This is exactly why i love him so much

This is exactly why i love him so much

Gamers are the most retarded consumers ever seen you should NEVER listen to their opinions

Thanks god this guy is still allowed to make games the way he wants to

I thought MGS4 and V not being huges succes would affect him but thank god it didnt

Never change my boy Hideo keep doing games the way you want to and never run after commercial success

I already pre-ordered my collectors edition

Did you?

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Other urls found in this thread:–1997

>MGS4 and V
>not being huges succes
MGS4 and V were huge successes, WTF are you talking about? They're the most sold games out of the whole franchise.

>Death Stranding is going to be a walking si-

Attached: Death Stranding Gameplay 2.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

not listening to retards is the best thing you can do when you make something like a game or movie. It's supposed to be your vision not some retarded community collective.
>but if your vision turns out shit
I'd much rather have an interesting game be it good or bad than whatever mainstream morons want to streamline or add.

the whole "this game is completely new and doesn't belong to any existing genre of video game" thing raises all kinds of red flags
also the fact that he wastes money hiring his celeb crushes

game developers are fucking retards because they bow to the retard customers.
that doesn't really happen in movies and music and whatever artistic things there are.

fuck you nay sayers the reedus and the fetus will both piss on you with their penis

Good. 99% of players are idiots, just make the game and ignore them, I appreciate it.

they'll be too tired from all the walking to do that

smart man
make what you want and never listen to the crybully crew

I think that's more the publishers than the actual devs or directors

Good opinion. Why should the creators listen to an audience who know little about the creative process and all that goes on behind the scenes? They are there to consume the product. If they do not, then so be it.

>MGS4 and V not being huges succes

kojima obviously wants to make movies and this "game" is just an excuse to get close to hollywood people in a desperate attempt to break in the film industry
hype is always bad without exception and when that's the only thing your product has going for it you know there's something wrong

No, I'm retarded but not that retarded.

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He's right but this game will still be shit and it will all be on him.

Not really.

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Thank you Koj.

Wish i could pre-order but I'm a poorfag who still plays ps3. Definitely going to be checking out gameplay and keeping up with it after release since i haven't been on the ball with the game's news lately.

What he wants with DS is to pull off what he tried and failed to do with MGSV.

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prepare to be wrong you fool, good or bad this game WILL sell millions.

If he wanted to break into the film industry he would have already done so, he has connections, all thats needed in that industry.

Who said anything about sales?

>that doesn't really happen in movies and music and whatever
It happens especially in Movies, the MCU and Disney's butchering of Star Wars being perfect examples. Boring schlock cranked out on a production line to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Those are just recent examples, Hollywood has always thought viewers were slathering retards.

Will millions eat this shit up? Yes. Is Kojima a pretentious wannabe pretending he’s some innovator? Double yes.

Are you a faggot? Yes.

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this, kojima hating pleb are just a normie shitters

>the reedus and the fetus will both piss on you with their penis
I read that in The Rock's voice, thanks.

He's already said he expects a lot of people to hate it. He doesn't give a fuck, he just makes the games he wants to.

Is hideo implying that he made the stealth genre?

nice PR talk but that's all there is to show for the game. It has an obviously inflated budget thanks to all his celeb friends, and everything related to the actual game, meaning the things you will be doing while not watching cutscenes, seems incredibly basic and mostly walking.
I can see him doing something similar to the nukes in MGSV, with a secret ending that is achieved by everyone playing together or whatever but I'll have to wait to see.
The game is still being hyped on "Kojima the misunderstood genius! xD" and "faces I've seen before on TV!" and not on gameplay

I doubt he could, being a random japanese guy who makes video games and barely speaks english. Now thanks to this game he worked closely with world famous actors, so he can be taken more seriously. Or so he hopes.

You have to respect a man who is willing to stick to his vision, refusing to compromise for the sake of a focus group or bean counter. You then have to lose that respect when you remember this is the man who made such moronic decisions as pre and post credit sequences. He's not sacrosanct.

Rape worm.

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Context is important.

When your game fucking sucks donkeyballs maybe it's time to look at what your playerbase has to say about it.

And quite possible that he did.

>>Death Stranding is going to be a walking si-
>posts webm which shows character walking for 54 seconds

Attached: todd stranding.png (701x593, 329K)

Imagine being this retarded

he didn't say that

he said that he won't change the core of the game based on players feedback.

That's right! Geniuses should stick to their vision without being questioned and having total control over their masterpiece

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No Man's Stranding

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I agree. Criticism is something that should be applied after the work is finished to learn from for your future works. Transparency during development is all well and good but nothing good is gonna come from having everyone give their two cents and then making changes based on that. That's madness.

convince me this is not spore 3.0

How did you even come to that conclusion

Hype is a good thing when your expectations are met and you feel great after the release.

It can work out sometimes.

He didn’t though

I'm fairly sure he did

I saw the 'exclusive' Briefing trailer shown in Playstation booth at Gamescom and out of a group of 80(?) people inside the cinema I was the only one clapping at the end as a fellow exhibitor there. Everybody was confused af, no one was hyped, normies/dudebros won't eat Kojima's shit this time and it can be expected that with a budget of >100 millions of dollars he'd have to sell over 10 million copies, no way it'll happen on a single platform. The game will flop even though it'll be praised by the critics and may be actually really interesting.

Well what other games were there around that time.

because he is not underage

This game is everything! it's unlike anything ever seen! It will change the industry's standards forever!
>But about the actual game, we have some questions...
the answer is yes, yes and yes! unless your question is "have we seen anything like this before?"" in which case the answer is no.
Enjoy playing games right now because when DS comes out everything else in your life will be GARBAGE by comparison!
>can you be a little more specific?
Please pre-order my product don't wait for reviews

This is a good stance, most consumers are retarded if you listen to them your product will be shit

Open world is was a mistake and if you actually have a job impossible to play. What adult has time to do fetch quests in a virtual world hell that's what I do all day after work.

>Gamers are the most retarded consumers ever seen you should NEVER listen to their opinions

If you had asked someone in the 1850s how to improve personal transportation, they would have asked for a faster horse.

Please, enlighten me

convce me (insert literally any upcoming game) this is not spore 4.0

Considering he made the best stealth games to date I don't see a problem.
>never run after commercial success
All of his games were commercial successes.

If you aren't autistic you just do some of the side quests and don't 100% it. Pretty simple

He didn't say that you drooling retard. All Kojima said is that it would be 'a completely new type of action', not 'everything'.

That's what I was thinking. The game seems to have no appeal to normies whatsoever. What the hell would you even tell someone when they ask "What is it about and why should I play it?". There's no clear hook that would immediately appeal to someone unfamiliar with it.

Imagine being a millionaire and listening to bunch of basement dwellers or normal fags, no wise man listens to the sheeps.

That's your problem, not the game's problem

Yeah, they should, actually. I mean, you do see what Disney is doing without Lucas right?

>incel declares his love for a dev

nigger you do know how old metal gear is

I wouldn't call the new movies worse than the prequels. Would I call them better than the prequels? Eh...

spore (and the unofficial sequel Spore 2.0 also called No Man's Sky) were games sold on vague, overhyped PR talks, dodging the question every time someone asked something concrete, hiding behind generic statements about how the game breaks new ground and other empty marketing terms.
When the game comes out you realize there's almost nothing to do other than walking and collecting resources, occasionally dodging a meanie on the way, just like every other game. They also obviously ran out of budget mid development, which happened before with kojima in MGS5 and it's very likely to have happened right now considering all the actors involved

sorry I thought you would be able to see how it relates to a different game that came out before you were born.
the point is being intentionally vague and relying on nothing but hype to sell the game. Every little glimpse of actual gameplay we see (which is what you will be doing for 97% of your time with the game, no matter how philosophical you try to be during your marketing campaign) is basic, generic, open world walking trash

Thats not how the same meme works you underaged cockbreathers


Looks comfy

TPP was meh, but gave us cool things: like pod racing, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, etc. Clone Wars was dope, especially when expanded on with the cartoon, and Ep3 was kino

Based, but DS still looks meh to me.


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>People give him feedback telling him that an empty open world is not fun

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I don't know, man. Phantom Menace was mostly alright and looked the most like an actual Star Wars movie. And the costumes were neat. Attack of the Clones I find borderline unwatchable and for me it stands as the lowest point of the entire series. I actually agree that Revenge of the Sith was pretty good. But overall I can't say I miss that era.

>it's like MGSV but you can't run or have any fun

This isn't news. Ignoring player's shitty opinions is practically rule #1 of game development.

>make a walking simulator
>i-its a different genre guys...

What was it about?
I hope your game does well

Spore and NMS are different games than this, DS is driven by a strong story while those games had nothing. I'm not sure how the gameplay will look like in the final version but to believe that the game is "hold forward to walk" is just dishonest, ignorant and naive. MGS5 is half finished because of what happened with Konami and Kojima and this time he is in full control, has a huge budget and nobody is telling him what to do with his game, Death Stranding is Kojima's vision fully realized.

>MGS5 is half finished
No it's not. Most people liked the gameplay anyway judging from reviews.

Don't get me started on that. It seems to be mostly forgotten by now but rather than sending out review copies, Konami organized a "MGS Bootcamp" event where critics were only allowed to play the game withing a specific timeframe that was just shirt enough so that most didn't get to the second chapter. And it cut the "Truth" ending entrely.

user at least watch a walkthrough before you talk about a game you haven't played

>Reddit spacing
Aw shit, here we go again

>normies hate actually good devs

>t. newfag

Attached: Muh reddit spacing.jpg (1280x998, 223K)

looks like you're being optimistic and I'm being pessimistic, the fact is we can't know for sure until the game comes out because they showed hardly anything of it. Cutscenes look cool, will watch on youtube/10
My comparisons are with the way the game is hyped and sold on hype alone when no one is really sure how the actual game will be. I've never seen anything that was hyped this much and came even close to delivering. But sure, let Kojima prove me wrong.
Have you played the game? It is obviously unfinished, there are even important plot points that were straight up cut out of the game (you can find some missing cutscenes on youtube, not fully rendered)
Not to mention how for the latter half of the game it's just "do the same old missions again! that will keep you busy!"
The game had it's cool moments but it is definitely not finished

I've played the game dumbass. Look at user reviews on Steam and Metacritic, people liked it. It's only considered 'unfinished' on Yea Forums. The only thing that was cut was a DLC.

>MGSV is unfinished.

Attached: NPC.png (636x773, 8K)

Man. Remember when this site didn't suck? Actually, remember when the internet didn't suck?

>Reddit spacing
I wonder what the shitposter who first typed these words feels about all these retards spouting it unironically now

The first metal gear was the first real stealth focused game with not just elements of stealth

Probably great pride. I know I would.

>What is Castle Wolfenstein

Of course he doesn’t, he a pretentious asshole.

