>play jrpg
>church is evil
Play jrpg
Other urls found in this thread:
Churches are evil, bible is a.okay.
Is it a jrpg or a sim at that point?
please dont slander the pope
>play real life
>the church is an evil organization that uses its doctrines to keep people complacent and happy through manipulation and lies
>Yea Forums knows this and yet still larps as christfags not because they want to support a dying cult but just to get (You)s and post fedoras
there is no such thing as a necessary evil
Well you need to weed out some bullshit, but yeah.
>Play jrpg
>Angels are super evil
>Demons are dindus
>Papież rodak!
Zostaw papieża
might as well worship Tzeentch you gigantic faggots
Lubię wódkę o nazwie Żubrówka.
>play srpg
>church isnt evil but the commonness of the evil church trope fools tons of ledditors into siding with the villain and defending her
>Play jrpg
>Church is save point
is this the pdf thread
organized religion is cancer
>play real life
>church is evil
>>the church is an evil organization that uses its doctrines to keep people complacent and happy through manipulation and lies
you literally described modern secular capitalistic society
>if it reflects poorly on christianity then isn't real christianity!!
Triumphalism and evil aren't the same thing. They're selfish, not malicious. They want to conquer not destroy.
Capitalistic society at least produces something. What does the church produce?
>church is evil
Only because its being run into the ground by pope poz the first
>Lead humanity to the good path
>All they want in exchange is to fuck little boys/girls and all of your money
I think that's a fair trade
No, no. The Church is evil.
ok proddie
It's because church in vidya lacks charismatic moments.
>Capitalistic society at least produces something.
Such as?
The church has been evil ever since they started worshiping a dead Jew.
Just like in real life
Remember kids
The pope said kiss those refugee's feet.
lmao this fucking nigger
>implying old catholics dont think jews are christ killers
Evangelicals really started the bizzare kike worshipping and "judeo-christian" meme
>not evil
Capitalism makes a really stupid religion too.
>being religious
>Capitalistic society at least produces something.
materialistic shit that keeps the population compliant you mean
Science is the worst religion.
>Church head straight up admits she built church on a lie in order to further her own selfish goals
Bad comparison
Not /ourpope/
The church itself isn't evil but the religion was intentionally built on a bed of lies and Rhea flat out admits she completely fucked up. The church as an institution is a force for good and is the only reason Fodlan didn't get curbstomped by Dagda and Almyra,
I love my materialistic shit. I also love the lifestyle capitalism has allowed me to have. I work at a job I love, make great money and have more than enough time to spend my money on fun shit, travel AND have good relationships with loved ones. Life under capitalism is great.
t. used to live under socialism, now live under capitalism
>play jrpg
>Empires are always evil
>play Xenoblade 2
>outside of some early game misunderstanding, the empire mostly leaves you alone.
That was the biggest surprise in that game.
looks realistic to me in that part
>Church is not only good, but their story also has the most Kino final boss in the game.
>play real life
>the church is full of pedophiles and secret societies that take oaths to inflict horrible tortures and evils in the name of their God
>play jrpg
>church isn't evil
any games like this?
kurwa ale kisne z filename
This. Catholics know whats up. Thats why the jews hate them most of all.
>Play JRPG
>Empire is evil
>Kingdom is good
being a christian is the new being gay for internet contrarians
have you heard the shit that has come out the popes mouth
he's 100% jew owned.
>church is evil
>find out it’s evil because modernists like JP2 infiltrated it and corrupted it from inside out.
>have to find the real church and support it
Would play 100%
>play jrpg
>church isn't evil, they just want your money
you will come to regret it eventually, nihilist
>t. used to live under socialism, now live under capitalism
well you went from living in shit to living in lesser shit so of course you're happy, too bad in first world countries where wageslavery is rampant and everything is expensive makes things differently
>"you'd better pay up those 700 coins if you want your cat back, kid"
being a faggot was never considered cool
good think we got rid of those people who at least attempted morality now all the 85 IQ population is ruled by soulless corporation and celebrity worship instead
>preachers and preists bad
>souless satan worshiping pop singers telling 11 year old girls heterosexuality is bad and you should abort all your children good
Wouldn't hurt to learn the meaning of words before you use them. You'll look like less of a retard.
A population that doesn't commit mass shootings for a start
Capitalism is the least shit system we've ever come up with. You're free to shit on it when you offer a better alternative, but until then criticizing it is absolutely retarded.
>agreeing that non-capitalism is shit
>agreeing that capitalism is lesser shit
>still advocates for the former
thats what the next fad will say about tradthotts like you
>People think the church (and government) are doing anything when it's really just businesses and money working through them.
>socialist societies advocate for religion
Are you implying the church doesn't exist in the US? What the fuck kind of retard even are you
hedonism is cope nihilism, you'll understand one day
Grade A reading comprehension there.
>znowu zbanowany na zakres na kara
jakbym tamta moderacyjna kurwe dorwal to bym zajebal szmate
meant for
Are you fucking retarded? Where the fuck did I say that? Take your strawman shit elsewhere you fucking nigger tier mongoloid.
church being mafia is common sense in eastern europe, dunno why westerners are sleeping on it
Doesn't make any fucking sense either, you clown. Are you even in the right thread?
