I can't wait until this "game" is dead in two weeks because everyone is just capitalizing on the nostalgia of playing with their middle school friends. Only real turbo-virgins that are angry about their celibacy will this "game" alive past a month. Kill yourself, faggots :)
I can't wait until this "game" is dead in two weeks because everyone is just capitalizing on the nostalgia of playing...
Other urls found in this thread:
define dead
Less than a hundred players.
Its not going to die, the biggest percentage of soon to be starting players haven't ever played vanilla so it will be completely unseen content for them
They wouldn't had to capitalise on nostalgia in this way if they didn't fuck up all the areas/progressions/quests people had nostalgia for in the first place with cataclysm
It will have 2 death phases:
>2 months out from casuals realizing it's outdated garbage made by EQ fans
>6 months out when you need BiS MC gear to run UBRS from elitist fags using gear check addons, alienating anyone but the hardcore NEETs already privileged in raid guilds
It will level out to about 100-200 people per realm. Pretty sure Blizzard knows this already, and the Classic servers are being run cheaply as possible. Still looks great on their Q3 earnings report to see the huge spike in WoW subs they'll surely announce to investors as a big win.
It never ceases to amaze me how much time and effort people spend shitposting about a game they don't care about or have no intentions of playing.
Whatever arbitrary number he feels like deciding is dead.
I think you're underestimating the amount of lonely neets in their late twenties/early thirties that's gonna nolife the shit out of this game for a long time to come.
I don't get the nostalgia argument.
i play older games all the time, often having more fun than with modern games. most of the time a good game is a good game, then and now.
>It never ceases to amaze me how much time and effort people spend shitposting about a game they don't care about or have no intentions of playing.
It's the only time I feel joy in my life :)
>WoW launches
oh my god this is gonna be dead guys get over it
holy shit WoW is dying after this one guys
seriously, last xpac and WoW is DEAD
look, they're killing it. WoW will be dead soon after this
damn...it really is dead... fuck.
ok, this is it the final one WoW will TRULY DIE NOW
final fantasy is so much better you guys
WoW will be dead soon you guys
There's a huge difference between older games and older MMOs. MMOs are purely defined by their community presence. Especially for early Gen 2 MMOs like WoW.
When you remove that aspect, along with what made those games new back then, you remove what made the game enjoyable. If even one of those aspects is missing (fresh experience + original community), it all goes to shit instantly and you will get bored.
Then go play BFA retail you seething faggot tranny and fuck off.
>There's a huge difference between older games and older MMOs
I disagree.
>MMOs are purely defined by their community presence
Which it seems like Classic will have a very active community.
quite literally the opposite though. one of the major reasons people wanted vanilla again is because it actually builds a community simply by design. after 3 years of private servers i can tell you that the community aspect is very alive and very engaging. though you wouldn't know that now would you.
>>WoW launches
>oh my god this is gonna be dead guys get over it
>holy shit WoW is dying after this one guys
>seriously, last xpac and WoW is DEAD
Literally no one has ever said this seriously. At best you get people saying that it went to shit in BC.
This is probably why most will drop it. Game was a slog back then and I doubt most people want to invest a few months getting to 60.
People will quit once they realize it was a shitty chore and grind thst gets old after you hit cap. And no variety in builds and meta autist will ruin everything.
>I disagree.
Then cite examples why.
>one of the major reasons people wanted vanilla again is because it actually builds a community simply by design.
And that's nice, but like I said, the game relies on those two components BY design.
Without a fresh experience you as a community can progress towards, you remove what made that content engaging in the first place.
It's been proven time and time again by private servers:
>Roll fresh on a server with friends
>They all play to max level
>They all start looking for new servers to reroll fresh on shortly after
>Constantly chasing after the original experience they can never get again
And that's only for the hardcore NEETs. The casuals give up well before max level and never touch private servers again. Those are the smart ones.
The ones who stick around will find themselves inevitably deeper in the hole of trying to build an experience out of a content ceiling, becoming more and more xenophobic and excluding of newcomers. Until eventually it's just them and whatever's left of their guild they consdier the "community'.
When did modern games become so bad that just re-releasing decade old once is considered great news?
>Then cite examples why.
Why don't you start?
They always fluff there investors earnings. The Q2 conference was fucking hilarious.
Active community does not = GOOD community.
League of Legends has a very "active" community and they are all passive aggressive faggots who rage and report eachother.
Because classic is shit and without TBC this game would have gone unnoticed, Now don't get me wrong nigger I despise current wow.
people like you enabled this
I'm not saying for sure it's going to have a good community. But it's possible. I hope that by the end of the first month all the mouthbreathers who play the current version of WoW will be gone and only the so called "good boys" will be left.
Yfw the release of WoW classic drastically decreases the amount of school shootings in america that can be blamed on white people
When you have literally nothing to report on earnings calls for the year. Fucking hilarious how desperate Activision became.
I cant wait for the mass suicide of decaying boomers because chasing feelings is a addictive coping mechanism which can only lead to failure.
Remember that modern ceiling support beams arent meant to carry the body weight of a 450 pound incel.
Nostalgia sells but those numbers wont last forever. People are eventually gonna want new shit.
The absence of life.
Nice projection, incel. Enjoy trashtalking what you hate so much while I go back home.
It will die pretty fast if they don't decide to do Classic+, just like OSRS did before they started adding new stuff.
>without TBC this game would have gone unnoticed
The fucking first time i went to antorus it fucking felt amazing, better than ToS and Argus fight was fucking awesome, a good fucking raida nd the best fucking patch of legion ever made
Sauce plz gamerbro
Legion was a shitty diablo ripoff and people who liked it deserved Battle for Asseroth.
Yeah, i liked bfa at the start doing pvp and learning about my zandalarbros, then after 3 monthsi droped it to these days :< , but srsly, 7.3 was fucking fun, i rmemeber i used to fucking get on my mount with my 960 ilvl dk and bang others doing WQs on argus, ofc, alone
>seriously, last xpac and WoW is DEAD
They were right tho
Retail wow
Why? Did someone shut down your private server little guy? Your cross-dressing buddies not inviting you to come and play with their Classic guild?
Why would you run UBRS if you have MC gear?
Yeah this shit is going to flop, wow was only good because of the community at the time and that shit is long gone.
>all of these people butthurt about wow classic
can't wait to have fun while you faggots seethe
>made by EQ fans
WoW got popular precisely because it was not like EQ, it was made by people who thought EQ was awful, which it was. But otherwise you're right about death phases.
I don't think you know what "dead" means
>releasing even MORE servers on launch day
jesus christ every server is going to be FULL at this rate why did they even have people move around? I understand the gay streamer servers are packed but jesus what are the queue times gonna be like? 1 hour? 30 minutes? I wish they would give estimates for normal full servers, they just said shit like Herod is going to be 10 hr queue
Yeah I'll be having more fun playing new games compared to a game thats been played to absolute death in which everyone already knows the optimal strat of everything and what classes are the best. Seethe more faggot. Game will be boring and stagnant because there will be 1. No new content. 2. Raid groups only looking for certain classes etc.
