What's Yea Forums opinion on Monster Hunter World?
What's Yea Forums opinion on Monster Hunter World?
I didn't like it but it was a decent game.
I hope MH6 is more like the old games.
I like it a lot. Just wish it had better weapon designs, better monster variety, and didn't have all these timed events/crossovers.
The graphics were a nice touch, but overall meh. Rather play with the older titles/XX.
Unironically one of the best games I've played in my life. Always tried to get into monster hunter for years but never got far until I played World. Its certainly not perfect but still just so damn good
casualized garbage for western retards
>b-but it has classic monsters
kill yourself
It is just as bad as Yea Forums says. But it is still pretty good, one of the best games released post 2015
It’s objectively the best monster hunter. It just needs a bigger and more varied roster. Can’t wait for Zinogre, Brachy, and all the others.
Pure ludokino. Hated by Nintendo fans, see: because it's the first Monster Hunter in a long time to not be Nintendo exclusive and it plays well and looks good, further giving them sour grapes.
Not as bad as P3rd but still kinda bad.
Tried to fix too many things that weren't broken to begin with.
AT Elders with bloated HP sucks
>Another Horizon Zero Dawn crossover
>When they still haven't made a high-level Sakura set
Why did her set get left behind? Are they going to make amped versions of Geralt, Ciri, and Ryu?
monster hunter is casual timesink bullshit worse than any MMO out there
Sakura has a layered set so why care?
I just want more Sakura costumes.
What is a good early game armor for FU?
Planning on using mainly GS.
That’s fair. I just want a crossover with Darkstalkers
At the start anything is fine, but I went through the whole game like this:
Kushala S
Lava X/Ceantaur X mix that gives both Focus and Art of Unsheathing
Rajang X
They were broken in the eyes of people who didn't even like Monster Hunter. They threw the old fanbase away and aimed at the people who didn't like the previous games and they made fuck loads of money because of it.
Yeah, they gave up most of their niche to blend more into the generic action game market. I can guarantee it was the decision of some suit who doesn't even care about the game.
Its a fun experiment but I honestly feel it has a lot going against it. I dont like the fact that a majority of the weapons just look like they took a few parts of the monster and taped it on top of the bone or steel variants of the starting weapons. Not to mention a lot of the early sets have very little visual flare. There is one or two that have a bit of a theme, but when compared to armor designs from say 3 Ultimate, I didnt find any armor set that didnt just look generic armor you make out of bits and pieces before you can fight big monsters.
The fact that you cant play online with friends until you see a cutscene is a real bummer, they could of made it where you could literally play through the main story together and that would of been kick ass. Instead its extremely limiting and cuts off a lot of options to play. Back in the psp games me and my friends would make new characters, immediatly go to the gathering hall and just spend most our time crashing through that. The only things that could hold you back was a lack of honey from the far or your own lack of skill. Finally I think the whole open world thing and special wrist launcher power up are both good and bad. Its fun to jump through and live in a world that isint seperated by loading screens, but they fill it with so much extra bull shit you can do when just fighting the monster tends to be the fastest and most organic way to play. Also I think it limits some of the monsters you can put in, as I could never see something like Durambaros trying to squeeze its way through portions of a map or lift itself up onto cliff ledges. Its monster hunter so an aspect of it will always be fun, but really I'de rather just go back and play 3 or 4 Ultimate.
There's literally nothing that makes HBG special
What the fuck were they thinking removing crouching fire
Ok base but filled with some gay shit. Iceborne definitely addresses one of these issues(eg Shit hub), so I’m hopeful it’ll address more issues.
>weapons are still weighty
>still need to hunt monsters several times over for parts to make armor and weapons
>QoL improvments, namely better gathering, in-game weakness charts and weapon trees
The game is easier, for sure. But they've always been getting easier with the fixing of hitboxes
>They threw the old fanbase away and aimed at the people who didn't like the previous games
That began when they moved to Nintendo buddy.
Gigginox is better
No, but I don't dislike him.
Is the Xbox version fucking dead? Every time I check there are almost no hunts to join. Either that or everyone wisened up and started doing private.
I'm not shit at MH I swear
I like it
Best game in the series barring 3 big negatives.
