anything other than constant sarcastic derision are why the discussion has gone quiet in the general community because nobody wants to talk to people about someone who can only communicate through sarcastic derision.
I agree with the point, but I hope you're aware that you're why nobody cares at this point now.
Sword looks like a 3DS game, nigger
Lack of National Dex is inexcusable no matter how you slice it, but seriously how the fuck are genwunners still a thing
You are 35. I aged out of Pokemon at 16.
All those games on the top built off the last and improved mechanically. While we agree XY sucked, the theoretical Z remake with more to do and more improvements would have bumped it up to the level of the games before it. ORAS was low effort and gets tons of hate. SM was meh and ultra changes did nothing for Alola, getting it even more hate. So no standards did not begin with Sword and Shield.
The only thing it has over Sun/Moon is a higher native rendering resolution
your opinion is irrelevant when presented in that format and you will never live a satisfying life
have a nice day and thanks in advance for the (You)
they haven't done third games in a long fucking time, you'll be waiting forever.
just like me.
If you actually kept buying after G/S/C youre a complete manchild and should take your autism in any form it comes. Play better games and this wouldnt be a problem.
No, but I do want to marry her and help her run away from her shitty franchise
Who was the cute girl Team Rocket/Magma/Aqua/Galactic/Plasma/Flare was obsessed with?
Who was the brown energetic kid who sucked your cock in gens 1-6?
The plot twist villain?
The regional forms that add dark type?
It's just become the easiest way to communicate my distaste with both the Pokemon and the apologetic fans that are completely fine with the state of a series I once loved.
Also, when you're on Yea Forums, making the same argument over and over again with the same idiots, thread after thread. It gets to the point where falling on an image like that or being sarcastic become more efficient, than argueing with people who are more likely to be disingenuous shitposters or falseflaggers.
>just because of one or two installments are mediocre to bad
But the last two were already bad and one would think GF would throw all their effort at such an important game and step into the franchise's future.
This isn't even being developed by their main team.
No. This time I'm not going to be weak and sneak away and buy it anyway. The lack of the national dex was just too much of Game Freak's fucking greed to be acceptable.
Vote with your wallet!
>It's just become the easiest way to communicate my distaste with both the Pokemon and the apologetic fans that are completely fine with the state of a series I once loved.
Then don't bother.
Don't pretend you're making a point if you recognise you're just being a dick about it.
No I'll keep doing it.
I'll buy an extra one for you.
But I liked Pokemon X
I liked Pokemon Ultra Moon
So why wouldn't I like this?
only if she let me suck her toes
It was technically never possible, you always needed a friend to trade with or multiple games (and gen 2 needed multiple gen 1 games AND gen 2 games). And they used that slogan in gen 6 at least.
You could still eventually have all released Pokemon in a single game, though.
lol no
after a long time of not playing pokemon since Emerald, i came back to Moon and it's still a lazy series
how do you fags still play this?
The main problem with Pokemon right now is that pretty much since X and Y, they've ramped up production and have done so in a way that has tanked the quality of the games. You'd expect the jump from X/Y/OR/AS to S/M/US/UM to be about as big as, say from D/P/Pt to B/W/B2/W2 in terms of stuff like animation quality and so on. Basically, moving from the 3DS to the Switch SHOULD be a massive leap in every regard, and not only do we not have that, but we're starting to have things taken away as well, ostensibly in the name of focusing on the quality of what remains. That's why people are mad. Basically, it's barely improved from the 3DS titles, with a rather sparse-looking overworld being the only real improvement from the confined routes of the past titles. But the Pokemon look exactly the same, the animations are still slight wiggles instead of actual dynamic motion. I'm not even asking for a pokemon to run up to the opponent and bite or scratch them or whatever, but consider how good the Stadium titles, Colosseum, and Battle Revolution looked in motion. That's what people wanted and with the game moving to Switch, it's what they were expecting. Basically, the improvements are barely improvements, many improvements you'd expect with a hardware jump aren't present, and things are being removed instead. If you don't get why people who are long time fans and may have even excused stuff like Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon are finally getting fed up, you're a fool.
You may enjoy them, but there's a drop in quality that is tangible to many. Even between SuMo and USUM, many things got worse from the story all the way to the RotomDex's implementation. Few things improved and the biggest things were unnecessary.