The fucking delusion from you fucktards.
>Bovineshit and wolfshit
>Anymore degenerate than pandaren
why are you so upset that people are going to be having fun? did you never play vanilla? I'm sorry you missed the hype friend
Wtf? Dont you need to run UBRS before MC?
Yeah Ive had fun on Vanilla WoW many times from all the private servers that have popped up.
>BiS MC gear to run UBRS
lmao @ shitposters outing themselves as neverplayed zoomers
layering removal
Classic wow sucked ass
Burning Crusade was glorious
Wake me up when it’s time knock out Kara and Gruul’s Lair
For someone who never played an MMO, should I get into Classic, or is all the hype around it just shills?
Shills and nostalgia. Don't bother with MMOs.
Cope. If Osrs has steady players then why wouldn't this? Almost all servers are full, everyone is playing. Keep being mad.
It's shit, literally a cheap, weak drug. That's the concept of mmo's in general. Keep you addicted so you keep on being a good paypig. Even doing opiates is less nocive on your life.
It takes aways years of your lifetime to prevent you from better yourself.
>if allowed
Under 5 million. If your game cant keep a small number like that then it's not worth my time.
the absolute state of classiccucks
Why do XIV players/Retail Players get madder and madder the closer we get to launch?
>press 1,2,3,4
>jerk off
>repeat when debuff is about to expire
waow very complex you are a complexman
every thread now
better than
>press 1 if allowed
>press 2
Around 2002
A few reasons why it may find it hard to succeed in 2019 :
- community will eventually erode
- Gear score addon
- Dungeon finder addon
- the game is solved
- novelty does eventually wear off
- it's too involved and time consuming
b-but classic is way harder than that kiddie for casuals game
Ok boys should I play undead or Orc for my warrior?
every mmo are Time consuming, it's designed this way so you keep grinding on stupid shit and keep paying for subscriptions
Why play those obvious Jewish traps where you could play some single players games made with soul like chrono trigger or dark souls ?
What is "better myself"? I bet a good tool for the corporates you fucking wagecuck.
>he ran out of shitposting material so he decided to shitpost about something that has been known for years
We need a name for you, like Barry with RE2. So we can tell you to fuck off.
Are we going to pretend this is complex? I always come back to retail to finish the mythic raids and all the buttons light up to tell you what to do (if you're too dumb to follow a flowchart to begin with)
>bring me 30 human skulls and I will make it worth your while
>kill human
>he doesn't drop the skull
Yeah, so I hate to interrupt your shitpost but you don't just "come back" to mythic raid. It requires dedication to grind your Azeroth Goodboypoints up high enough to unlock the next set of buffs
Even then you spend weeks wiping to retarded shit
See: retard.
It will surge, and "die out"
But will live on with people comming and going like Everquest project 1999 or the progression servers they release
Getting a job, getting a girlfriend, a driver license..
oh no no no...
>Do enough damage to a human being to kill them using magic / melee combat
>Wtf his skull is damaged and rendered unusable!
Critical thinking my man. Google it so you know what it means and start doing it
Undead Chads WW@?
>cant see its the same shit divided in 3 more keys
just bind shadowbolt from 1 to 4 to emulate bfa gameplay
>classic is way harder than 99% of retail wow content
Always the same retard, shitty dps minigames don't make raiding "hard" or performing as dps "skillful".
it's a known fact that having longer rotations doesn't suddenly make a game more enjoyable.. just look at XIV and it's long linear combos that literally light up for you to tell you which one to press next. BFA content is dumbed down so even if they add more useless moves to the rotation it doesn't change the fact that the core gameplay has been gutted and made bland.
better watch your mouth kid or I won't allow you to cast corruption
>you need BiS MC gear to run UBRS
It's funny when you realise how easy it is to spot people who know nothing about the game outside of what they pick up from other shitposters.
Jokes on you, I am scratching the threat cap anyway.
xiv's gameplay is ruined by the animation delay making the game feel clunky and unresponsive
Wow gamers can't read irony can they?
>friends all want to play on a 'Full' server
Congrats, you've found out he's a fraud.
Learn to read full sentences before you have a sperg out.
This seethe is hilarious. Please keep it up when wow classic proves to be a success.
Your sentence was still retarded and wrong, idiot.
As a vanilla raider with wipes on the 4 horsemen during actual. I was able to play in wow-classic beta for like 15 mins.
In those 15 mins i've killed like 3 wolfs for a starting quest, and i was waiting at the spawn point in a queue for the next wolf spawn.
I wasn't able to wait until the wolf spawn and just alt-f4 from that "nostalgia".
IN 2-3 weeks
Ivan please
Your point is retarded no matter how you try spinning it.
How do you explain private servers without
>muh free
lol samefag
>what is OSRS
Again, see:
I can't tell from this image but is Classic going to use the visual enhancements of the modern game? If not models, then what about particle effects, water and weather?
>literally all eu pvp full
nice game
cant wait for those 30k queues
I would just like to point out Joana's leveling guide website is 503'ing right now lol:
>tfw raiding guild nearly broke up attuning for Naxx
People are going to love Vanilla for awhile, I think up to MC probably. But when the rest of the shit hits, and you remember what it was like to earn that "raider" status, people are going to lose interest.
I don't think it is the 'Vanilla love is just rose tinted goggles fag lol!!!', I think it's the fact that the majority of people playing this are older now and are just not going to have the time and patience to attune to all that content again.
>'twas merely an act!
Either you never played or experienced WoW before the massive power creep and messed up scaling or played pre cata or you don't understand what compels people to waste hours in a game.
Old WoW is "good" in that the $15 a month felt well spent to the player who spent 5 hours doing random shit and grinding something for later. Modern WoW is shit because it stream lined everything so you can just log in, do your dailies, do a bg, que for a dungeon and have the group fall apart halfway, and then log off.
>Please keep it up when wow classic proves to be a success
I'll be sure to laugh at you in a month
nice shop, fag.
Imagine being angry that a lot of people are going to enjoy a game you aren't playing. Convinced all these threads are made by faggot xiv trannies.
you act like another option exists
>literal proof that what you're saying is wrong
I think it's you that's trying to cope, user.
Just saw this too:
>My website is crashing due to too many people accessing it. I am in the process of moving to a dedicated server with good CPU power to handle this crazy Classic WoW hype load. They said it can take up to 35 hours until complete. My site may be down for awhile until then :(
When did you develop ADHS?
So much for nostalgia fucks wanting to level blind like le good old days. Too bad internet is a place where websites get archived.
