Fact: bosses having multiple phases is the purest definition of artificial difficulty designed only to pad out fights...

Fact: bosses having multiple phases is the purest definition of artificial difficulty designed only to pad out fights without actually requiring player skill

Attached: DARK-SOULS-III_20160329221827.jpg (1920x1080, 331K)

*without checkpoints
forgot to say this is the most important factor

Fact: OP is a faggot

Lothric and Lorian were the only good part of Dark Souls III.

Attached: 1566703641388.jpg (750x880, 141K)

So bed of chaos isn't artificial difficulty then?

one of the easiest bosses in the game, what are you on about?

God forbid there be varying mechanics in a single fight

That's not the problem, the problem is forcing you to play through sometimes long segments just so you can attempt to learn the next phase's mechanics. It's just annoying.

Why wouldn't multiple phases require skill?

That's really not artificial difficulty

Stop being shit then

If you get to phase 2 without learning the mechanics of phase 1, then you're not actually learning how the game plays

That's called getting gud. You are using artificial wrong.

You could have posted friede instead to not look like an absolute shitter, there's absolutely nothing difficult about lotric

Why was there no option to decapitate the big one? Probably can't be resurrected without a head.

Attached: 1566713960145.png (331x384, 123K)

Broke: boss interrupts the fight with a cutscene to enter his second phase
woke: boss moveset changes when his HP reaches a certain threshold
ascended: boss moveset changes in response to your own

because decapitation of humans isn't permitted in Japanese law

truly kino games do multiple phases for dramatic effect and hit the cadence of the fight perfectly
OP pic is a perfect example of this, also father Gascan from Bloodborne

Are you serious? I mean those things aren't even human.

i think the princes are a good version of a multi phase fight where the 2nd phase just adds a dimension to the same basic concept of the first phase. bad examples would then actually be ludwig and sulyvahn, who fight completely differenlty in the 2nd phase. a wild card example is gael, who has 2 completely different phases, but the second phase has a second phase that simply adds attacks and aggression to the basic fight

his soul was tied to Lothric's so decapitating Lothric probably works just as well

>suddently 'im full health!
trash tier game dev

SoC was such a goat final boss. He would be probably one of the toughest if his defenses were inflated with the DLC boss figures.

Multiple phases are the tightest shit.
If a final boss doesn't have at least 3 phases its disappointing.

soc does have some sort of dynamic fight style, he just occasionally switches up stances. dynamic fights wouldn't really work because the community would learn to exploit them pretty quickly and/or they just become tedious on replay. i think of resident evil 4's dynamic difficulty in general, for example

shit taste, ludwig is kino, the switch from his feral form to him taking control into his calm and composed stance is what makes the fight so intimidating and memorable (still a bit too easy but whatever)

*doesn't have

So let me get this straight..

>Boss with phases is artificial difficulty
>Boss with huge health pull and changing mechanics isn't

heh. idiots..!

god zoomers were a fucking mistake, you having to overcome multiple phases with a limited set of resources does require more skill than just getting checkpoints every phase, this is just an objective undeniable fact

Your supposed skill is fraudulent, you fucking grind monkey

If memory serves well, there was at least an explanation in-game for the bosses to regain health. Except for Friede's third phase, what the fuck was that bullshit!?

That's a shitty example. The Nameless King fight where you have to fight the dragon again every time you die is a better one. This shit ruins what would have been an amazing fight.

this is a good example of the point i'm trying to make. ludwig gets a bit of a pass because unlike nameless, his first phase is much harder than the 2nd. with nameless, because the 2nd phase is completely different not to mention the fact that he kills in 3-4 hits at 25 vigor or whatever, you have to grind through the first phase again and again to attempt the completely different 2nd phase

The entire design philosophy behind Dark Souls PvE is artificial difficulty. Enemies are practically braindead, 99% of them can be fooled by walking slowly to the side, plus you get full invincibility if you get behind them. To balance that out, they're given either huge health pools or huge damage output, so that when you get bored and stop paying attention, and they get a hit in, you're more likely to actually feel it.

It's still not real difficulty, because it doesn't really require any player skill, it just pumps up enemy stats to provide an illusion of a challenge when you stop giving a shit.

I actually like fighting the dragon, but it got annoying when NK can quickly destroy your asshole if you fumble against some moves.

Solidus was kino in MGS2. OP is a faggot.

man this boss fight is tuff, so many attacks and things to watch out for. Wish there was a way to prepare for some of this like a sort of demo fight in a less difficult environment
>inB4 hurr durr muh elitism they dont deserve to beat it like ME THE EPIC PRO GAMER


Who would be the top and who the bottom in this relationship?

Subverting a player's expectations is "padding"?

It shouldn't be overused, but it is very effective when done right.

>he doenst want epic cutscenes that turn a good game into a pure kino game

>he doesnt know frides lore and why she got revived
imagine being this guy

>keep doing UGS rolling attack, stabbing my massive sword through both princes from behind them
>lol nope, you only his one

Fuck you, prancing lala homo fags

>poke giant guy in armor with sword
>W-w-w-why isnt my sword like a railgun and hit the guy behind him
>logic in fromsoftware game with undead, giants, and magic
imagine being this guy
ok mr smart guy: they use magic to warp the tip of your sword into another dimension, happy now?