>when Miyamoto said this everyone hated him

>when Kojima says it everyone loves him

You know the more I watch of the game, the more I see of silent hill in it, maybe not thematically but gameplay wise there’s a lot in common with it, story wise it’s very autobiographical

I said stealth focused, not elements of stealth

A really poor implementation of stealth

>paid reviews on metacritic and steam shills told me it isn't so that must be true!
unresolved plot points cut out, no effort recycled missions without any build up through the second half, obvious quality drop compared to the first part of the game.
But sure, close your ears and yell Kojima is god enough times and the game will be perfect

no they don't

I'd rather trust what Yea Forums says than some normalfags who have never played a MGS game until V, I say this unironically

I'm not saying that I listen to everything that Yea Forums says but if you even took 30 minutes to do some research about MGS5 and played it yourself, it's clear as day that the game is not finished.

Reddit spacing is a real thing. You have to press enter 2 times to get one space between the lines there for some reason. At one point there was an influx of retards whose posts looked like pic related. OP's post looks fine though.

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>cant come up with a counter argument

youre retarded, MGS was one the first "stealth games" as we know them today, it came out before Thief even–1997

What would that make MGS, then? You can't even hide bodies in it (something you could do in Castle Wolfenstein).

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>all that reddit spacing
Jesus christ go back, faggot

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What the hell does the gameplay have to do with Silent Hill? I don't recall any Silent Hill involving wandering through a vast, post apocalyptic wasteland. It reminds me of STALKER most, really.

it's true to an extent. hard to imagine it always working though, kojima is as much like a true artist as you can imagine, but for someone like EA the same isn't true. EA saying they are following their artistic vision while building a game where everything is driven towards MTX doesn't have the same logic.

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>Kojima Prefers Not to Listen to Players for Design Choices
You don't say...

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>What the hell does the gameplay have to do with Silent Hill?

Attached: Death Stranding Gameplay Loop.jpg (2048x1583, 406K)

>go around a world doing daily tasks and deliveries while using pee to defende yourself from crazy fuckers

is a postal 2 clone stop acting like it was never done before

I still remember this thread.

Attached: poop.png (179x135, 42K)

this is prolly the first
>things that happened
that legit had me going

>early development
>Saboteur, Castle Wolfenstein

kek, thats why i said "stealth games as we know them today", not the very concept of using stealth at all in a game.

Still not seeing it at all. The only parallel I see is it also involving some sort of Otherworld you can get pulled into.

And then people clapped.

You’re talking about the setting, I clearly said gameplay

Attached: goalposts.jpg (594x395, 88K)

I didnt move the goal post, because my ORIGINAL post included that point. Stop replying in memes you brainlet.





it is going to be walking simulator. it might still be good, but you're gonna walk

>kek, thats why i said "stealth games as we know them today", not the very concept of using stealth at all in a game.
Okay, but none of Kojima's games prior to MGS4 resemble stealth games as we know them today. They lacked even the most basic stealth features. Heck, the majority of MGS1 is spent in unavoidable combat encounters.

Attached: 1537541334428.jpg (1024x672, 132K)

Name one game that was overhyped and didn't disappoint

>Comparing Thief to MGS
Only brainlet would do this

Two different games belonging to the same genre

Thief focuses on giving the player freedom

MGS focuses on a story driven experience

>Thief focuses on giving the player freedom
>MGS focuses on a story driven experience
But Thief has a better story.

Did you play any MGS before 4? All had far more challenging stealth gameplay than Thief.

Sure. Silent Hill is all about walking through and exploring mostly indoor spaces, occasionally solving puzzles or fighting monsters and picking up health items and ammunition, along with items used for puzzles.

Death Stranding seems to be an Open World game about walking through large, open spaces, finding ways to get through or around environmental hazards to reach specific goalpoints. There will, presumably, be some enemies, both humans and creatures, but we have no idea how the combat works. Also, a lot of it seems to involve environmental interactivity of different kinds.

Still not seeing how they're similar.

>I don't want to be rude but maybe you shouldn't have main character do peepee poopoo stuff

where is this footage from?

MGS also has more complex level design.

>Did you play any MGS before 4?
Did you?

Your argument was that Kojima created the stealth genre as we know it today. He clearly didn't, as MGS lacked basic stealth features other stealth games have had since 1984.

Even the oldest Splinter Cell and Thief games have control schemes and camera systems that are no different from modern stealth games games (i.e. dual stick or mouselook + WASD).

MGS1-3 have completely archaic control schemes and camera systems. MGS4 and MGS5 are the only ones that are in line with modern stealth games.

>Gamers are the most retarded consumers ever seen you should NEVER listen to their opinions
sadly true

The Japanese version of the release date trailer. It has a few additional scenes and the music has vocals.

based and redpilled

>It has an obviously inflated budget thanks to all his celeb friends
Not really, he hasn't hired RDJ precisely.

>Muh budget

why the fuck would you care autist? why the fuck should I give a fuck about le budget? I give a fuck about the product in its end state, im not the kike counting shekels that goes into making the product, go fuck yourself bernstein

>Tranq everyone from a distance
Oh man such challenge

So the main difference you see is one is indoor the other is outdoor, again that’s the setting
Break it down to base level gameplay, silent hill is not about fighting monsters, it’s mostly about running away and avoiding confrontation, we already know about the other world as well

You can do the exact same thing in every other stealth game. MGS doesn't give you shadows to just in though or the ability to parkour over everything.

This is just use of paragraphs.
Op is indeed using reddit spacing.

>I doubt he could, being a random japanese guy who makes video games and barely speaks english. Now thanks to this game he worked closely with world famous actors, so he can be taken more seriously. Or so he hopes.
It doesn't matter, Hollywood is entirely about nepotism, and he already has that, it's how he got all those actors.
You think talent is involved in Hollywood in any way?
If he really just wanted to make movies then he would put out shit like David Cage's crap which are quite literally movies, and they actually get high profile actors like Willem Dafoe or Ellen Page.
Hell, in that pic posted there, he says he had to choose between making a linear but story focused game, or one that was more free and focused on the gameplay and less on the plot, and he chose the second.
And he's doubling down on that.