Yeah, I don't get WoW haters. Nobody is forcing them to play the game yet they have to chime in about how much they hate it and the fanbase all the fucking time. Just fucking go play a game you like, you dumb assholes.
A F2P game that tanked until they added new content and QoL stuff. Why?
OSRS wasn't F2P till 2015 though.
what about people who just wanna play casually? get r10 gear, do some dungeons and world pvp, and maybe do a pug MC now and then?
>pug MC
I see you never played vanilla then.
Both are true, except the EQ players only got control of development after is was almost done. They iinserted raiding into it, which is why raiding plays almost like an entirely different game and isn't designed around the classes at all. The classes end up being forced into EQ-style raid roles, most of them with no option which. They are given more choice in TBC, but only so that more people get encouraged into raiding due to an extremely low-bar for starting to raid. Most players though still did not want to raid.
Consider how much the average retail whale has wasted on cosmetic shit. Nobody ever cared about it to begin with, but they always deluded themselves into thinking otherwise.
Now imagine a game threatening to take away their imaginary admirers. That's where the rage comes from.
>the death rattle of the corrupt esl private server gm
There's enough footage around from last stress test to prove layering + dynamic respawns will make it tolerable.
When it took off. I think someone posted a graphic ITT.
this isn't 2005, moden playerbase can pug whatever, just with heavy screening that morons won't like
Nigger you could run MC in greens.
Plenty of guilds with low members would occasionally pug a few more.
Literally no-one is selling Classic on the basis of memberberries. This is only being regurgitated by weirdos that can't understand why Classic has a lot of interest.
>XIV trannies out in full due to having nothing to do in shadowbringers
Sell me on classic then, why should I play it instead of a TBC private server?
>lost his dick and balls years ago
>confirming you never played vanilla
You are aware some of us actually played vanilla for real, right? Why do you still try to lie?
You'll have nothing to do in Classic in less than a month or two.
I give it 1 month and it will drop.
>friends who want to play alliance are all determined to play on shazz
>friends who want to play horde are gunning for Mograine
Looks like shoes are back off the menu, boys
bugs, boss fights not scripted properly (miss phases), incorrect loot tables, incorrect mob data (health,dmg), talent points don't work properly or at all, skills don't work or work properly, etc
People are tired of you faggots spamming the catalog with "home" threads and talking about a game that has been solved and talked to death. And people are also sick of your delusions that your going to have as much fun as when the game first launched when your proven time and time again streamers, zoomers and meta autist are going to make sure that never happens and that isnt including how badly blizzard themselves have been butchering the experience. Alot of this "hate" comes from people who actually loved old WoW and wanted to see the glory days make a comeback but we all realized it'll never happen in todays day and age and just want the game to die with the little dignity it has left.
Can log-in and see. By default the graphics are set to Classic, but you can turn on modern water, shadows, SSAO and others effects. Models are strictly low-poly though.
WoW is not shitscape kiddo
no transmog? no buy! ;)
Correction: Faggots like you are tired of games you don't play being talking about highly. Can't stand people like you, fuck off.
Then why did you say:
>If Osrs has steady players then why wouldn't this?
>you will never return to the era of nostalrius, coming home from college classes to raid BWL MC ZG all in the same night with your bros
>if talented
>People are tired of you faggots spamming the catalog with "home"
no we aren't?
I don't know what you're trying to say here. Is variety a bad thing now?
That's a lot of trannies in one picture
You can play anything casually and enjoy your time really. I think the majority of that real Vanilla experience however comes from what made it great, the community around the servers, and the grind to get to that elite content/status.
You always knew the faggots who were doing the GM/HW grind, you knew the top two (or three) guilds who were competing with one another for realm firsts, and if all else failed you had a group of friends who would hop on and sit in vent for hours upon hours with. There will still be some World PvP, you can do dungeons (I for one am going to play just to clear Mara again, god I love that fucking dungeon), and other small shit here and there but that's not going to sustain you.
The greatest part of WoW for me, is that I was a highschool kid playing it with a group of friends.
I've played a fuck ton of WoW and I can't you delusional faggots. Move the fuck on already with your lives.
Everyday on the day.
no I am saying we aren't tired of that. maybe it's just that you are?
>I think the majority of that real Vanilla experience however comes from what made it great, the community around the servers, and the grind to get to that elite content/status.
I agree but when I played on nostalrius which had a shit ton of players, there were still those that many of us considered casual. They struggled with MC and could barely kill first and second boss in BWL. IF they tried harder, and spent more time they would have attained elite status.
classicbabs are not used to variety, they all use the same copy pasted build that doesnt change anything at their gameplay anyway
Who the fuck is "we"?
user you can still grind out mounts even if no one is around to show them off to.
It won't die. People will play even after they realize it's shit, because they now have to.
They will cry, but continue to fuck the cactus.
Half the spells used for the rotation are optional, and the other half is basically the affliction warlock rotation in vanilla dungeons where you don't have the debuff limit.
>oh no no no...
I can't wait for the damage control.
Look out for posts in the coming months that go something like this:
>I'm glad a lot of people left, now the game is /comfy/
Who cares? Got a subscription gifted to me so what do I have to lose?
Either I enjoy it and have a great experience for a long time, or I get bored and go do other more productive things.
However,the popularity private servers have seen indicates that it's unlikely this'll die anytime soon. Private servers had high populations for many months and that's people willing to play on some shitty bootleg server running the Classic from 2004 with shit graphics, guesswork programming, and the possibility of the server shutting down at any moments and all your epics just disappearing.
This is official classic WoW with Blizzard servers, far better graphics, smoother gameplay, and several UI improvements. I mean, Blizzard has almost quadrupled the number of servers they had initially due to such insane demand. Even if many of the casualfags quit before 60 there'll still be a huge playerbase. Don't underestimate the number of neckbeards who'll nolife the game for months because "muh world first boss kill" is the pinnacle of what they'll achieve in their lives.
oh no no no
look at the action bars
We the shills in Calcutta.
>try out retail since its the same sub as classic
>talent tree reduced to 1 of 3 choices every 15 levels
>LFG teleports you straight to the dungeon with every quest available from a conveniently place npc at the entrance
i can count the number of words exchanged by each group on 1 hand
oh no no no
>talent tree reduced to 1 of 3 choices every 15 levels
oh no how are we supposed to play without spending a point on +1% borebolt damage every level
Runescape is a different kind beast honestly, since in Runescape making a new character doesnt really net you much at all compared to WoW, and a lot of Runescape's appeal comes from quests and such, which were not too plentiful but of a good quality that people loved
>i can count the number of words exchanged by each group on 1 hand
I recall this started happening mid-wotlk, some time before they went full retarded with the LFG tool
>yfw i can only speak in memes because I am a giant faggot
so they're just going to have a level 50 cap forever in this game? Or are you intended to move onto expansions after finishing classic?
the absolute state of classickeks
imagine defending this
Dwarf hunter or orc shaman?