>liking pleasurable activities means you're a nihilist
lmao okay dude
>anons swooping like vultures to reply to a misdirected post
what games have the comfiest churches?
(not including KCD)
ideology is religion sans superstitions
it has the rituals, clergy, holy texts, songs, temples, relics, etc
>reply to wrong post
Can't make this shit up lmao
papież nić ić
How would we know you simply fucked up instead of being actually retarded? Everything you've posted so far makes the latter much more likely.
>doesn't make sense
literally the original discussion was how religion was replaced by secular materialism, do you even follow the reply chain, idiot? Since when did socialism push for religion?
Socialism isn't the only mental disorder you're suffering from, is it?
That's great if it's the old kind of mafia that managed it's people and kept things sustainable. Business in US is all about burning everything and everyone for a quick buck.
>play random JRPG
>church is the good guys
any game other than DQ?
What games have the best organ inspired tracks?
>play a real game (and not a shitty jrpg)
>church is good
equating hedonism to nihilism just because you don't have a happy life is some serious next level cope, user
This desu, evangelicals interpret a section of the Bible that they claim says that the jews must occupy Israel before christ can be reborn, so they jack off the Israeli state because their preachers tell them to.
Catholics and coptics have hated jews ever since Judas' betrayal.
Albo masz 14 lat albo jesteś zjebem, skoro siedzisz na Oskarekczanie
>how would we know that you didn't fucked up
from the fact that the reply had nothing to do with the post it's replying but of course you couldn't resist being an ADHD retard who can't follow the reply chain as proven in this thread
You have to be pretty retarded to miss the post number of the post you're actually trying to reply to. That in itself honestly says a lot.
Imagine SEETHING this hard lol
>people can't make mistakes
ok bro
I never said that. Retards are people too.
that's nice of you of validating yourself bro. It's cool tho, I forgive you
ale papieża to ty szanuj
>be retarded
>get called out for it
>n-n-no u!!!
>get rid of "evil" region
>now we're ruled by satan worshiping hollywood elitists and high caste indian technocrats who want to abolish the first and second amendments
Good job atheists, you really made the world a better place
Some people just don't know when to admit defeat. It's a little sad
>play american game
>you have to obey your inhuman overlords and maintain the status quo
Upvoted !!!
considering that you're still replying, yeah that's true
Cringe, church is based
You know, not everyone who is an atheist wants religion to be gone. I see the benefit of religion (christianity in particular) existing, but I can't just lower my IQ on purpose and actually believe what's in the Bible.
Meanwhile in Dragon Quest
Is there a game where the church is painted as evil only to be proven that they were good guys after all?
>still falling for the atheism meme pushed by (((free thinkers))) and the media
...he said, while still replying
Absolutely amazing lmao, are you arguing against yourself now? Thanks but I don't need the help my guy
>dying cult
Holy fuck lad thats a good one
Nah, we're just ruled by jews.
the restore circumstantial, irrelevant and replaceable.
Funny thing the vatican predicted that this would happen shortly after the french revolution.
>still falling for the "invisible magician in the sky" meme
It produced social norms which created 800+ years of stability in europe whoch led to the Enlightenment and unprecedented technological development
Imagine unironically believing this lmao
And yet even the dullest jprg is more enjoyable than the dullest game of all time. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.
>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.
Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.
>sucks juul pod
God may or may not be. Who am I to say?
Why is cenzo still a thing?
>play jrpg
>god is evil
>but the church is good
>after god is defeated the church continues to spread the good teachings of god even if god didn't believe in them
>And yet even the dullest jprg is more enjoyable than the dullest game of all time
>the dullest game from this one specific genre isn't as dull as the most dull game out of all the genres
Wow, that's some fucking truly enlightening shit right there.
>non of the highest IQs, even modern ones like kaku, einstein, or godel were or are atheist
>tfw you realise atheism is just another brainwashing fad like all the rest
>play Bullet hell
>Religion is retarded
Wow I love this animal?
>cherry picking examples of smart people who weren't atheists
Wow, suddenly I'm compelled to ignore the existence of all the smart people who are atheists. You've just fundamentally changed my views, user.
socialism and capitalism are both secular materialism retard
>tfw you're an atheist but love pretending to be religious to trigger edgy atheist kids
I know I'm not the only one ITT
Except the atheists only arguments are appeals to authority. Face it, legitimate geniuses (heisenberg is another) don’t fall for your intellectualism cult
Einstein believed in mathematics to be the fundamental law of the universe, God, in a sense. He wasn't exactly christian.
He was also a hardcore socialist but fuck if people here are going to mention that lel
hell is real and so heaven
But whatever the fucking things like angels or the devils are throwing at me im still neutral alignt
Well that pole pope actually covered pedos and laundered mafia blood money to fund the vatican so yeah, he was a piece of shit.
>if you aren’t christian that’s means you are atheist!!!
how retarded
>Except the atheists only arguments are appeals to authority
lmao, religiousfags' only """"""argument"""""" is an appeal to an IMAGINARY authority, so the fact that you'd bring something like this up is absolutely hilarious. Fuck I love you retards