>I don't care so it doesn't affect me!

Developing a game costs money, when you run out of budget you half ass everything and push out an unfinished product. That's when companies try selling their games based on hype and nothing else. Blow your load hiring celebs and you may run out of money to make actual gameplay content. I can't even tell if you are pretending to be retarded.

Youre not even replying to the same person, im the one who said MGS was ONE of the first stealth games which changed the game for the genre. Emphasis on ONE of them, I didnt say Kojima single handedly inveted the fucking genre, and I dont think thats what he was saying in his tweet either.

Anyway, MGS 1 has guards who were alerted by sound (which could be used to distract them), the infamous cardboard box shit, crawling under objects etc etc

The only thing it didnt have is the more modern camera, like you said, but if thats your only argument then you got a pretty weak argument.

Metal gear, user, not metal gear solid

I would say that the tight spaces are pretty integral to Silent Hill and other Survival Horror games of its era. The Resident Evil 2 remake replicated that very well. That was kinda their core gameplay loop. Dealing with enemies in tight spaces while trying to avoid confrontation as ammo and health pickups only exist in a finite amount.

I can see how Death Stranding might try to apply some of these mechanics to an Open World game but unless we know more about the health system and the combat it's hard to say if they're gonna be all that similar.

I bet Kojima absolutely fucking loves the smell of his own farts

wow, actual, genuine downies

thanks for telling everyone that youre a child who has never had a job of any kind. are you fucking retarded? what the fuck do you think a budget is? do you think anyone could work on the game if your magic "budget" ran out? the """""budget""""""" is a pile of money to fucking pay salaries of the people working on the game, whether its actors or programmers. go fucking hang yourself troglodyte, if the budget """"""ran out""""""" magically halfway through the people inside the studio would literally be out of a job

>You can do the exact same thing in every other stealth game.
You can't. In Thief for example gas arrows are extremely rare, you can acquire maybe a dozen over the course of the entire game.

So advanced survival system from MGS3 confirmed or not?

oh wow, you're a fucking moron. If the budget runs out, they know about it before it actually fucking happens, you clod. They go "we need to release this or we'll all be out of a job" and then that's what they do. You mouthbreather

No, only people in these threads give a fuck about budget because it's just another thing to throw shit at the wall with.
Like before the release date was announced and everyone here was saying

You don't care about Death Stranding, Yea Forums was ready to hate it from day 1 entirely based on the fact that MGSV wasn't a movie.
There's gameplay?
Oh my god it's a walking simulator.
There's a cutscene?
Oh my god, it's a movie.

You don't care about it, this is entirely because of MGSV being a videogame and not a movie.
The same people who accuse DS of being a movie then proceed to defend the pieces of garbage movies that MGS1, 2 and 3 are, every single time.
Because they were movies about le epic Bandana man.
And it's confirmed to be MGS fags because only them are this autistic, and seeing their thirst for more MGS trash, seeing that they unironically ate up that Demon Edition """"""leak"""""" that was obviously a complete fabrication, I have no doubt that Yea Forums would be shitting itself with hype if Death Stranding was just like this, but called Metal Gear Solid 6.

You don't want DS to have gameplay, you want Kojima to makes movies, it's just you want him to make endless MGS movies.

Attached: 1556851698120.gif (315x174, 1.39M)

Agreed, but I do think he came off pretty quickly from silent hills/pt to this game, i don’t think he’s thrown out all that work he did for it

You can't do that in thief though, you actually have to work for your knock-outs because you can only do that with a blackjack which is a melee weapon. Even knocking out a guard can be tricky
>Sometimes you need to put out torches with your water arrows or the guard will see you
>Sometimes you need to use your moss arrows on the floor or the guard will hear you
>Sometimes you need to find an alternative route, with rope arrows you've got a great freedom in how you move vertically and most levels offer many alternative paths
>You can distract guards with noise makers to make them move so you can sneak past or knock them out
>In Thief 2 there are many electronic lights so you can't just use water arrows on them, so you need to be creative
In MGS the answer to most of these situations would be to tranq the guard from the front because they are blind and just run past them

it's almost like themes of sanctity of unborn life and reuniting a fractured America trigger people of certain political affiliations, the same people Kojima was intentionally trolling with Quiet lol

nice job picking up words apart and missing the whole point. They have a limited amount of money to work with, and how that money is used directly impacts the final product. I don't mean "run out" as in literally they have no money and lose their jobs. I'm saying "run out" as in it's not worth it to keep working on it, let's push it out and cut our losses. It happens all the time, not only in the game industry but pretty much everywhere.
Good job playing the "lol jews care about money" card and then immediately trying to act like the guy who know all about budget and the industry.
I don't think you can be this much of an embarrassment without actively trying

It's funny seeing autismos care about budget more than publishers themselves just because they are desperate to hate on something.
What's worse is that people never, EVER mention numbers.

Ammo is limited in MGS too. And if a guard is asleep the others will go on alert or they'll get waken up. Tranqing everyone is a pointless and difficult strategy because the game is purely focused on sneaking.

>expected to see SF discussion in DS threads
>same low effort shitposts
I can believe that Yea Forums changed so much between 2014 and 2018. No more MGS5 ride

>Anyway, MGS 1 has guards who were alerted by sound
In an extremely superficial way. Only the odd gimmick surface like a pool of water made sound. 99.99% of the surfaces you walked on produced no sound, and running makes no sound.

What's more, guards make almost no sound whatsoever. In Thief, guards have hundreds of unique lines for different situations. This is important to give feedback to the player.

MGS guards have...maybe a handful of generic lines.

You can't hide bodies in MGS, and you are forced into combat for the majority of the game.

So no, MGS had very little influence on the stealth genre. It couldn't have, since it lacked even the most basic stealth features.

>Yea Forums hates Metal Gear now
What the FUCK went wrong?

MGSV wasn't focused on the plot, so it snowballed into hating MGSV, to hating Kojima, to hating everything Kojima's ever done and ever will.
Honestly, at this point I wouldn't miss Yea Forums if it shut down, there's nothing of value to find here anymore.
At least back then you could have fun discussion, now it's just smug autistic fucks pretending the entire world agrees with their contrarian opinions, being a walking contradiction.

>They have a limited amount of money to work with
tell everyone what the budget of death stranding is and how big of an impact these C rate actors and cameos had on that budget

Actually, according to the leaked script there's barely anything missing in the game.
There's Episode 51, which was planned to be DLC, it wasn't going to be in the base game either way.
There's the Chico side op where you'd either kill him or recruit him, like with Quiet, but it was scrapped before any recording or coding was done.
And there's Chapter 3, which was retooled into the Paz subplot, hence the name Peace.

>Kojima doesn't talk about or show the gameplay
>Kojima doesn't talk about or show the story
>All he shows is contextless cutscenes and trailers

Death Stranding is either going to cement Kojima's place as one of the great game devs or it's going to reveal him as one of gaming's biggest hacks.

are you the same guy arguing that MGS5 wasn't unfinished?

Normies that don't understand Japanese culture flooded the site. Look how many people unironically call MGS and Death Stranding too nonsensical or 'pretentious'.

blow money hiring celebs and you have little left for the actual game, that is the single point I'm making. I don't care about numbers or how the game sells or whatever, it's a pretty basic notion. Prioritize one thing too much, and you neglect others.
How can you possibly interpret that as me "wanting kojima to make movies" or anything related to mgs at all?
if anything, it's the opposite. Do you want him to make movies? If not, then what the fuck would you care about fucking Mads Mikelsen looking at the camera? Why doesn't it bother you how vague they are about the actual game?
"Hating the game" seems more like a balance for all the hype it has when there is nothing concrete shown.

2016 elections

TPP is retardedly unfinished, why are you desperately trying to shift the topic? Tell me what the budget of death stranding is and how much of that budget must have gone aside to pay for C rate actors and cameos since youre clearly "in the know" enough to froth at the mouth over said topic

>blow money hiring celebs
How much did they cost?

>you are forced into combat the majority of the game

only if youre bad, its perfectly possible to not fight for most of the game.


>What the FUCK went wrong?
He made a game actually focused on gameplay, which Yea Forums hates, because Yea Forums secretly loves movie games.

Attached: 1538305988578.jpg (1409x1652, 861K)

>you are forced into combat for the majority of the game.
This is how I know you haven't played any

>He made a game actually focused on gameplay, which Yea Forums hates,
I actually just hate that the gameplay was terrible, if anything its more offensive to ship 100 hours of dogshit than 4 hours of mediocre gameplay with an interesting presentation to make it an "experience" if nothing else

And then your missing stuff and you have to go back and waste more time hell maybe I brake it skipping something important. If the game doesn't have a set path I will break it.

>only if youre bad, its perfectly possible to not fight for most of the game.
The 2nd half of the game is literally a continuous stream of unavoidable combat setpieces and boss fights.

>mad mikkelsen picking his nose

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Reddit spacing call outs were started as a newfag trap. Don't educate them about it. Anyone calling out reddit spacing is from reddit. Redditors love to enforce groupthink and gatekeep.

>Gamers are the most retarded consumers ever seen you should NEVER listen to their opinions
This isn't wrong at all, and this isn't Kojimbo dick sucking either. Look where listining to places like reddit have gotten us.

Zoomers consider minecraft to be representative of normal game sales.

Yes my problem and you know every adult with a job so most people on the planet

Play games more suited for you, wow that was hard


Daily reminder that fucking gaijans (us) are responsible for Kojima's stardom. People in Japan consider him a fraud the same way we consider Howard a fraud. Kojima is nowhere near famous in nipland and the only reason he's gotten so popular is because of us and the infamous Konami breakup

Source? Also Todd is considered a god by normalfags, which is 99.9% of people who play his games

Truly good games are the result of the creator making what they want. Trying to appeal to every person that plays games is how you get CoD.

he made a walking sim

>This is exactly why i love him so much
You moron, MGS4 is literally fan service: the game. He absolutely cares about what fans think.

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You didn't do the joke right. You would've had to post a webm where something OTHER THAN walking is seen. Incorrect format.

From the beginning what I was saying is:
Kojima left games unfinished before, and I have no reason to think it wouldn't happen again because
>he is overly vague about the gameplay
>the game is promoted based on "muh baby meme" and "the guy from walking dead and other celebs"

I'm saying I'm not buying into the hype because everything they shown is either too vague, not exciting at all, or something I don't care about (actors). The literal numbers are irrelevant, you can still see they are selling you this game based on almost anything other than the actual game. It may not be a "waste" if they make their money back. I'm saying it's a waste because the actual gameplay seems to be low on their priorities list.

