>yfw Angelo is a way better fight than Vergil
Yfw Angelo is a way better fight than Vergil
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Just go play dark Souls then faggot
just go watch dark devil man, faggot.
Not really. He was basically a punching bag for Royal Guard. Vergil was so unimpressive though. DMC5 just feels so condescending. Everything felt made so that you can style on it instead of having it so that stylish on enemies is hard but possible through skill.
It was more fun but far less difficult.
The real question is Cavaliere or Credo?
>He was basically a punching bag for Royal Guard
So was Vergil in DMC3.
Truly. Based.
>Angelo gets best song in the game
>Vergil gets horrible songs and FUCK YOU wubwub
I enjoyed alot of old games. Modern games just feel like it was made for retards. Same with this gen and last gen's batch of games. Even the ones like Sekiro are boring once you understand how simple the game works.
Then leave. Go fuck up a different thread you cynical loser
>horrible song
shit taste
the enemies in this game are fucking garbage designed around cheap hits
Why the fuck did they make this demon a literally who instead of Alastor? They could just have switched its name without any design changes and the game would have sold another 1m copies
this game has enough callbacks. Anymore and it would be mgs4 levels of self fellating
Yeah the enemies are a joke, they're still at a ps2 level or maybe even worse. Itsuno doesn't care about difficulty anymore and just wants the player to enjoy the experience that's why there's so many gold orbs and you can revive with red orbs too.
He talks about this in his GDC conference
>His goal with DMC5 was to keep the skill ceiling high — meaning that veteran players would still find plenty to dig into — but lower the barrier to entry for newcomers. That meant simple things like tweaking the continue system to ease frustration, and adjusting the ways that the game assists players during combat.
>“I can’t say that at the time I knew I was doing it correctly,” he says. “The approach I took was very much, don’t touch the ceiling, the ceiling is where our fans are going to be, and if we touch that they’re going to be angry. So make sure that that ceiling is untouched. But let’s make sure that the entry is a lot more user friendly.” He adds that, for the most part, fans have been accepting of the changes. “It was really nice to hear a lot of our hardcore users say ‘Oh, we get it.’”
In this case the ceiling relates to combo wankery instead of the actual skill necessary to beat the game.
You're being awfully antagonistic here for no good reason user.
It's Trish put through the Angelo process, hardly a literal who.
The Vergil fight is a lot more complicated and complex although phase 1 is a freebie as Dante.
Literally samefagging autism.
user is it so hard to understand that more than one person can share an opinion? DMC5 is not perfect, far from it.
How do I cheese Melphas. Her autisic chicken flailing is fucking giving me headaches on hell and hell.
Check again, buddy.
Having revival options doesn’t even affect the h4rdc0r3 players. I have 100 gold orbs stockpiled that I never use. Using them gives you a 0.8x multiplier, which will kill your score.
So easy to cheese. Run around using charge shot until the bird staggers. Then go combomad on it and you can take off huge chunks of health. You can keep wailing on it while it gets up as well. Repeat until the resurrection part. This is super important: you have to damage it below its original health before it started resurrecting. If you achieved that, then it will stagger again, and you can do massive damage. This will allow you to skip most of its final phase, in which the chicken runs around really fast. In that phase, make sure to get really high and use your triple jump to go over it. Then you can grip it and finish it off.
The enemy design does affect you however.
The rest of Mission 15 is so much harder. Maybe I’m not taking optimal routes. But I hate the fight against a million pyrobats and hellbats. How do you stop all of them at the same time? Usually, I take out bats first. But they’re all bats.
Say what you want, but the removal of the exponentially increasing red orb costs for skills was a fucking Godsend. That was the most retarded feature from the older titles.
Cavaliere was a great fight but was let down by how often he ran away to recharge and shoot projectiles, it began to feel like a chore, whereas Vergil at least kept you busy dodging JCs when he disappeared and never left it too long before teleporting behind you. Neither of them really touch Credo.
this game had so many great enemy designs
it really felt like the japanese games I used to play as a kid
Because then you'd have to make Alastor a demon bike double chainsaw and that'd close the door on it coming back for Trish.
Cavalier was literally DMC1: The Boss
>Trish used as the catalyst
>very Alastor inspired design
>uses Alastor's lightning SFX when he charges
>weapon is a motorcycle that has one red light and one blue light (Alastor/Ifrit)
>Cavalier R is Dante's bike from the DMC1 intro
To this day, no boss fight has surpassed Credo in any action game.