What would it take for you to quit the franchise, if all SwSh's red flags haven't put you off?
No one is being disingenuous by bringing up Pokemon fan's rabid consumerism and corporate brand loyalty.
imagine the cheese
I'm a DQ fan after playing the demo.
Pick any town. More soul put into it than all of the towns in Sun and Moon combined. It looks even better than any of the towns revealed in SWSH too.
Also I love Platypunk and Sham Hatwich.
>Seeing SW/SH next to SUMO
God this game looks so good.
shouldn't you be glad, then, that people are finally waking up to the bullshit? I mean it's that or they're not as blind as you thought and outside of Yea Forums where people shit on everything popular, they actually liked some of this stuff? Hell this thread only exists now in the way it does is because the public opinion is swaying against Gamefreak. If they were just as excited as ever, this thread would be "You're not REALLY buying another Pokemon game, are you?" and all the things people are rightfully criticising now would be brought up.
dq, like pokemon, hasn't changed a bit since their first fucking game. unlike pokemon though, they put a modicum of effort into their games
honestly, if they put some fucking effort in, a lot of Sw/Sh towns could easily look like the DQ towns.
maybe Squeenix will make a new Dragon Quest Monsters
Yeah, proper 3D games are more complex and time-intensive to develop, yet GF still keeps the same schedule as always (a release every or every two years).
As a result, the games keep getting worse, because they lack the time to develop a proper game.
Not to mention GF is honestly not that good at developing games, if the shit with S/M and having a copy of Lillie for each area because they couldn't code the game properly and call her from a single file.
Dextrannies buy pokemon because it's pokemon.
But now, they don't buy it because some pokemon are removed.
And even more sad, these people praise lazy turd-looking games like Mario Odyssey, BotW, Dragon Quest (switch version) or Fire Emblem.
These people are truly NPCs.
>DQ hasn't changed a bit since their first fucking game.
at least play the games you're trying to shitpost about
but I don't like mario odyssey, dragon quest or fire emblem
You're right, SM looked great for a handheld. A shame the console game that comes right after is a bleak, muddled mess in comparison.
haha funny joke!
>It's mega evolving with less options
Pokemon Sword and Shield's region, Galar, is rendered in a gentle style that is fantastical, immersive, and gorgeous. There are dozens of locations that you can visit, each with its own visual style and population of varying degrees of helpful NPCs. You can figure out where you are in the world by the landscape or architecture. As with so much of Sword and Shield, the scope seems enormous and deep but turns out to be limited and fairly shallow.
All of those towns and locations you visit are unique - there's the farm themed city, the industrial themed city - and beautiful. Every city is populated with NPCs you can talk yo, and each of them has something unique to say. But after visiting a few of them, it becomes clear that their individuality is not much deeper than a reskin. Every town has a Pokemon Center, clothing shop, a Gym, and produce shop, and not much else. All the lavish detail that goes into making the beautiful towns fades into the background when you’re only there as a stepping stone.
Every city is a stepping stone because Galar isn’t actually open for you to explore: Sword and Shield aren't linear games. You can always go backward to revisit places you’ve been — to do some shopping or pick up some side quests — but you’re never free to just explore and discover on your own.
>rocks over rain
>"""far superior"""
ah so you're just a 1000 ELO shitter, that explains things.
>durff why would you ever use mega audino or abomasnow when you could use mega salamence, kanga, or gengar instead?
Nearly all of those tropes have appeared in the series before Sun and Moon, and you're desperately grasping with the last one. Did you also have a fit when old worthless gen 1 pokemon were retconned to be fairy types?
nice image, your opinion no longer matters
Gloria is HUGE!!!!!!!!!
Lmao at your life
already didn't get ultra and lets go, I'm out of pokemon
it won't make a difference and they will make cash, but at least I'm free
>h-he bullied my super saiyan overdesigned form changes so his opinion no longer m-matters!
I don't think the game looks bad at all. I'm open to seeing a curated dex and think the graphics are fine. The only thing that will dissuade me from buying it is if there's less than 100 new Pokemon.
That’s not a problem, but its appearance is somewhat deceptive. Locations like lavish-looking cities are invariably little more than waypoints, existing only to move you to your next destination. Beyond beautiful visual variation, they lack depth. Sure, there are townsfolk to speak to, Pokemon to fight and items to collect along the way if you want to, but they feel insignificant. And Sword and Shield won’t progress until you finish walking through the town corridor and unlock the gate to the next area. Too often, I found myself rushing past intricately detailed locations just to get to the next waypoint.
All of the world-building that went into creating Erdrea illustrates the trouble I had with Sword and Shield. It’s clearly a lovingly crafted game, full of detail in a rich world, but all that detail exists on top of the game. It pushes the experience from fully realized toward overcomplicated.
That overcomplication stands out — and becomes a problem — because, at its heart, Sword and Shield are simple games. Your progression through the main storyline is linear and (literally) heavily gated. You have to manage your team's abilities and items, but you never control their base stats, just their special abilities and what moves they do the most damage with. NPCs are always full of hints about where to go next, so you’re never lost. The various gym battles make sure you’re prepared to progress to the next area and its more challenging Pokemon. It’s a game that leads you by the hand (or the nose, depending on your mood) through a relatively narrow path, but that path is so stuffed with things of little to no consequence that it starts to feel claustrophobic.
No but his second evolution shouldn’t be a pile if shit
present yourself in a way that's worth taking seriously
>stop being entitled
>ree where is my real time combat
Most of the new Pokemon games carry at least 500 shitters
This game is bound to be the same, despite allegedly having a larger OC cast compared to Sun/Moon and X/Y.
This shit reeks of plain laziness and Gamefreak can go fuck themselves.
Only if you can bully Marnie in it
Sword/Shield is an old JRPG updated for today’s audience and modern hardware. And as comfortable and familiar as that might feel, it may actually be to the game’s detriment. Yes, it ran flawlessly on my Switch and rendered Galar beautifully, but something just feels wasted playing a text menu-based game on my big TV. Yes, pressing a button to advance dialogue is pretty standard in the genre, but it turns cutscenes into tiresome quick-time events instead of a cinematic moment.
A lot of my complaints are about the core conceits. The graphics and scope, while updated, are grafted onto a frail and aging skeleton. The huge map that amounts to hallways, the NPCs with endlessly frivolous dialogue, and the incessant load screens all point to an update — in hardware and software — rather than an evolution. Sword.Shield is a beautiful example of what a JRPG can be after 30 years of lovingly guided evolution. Its success is irrevocably tethered to those decades of development, though, and that means you probably already know if this is a game for you. If you’re not already one of the faithful, Sword/Shield is unlikely to make you a convert.
Just buy it
The Switch may be hacked but its limited to owners from 2017-early 2018 which is a small percentage of the Switch population.
By the time the game is out the number of hackers will be so few compared to legit players. Most of these hackers will keep to themselves since going online will nuke their Switch and NNID.
Finally, a wojak of reason
I'd like to think I've been reasonable, also didn't buy Sun/Moon.
So Pokefags think that more content is bad
All pokemon games are formulaic repeats of gen 1 you fucking retard.
>durff grass/fire/water starter just like bulbasaur/charmander/squirtle!
>durff childhood rival just like Blue!
>durff 8 gyms and elite four just like indigo league!
>durff evil team just like team rocket!
>durff early game bird shitmon just like Pidgey!
>durff electric type cheek rodent just like Pikachu!
It's fucking incredible how Pokemon fans lack this much self awareness, and then suddenly pretend to be "woke" just because fucking Stantler was cut from the game.
>seires composed of low effort rushed games
>now suddenly a problem because, despite never being able to catch every pokemon in any other previous entry, them telling you it won't be possible is the last straw
Pokefags are so delusional it's almost impressive. Go back to your containment board.
>locally trade hackmon to non-hacked switch
wow it's soooooooooo hard
This weak wojak forgets that people shat on Ruby/Sapphire for not having a transfer method as well as shitting on it for being a piss poor region. Diamond/Pearl were also shat on for being slow as hell and being even weaker than 3rd gen. Black/White was also shat on for mostly its uninspired Pokemon designs and every game since Gen VI was shat on one way or another since they're all objectively poor Pokemon games.
I swing by /vp/ because making fun of Pokemon is low-hanging fruit
Casual reminder that OP has wasted MONTHS of his life shitposting about this game and it will still get released to rave reviews and high sales.
I stopped buying at Sun and Moon
Hackers are poorfags, they're not shelling out $300 for another Switch.
The point of owning a release day Switch is the ability to no longer pay for games at the expense of losing online functions.
The poorfags will wait for the Switch Pro if they ever want a brand new Switch but the number of people doing that just for Pokemon is even smaller.
You first. "Thing good because it existed in old game" isn't an argument.
>, them telling you it won't be possible is the last straw
It's great isn't it?
A lot more people only started realising that most of the shit that went on since gen 6 onwards was bullshit too, you'd see the same complaints but it was fewer in number until they somehow pissed off the sheep with the dex thing.
>there are people who buy games purely for the waifus
The lowest kind of scum. Porn will be made of them regardless, you can just fap to that. Sword and Shield will be garbage despite the fact that normies and bootlickers will eat it up and the series will continue to fall and be garbage because GF knows it can get away with anything and still make bank
>despite never being able to catch every pokemon in any other previous entry
user that has been a thing you can do in every single game, most just have to be transferred in..
It's not about catching those pokemon in every single installment of the game, it's about them outright not being available by any means, including their likely-to-be paid service designed specifically so you can transfer your shit forward from game to game
not everyone who hacks a console is a poorfag, though, some will pirate only single player game to save money and still play multiplayer stuff otherwise. Having a switch for hacking and a switch for online play pays for itself as soon as you pirate 10 Single player games
Of course not. You have a reason why I should?
>maybe Squeenix will make a new Dragon Quest Monsters
they are already making one with some of DQ11's characters. Probably more info at TGS or after DQ11s release.
No, I'll just be enjoying all of the porn.
Nice. Hope they do a good job.
DQ is national heritage there so expect it to be good
Yeah I'm aware but the spinoffs don't always have the same level of effort as the main series games. Granted more than Pokemon in either respect but it could just be meh
Both Monsters and Builders have been top tier spinoffs though.
The existence of mega evolutions was retarded too, but they somehow managed to botch the execution as well.
Why is she so perfect?
So much clothes
I was going to until it was confirmed she wears shorts under her dress thing
She wears black spats. They can bee seen in one of the trailers.
Yep, I'm buyin' it.
For one short battle, then you won't see her anymore in the game.
How did this happen?
for the price of s&s you can creampie one cheap teenage british hooker
Pokemon hasn’t changed since its inception. Literally the same game with a new coat of paint every other year. So nah, it’s not worth my time.
>gets replaced by something even more low effort
>returning to kaiju roots is low effort
Yeah but will she dress up like this first?
need to be in uk innit?
Hence why they are cutting Pokemon now, because it's reached the point where the level of quality drop is unacceptable and sacrifices are having to be made. Is it really that confusing?
Whats the appeal of playing Pokemon past childhood? I've only played gen 1 and gen 2.
the cunny
I bought the rest of the tired low-effort games in her series so I don’t see why I should discriminate now
>if the shit with S/M and having a copy of Lillie for each area
Post discarded.
Of course. She's cute.
>amazing graphics and quality
>peerless animations that Masuda promised
Which there are not.
>this image has been spammed several times a week for the past three months
She's not a loli retard
When the fuck was this promised
Just google it.
>increasing model size = epic kaiju action
>content has been drying up as the years go by
>games have become increasingly railroaded with tired, repetitive storylines
>people start throwing a bitchfit ONLY when you can't have your livingdex in the game
ha ha ha
What happened to this franchise? Was Masuda pissed that the gaijin didn't like Gen 5?
I saw improved graphics and animations never ever "unparalleled" or anything implying they're trying to get it up to current gen standards.
Doublekick and other multihit moves have always done that to save time.
Because Pokemon has a waifu gacha game now. Now not only is every pokemon a product, but every pokemon trainer is also a product so they can put in more effort to make you want to spend money on their phone game to collect your pokemon waifus.
He's never been a drone, what the fuck are you fags talking about?
The black one seems the hottest
She clearly is you delusional pedophile.
Idk guys, are they supposed to make their characters ugly on purpose or what? Leave that to the west.
>current gen standards
>Charizard and other dynamax fire Pokémon does not shoot fire from their mouths
>Blastoise does not shoot water from his cannons
She's too old you mongoloid. Lolis are much younger.
>no Sun and Moon
what did he meme by this
I just want to look up her skirt.
I bet she'd let me.
Keep up that cope pedo. No one gives a fuck. You're a degenerate.