>Literally an ideas guy, used to be a finance manager for projects at konami
>Wants to turn games into movies
>rips off movies & books
>Not responsible for success of any game beyond the storyboarding
>shinkawa always plays second/third fiddle with the many devs that were responsible in making the series enjoyable from ost to mechanics
>Wasted a huge fuckton budget on MGSV
>Trashed songs from his composer and according to her, he wasn't satisfied with anything
>Worships weaterners and shoehorned Joost in because she's a D-list actress for Japanese commercials; in turn trashing Shinkawa's original design for quiet
>Created the most broken mechanic for multiplayer cooperation (nuclear disarmament) that even konami devs can't fix with the hiring spree they've been having from Tokyo university
>Part of the reason why Konami's budget was so little, left few resources for other dev teams to launch their internal projects
>Part of the reason why konami had to lay off people in different departments
>SH dev and the musician don't like Kojima
>Allegedly working on Death Stranding since 2015 with a staff totaling 300 people which claims will revolutionize the industry and confirmed the release to 2019. Despite this, there's it's all pissing and walking
>believes he's the next Hollywood director
>believes the future of games won't rely on character concept artists but rather movie actors and actresses
>shit posts food and pics with literal whos on twitter and complains to fans that they're too harsh with him
>occasionally tweet panics that he's working when in actuality he isn't, he relegated everything to Ken Ichimaizumi who's the producer
>Ken admitted on twitter that DS is taken a toll on his health
>twitter account of one of the devs on the team working on graphics rendering complained about a fucking low salary, posted a pic of his home's roof leaking
>markets himself as a genius and talks shit but does nothing
>his only work he actually did by hand & sweat was MG1

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It's bullshit, MGSV was the best selling PS4 game in 2015.

In Japan*
Seriously the anti-Kojima fags are more cult like than Kojima fags. They make up anything just to discredit the guy.

So your ok with trivial boring sidequests, your life and time on this planet must be meaningless. You know you don't have to pay 60 to walk around and collect garbage you can go outside and do that for free.

>Wasted a huge fuckton budget on MGSV
What are you talking about?
MGSV made more than twice it's budget on launch day.
You actually think publishers care about anything but profits?

>>Part of the reason why Konami's budget was so little, left few resources for other dev teams to launch their internal projects
Considering MGSV cost 80 million, and Konami is a company worth almost 250 billion, I don't think they are going to have funding problems.

>Seriously the anti-Kojima fags are more cult like than Kojima fags
That's pretty much the case with anything isn't it?

>"Why is Mr Kojima writing about a country he's not a part of, and frankly doesn't know that much about? Watching a bunch of Michael Bay movies does not... I mean, it teaches you about America, in that we let a guy like this direct a lot of movies, but why doesn't he write a Japanese game? You know, same kind of action, same kind of stealth. There is darkness in Japan as well, and there's of course the potential for a lot more in the future, in any country which happens to be peaceful. There are a lot Japanese mercenaries. If you remember there was one killed in Iraq a few years ago."

>I ask her, does she feel Kojima should work on something closer to home? "Yeah, something he can actually understand. I know that sounds really, really harsh, but I was really disturbed that a lot of the... Some of the earlier scene stuff I got, literally had references to Hollywood blockbusters, in the margins saying: 'Like in this movie!' But none of them were rare films, I mean it wasn't talking about Dr Strangelove, it was all just kind of bone-headed, you know, Bruckheimer kind-of... And I like some bone-headed stuff just fine. If Predator is on, I will always watch it. Same thing with Universal Soldier, believe it or not. But you can't then base your supposedly new fiction on that stuff. It's just a patchwork of Tom Clancy, Frederick Forsythe, Bruckheimer... It's a Frankenbaby, and not a very pretty one, not a very effective one I think."

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>Considering MGSV cost 80 million
That was only development budget, and it didn't cost just 80 million. It surpassed 85 million while it was still in development.

And as I said, that's just development budget. marketing budget for a triple-a game can be 100-200+ mill.

>in turn trashing Shinkawa's original design for quiet
You do know that Quiet was created specifically because Kojima wanted Joosten in the game, right?

We've all seen this before buddy, it's a bunch of bullshit.

You also forgot
>fraudulently claims to have created the stealth genre
>claims he created ZOE when he didn't and took all credit from his producer who was the creator
To add to the ripping off books and movies
>ripped off Blade Runner and Imitation city for the PC-88 for Snatcher
>Death stranding's plot is literally coming from the Russian book, "The Time Wanderers," and the ending was spoiled for us AGAIN that Sam is Ludens and secretly working with the other homo ludens

There, I saved you the time walking around in the game.

>"I think he's very bad at character, and I think he's extremely conventional, as in non-creative, when it comes to plotting. I know that I'll probably get an incredible amount of hate karma - can you say hate karma? - about this. So I'll just say that I did grow up reading, I told you I grew up without TV, so I read instead. And I like Cormac McCarthy, and the science-fiction writers; I love Frank Herbert, I love Alfred Bester, right now I really like Greg Egan, so I am extremely picky, and I do have a high standard when it comes to writing."

>"I think that if you're ripping off Tom Clancy, it's...Tom Clancy is Tom Clancy, he deserves all the money and fame. The guy has worked hard. Writing is hard work. So to shoot out a bunch of these kinds of things, that we've been talking about, and then claim yourself as a writer when...And you know, there's good work being done in games. I think Portal is really well written, very beautifully written, but Kojima's stuff is...Fine, be a game creator, and know what you're not very good at, and learn to work with people who are. Stanley Kubrick, famously, the one thing he could not do was write. He could do everything else, but he didn't know how to write, so he worked with good writers, and worked with them in a very sort of relentless partnership. He knew his limits.

>I don't think Kojima's a writer. The fact that he would even be considered one shows how low the standards are in the game industry. Nothing in MGS2 is above a fanfic level. He wouldn't last a morning in a network TV writers' room, and those aren't exactly turning out the Dark Tower series or The Wire."

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debate her

>>"Why is Mr Kojima writing about a country he's not a part of
Because Amerimutts are the biggest scum on this planet, perhaps?
They are a decadent, 3rd world-tier nation who's biggest industry is one that relies on warmongering, which has created a worship culture around an entertainment industry run by 60 year old pedophiles, a population that spends it's free time fighting for the rights of corporations and to ensure they get even more money than they already do.

America is a dystopia, a cyberpunk nation without the futuristic tech, a parody of humanity and the embodiment of societal decay.

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>Kojima left games unfinished before,
yes, i would also throw my hands on the table if I found out that the place im working at is about to go full mobile, throw me out and take away my creations. The second some corporate kike waltzes in and says microtransactions are going to be in my game, you can be sure I'll do nothing but intentionally ruin it and go around having 7 hour lunch breaks

>Death stranding's plot
You know about DS' plot?

She says that Kojima never mentions movies like Dr. Strangelove, even though there's a character literally called Dr. Strangelove in Peace Walker and MGSV, and PW is also about the themes of nuclear deterrence.

Not to mention that the US deserves to be shat on.
She's probably a stupid American that's mad her shithole country is getting called out on it's bullshit.

So he's a con-man. And a better one than Inafune.

If you care about budget, you'll also only care about profits, and MGSV made 180 million on launch day alone and went on to become the best selling MGS.

Good, most players are retards.

All either unsourced claims or subjective opinions.

>implying Star Wars isn't just as much of a hackneyed Frankenbaby while choosing to focus on Kojima
Fuck whoever who wrote this.

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Kojima doesn't need any advice because he knows you retards will buy anything he's involved with. Why is this so surprising or offending to you? You're no better than Pokémonfags that suck GF's cock

She doesn't plays games and he didn't speak to HER about that movie. So this is a understandable mistake.
>She's probably a stupid American that's mad her shithole country is getting called out on it's bullshit.
She's Japanese
what did she mean by this?

Kojima is a hack anyway. He's never once made a good game. Find me even one that isn't a cinematic experience with pretentious storywriting.

And by "cinematic experience" I mean "game that has even one hour of cutscenes". I don't give a rat's ass how much gameplay there is. I despise cutscenes.

Yes he did you dumbass. He got a lot of shit for it too, his boss used to make fun of him for making an action with no action.

Fuck off ACfag.

Metal Gear 2: Solid snake

>making nigger jokes
>in the current year

wtf I love Agness Kaku now

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>Metal Gear 2: Solid snake

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>"Why is Mr Kojima writing about a country he's not a part of, and frankly doesn't know that much about?

Holy shit, NO ONE has ever walked in a video game before. This is horrible.

Sure, that's easy to see in hindsight. You can never tell what's going on during development, especially not when the hype train is being so loud you can't even think straight.
With MGS5 we had a pretty good idea of what the game was going to be, but with DS we know nothing, and they show us nothing. You can be part of the "Kojima is a hero" team and board the hype, but I find the vagueness suspicious.
You can say Konami was hell and now he's working in perfect conditions and whatever. There's no way to know for sure. If the development had problems you will only know after the game comes out, not now when marketing people are working at 100% capacity.
I'll be pessimistic until proven wrong

His games were far more accurate in their portrayal of America than any other game

This shit is going to be terrible and I can't wait.

inb4 his game sells like shit and he goes bankrupt because he thought of himself as such an innovative and artistic mastermind

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This means nothing other than someone showed him a demo with a gimmicky solar sensor and he said "i rike it, ret's fund it."

>with DS we know nothing
We can extrapolate a few things:

>majority of time ''playing'' seems to be spent in cutscenes/non-interactive dialogue sequences
>game gives you an objective marker for a location that is literally within a few seconds of walking distance
>they seemingly removed the player's ability to jump/climb so that you have to tediously climb a ladder instead (which you somehow pull out of your ass)
>the fact that you can pull a ladder out of your ass suggests a lack of meaningful resource management
>player seems unaffected by falling from a great height, which means either no fall damage or worse, regenerating health

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If you're all you do is collect trash and waste time than it's a problem

That's the way it is with Japanese devs.
Underlings do most if not all the work and some jackass dick-diddler takes all the credit. Then we actually take them seriously enough to let them lead a project.

No I mean her entire mindset is already debatable by default.
>why are you making games about our glorious country and our glorious people! Look at China or USSR

>His games were far more accurate in their portrayal of America than any other game
Oh yeah, giant mechs walking around and magical arms with the ability to preserve someone's personality are totlaly an accurate portrayal of America.

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This is retarded paranoia, considering a set space between lines (or in this case, often statements/paragraphs) is actually common formatting for the sake of the reader's comfort (and also for the sake of padding out any assignment with a set number of pages.) The only reason it's not more commonplace on the web is most software meant for creating documents does it for you.

Space between lines doesn't necessarily imply reddit spacing so much as implies you have at least a standard education.

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Nah, it's a Sony exclusive and those guys are jonesing for games let alone exclusives.

It's also worth noting that people did that here long before Reddit even existed.

Only an American can have such a surface level understanding.

It's probably going to get a PC release. I almost don't want it because it's probably going to be like a fucking 120gb game with uncompressed audio and buggy bullshit.

What’s the story?

Understanding of fucking what?
We're pretty much aware at this point that we're a bunch of mercs and privateers. Been that way since before the founding.

