Should video game reviews pertain only to the video game itself or are politics and other external factors fair game?
For instance, is it fair to rate Half-Life 2 negatively because Valve has recently partnered with Chinese companies?
Should video game reviews pertain only to the video game itself or are politics and other external factors fair game?
For instance, is it fair to rate Half-Life 2 negatively because Valve has recently partnered with Chinese companies?
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price is an external factor and yet it's idiotic to not consider it
unless you think your favorite game would have the exact same reviews it does now if it cost $50000 at launch
Gamers are idiot and as easily manipulated as babies.
There I said it
If the only way ever to play Xenogears was to pay say 400 dollars, I'd pay it. It'd be rough going higher though.
What is the true monetary value to you of your favorite games /v?
>price is an external factor
Retard like you have the right to write reviews, which is why i always ignore them.
So a game is better when there's a sale? I don't follow.
Most of the time those external factors are ephemeral and will cease to matter in a few years. Someone looking at the game 5 years from now isn't going to care about any of that shit, they just want an unbiased look at it
How does price affect quality? If it's a 10/10 game, the price doesn't matter.
Are you saying you rate games on a "units of fun per dollar" ratio, and not on a quality scale?
Why do even bother reviewing? You're just skewing the numbers.
There's a problem with your reasoning. You're saying a $50,000 game is bad because it's expensive. But what if I buy a copy and let 50,000 users play it for free and they love it?
How will gaymers ever recover?
any external factor is fair game
no matter what retards think, a review is not a circlejerk for buyers
it's advice for non-buyers
if you're a dev and support lgbt rights, perhaps i, cletus von johnson, decide that's a factor that makes me want not to buy that game. therefore that fact is relevant in reviews
Is it fair game, though? Should it be allowed? What is the worth of a review if someone can just say LOL SHIT GAME I ATE SUBWAY FOR LUNCH or LOL GOOD GAME MY MOM JACKED ME OFF?
>are politics and other external factors fair game?
If good devs receive good reviews it increases the chance for devs to behave and not be dicks. So why not?
Darq dev announced they are working on some free dlc.
>Good game, but there was a gay dude. 1/10
Because all of that is meaningless if it's a shit game. How would you feel about OP if you found out that he had manufactured all the emails with Epic? What if none of that happened and people are leaving good reviews under false pretense?
Why are you asking questions the other user already answered?
That's why you read reviews instead of just glancing at numbers. You know, use your fucking brain.
seethe harder chang
Game was supposed to be 4-5 hours long.
>This is still something I’m in the process of discovering. DARQ is primarily a puzzle game, so the length can vary significantly from player to player. I’m expecting an average playthrough to take around 4-5 hours.
But it's 2-3 hours long. That free dlc is content he cut out of the game to get even more positive publicity with "free dlc"
I admit, the jew behind the game is really fucking good at manipulating morons. I somehow admire him
They wouldnt be able to review it on steam since they didnt buy it from steam
You didn't answer anything.
>What would you like on your sandwich?
>Sandwiches will exist and everyone will die. It does not matter what will be on my sandwich
There are plenty of other threads to post in if you're stumped with this topic.
If the devs pick a side in the culture war they should be prepared to suffer the consequences of that decision.
>That's why you read reviews instead of just glancing at numbers. You know, use your fucking brain.
>Implying anyone read reviews instead of just checking if it's positive or not
If im at it i may as well just watch fucking gameplay
Steam is not the only place to review video games.
Hes straight up said it should be allowed you illiterate retard and review worth is subjective. You need to get your GED.
>everyone is an absolute fucking retard like me
Yes but my point is if a platform only allows reviews from people who purchased the game then price is a factor lol. I mean the entire thread is based on a stupid steam screenshot because OP is a fucking idiot.
Not an argument. Kill yourself faggot
>should be allowed
>1 of 1 match
>You need to get your GED
Ew, projection is gross!
hey ching chong what game?
>are politics and other external factors fair game?
This. I want to know what sort of company is receiving my money
reviews should only be about the actual game
leave politics out, always
>any external factor is fair game
You fucking idiot
Interesting hypothetical, user. Any thoughts on the real world?