I have played one. I didn't really like it. parcheesi was ok though
Looks like a 3ds game on a modern console. Fuck that.
Not an argument. Fuck all you ironic weebs for labelling every anime girl as loli.
Don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to this thread.
Keep coping you retarded bitch
That's what I just fucking said you moron, better animations means better than previously in Pokemon not up to current gen standards.
No one is arguing about memory you retard
>previously in Pokémon
Idiot here, doesn't known there were two 3d titles alongside the 2d ones
Then put all the Pokemon in.
any pokemon could use z moves
inflating your pokemon just makes them use z moves for three turns
you obviously don't understand the core of the problem as far as balance when it comes to Pokemon. Power creep is nothing new but Z moves being a fix to power creep was entirely stupid. Because giving every Pokemon a nuke just means that the better Pokemon get even more better. Top tier Pokemon will always get more leverage out of Z moves then weaker Pokemon of a similar archetype. Why would I ever use z-move Jolteon over z-move Tapu Koko when Tapu Koko is better in every way other than the fact that I really like Jolteon?
You think cutting the Pokedex and throwing in Dynamax will fix the issue but it wont. The only thing that changes is who is on the top. Dynamax will not be enough just suddenly make Butterfree into an OU Pokemon
Gen 1 - 3 are pokemon
rest is utter dogshit.
No, I won't. I've played every game since gen 1 and this is the first time that I legitimately have no interest. If I can't catch them all I don't give a fuck. I didn't play gen 3 until Emerald/FR/LG either.
Call me when you can catch them all again Masuda, you fucking hack.
I wanted megas and Z moves removed. I don't mind that there is no national dex, SM didn't have one either. I DO mind that you cant transfer or use pokemon not in the national dex into the game. That is patently bullshit and there is no reason for it besides them gating pokemon to make more money selling the next game.
Some of the megas of shitmon like Mawile should just be balanced and made into normal evolutions. Shit like MegaMence never deserved to exist. Megas should have been purely limited to starters and all starters should have had one.
gtfo zoomer
>he didn't play BW totally blind and experience gen 1 for the second time
I'm sorry for your loss.
Go fuck yourself.
This is literally you
Pokemon fans not buying this game purely because of not having all the pokemon in it are proving that the games are held up only by nostalgia.
I don't give a shit about keeping the national dex if they made the game interesting and good, but it's Gamefreak. They won't make it good. The gameplay's hasn't been worth shit since D/P/P and they aren't gonna make a story worth a damn since they decided to move away from the BW/BW2 model.
Remember, the guy who defends SwSh is the same guy who does things like this:
Do you understand what time is?
>dynamax gets introduced
>everyone gets forced to do it on the first turn to not get wiped
bravo masuda, excellent strategy, definitely a massive improvement to the game depth
Gotta step up their game!
You have a lot of it.
A random twitter account is not what I would consider a believable source.
Yes. I'm not a bitter virgin who cares about gay shit like collecting them all
so you're bitching because people actually stopped buying the same game over and over?
They know that porn fan-arts kinda help with the sales.
Highest grossing media franchise on the planet.
>Mega Rayquaza
Browsing this place + consuming a lot of pron & looking at geeky stuff 24/7 will do that to some people.
No, im not retarded and have actually had sex before so Im playing DQ11 instead
Would sniff forever.
>buys pokemon white
>buys pokemon black 2
>not everyone who hacks a console is a poorfag
shut up poorfag
Not how it works, Dexcuck.
I am retarded but I've had sex before and I'm playing both
Yeah, because I still like Pokemon so it's cool that it's coming to Switch (don't care about LGPE) and don't really mind national pokedex since I never transfer.
I like collecting new Pokémon and seeing new locations and people of the Pokémon world.
Does sword and shield have that or not?
>Does sword and shield have that or not?
Yes, but people are pretending that it doesn't just because you can't transfer Stantler from a previous game with a separate paid app months after you're already done the game
Nope, but I know it'll 90% and over reviews with 15 million sales regardless.
Why is it being on the Switch a net positive? Tons of good games were on the 3DS.
I love my 3DS
But I'd had my chansey since Pokemon Colosseum!
I'm certainly going to buy Pokemon Chad xDDD
I don't care how bad or good it is. No matter what I say or do it will sell millions regardless.
