Hey veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3
I want to get into Metal Gear Solid, it looks cool.
The only game I played was on PS1 and I barely remember it.
What order should I play the games in, and are they all available/emulatable on PC?
Hey veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3
Other urls found in this thread:
TPP and MGR are the only good games, enjoy
hmmmm yeah i wonder what game you start in when the games are numbered from 1-5 with one exception hmmmmmmmmm thinking real hard hmmmmm
get a ps3
no PS3 for me user
Yes, all are available on PC. Emulate 1 and 2, then 3. Then use your free week trial of PS now to play 4. This is the ideal way to play and will net you the most appreciation for 3 as a whole.
Fuck off retard.
How poor are you? You can get one for like 50 bucks and slap CFW on it and then you have hundreds of free games and super convenient media server/emulation machine hooked up to your tv.
Can you count from 1 to 5?
>veeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3
>what order should I play these numbered games in hurrr durrrrrrrr
Just fucking kill yourself .
You are directly Venom Snake in The Phantom Pain. Venom Snake is a self insert of the player.
I watched this video after you shilled it yesterday
I liked it a lot, I have truly been redpilled
Why should I do that?
Because youre an underaged furry faggot and a literal retard incapable of rational thinking.
You are only 20% correct. That would be a fail if this was an exam.
I think you meant only MGR is the only good game
>"The first photo shows the medic with his balaclava on. The second photo, which was taken just after the first, shows the player with the balaclava off."
From the script. Need more proof?
Have fun getting permabanned again faggot
Kill yourself
Pretty much you can emulate all the first games,you can also play the HD collections
What did he post?
Link please
He posted the same old "WAAH KONAMI EVIL!!!!!!1" propaganda that he spams in every single Metal Gear/Kojima/Konami thread.
1, 2, 3, 4, Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain. Extra credit: play Metal Gear 1 and 2 before MGS1.
No it was another autist
He posted a shitty shortener link because the jannys banned the URL of his video
Probably he just tried to trick people into clicking the link so he could get easy money
He did the same thing yesterday
For those who keep getting a mostly blank page in the "demo" portion
>Just click on the second tab at the bottom
I'm glad he did. The video he linked to is a real eye opener
user do you just make these fake threads because you wanna discuss mgs? Because if so, that's okay.
it's a good video you corporate bootlicker
Shut up faggot no one cares about your shitty videos
Holy shit nice
Where did you find them ?
The best way to play them is in release order:
>Metal gear
>Metal gear 2
>Solid 2
>Solid 3
>Portable ops
>Solid 4
>Peace walker
>Ground zeroes
>Phantom pain
And the only canon spinoff, metal gear rising, is definitely worth playing too.
All of them are playable on ps3 except for portable ops on psp. You can also emulate them all, but the grand finale of the franchise, mgs4, is ps3 exclusive, and last i checked, ps3 emulation still had a way to go
where did this come from? How can you confirm it's the actual script and not just some autists wet dream? no offense, just wondering.
Consider suicide
Thanks friend
play 1 and 2 on PC, you can torrent the PC versions and the fixes that make it work well on modern PCs
>twin snakes
Disgusting. Also, I would recommend playing them on the original consoles.
The script? You mean it then?
It leaked from a couple of translators. Given the source, in reality, it's actually the translation script, but it's a very close mirror of the script to the point where you can consider it the script.
>How can you confirm it's the actual script
It helped decipher a bunch of subp name hashes that were yet to be cracked. In other words, it's real.
Play them in whatever order is most convenient to you.
Each game can be set on its own with minimal inconvenience.
Only get invested in the story after you played each game once.
Metal gear
>How can you confirm it's the actual script and not just some autists wet dream? no offense, just wondering.
How about you take a peek and conclude yourself, nigger
>INTAC: We're thinking of making it a mild theme in Miller's lines that he sees Cipher's attack as a kind of theft - he'll refer to things as being taken or stolen (rather than saying passive things like "I/We lost it"). This comes from his businessman mentality.
No faker would ever include details like that one.
The script leaks are real. You cannot deny this.
Nice opinion bro but personally I only played metal gear rising. I dont care about that nerdass stealth shit.
that doesnt confirm shit lmfao
>reads like something only Hideo Kojima could write
Way more believable than Demon Edition for sure
Play 1, Ghost Babel, 2, 3, and PW
Skip 4 and 5
>that doesnt confirm shit lmfao
Stop being this tryhard at denying the genuineness of them
If that line doesn't confirm they're real/from the actual script then look at this After reading, will you confirm that they're real/from the actual script now?
you can't blame him, the fanbase of mgs is very obsessive and there are some outright weird people in it. I could easily see someone doing this with enough time.
>There are still people that doubt that the leaked translation script is real
I have worked with translators before, once even with an AAA game. It reads exactly like a script organized by your typical translator group. It's real, and anyone who says otherwise can fuck off.
Release order.
Don't be a faggot.
>I could easily see someone doing this with enough time.
here, bruteforce decrypting modern algorithm hashes so that you can put the deciphered strings in your fake leaks will take you more than 10 years, tops. Stop being this delusional and accept that it's the actual script/translation script. There is plenty of evidence you can search around the net that proves that.
A faked script/translation script leak wouldn't include a boatload of translator comments, and would have way more content that would read like a shitty fanfic.