Retail is a grind simulator because each expac more and more so nublizz thought end game was all that was important and also decided to listen to people who are too stupid to learn how to play the game well and instead spend hours on the forums complaining about balance issues and stuff being too complicated or hard for their class or them personally. Also activision.
>login to launcher
>that one girl I orbited from TBC to 2011 is playing retail
>switch to "appear offline"
Will I still appear offline when I enter the world?
you underestimate how much 15 levels are, it essentially makes leveling up feel soulless because every level feels the same. At least with 1% damage you can actually see a difference however small it is.
How hard is it to filter out "home"?
Or just ignore threads you aren't interested in, like with ALL THE OTHER THREADS you currently ignore?
They said it was based on demand. Honestly their smartest decision would have optional progression but keep at least three or four servers up based on demand. There will be demand for BC and WotLK, but they really should consider having an option for those who do wish to stay. Granted it is still pricy and will fracture things a fair bit
Nah dude. Vanilla's filters are strong. You know you actually had to read quests to know where you had to go to find the mob/boss to kill for the quest.
yes just pray she doesnt have your char on the friend list, b net will act as offline tho
>every single EU PVP server is absolutely FULL.
Shiiiieeeeet, this launch is going to be all kinds of retarded.
Nigga we did 20man MC and twink raids all the time after AQ came out.
MC is easy enough to PUG with a few decent people acting as a core.
I don't need to sell you on anything. You do what you want and let others do the same. If what you're really asking is why I want to play Classic(and want Classic to be successful on top of that), I'll mainly be repeating what I've said all week.
I started finding WoW after WoTLK to be getting increasingly unplayable with each expansion, but I had hung on for two expansions already. What most upset me was The Burning Crusade expansion though. WoW had originally been developed as a persistent world, full of possibilities that could have been developed. Raiding was an after-thought, mainly because the devs that wanted raiding only took control near release. They couldn't re-design the whole game to be compatible with the idea of raiding as a necessary end-goal, the objective everyone is expected to be working towards. So raiding works almost as an entirely different game, because it was; lifted straight from Everquest, the game they had been playing and a game the previous project leader had tried to avoid copying. When TBC comes along, they make it so everything at lvl 60+ onwards nudges players towards raiding. These methods are called Skinner-boxes; players are conditioned to see raids how raiders do; as the entire point of the game. Even if a person doesn't know it though, they can sense the oppressive nudging on some level.
My hope is that when people see what WoW looks like without 13 years of Skinner-boxes conditioning them, the conditioning will break and they will realise just how pervasive they have become in the Retail version.
We know this “game” will be highly successful because of the sheer volume and effort of posts trying to shit on it.
>All those zoomer shamans that are going to quit playing half way through the water totem quest
so at that point if they start re-releasing all the expansions how is that different from just playing the regular game
anyone need a guild on zandalar tribe alliance? hit me up
That is what happens when you play on a no fun dead server
pick one
The demand past Lich is no where at all going to be fucking high enough consindering the sheer amount of demand it took for them to say "YEAH LOOK CLASSIC" even then they dragged their feet on it
they need more servers
literally every pvp server is full
sure but why would you recruit there
you mean here?
so classic is just going to get to wotlk and then become ded game because no one cares about expansions past it?
WoW got mainstream exposure long before TBC.
judgement best set pre t3
>every single popular game today is action packed with engaging gameplay
>almost no games that are "old school" with high pop, highest is OSRS with like 50k, tf2 levels
>thinking classic will stay popular for long time with its atrocious gameplay that consists of 1 button spam
im laffin
You don't know that
look at this duud...
Considering the most popular private server for a long while was a WotLK one I doubt it. If Blizzard just has their standard retail servers and a handful of legacy ones for Classic BC and LK they will retain a lot of subs, then when they start to drop off "Check it out! Updates to each!"
never seen so much coping and seething from retailtards and fftrannies
undead warlock
50k regulars is more than enough players, the fact that OSRS still pulls that number is impressive, and WoW was infinitely more popular than Runescape when they were both at their prime, so I can see classic WoW keeping like 150-200k autists/methheads
>press shining button
oh no no no...
Nemesis, but with other gloves like Ebony Flame Gloves.
Pic related.
Lost all my vanilla screenshots, sadly.
come fuck on dicks would be totally gone.
Tranny tranny rope comes~
You're right OP. The nostalgia will be short lived, although it's a nice experiment classic just won't have staying power. Removing years of content, progress, tuning and tweaking of game design, zones and races isn't a recipe for a solid game. It's like taking a chicken stir fry and removing all the vegetables. Is the chicken edible? Sure, but why would I want that when I could have had the more flavorful dish?
Take it from a 7 year WoW veteran: the game has never been better.
>Blizzard will only get a million dollars every month for something they wont even have to update! The horror!
OP is REALLY mad that people are going to enjoy playing classic
The bait gets a lot worse when you immediately oust yourself as an FFTranny in the first five posts OP, quit while you're ahead next time
Should I buy some actiblizz stock? I mean in the first two month it'll probably spike it up at least to 60 dollars.
no on this specific server, is it a RP guild or something
Why are you fucking lying.
still more fun than playing 1 (one) button
>If minimum 5 million other people dont do something then im not going to
>anti classic shilling was quiet for a while
>with less than two days until release, shilling had gone into maximum over drive
I can't wait until the retailfags and FFtrannies collectively kill themselves.
>Take it from a literal MoPbaby
wew lad
not how stocks work moron
sure is, but way less than retail :)
what happened to blizzard being shitty today and not deserving money?
either way, nobody is talking how much profit they will make. Even if there's only thousand players, they will still make profit.
Just wait for their circlejerk threads on how no one is posting about Classic anymore
>it's a deranged XIV trannoid scream because their literal pro-tranny game will e cleansed as soon as classic is out and a wave of aryan, powerful, right wing men are going to hunt them and their jewish handlers
can't wait!
creepy looking cunt
Female Humans/NElves are the Classic tranny detectors now
Lots to do in classic. You are gated in XIV daily lol. Cope tranny
>Because classic is shit and without TBC this game would have gone unnoticed
Holy shit, you could have just said you were born after 2000. You don't have to be all indirect about it. Vanilla was fucking massive at the time. It was the MMO release that broke MMOs out of the stigma of only being for a special breed of basement dwellers. Yes, it only got bigger after Burning Crusade, but if you think it was unnoticed then you simply weren't there.
>7 year vet
how would you know then
Why do you guys use virgin as an insult... if you're also a virgin?
This, Vanilla WoW had extensive gaming media coverage while it was still in Alpha stages
I was 16 years old when I made that character.
But male human casters have grown on me since then.
Gnomes can fuck right off, though. I'm horde vor classic anyway.