If it's a shit game there will still be enough reviews voting it down.
>How would you feel about OP if you found out that he had manufactured all the emails with Epic?
Epic would have called him out and it would now rain bad reviews with users returning their game.
Neither is "nobody reads reviews" you absolute fucking dipshit. Go back to sucking your shit off Sweeney's dick.
one thing to consider is that these are not reviews, they are recommendations. and as such they are no better than polling data on the supposed quality of a product.
for a recommendation, a yes or no to the question of whether one should buy it, price is a very much internal factor.
>reviews are useless
Oh i see, you're mentally damaged
>product reviews should never involve the company
>reviews are useless
>mentally damaged
The irony.
Only anti-consumer shills are against reviews. It only follows that you're an epic drone given the context of this thread.
>That free dlc is content he cut out of the game to get even more positive publicity with "free dlc"
Seems far fetched. As a dev you don't want to cut your game short and receive likely negative reviews for it just for the sake of having some free dlc faster ready. The majority of reviews won't consider promised dlc but review the game how it is.
>>Implying anyone read reviews instead of just checking if it's positive or not
user I...
Reviews yes, recommendations no.
I bet each time your mother force you to brush your teeth you scream at her
Honestly, just end it already
>Review the game
>Judge by factors that have nothing to do with the game itself
It is your choice to be an uniformed ignoramus then, but making assumptions about others on this- previously mentioned- ignorance gives you the deluxe upgrade to full-blown retard.
Gameplay is undistilled footage, a review will probably cut to the chase of design flaws, bugs or simple lack of quality much faster than the time you would need to spend to watch the gameplay to recognize them yourself.
Not your standard situation. That guy would get 90%+ positive reviews solely because of epic rejection. All sources leads me to belive that the game was supposed to be longer, but at the last time it was cut in half essentialy.
The review is about whether the product is worth buying. Whether you want to support a company is a factor you weigh against how much you want the product. You'll learn this in a few years when you're old enough to post here.
It just feels like the issue should be debated on a separate forum/platform. Its weird knowing about a game that is great, excellent even, and giving it 3/10 in reviews because of what developers do/believe. By your argument a game could be reviewed "fairly" if you start the review saying "its better if you pirate it"
You sounds like one of the review bombing faggot purely out of spite
I judge a review's "fairness" by fucking reading it, not just looking at the number. If I don't care about the reviewer's complaint, I disregard it. It's completely appropriate to post feedback about a developer on a developer's product page, where people will fucking see it.
Game "reviews" under 2 hours gametime should be forbidden.
Nope. Cry harder ching chong
I feel the game should be judged by how well it is as a game. Review the game and nothing but the game. There can then be 100+ articles and forums about the politics around the game that the buyer can look up if they care about that stuff.
There I said it.
I think i might acually start using EGS now, i don't want to be associated with morons like you
>I'm not an epic shill
>4channel is one person
He didn't know epic would contact him. He uploaded his announce trailer on the 27th and was contacted by epic on the 30th. Two weeks ahead of his release. You suggest in those two weeks of busy release time he removed half the content of the game, while keeping it consistent and all just for the sake of a dlc announce?
Still far fetched.
Releasing the full game would still have produced the better result with better reviews and higher sales. Talking about free dlc is always possible and doesn't require to cut content.
>should video game threads pertain only to the video game itself or should they always derail into a waifu circlejerk by those with an exceptionally low IQ and zero capacity for impulse control
It's not impossible, he might have know that epic is going to contact him and base his strategy around that. Free dlc out of this air is a weird thing to do, just like the pricing on this game was.
How come Darq has very positive reviews then?
Not an argument because you're a faggot. Hey, I kind of like your "review" system!
Nah, reviews are great. For instance, everyone should know to immediately discard all of your posts because you are a corporate cuck incel and everyone knows incels don't provide any value for anyone.
>he might have know that epic is going to contact him
If he was scheming so much for money why not just take the epic money?