I work at IGN, spoiler We were paid to give this game at least a 9/10. I don't know the score but it won't be less. We are getting our copies in the middle of September. Go ahead and screen cap it, I don't care. Sony paid us money and its the usual dance and charade where you guys will go apeshit about it. Don't say I didn't warn you

Yeah I totally believe you buddy

>Only an American can have such a surface level understanding.
Understanding of what? MGS isn't some far future sci-fi epic, it takes place in modern times.

I believe IGN has been paid off for years but I don't believe you.

Nigger, doesn't even include more than one sentence per line, if you can call them proper sentences. Just shut the fuck up.

Will Hideo"Here's to fucking you" Kojima finally fuck off after DS inevitable bomb? This game is too cerebral for normies, and since it's a movie game, you can watch it for free, so I don't see how Sony can make a good ROI for all of the talent they hired to make this 'game'.

I can't even imagine how a game could possibly be so good as to live up to the hype this game has.

I have film industry flashbacks, where they make trailers to pick your curiosity and "go viral" and get you to a movie theater, after that if the movie actually sucks it doesn't matter since they got your money already. Sure if the movie is well received then even better, but they don't necessarily rely on it.

I would probably enjoy DS more if they just told me straight what the game was and let me play it, but it's this ridiculous build up that will make people buy it. It's like it has to be an unavoidable disappointment in order to make money

>you could get banned for criticizing death stranding in the DS sub of reddit
Kek, why are kojimafags so fanatical?

go back

I havent told you to think anything or said what I think about death stranding, im simply laughing at armchair kikes who apparently want me to care about the financial aspect of the development behind the product. If anything I was on an active kojima hate train after TPP but with every piece of info that has come out since about the whole situation and death stranding itself has gotten me interested. Im not "hyped", im interested in the game and im getting it day one unless some tremendous truthbomb drops about how its secretly shit. Ive bought games before without knowing dick squat about the content inside like RE7, usually if I need to do extensive research on something it means im already dubious about them somehow in the first place. Death stranding is making me want to buy it because its captivating

Imaizumi, Hideo's producer, is our link to the company. Go ahead and ask if he knows anyone at IGN on twitter. I'll wait

>Doesn't listen to gamers
>Gamers do not buy game
>Game dies

Thank god for capitalism. Nothing of value will be lost.

>It's okay when breath of the wild does it

you do it

>>Gamers do not buy game
Never happened with Kojima dipshit

Can confirm. I work for Gamespot and the other day John Paul Sony came into our office, wearing a black trenchcoat, a fedora and a pair of sunglasses and handed us an envelope with 10.000 $. "Give Death Stranding a rating of 10/10 or you'll have a very unfortunate accident" he cackled. We already lost one of our best reviewers after he gave Days Gone a 5/10. They found parts of him floating in the Hudson River. Scary shit.

Sounds about right.

He should remove problematic content and add more gays, trans and strong femenist characters

>We already lost one of our best reviewers after he gave Days Gone a 5/10. They found parts of him floating in the Hudson River. Scary shit.

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Then he'll make a bad B movie and finally fuck off.

Nice falseflagg, idiot.

He's finally free from his previous company's shackles! His creative vision is unrestrained! He will make the game he always wanted to make!

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Based pajeets dabbing on the CIA.

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This sounds about right

>MGSV mentions Big Boss, Eva and Ocelot dying during 2014
>no mention of Solid Snake
>we could've had a potential sequel with Solid Snake if Konami wasn't full of cock-munching faggots

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At this point everyone is morally corrupt it's over I'm taking my spaceship and going home

uh yes because they put in a couple hundred incredibly challenging and rewarding puzzles over the whole map

The closest you'll get is the Japanese exclusive sword in MGR possessed by Snake's ghost who comments on things from time to time.

>that doesn't really happen in movies
Maybe not 50 years ago, but every movie nowadays is focused grouped to hell and back.

It won't live up to the hype.
It honestly looks like an extremely hardware-demanding walking simulator for stoners.

>every movie
Gross exaggeration. Part of the problem is that making video games is a lengthy and expensive process. Anyone with a camera and a cast can make a movie, and anyone with a piano or guitar can make an album. Video games aren’t as easily made, which is why there’s so much corporate meddling.

well it's tehcnically true, by a couple of months, but the REAL stealth game came out 2 months later and it was far better.

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They were much easier to make before the corporate meddling.

Who doesn't?

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im interested in his games in the same way im interested in Suda51 games or David lynch/Tarantino films, they have a unique style that I usually enjoy. Although Kojima to a lesser extent because a lot of his visual flare is a direct rip from other properties. Example:

Is there a bigger hack than this retard? MGS has some of the worst writing in any series.

you FUCKING retard, how can you be this dumb? or is this bait? if so, amazing, but holy fuck fuck you, retard

All I'm hearing is, journalist and western political influence won't have any input, so that's good.

Mulholland Dr. is the greatest movie ever made.

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I enjoyed it.

Oh I gt it, he's actually hiking

is that the guy who watched Escape from New York once and then built his whole career around it?


>Ammo is limited in MGS too.
Not nearly limited enough to actually ever pose a realistic issue in any of the games that have it.
>And if a guard is asleep the others will go on alert or they'll get waken up
Due to the nature of the MGS maps (barring V) being broken up into different 'Zones' this is rarely actually an issue if you don't stick your thumb up your ass for too long doing fuck all.

Is that why his games are 99% non gameplay related cutscenes



>instead listen to Pedowood tier cashgrabbers hacks

yep BASED!


Where is the part where he is peeing? That is what makes the walking sim part enjoyable

You can see what happens when devs don't listen by looking at blizzard.

oh okay, thanks for pointing it out. But I though we were talking 3d games?