What exactly am i lying about?
did you just assume my gender
so many people are ridiculously mad that other people are excited for something and are trying to pull bullshit out of their ass just to be a contrarian
i'm not a virgin i'm a super virgin so fuck off
>MFW I already played and did everything I wanted in Vanilla already thanks to Elysium but still come to these hype threads to keep my itch under control and answer some inquisitive anons
They’re all full right now and allowing more reservations tomorrow with the new servers will not help anyone
>n-nooooo you should look at your buff bar to know when you have a proc, look how CASUAL this is
EU Golemagg
Prievously 15/15 Naxx, Experienced Raid Leaders having organized and maintained two 40-mans and five 20-mans throughout its lifespan in LH/Ely.
Is now recruiting more /vg/ and Yea Forums gamers for the upcoming Classic WoW release!
What you can expect:
>Loot for performance/attendance/enchanted pre-raid bis
>Extremely relaxed atmosphere but high performing raids
>Experienced leadership that have cleared all vanilla content
>PVP premades/ranking
>Lots of guild 5/10man gear farming
>World bosses
>Active discord with 10k+ posts per day
What you can NOT expect:
>Some prolific /wpsg/ and /wowg/ shitposters, they're all banned
>Guild collapsing before ubrs
>No-discord rolls-only guild that doesn't make it past level 40.
>Meme specs
Sound good? Message me @manlet or any other jannys (officers) about joining and what class you want to play.
discord -> /GZmEaET
>Friends are playing Alliance
>Want to be a Hunter
>Don't want to main a Dwarf
>Male NE Hunters are even worse than females reputation-wise
All the Alliance choices for Hunter are so shit, I wish I could just be a Troll or Orc or something.
>/vg/ guild
miss me with that shit
Try female dwarf.
You didn't play retail unless you also decided to buy the shitty expansion. And then you pretended to be surprised about shit that people constantly argue about in wow threads.
With how often the level cap increased id be more or less okay with less points, but it should have been one per 5 levels id think, with 3 at 10 when you first get them making it a rounded 25
discord trannies be gone
Way to out yourself XIV trannyfreak!
>the game is shit because I don't have to click on a square every levels
Magic particle effects are why retail wow shits the bed in a large scale wpvp encounter. Rather it be simple and run well
op is buttmad FF14 fan mad everyone abandoned his pedo weeb game. XD
more like 4-5 with procs and passive shit going on that adds variation to your gameplay
those are different people my special friend
>only the current expansion is relevant
lmao, looks like was right
3 choices each tier is better than 0 choices (for most classes) in vanilla
more doesn't mean better, +1% haste wow so cool
>do a BG
Kek, why?
welp time to reconsider golemagg
I feel the same but I don't know what I would even want to do in classic. Like I've nearly done everything.
If anything now I am just itching to see talk about classic+ or hopefully see new meta stuff like spelladin with vanilla.
Who are you quoting? Did you reply to the right post?
The panic is seeping through isn't it retailfag? You said goodbye to your guildies yet? Who am I kidding modern WoW is a singleplayer game anyway, you probably won't even notice anyones gone.
But really at those levels you could actually feel you became stronger when you put points into those talents like blackout for shadowpriests etc. Yes some were "do 1% more damage" but a lot were quite more useful.
and what will you do on classic?
see You can level 10 levels and it doesn't mean anything because you're just as powerful as you were before and once you hit that 15, you get some shit like 20% extra damage.
be female nelf and stop being a anime faggot
you anime faggots are gonna end up trans anyway
Not really.
I am a level 88 Classichad (proud soldier of the SS and part of the furher's own degenerate hunters) and I do know a tranny freak when I see a tranny freak.
Hail victory.
Hail Hitler.
Hail Classic.
male nelf hunters make the best griefers though
utterly based post my friend
Hail Classic!
>still can't decide on faction, class, and race
>want to play alliance again because i'm so familiar with it and there's a lot of comfiness to it, ironforge being capital city, duskwood, hinterlands and such
>but also want to experience horde since i didn't get to play much of their side when i was younger but fondly remember thunder bluff and mulgore since my first character i put some actual time into was a tauren warrior
I'm so happy
Its going to be so easy to gank you fucks
Why is there such a dedicated hate base for this? It's absolutely pathetic that something you're not involved in at all (or at least that's what you claim) lives so rent free in your mind all the time.
It's quite a different experience when you play the other faction and you get all the westfall/barrens chat memes.
that's not true because there are other spells and passives you learn along the way
it kinda gets fucked around 80+ tho, but level squish should fix most of the problems
he's right you know
it's just retailfags, they're feeling the noose tightening, their bikini transmog they worked so hard on and even their entire pokemon collection are about to be made obsolete.
Honestly i would be more satisfied with WOTLK or even better TBC. Vanilla is boring, and no arenas can fuck off.
>Struggling with exploration quests
>You know you actually had to read quests to know where you had to go to find the mob/boss to kill for the quest.
>You know you actually have to have a browser open to look at all of the info and tips for the quest you're on
>t. zoomer who will drop the game after 1 (one) month
RP-PvP, best server type
>two weeks
But user, they won't have left the starting zone in that time.
There’s the intriguing possibility that they redesign expansions to be more in line with the classic gameplay. WotLK without LFG, for example
>no arenas
Based vanilla devs got it right the first time
okay fag go erp in moonglade lmao
what servers are the biggest streamers playing on so i can avoid them
kys arenafag, your kind killed world pvp.
if you only knew.
it's a 3 pronged attack mein brudder.
"You think you do but you don't!" they're afraid classic will finally kill their game, but worse. They're afraid they'll like it and join the right wing aryan pride that is classic.
The main enemy and shitposter, you can see them by them screaming how literally a clunkier and even more soulless nu-wow is somehow good and better than classic. They also love anime, after all they're transexuals.
>Our eternal enemy, the kike
What do I need to say about here?
Classic is white nationalism breeding grounds.
Hail victory my friend.
>I can't wait until this "game" is dead in two weeks because everyone is just capitalizing on the nostalgia of playing with their middle school friends. Only real turbo-virgins that are angry about their celibacy will this "game" alive past a month. Kill yourself, faggots :)
I myself don't even hate it
I don't even play the game
i'm just watching to see the aftermath, either way if it lives or dies it will be entertaining
>They're afraid they'll like it
thank god I played this turd in 2005 and know its shit so I won't waste $15
I subbed but where do i download the classic client and create my character? Do i really need to d/l BFA for classic?
you download the bnet launcher and then select classic version above the play button
I think I understand why they're so worried now, they fear the classic bvll, fucking niggers
>tfw Skeram Skram Gang is now High Pop
Fellow Skeram chad
>he thinks people RP on RP-PvP servers
so you've never played WoW, got it
anyone with twitch meme names can get reported and have it changed though
>Being a no-shoes horde nigger
Dwarf or get out.
never said it was SOOO COMPLEX
I said it was more complex than vanilla, which is true
you can keep throwing some handicaped playing wow, it wont change the fact that classic has 1 button "rotations" and retail doesn't
The truth is both versions are kinda shit, because there is only the illusion of choice. The reason for that is in every row there is 1 mandatory and 2 shit spells, which you'll only change at VERY specific encounters, so more or less never. Now as for classic, its the same shit, but you put one point there every level so it feels more like you actually progress, its also boring as fuck. In the end it all comes back to a cookie cutter which everyone uses. In classic for the obvious reason, because its already solved, while in retail people figure it out very quickly, even if in every patch it would be changed, so ultimately your choices don't matter.