>Free dlc out of this air is a weird thing to do
Why? A good portion of indie devs who try to build a name and have decent sales go for free dlc.
Why shouldn't it? It has received before release some praise and the game is unique which usually helps a lot with reviews.
Having a mental breakdown already, wong? Your posts don't even make sense.
Well for starters, most of the reviews are about the story he fabricated about Epic while mentioning nothing about the game. It's shovelware garbage by any standard. The game is only about an hour long and it's $20, so the user above who mentioned price being a factor clearly would rate negatively based on that alone.
Truth hurts, doesn't it, incel?
leave this miserable faggot alone, his life is hard enough already
>desperately shilling for a chink spyware platform, knowing everyone can tell
I bet it does
Who are you quoting?
Who are you quoting, retard?
>Nah, reviews are great
>you are a corporate cuck
You're just parroting what I said about you, while reversing your argument to agree with me. What are you even doing, ping? Take your meds.
I didn't quote anyone and that doesn't answer my question, incel.
>the story he fabricated about Epic
If epic felt something of it was made up they would have mentioned it by now. It's not like he is flying under the radar.
>most of the reviews
You do understand how steam orders the reviews? Just check the recent reviews. Only very few talk about it and not the game.
>It's shovelware garbage by any standard.
Name a few recent games who are the same if its shovelware.
Hey developers!
Want to drag politics into your games?
Fine. We will drag politics into our reviews.
What question? Is this some kind of new shilling tactic? Being as retarded as possible? Surely this will convince people to suck Epic's dick with you.
I think reviewers, journalists, and consumers have all gone retarded. If you want to know if a game looks worthwhile or not, just go to a streaming site, watch people actually play the game, and make up your own mind.
[email protected]@nEk
2.1 hrs
Posted: August 25
A very good game, personally I've yet to play a unique game such as this one.
Big up for the dev !
PS. Big respect for not going with Epic's filthy scheme !
Cobalt Kobold
1.2 hrs
Posted: August 25
Thank you DARQ developer for standing up to Epic and their anti consumer ways.
Nice recent reviews you have here LMAO
Is this some kind of new shilling tactic? Being as retarded as possible? Surely this will convince people to suck Gabe's dick with you.
>I have found one review talking only about the epic move out of the ten I checked
That falls under the very few group user.
>being in favor of customer reviews means you're a shill
Now I've seen everything. It's like you hate your job and are trying to sabotage EGS.
I hate “gamers”. Same people spend money on leveling up their profiles to look cool and validate themselves. Or think that if you get a $30 game for $5 you saved $25. No, genius, you lost $5 because the thing ends up sitting in your library in unplayed. Besides, it’s not even a sale. Each year there’s a sale of the exact same games at the exact same price as last year.
Those are two different reviews, user. One day maybe you'll pass that GED test LMAO
Who are you quoting?
You, faggot. How am I shilling for Gabe by being against EGS's anti-consumer practices, like no reviews? That's some next level mental gymnastics.
You, you fucking epic shill. Go back to console and leave steam alone
>sales bad
>open contempt against your audience
Do you really wonder why EGS is failing?
Technically yes, because these factors do affect development.
>EGS is failing
EGS is a huge succes, in fact they are slowly saving pc gaming industry from incels. I don't see a problem with epic, the cut is nice too
The other review just mentions it as a PS after talking about how much he likes the game. No suggestion of him not liking the game.
Also maybe reread my post:
>Only very few talk about it and not the game.
Serious reviews should review the game. You don't go to Steam for serious reviews.
Where did I say that?
>leave steam alone
How much does Valve pay you to shill on Yea Forums? I'd like to get in on it
Only 400? Are you poor? Games should cost their dev budget to buy.
>I like the game!
>By the way, BIG props to the developer for frabricating a story about how he denied Epic, that was totally Epic! Upvote!
All the top reviews talk about his fake Epic story though
Video game itself. I don't want to see dozens/hundreds/thousands of negative reviews because the dev said a mean word or a he's a nigger or he's a tranny or he's a cuck or she's had abortions or he's a rapist or she's a murderer.