-Story cutscenes have to be experienced single player first, so people trying to co-op through it need to do arbitrary waiting before double teaming monsters
-Cutscenes can't be skipped
-Small Monster Roster
The last one isn't so big because World isn't a G-title and also can't have easily ported monsters to fluff out the roster. Also the weapon designs being steel/iron with pieces slapped on wouldn't be so bad as long as the final upgrades looked unique. But I understand why they did it to save of dev time
Just why?
What's that? You mean PC?
>>weapons are still weighty
Not nearly as much as they used to be.
>>still need to hunt monsters several times over for parts to make armor and weapons
Rubies used to be rare, now they throw them and every other material at you without even trying. I was never once lacking a rare drop when an upgrade that needed it came up.
>>QoL improvments, namely better gathering, in-game weakness charts and weapon trees
Why are QoL improvements seen as an unnegotiable improvement these days? You can make arguments for certain anti-QoL mechanics that they make the game more substantial, and that QoL chips away at that.
I like it, but it needs Guildmarm and Little Miss Forge
Gigginox doesn't rustle newcomers like Khezu does. It was always funny when you had someone bitching about its AOE attacks and screaming.
Because I'm Too poor for a higher end PC and it's my sister's Xbox that she lets me play when I house sit every week.
It's gonna be the undisputable best Monster Hunter once Iceborne drops.
I don't like it, and I wish the handler could fucking die instead of being such a useless piece of shit
Why can't they give us Moga's sweetheart as a companion?
>Rubies used to be rare, now they throw them and every other material at you without even trying
They still are. People still get unlucky enough to need to hunt a monster several times if they want the materials/ran out of Gold Prints
>You can make arguments for certain anti-QoL mechanics that they make the game more substantial, and that QoL chips away at that.
Like what
Where's the QoL when I actually want it? Like how about a fucking skip button for the stupid cutscenes.
>PC being behind all the time means no PC crossplay with either console even as a pipe dream
The game will never have crossplay because besides of what you pointed out with pc capcom doesn't care at all about the xbone
They released the game on more platforms than ps4 because they want more sales, but it's been made clear they didn't wanted to do it
>Why can't they give us Moga's sweetheart as a companion?
Based, fuck handler
She should die eaten by a monster and it should be canon
>They still are. People still get unlucky enough to need to hunt a monster several times if they want the materials/ran out of Gold Prints
Having to hunt a monster ten times for a rare drop used to be a norm, not an exception. Investigations are also a first, never before could you deliberately skyrocket your chances to get rare drops and be pretty much guaranteed to have at least one after three quests. The tickets are also insane for how easy they are to obtain.
>Like what
Fast travel is merely a band-aid for making most of the map meaningless. All of your items and gear being accessible during a quest would take away any feeling of being out on a hunt if monsters didn't die ridiculously fast anyway. Crouching down to gather created a different pace that made the maps feel less shallow.
So one of the key quests for village 10 in MHGU is deviljho.. oof. What kind of LBG would be best for him? Should I stick with nargacuga pierce or make a dragon lbg set?
>Fast travel is merely a band-aid for making most of the map meaningless
It's so that you dont need to spend half the hunt climbing the map to get the rathalos that flies over everything. And also puts you right next to the target monster most of the time. The maps are also just good for expeditioning when you want to gather some stuff
>All of your items and gear being accessible during a quest would take away any feeling of being out on a hunt if monsters didn't die ridiculously fast anyway
The tent system helps so that if you forget to change your gear, or if you're current set isn't working, you can swap it out without needing to cancel the quest and reload it entirely. This saves time. Sure, being able to restock all your supplies is babby shit, but that's for casuals that need to restock in their bad hunts. A pro goes in with what they got and won't need to restock, getting their hunt times down.
>Crouching down to gather created a different pace that made the maps feel less shallow
They should've kept. For carving, too
QoL is cool, new monsters and armor/weapon designs suck, desert map is best in the series, terrible post game but that holds true for pretty much every MH. Especially since 4U.
>It's so that you dont need to spend half the hunt climbing the map to get the rathalos that flies over everything.
Yes, that is pretty much my whole point. If the map had less filler areas you wouldn't need a fast travel to skip running around.
>This saves time.
Should it, though? I always liked the preparation aspect, and it felt appropriate to be punished when you failed at it.