The only good talent design was the Wotlk era DK.
>lost 2 world wars
>his women got raped by the allies
leveling in the barrens is quite fun. personally I prefer Alliance capital cities so that's what I'm rolling. Plus all of the horde have terrible posture. Horde is probably the better option for pvp, better racials
cr1tikal is that you?
RP-PvP chads ww@
>Deep and interesting RP instead of cancerous ERP
>No streamer cancer
>Strong sense of community
>PvP server so no little pussy bitches
>Tryhards run away at the mere mention of "RP"
Zandalarbros unite.
male nelf hunter has looped back around to being a Chad pick. Just name him Lagalass, Leygoles, Logalos, you get the idea, and just roll with it.
>shit on retail at every single mention of it for years
>retail players grow to hate you
>"wow why are you hating me?"
sensible post, but the 100-200 people take is wrong, they'll merge until they have a couple of well populated realms.
and yes, i know the merging of economies will be harsh, but it will happen anyways
>Still got 50%+ playerbase coming that still haven't subbed
>EU server list looks like this
They're being way too passive
*grabs u by the throat* and if i see u around here again ill make sure to kill you *walks away with a heh*
Tailoring/Enchanting best profession combo
Based and redpilled.
Rolling rogue, not decided on faction yet.
>Implying the beta faggots that do shit like that won't be scared away by the PVP status
Here's a (You) though
fucking yikes
heh, thanks for your $15, now go buy bfa like a good goyim if you want to play wow
lmao, the hate actually is this petty. thanks for confirming.
what? it's been this way since WoD at least. I played that, the talent system was 'pick 3'. LFG didn't have the quest NPC from what I recall but you did teleport to the dungeon.
I actually spent $30 on two accounts
just get a vpn and play on NA servers
My days will be spent doing serious RP, arguing above the Orgrimmar bank that Ner'zhul did noffink rong.
*pulls out my great sword and brings it up to my chin* heh u have 1 minute to tell me why i shouldn't end it *flames and shadow surround me as my eyes grow burning red* AHHH I FEEL IT WITHIN ME..THE HATE
>americans are dumb and prone to eat shit
Go figure.
pic related, faggot
Imagine debating about playing the best game ever made in his of humanity. For the alliance faggots get on my level
If I get 6 months out of it, I'll consider it a win.
>Y-you l-lost!!!
>Literally took all the might of the united world and the grand hebrew to put down 1 (ONE!!!!) Country and barely they where able to do it
LOL, just LOL!
I bet you come from a country that supported the (((Allies))).
>oh the ironing
Yes yes, we get it nobody talks about the new FFXIV expansion anymore and you've already run out of shit to do.
Join my WoW guild fellas, 18+ preferably only boomers
where does female troll land on the tranny radar?
ur making fun of classics complexity on class rotation when retail wow has next to none
>fucking felt amazing
>fucking awesome
>good fucking raid
>best fucking patch ever made
do I need to post the face?
advertising I see, I may have to do something about that
RPfags BTFO. Mentally ill erpers should stay in trannyfantasyXIV
Vanilla was what you made of it. Great fun or terrible slog.
The bad news is if you do get into it, it will eat your life.
What irony?
>people hate me for liking shit
>deep and meaningful rp
the absolute state
100% ffxiv discord tranny
Good, easy gear, can jump right into PvP after.
>>Deep and interesting RP
The delusion is real
Atleast I'll still die after you weebs
it has more than classic
imagine being so far gone you project your mental illness onto a game for neets, stoners, crazy cat ladies and old men on a siamese protein folding enthusiast board
I'm gonna roll a female character just to trigger self-conscious persecution complex obsessives like you
Best skin colour?
mentally ill erpers neck yourself
green for warlocks, blue for other classes
so which server should I roll on that isnt going to go low pop down the road but also allows me to actually play without waiting in a 4k+ queue.
>Game was a slog back then
t. someone who never fucking played it
Vanilla WoW was (and still is) fun as fuck. It doesn't matter that it takes a long time to get to 60. That's the whole fucking point. You make friends and have adventures along the way. Zoomers like you have no clue what that's like.
notice how everyone in the thread wants to play the game and go home, except for discord trannies from XIV who want to stand around typing *sucks ur cum*
the fact retail is devolved into coming close to as basic as a 15 y/o game is saying something.
Post IGN and realm then jews!
>Inb4 you don't or post ANYTHING BUT pure PVP like the emasculated cowards you're
doesn't matter, they'll probably merge servers in the future
Jesus fucking christ nobody gives a shit about your faggot worthless country. Do you seriously think WoW "was made by americans"? It is not
Most of the talents who work at Blizzard are from other places in the world, namely Europe, China and some from fucking South Africa and America too.
Jesus fucking christ, how can you be so OBSESSED with your shit fucking country so much? Can't wait to see my brothers raping and enslaving your kind
great now i can actually rp murdering someone and then raping their corpse
fantastic count this turbo virgin in
>You make friends and have adventures along the way
>.t retards who thinks he's 12 again
if you're EU and looking for a guild hmu
Something to match the mount you want to stick with.
Green skin for green epic horse.
>coming close to as basic as a 15 y/o game
yeah literally the same
>they have foreign ancestry like every American born citizen so they're not American
Not that user, but I played vanilla wow for the first time a couple months ago on a private server, and I had a fuck ton of memey interactions with other players questing along with me. More interaction then I'd ever had playing another MMO.
1% sounds boring till you realize in 5 levels you've doubled your crit chance and your build starts working and being fun.
3 flavors of the same skill or no choice at all since one of those is a must have for the current encounter, making talent allocation pointless busywork that's only there because the devs couldn't find a better way to prune class abilities.
It is. Fortunately, they inherit their own people culture and not the faggotish american one, tranny bastard. Go fap on more anime girls
desu if they did Classic+ and tried to insert more utility over pure stats, it'll live a bit longer. People will still want to grind the new raid, but the playing field for both encounters and PvP would probably be way less predictable.
inv to asmon layer!
>hate something for petty reason
>same pettiness gets back to you
indeed, gotta thank classicfags for starting the trend
reap what you sow
>Not knowing that you're a grown adult by now if you've played classic and that trivial things like these don't even matter.