When I look at game reviews, I want to see if the game is good or bad. Not if the dev is a degenerate or a sellout. You should have to select "about the quality of the video game" or "about the people who made the video game" when you make a review.
I like you user, please don't change for the new age of incel zoomers who want to turn everything into a story about how x thing is ruining their lives
We're talking steam reviews not 90's PC gamer reviews that actually reviewed the game. That one liner is usually what you get.
Ok to break this down for you. Lets say both positive reviews wouldn't have been created without epic. Lets assume for every 8 honest positive reviews he gets 2 extra positive ones thanks to epic.
Numbers are simplified:
>base number of reviews ~400
>~90% positive
>=360 positive and 40 negative
>for every 8 positive we add 2 extra positive ones thanks to epic
>=90 extra positive ones from epic
>thus 490 votes with 450 being positive and 40 negative
>he has moved from 90% to 91,84% positive reviews thanks to epic.
Wow, what a game changer.
Those are the voted up ones. Doesn't say much about the general amount.
You have a library full of unplayed games you got on sale because it was a “good deal” right, dumbass? Wait until you’re out of high school before making silly responses because you end up embarrassing yourself.
I agree but reviews are stupid all together. You’re taking someone’s opinion and using it as fact. On top of thinking that they know more about what you like than you.
>hates EGS for being chinkshit
>but still uses Steam even though it's confirmed to be compromised by chinks
Use a non-cucked digital storefront like GOG instead
Literally 75% of reviews mention Epic LMAO. Also 70 metascore, hmm, really makes you think. Funny how Steamcels will defend and promote trash if someone makes a "donation" toward their agenda.
>caring about what launcher you need to open to play your dogshit game
Steamdrones are basically lgbt community of gaming at this point
I think reviewers should base their judgment on whatever they want.
Basing your judgment on what a single reviewer think is stupid, and you should always go thought multiple peoples opinions.
"Bad" reviews are often what ends up making me buy games, so I care little for the actual score.
>using 4 reviews as a basis
Also a review who mentions the epic situation isn't a bought review per se.
>if someone makes a "donation" toward their agenda.
How is it a donation towards steam agenda? It's just a dev who didn't want to play along with epics exclusive only rules.
Different situation. Red working together with them for a chinese release doesn't make them close to owned by china.
>people who aren't buying the game are leaving positive reviews
HMMM really activates the almonds!
Steamcels desperately want Steam to be a monopoly so they "don't have to use a million launchers". They see any other launcher as a threat to the store that they think is their "friend". This type of political review-bombing is a testament to these truths.
If the game is so good in its own right how come Yea Forums never talks about it?
So kinda like Epic and Steam then
You're taking my post and using it to make baseless assumptions about me.
>you're using someone's opinion as fact
>thinking that they know more about what you like than you
Wrong, don't project your room temperature IQ thoughts onto me. I am using reviews to see common praise and criticism. You seem to think I look at reviews, see one person say "shit game lol" or "EZ GOTY" and that becomes my gospel.
Maybe you're that much a gullible, easily influenced moron but I am not.
Price can influence expectation
Straw man argument. If it was just about the amount of launchers there would always be the option to create one launcher for multiple stores like gog tries.
Epic has a bad launcher and they use bad anti consumer practices.
I'm not saying it's good. Just quite unique and how some reviews from the epic situation wouldn't turn a bad game into a very positive reviewed game. There is also a good amount of games Yea Forums hardly talks about. Doesn't say much.
I would say having the freedom to choose wherever you want to buy the game is pretty damn related to the game experience itself as for politics i will rant about those if i disagree with something on forums and other places but judging a game on it's enterity because of those is pretty much what something like a feminazi or sjw would do and I'm better than that.
Amazon reviews encourage buyers to base reviews on shipping, packaging, time to arrive, and stuff of the sort that has nothing to do with the product. Why not?
Knowing what I know now, I would have paid $300 for Hitman 2. $500 for Skyrim and Fallout 3/NV/4 (assuming the modding scene remained the same). $300 for Civ 5.
But they will cost that much soon enough, so whatever.