I play on xbox everyday and have no problem finding hunts. Especially now that events are up, it's pretty populated. What region are you in?
It's good overall and definitely made MH more bearable by making it solo-friendlier, reducing the grind and the menial tasks like gathering bugs and mining, making it multiplat with decent graphics and getting rid of most dumb flashy 4th generation bullshit. Undoubtedly the best MH has ever been.
But unfortunately it's still kept a lot of the shittiness of the earlier games. The game is still hugely inconsistent in tone and more often than not can't match the cool renders they throw out as marketing material like pic related. The actual game is loaded with the silliest cartoony shit you could find, bright red Fire Emblem armor, trench coat and fedora, looking like a Nazgul from LOTR etc. and weapons that let you pull out moves worthy of Naruto and other shounen anime, a glowing dragon that shoots actual lasers. And the upcoming expansion is just making it all worse, confirming that they're not trying to improve the shoddy foundation World built but break it all down, so the games' quality will be taking a nosedive again.
Not with crutch claw and tempered monsters around
> If the map had less filler areas you wouldn't need a fast travel to skip running around
That's not entirely the case. Different areas are arenas or nests for most monsters. And offer different advantages or disadvantages. Diablos gets it's nifty sand wall moves in the den of Wildspire, Tobi and Odo have specific areas for their wall jumping attacks since not every area has walls for them to jump from. Just helps to make the world feel more alive with maps to explore rather than arenas your hunter loading screens through.
>I always liked the preparation aspect, and it felt appropriate to be punished when you failed at it
You load up quest, forget to change to Fire resistant armor, abandon it, change gear, and reload the quest. It's not much of a punishment. Just wastes time. And again, if I'm trying out a lance set, but it's just not working out against a Rathalos, I'm given the ability to change to my LBG or SnS set that works out better without needing to abandon or fail the quest to do so. Especially if you're doing turns with buddies or something and just plain forget to change off your Kush hunting set to your Jho hunting one
You are a western retard, weeb scum.
Imagine being a tonefag.
Lemme wear my wiggler hat without your autism please.
What the fuck is a 'filler area' and how is it different to past MHs
If I were to guess. user probably meant some transitional areas that monsters don't even fight in.
It was so awful that I couldn't even bother to finish the story. The maps are a pain to chase monsters through and too cluttered to fight them in. Scoutflies just make everything worse. It's more obnoxious than ever to just find the monster and hunt it. Astera is the worst hub I've ever seen too. The fact that the lift animation plays even when you fast travel is ridiculous and being able to do a lot of the prep work in camp was a shitty way to compensate for their bad map design because it means you don't need to think about what to bring on a hunt and you'll never run out of items.
What really killed it for me is when I decided to Iook up the weapon trees to see when I could make something that wasn't just a basic iron/bone weapon with some monster bits stapled on. Making cool armors and weapons to hunt cool monsters with has always been my favorite part of monster hunter, but none of those things are present in World. The weapons are garbage with a few exceptions. The armors are a little better, but ultimately ruined by the slinger and scoutfly cage being shoehorned into every design. The realistic textures and general bulkiness don't help either. The monsters themselves are boring too. There are some cool designs like Tobi and Pukei, but the fights are trash because of how easy they are. I thought high rank would fix this, but it felt like I was still hunting low rank monsters when I got there. Hunters feel too powerful because you barely have to commit to attacks anymore and positioning doesn't matter. It feels less satisfying to hit a monster than in the older games and I don't know if that's just because it's easier or if it's because monsters bleed rocks and there's something up with the sound design. Maybe endgame content is tougher, but from what I hear it's mostly just hunting juiced-up elders and that doesn't sound particularly fun.
The constant shitposting from both sides is the worst part though. Not the game's fault, but it still sucks.
>Making cool armors and weapons to hunt cool monsters with has always been my favorite part of monster hunter, but none of those things are present in World
What are some cool armors from previous games that you miss?