I will enjoy this for as long as it lasts and i'm hyped, but i'm obviously not going to invest time into this as i did when i was a teenager.
The only turbo faggot is OP in this thread, like always.
t. lil zoom zoom
Whatever, at least it'll keep the zoomers, trannies, and basedfags out of retail for a while
shit tank
its going to be so fucking embarassing to see all the boomers RPing as if they were 12 again
People have hated retail for several expansions before classic was ever announced.
It and the tasteless people keeping it afloat.
I'm not a final faggot. Vanilla WoW was all-American though, before the culture was fully subverted by foreign entities starting in 2007.
>seethe, the post
Go play ff14, faggot
heal please
>I'm not a final faggot
Yeah sure, now I totally believe you.
Respect your masters, tranny cringelord.
But I played on a private server 2 years ago and leveled a warlock to 60 and started raiding. Was I wrong, and I actually wasn't having fun?
anyone rps in my general vicinity theyre getting straight up mocked publicly and shamed
Not alive
It'll be boring. Hope someone enjoys it, but I do also believe it will tank. I haven't played really since early legion I think? But all I did was get to max level. So really WoD was the last time I actually played the game and devoted time to it.
Its just going to be slow and boring. Not saying there is anything else out there, because there aren't any games as good as WoW, but this isn't the answer either.
I've played FF14 and instantly regretted buying it, its the biggest grindfest in the universe, and combat is probably a good 4 times slower than WoW, you fall asleep playing it.
Just don't play on an RP server you fucking mong
My blizz account got hacked and locked like 10 years ago, is there a chance i get that shit back? Im still the owner of the email adress that it is register to, and have cd keys of vanilla/tbc i played.
You were on the fun layer, it was fake and of questionable sexuality
TBC and WotLK were the glory days were the game was fine tuned.
Classic is overrated.
get flag i def
People hated the expansions for gradually turning the game into a mindless single player task manager. Meanwhile you just admitted that your hate for classic is just petty revenge. Good to know you have no real arguments against it.
>You know you actually had to read quests to know where you had to go to find the mob/boss to kill for the quest.
No, you don't. There's quest helper addons and leveling guides all over the place. Vanilla leveling is just as easy as retail.
email support. why are you asking here?
They already confirmed multiple times over the past 2 years that layering will be removed in phase 2
Yes, you were wrong.
It's free to try. I created my account with a fake name and they managed to pull it back five years later by matching my real name to the name on the credit card.
benis in bagina haHahA xDd
lmfao, all these NEETs trying to rebuttal this with
>"lmfao doesn't he know UBRS come BEFORE MC"
when the case is faggots will make groups for UBRS and use gear check addons and make sure people that only have higher level gear (BiS MC gear) will get in. It's happened in retail before in past expansions. People will make groups with BiS or near BiS players just to do a heroic faster
What makes you think it won't happen in Classic?
and you're going to eat their lie like the good goy you are
see, you keep doing it and then wonder why you get hate back
completely oblivious?
nice meme bro, if anything classic is the mindless version of the game because its so simple
Stop playing LFR and it won't be single player
>Yeah sure, now I totally believe you.
Nigger what does xiv have to do with what I said? I don't play that shit. Take your fucking meds, then explain how vanilla WoW "wasn't american" in any aspect.
>then explain how vanilla WoW "wasn't american" in any aspect.
I told you? Because workers there don't give shit about America?
Also, take your meds, not everything involves America you stupid fuck
any frens wanna level together on skeram alliance?
>5 million
i want to go back to the days when a quarter of a million people was not just an acceptable population for an mmo, but considered an excellent one. Not every game has to be a blockbuster hit
>not everything involves America
And yet you can't go a single conversation without bringing it up. Rent free, yuropoor.
give me the best class/spec for world pvp that isn't heavily reliant on gear from pve
>played wow back in 05
>just find vanilla a more entertaining game overall
>gf (yes, they exist, have sex and cope) never played vanilla wow and hates retail and we will be playing together
join the classic master race now
Who are the people that are so upset about this? Is it retail players scared of Blizzard abandoning it in favor of Classic?
Just another way to spell "american", you're all the same to me
phase 2 is when they add world bosses, nublizzard isn't competent enough to get world bosses working across multiple layers so they'll scrap it entirely
>Insecure asians trying to look like master-race pawg.
>see, you keep doing it and then wonder why you get hate back
Doing what? I'm not coming into /wowg/ or some shitty Yea Forums thread for the newest patch to shit on people. Unlike you.
But I have no reason to lie or hide my opinion if people spout retail shit (rotations, difficulty etc.) in a classic thread.
Offtopic shit like that deserves to receive hate.
Stunlock rogue
there's layers on retail and world bosses works just fine
I feel you, my friends are also going alliance and retail mains are hunter and pally.
What's wrong with a male dwarf hunter though.
No one else finds any opportunity to whine about America unprovoked. Keep seething, cuck.
>playing retail
BM hunter
>muh nostalgia
Then why do vanilla private servers thrive since 15 years? This argument has been invalidated hundreds of times
>2 weeks
It will take about 3 months before it becomes apparent that its a failure
>No one else finds any opportunity to whine about America unprovoked.
You'd be surprised. There are countries burning "current american President" photos and the American flags like it's a ritual
Got a 10-man group with my old EQ2 lads and our wives for classic, gonna gank the shit out of undead rogue trannies
>playing classic
ok IM TIRED of trying to convince you guys
PLEASE dont play classic PLEASE play retail instead
please god just play retail INSTEAD PLEASE
There aren't any. Even those rogues that made videos back in the day where they were naked except for their weapon had shit like Perdition's Blade or whatever it's called
>Doing what? I'm not coming into /wowg/ or some shitty Yea Forums thread for the newest patch to shit on people
You(or others)were, for years.
>but i myself didnt
irrelevant to the discussion at hand
And its definitely not off topic, considering this is classic hate thread? or just bait thread masked as it :p
>namefag against wow classic
Now suddently I feel the urge to play it and hope for its success
trannies on suicide watch
Do you mean not reliant on gear from raids, or are you ruling out dungeons too?
It has to be.
Who else would possibly get so upset about people getting a game they've been asking for?
I've seen people get angry over the dumbest shit, but until classic I've never seen a group of people get mad that a game people liked is getting released again.
The nu-wow stockholm syndrom is real.
How am I tranny for playing the superior version of this shitty ass game that absolutely doesn't deserve the hype?