IF I do it would be the "enhanced" version. If not I would wait 2 weeks for the thousands of used copies
I wonder how much it'll be. Do you guys think it'll be 60? If it's 60 there is no fucking way I will buy it. But the purpose of Switch seems to be turning 30 dollar value games into 60 dollar AAA level games without the effort.
It's already confirmed to be 60 for one version.
Pretty much proves my theory about the Switch - designed to upgrade every 3DS level game to the 60 dollar range to bilk more money out of the retarded. Will not be purchasing.
>probably 79-89 CAD plus tax plus tip
Personally? A better rival series to come along.
>games are shit for a decade
>w-when it gets on console it’ll be great
>finally get a switch Pokémon game
>still the same shit
Yeah fuck you. I was optimistic and looking forward to this shit but now we have 100% clarity that this game will never improve. Fuck Pokémon and fuck waifubaiting
So long as they get rid of that garbage Pokemon go style of catching
honestly yes, I had jump out of the train but know I'm back. I'm just a casual gamer now days and you can get a couple hundred hours from pokemon games.
Nah, I've got the superior experience.
>Unironically Digimon
Your wish has been granted.
>Company lies to me repeatedly
>Company puts in minimal effort in exchange for 60 dollars
>While the game doesn't look like shit anymore, it's still not nearly as good as it should actually look
>Hundreds of pokemon are now gone, and their excuse is better animations that aren't even being made
>Megas are cut in exchange for a shittier, less impressive mechanic
>New features and Pokemon are added, only for them to be all but guaranteed to be removed in the next game, so there's no point for me to get attached to them
>There's no fucking way Wailord is going to be able to be in the game thanks to dynamaxing
>Shitty meme team that's literally a worse version of Team Skull
>So far, most of the game's marketing has been meme shit that westerners will eat up like like the paypigs they are
>Many of the designs have been dogshit and don't even look like effort went into them, see Impidimp and Duraludon
>The entire story is already predictable as fuck
No. I'll be buying Digimon Survive instead.
Do people actually do this?
2/3 of those things are genuinely great and I'm glad they could bring themselves to stuff that toothpaste back in its tube.
SMT and Digimon both have good story and good gameplay, but they aren't really rivals to Pokemon.
So far there is still no series that is basically a classic JRPG with a world and towns to explore that incorporates monster catching the way Pokemon does.
SMT is it's own thing and Cyber Slut was more like Persona.
Her name is horrible
She was better off known as shield chan
wtf a good sonyjack edit?
They managed to top Hilda in shitty female names.
Crystal was the last good Pokemon game prove me wrong.
>>Megas are cut in exchange for a shittier, less impressive mechanic
Stopped reading there.
Nop, I'll play an illegal copy of it ;)
Netherless its impossible for GF to even balance a small selection of Pokemon.
For the first time Wojak is based
Fuck off, Gloria fits her character well.
Gloria is a perfectly fine name you dumbass anime watching shitheads.
I'm a huge Pokemon / DBZ 90s boomzoom (29 years old) and even they lost me with this shit. I have owned every game, usually all versions, until S/M where I never played the second due to how atrociously hand-holdy it was. I still liked the Pokemon and hoped US/UM would be better, but never heard much good so I never went back to it.
They lost me. This was supposed to be the jump to console, and ignoring the national dex thing which I truly don't care THAT much about to boycott over - although it's incredibly lazy and disingenious since all the models were made for Gen 6 and have been used for everything, including PoGo since, it looks horrible. The graphics are atrocious. They're doing nothing to make it feel like the console leap everyone wanted since N64. This doesn't feel like a Pokemon world. It feels like a cheap "we have to get this shit out" game, and this is especially henious after LGPE (which I also refused to buy, despite playing PoGo).
GameFreak shipped this to their B team, which is a fact, and I'm not supporting that. Either give it your all, or give it to one of the hundreds of devs that would straight up murder someone to get the rights to make a real Pokemon game. Fans don't deserve this shit.
I like all of the Pokemon so far except that godawful Linoone evolution though. I think people are being idiots about the designs, except maybe the cake too (but I just ignore the BIG mechanic in general, just like Z moves which were also retarded)
>Fans don't deserve this shit.