I'm a big fan of ones that make you look like a mech like Seltas, Nerscylla, and Zamtrios. The low-poly graphics made a lot of armors feel like that, actually. Stuff like the Seregios and Ceanataur sets still gave off that vibe. Returning armors like the Obituary set don't have the same sort of feeling in World.
brainless janky unoptimized grindfest, initially looks really cool but the fighting is so painfully slow and unresponsive. All the dinosaurs are braindead and I feel like I'm punished for wanting to complete an armor set with RNG and haphazard stats. Mediocre game with a fancy spit shine and barely co-op only for grinding? Lame as fuck
We have very different taste, I detest that shit. But I guess you might like the upcoming Brachydios and Glavenus armors in Iceborne.
Lots of needed improvements around getting ready for a hunt. Like mid-quest joining, weapon trees, hunter's notes, item sets so on.
However the actual hunting has some iffy changes that, I feel, could have been handled better. A lot of it is completely scrapping the older methods for new ones that seem to favor the player and remove limits that were on them before which removes a lot of thought from the entire system. Also it comes without an appreciable boost to the monsters to contend with these new unbound hunters, so it comes off as easy. Because it is.
Graphics finally got the nice overhaul they've been needing, but they could remove the motion blur as well as give a bit more color to the monsters and be good.
Overall a nice game and something that will build off of nicely, but has some worrying changes that if they keep snowballing I could see the series losing a lot of the charm that original built it up in the first place.
So good game, but to me it's the weakest of the entire series.
How IB changes my perception of that will be something to look forward to.
Maybe, if they still look as cool in World. What sort of armor sets do you like? Anime garbage is my favorite, but I enjoy plenty of other armor designs too.
>I like less gameplay mechanics
I know it won't happen this far in, but I really hope they average out the HP values between solo and multiplayer, and remove the multiplier for more people in the hunt.
It makes soloing feel unsatisfying, and it makes multiplayer feel like a hindrance. It's the worst thing about World to me, hands down.
Great taste, I too wish to be /m/. I just wish I could be fe/m/ more often though.
Will Iai even be useful? It doesn't look that strong.
There are a lot of cool things about this game, but unfortunately fighting monsters is not one of them. Having to disengage mid fight from a monster that wants to rip face in order sharpen your weapon is not what I would call a smooth fighting mechanic. I get having to stay on top of your gear's condition, but literally having to sharpen your weapon MID FIGHT, after only a few swings? Crappy. I'm new to the series so maybe this was just a big, unpleasant surprise for me, but having no way to lock on to the enemy while in combat seems like a mistake, especially when multiple enemies are present, and especially when you cannot effectively aim your melee combos! In short, everything necessary for survival (taking potions, eating food, etc.) and necessary for combat (sharpening weapons, aiming, etc.) detracts from the overall experience of taking on colossal beasts and instead turns it into a colossal, frustrating chore.
Kek, this ninkiddy finna seethe
I hated it.
I like the ones that are a more or less even mix of normal blacksmith/leatherworking techniques and added monster parts. I enjoy the pseudo-medival look and I like to think those parts are used in places that need either more flexibility or more protection and the proper parts are used accordingly. Rathalos and Rathian are still probably my favorites. Just wish the latter was closer to its old design.
>male armor
>knight with some scales
>female armor
Yeah, I feel that. It's a shame that so many of the female armors have exposed thighs and faces, but I suppose that's what most people are looking for.
i just beat xeno for the first time and i have no motivation to kill any more monsters
Well only fags and people who want to play anime fashion designer play as women so Capcom knows its target audience on that front.
Congrats, you beat the game. You don't have to play it forever. In fact, if you don't get all the OP shit from endgame, the transition to Iceborne will probably be more fun. Take a well-deserved break, user-kun.
>if you don't get all the OP shit from endgame
If g-rank expansions of the past are any indication, your current gear will be pretty worthless after the first few hunts and all the meta sets won't cut it compared to the new stuff.
Yeah, exactly. It might make the first hunt against that G-Rank Jagras a bit easier, but after that it won't matter too much.
First ever MH, managed to get some non-weeb friends to play along and had a blast. Hopefully the next multiplat doesn't get delayed too much.
kill yourself, MH will never be a serious series despite what they market to the normalfags
What's the thing on the left? Looks like it has just the eye sockets.
Nice, I can appreciate that sort of design. The patchwork aesthetic is nice and it shows they put a lot of thought into how the armor would work. World seems better at handling that kind of armor than anime bullshit, although they're still a bit too bulky and I don't like how the more realistic monster bits look on them.