If all this hype and interest went to BfA they would release thrice the content and come back stronger than ever
is shadow priest being great in pvp true or a meme propagated over the years
I'm also bringing a girl with me. I'll probably end up leveling her character as well at this rate.
dude just beat hardest mode raid boss on a literal phone
>i-i-it h-has mo-mo-more th-than cl-clasic
difference is so minimal, they have the same level of complexity
we get that its hard for you to understand this.
the name is part of the post in order to contextualize my statements :^)
By "countries" you mean pozzed eurostan rape capital shitholes like london, paris and stockholm. We know. Rent free.
true, but gearing is a pain in the ass compared to other classes
A literal cancer upon this universe
sharing accounts is an automated bannable offense these days
>implying my mother is still alive
Checkmate atheists.
months out when you need BiS MC gear to run UBRS from elitist fags using gear check addons, alienating anyone but the hardcore NEETs already privileged in raid guilds
nigga just join a raid guild????
Worth it for Wpvp?
Seems like hate thread like these are just garbage overall.
Both demographics should just avoid each other it seems.
I had forgotten my account pass, the email I used, and all other security details.
Contacted support about 5 years later, told them what chars I had and when I last played and got it back.
What streamer guild are you guys planning on joining? I am torn between soda's guild and asmon's. I've always rolled horde, but I feel like asmon would be funnier to troll than soda.
Yeah, that's right, these are you enemies. Now attack, fellow american! Show them the strength of our nation!
I'm making an ally rogue for the sole purpose of killing gankers in STV, it will be amazing to give undead rogues a taste of their own medicine
doesn't help that fuckers spam 10 threads about it here every day
so obnoxious, next only to smash fags
This was never good in WoW, the people nostolgaing over it merely had WoW as their first mmo and didnt know how much better mmo pvp could be over impromptu pointless fighting at the lumbermill.
I dont reccomend you spend too much time thinking about pvp in WoW, even if you are to play on a pvp server, you are doing so for the excitement of dodging the occasional gank attempt/ganking the ganker, not something you should be basing your class decisions around.
In what way?
The computer is in my house so I certainly hope they haven't started using AI to identify different play styles
>I can’t wait to RP with my trans friends!
>dude just beat hardest mode raid boss on a literal phone
its the first boss from the raid that can be easily done with randoms
>difference is so minimal, they have the same level of complexity
no they dont, 1 buttons rotation are not on the same level of complexity of 5 buttons with procs and passive buffs that modify your gameplay on the flight
the bosses strats are also harder
keep seething retard
>tfw this was almost you
I look back on that one decision I made that changed my life sometimes. I feel for the anons this describes.
>create contrived class rotation minigame
>allow addons that make it trivial
>465 posts
Fuck I hate nu-Yea Forums
inv to asmon layer!!!!
>muh same difficulty
Vanilla is piss easy you stupid retard, but you know what? You'll still manage to fuck up 10+ years old mechanics and simplified and retard proof rotations.
Enjoy raiding without getting a single fucking loot you leecher, can't wait everyone to use sites to check out how shit you really are
> will this "game" alive past a month.
Why does everyone wants to suck his cock?
He's even worse then sodapoppin with the faggoty ass transmorg rating show he does.
By IP. I assumed you'd have said "my gf/sister/roommate" or something instead of "a girl" if you shared an IP. I've received a temp ban for regularly logging on at a friend's house before, but I was able to clear that up and it never happened again.
b-But is more choring, so it must be harder!
>playing MMORPG PvE for the challenge
based adult life gamer with a sense of responsibility poster
true, most wow clones fail at that step
True! I used them all because I stayed until WoTLK, but, the ton of add-ons is not how vanilla started. I've been playing without quest add-ons for the last month in a private server and I had a blast searching for stuff.
what was the decision?
Shut the fuck up, nerd.
More like GrobGays LMAO
play habbo hotel if you don't care about the gameplay and just want to talk to people
it will save you $15
Can we stop with these bait threads? They aren't funny anymore.
Stay mad frognigger. Get some new material.
Habbo Hotel doesn't have wpvp, also they banned me like 18 years ago.
We'll probably get a ban just like you did since we plan on gaming mostly at my place and she's just going to do a little bit at home.
I can't fap to any of my characters in habbo hotel
No one was saying WoW was dead at wotlk you huge fag
>Most players though still did not want to raid
i was in the majority back then? i still hate raiding and find it boring. i thought only a small amount of players felt this way
That's 18 years ago user, your cells are replaced by new cells every 7-10 years. You're essentially a new person.
Now get back to the Hotel and close that fucking pool faggot.
yes its the same level of complexity because they are fucking easy and you are a giant brainlet with no hands for thinking otherwise
>keep seething retard
my game isnt a sinking ship that everybody wants to jump off
>Europeans actually being allies post world war
Don't insult my intelligence, faggot. Those people mean nothing to me, nor should they to any other North American.
I'm sure they've straightened things out in the past few years and hopefully it won't happen to people anymore.
>Habbo Hotel doesn't have wpvp
>t. never organized a group to block people from accessing the pool
I quit using meth
Then I moved out of my parents and stayed with a relative who was clean and functional. Got a job. After a while moved in as someone's roommate. Then got a gf. She moved in with me and eventually we got our own place. That was 6 years ago.
joining the pol guild just to screencap any form of racism and report them to blizzard ama
>my game isnt a sinking ship that everybody wants to jump off
lets see about that in a month, if people are really willing to play a game with such outdated gameplay that even f2p mmos do better
Great job user! Stay clean
The hero we need.
>never organized a group to block people from accessing the pool
>He doesn't know they removed pool closing
Goddamn I'm glad I wasn't born 5-10 years later. Zoomers are as big a cancer as these streamers themselves.
I know you're jk but that doesn't work.
That's a myth. Neurons don't replace themselves so when they die, they're gone, and your brain is the most "you" thing about you.
>If all this hype and interest went to BfA they would release thrice the content and come back stronger than ever
nigga the game made 10billion dollars, retail has content drought because of greedy actiblizzard jews not because lack of interest
Do they still have Battleship?
Everything you said is the exact opposite of my experience.
Sapping level 60 warlocks and vanishing before their aggravated shadowbolt landed, then watching them get beat by booty bay guards was the best thing ever as a L40 troll rogue.
>Vanilla is piss easy you stupid retard
so is retail
you know what? your game is fucking garbage and trying to defend it makes you pathetic autistic trash
ill enjoy so much watching all of your characters being worthless shit
fuck off to collect the new 5000 reskinned horses ma'am
>you think you do, but you don't
Top kek
um OSRS population is at 80k right now
>that doesn't work
ive gotten people banned doing it before, say nigger in game? thats a report, say tranny ingame? reported
and yes, i will be coping, dilating, seething, and having sex while doing so
>so is retail
Yeah, nice Mythic raid clears buddy!
>Go to RP server
>call everyone darkskinned taffers or slit-eyed knife ears or midgets
>It is IC for the universe and my character
>Salt-mine from snowflake RPers trying to be holy paragon
also based
Classic is boring. Bring back BC.
holy cringe and seethe batman
No one cares about mythic raid clears except faggots. Your games garbage and even the developers know it.