Considering how awful the Pokemon community is, I don't think they deserve anything,
Fun Fact, Dragon Quest is the most googled video game & media franchise in japan, surpassing Pokemon
> 1. Dragon Quest
> 2. Pokemon
> 3. One Piece
> 4. Touhou Project
> 5. Final Fantasy
> 6. Kantai Collection
> 7. Yu-Gi-Oh
> 8. Evangelion
> 9. Dragon Ball
> 10. Doraemon
> 11. Fate Grand Order
> 12. Case Closed
> 13. Naruto
> 14. Madoka Magica
> 15. Pretty Cure
> 16. Mobile Suit Gundam
> 17. Super Mario
> 18. Anpanman
> 19. The Idolmaster
> 20. Love Live
Probably not, unless I can get verbal confirmation from someone I trust that it’s on par with the pre-3ds Pokémon games. Sun and Moon was the last time I’m buying one of these on good faith alone. I’ve been burned too many times now.
But Sun and Moon are on par with the pre-3DS games.
Gloria is a name you would give to a 200+ lb hispanic woman or a black grandmother, not a british kid.
I’m in pretty much the exact same boat. Fuck gamefreak. Everything was looking so good around B2W2. Really seemed like they knew what they were doing.
>I've played every game since gen 1 and this is the first time that I legitimately have no interest
You're still a faggot. You still tolerated and gave Gamefreak your money for their halfassed games for the pass 7 years. You and people like you are the reason Gamefreak gets away with this crap.
>Buying switch games
Good one.
I'm sorry that I don't like the idea of Pokemon looking the exact fucking same, but bigger for three turns. Gigantimaxing isn't that much better.
I'm still going to buy it because I've been playing since Blue and always enjoy Pokemon launch periods. Walking away from this series is something I never want to do.
Shes not even british you absolute retarded faggot. fucking kill yourself.
t. gloria
>Scot called gloria
>Let alone small white girl
Same still applies.
Her nose is off-centre.
A little too far on the right.
so looking the exact fucking same but with tacked on accessories is better? lmao fuck off with your shitty OLD THING GOOD bias
Huh some faggot mod deleted this pic and banned me. Fuck you mod suck my balls. Fucking nigger. Cunny is eternal.
based cunny
Are you blind or just havent been paying attention to anything about it this entire year?
Nope, gonna get the new cawwadoody instead NIGGER
I'll get it used eventually
But ill have a hard time justifying paying 20 dollars for online when half the dex isnt usable on Battlespot and how Sun/moon online was free
Then delay the fucking game. Nintendo themselves talked about how crunching ruins a game so I don't know why Gamefreak isn't getting the memo.
I haven't played through a Pokemon game from start to finish since Red and Gold. It will probably feel very fresh for me so I won't have the problem you guys that played all of them are all having.
They can't because they are on a deadline that falls in line with the other marketing parts of TPC.
>Then delay the fucking game
And take a massive cut in profit? lmao why?
Buying it for cutting the dex, dont care for quality
Probably, but only because I haven't played a Pokeman since Silver.
I've played though a lot of those games, they are good, but I always go back to pokemon.
>Trying to console warrior
I hope you find a solution to your brain worms one day user.
What if the real reason they aren't allowing game transfer pokemon is because they are doing a new IV and EV system. Have they ever officially stated how the previous stat systems worked?
They're allowing transfers, just not everything.
I hope you find a solution to your down syndrome one day, retard.
Same, I could go for some DQ if not just so I don't have to play the same fucking Pokemon except add some spinach and salt.
>make "fool-proof" pokemon models that can be used for upcoming gens
>turns out they are in fact not foo-proof and need to make the models again
Except they didnt redo the models that was a blatant lie you gullible dumbass.
I'm same age and only played gen 1 and 2 and only came into this thread because I keep hearing people talk shit about this years game.
look at this slut
I don’t know man, probably not a day one buy. I want to know more about the game. If it has HGSS, Plat and BW2 levels of postgame with move tutors available I’m in. Yeah, it does suck not being able to transfer a team of my favorites or not even knowing who the fuck is gonna make it or not, but if the game has some sort of challenge again and super strong high leveled trainer boss battles and areas with strong wild Pokémon to explore I’ll give it ago. But from what’s been shown so far, nothing worth getting excited about.
big kaiju battles epic! XD
This, kept trucking though the 3DS era hoping they'd bring back post game when on a system that didn't shit itself in battle but now they're stripping out more content. Will borrow it if possible.
I’ve been replaying yellow, crystal and emerald again recently. Planning on doing fire red, platinum and BW/BW2 after. I find those games so much more enticing than anything Pokémon has given us since the jump to 3D just with the base game alone. I miss when gamefreak used to put effort into their games.
Ofcourse i'm buying it, gotta catch them new pokeymanz nigga.
So is there no transfer of Pokemon from previous games at all? I havent really been following this ar all. I've only played the eshop version of Red and Gold. I got all 151 in Red.
I'm going to buy it and I don't see anything wrong with that so long as I think the game looks good.
Something they'd have more of if they didn't make LGPE.
Why do artists waste so much effort on feet, they're fuckin' gross.
yes, i'm sure the barefoot brown fit girl with visible abs is a design nobody likes
as a joke, i'd like everyone here to post ironic pornographic content of said character
jokes aside user, are you retarded or blind or both?
>redhead with blasses
>slim brown girl
>tanned fit barefoox with a decent chest
>ara ara snob type
>goth loli
yes will be getting sword, friend is getting shield
The way it works is that you can transfer things from Bank, Pokemon Go, and the Let's Go games to Pokemon Home. All transfers to Pokemon Home are one-way (except Sword and Shield); you can't send them back to Bank, Go, or the Let's Go games.
People suspect that if your Pokemon isn't in the Galar Region dex, you cannot transfer it from Home to Sword & Shield which is a reasonable assumption.
I want a good postgame back so fucking bad.
>People suspect that if your Pokemon isn't in the Galar Region dex, you cannot transfer it from Home to Sword & Shield which is a reasonable assumption.
It's no assumption, Masuda outright said that.
bit late to the party
how many glory hole jokes have been made yet?
Have they released the Galar Region dex? I'd only really want to transfer pokemon from gen 1 and gen 2.
No and we won't know until it leaks. Safe to say every gen 1 mon is safe though.
The point of "Catch 'em all" kinda died with WT and breeding, making getting even Legendaries (from cloning) stupid easy.
I can't deny that GF just copy/paste the models and call it a day, that's lazy as fuck but it's easy money for them so you can't fight it.
Anyway I'll get the game day 1 because last pokemon game I played was like 3 years ago (skipped USM and Let's Go), I only catch the mons available in the game and trade for the other version only with friends and this game looks ok.
But that's only my opinion
If I used glitches in pokemon red to get all 151 and I upload them to pokemon box will Nintendo know I used glitches and delete them?
Gloria is meh, but tolerable. Hilda's an old witch sounding name and if this girl had to have a G-name at least it wasn't Gertrude, Gretchen, or Gretel.
t. Low testosterone
Pokemon Peaked around Gen 5 to Gen 6
Gen 5 has the best content but you can't deny Gen 6 added a bunch of things that generally balanced the game
Gen 5 was the peak. Gen 6 was a huge step down, but still mostly acceptable.
Nah, sat out several gens, then tried X/Y and was just disgusted.
Everything about Sword/Shield seems even worse.
I can't wait for Tamagoro porn of Marnie
Yes cause only fags with no money actually boycott games before they get a chance to play it.
I don't even need to fact check this list, it fits so well.
>just throw away money bro
Sun and Moon actually tried to be a bit different.
It's like giving money to a drug addict. You are enabling their bad behavior.
Can someone thats not full pokemon autistic tell me why I shouldnt play the new pokemon games?
21. Undertale
> Madoka Magica that high
We fucking did it Yuri-chads, Rebellion sequel when?
They're designed for the mobile generation. They don't offer anything beyond the single player and autistic grinding for PvP, nor do they tell a compelling enough story to warrant actually playing just for the single player. The more recent games are nothing but textdump movies with some hallways in between.
Team Skull wasn't obsessed with Lillie. They just wanted to take Nebby from her.
And then I'll proceed to kick your ass online with this team.
For all we know, the same will happen to disposable goth waifu #54574694654
>non-mega gardevoir
>everyone is excited for the designs, the characters, the setting, and the gameplay
>yeah but the graphics!
>everyone is excited for the designs
>the characters
>the setting
>and the gameplay
>and the gameplay
It's the same as it's been for the past 20 years, with the third once-per-battle super move gimmick.