How is a random ass boss fought once a third of the way through an unfinished game so god damn amazing?
because you can throw spears back at him or something
Jump, air taunt, air hike, air taunt, triple-jump-wing-flap-I-forgot-the-name-of, air taunt, calibur, air taunt. Don't be on the ground when chicky is raging (staying airborne when attacking is a good idea too, just be wary of the homing spikes), bring Rawhide to take it for a walk when it staggers, showdown during the res. If you want maximum cheese it's the same for every boss, once they drop for a buster plant Overture bombs then use a Buster Arm breakage.
vergil just needed more moves and to be more aggressive. you can literally run away and he'll just sit there after a combo for 10 minutes waiting for you to hit him.
I ran mission 15 a bunch to practice and test stuff on Malphas, the most optimal route I found was going for the jumping section at the start instead of the spikes (you don't have to fight the bats there, you can just triple jump air taunt calibur straight past them) then at the second crossroads going low to where the angelos lurk (again, just running past them). I'm pretty sure the only mandatory fights are the double behemoths, two spinny dudes with a lusachia, and the group of hells at the end, everything else you can just skip.
Wonder whether Urizen would have stuffed Dante in that thing instead of Trish if he had the chance or he would've just killed him.
Because Credo was this game's Vergil he even has Vergil's motifs in his design, but that sort off got muddled because the game got cut short. At one point the also planned for him to be the final boss.
It really sucks that the story set up for him is so weak, especially when he's such an important person to Nero.
Credo is way more than that. He's good because he's so dynamic and constantly responds to what you throw at him. He's also fair and doesn't have any cheap tricks, while being aggressive enough to feel like he's trying to end you. The way he's animated is pretty slick too.
Because he's fucking relentless and you can be equally fucking relentless to him. A lot of bosses have specific openings or weaknesses you need to exploit while also giving you breathers while the boss retreats, but the only time Credo isn't trying his damnedest to push your shit in is when you make him vulnerable for a buster (which only happens when you play well enough, it doesn't just happen on its own) and there is always an opening to be exploited if you're fast enough, meaning you never have to pause or wait for him. DMC in general is usually good about that kinda thing, the main time bosses are left open is when you force an opening, but most of them have a tendency to run away and recharge and stuff like that; with Credo you're always on top of each other, and you either keep up with him or you die. God Hand is the only real game I can think of that follows that template consistently, though the bosses standout less since every fight is pretty much like that. I suppose in the same vein Credo stands out more since he shares a game with Agnus, Sanctus, and the fucking window.
Thanks. I agree the angelos is the best route. I fucked it the last time i played and went a route with a mandatory fight against countless pyrobats and hellbats. It was pretty messy.
The arena you fight Credo in also facilitates this, it's pretty cramped and both the boss and most player characters (Nero/Dante/Vergil) can cover it in one or two moves.
>I suppose in the same vein Credo stands out more since he shares a game with Agnus, Sanctus, and the fucking window.
And you don't even get to fight him twice.
Very good point. Jeanne is an example of a boss who comes close to Credo-tier, constantly on the attack and never outright cockblocking you while also never outright just sitting open, but ultimately she's let down by the stage shifting and set-pieces (and the space harrier section preceding her). Fighting her in the Lost Chapter where it's just you and her 1v1 in a small area and nothing getting between you is an absolute fucking joy.
I had just about forgotten about him, thanks
Exactly. I think DMC5 Vergil could very easily be improved into top tier by making the arena drastically smaller and by changing the first phase - maybe make him do quick helmsplitters and/or rapid slashes after firing the last summoned sword of a salvo so it isn't just free RG and DT gauge. Once he starts DTing and JCs fly all over the place it gets real fun.
What did he mean by this?
You're making Credo out to be a far more difficult boss than he actually was.
DMC5 is such a fucking roflstomp, nothing is challenging even on DMD. Legit let down
Itsuno please just give me Vergil DLC
DMD Credo is an absolute trip. It's less difficulty and more the non-stop, high-speed nature of it.
Angelo was my favorite fight just from the music and spectacle alone. Vergil was just 3 Vergil but worse.
Yeah, when his health goes into the last 3rd, he becomes quite aggressive.
No. You'll have to wait for special edition.
I think Vergil's held back more by his personality (or rather his fighting style being made to reflect his personality). He's the edgy weeb who teleports behind you, which is why he can spend ten minutes just staring you down trying his best to look cool and waiting for something to counter instead of being aggressive. I don't think a tighter arena would change that too much, for him to hit Credo levels I reckon he'd need a full rework. The real shame is CavAngelo, since if they just removed the whole thing where he teleports to the other side of the stage and recharges for twenty seconds like five times every fight and instead had him just rushing you constantly he'd be a very strong contender.
I gotta say his AOE attack where he runs off in a corner to charge it up for two months and then only cover a small area around him is rather nonsensical and breaks up the pace.