How do I git gud?
How do I git gud?
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Play oda
spam Yari deathstack
ninja are fucking sweet to have around. They are useful in a lot of ways.
Also play
bows are op
>yari ashigaru line with spear wall
>put bows in front
>if enemy advances you pull the bows behind
>when the enemy has engaged your shield wall you ride the horses around and smash in the back
high iq moves:
>you can move archers around a castle and shoot people in the back without them reacting (including enemy archers)
>bait around with your horses so the enemy comes down from their hill
>convert christian
>spam nanban merchant ships
>rush to trade points
you have a shit load of money to invest in armies and nobody can take your navy, also, is pretty fucking easy to take the blackship this way
Japs > Chinks
You picked the right game, user. Have fun.
It's the only way to play on higher difficulties thank to CA perfect game balance.
>spam ashigaru
>reduce taxes
>late game profit
play Oda
>expand my provinces
>shogun gets mad
>everyone turns on me and kills me
How do I deal with this
never fight field battles (unless you want to)
get the moral reduction aura on your general
garrison him in your towns with a handful of the best sword samurai you can get and a few units of cavalry. this'll bait their full stacks into sieging it
if you play it right you can easily defend against 10x your own number, they'll chain route while in the processing of climbing up and then you ride horses out of the gates to kill them to a man
have your real army off hiding in the woods somewhere to swoop behind and take their empty settlements in the meantime
also assassinate any decent enemy general via ninja
Recruit agents whenever you can, make use of them so they level up. It's great to have high level metsuke and ninja around. Ninja's sabotage army option is great, the targeted army can't move in the next turn
Capture trading posts
Scout the shoreline with a ship for new clans and trading agreements
Watch your food surplus
guns stronk?
Play fall of the samurai
LegendofTotalWar here
Also selling milliary access to everyone that's not your neighbor for free money&reputation
nice, never crossed my mind
You mean Fall of the samurai: Total War Saga™
elves > japs > chinks
guns are too late
you should already have (or almost) won the campaign by that time
I think you mean A Total War Saga: Fall of the Samurai™
As flawed as it is, CA was at its peak with Shogun 2
All downhill from there.
Couldnt say bud, Im not too good myself.
Im good at the map gameplay, real sneaky and shit.
But things get messy and out of hand in battles.
Try this if youre struggling with battles: